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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Satire in the Old Testament

Christian, Daniel Chung January 2014 (has links)
In recent years, through the process of narrative and literary criticism, scholars have begun suggesting that satire is present in specific texts of the Old Testament. Thus the primary function of this thesis is to analyse the validity of these arguments alongside suggesting different places where satire may be found. To achieve this goal, the thesis begins by analysing and defining satire as a concept. A clear definition provides the thesis with the method needed to identify satire in texts which predate any defined understanding of the concept. The thesis also uses satirical works from throughout history as templates for understanding similar types of satire within the biblical works. Once this methodology has been established, different genres of the Old Testament form the different chapters of the thesis. It identifies four different places where satire is deployed. Thus it examines satire in narratives, the book of Jonah, prophetic texts and wisdom literature. Each chapter combines new ideas with the analysis of previous scholastic arguments concerning the presence of satire. Within each genre a different type of satire with a range of complexity is deployed. The idol critiques in prophetic texts show simplistic satire. Narrative satire shows both situational and character-based satire. The book of Jonah is an example of hypocritical satire. Finally, satire in the wisdom literature contains a range of different satirical styles. The thesis concludes that satire is present within the texts of the Old Testament. This has implication to the field of satire. It affirms the existence of pre-Hellenistic satire. Alongside this, it shows that satire is a subconscious human technique, deployable even when the proponent has no defined understanding of the concept. In the field of Old Testament studies it provides an alternative reading of many familiar texts. A satirical reading provides clear insight into authorial intent as well as offering different interpretations of the texts which are examined.


MARCOS ANDRÉ MENEZES DOS SANTOS 26 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Idoù ho ánthropos em Jo 19,5 como citação de 1Sm 9,17. A entronização do Rei de Israel. Neste trabalho propõe-se demonstrar que a expressão Eis o homem (idoù ho ánthropos) de Jo 19,5 é uma citação de 1Sm 9,17, idou ho ánthropos, para a Septuaginta, ou hinnê ha is, para o texto Massorético, sendo esse texto de 1Samuel o único lugar em toda a Sagrada Escritura em que a expressão joanina aparece. Em 1Samuel, há um contexto de realeza, quando Yhwh revela ao profeta que Saul é o homem escolhido para ser o primeiro rei de Israel e a apresentação ocorre com a expressão Eis o homem. O contexto régio também perpassa todo o relato do julgamento de Jesus diante de Pilatos, quando Jesus é investigado como rei, coroado e vestido como tal e apresentado como rei aos judeus para ser aclamado. Entretanto, quando se esperaria, em Jo 19,5, que Jesus fosse apresentado com a expressão Eis o vosso rei (íde ho basileús humōn) de Jo 19,14, Pilatos o faz com a fórmula Eis o homem, de tal modo que este idoù ho ánthropos só tem sentido de estar ali porque é uma citação de 1Sm 9,17. Com isso, neste trabalho também se demonstra que o relato da Paixão apresenta Jesus como o Rei de Israel, uma vez que ele foi rejeitado como Rei dos judeus. Enquanto Rei de Israel, Jesus reúne em torno de si o novo Israel de Deus, composto por aqueles que creem em Jesus, pelos que ouvem a sua voz e pelos que acolhem a sua revelação. / [en] Idoù ho ánthropos in Jn 19,5 as a quote from 1Sm 9,17. The enthronement of the new king of Israel. This research wants to assert that the expression Behold the man (idoù ho ánthropos) from Jn 19,5 is a quote of 1Sm 9,17, idoù ho ánthropos to the Septuagint or hinnê ha is to the Hebraic Text, being this text of 1Samuel the only place in the whole of Sacred Scripture in which the johannine expression appears. There is a royal context in 1Samuel, when Yhwh reveals to the prophet that Saul is the chosen one to be the first king of Israel, and the presentation occurs with the expression Behold the man. Regal context also encompasses the whole story of Jesus trial by Pilate, when Jesus is investigated, crowned, dressed and presented to jews as their king to be acclaimed. However, when one would expect, in John 19,5, that Jesus was presented with the words Behold your King (íde ho basileús humon) from Jn19,14, Pilate uses the formula Behold the Man by so that this idoù ho ánthropos only makes sense to be there because it is a quotation from 1Samuel 9,17. Thus, this research also shows that the account of the Passion presents Jesus as the king of Israel, considering that he was rejected as the king of the Jews. As King of Israel, Jesus gathers around himself the new Israel of God, composed of those who believe in Jesus, those who hear his voice and accept his revelation.


