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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Lideran?a: um estudo de caso sobre o papel dos gerentes na dif?cil tarefa de influenciar os recursos humanos de uma Organiza??o / Leadership: a case study about the the managers role in the hard task o influencing human resources in an organization

Macedo, Jo?o Luiz de 24 January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Joao Luiz de Macedo.pdf: 447755 bytes, checksum: 609ba2d76dfbdccc13f27b181ecc6606 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-01-24 / The present work approaches the most important topic discussed by people who deal daily with human resources: the leadership. Leadership is necessary in all kinds of human organization, either in companies or in each of their departments. It is essential in all administration functions: the manager needs to know the human nature as well how to deal with people, that is, to lead. The purpose is to investigate how leadership is carried out in the organizations, identify the leadership styles used, verify if these styles are adequate for the organizations and analyse employee s reaction according to the leadership styles of their superiors. The methodology follow Yin s(2004) proposal as case study, and Fleury (1996) for investigation and comparison of organizational cultures:, analysing the history of organizations, the socialization of new members, the communication process the work process. The variables proposed for the social research try to find out about the human relationship politics, the reward politics, the recognition for good services, the chief s power of decision, the satisfaction of the subordinate in the accomplishment of tasks, the motivation subordinate, the level of mutual confidence and the orientation the subordinates. For this purpose, a qualitative research was realized in a military organization of the Army Force and in a private company. It was detected that each organization has a leadership style, in the exercise of leadership the personal ability is more important than the technical ones and that the successful managers build confidence relations with their subordinates. / O presente trabalho aborda o assunto mais discutido por pessoas que lidam diariamente com recursos humanos; a lideran?a. A lideran?a ? necess?ria em todos os tipos de organiza??o humana, seja nas empresas, seja em cada um de seus departamentos. Ela ? essencial em todas as fun??es da administra??o: o administrador precisa conhecer a natureza humana e saber conduzir as pessoas, isto ?, liderar. O objetivo que se prop?e ? investigar como ? exercida a lideran?a nas organiza??es, identificar os estilos de lideran?a empregados, verificar se os estilos de lideran?a s?o adequados ?s organiza??es e analisar as rea??es dos funcion?rios diante os estilos de lideran?a de seus superiores. A metodologia utilizada segue o proposto por Yin (2004), como estudo de caso e Fleury (1996), como investiga??o e compara??o das culturas organizacionais, analisando-se a hist?ria das organiza??es, a socializa??o de novos membros, o processo de comunica??es, e o processo de trabalho. As vari?veis propostas para a pesquisa social realizada, procuram averiguar sobre a pol?tica de relacionamento humano das institui??es, a pol?tica de recompensas, o reconhecimento pelos bons servi?os prestados, o poder de decis?o dos chefes, a satisfa??o do subordinado na condu??o das tarefas, a motiva??o dos subordinados, o grau de confian?a m?tua e as orienta??es aos subordinados. Para tal, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa em uma organiza??o militar das For?as Armadas e em uma empresa da iniciativa privada. Constatou-se que cada organiza??o possui um estilo de lideran?a, no exerc?cio da lideran?a as habilidades pessoais s?o mais importantes que as habilidades t?cnicas e que os administradores de sucesso constroem rela??es de confian?a com seus subordinados.

Cultura Organizacional: estudo de caso das e estrat?gias e a??es para mudan?a de cultura com foco em gest?o estrat?gica de pessoas. / Organizational Culture: a case study, strategy and action for cultural change with focus on strategic people management.

