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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation Of Performance And Optimum Valve Settings For Pressure Management Using Forecasted Daily Demand Curves By Artificial Neural Networks

Yildiz, Evren 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
For the appropriate operation and correct short term planning, daily demand curve (DDC) of municipal water distribution networks should be forecasted beforehand. For that purpose, artificial neural networks (ANN) is used as a new method. The proposed approach employs already recorded DDCs extracted from the database of ASKI (Ankara Water Authority) SCADA center and related independent parameters such as temperature and relative humidity obtained from DMI (State Meteorological Institute). In this study, a computer model was developed in order to forecast hourly DDCs using Matlab and related modules. Parameters that affect the consumption of the water were determined as temperature, relative humidity, human behavior (weekend or workday) and season. Randomly selected days were taken into account for performance of the ANN model. Forecasted DDC values were compared with recorded data and consequently the model gives relatively satisfactory results, an average of 75% match according to R2 values for Ankara N8-3 network. Same architecture was applied for Antalya network give better results, average of 85%. For planning purposes / total volume and peak water consumption values for the selected recorded days, the day before recorded days, ANN forecasted days and seasonal average was compared and seasonal average gave relatively better results. Using the forecasted DDC, (i) performance analysis of the pressure zone and (ii) optimum valve setting evaluation for pressure management were realized. The results of the study may help water utilities for short term planning of a water distribution network, rehabilitation of elements, taking counter measures and setting the valve openings for minimizing leakage and optimizing customer conformity of the distribution network.

Implementation Of A Low-cost Smart Camera Apllication On A Cots System

Baykent, Hayri Kerem 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to implement a low-cost smart camera application on a Commercial off the Shelf system that is based on Texas Instrument&rsquo / s DM3730 System on Chip processor. Although there are different architectures for smart camera applications, ARM plus DSP based System on Chip architecture is selected for implementation because of its different core abilities. Beagleboard-XM platform that has an ARM plus DSP based System on Chip processor is chosen as Commercial off the Shelf platform. During this thesis, firstly to start-up the Commercial off the Shelf platform the design steps of porting an embedded Linux to ARM core of System on Chip processor is described. Then design steps that are necessary for implementation of smart camera applications on both ARM and DSP cores in parallel are given in detail. Furthermore, the real-time image processing performance of the Beagleboard-xM platform for the smart camera applications is evaluated with simple implementations.

統一發票制度之評估研究 / An Evaluation of the Uniform Invoice System

呂春熹 Unknown Date (has links)
統一發票制度是政府課徵營業稅之主要工具,實施期間長達50多年。在此期間我國營業稅制從主要的總額型發展演進到加值型營業稅制,而此徵收工具迄今仍受重視,其應有獨特之處,值得評估研究。本研究主要是從兩個方向著手,第一部分是就統一發票制度之性質、制度內容及執行,評估其達成租稅政策目標之程度;第二部分係比較國際間實施加值稅國家的經驗,檢視此一工具之重要性,以及其改進空間或有其他可行的替代工具。本研究根據政策工具理論,從政策內容、執行組織、標的團體及環境之層面,及政策工具性質,從效能性、效率性、公平性、易用性及社會支持性之指標,予以評估,認為作為營業稅徵收工具的統一發票,以其高強制性及直接性,低自動性及可見性,其徵收效率並未比其他稅目之徵收工具高,容易造成稽徵人員依賴,另外其取得外界之支持亦呈現不定。至於加值稅實施之國際經驗比較部分,經考量經濟開發成長情形及資料取得之難易性,選取新加坡、英國、澳洲作為比較對象,並由各國稅制規劃、稅收統計,以及稽徵成效作相對性比較之基礎。評估結果顯示以新加坡及英國實施成效最佳,而統一發票作為加值稅稽徵工具之我國績效最低。研究總結,發現統一發票制度在稅收成長雖有助益,然因執行低效率,以及租稅減免過多,破壞中性原則,未能達成確實課稅之宗旨,惟仍具改進空間,是以本研究最後提出從制度簡化及加強執行兩方面之具體改進建議。 / The Uniform Invoice System (UIS) has been a main instrument for the collection of business tax in the last fifty years. Present research on an evaluation of this system has taken two major directions. The first is to evaluate the nature, design and execution of the local system, according to its achievement of the goals of tax policy; the second is to compare international experience in the imposition of Value-Added Tax. The purpose of the research on the local system is to examine the necessity of UIS, and see whether there is still room to improve it or if there are any alternatives. The research uses indexes such as effectiveness, efficiency, equity, usability, and social support to survey the following aspects of the system: policy, administrative agencies, target group, and environment. The conclusion from this part shows that the UIS, with its nature of high coerciveness and directness, but low automaticity and visibility, has failed to operate to a high degree of efficiency as other taxes, and it has not been easy to obtain support from society. In addition, the success of the UIS has led to inertia on the part of the competent authorities, and less active auditing. The purpose of as research of international experience is to make a comparison between Singapore, UK, Australia, and Taiwan, focusing on the design of collection mechanism, tax revenue, and efficiency of administration. The results show that Taiwan, with UIS peculiar to itself has not produce a better performance. The conclusion of the research of local and international systems indicates that the performance of the UIS did not meet the goals as the government expected, owing to its low efficiency and an erosion of the tax base from too much tax exemption. Finally, the research suggests two ways to improve the system: simplification and strengthening of the enforcement.

