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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nationell datajournal : - Strategier inom IT-politik

Edvinsson, Berit January 2006 (has links)
In the society of information that we live in the knowledge of computers and computer system will have a greater influence than we may think. Discrimination is no longer exclusively a term that indicates lesser understanding of different cultures, the discrimina-tion that is at hand will be between “the have and the have-nots”. This study is about the strategic methods and considerations that is of importance for planning, organizing and finally implement the work with national computer based patient documentation. The strategic planning has been done over a period of time where different actors all had their share of influence. The cost seems to be endless since it has increased after the actual program, in this case, Cosmic from Cambio Healthcare, entered the scene of healthcare. Politicians wanted to cut the cost and increase security for patients but the scene was somewhat different from the planning. When 33 people lost their job in Uppsala and the program needed to be profiled by the users to fit each section – the protest came in a never ending flood. The company that launched Cosmic has contract with seven districts and increasing – already looking for the European market. Politicians plan for a society with greater computer knowledge amongst the people and hope that lesser people can do the same work as today, or even more. Somehow forgetting that not everyone is used to computers, not everyone will have the chance to learn all the details in this new tool and therefore loosing the benefits from it and will be “the have-nots”. The other half of society that welcome a computerized life with high speed access to information at all time will enjoy a more controlled life, since every step of the way is watched. But at the same time they will get all the information that they want – and even more, they will explore the world if not in real – from the computer screen. They will participate in network that will help in educa-tion, knowledge, work offerings and so on. They will be “the have”. This is a new paradigm we fly into with a strong need for new discrimination laws, the knowledge discrimination, the social discrimination and the elite way of separating worlds. It may come as a reaction to this that a concentrated centre for discrimination in Sweden are being planned for – not separate as it used to be. Since no matter what we want – the differences between knowing and not knowing will draw a new type of border between people, a border that goes straight through the united Europe, dividing people in a very unethical way – "the have" and "the have-nots". Berit Edvinsson, Stockholm, 11th of June, 2006 kincaid@hotmail.com Key words: strategic-organisation-implements-medical report- paradigm-discrimination / I det informationssamhälle som vi lever i kommer kunskapen om IT, datorer och datasystem att ha större påverkan och inflytande än vad vi tror. Diskriminering är inte längre enbart en term som visar på en mindre förståelse av skilda kulturer, den diskriminering som nu gör intåg kommer att vara mellan “the have and the have-nots”. Denna studie handlar om de strategiska metoder och hänsynstaganden som är av vikt för planering, organisation och till slut implementering av arbetet med en nationell datajournal. Under tiden det strategiska planerandet har utförts har olika aktörer deltagit och påverkat arbetet. Kostnaderna verkar ändlösa eftersom de ökade sedan det aktuella programmet, Cosmic, från Cambio Healthcare, infördes inom vården. Politikerna ville minska kostnaderna och öka säkerheten för patienterna men resultatet blev ett annat än vad planeringen visade. När 33 personer förlorade sina arkivarbeten i Uppsala och journalprogrammet behövde anpassas av användarna för att passa den egna enheten – då kom protesterna i en aldrig sinande ström. Företaget som marknadsförde Cosmic har kontrakt med sju län och mer kommer att följa då företaget redan planerar att marknadsföra sig på den Europeiska marknaden. Politikerna planerar för ett samhälle med ökad datakunskap bland medborgarna och hoppas att färre människor skall kunna göra samma arbete som utförs idag, kanske till och med mer. De glömmer att alla människor inte har datavana och dessa kommer inte att ha en chans att lära sig alla detaljer i detta nya verktyg och därigenom förlora alla fördelar – de blir ”the have-nots”. Den andra halvan av befolkningen som välkomnar ett databaserat liv med snabb tillgång till information vid alla tillfällen kommer att få njuta av ett mer kontrollerat liv, eftersom varje steg är bevakat. Samtidigt kommer de att få all information som de vill ha – ja, till och med mer. De kommer att utforska världen, om inte i IRL (In Real Life) så via dataskärmen. De kommer att ingå och delta i nätverk som fungerar som stöd och hjälp vid utbildning, kunskap, erhålla erbjudanden om arbete och så vidare. De kommer att vara ”the have”. Det här är ett nytt paradigm som vi flyger in i som har ett starkt behov av nya diskrimineringslagar: kunskapsdiskrimineringen, den sociala diskrimineringen och elitens väg att separera världar. Måhända är det som en konsekvens av detta som de olika diskrimineringsombudsmännen skall samsas under ett tak och bilda en enhet, inte separata som det varit fråga om tidigare. För oavsett vad vi vill ha – så kommer skillnaderna mellan att veta och att inte veta att dra en ny typ av gräns mellan människor, en gräns som går rakt igenom det förenade Europa, och som kommer att dela människor på ett mycket oetiskt sätt i – ”the have and the have-nots”. Berit Edvinsson, Stockholm, 11 juni, 2006 kincaid@hotmail.com Nyckelord: strategi-organisation-implementering-datajournal-paradigm-diskriminering

