Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ORIGIN"" "subject:"[enn] ORIGIN""
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Geléia real: análises físico-químicas e químicas úteis para a caracterização e detecção da autenticidade ou adulteração do produto / Royal jelly: physico-chemical and chemical analyzes useful for the characterization and detection of authenticity or product adulterationGarcia-Amoedo, Luis Henrique 02 June 1999 (has links)
A geléia real é um dos principais produtos da colméia que serve como alimento para as larvas em desenvolvimento, assim como para a abelha rainha por toda a sua vida. Tem sido utilizada pelas pessoas como um complemento alimentar devido às suas propriedades revitalizantes. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer as análises físico-químicas e químicas que poderão ser usadas para a caracterização da geléia real e detecção de sua autenticidade ou adulteração, enfatizando-se a determinação do ácido 10-hidroxi-trans-2-decenóico (10-HDA). A proposta do trabalho está justificada pela falta de legislação com relação a padrões de identidade e qualidade da geléia real e derivados. Foram determinados emalostras puras e adulteradas (com clara de ovo, água potável, iogurte natural, pasta de amido e uma mistura de leite condensado com própolis) os teores de umidade, cinzas, Iípides, proteínas, carboidratos, 10-HDA, pH, acidez titulável, reação com lugol e teste de solubilidade em meio alcalino. Como análises complementares foram determinados os teores das vitaminas B6 , A, pró-vitamina A (β-caroteno) e vitamina E nas amostras puras. Considerando-se os resultados obtidos preconizou-se as determinações de umidade, cinzas, lípides, proteínas, carboidratos, 10-HDA e teste de solubilidade em meio alcalino como os principais itens a serem observados. / Royal jelly is one of the most important products from beehive, which is used by growing up larves like food, and also for the queen bee for her entire life. It has being used by people as a complement because of the revitalizing properties. The main objective of this work was to establish the physicalchemical and chemical analysis, which could be used for characterization of the adulteration of royal jelly, mainly the 10-hidroxy-trans-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA). The purpose of this study is justified by the lack of legislation concerning the quality and identity standards of royal jelly and derivatives. There were determined in pure and adulterated samples (with condensed milk, water, yogurt, starch, egg white) the analysis of moisture, ash, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, 10-HDA, pH, titrate acidity, iodine reaction, solubilíty test in alkaline solution. For complementary tests It was determined the values of vitamin B6 , A, provitamin A, and E in pure samples. Considering the obtained results it was suggested the use of moisture content, ash, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, 10-HDA and solubility in alkaline solution, as the main items to be observed.
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Prevalência, epidemiologia, caracterização sorológica e molecular de Listeria monocytogenes isoladas na criação intensiva de Novilhos Superprecoces e em abatedouros frigoríficos no Estado de São Paulo / Prevalence, epidemiology, serological and molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolated in the intensive breeding of superprecocus steers and slaughterhouses in the State of São PauloSakate, Ricardo Ichiro 20 December 2005 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos principais exportadores de carne bovina. A maioria do gado é criada a pasto, porém uma parte já é confinada, como na criação de Novilhos Superprecoces. Este confinamento pode favorecer a contaminação por L. monocytogenes (Lm) do rebanho, bactéria responsável pela listeriose, doença que provoca aborto, neuropatias e gastrenterites. Com isto, pesquisou-se a presença e características sorotípicas e moleculares de Lm durante o confinamento de cinco raças de novilhos e em suas carcaças no frigorífico A, assim como amostras de carcaças, utensílios, equipamentos e ambiente em outro frigorífico (B). Foram utilizadas para tipar as cepas técnicas de sorotipagem por multiplex PCR, soroaglutinação e PFGE. Nenhuma Lm foi isolada nas 645 amostras do confinamento, sendo 13/48 carcaças dos novilhos, assim como amostras de piso e parede da câmara fria positivas para Lm no frigorífico A. Das 516 amostras do frigorífico B, 27 continham Lm, sendo a maioria proveniente da área limpa. Verificou-se que os sorotipos 1/2c e 4b foram os mais freqüentes no frigorífico A e o 1/2b e 1/2c no frigorífico B. A análise por PFGE forneceu 15 perfis Ascl, 13 Apal e 21 perfis compostos, caracterizando sete grupos clonais. Nesta cadeia produtiva de carne o principal ponto crítico para Lm está na área limpa do frigorífico e que cepas de mesmos grupos clonais puderam ser encontrados em ambos frigoríficos, assim como em áreas distintas do frigorífico B, demonstrando o alto poder de disseminação destas cepas. Portanto, estes resultados podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de boas práticas e HACCP para prevenir ou eliminar a contaminação por este patógeno. / Brazil is one of the most important beef producer/exporter country worldwide. The majority of the cattle is raised extensively, but some of them are feedloted. Confinement conditions can stress the animals and favor the contamination and proliferation for Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), agent of listeriosis which causes abortion, stillbirths, nervous dysfunctions and gastroenteritis. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of this microorganism and its molecular and serotype characteristics. Two groups of samples were analyzed: first, during the confinement of five different breeds of steers and on their carcasses (abattoir A). Second, at the slaughter and processing of other groups of beef cattle (abattoir B). The Lm strains were serotyped with commercial antisera and by multiplex PCR, and subtyped by PFGE. No Lm was found among the 645 samples of feces, environment, feed and water during the confinement, but 13/48 of the refrigerated carcasses were contaminated, as well as the floor and the wall of the cold room at the abattoir A. Amongst the 516 samples of slaughter and processing environments, carcasses, utensils and equipment collected from abattoir B, 27 harbored Lm, being the majority from the c1ean area. Serotype 1/2b and 4b were the most frequent Lm serotypes in the carcasses of the steers in abattoir 1, and 1/2b and 1/2c in the abattoir B. The molecular typing by PFGE resulted in 15 Ascl and 13 Apal profiles, and 21 composite profiles, resulting in seven clonal groups. In these beef production chains the most important critical point for Lm contamination is the c1ean area of meat processing. Same clonal groups could be isolated in both abattoirs and in different areas on abattoir B, demonstrating high dissemination capability of these strains. Therefore, these results could aid the development of good manufacturing practices and HACCP, to prevent or eliminate the contamination for this pathogen.
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A influência da imagem do Brasil na atitude de consumidores estrangeiros com relação a produtos brasileiros: um estudo com estudantes universitários holandeses / The influence of Brazil's image on foreign consumers' attitudes towards Brazilian products: a study with undergraduate Dutch studentsGiraldi, Janaina de Moura Engracia 06 January 2005 (has links)
Ao mesmo tempo em que a globalização dos mercados avançou, houve uma crescente expansão de pesquisas sobre o efeito país de origem no comércio internacional e na literatura de marketing. Em geral, considera-se que o país de origem influencia as avaliações de produtos pelo consumidor e as suas decisões de compra. Os efeitos do país de origem nas avaliações de produtos pelo consumidor podem ser mediados por uma variedade de informações intrínsecas e extrínsecas sobre o produto, e também por fatores ambientais e culturais. Comum à maioria dos estudos sobre indicações múltiplas sobre o produto é a noção de que as percepções do consumidor são importantes porque irão, no final, influenciar suas escolhas por um produto ou uma marca. Como as organizações lidam com recursos limitados, elas precisam tentar desenvolver estratégias apropriadas à sua base de recursos. Nesse sentido, o país de origem pode vir a ser utilizado como parte de uma estratégia de diferenciação de produtos brasileiros em mercados internacionais. Porém, no Brasil, os estudos sobre os efeitos relacionados com a informação do país de origem ainda estão dando seus primeiros passos, o que torna relevante a contribuição do presente estudo. O problema geral de investigação é definido como: a imagem que os consumidores estrangeiros têm acerca do Brasil influencia a atitude com relação aos produtos brasileiros? O objetivo geral dessa pesquisa é, portanto, investigar, com base na literatura, a influência que a imagem de país de origem tem sobre a atitude de consumidores em relação a produtos estrangeiros e verificar tais relações por meio de uma pesquisa cujo foco é o Brasil como país de origem de produtos de alto e baixo envolvimento. Os produtos brasileiros analisados são carne bovina, frutas frescas, calçados e móveis. Para mensurar essa relação, foram utilizadas as cinco dimensões de imagem de país de origem identificadas por Ayrosa (2002) para avaliar a imagem que os consumidores estrangeiros possuem acerca do Brasil e as escalas indicadas por Assael (1995) e McDaniel e Gates (1996) para mensurar os três componentes da atitude dos consumidores estrangeiros com relação aos produtos brasileiros. A população-alvo da pesquisa foi definida como sendo os estudantes holandeses da