Salles, Maria Aparecida Magalh?es 22 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007-Maria Aparecida Magalhaes Salles.pdf: 491051 bytes, checksum: 83e23bbd0ad76e4fb0cdd0e19f5e4338 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-22 / This work was developed at an organization here called - Company KA, to preserve its privacy. Situated in the south region of the Rio de Janeiro state with strong presence in the national market, and now starting a new management focusing upon people. The Company KA has been approximately five years, introducing in its context significant cultural changes, in accordance with new organizational strategies. Thus, it was considered a solid base for this research accomplishment, allowing to analyze strategies and actions which come to support the cultural changes in organizations, aimed at the strategic management of people. The adopted method of procedures in this study are the case study and the bibliographic, documental and field research through interviews and application of questionnaires. The collected data loc uses upon the actions which had been implemented by the company to change the organizational culture. The most appointed actions were: EAPS (37.5%), Gold Rules (26.4%), 7S (25.5%), Strategic Map (20.7%)and the Independent Maintenance (20.7%). Besides these actions, several others have been appointed by the interviewed ones. This work identifieal as methodology for change organizational culture the application of some concomitant actions which favor the group vision of changes occurring inside the organization. These actions value people and thee commitment with the work, and methodological strategies favoring and impacting positively the environment, so that internal changes can occur writ the managers expectations and transform an old culture into a new one. The importance of this work, is the fact that other organizations, when thinking about changing their organizational culture focus pad upon the strategic-people-management, may apply strategies and actions, impacting directly the recognition of this change as a fact, and considering the humanization of work procedures and people development. Therefore, these actions bring effective results for the economy of the organizations. This is a considerable improvement in the production of indisces, as one can observe in this research results. It may be concluded that changing the traditional management into a new one with focus on the people, gives to the individuals an opportunity to experience a rupture-of-process which came rooted throughout the years. This new model favors the improvement of life quality in the work environment, generating motivation and commitment that contribute for the quality and productivity increase yielding the satisfaction to both the shareholders and the collaborators. / Esse trabalho foi realizado em uma organiza??o - aqui determinada Empresa KA, para preservar a privacidade da mesma, situada na regi?o sul fluminense com forte presen?a no mercado nacional, e que est? implantando uma nova gest?o, com foco em pessoas. A Empresa KA est? aproximadamente cinco anos inserindo em seu contexto mudan?as culturais significativas, em conson?ncia com as novas estrat?gias organizacionais. Dessa forma, foi considerada uma base s?lida para a realiza??o de pesquisa que permite analisar estrat?gias e a??es que venham apoiar a mudan?a de cultura em organiza??es que visam atuar com foco em gest?o estrat?gica de pessoas. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos adotados neste estudo se fundamentam na metodologia de estudo de caso e partem de uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica, an?lise documental, e pesquisa de campo contendo entrevistas e aplica??o de question?rio. Os resultados encontrados referem-se a a??es que foram implementadas pela empresa para mudar a cultura organizacional. As mais citadas foram: EAPS (37,5%), Regras de Ouro (26,4%), 7S (25,5%), Mapa Estrat?gico (20,7%), e a Manuten??o Aut?noma (20,7%). Al?m dessas a??es, v?rias outras foram apontadas pelos entrevistados. Esse trabalho permitiu identificar ind?cios para elabora??o de uma metodologia para mudan?a de cultura organizacional. Percebe-se que a aplica??o de v?rias a??es concomitantes, que favore?am a vis?o de todo grupo das mudan?as que est?o ocorrendo na organiza??o, a??es essas que valorizem as pessoas e seu comprometimento com o trabalho podem ser consideradas estrat?gias metodol?gicas que favorecem e impactam positivamente no ambiente para que as mudan?as internas ocorram dentro das expectativas dos gestores e transforme uma cultura antiga em uma nova cultura. A import?ncia desse trabalho reside no fato de outras organiza??es, ao pensarem em mudan?a de cultura organizacional com foco em gest?o estrat?gica de pessoas, devem aplicar estrat?gias e a??es, que impactem diretamente no reconhecimento da mudan?a como um fato, considerando tamb?m a humaniza??o do trabalho, o desenvolvimento das pessoas. Pois essas a??es, efetivamente trazem resultados em termos econ?micos para as organiza??es. Ou seja, em melhoria consider?vel nos ?ndices de produ??o como se pode observar nos resultados dessa pesquisa. Conclui- se que a mudan?a de gest?o tradicional, para gest?o com foco em pessoas, oportuniza para os indiv?duos a viv?ncia de uma ruptura em um processo que vinha enraizado ao longo dos anos, e esse novo modelo favorece a melhoria de qualidade de vida no trabalho, gerando motiva??o e comprometimento, que contribuem para aumento da qualidade, da produtividade e da rentabilidade para os acionistas e da satisfa??o dos colaboradores.

A percep??o da cultura organizacional por trabalhadores: uma compara??o entre empresas p?blicas e privadas dos setores de servi?o e de manufatura / The perception of organizational culture by workers: a comparison between public and private enterprise of the sectors of the service and manufacturing