Rereading the Saracens in Middle English Romances

Liao, Chen-chih 13 July 2011 (has links)
The representations of the Saracen in medieval English romances have attracted a great deal of critical attention. Earlier interest concentrated on the (mis)perceptions of the nature of Islam and the behaviors of its adherents. For the last two decades, analysis of the imagery of the Saracens has been drawn in new directions. The Saracen is treated as ¡§the other,¡¨ which functions as everything opposed to Christian and the western world. Consequently, ¡§the other¡¨ is often linked to the formation of ¡§the self¡¨ in terms of race, culture, religion or nation. Previous studies implicitly or explicitly respond to the binary paradigm proclaimed by Roland in The Song of Roland that the ¡§Pagans are wrong and Christians are right¡¨ (1015) and prove the inappeasable enmity between the two peoples. Attached to this presumption are two shared supportive beliefs that make the stereotypical imagery and the binary paradigm sustainable. One is that the nature of romance is homogeneous and is constituted by literary conventions. The other is that medieval England was a world which was isolated from the actual encounter with the Saracens and thereby tended to adhere to the design of a propagandistic stereotype of the Continent (Metlitzki 167). This dissertation will attempt to explore the representation of the Saracens in Middle English romances, and at the same time to reshape the understanding of the binary paradigm as well as the two associated supportive beliefs. My approaches to studying the representations of the Saracens in Middle English romances are two: one is intratextual and the other is intertextual. The first is to take Middle English romances as a corpus, to investigate its homogeneity as well as its variants in the representations of the Saracens. The second is to draw the strands of theological, sociological and historical references to shed light on the contextual knowledge of Middle English romances in the representations of the Saracens. Chapter one introduces the binary paradigm and the supportive beliefs. Chapter two explores the representations of the Saracens mainly in Floris and Blancheflour and the medieval ideas regarding magic. Chapter three investigates mainly Josian, the Saracen Princess as the embodiment of the Saracenic intellectual culture in Bevis of Hampton and compares her with other Saracen females and Christian counterparts. Chapter four focuses on the representation of the Sultan of Babylon in the eponymous romance The Sultan of Babylon. He is represented as an offender of God on the one hand; on the other hand, he is a worthy conqueror, a competent leader and a kind father. The complex image modifies the rivalry paradigm. Chapter five concludes that alternative Saracen characters are not as rare as might be supposed and antagonism coexists with tolerance and inclusion in medieval English romances. In Middle English romances, the Saracens are not always evil, wrong and savage. English romancers express their understanding of the Saracens, the curiosity about the Saracenic culture, and give fair appraisals of the Saracens. They reflect ¡§real¡¨ encounters with the Saracens, they suggest the ambiguity of literary conventions and they indicate the possibility of toleration and inclusion. They reshape the paradigm proclaimed by Sir Roland, break down the myth of the unity and continuity of Western civilization and mark the particularity of English romances.

Location moving decision of Taiwan's multinational companies in China: An observation from institutional theory

Cheng, Peng-jen 24 July 2012 (has links)
Institutional environments and the following institutional factors are viewed as the important characteristics in examining firm¡¦s strategic choices as well as the firm¡¦s endogenous resources and the industrial factors. In addressing the multinational company¡¦s location choices issues, institutional factor and the MNC¡¦s reactive strategies are seldom examined since the data limitation. This research tries to discuss the possible institutional sources impact on multinational company¡¦s location choices in China from the institutional theory viewpoint. There are giant institutional transitions in China since the open-market policies in the early 1990s. The announcement of the 12th ¡§five year plan¡¨ in China has estimated to generate great impact on multinational company¡¦s location choices. Thus, this research tries to addressing the multinational company¡¦s location choice issues in China context. Utilizing the in-depth interviewing method from Taiwanese multinational companies, this research supports the arguments from the institutional theory in location choice issues. In that, the higher coercive forces, or the formal forces instead, in a host country, the more likely that the multinational company will choose the acquiesce strategy to move. Moreover, the multinational company¡¦s acquiesce strategy in reaction will also generate economic side-effect in decision-making process. Additionally, in deciding the new location choice, the formal as well as the informal institutional forces will generate impact in multinational company¡¦s location choice, as argued from revised eclectic paradigm. The results provide a beginning in addressing location choice issues in China from the institutional viewpoint.

