Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ORIGIN"" "subject:"[enn] ORIGIN""
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Essays on Poverty Measurement and TradeDotter, Caroline 10 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Rockalbumets grafik : Återkommande designelement och landstypiska utseenden – en visuell innehållsanalys / The graphics on rock albums : Reoccurring graphical elements and typical design based on country of origin – a visual content analysisEkedahl, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
För att ge insikt hur design för ett nytt rockalbum ska ske och ge information kring vad som bör finnas med på ett nytt omslag har denna studie utförts. Studien framförde information om att albumsgrafik var relevant. Först sades det att en nedåtgående trend gick att anta, eftersom den digitala musikbranschen tog över från den fysiska. Men det visade sig därefter vara precis lika stor försäljning på de fysiska albumen som de digitala. För att besvara målen i studien utfördes en visuell innehållsanalys och informationssökning på internet. Studiens syfte var att visuellt granska rockalbum från tre olika ursprungsländer, som var Sverige, Storbritannien och USA. Genom analysen kategoriserades designelement, teman och framtogs landstypiska albumomslag. Studien berörde även vem som styr designen av ett omslag samt ifall det kunde ses någon tongivande designer bland de album som ingick i analysen. I slutsatsen framgick det att Storbritannien och USA hade mycket lika grafiskt manér och att omslag från Sverige såg annorlunda ut. Det framgick även att banden styr utseendet på omslaget mer än designern, och från analysen framgick inte någon tongivande designer. / This study is supposed to shed light on the design process behind album covers in the genre rock and give information about what should be displayed on them. Herein it is presented information about how the graphics on a record cover was relevant and didn’t follow the otherwise assumed declining trend. To be able to answer the goals set for the study, a visual content analysis was done and complementary information was gathered via searches on the internet. The aim with the study was to visually analyze cover art in the genre rock from three different countries of origin, these were Sweden, Great Britain and USA. Via the visual content analysis, categories and themes were structured. There were also created three different album covers, one for each country of origin that were based on the information of what should typically exist on the cover. Herein it is shown that designs from Great Britain and USA are much alike, whereas Sweden has a different style. In the study there was presented who decides the design of a new album and also concludes that from the albums in this content analysis there cannot be proven any designer who sets the generic tone for others.
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A Cultural Approach to Crisis Management : Comparison between Sweden and GermanyRichter, Sandra, Lehmann, Stefanie January 2016 (has links)
Problem: Triggered by the present emission scandal of Volkswagen, we came across the fact that corporate crises constitute a revenant topic in the business world. They often entail significant consequences for the affected companies such as reputation damages, financial losses and loss of trust from stakeholders. Also the people working at these companies experience exceptional situations, managers as well as employees on all levels. Corporate crises can be influenced by many factors, for instance through internal triggers like power distance, transparency and communication. These factors can influence the development of a corporate crisis in a positive as well as in a negative manner. Purpose: With the underlying study our goal was to find fostering and hindering factors for corporate crises that are connected to internal processes within multinational companies. Initially we sought to understand which impact organizational structures have on the crisis management in a company. Later in our study, the impact of corporate culture as well as cultural origin emerged and caught our interest. That resulted in a shift of our focus towards the impact of a company’s cultural origin on corporate crisis management. Method: For the underlying master thesis, we conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with 13 companies and investigated the real-life case of Volkswagen through secondary data. Based on that we created 14 case studies. Through a highly explorative iterative process, we further analyzed our collected data going back and forth between our empirical data and emerging theory. Main Findings: Our empirical data suggested that corporate crises can be triggered internally, initiated for example by strict governance, hierarchy and insufficient transparency. Moreover, organizational structures are strongly influenced by the corporate culture of a company. Corporate culture, furthermore, seems to be strongly influenced by the cultural origin of a company, regarding decision-making procedures, responsibilities and communication. Finally, in the perception of our respondents within our empirical study there is a link between the cultural origin of a company and its crisis management. Contribution: Although crisis management constitutes an exhaustive researched topic, we were able to contribute to the area of crisis management with an empirical indicator of the cultural origin of a company constituting an impacting factor for corporate crisis management. This coherence has not been acknowledged by crisis management literature to a meaningful extent so far.