PERES, Antero Aguiar 05 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Antero Aguiar Peres.pdf: 322879 bytes, checksum: 17ddecf64808646f5255787694b06de8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-05 / This study aims to investigate the differences in organizational culture between public and private enterprises in the manufacturing and service sectors as well as to highlight some features that have been identified as typical of public organizations, to enable the distinction between public enterprises and private. However, this effort should not be regarded as an interest to criticize the enterprise public, as both have been identified in the literature. The study is structured in ten chances from the results of research of scholars in the area. Was used as a tool to search a wide Brazilian, already validated, to measure the values and organizational practices embedded in organizational culture. The data were analyzed using SPSS in the Student's t-test and linear correlation coefficient of Pearson, allowing the testing of hypotheses of the study. The results revealed significant differences between public and private enterprise regarding the adoption of values and practices of organizational culture. Unlike the results between enterprises of the sectors of manufacturing and service, with no differences in organizational culture. I conclude that there are significant differences in organizational culture between public and private enterprises, which indicate the need for attention by the managers of these organizations. Thus, in comparison, three issues deserve attention: the practice of integrating foreign, practices of training and professionalism and reward competitive and individualistic. / Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar as diferen?as na cultura organizacional entre empresas p?blicas e privadas nos setores de servi?o e manufatura, bem como dar destaque a algumas caracter?sticas que t?m sido apontadas como t?picas de organiza??es p?blicas, de modo a permitir a distin??o entre empresas p?blicas e privadas. Entretanto, tal esfor?o n?o deve ser considerado como um interesse de criticar a empresa p?blica, como tanto tem sido identificado na literatura. O estudo est? estruturado em dez hip?teses a partir de resultados de pesquisas de estudiosos da ?rea. Adotou-se como instrumento de pesquisa uma escala brasileira, j? validada, para medir os valores e as pr?ticas organizacionais inseridas na cultura organizacional. Os dados foram analisados no SPSS utilizando o Teste t de Student e o Coeficiente de Correla??o Linear de Pearson, permitindo testar as hip?teses do estudo. Os resultados revelaram haver diferen?as significativas entre empresas p?blicas e privadas em rela??o ? ado??o de valores e pr?ticas da cultura organizacional. Ao contr?rio dos resultados encontrados entre empresas dos setores de manufatura e servi?o, que n?o apresentaram diferen?as quanto ? cultura organizacional. Concluo que h? diferen?as significativas na cultura organizacional entre empresas p?blicas e privadas, que indicam a necessidade de aten??o por parte dos gestores dessas organiza??es. Assim, nesta compara??o, tr?s aspectos merecem destaque: a pr?tica de integra??o externa, as pr?ticas de recompensa e treinamento e o profissionalismo competitivo e individualista.

Olhando a gest?o da fila sob a perspectiva da cultura organizacional: abordagem com inten??o etnogr?fica em ag?ncia banc?ria da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro RJ. / A look on Queue Management through Organizational Culture: ethnographical intention study at a banking branch in Rio de Janeiro s west district.

Figueiredo, Eli?zer de Oliveira 27 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Eliezer de Oliveira Figueiredo.pdf: 1961844 bytes, checksum: de32c223ac9f98f50331aa303f3973b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-27 / This paper is about Queue Management and Organizational Culture. Its study subject was the Campo Grande Branch of Banco do Brasil, located in the West District of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its general purpose is to investigate and interpret, on a day-to-day basis, how the Organizational Culture, or Subculture, influences Queue Management in a Banking Branch. As specific purposes its aims are: to verify if the existing theory on Queue Perception Management is applied; to present waiting time as a feature that must receive special attention from Bank Managers; to experience, first hand, the displeasure of waiting in line; to compile the gathered information and to suggest measures to mitigate the negative effects on the waiting client, when reducing or eliminating the wait is not possible. Methodologically, the research is classified on its ends as explanatory, whereas as its means it is classified as bibliographic, documental, of case study and field research. The ethnographic method was used on the field work, where the author immersed himself