A exporatory of paradigm happening from Taiwan shipping forwarders loading on China market

Wong, Annie 02 January 2004 (has links)
Past discussions about paradigm shift mostly put emphasis on evolution, exploiting paradigm shift or not and exist or not. Existence or not problem basically fall into block logic and expire the possibility of recombination. The dissertation explore the happening of paradigm shift according to the loading on China shipping forwarder market from 1987-2001 for Taiwan shipping forwarders, focus on exploring happening than evolution. In the second chapter about literature reviews, the dissertation explore merchant economy context analysis approach instead of usual industrial economy analysis more fit with the specialty of service industry about shipping forwarder industry. And make definition about paradigm and paradigm shift analysis in the merchant economy context. This dissertation build the methodology in oral history and action research. The third chapter introduce a case study to describe the 15 years loading on China shipping market process with the view of Taiwan shipping forwarders. The forth chapter explore the pre-loading on paradigm in Taiwan and the fifth one the post-loading on paradigm in China market. The opposite paradigm appreciate the difference and content. Then, according to merchant economy context analysis approach to create four propositions to present the happening of paradigm shift including the inspiration of paradigm shift, the progress of paradigm shift, the development of paradigm shift, and the fulfilling of paradigm shift. New findings take much look the inspiration of paradigm shift with truly recombination happened, secondly, entrepreneurial make the progress of paradigm shift as positive adjustment and adoption to fit with local law regulations instead of abidance. Keeping with competition and cooperation relationship apply further the new resources in the development of paradigm shift. Finally, entrepreneurial concentration the ownership and control will fulfill paradigm shift.

Conflict Management in Pluralistic Societies: Aspect of Judgment Analysis.

Lin, Chin-Lang 12 August 2005 (has links)
Conflict Management in Pluralistic Societies: Aspect of Judgment Analysis. Abstract Interpersonal Conflict in pluralistic societies has been analyzed into¡§Fact Conflict¡¨(mutual interference in beliefs) and¡§Value Conflict¡¨ (mutual interference in preferences ), The interpersonal conflict can be caused by purely cognitive factors, that¡¦s to say, the fact conflict and value conflict can be treated together under the general rubric of¡§Cognitive Conflict¡¨. The growing of locally environmental disputes concerning large scale publicdecision-makings, such as the cases of constructions of Fifth Naphtha Cracking Plant,Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, and Meinung Dam etc., have raised enormous socialcost in recent years. One of the main causes of above mentioned disputes is cognitiveconflict. Among various efforts against problem of cognitive conflict, The Social JudgmentTheory, SJT, and the Cognitive Conflict Paradigm, CCP, have been confirmed to beone of the effective approaches to settle the problem of cognitive conflict. Social Judgment Theory is a descriptive and normative approach to judgment and decision making developed by Kenneth Hammond (1965,1975,1996) on the basis of Lens Model. Social Judgment Theory has been applied to the analysis of multiple cue probability learning, interpersonal conflict, interpersonal learning, and social policy decisions. It has also produced the policy decision aid. Moreover, Social Judgment Theory emphasizes that the¡§Judgment¡¨is generally more effective (reaches a higher achievement level), and more efficient(reaches a given achievement level more quickly) by utilizing of cognitive feedback while making decision. Cognitive Conflict Paradigm is to provide a scenario to uncover information concerning cognitive conflict. It¡¦s an experimental laboratory method that involves two stages: (1)Training stage in which two subjects are trained in such a way that each learns to think differently about a common set of problems, and(2)Conflict stage in which the two subjects are brought together and attempt to arrive at a joint decisions concerning the problems. Through Cognitive Conflict Paradigm, the investigator can observe two persons offering conflicting answers, efforts to cope with differences and arrive at a joint decision, in fact, observe the effect of the experience on their cognitive change and the efforts to solve subsequent problems. In this study, a series of simulated decision making task about Meinung Dam construction and the Social Judgment Theory & Cognitive Conflict Paradigm have been employed and tested by way of a laboratory quasi-experiment. The research fingings of this study include: 1. Dual cognitive feedback is more effective than outcome feedback in regard to the improvement of individual decision quality. 2. Single cognitive feedback is more effective than outcome feedback in regard to the improvement of individual decision quality. 3. Single cognitive feedback is as insignificant as outcome feedback in regard to the improvement of joint decision quality. 4. Dual cognitive feedback is more effective than outcome feedback in regard to the elimination of cognitive conflict. 5. Single cognitive feedback is as insignificant as outcome feedback in regard to the elimination of cognitive conflict. 6. The most constructive result obtained in this study was that we had presented a conceptual framework, research paradigm, and conflict management procedure generated from the application of Social Judgment Theory & Cognitive Conflict Paradigm to analyze and solve the conflict problems in pluralistic societies. These framework, paradigm, and procedure should be useful to subsequent cognitive conflict researchers and practical public decision making. Keywords¡GPluralistic Societies, Judgment Analysis ,Lens Model, Social Judgment Theory, Cognitive Conflict Paradigm, Outcome Feedback, Cognitive Feedback.