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Dynamics of Blood Drop Formation and FlightKabaliuk, Natalia January 2014 (has links)
Violent crimes involving bloodshed may result in the formation of a number of blood drops that move through air and impact onto a surface producing a bloodstain pattern. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA), the analysis of the position, distribution, size and morphology of the stains within the pattern present at a crime scene, may provide information about the events that gave rise to the bloodshed. The location of blood origin, i.e. victim’s position at the moment of wounding and (or) wound location, determination is of major interest to BPA. This study investigated the dynamics of formation and flight of blood drops commonly found at a crime scene (so-called passive, cast-off, impact and gunshot drops) with the aim to facilitate blood origin determination. Features of blood drop formation at passive dripping with correlation to dripping surface characteristics were studied experimentally. A numerical scheme for accurate blood drop flight characteristics modelling, including oscillations, deformation and disintegration, was developed and validated against a number of analytical and experimental cases with special attention to the passive blood drop oscillations and ultimate deformation at terminal velocity, cast-off and impact blood drop deformation and breakup features. This provided an efficient and accurate method for typical blood drop flight reconstruction from the blood origin to impact as well as from the bloodstain location to the possible blood origin. Factors affecting blood drop trajectory and blood origin estimation were studied using the developed scheme.
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Integrating Data from Multiple Sources to Estimate Transit-Land Use Interactions and Time-Varying Transit Origin-Destination DemandLee, Sang Gu January 2012 (has links)
This research contributes to a very active body of literature on the application of Automated Data Collection Systems (ADCS) and openly shared data to public transportation planning. It also addresses the interaction between transit demand and land use patterns, a key component of generating time-varying origin-destination (O-D) matrices at a route level. An origin-destination (O-D) matrix describes the travel demand between two different locations and is indispensable information for most transportation applications, from strategic planning to traffic control and management. A transit passenger's O-D pair at the route level simply indicates the origin and destination stop along the considered route. Observing existing land use types (e.g., residential, commercial, institutional) within the catchment area of each stop can help in identifying existing transit demand at any given time or over time. The proposed research addresses incorporation of an alighting probability matrix (APM) - tabulating the probabilities that a passenger alights at stops downstream of the boarding at a specified stop - into a time-varying O-D estimation process, based on the passenger's trip purpose or activity locations represented by the interactions between transit demand and land use patterns. In order to examine these interactions, this research also uses a much larger dataset that has been automatically collected from various electronic technologies: Automated Fare Collection (AFC) systems and Automated Passenger Counter (APC) systems, in conjunction with other readily available data such as Google's General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and parcel-level land use data. The large and highly detailed datasets have the capability of rectifying limitations of manual data collection (e.g., on-board survey) as well as enhancing any existing decision-making tools. This research proposes use of Google's GTFS for a bus stop aggregation model (SAM) based on distance between individual stops, textual similarity, and common service areas. By measuring land use types within a specified service area based on SAM, this research helps in advancing our understanding of transit demand in the vicinity of bus stops. In addition, a systematic matching technique for aggregating stops (SAM) allows us to analyze the symmetry of boarding and alightings, which can observe a considerable passenger flow between specific time periods and symmetry by time period pairs (e.g., between AM and PM peaks) on an individual day. This research explores the potential generation of a time-varying O-D matrix from APC data, in conjunction with integrated land use and transportation models. This research aims at incorporating all valuable information - the time-varying alighting probability matrix (TAPM) that represents on-board passengers' trip purpose - into the O-D estimation process. A practical application is based on APC data on a specific transit route in the Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area. This research can also provide other practical implications. It can help transit agencies and policy makers to develop decision-making tools to support transit planning, using improved databases with transit-related ADCS and parcel-level land use data. As a result, this work not only has direct implications for the design and operation of future urban public transport systems (e.g., more precise bus scheduling, improve service to public transport users), but also for urban planning (e.g., for transit oriented urban development) and travel forecasting.