in the researched group, in the context where the social phenomena occurred, for a better understanding of the native point of view , through the process of interactive observation and semi-structured interview. Resulting data, including snapshots of the researched location, were recorded on the field journal. Data from the interviews of 14 customer contact personnel were recorded and fully transcripted. Obtained data went through a non digital analysis process according to a predefined script. The analysis of the speech concluded: concerning Queue Management, that there is a lack of distractions to entertain the client, that the clients notice available resources not being used for their benefits and that there are lonely waits; concerning Organizational Culture, that stress, selfishness, lack of punishment, the cult to foreign culture and the attachment to the internal rules are traits of the internal culture in Banco do Brasil that may be related to Queue Management. The paper concludes that the Bank culture is not concerned with the management of the perceptions of those waiting in line. A complete lack of knowledge about the Queue Management solutions could be easily verified on the customer contact personnel. It is noticed that this research has no signs of duality. The online pool brought to light and the ethnographic research made clear that waiting in line is a major factor on the clients level of satisfaction. The most urgent suggested measure is the implementation of distractions, along with the review of all processes related to customer contact, in order to reduce their duration. The conclusions of this paper are subject to the methodological limitations proper to ethnographic studies. / Esta disserta??o abordou o tema gest?o da fila sob a perspectiva da cultura organizacional. Teve como objeto de estudo a Ag?ncia Campo Grande RJ, do Banco do Brasil, localizada na Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Seu objetivo geral consistiu em interpretar e/ou investigar, na rotina di?ria, como a cultura (ou subcultura) organizacional est? influenciando a gest?o das percep??es nas filas de espera de uma ag?ncia banc?ria. Como objetivos espec?ficos procurou: verificar se h? aplica??o, na pr?tica, da teoria existente sobre a gest?o da percep??o do cliente na fila de espera; apontar o tempo de espera como um atributo que precisa merecer aten??o especial dos gestores das institui??es financeiras; vivenciar ou experimentar, no cotidiano, o desconforto da espera numa fila; compilar as informa??es obtidas sobre o assunto; e, por fim, propor sugest?es para, quando n?o for poss?vel a redu??o ou elimina??o, mitigar os efeitos negativos no cliente que espera na fila. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa foi classificada como explorat?ria, quanto aos fins, e bibliogr?fica, documental, de estudo de caso e de campo, quanto aos meios. No trabalho de campo, utilizou-se um m?todo com inten??o etnogr?fica, onde o pesquisador fez uma imers?o no dia-a-dia do grupo pesquisado, no contexto onde o fen?meno social acontecia, com a finalidade de compreender o chamado ponto de vista nativo , atrav?s do processo da observa??o participante e da entrevista semi-estruturada. Os dados provenientes da observa??o participante, inclusive foto retirada do ambiente, foram registrados no di?rio de campo do pesquisador. Os provenientes das entrevistas, realizadas com os 14 funcion?rios do atendimento (caixas e atendentes), foram gravados e transcritos em sua totalidade. Os dados obtidos foram, ent?o, submetidos ? an?lise de conte?do (sem o aux?lio de software), seguindo rotina definida. Foi apreendido, atrav?s da an?lise do discurso, que: sob o prisma da gest?o da fila, h? aus?ncia de distra??es que entretenham o consumidor, que h? recursos que n?o est?o atendendo aos consumidores ? vista deles e que h? esperas solit?rias; sob o prisma da cultura organizacional, o estresse, o esp?rito individualista, a impunidade, o culto ao estrangeiro e o apego ? norma est?o entre os tra?os culturais percebidos no Banco do Brasil que podem guardar alguma rela??o com a gest?o da fila. Como considera??es e conclus?es ficou evidente que n?o existe na cultura do banco uma preocupa??o com a gest?o das percep??es dos que esperam na fila; verificou-se uma quase completa ignor?ncia, por parte dos atendentes, dos conhecimentos existentes a cerca da gest?o das percep??es nas filas; registrou-se que a pesquisa n?o deixou marcada nos seus resultados a quest?o da dualidade; a pesquisa on line demonstrou, mas foi na viv?ncia do trabalho etnogr?fico que ficou bem caracterizado, que a espera na fila ? fator de grande insatisfa??o por parte dos clientes. Como sugest?o mais urgente, al?m da revis?o, para redu??o, dos tempos de todos os processos que envolvem o atendimento das pessoas, ficou a instala??o de distra??es. Finalmente, sublinhou-se que as conclus?es apresentam as limita??es metodol?gicas pr?prias dos estudos de cunho etnogr?fico.