趨近一般化資料倉儲與資料探勘之效能評估模型 / Toward a More Generalized Benchmark Workload Model for Data Warehouse and Data Mining

邱士涵, Chiu,Shih-Han Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的發達以及資料庫技術的成熟,人們取得資料變得非常的容易,再加上許多網際網路的應用其實就是一個自動化的資料收集工具,資料量之大已幾近爆炸的程度。資料倉儲便是一種用來儲存大量歷史資料的資料庫,提供彙整或是統計的資訊,以提供決策使用的資訊技術。而資料探勘是從大量的資料當中把對於決策過程中有幫助的規則找出來,提供給管理人員做為決策的參考,開創新的商業契機。資料倉儲的效能表現對於使用者的工作效率有著深遠的影響。因此有些用以衡量與預測資料倉儲之效能與效率之工作量模式便孕育而生,一般稱之為績效評估工具,然而目前所公佈的一般資料倉儲績效評估工具是針對特定範圍領域建構出某些典型的領域規格,並沒有一個使用者需求導向的資料倉儲績效評估工具。在資料探勘方面,探勘結果的準確度比起資料探勘所花費的時間來得重要,目前卻沒有一個有效、使用者需求導向的工具來評估資料探勘結果的準確度。我們針對資料倉儲的效能評估以及資料探勘準確度評估,設計一個以使用者需求為導向的工作量模型,來評估資料倉儲與資料探勘工具。 / As growth of Internet and mature of database technology, people can get the data much easily than before. Many applications on Internet, in fact, are the tools of gather data automatically so that the amount of data is growing bigger and bigger. Data warehouse is one kind of database to store lots of historical data to offer statistical information for the information technology of decisions. Data mining is to find the useful rules for decisions from the amount of data to help the managers make decisions and create the new opportunities of business. The performance of data warehouse is import to user’s work efficiency. Therefore, there are some workload model arise to evaluate and predict the performance and efficiency of data warehouse called benchmark. However, the data warehouse specification announced these days are constructed to some typical domain specific, and the performance evaluation stand on synthetic workload. But, when the difference between the domain of data warehouse user applied and domain of performance evaluation tool is very large, the performance metric may different a lot to the result of benchmark tool. In data mining, the accuracy of mining result is important to business. The accuracy of mining result is more important than the time spend on data mining. However, there is no any useful tool to evaluate the accuracy of mining result and there is no any standard of performance criteria for data mining, either. We design a user requirement-oriented workload to evaluate performance of data warehouse and precision of data mining.

Rigorous System-level Modeling and Performance Evaluation for Embedded System Design / Modélisation et Évaluation de Performance pour la Conception des Systèmes Embarqués : Approche Rigoureuse au Niveau Système