School of Economics Haarlem, Holanda, totalizando 1901 estudantes. Verificou-se, tanto na revisão da literatura, quanto na pesquisa empírica, que a imagem de um país não é um construto único, existindo algumas dimensões que definem a imagem de um país; algumas positivas e outras negativas. Dessa forma, ao analisar a imagem de um país, devem ser consideradas todas as dimensões, de modo que as causas de uma imagem positiva ou negativa possam ser compreendidas. Os resultados da pesquisa empírica apontam a existência do efeito país de origem, tanto para cada produto investigado na pesquisa, como para esses produtos de uma forma geral, com exceção da carne bovina brasileira. Conforme antecipado, a maioria dos resultados demonstrou que a imagem do Brasil afeta de forma negativa as atitudes com relação aos produtos brasileiros. Com relação aos fatores mediadores do efeito país de origem investigados, familiaridade e envolvimento com os produtos, as hipóteses de que o efeito seria mais intenso para consumidores menos familiarizados e menos envolvidos com os produtos não foram confirmadas. Os resultados dessa pesquisa podem fornecer mais elementos para a discussão acerca da utilização da imagem do Brasil na exportação dos produtos brasileiros, auxiliando empresas brasileiras que precisam lidar com questões relacionadas ao país de origem em suas atividades internacionais de marketing. / At the same time that the globalization of markets has progressed, there has been a growing expansion of researches on the country-of-origin effect, both in the international trade and in the marketing literature. In general, it is admitted that the country of origin influences consumers products evaluations and his/her purchase decisions. The country-of-origin effects on the products evaluations can be moderated by a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic information about the product and also by environmental and cultural factors. For the majority of the studies about multiple cues of the product, it is seen that the consumer perceptions are important because they will, ultimately, influence the consumers choices for one product or brand. Since organizations deal with limited resources, they need to try to develop strategies that are appropriated for their resource base. In this sense, the country of origin can be used as part of a differentiation strategy for Brazilian products in international markets. Nevertheless, in Brazil, the studies about the effects related to the country of origin information are still on their first steps, indicating the relevance of the present studys contribution. The general problem of investigation is defined as: does the image foreign consumers have about Brazil influence their attitude towards Brazilian products? Therefore, this researchs general objective is to investigate, based on literature, the influence that country of origin image has on attitudes consumers have towards foreign products and verify such relations by means of a research whose focus is Brazil as a country of origin of high and low involvement products. The Brazilian products analyzed are cow meat, fresh fruits, shoes and furniture. In order to measure this relationship, the five dimensions of country of origin image identified by Ayrosa (2002) were used to evaluate the image foreign consumers have about Brazil. The scales indicated by Assael (1995) and McDaniel and Gates (1996) were used to measure the three components of attitude that foreign consumers have towards Brazilian products. The researchs target population was defined as the Dutch undergraduate students from the School of Economics Haarlem (in the Netherlands), totalizing 1901 students. It was seen that, both in the literature review and in the empirical research, a countrys image is not a single construct. There are some dimensions that define a countrys image; some are positive and others are negative. In this regard, when a countrys image is analyzed, all dimensions have to be considered, so that the causes of a positive or negative image can be understood. The results of the empirical research denote the existence of the country of origin effect, both to each product investigated in the research and also to these products in a general way, with the exception of cow meat. As foreseen, the majority of results showed that Brazils image negatively affects the attitudes towards Brazilian products. In relation to the country of origin moderating factors investigated, namely product familiarity and involvement, the hypotheses that the effect would be stronger for consumers less familiarized and less involved with the products were not confirmed. This research results can provide more elements for the discussion about the use of Brazils image when promoting Brazilian products in foreign markets. This could help Brazilian companies that need to deal with issues related to country of origin in their international marketing activities.