Cultura Organizacional e Gest?o De Conflito: Uma Proposta de Gest?o Com Base em um Estudo de Casos M?ltiplos. / Organizational Culture and Conflict Management: A Proposal of Management On the basis of a Study of Multiple Cases.

Caldas, Marco Aurelio 16 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005- Marco Aurelio Caldas.pdf: 411154 bytes, checksum: 080d18ec6a10b89024da7a9bd064b454 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-16 / The present work inside approaches the subject of the conflict of the organizations. The human relations beings inside of the companies elapse of a series of personal and structural variable that influence in the organization, in turn may to modify the effective organizational culture, provoking changes in its initial structure. The people who integrate the organization withhold a greater or minor capacity before the this type of change. For consequence some companies react more positively than others ahead of an uncertain scene. This capacity of adaptation, as well as the consequent growth of the organization comes to be in function of the organizational learning that promotes the understanding of new realities and the adoption of new behaviors. However, the relation among people can occur of a conflictive standard, that accents the difference of positions, opinions between itself. Of this shock a possible learning results, that comes to provide a development in the organization. In this aspect the subject of the present research, the management of the conflict inhabits. The objective that if considers is to investigate the phenomenon of the interpersonal conflict in the process, according to factors of the organizational culture, compared them it the raised empirical data concerning the considered subject, for intermediary of a study of multiple cases. The employed methodology follows the considered one for Yin (2004), as study of case and Fleury (1996), as inquiry of the organizational culture, analyzing its history, the socialization of new members, the communication process, and the work process. The changeable proposals in the survey of the interviews look for to discover concerning the understanding of the people how much to the existence of conflicts, behavior in the resolution of the conflict, the standard of reaction before the changes, the consequences of a conflict, the intensity of a conflict and its benefit, the possibility of the learning existence after a conflict, that techniques if use in the resolution of the conflict. For such study four organizations, being two of the private initiative and two state ones had been investigated. To the end of the analysis of the data, one evidences that each organization possess its proper method of conflict resolution, that if relates to the organizational culture of each institution. To the end one in accordance with presents a proposal of management of conflict, based the theoretical referential and the carried through research of field. The conclusion of the work looks for to still contemplate, suggestions for future research, as well as suggestions to the companies, in the moving one to the management of the conflict. / O presente trabalho aborda o assunto do conflito dentro das organiza??es. As rela??es humanas dentro das empresas decorrem de uma s?rie de vari?veis pessoais e estruturais que influem na organiza??o, por sua vez podem vir a alterar a cultura organizacional vigente, provocando mudan?as em sua estrutura inicial. As pessoas que integram a organiza??o det?m uma maior ou menor capacidade ante a esse tipo de mudan?a. Por conseq??ncia algumas empresas reagem mais positivamente que outras diante de um cen?rio incerto. Essa capacidade de adapta??o, bem como o conseq?ente crescimento da organiza??o vem a ser em fun??o da aprendizagem organizacional que promove a compreens?o de novas realidades e a ado??o de novos comportamentos. Entretanto, a rela??o entre as pessoas pode advir de um padr?o conflituoso, que acentua a diferen?a de posturas, opini?es entre si. Desse embate resulta um poss?vel aprendizado, que vem a proporcionar um desenvolvimento na organiza??o. Nesse aspecto reside o assunto da presente pesquisa, a gest?o do conflito. O objetivo que se prop?e ? investigar o fen?meno do conflito interpessoal, segundo fatores da cultura organizacional, comparando-os aos dados emp?ricos levantados acerca do tema proposto, por interm?dio de um estudo de casos m?ltiplos. A metodologia empregada segue o proposto por Yin (2004), como estudo de caso e Fleury (1996), como investiga??o da cultura organizacional, analisando-se sua hist?ria, a socializa??o de novos membros, o processo de comunica??o, o processo de trabalho. As vari?veis propostas no levantamento das entrevistas procuram descobrir acerca da compreens?o das pessoas quanto ? exist?ncia de conflitos, conduta na resolu??o do conflito, o padr?o de rea??o ante as mudan?as, as conseq??ncias de um conflito, a intensidade de um conflito e seu benef?cio, a possibilidade da exist?ncia de aprendizagem ap?s um conflito, que t?cnicas se empregam na resolu??o do conflito. Para tal estudo investigaram-se quatro organiza??es, sendo duas da iniciativa privada e duas estatais. Ao final da an?lise dos dados, constata-se que cada organiza??o possui seu m?todo pr?prio de resolu??o de conflito, que se relaciona ? cultura organizacional de cada institui??o. Ao final apresenta-se uma proposta de gest?o de conflito, fundamentada de acordo com o referencial te?rico e a pesquisa de campo realizada. A conclus?o do trabalho procura contemplar ainda, sugest?es para futuras pesquisas, bem como sugest?es ?s empresas, no tocante ? gest?o do conflito.

Cultura organizacional e valores olímpicos: estudo de caso de uma ONG / Organizational culture and olympic values: an NGO case study

Marina de Lima Sodré 31 March 2017 (has links)
A escassez de estudos sobre ONGs, esporte e Cultura Organizacional no país despertou o interesse deste trabalho, que teve como objetivo, identificar e descrever a Cultura Organizacional (CO) de uma ONG que realiza um programa socioeducacional e esportivo e, ainda, verificar se a adoção de uma linha pedagógica baseada na Educação Olímpica se manifesta em aspectos da CO da organização. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como exploratória e estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados de fontes documentais e por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as lideranças da entidade e aplicada análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontaram que é possível que a Cultura Organizacional de uma entidade esportiva seja influenciada pelos valores culturais e aspectos pedagógicos do esporte. O trabalho limitou-se a pesquisar somente uma ONG e deixa como sugestão para estudos futuros e estudos comparativos / The lack of studies on NGOs, sport and Organizational Culture in the country aroused the interest of this work, whose objective was to identify and describe the Organizational Culture (OC) of an NGO that carries out a socio-educational and sports program. The adoption of a pedagogical line based on Olympic Education manifests itself in aspects of the organization\'s OC. The research is characterized as exploratory and case study, with qualitative approach. The data were collected from documentary sources and through semi-structured interviews with the leadership of the entity and applied content analysis. The results pointed out that it is possible that the Organizational Culture of a sports entity is influenced by the cultural values and pedagogical aspects of the sport. The work has been limited to researching only one NGO and leaves as a suggestion for future studies and comparative studies

Cultura institucional e a viabilização do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): papel dos gerentes de hospital / Institutional culture and the feasibility of the Unified Health System (SUS): the role of hospital managers