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Synen på egenvård vid diabetes hos personer med olika etniska och kulturella ursprungDarwich, Nadia, Hansen, Sari January 2010 (has links)
Diabetes, speciellt typ 2, är ett växande globalt hälsoproblem. Idag är det cirka 220 miljoner människor i världen som är drabbade av diabetes och siffran uppskattas stiga till 366 miljoner fram till år 2030. Sverige är ett mångkulturellt samhälle, vilket ställer högre krav på att hälso- och sjukvård ska anpassa omvårdnaden till varje enskild patient med diabetes. Syftet med studien var att belysa uppfattningar om egenvård vid diabetessjukdom hos personer med olika kulturella/etniska ursprung. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie där tio kvalitativa forskningsartiklar analyserades. En modell för Transkulturell Kompetens har använts som teoretisk referensram. Resultat av denna studie visar att det finns kulturella/etniska skillnader vad gäller uppfattning om egenvård vid diabetessjukdom, framförallt vad gäller kunskap om diabetes, faktorer som påverkar livsstilsförändringar och egenvårdsinsatser, religion/tro samt stöd/brist på stöd i olika relationer. Vårdpersonalens förmåga att hantera kulturella olikheter och bedriva transkulturell omvårdnad ställer krav på att vårdgivare har kunskap om hur kulturella/etniskt ursprung kan påverka synen på egenvård vid diabetes. Ökad kunskap kan ge vårdpersonalen trygghet i sitt arbete, vilket bidrar till en mera individanpassad och säkrare omvårdnad. / Diabetes, especially type 2, is a growing global health problem. Today there is about 220 million people worldwide suffering from diabetes and this figure is estimated to rise to 366 million by the year 2030. Sweden is a multicultural society, which places greater demands for health care to adapt to each individual patient with diabetes. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the perceptions of self-care in diabetes disease in people with different cultural / ethnic origin. The study was conducted as a literature review and ten qualitative research articles were analyzed. The Model for Development of Transcultural Competence was used as a theoretical framework. Results of this study indicate that there are cultural / ethnic differences in perception of self-care in diabetes, particularly in terms of knowledge of diabetes, factors that influence lifestyle changes and self-care activities, religion / faith and the support / lack of support in different relationships. Health professionals' ability to manage cultural differences and maintain transcultural nursing requires that healthcare providers have knowledge of how cultural / ethnic origin may influence the perception of self-care in diabetes. Increased knowledge can provide health care providers safety in their profession, which contributes to a more individualized and safer care.
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Intergenerational Persistence and Ethnic Disparities in EducationEngzell, Per January 2016 (has links)
This thesis consists of four self-contained essays in the sociology of educational stratification. Study I draws on newly collected survey data to assess the biases that arise in estimating socioeconomic differences in achievement when relying on parent and student reported data on social background. The main finding is that student reports on parental occupation overcome both the problem of misreporting that plagues other data collected from children, and the equally damaging problem of selective nonresponse among parents. Conditional estimates of ethnic disparities are relatively unaffected by these issues. Study II deals with student survey reports on the number of books in the home. A prominent string of authors has favoured this variable as a social background proxy over parental occupation or education based on its strong associations with educational outcomes. The paper applies various methods to large-scale student assessment data to show that these associations rest not on higher reliability as commonly assumed, but rather on two types of endogeneity. Low achievers accumulate less books and are also prone to underestimate their number. Study III uses survey and register data to study immigrant parents' education and its associations with children's achievement in recent Swedish cohorts. Two aspects of parental education are distinguished: the absolute years of schooling and a relative place in the source country's educational distribution. Parents' absolute education turns out to predict children's test scores and grades, whereas relative education is a better predictor of their educational aspirations. The result is of some consequence for studies seeking to assess ethnic disparities net of observed parental characteristics. Study IV extends the positional approach of Study III to understand immigrants' self-perceived social status and income satisfaction in European countries. Those higher educated by origin country than host country standards make more dismal assessments of their current situation than do other immigrants in otherwise similar circumstances. This is attributed to a social contrast mechanism and argued to be of relevance in understanding longer-term patterns of social and economic integration, including educational decisions made by the second generation. / Avhandlingen består av fyra fristående studier som alla berör utbildning och social stratifiering. Studie I undersöker med nyinsamlade enkätdata hur sociala skillnader i skolprestation riskerar att felskattas med bakgrundsuppgifter inhämtade från föräldrar respektive elever. Den