The Study of Cognition and Behavior of Planner under New Environmental Planning Paradigm: A Study on Social Cognitive Theory and Experiential Learning Theory Approach

Ko, Chih-Chang 27 October 2005 (has links)
These decades in the past, the progress of science and technology brought the human happiness; it is exhausted to also bring the serious environmental pollution, ecological disruption, resource day by day. So go over the faith that ' man is the master of his own fate ' begin to shake changing into and becoming gradually ' people are a natural part, mankind must with getting along naturally ', sustainable development become key concept of new paradigm. In 1978 Dunlap & Van Liere thought that the dominant social paradigm at that time was to demonstrate the inside out ecological image, only consider the social one's own demand, and get rid of the mankind outside the nature, ignore the environmental impact on society, so call this kind of view ' Human Exceptionalism Paradigm, HEP ' . Dunlap & Van Liere propose a kind of ' New Environmental Paradigm, NEP ¡¥, the reason why they call that ' New Environmental Paradigm ' because with mankind at that time for to model very different dominant social paradigm. It can be with the change of faith , attitude and values that the appearance of NEP mainly hopes, enable mankind to make a thorough review on people and naturally real relation, change mankind's attitude immoderate to the natural demand. Environmental sustainable planning deeply international while paying attention to , Taiwan environmental planning professional person, body in environmental front most of planning, in the face of new environmental paradigm arrival of times, how much deep understanding about the concept of the environmental sustainable ? The impact that is changed fast by the whole external environment condition, plan also the revolutionary transformation is taking place in the planning paradigm, the professional personnel of urban planning get along with during the process of adapting to. Has planned the contention in theory to extend all the time constantly in the last hundred years, and planning paradigm to replace constantly, so the related one influences planners to public interests cognition and treatment method . In the face of the arrival of the era of knowledge-driven economy, the city is in global economy and ripe democratic politics day by day competed for day by day, plan to need marching toward the new model badly. So face the transitions of the paradigm of planning and ideological trend, does the environmental planning professional person in Taiwan do a good job of due adjustment? Over a long period of time, the urban growth and renovation in Taiwan have been spinning out of control and falling into disorder. The same problems have arisen time and again. For instance, deforestation and overexploitation of hillside lead to landslide; urban sprawl resulted in the shortage of public facilities; the developers were unable to internalize the externalities. If learning is deemed as a process of accumulating and readjusting life experience, then what¡¦s the problem with our society, which has failed to learn from the repeated urban issues and create new models for practice. What are the factors impeding this society¡¦s potential to remold the past experience? Traditional planning, overweight the human space and satisfaction of the demand, so that often neglect the carrying capacity of the ecological environment , and the inspiration that the whole social people's train of thought link and giving a new lease of life to. ' the Environmental planning ' which the advanced country emphasizes at present, its idea is conversely; The planning of the environment, is a kind of new idea, the ones that emphasized from ecological environment carrying capacity, or the potentiality , chance or limiting conditions of the supply, have priority to suitability analysis, but not meet the human demand simply . Namely the planner must respect the resource and environmental supply, mediate the human demand. This kind of planning could make the balance between development and preserve. So this research one is in the face of new environmental paradigm appears, such as transition of ideological trend and public interests, etc. to describing of person who understands environmental planning professional, practice crisis of urban planning of Taiwan , the emerging in an endless stream of environmental planning problem of Taiwan, influence its to be cognitive with the behavior further? To present domestic environmental planning professional education and training is enough to deal with the changes like this of the environment? Possibility which the professional person practice community produces? So this research is probed into from it by this: 1. Planner personal basic attribute with and its environmental view (new environmental paradigm), environmental behavior (responsible environmental behavior) and what is relation to learning style? 2. Planners face the environment (Environmental view, action approach, practice crisis), person (self-regulatory, self-efficacy) and with to influence each other what is relation to behavior (environmental behavior, production of practice community)? Through the distinguishing of above-mentioned problems relation, achieve the following research purposes: 1. Probe into environmental planners of Taiwan and present the environmental paradigm shift. 2. Probe into the social cognition model of planners under the new environmental planning discussion. 3. Probe into the possible change and meaning of environmental planning specialized education of Taiwan. This research is mainly studying social learning and cognitive social cognition view of the theory of society of society proposed through Bandura, as the key structure of this research, this theory thinks that the behavior is to emerge via the reciprocal function of person and environment, instead of be determined by any dimensions among them. This view transform environment (E ) , person (P ) and behavior (B ) into three interrelated dimensions and acts on to some extent, namely ' the social learning theory ' and ' the social cognitive theory ' with Bandura - Probe into the self- regulation system among the person cognition, behavior and environment. Retrospect via relevant theory documents of this study, put it in order out under the social cognitive theory, professional person's influence way of environmental program among the three of ' the environment ,person , behavior ', and planner's personal learning style way is set up. With the new environmental paradigm concept, action approach of planning , planning practice crisis of the whole , planner personal self-efficiency and self-regulatory, responsible environmental behavior, and plan practice relevant parameter that community produce influence, and then build the intact model which construct out a environmental planner's social cognitive theory, and then concern the analytical method of the way (LISREL ) to verify this theory model with Joreskog & Sorbom linear structure of development. This study attempts to set up a planner's social cognitive theory way from the retrospect of theory documents, offer the school, the department is carrying on environmental planning education public and private, knowledge and action are being linked etc. The result of study of this study can be summed up as follows on policy implications: 1. To test and verify of the social cognitive theory - Have proved on one's to the environmental planning professional person that among the three of ' the environment , person , behavior ' hand in the relation influenced in social cognitive theory, environmental influences person; Individual influences the behavior; The behavior influences the environment. 2. To indicate and verify the new arrival of times of environmental planning paradigm - So no matter in the school, public department or private consultant firm is in the future in planning educational course design and arrange, environmental draft, implementation of planning of policy, etc., should change to some extent. 3. To Assert and introduce of the learning style of the persons who plan the professional roles - The educational professional of environmental planning that this research is thought to be domestic, arrange with the design in course of professional training, real should make relevant adjustment and plan, there can be chance of balanced study in the training course of letting the profession form, pay attention to ' concrete experience ' and 'active experimentation ' more with the planning.