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Vårdnadshavare med ursprung i mellanöstern deras förväntningar och erfarenheter av svenska förskolan : Vårdnadshavare med barn i den svenska förskolan / Parents from the Middle East their expectations and experiences of Swedish preschool : Parents with children in Swedish preschoolHedå, Marianne January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the parents' expectations before they left their child in preschool and their experiences of the earliest time in preschool, for parents with the origin in Middle East. The issues were; what expectations do parents, with origin from the Middle East, have of preschool and how do parents, with other language than Swedish, experience leaving their children in preschool. The survey consisted of qualitative semi-structured interviews. Previous research presented in the present study has mostly described preschool teacher´s experiences and perceptions. The theoretical perspectives on which the study is based are the connection theory and the sociocultural perspective. The four themes presented in the result are security, collaboration, language and expectations of learning. The parents emphasize that they want the children to learn a lot already in the preschool, partly social interaction but also a knowledge-based learning. The study shows some shortcomings in communication and collaboration between educators and caregivers. An important part of this is that the caretakers in the survey, even though they are interested and engaged in their children's everyday life in the preschool, do not seem to have insight into the preschool's governing documents such as the curriculum and the preschool's assignments. The conclusion of the study is that language and language difficulties are an important aspect when it comes to the collaboration between educators and parents. Despite this, the parents in the study says that it feels good to leave their children in preschool. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka vårdnadshavares förväntningar inför den första tiden i förskolan och deras upplevelser av densamma, då vårdnadshavarna har ursprung från Mellanöstern. Frågeställningarna var; vad har vårdnadshavare med ursprung från Mellanöstern för förväntningar på förskolan och hur upplever vårdnadshavare, med annat förstaspråk än svenska, att lämna sina barn i förskolan. Undersökningen bestod av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tidigare forskning som presenteras i föreliggande studie har till stor del beskrivit förskollärares erfarenheter och uppfattningar. Teoretiska perspektiv som undersökningen baseras på är anknytningsteorin och det sociokulturella perspektivet. De fyra teman som presenteras i resultatet är trygghet, samarbete, språk och förväntningar om lärande. Vårdnadshavarna poängterar att de önskar att barnen ska lära sig mycket redan i förskolan, dels socialt samspel men även ett kunskapsbaserat lärande. Undersökningen visar på en del brister i kommunikationen och samarbetet mellan pedagoger och vårdnadshavare. En väsentlig del i detta är att vårdnadshavarna i undersökningen trots att de är intresserade och engagerade i sina barns vardag i förskolan inte verkar ha insikt i förskolans styrdokument läroplanen och förskolans uppdrag. Slutsatsen i undersökningen är att språk och språksvårigheter är en viktig aspekt när det gäller samarbetet mellan pedagoger och vårdnadshavare. Trots detta säger vårdnadshavarna i undersökningen att det känns bra att lämna sina barn i förskolan.
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An Analytical Model of the Determinants and Outcomes of Nation BrandingSun, Qin 12 1900 (has links)
Nation as a brand represents the intangible assets of a country, encompassing various dimensions such as politics, economics, culture, history, and technology. However, much of extant work in nation branding has been limited to the empirical investigations of its positioning and implementation for specific countries, while other scholarly works in nation branding are conceptual. Various factors associated with nation branding are discussed in the literature, but there is no organizing mechanism to connect these factors to explore the dynamics underlying nation branding. To fill this gap, this dissertation attempts to identify the relevant factors underlying the deployment of nation branding, and to develop models to assess the association among these factors. Hunt and Morgan's resource advantage theory serves as the theoretical foundation of this dissertation's framework. After establishing panel data models that link the factors of building and developing the nation brand, the strategic implications of nation branding are discussed. Archival data were used for economic factors such as economic development, tourism, export, and inward foreign investment, and cultural, political, infrastructural, and geographical factors. The primary data were collected for qualitative factors perceived reputable brand and perceived reputable industry. The Anholt-GfK Roper's 2008 Nation Brands IndexSM was incorporated into the model as a moderating variable to test its impact on the relationship between the dependent variables and the independent variables. A total of 24 nations were analyzed to build and validate the models. This dissertation makes several contributions to the nation branding literature. First, it clarifies the definition of nation brand and nation branding. Second, it builds a predictive econometric model to connect the critical determinant and outcome factors of nation branding. Finally, it discusses nation branding strategies in terms of resource advantage theory and provides crucial insights on the development and management of a nation brand that can be used by researchers, marketing managers, and stakeholders of the nation brand to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of nation branding.