viktigaste slutsatsen är att elevuppgifter om föräldrars yrke undviker mycket av den felrapportering som behäftar andra elevsvar, liksom det utbredda problemet med selektivt bortfall bland föräldrar. Villkorliga skattningar av etniska skillnader är relativt opåverkade av dessa metodproblem. Studie II granskar elevers uppgifter om antalet böcker i hemmet. En betydande litteratur har förespråkat denna variabel som ett mått på klasstillhörighet framför föräldrars yrke eller utbildning på grundval av starka samband med elevers studieresultat. Uppsatsen tillämpar en rad metoder på data från en internationell kunskapsutvärdering och finner att sambandens styrka inte vilar på högre tillförlitlighet som tidigare förmodats, utan på endogenitetsproblem av två slag. Lågpresterande elever ackumulerar färre böcker och är dessutom benägna att underskatta deras antal. Studie III använder enkät- och registerdata för att belysa utlandsfödda föräldrars utbildning och dess samband med prestationer bland svenska skolbarn. Två aspekter av utbildningsbakgrund särskiljs: föräldrars utbildningsår samt deras relativa placering i ursprungslandets fördelning. Absolut utbildning visar sig predicera elevers testresultat och betyg, medan relativ utbildning är en bättre prediktor för barns aspirationer. Resultatet är av betydelse för studier av etniska skillnader där statistisk kontroll görs för observerbara föräldraegenskaper. Studie IV tillämpar den positionella ansatsen från Studie III för att förstå utlandsföddas självupplevda status och inkomsttillfredsställelse i europeiska länder. Migranter som är mer högutbildade med ursprungslandets mått mätt än värdlandets tenderar att ha en mer negativ bild av sin nuvarande situation än andra i objektivt liknande omständigheter. Detta kan förstås i termer av sociala referensramar och framhålls som relevant i tolkningen av långsiktiga sociala och ekonomiska integrationsmönster, inklusive de utbildningsval som efterföljande generationer gör. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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La question du premier principe : entre Plotin et Derrida : volume I : apophase, principe et matière dans les Ennéades : volume II : déconstruction, archéologie et apophase / Non communiquéMary, Paul 05 February 2011 (has links)
Il semblerait que la recherche d’un premier principe ne puisse ni aboutir une fois pour toutes ni être abandonnée. L’objectif est de montrer, d’une part, que cette tension travaille l’apophatisme de Plotin et la déconstruction de Derrida en y induisant des difficultés symétriques, et, d’autre part, que l’exploration de ces difficultés suggère une doctrine « intermédiaire » du premier principe intégrant la tension en question. Leurs philosophies reposent toutes deux sur une instance que son excès radical conduit à déborder l’être et l’originarité, mais le néoplatonicien et le déconstructeur interprètent ce débordement de façons diamétralement opposées. Le premier la comprend comme un aboutissement de la quête d’origine, tandis que le second y voit une invitation à dépasser cette quête. D’un côté, Plotin pense une arkhè que sa transcendance radicale rend difficile à déconstruire, mais qui devrait aussi interdire d’en garantir l’existence et la fonction. Sa volonté de maintenir cette garantie induit une série de perturbations, notamment autour du thème de la matière. D’un autre côté, la déconstruction du principe repose sur l’usage d’un schème principiel dénié. Pour le montrer, il faut élaborer une présentation générale de la pensée derridienne, qui révèle une tension culminant avec l’occultation de cet usage par un positionnement anti-principiel. Il s’agit de montrer que l’auto-dépassement de l’arkhè ne représente ni une garantie ni une abolition, qu’il peut être intégré dans une conception originale fondée sur certains éléments propres à chacun de nos auteurs, et qui articule un premier principe métaphysique à une ontologie et à une éthique. / It would seem that the search for a first metaphysical principle cannot either succeed once for all or be abandoned. The objective is to show, on one hand, that this tension works Plotinus’ apophatism and Derrida’s deconstruction by causing in it symmetric difficulties, and, on the other hand, that the exploration of these difficulties suggests an "intermediate" doctrine of the first principle, integrating the tension. Their philosophies rest both on something that its radical excess drives beyond being and origin, but they give diametrically opposite interpretations of this situation.The Neoplatonist understands it as a success of the quest for the first principle, whereas the deconstructionist sees it as an invitation to give up this quest. On one side, Plotinus tries to think an arkhè which its radical transcendence makes difficult to deconstruct, but that should also forbid guaranteeing its existence and its function. His will to maintain this guarantee causes disturbances, in particular in his theory of matter. On the other hand, the deconstruction of the first principle requires the use of a transcendental schema, which is yet partially denied by Derrida. To show this, it is necessary to elaborate a general presentation of derridean thought, which reveals a tension, peaking with the attempt to conceal the use of foundational methods.Our aim is to show that the auto-exceeding of the arkhè is neither a guarantee nor an abolition, and that it can be integrated into an original conception based on certain elements from each of our authors, which associates a first metaphysical principle with an ontology and an ethics.