Nouri, Ayoub 08 April 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes embarqués ont évolué d'une manière spectaculaire et sont devenus partie intégrante de notre quotidien. En réponse aux exigences grandissantes en termes de nombre de fonctionnalités et donc de flexibilité, les parties logicielles de ces systèmes se sont vues attribuer une place importante malgré leur manque d'efficacité, en comparaison aux solutions matérielles. Par ailleurs, vu la prolifération des systèmes nomades et à ressources limités, tenir compte de la performance est devenu indispensable pour bien les concevoir. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une démarche rigoureuse et intégrée pour la modélisation et l'évaluation de performance tôt dans le processus de conception. Cette méthode permet de construire des modèles, au niveau système, conformes aux spécifications fonctionnelles, et intégrant les contraintes non-fonctionnelles de l'environnement d'exécution. D'autre part, elle permet d'analyser quantitativement la performance de façon rapide et précise. Cette méthode est guidée par les modèles et se base sur le formalisme $mathcal{S}$BIP que nous proposons pour la modélisation stochastique selon une approche formelle et par composants. Pour construire des modèles conformes au niveau système, nous partons de modèles purement fonctionnels utilisés pour générer automatiquement une implémentation distribuée, étant donnée une architecture matérielle cible et un schéma de répartition. Dans le but d'obtenir une description fidèle de la performance, nous avons conçu une technique d'inférence statistique qui produit une caractérisation probabiliste. Cette dernière est utilisée pour calibrer le modèle fonctionnel de départ. Afin d'évaluer la performance de ce modèle, nous nous basons sur du model checking statistique que nous améliorons à l'aide d'une technique d'abstraction. Nous avons développé un flot de conception qui automatise la majorité des phases décrites ci-dessus. Ce flot a été appliqué à différentes études de cas, notamment à une application de reconnaissance d'image déployée sur la plateforme multi-cœurs STHORM. / In the present work, we tackle the problem of modeling and evaluating performance in the context of embedded systems design. These have become essential for modern societies and experienced important evolution. Due to the growing demand on functionality and programmability, software solutions have gained in importance, although known to be less efficient than dedicated hardware. Consequently, considering performance has become a must, especially with the generalization of resource-constrained devices. We present a rigorous and integrated approach for system-level performance modeling and analysis. The proposed method enables faithful high-level modeling, encompassing both functional and performance aspects, and allows for rapid and accurate quantitative performance evaluation. The approach is model-based and relies on the $mathcal{S}$BIP formalism for stochastic component-based modeling and formal verification. We use statistical model checking for analyzing performance requirements and introduce a stochastic abstraction technique to enhance its scalability. Faithful high-level models are built by calibrating functional models with low-level performance information using automatic code generation and statistical inference. We provide a tool-flow that automates most of the steps of the proposed approach and illustrate its use on a real-life case study for image processing. We consider the design and mapping of a parallel version of the HMAX models algorithm for object recognition on the STHORM many-cores platform. We explored timing aspects and the obtained results show not only the usability of the approach but also its pertinence for taking well-founded decisions in the context of system-level design.

Darbuotojų motyvacijos didinimas prekybinės įmonės pavyzdžiu / Employee Motivation Enhancement by Trade Enterprises Example

Kriščiūnienė, Kristina 07 December 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - atlikus UAB „Iris“ darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimą identifikuoti problemines sritis ir pateikti darbuotojų motyvacijos didinimo sprendimus. Teorinėje darbo dalyje išanalizuota motyvacijos samprata ir esmė, atlikta motyvacijos turinį ir procesą nagrinėjančių teorijų analizė, išnagrinėti motyvavimo didinimo būdai ir priemonės, bei pateikta vieninga jų klasifikacija, išanalizuoti esamų motyvavimo modelių taikymo aspektai bei sukurtas motyvacijos didinimo modelis. Analitinėje darbo dalyje atlikta UAB „Iris“ naudojamų motyvavimo būdų ir priemonių analizė, atliktas empirinis įmonės darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimas. Taip pat pateikti ir išanalizuoti šio tyrimo rezultatai bei nustatytos probleminės sritys. Projektinėje darbo dalyje, remiantis darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimo rezultatais, sudarytas UAB "Iris" darbuotojų motyvavimo modelis ir pateikti motyvacijos didinimo sprendimai: darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo sistemos diegimas, darbo užmokesčio sistemos tobulinimas, mokymų ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo galimybių gerinimas, kasdieninio darbo ir mikroklimato gerinimo sprendimai bei kitų motyvavimo priemonių taikymo galimybės. Taip pat pateikta motyvacijos didinimo proceso eiga ir kontrolės mechanizmas. / The Aim of the Final Thesis - after researching the motivation of Iris Ltd. employees, to identify the problematic areas and present solutions, related to employee motivation enhancement. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the essence and the concept of motivation are examined, the analysis of content and process motivation theories is made. Moreover, methods and means of motivation enhancement are investigated, their integral classification is presented, the aspects of applying current motivation models are analyzed, and a new motivation enhancement model is introduced. In the analytical part of the thesis, motivation methods and means currently used in Iris Ltd. are analyzed, and an empirical research of the motivation of the Company’s employees is performed. In addition, results of the research are presented and examined and problematic areas identifyed. In the project-based part of the thesis, an Iris Ltd. employee motivation model is made, based on the results of the empirical research, and motivation enhancement solutions are suggested: implementation of an employee performance evaluation system, perfection of pay system, training and qualification betterment opportunities, everyday work and microclimate improvement solutions and possibilities to apply other motivational means. Moreover, the course and control mechanism of a motivation enhancement process are presented.