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La voce passionata : forza espressiva e affetti sociali nel "Saggio sull’origine delle lingue" di Rousseau / La voix passionnée : force expressive et affections sociales dans l'"Essai sur l'origine des langues" de Rousseau / The Passionate Voice : Expressive Force and Social Affections in Rousseau’s "Essay on the Origin of Languages"Boccolari, Francesco 19 October 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche combine des éléments qui appartiennent à l'histoire de la philosophie, à la philosophie politique et à la philosophie du langage. Son objet est d’observer et de recomposer certaines des étapes qui marquent, dans la philosophie de Rousseau, l’émergence progressive et radicale du langage en tant que facteur politique. Plus précisément, elle fournit une étude de la conception pragmatique du langage qui sous-tend la thèse principale de l’Essai sur l’origine des langues, selon laquelle la parole ne tire pas son origine des besoins physiques mais des passions considérées comme « besoins moraux ». Rousseau estime que contrairement aux besoins physiques, inéluctablement ressentis par les hommes indépendamment de l’éventualité et des circonstances de leur rencontre, les passions ne s’animent jamais « tant qu’elles sont de nul effet » (Emile, II, OC IV, Pléiade, p. 321), à savoir tant qu’elles ne sont pas en mesure d’agir l’une sur l’autre à l’intérieur d’une relation dont elles constituent les pôles. Or précisément parce qu’il pense que la parole, à son origine, a été occasionnée par ce type d’affections qui se développent dans l’âme humaine en produisant leurs effets à l’intérieur des relations, il considère également que son rôle primitif n’a pas consisté à représenter un contenu préconstitué par rapport à sa matérialisation phonique, mais à exercer une force immanente à l’expression sonore du sentiment. En ce sens, la tâche que s’assigne Rousseau dans l’Essai sur l’origine des langues est de rendre compte des facteurs qui ont permis à la langue de se rendre porteuse, dans un moment chronologiquement et logiquement secondaire de son histoire, de significations générales et abstraites de toute attitude émotive inhérente à l’acte d’énonciation du sujet. Le grand intérêt de cette explication consiste à attribuer l’éclosion et le progrès de la dimension représentative du langage à une modification de sa fonction sociale et politique, une modification qui consiste dans la suppression graduelle de la nécessité d’exercer par la parole une action morale sur autrui, d’exciter et de calmer les passions par les sonorités du discours, d’agir avec force dans le langage et d’influer par là-même sur la société. / This research combines elements of history of philosophy, political philosophy, and philosophy of language. It aims at investigating and reconstructing certain stages which, in Rousseau’s philosophy, mark the progressive and radical emergence of language as a political factor. In particular, the research provides a study of Rousseau’s pragmatic account of language, insofar as it underpins the main thesis of the Essay on the Origin of Languages. According to this thesis, speech does not originate from physical needs, but from human passions, conceived of as “moral needs”. Rousseau affirms that, contrary to physical needs, which inevitably arise in humans regardless of different occasions and circumstances, “the passions never become animated so long as they are of no effect” (Emile II, A. Bloom tr., New York, 1979, p. 92). Passions, that is, are only aroused in humans by acting upon each other, within a relationship of which they constitute the opposite poles. Since, according to Rousseau, speech was first caused by human passions — which can only develop in the soul and produce their effects within social relationships — he maintains that the original function of speech was not to represent a content that existed previously to its phonic materialisation. Rather, its primary role was to exert a power that is immanent to the voiced expression of feelings. In this sense, Rousseau’s goal in the Essay on the Origin of Languages is to provide an account of the elements that allowed language to become the bearer, in a logically and chronologically subsequent moment of its history, of general and abstract meanings, which are independent of any emotional attitude inherent in the subjective act of enunciation. A particularly interesting aspect of Rousseau’s explanation is that it ascribes the birth and progress of the representative dimension of language to a modification of its social and political function. This modification consists in the gradual suppression of the human needs to produce moral effects in the souls of others, excite or calm down passions through the sounds and tones of speech, and to exert an influence on society by forcefully acting through language.