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Vybrané otázky osvojení (komparativní zlomky) / Selected issues of adoption (comparative fragments)Kubovičová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
Resumé The topic of this master thesis is selected issues of an adoption (comparative fragments). I chose not to deal with the theme as a whole because of its extent, which would have inevitably lead to mere scratch of the surface of such complex issue as an adoption. Picking and choosing some interesting aspects enabled me to go more into detail and elaborate on them in depth. When approaching this thesis I chose to use combination of analytic and comparative method. The thesis itself is composed of the introduction, six chapters and the conclusion. The purpose of the Introduction is to make the reader aware of the structure of the thesis and to outline the complicated legal nature of adoption. The objective of this thesis, which is also announced within this section, is to provide the reader with issues not usually dealt with within theses or academic works. Chapter One is divided into three parts and subsequently shed light into the concept of the adoption, its types and sources of the legislative. Chapter Two is dedicated to historical excursion and is divided into two parts. The First Part deals with global level and the Second Part is focused on the national level with emphasis on most recent historical milestones. Chapter Three is subdivided into three parts. The First Part examines conditions, which...
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Origin and formation of the regular satellites around planets / Etudes des conditions de formation des satellites glacés de Jupiter dans le cadre de la mission JUICERonnet, Thomas 01 October 2018 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse s'intéressent à l'origine et à la formation des satellites naturels réguliers de Mars et Jupiter qui sont les cibles de futures missions d'exploration spatiale dédiées à leur caractérisation. Le cas controversé de l'origine de Phobos et Deimos, les lunes de Mars, est adressé et il est montré que leur formation à la suite d'un impact géant permettrait de réconcilier leurs propriétés orbitales et physiques. Concernant les satellites galiléens orbitant Jupiter, il est montré que dans le contexte classiquement utilisé de leur formation, la croissance des lunes a certainement procédé par l'accrétion de grains de poussières, un processus appelé "pebble accretion", plutôt que par celle de corps plus grands comme il est typiquement considéré. Des propriétés intéressantes, ainsi que d'autres plus problématiques, de la croissance des lunes galiléennes par "pebble accretion" sont dérivées. Dans un second temps, le transport de solides nécessaires à l'assemblage des lunes galiléennes dans le disque circum-jovien est étudié dans le contexte des récentes théories de formation des planètes géantes. Nous montrons que la vision classique selon laquelle le gaz accrété par Jupiter transporte assez de solides pour former ses lunes est probablement erronée. Il est proposé que, aidée par la formation de Saturne, Jupiter a pu capturer dans son disque assez de planétésimaux pour assembler les satellites galiléens. Contrairement aux précédents scénarios, le cadre proposé prédit que des analogues aux satellites galiléens ne se forment pas autour de toutes les planètes géantes / This thesis aims at better understanding the origin and formation of the martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, and the major jovian satellites known as the galilean moons, each of these systems being the target of future space exploration missions dedicated to their characterization. We address the puzzling origin of Phobos and Deimos and show that their formation following a giant impact could allow to account for both their orbital and physical properties. As regards the galilean moons, we argue that their growth would likely proceed through the accretion of small dust grains, a process known as pebble accretion, rather than through the accretion of larger satellitesimals within the typical framework assumed for their formation. We derive some interesting properties as well as some drawbacks of pebble accretion in the galilean system. Then, the delivery of solid material from the protoplanetary disk to the circum-jovian disk is investigated in light of recent developments of the theory of giant planets' formation. It is shown that the classic view that the gas accreted by Jupiter transports enough solids to build many galilean-like satellites is likely to be erroneous and some other mechanism must have taken place to account for the presence of the massive galilean moons. It is proposed that, with the help of Saturn's formation, Jupiter could have captured within its disk enough planetesimals on initially heliocentric orbits to build the galilean moons. Unlike previous scenarios, the proposed framework predicts that the presence of galilean analogues would not be ubiquitous around extrasolar giant planets
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