Įmonių ekonominės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimas / Companies' economic operational efficiency evaluation

Šeputytė, Rūta 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas įmonių ekonominės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo procesas, suformuota ekonominės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo rodiklių sistema, suteikianti galimybę bet kuriam vadovui ar kitam įmonės veikla besidominčiam asmeniui savarankiškai įvertinti įmonės veiklos efektyvumą. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje ištirtas įmonių ekonominės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimas teoriniu aspektu, nurodyta jo reikšmė šiuolaikinėje konkurencinėje verslo aplinkoje bei atskleista ekonominės – finansinės analizės svarba ir indėlis, vertinant įmonių veiklos efektyvumą. Antroje darbo dalyje pateikiama įmonių ekonominės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimo metodika, nagrinėjami santykiniai finansiniai rodikliai ir nurodoma, kokią informaciją kiekvienas iš šių rodiklių suteikia veiklos efektyvumo vertinimą atliekančiam subjektui. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje atliktas trijų pavyzdinių įmonių ekonominės veiklos efektyvumo vertinimas, atrinkti ir apskaičiuoti svarbiausieji absoliutiniai ir santykiniai rodikliai bei pateiktos jų interpretacijos bei nustatyta, kuri įmonė savo veiklą vykdė efektyviausiai tiriamuoju periodu. / There was analyzed business economic operational efficiency assessment process in the Master’s work, as well as was formed economic operational efficiency evaluation indicator system, which enables any manager or any other person interested in the firm's activities independently assess company's performance. In the first part of this work was investigated corporate economic operational efficiency evaluation of a theoretical point of view, indicated the significance in today's competitive business environment and also there was disclosed the importance and contribution of the economic - financial analysis in the assessment of corporate performance. In the second part of the Master’s work there was presented companies’ economic operational efficiency assessment methodology, were analyzed relative financial indicators and specified what information to each of these parameters gives for a person who performs economic operational efficiency evaluation process. In the third part of this work was performed three exemplary companies’ economic operational efficiency evaluation, there were selected and calculated absolute and most important relative indicators and have been submitted their interpretations and was found out which company was the most effective in the analyzed period.

Viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų veiklos tobulinimas taikant bendrojo vertinimo modelį: Kauno rajono savivaldybės atvejis / Common Assessment Framework Application for Public Sector Organizations Improvement: the Case of Kaunas District Municipality

Rakauskaitė, Martyna 21 June 2013 (has links)
Pirmojoje darbo dalyje atlikta Bendrojo vertinimo modelio taikymo viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose analizė teoriniu požiūriu: išnagrinėtas visuotinės vadybos kokybės principų taikymas didinant viešojo sektoriaus efektyvumą, kokybės vadybos metodų taikymas viešajame administravime, Bendrojo vertinimo modelio samprata ir struktūra. Antrojoje darbo dalyje: išnagrinėtas Bendrojo vertinimo modelio taikymo Lietuvos viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose plėtra; išanalizuoti Bendrojo vertinimo modelio diegimo 2011 metais Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijoje rezultatai; sudaryta Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijos veiklos vertinimo pagal Bendrojo vertinimo modelio kriterijus metodika; atliktas Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijos veiklos vertinimas pagal Bendrojo vertinimo modelio kriterijus; palyginti skirtingų metų Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijos veiklos vertinimų pagal Bendrojo vertinimo modelio kriterijus rezultatai. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje pateiktos silpnosios Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijos veiklos sritys ir iš jų kylančios veiklos administravimo problemos, identifikuoti Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijos veiklų valdymo hierarchiniai lygiai, pasiūlytas Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijos veiklos tobulinimo planas. Praktinė darbo reikšmė: identifikuotos Kauno rajono savivaldybės veiklos problemos. Nustatyta, jog Kauno rajono savivaldybės administracijoje nėra užtikrinta komunikacija tarp politinio – administracinio – vykdančiojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the first part of the work of the Common Assessment Framework of public sector organizations in terms of theoretical analysis: examination of general quality management principles to increase public sector efficiency, quality management methods in public administration, the Common Assessment Framework and the concept of structure. In the second part, examined Common Assessment Framework application Lithuanian public sector organizations in the development, to analyze the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework in 2011, Kaunas District Municipality results of up Kaunas District Municipality performance assessment under the Common Assessment Framework criteria methodology performed Kaunas District Municipality performance evaluation by Common Assessment Framework criteria to compare different years Kaunas district Municipality veiklosvertinimų from Common Assessment Framework test results. The third part of the weak Kaunas district municipality administration activities and their resulting performance management problems, identify the Kaunas District Municipality hierarchical management levels, the proposed Kaunas District Municipality performance improvement plan. Practical significance: Kaunas District Municipality identified performance problems. It was found that the Kaunas District Municipality does not guarantee communication between the political - administrative - operational level, it is a lack of administrative cooperation heads of structural divisions of... [to full text]