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Voltar para frente: construções na clínica psicanalítica da psicose / Back forward: constructions in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychosisClausse, Evelyse Stefoni de Freitas 29 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this work is to define a way of intervention in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis. Rooted in Fundamental Psychopathology, it is a case study, based on clinical method, conveyed by the search of a patient for its origins. To tackle the question of origins, we start with the myth of Oedipus, the gate to the introduction of the patient into culture, out of the construction of the myth of the origin of civilization, as well as out of the subjective experience, whose course through the Oedipus complex, from the symbolization of the primordial law, will produce different modes of subjectification.
Our route begins with the investigation of the first issue that brought us to the clinic: the not knowing . From a patient who comes to the consulting room overwhelmed by learning diffculties at school and, above all, by his not knowing about his own origin, we are invited to investigate the hardship of knowledge and cognition and its implications in the psychical constitution. From these notions, we will address the different aspects of intellectual inhibition in childhood clinic where do appear, separated by stringent limits: the symptomatic position in which inhibition would serve as a defense against the confrontation of the neurotic conflict or the intellectual insufficiency as a visible phenomenon in childhood, a mask for psychosis.
Along the case, we introduce the psychical constitution through psychosis, whose understanding is based in the rupture of the primordial symbolization. Back to the question of origins, we discuss the notions of fantasy, delirium and family romance. Finally, we address the task of the psychoanalyst in the treatment of psychosis / Este trabalho tem como objetivo delinear uma via de intervenção na clínica psicanalítica da psicose. Ancorado na Psicopatologia Fundamental, a partir do método clínico, é um estudo de caso que tem na busca do paciente por suas origens o seu fio condutor. Para abordar as questões das origens, tomamos o mito de Édipo, fiador da entrada do sujeito na cultura, a partir da construção do mito de origem da civilização, assim como na vivência subjetiva, cuja travessia pelo complexo de Édipo, a partir da simbolização da lei primordial, produzirá diferentes modos de subjetivação.
Nosso percurso começa na investigação do primeiro elemento que nos trouxe a clínica: o não-saber. A partir de um paciente que chega ao consultório assomado por queixas na escola e, principalmente, por seu não-saber sobre a própria origem somos levados a investigar as vicissitudes do saber e do conhecimento e suas implicações na constituição psíquica. A partir dessas noções, abordamos as facetas da inibição intelectual na clínica da infância, onde aparecem separadas por tênue limite: posição sintomática na qual a inibição serviria como defesa para o enfrentamento do conflito neurótico ou ainda insuficiência intelectual como fenômeno aparente na infância, máscara da psicose.