23 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho estuda os textos de Os 11,8-9; 13,12-14,1. As perícopes foram selecionadas a partir do paradoxo instaurado entre elas. Os 11,8-9 apresenta uma reflexão de Deus diante da questão se Israel deve ou não ser destruído e que suspende o aniquilamento do povo. Dois capítulos depois, no último texto antes da promessa final do livro, Os 13,12-14,1, o mesmo Deus decreta a execução do castigo que levará à extinção do Reino do Norte. Com o intuito de tentarmos indicar como se coadunam as duas perspectivas, que implicam suspensão do juízo e sua afirmação, estabeleceremos elementos de aproximação e oposição entre os textos. Para tanto, serão considerados também os dados redacionais, a fim de elucidar a concatenação entre as duas perspectivas aparentemente contraditórias. / [en] The present work studies the texts of Hos.11,8-9; 13,12-14,1. The pericopes were selected from the paradox established between them. While Hos.11: 8-9 presents a reflection of God on the question of whether or not Israel should be destroyed as to suspend the annihilation of the people, two chapters further, in the last text before the final promise of the book, in Hos.13,12-14,1, the same God decrees the execution of the punishment that will lead to the extinction of the Northern Kingdom. In order to try to indicate how the two perspectives converge, which imply suspension of the judgment and its affirmation, we will establish elements of approximation and opposition between the texts, taking into consideration the writing data, in order to elucidate the concatenation between the two apparently contradictory perspectives.


LEANDRO EDMAR NANDI 30 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Basta um olhar atento para perceber o impulso de violência que age como força destrutiva na humanidade e nas sociedades de todas as épocas. O violar e o corromper parecem ser traços constantes na vida social, desde suas formas mais expressivas até as mais sutis. Este trabalho adentra o texto de Gn 4,1-16, buscando compreender nele o drama de Caim que não consegue viver a fraternidade com seu irmão. Caim está presente, ao longo de gerações e no imaginário popular, como presença arquetípica do conflito do ser humano com o seu semelhante. Este personagem carrega em si o simbolismo das forças violentas e de suas consequências quando se permite que essas forças dominem sobre as ações. Por isso, sua figura perpassa o tempo, em sua sina, vagando errante em cada indivíduo confrontado com seus limites e seus impulsos. Conhecer os relatos bíblicos e seus significados permite aprofundar a própria história humana e suas relações com o sagrado e com o profano. Buscar as raízes significativas destes relatos é contribuir com um comunicativo canal capaz de trazer, para o homem hodierno, a sagrada sabedoria do antigo Israel, em seus paradigmas e em seus paradoxos. Desse modo, a investigação visa perceber quais são as forças motrizes que geraram a ação violenta no personagem de Caim, elucidando, assim, aspectos da origem da violência presente no ser humano. / [en] Just a watchful eye to realize the impulse to violence that acts as a destructive force in mankind and in society from all ages. Violating and corrupting seem to be constant traits in the social life, from their most expressive aspects to the most subtle ones. This paper enters into Genesis text, Gn 4,1-16, seeking to understand Cain s drama in which he cannot live fraternity with his brother. Cain is present throughout generations and in popular belief, as an archetypal presence of the conflict of the human being with his equal. This character brings in himself the symbolism of the violent forces and of its consequences when he allows these forces dominate over the actions. Therefore, his image permeates time in his fate, wandering vagrant in every person confronted with its limits and impulses. Getting to know the Biblical accounts and their meanings allows deepen the human history and their relations with the sacred and the profane. Seek for the significant roots of these Biblical accounts is to contribute with a meaningful channel capable of bringing, to the contemporary s man, the sacred wisdom of the ancient Israel, on its paradigms and paradoxes. Thereby, the investigation aim is to realize what are the driving forces that cause that violent reaction in Cain s character, elucidating, thus, aspects of the violence present in the human being.

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