The Format As An Iron Cage: Writing In Sociology And Anthropology

Alpar, Danende Z. 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the prevailing formats of writing in sociology or anthropology that are considered scientific. For whom are sociology and anthropology texts written, and who are the readers of these texts? How does this format of writing that constitutes a text as scientific influence the text-reader relationship? In discussing this, the legitimate ways of writing of sociology and anthropology are presented together with what scientificity brings. the reflexive critique that looks at sociology and anthropology with the very methods of these disciplines is explained in its main lines. within this debate, the importance of the question &quot / whom the texts produced in these sciences are intended for?&quot / is analyzed. This is followed by a discussion of the conditions that enabled the constitution of the conventional forms of expression in sciences. The concept of paradigm as proposed by Thomas Kuhn is used to explain the formation of these conditions.

Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Importance of Institutional Settings

Olsson, Therése, Strömwall, Richard January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Location-Specific Determinants Of FDI : The Case Of The Middle East And North Africa Countries

Smajlovic, Lejla, Kozlova, Marina January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>The thesis examines the foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and, in order to achieve a better understanding of how MENA economies may attract FDI, attempts to identify their possible location-specific de-terminants. The analysis is based on the results of the cross-section OLS regression meth-od. The examined empirical model is based on the eclectic theory developed by John Dun-ning and the previous empirical studies. To test the relevant location-specific determinants of FDI inflows into MENA region, eighteen countries are sampled for the period 1996-2006. The results of the regression analysis show that physical infrastructure and trade openness are significant determinants of FDI in the MENA countries.</p></p>

Adaptive code based in Aspect Oriented Programming paradigm

Galindo, Noel January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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