No acompanhamento do caso, apresentamos a constituição psíquica pela via da psicose, cuja compreensão é ancorada na ruptura da simbolização primordial. De volta à questão das origens, discutimos as noções de fantasia, delírio e romance familiar. Por fim, abordamos a respeito da tarefa do psicanalista na clínica da psicose
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Fé e evolução: a influência de crenças religiosas sobre a criação do homem na aprendizagem da teoria da evolução com alunos do 3° ano do ensino médioMadeira, Andréa Porto Luiz 30 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-30 / The Recognition of the religious field changing in the last few decades, and more recently, the increase and visibility of the Pentecostal Protestantism, well known as evangelic group, and the insertion of these in several scopes of the Brazilian society and more specifically in public institutions and spaces, it motivated us to study and try to understand how the internal religions
dynamics and the Christianity in general configure individual and collective positions that reflect the relations and interactions underlying human beings scope, conflicts and tensions to a well bigger and complex context: the axle science-religion. Due to historical relevance and the present time questions and controversies as well as the origin of the universe, of the life and the human being explanations, this work thematic comes to argue the degree of knowledge and adhesion to the known theories such as evolutionism and creationism and the way how they are understood, interpreted and mediated by opinion influents social agents, for example: teachers and religious leaders. Therefore our work is this research outcome that investigates the
conception, certainty and the interpretation of the young secondary students come from popular economic classes in the Great São Paulo, more
specifically of the city of Guarulhos, about the origin of the life and the human being. As a starting point we take the public education reality, more particularly, the biology education. The research points to the conjugation and the coexistence needing of distinct and conflicting opinions in the classroom scope, as well as, to the recognition of an indicative map that reflects constituent elements of adhesion and affiliation in both spheres and, points with respect to a hybrid adhesion that configures itself maybe in a new way of fundamentalist identity re-meaning in both fields: scientific and religious. In this direction, we understand this ideological confrontation between evolution and creation consolidates itself as an important basic element in the analysis and understanding of the Brazilian society aspects that has been calling the educators and researchers attention in the social
sciences scope / O reconhecimento das transformações do campo religioso nas últimas décadas, e mais recentemente, o aumento e visibilidade do protestantismo pentecostal, mais conhecido como grupo de evangélicos, e a inserção destes em diversos âmbitos da sociedade brasileira e mais especificamente em instituições e espaços públicos, nos motivou a estudar e tentar
compreender como a dinâmica interna das religiões e do cristianismo em geral, configura posturas individuais e coletivas que refletem no âmbito das relações e interações humanas, conflitos e tensões subjacentes a um contexto bem maior e complexo: o eixo ciência-religião. Devido à relevância histórica e a atualidade das questões e controvérsias quanto às explicações da origem do universo, da vida e do homem, a temática deste trabalho vem discutir o grau de conhecimento e adesão às teorias conhecidas como evolucionismo e criacionismo e a forma como são entendidas, interpretadas e, mediadas, por agentes sociais formadores de opinião como, por exemplo,
professores e líderes religiosos. Nosso trabalho é, portanto, o resultado dessa pesquisa que investiga a concepção, convicção e a interpretação de jovens secundaristas da classe popular da Grande São Paulo, mais especificamente do município de Guarulhos, quanto à origem da vida e do homem. Tomamos como ponto de partida, a realidade educacional pública,
mais particularmente, o ensino de biologia. A pesquisa aponta para a necessidade da conjugação e a convivência de opiniões distintas e conflitantes no âmbito da sala de aula, bem como, para o reconhecimento de um mapa indicativo que reflete elementos constitutivos de adesão e afiliação
em ambas esferas e, apontam para uma adesão híbrida que se configura talvez, numa nova forma de ressignificação de identidade fundamentalista em ambos os campos: científico e religioso. Nesse sentido, entendemos que esse confronto ideológico entre evolução e criação, cada vez mais, se
consolida, como um elemento de fundamental importância na análise e compreensão de aspectos da sociedade brasileira que muito tem chamado a atenção de educadores e pesquisadores no âmbito das ciências sociais