Emily Anna Catapano Ruiz 05 June 1992 (has links)
Os objetivos do estudo foram traçar um perfil básico dos gerentes; caracterizar sua atitude e conhecimento com relação a própria instituição e outros serviços do sistema de saúde; caracterizar sua atitude e conhecimento com relação aos princípios do SUDS/SUS; registrar fatores relacionados a mecanismos de integração e resistência com relação ao Sistema de Saúde no qual se encontram inseridos. O estudo foi realizado em três SUDS-Regionais dos 15 da Coordenação Regional de Saúde 1 da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, que abrange a Grande São Paulo. Um dos SUDS-R escolhido se situava dentro do município de São Paulo (ainda não municipalizado), um SUDS-R apresentava todos os municípios com sistemas de sadde municipalizados, e no outro SUDS-R nem todos os municípios apresentavam sistemas de saúde municipalizados. Optou-se por entrevistar os diretores administrativos (DA), diretores clínicos (DC), e chefes de enfermagem (CE) de todos os hospitais destes SUDSR. Outro critério de escolha dos SUDS-R foi a diversidade de vínculos dos hospitais da área. Foram estudados 18 hospitais do SUDS do município, 10 do SUDS não totalmente municipalizado, e 26 do SUDS totalmente municipalizado, perfazendo um total de 54 hospitais, correspondendo a 82,0por cento dos hospitais existentes nestes locais. Na classificação por vínculo ficou-se com 11 hospitais pdblicos (PUB), 14 hospitais de finalidade não lucrativa (NLU), 29 hospitais privados lucrativos (PLU). Foram entrevistados 54 DA, 43 DC e 45 CE, perfazendo um total de 142 entrevistas. A coleta de dados foi feita através de entrevista constituída de 47 questões fechadas e abertas. As respostas às questões fechadas foram tabuladas através de um programa SPSS para computador. As respostas às questões abertas e comentários foram ordenadas e submetidas à análise de conteúdo, técnica desenvolvida no campo das ciências sociais e para análise de cultura institucional. Os gerentes em grande parte foram formados através de cursos de especialização em administração hospitalar, ainda que nem sempre demonstrassem uma identificação clara com o papel de gerente. Os hospitais estudados se apresentaram como serviços que concentram suas decisões administrativas a nível da direção, apresentam uma variabilidade de produção dependente da finalidade da instituição e o momento histórico vivido, e um interesse importante no treinamento de seus recursos humanos. O nível de comunicação, integração e conhecimento dos gerentes com relação aos outros componentes do sistema que não seu próprio hospital constatou-se ser bastante pequeno. Os gerentes demonstraram preocupação importante com relação à sobrevivência financeira da instituição e a qualidade de seus recursos humanos, e uma descrença grande no sistema público de saúde. Grande parte dos gerentes não referiu mudanças importantes em função da implementação do SUDS. Grande parte dos gerentes demonstrou não conhecer suficientemente os princípios instituídos pelo SUDS/SUS. / The Brazilian Health System Reform (Reforma sanitária) proposed in the 1988 Constitution consisted essentially in the local level service management, comprehensive coverage and service hierarchy. The process seems to be opposed by the established public and private services, and presents insufficient participation of these services. The purposes of the study were to construct a basic profile of the managers; characterize their atitude toward their own hospital and other services o f the Health System; characterize their atitude and knowledge of the most recently national health policy, SUS (Unified Health System); register factors related to integration and resistance mechanisms in relation to the policy and health system. The author chose three administrative divisions (SUDS-R) of the 15 of the Regional Coordination of the Health State Secretariat of São Paulo State that comprises the region of Great São Paulo (municipality of São Paulo, and suburbs). One of the SUDS-R chosen was within the municipality of São Paulo, that does not administer alone the health system. In another SUDS-R all municipalities had their health systems administered by the municipality itself. In the last SUDS-R not all the municipalities administered their health systems. The author chose to interview the managers (M), clinical directors (CD) and head nurses (HN) of all hospitals of the three SUDS-R. Another criterion for choosing the SUDS-R was the diversity in terms of purposes of the hospitals of these SUDS-R. Eighteen hospitals of the SUDS-R of the São Paulo municipality, 10 of the SUDS-R where not all municipalities administered their health systems, and 26 from the SUDS-R with muncipalities administering their health systems, summing up to 54 hospitals which represent 82,0 per cent of all hospitals of these localities were visited. Classification by purpose showed 11 public hospitals(PUB), 14 not for profit hospitals (NP), and 29 for profit hospitals with profitable purposes(P). Fifty four M, 43 CD, and 45 HN were interviewed summing up to 142 interviews. Data was collected through an interview composed of 47 closed and open-ended questions. Responses to closed questions were tabulated through a SPSS software program. The responses to the open ended questions and all comments were ordered and submitted to analysis of content, technique developed in social sciences and for organizational culture analysis. Most of the interviewees had been trained through a course in hospital administration, although many did not identify clearly their role as managers. The hospitals studied according to the managers interviewed, were presented as services that concentrate their administrative decisions upon the directors, present variation in production that depends upon the purpose of the institution and the historical phase undergoing, and important interest in training their human resources. The degree of comunication, integration and knowledge of managers in relation to other components of the system besides their own hospital was observed to be quite small. The managers showed their concern in relation to the financial outcome of the institution and the quality of their human resources, and some degree of disbeleif in the public health system. Great part of the managers did not refer important changes in the health system due to the implementation of SUS. A great part of the managers did not seem to show sufficient knowledge of the principles preconized by sus.

