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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Homeless football : an exploration of theory and practice

Horsfield, Lindsey Claire January 2015 (has links)
Those individuals in our midst without a firm and fixed place to call home in society have elicited variously: fear, disgust, disdain, punishment, pity, nostalgia, and curiosity. The transience of their lives positions them ‘outside the city walls’ both literally and symbolically. These widely negative perceptions see those who experience Homelessness to be burdened both physically and emotionally. This vastly complicated issue is one, seemingly, without a solution. So what can sport, specifically football, offer to that which has hitherto failed to erase this issue? Homelessness and sport manifest obvious inequalities. So in society as in sport there are winners and losers. Similar to sport, Homelessness is enduring and kaleidoscopic. Attitudes toward sport, like arguably the most marginalised members of any society, can change with time and place. Social inequalities are reflected in sport even if sport has positioned itself as a salve for a range of social problems. An annual football tournament that carries the claim that ‘A ball can change the world’ might offer a somewhat simplistic and mythopoeic view of sport. Such a view of sport has been challenged but it has its aficionados. Whether or not football, in its delivery or play, is capable of solving anything for those enduring the predicament of Homelessness is tantamount to this inquiry. What follows seeks to complement contemporary research by offering a panoptic view of the genre of that termed ‘Homeless Football’ (HF) utilising an analysis of one country’s – England – national programme and a HF initiative in a local setting. The local, national and international segue – hopefully – serves to illustrate the interactions between those playing and those delivering. Using French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s theories and concepts, the social field of HF is considered and interrogated. In this space of play will be the focus of four specific questions were asked: What is the social field of HF and how can it be understood? Who are the social agents taking part in HF? How does HF ‘sit’ within the broader sport-for-development sector? And lastly, is there a meaningful impact for individuals experiencing Homelessness through participation in such football opportunities? The research presents the complexities that encompass HF in definition, delivery, and desired outcomes. The genre has many angles and aficionados. If it has critics they remain silent. The dualism of Homelessness and Football proved to be a seductive partnership.