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Consommation, territoire d'origine de la marque et bien-être du consommateur / Consumption, brand territory of origin and consumer well-beingZhang, Mohua 07 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de deux sujets principaux : l’impact du territoire d’origine de la marque sur le comportement du consommateur, et l’impact de la consommation ostentatoire sur le bien-être subjectif du consommateur.D’une part, notre étude met en évidence l’importance du territoire d’origine de la marque dans la création de la perception de l’authenticité du consommateur. Elle valide d’une manière empirique une chaine d’effets, depuis les associations du territoire d’origine d’un produit en passant par son authenticité perçue jusqu’à la connexion du consommateur à la marque. Une méthode d’expérimentation et la régression des moindres carrés partielle ont été choisies, afin de tester les hypothèses avec 665 consommateurs chinois. Les résultats montrent que le territoire d’origine a un effet positif sur la perception de l’authenticité du consommateur, qui ensuite a un effet positif sur la connexion du consommateur à la marque. De plus, par rapport au pays d’origine, le territoire d’origine est le facteur unique qui a un effet positif sur l’authenticité perçue du produit et contribue à créer la connexion du consommateur au produit. Nous avons aussi montré que la familiarité au territoire d’origine du consommateur et la congruence de la catégorie du produit avec son origine territoriale renforcent l’effet positif du territoire d’origine sur la perception de l’authenticité du consommateur. Cependant, une seule catégorie de produit (savon à la lavande) et une seule variable dépendante (l’authenticité perçue) ont été considérés dans cette étude. Compte tenu de la pertinence décroissante des associations du pays d’origine, cette étude démontre que le territoire d'origine est une stratégie alternative intéressante pour le renforcement de la valeur de la marque.D’autre part, malgré l’importance croissante de la consommation ostentatoire dans le monde, peu de recherches s’intéressent à l’impact de la consommation ostentatoire sur le bien-être subjectif du consommateur. De plus, il existe des avis contradictoires sur leur relation. Cette étude propose une explication de la motivation duale et considère que la consommation ostentatoire a un effet positif sur le bien-être du consommateur si le consommateur utilise l’objet pour se prouver sa valeur, et un effet négatif sur le bien-être subjectif du consommateur si l’objet est utilisé afin d’éveiller l’attention des autres. Les résultats des trois études empiriques montrent que le sens de l’impact de la consommation ostentatoire sur le bien-être subjectif du consommateur dépend de ce qui motive la consommation. Ainsi, le matérialisme du consommateur augmente l’effet de la consommation ostentatoire pour éveiller l’attention des autres sur le bien-être subjectif du consommateur. / This thesis consists of two main topics: the impact of brand territory of origin (TOO) on consumer behaviour, and the impact of conspicuous consumption on consumer subjective well-being (SWB).On one side, this thesis highlights the importance of territory associations for consumers’ perception of product authenticity and empirically tests the chain of effects, from a TOO association to perceived authenticity to consumers’ self–brand connections. An experimental method and a partial least square (PLS) approach were adopted to test hypotheses with 665 Chinese consumers. Results demonstrate that TOO exerts a positive impact on perceived product authenticity, which improves consumers’ self–brand connections. In addition, compared with country of origin (COO), TOO has a unique positive impact on perceived authenticity and a direct positive effect on consumers’ self–brand connections. Also, the positive impact of TOO on perceived authenticity is enhanced by consumers’ familiarity with the TOO and congruence between the product category and TOO. But only one outcome of TOO (perceived authenticity) and one product category (lavender soap) have been considered in this study. Noting the diminishing relevance of COO associations, this study demonstrates that territory of origin is an appealing alternative strategy for strengthening brand equity.On the other side, despite the growing importance of conspicuous consumption in all parts of the world, little research focuses on the effect of conspicuous consumption on consumer SWB, and when this is the case, the results are controversial. We propose and test a bi-motive hypothesis whereby the valence of the effect of conspicuous consumption on consumer SWB depends on whether the conspicuous object is used as self-signaling conspicuous consumption or other-signaling conspicuous consumption. The results of three studies demonstrate that the self-signaling conspicuous consumer has a significantly higher level of SWB than the other-signaling conspicuous consumer. Furthermore, consumer materialism enhances the negative relationship between other-signaling conspicuous consumption and consumer SWB.
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Made in ItalyMölne, Hanna, Lamm, Stina January 2013 (has links)
This paper investigates how professionals within the Italian fashion industrycollaborate and communicate to develop the nation brand Made in Italy. Theproblem of brand confusion, which occurs when the different parties within anation does not cooperate towards a distinct brand message, is analysed.Based on a theoretical review of previous studies in nation branding,interviews and observations in the area of Florence and a desk study ofscientific papers, articles and literature, the model “The Nation Brand Tree”was developed. This was applied to the case of Made in Italy. Conclusions: Thecertification “100% Made in Italy” was proven to be an ineffective solution ofsaving the Italian heritage of craftsmanship and quality. The Italian nationbrand is currently being preserved by private investors, but there is a need forincreased governmental support to create a stronger and unified nation brandfor Made in Italy. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen
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