Antecedents and consequences of job satisfaction : evidence from Pakistani universities

Ghafoor, Muhammad January 2014 (has links)
The study of human labour and its social organisation is central to our understanding of the development of human work and satisfaction. Within the developing parts of the world in the Twenty First century the question of organising work in order to facilitate growth and development is of great importance. Middle income economies, such as Pakistan, future lies with satisfying both the demands created by the basic needs of a large and growing unskilled urbanising population and the higher level needs generated by a small, yet growing, educated and skilled workforce. The current study briefly examine our understanding of work and the social organisation of employment within the critical literatures on Labour Process Theory, Well-Being and Motivation in order to contrast them with the literature within Human Resource Management. In doing so it seeks to both contextualise the discussion of work within a historical framework and develop an understanding of the role of motivation theories for job satisfaction. This thesis seeks to fill a gap in the literature by investigating a wider study of antecedents and the consequence for job satisfaction focussing specifically upon the academic staff of public and private sectors universities in Punjab, Pakistan. In particular, Herzberg’s two-factor theory and Meyer and Allen’s affective commitment models provide useful insights and observations in their relationship with job satisfaction. This thesis is using a questionnaire to examine the antecedents (organizational commitment and organizational culture) and consequences of job satisfaction (intention to leave and intention to stay). The prepared population comprised of 6,327 academic staff containing Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors. A simple random sampling design was used to obtain 310 academic staff and usable questionnaires were obtained from 299 academic staff, 96.45% of the total sample size. The statistical techniques; Cronbach’s Alpha, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structure Equation Modelling (SEM), Spearman’s rho Correlation, Analysis of Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and Independent sample T-Test were applied to test a range of hypotheses in the current research, utilizing the soft-ware packages ‘Statistical Packages for Social Sciences’ (SPSS) and ‘Analysis of a Moment Structures’ (AMOS) version 17 and 18, respectively. The key findings of the SEM suggested thought-provoking results that are missing in the existing literature, such as there was a moderate, statistically significant positive relationships between affective commitment, supportiveness and competiveness with motivator factors. Work motivation was positively correlated with motivator factors and negatively with hygiene factors. Moreover, the hygiene factors were negatively correlated with intention to leave. There was very strong, positive relationships between motivator and hygiene factors with job satisfaction as compared to affective commitment. Furthermore, organizational commitment, organizational culture and work motivation are shown to be antecedents of job satisfaction and positively correlated with it. In addition, job satisfaction was a determinant of the intention to leave and negatively correlated with it. In general approximately 1% of the academicians out of 299 were overall dissatisfied, 49% were neutral and remaining 50% were satisfied with their jobs. The findings suggested that demographic characteristics revealed mixed results in terms of job satisfaction. The academic staff involved in research activities were comparatively more satisfied with their jobs than their counterparts. The results lead to a number of important policy implications and also develop our theoretical understanding for the quantification of job satisfaction.

Organizaciona kultura i zadovoljstvo korisnika u visokoškolskim ustanovama / Organizational culture and customers' satisfaction in higher education institutions