Developing guidelines for performance appraisal of subject librarians in KwaZulu-Natal academic libraries

Neerputh, Shirlene. January 2004 (has links)
A common theme emerging in the library world today is that quality service in the library and information center is dependent on the quality performance of personnel. Prior to conducting performance appraisals, managers need to ascertain the core performance criteria for quality service provision. This study is important because academic libraries are undergoing radical changes with an emphasis on accountability. In particular, South African tertiary education is faced with dwindling resources and an increased emphasis on accountability. There appears to be no formal or informal guidelines for appraising the value of subject librarians performing information services in KwaZulu-Natal academic libraries. It is this problem which this study addressed. The problem investigated in this study is located in the following KwaZulu-Natal academic libraries: Durban Institute of Technology (DIT), Mangosuthu Technikon (Mantech), University of Durban-Westville (UDW) , University of Natal, Durban (UND) and University of NataL, Pietermaritzburg (UNP) and the University of Zululand (UniZul). The purpose of the study was to emphasize the importance of performance appraisals for subject librarians employed in KwaZulu-Natal academic libraries and develop initial guidelines for performance appraisals for subject librarians. The scope of this study is placed within the library human resource management perspective and deals with developing and training librarians for enhanced service delivery within the above tertiary institutions. Thirty nine subject librarians (from a total of forty three) were surveyed by means of a self administered questionnaire which was distributed via e-mail. The study was able to establish the important aspects of performance appraisal for subject librarians from the literature review, and to make recommendations in respect of developing guidelines for appraising subject librarians in academic libraries. An initial guideline for conducting performance appraisal for subject librarians in KwaZulu-Natal will consist of appraising job tasks, key performance areas (KPAs), determining the relevant competencies, skills and behaviour traits. The major findings of the study were that there appears to be generally a lack of commitment to performance appraisal in KwaZulu-Natal academic libraries. A large majority of the respondents indicated that their libraries did not have guidelines for performance appraisals of subject librarians. The important aspects of performance appraisal for subject librarians were identified in the study. Key performance areas (KPAs) for subject librarians comprised of reference services, instruction and teaching, management and organisation. The competencies included knowledge of the total information environment as well as customer services. The majority of the respondents indicated that patron surveys were the most important indicator of performance of subject librarians in KwaZulu-Natal academic libraries. / Thesis (M.I.S.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.

Efficient Wireless Communication in Healthcare Systems; Design and Performance Evaluation

Rashwand, Saeed January 2012 (has links)
Increasing number of ageing population and people who need continuous health monitoring and rising the costs of health care have triggered the concept of the novel wireless technology-driven human body monitoring. Human body monitoring can be performed using a network of small and intelligent wireless medical sensors which may be attached to the body surface or implanted into the tissues. It enables carers to predict, diagnose, and react to adverse events earlier than ever. The concept of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) was introduced to fully exploit the benefits of wireless technologies in telemedicine and m-health. The main focus of this research is the design and performance evaluation of strategies and architectures that would allow seamless and efficient interconnection of patient’s body area network and the stationary (e.g., hospital room or ward) wireless networks. I first introduce the architecture of a healthcare system which bridges WBANs and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). I adopt IEEE 802.15.6 standard for the patient’s body network because it is specifically designed for WBANs. Since IEEE 802.15.6 has strict Quality of Service (QoS) and priorities to transfer the medical data to the medical server a QoS-enabled WLAN for the next hop is needed to preserve the end-to-end QoS. IEEE 802.11e standard is selected for the WLAN in the hospital room or ward because it provides prioritization for the stations in the network. I investigate in detail the requirements posed by different healthcare parameters and to analyze the performance of various alternative interconnection strategies, using the rigorous mathematical apparatus of Queuing Theory and Probabilistic Analysis; these results are independently validated through discrete event simulation models. This thesis has three main parts; performance evaluation and MAC parameters settings of IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA), performance evaluation and tuning the MAC parameters of IEEE 802.15.6, and designing a seamless and efficient interconnection strategy which bridges IEEE 802.11e EDCA and IEEE 802.15.6 standards for a healthcare system.

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