Nastasić Aleksandra 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Visokoškolske ustanove od 2005. godine prolaze kroz proces organizacione transformacije, koji je između ostalog podrazumevao radikalne, sveobuhvatne i diskontinualne promene određenih elemenata upravljanja i organizacije (na nivou kurseva, studijskih programa,<br />odeljenja i ustanove u celini). Glavna komponenta organizacione transformacije, koja je između ostalog pokrenuta uspostavljanjem tržišnih mehanizama i postupaka za obezbeđenje kvaliteta, je promena svesti i ponašanja zaposlenih. Promene u eksternom okruženju visokoškolskih zahtevaju od svih učesnika ponašanje koje se odlikuje efikasnošću, fleksibilnošću i agilnošću. Odraz ovakvog načina poslovanja ima direktan uticaj na menadžment visokoškolskom ustanovom i primenu savremenih menadžment koncepata i tehnika kao preduslov opstanka, rasta i razvoja ustanova, ali i obezbeđenja konkurentnosti i ugleda u nacionalnom i evropskom obrazovnom prostoru. U Srbiji je organizaciona kultura, kao menadžment koncept, prisutna, poslednjih dvadesetak godina, ali joj se ne pristupa na način koji odgovara važnosti ovog problema, a koji zahteva interes obrazovnih ustanova, njenih zaposlenih, studenata i ostalih zainteresovanih strana. Izgradnja adekvatne organizacione kulture je dugoročan proces, koji mora biti dobro osmišljen, počivati na misiji i viziji, i uvažavati realno stanje i raspoloživost resursa. Efikasna kultura daje posebnost ustanovi, specifičan imidž, po kojem je ona prepoznata u okruženju, a interno pokreće i motiviše zaposlene da daju sve od sebe, što za krajnji rezultat ima postizanje akademske i poslovne izvrsnosti ustanove. Sa druge strane, izvor problema u obrazovnim ustanovama nije samo u finansijama, organizacionoj strukturi, zahtevima koje postavljaju standardi za akreditaciju visokoškolskih ustanova, već u pogrešnim pretpostavkama, verovanjima, vrednostima i normama ponašanja nastavnog i nenastavnog osoblja. Kriza mnogih ustanova i problema sa kojima se one suočavaju može se uspešno rešiti i objasniti upravo pomoću organizacione kulture. Sem toga zadovoljstvo, motivisanost, lojalnost i zadržavanje aktuelnih studenata i privlačenje novih studenata i zainteresovanih strana u velikoj meri zavisi od odnosa sa zaposlenima, a pogotovo sa nastavnim osobljem, koje je pod jakim uticajem organizacione kulture. Cilj ove disertacije je da istraži organizacionu kulturu i zadovoljstvo korisnika u visokoškolskim ustanovama. Za istraživanje su korišćeni odgovori od ukupno 638 studenata i 93<br />zaposlenih. Istraživanje rezultovalo je dubljim sagledavanjem značenja i značaja organizacione kulture i zadovoljstva korisnika, u kontekstu internih i eksternih promena kroz koje poslednjih deset godina prolazi sistem visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Uzimajući u obzir nedovoljnu istraženost ovog problema, rezultati empirijskih istraživanja mogu predstavljati osnovu za neka buduća istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, kao i za uvođenje određenih promena u visokoškolskim ustanovama.</p> / <p>Since 2005 higher education institutions in Serbia, are going through a process of an organisational transformation, which among other things involved a radical, comprehensive and discontinuous changes of certain elements of management and organisation (at the level of courses, academic programs, departments and institutions as a whole). The main components of the organisational transformation, which among other things were initiated by the establishment of market mechanisms and quality assurance, require the changes in mindset and behaviour of employees. Changes in the external environment of higher demand from all participants behaviour that is characterised by efficiency, flexibility and agility. This has a direct impact on the management of higher education institution and requires the implementation of modern management concepts and techniques as a prerequisite for survival, growth and development of the institution, in order to ensure the competitiveness and reputation in the national and European educational space. In Serbia, the organisational culture as a management concept is present for about twenty years. Unfortunatelly, organisational culture was not approached in a way that matches the importance of this problem and interests of the educational institution, its employees, students and other stakeholders. Building adequate organisational culture is a long-term process, which must be well designed, based on the mission and vision, the real situation and the availability of resources. Effective culture provides institutional distinctiveness, a specific image, by which is recognised in the external environment, and internally drives and motivates employees to do their best, and as such results in achieving academic and business excellence. On the other hand, the problems in educational institutions are not only the financies, organisational structure, the requirements set by the standards for accreditation of higher education institutions but the wrong assumptions, beliefs, values and norms of behaviour of teaching and non-teaching staff. The crisis of many institutions and the problems they face can be explained by the organisational culture. Besides, satisfaction, motivation, loyalty and retention of current students and attraction of new students and stakeholders is dependent on the relationship with employees, especially with the teaching staff. While, the behaviour of employees is under the strong influence of organisational culture. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the organisational culture and customer satisfaction in higher education institutions. In studing this problem were used responses from 638 students and 93 employees. This research resulted in the deeper reassessment of the meaning and importance of organisational culture and customer satisfaction in the context of the transition of the higher education system in Serbia. The results of empirical research can be the basis for future researchs in this area, as well as for the introduction of certain changes in higher education institutions.</p>

Infuência de práticas gerenciais voltadas à inovação e à aprendizagem na gestão do conhecimento em projetos de pesquisa em tecnologia: estudo de caso do projeto NARA/FAPESP. / Influence of innovation and learning management practices to the knowledge management of technology research projects: case study of project NARA/FAPESP.

Costa, Anna Paula Amadeu da 06 December 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe o estudo da influência de práticas gerenciais voltadas à inovação e ao aprendizado na gestão do conhecimento de um projeto de pesquisa em tecnologia, financiado com recursos públicos. Foram adotadas ferramentas de código aberto para gerar um repositório sobre a Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e infra-estrutura existentes. A questão principal é como sustentar o processo de aprendizagem de forma a promover melhorias qualitativas que integrem aprendizagem, conhecimento e competências. As evidências foram extraídas de observação, de questionário, de histórias de sucesso, de lições aprendidas, bem como do levantamento do conteúdo dos portais disponibilizados na WEB. Como estudo de caso, selecionamos o Núcleo de Apoio à Rede Acadêmica (NARA), financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). / The research proposes a study of how learning and innovation management practices influence the knowledge management of a technology research project, supported by public founds. Free software tools were adapted to create a knowledge repository over existing Information Technology and Infrastructure. The main question is how to sustain the learning process in order to assure quality improvements that integrate learning, knowledge and competences. The evidences were captured from observation, questionnaire, success history, learned lessons, as well as Web portal contents available. As case study, we selected Núcleo de Apoio à Rede Acadêmica (NARA), supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).

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