FILIPE AUGUSTO SILVEIRA DE SOUZA 29 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi compreender a influência dos múltiplos contextos e da agência sobre a construção das carreiras de trabalhadoras das classes populares, especificamente as que atuam em serviços terceirizados de limpeza. A abordagem neobourdieusiana proposta assumiu como ponto de partida e influência central o arcabouço conceitual proposto pelo sociólogo brasileiro Jessé Souza (2012a, 2009, 2012b), cujo intuito declarado foi desvelar o ancoramento institucional das ideias subjacentes à persistente desigualdade social no Brasil. Objetivou-se, igualmente, atender às demandas, recorrentes no âmbito do campo de estudos de carreira, pela realização de pesquisas voltadas às trajetórias ocupacionais de trabalhadores das classes populares (GUEST; STURGES, 2007; THOMAS, 1989; WALTON; MALLON, 2004). A relevância atribuída às influências contextuais sobre as carreiras individuais resultou na aproximação dos contornos teóricos propostos por Bourdieu (1990) com elementos da sociologia psicológica de Bernard Lahire (2002, 2016); com vistas a caminhar para além das cercanias de uma abordagem disposicionalista, optou-se por contemplar a dimensão reflexiva da atividade humana a partir do conceito de conversações internas, introduzido pelo pragmatismo norte-americano e retomado pela socióloga britânica Margareth Archer (2003, 2007). Ao fim e ao cabo, acredita-se que os resultados desta pesquisa apontam para a necessidade de relativização das teses em favor da crescente individualização (BECK, 1997, 2010; GIDDENS, 1997, 2002; DUBAR, 2010) e destradicionalização experimentadas na alta modernidade (GIDDENS, 1991). Contrapõe-se, assim, à tendência dominante de homogeneização, a partir de um processo abstrato de generalização, das condições de possibilidade dos estratos superiores para o conjunto da população (MATTOS, 2006), dissociada de uma análise contextualizada das múltiplas condicionantes sociais e simbólicas. A priorização do foco das novas carreiras, sobretudo as ‘carreiras sem fronteiras’, em trajetórias profissionais em áreas de atividade econômica específicas, com destaque para os setores criativos e intensivos em tecnologia, e sua universalização para toda e qualquer trajetória ocupacional é assumido aqui como um caso concreto desta tendência. Na visão de alguns autores (ROPER; GANESH; INKSON, 2012), essa representação voluntarista de carreira flerta com a ideologia neoliberal, legitimando, assim, a transferência de responsabilidades e riscos do empregador para o empregado. Todavia, a aproximação de casos concretos, a exemplo das histórias de vida das interlocutoras desta pesquisa, é capaz de revelar uma realidade dissonante de tais pressupostos. A abordagem multicontextual e multinível adotada nesta tese permitiu que se verificassem a existência de múltiplas fronteiras interpostas ao longo das narrativas das interlocutoras, segmentadas em múltiplas trajetórias – familiar, social, de lazer, habitacional, educacional, profissional, moral e religiosa. Pôde-se observar a influência exercida pelos múltiplos contextos sobre a construção de um habitus precário, correspondente à posse de baixos volumes de capital familiar, social, cultural e econômico, e a níveis limitados de reflexividade − bounded agency (MACDONALD; MARSH, 2005; SCHOON; PETER; ROSS, 2012) −, com impactos sobre a inserção e o desenvolvimento das carreiras dessas mulheres em posições subalternas no mercado de trabalho. / [en] The main objective of this research is to understand the influence of multiple contexts and the agency about the construction of the working class individuals careers, specifically those working in outsourced cleaning services. The proposed neobourdieusian approach took as a starting point and central influence the conceptual framework proposed by the Brazilian sociologist Jessé Souza (2012a, 2009, 2012b), whose declared intention was to unveil the institutional anchoring of the ideas underlying the persistent social inequality in Brazil. It was also intended to meet the recurrent demands in the field of career studies, for the realization of research focused on the careers of working class individuals (GUEST; STURGES, 2007; THOMAS, 1989; WALTON MALLON, 2004). The relevance attributed to contextual influences on careers resulted in the approximation of the theoretical framework proposed by Bourdieu (1990) with elements of Bernard Lahire s psychological sociology (2002, 2016); in order to go beyond a disposicionalist approach, this research contemplated reflexivity from the concept of internal conversations, introduced by American pragmatism and taken up by British sociologist Margaret Archer (2003, 2007). It is believed that the results of this research point to the need to relativize theses in favor of increasing individualization (BECK, 1997, 2010; GIDDENS, 1997, 2002; DUBAR, 2010) and distraditionalization experienced in high modernity (GIDDENS, 1991). It represents a counterpoint to the dominant trend of homogenizing the conditions of possibility of the upper strata for the whole of the population (MATTOS, 2006), thus, undervaluing the multiple social and symbolic constraints. The prioritization of the focus of the new careers, especially the boundaryless careers, on specific economic sectors, with prominence for the creative and intensive sectors in technology, and the universalization of findings for all occupational trajectories is assumed here as a concrete case of this trend. According to some authors (ROPER; GANESH INKSON, 2012), this voluntarist view of career flirts with neoliberal ideology, thus legitimizing the transfer of employers responsibilities and risks to the employees. However, concrete cases such as the life stories of the respondents in this research reveal a dissonant reality of the assumptions usually portrayed in the research associated with the new careers. The multi-contextual and multilevel approach adopted in this thesis revealed the existence of multiple boundaries interposed throughout the life stories of the respondents, which were segmented in multiple trajectories – family, social, leisure, housing, educational, professional, moral and religious. As a result, it was observed the decisive influence exerted by multiple contexts on the construction of a precarious habitus, corresponding to the possession of low volumes of family, social, cultural and economic capital, and at limited levels of reflexivity − bounded agency (MACDONALD; MARSH, 2005; SCHOON; PETER ROSS, 2012) −, which conditions the insertion and development of these women s careers in subordinated positions in the labor market.


PRISCILA MADDALOZZO PIVATTO 29 November 2006 (has links)
[pt] O estado de sítio constitui uma figura constitucional essencial à compreensão das estruturas políticas democráticas. Se por um lado é mecanismo de proteção da sociedade, alargando os limites da autoridade estatal para rápida ação em situações excepcionais, por outro pode ser instrumento legitimador de arbitrariedades e abusos intervencionistas. As freqüentes decretações de estado de sítio durante a Primeira República brasileira servem como um indicativo das vicissitudes que permeavam os poderes estatais e das tentativas de consolidar o regime republicano federativo no país. A partir da compreensão de que o fenômeno normativo jurídico do estado de sítio pode ser visto como um fenômeno lingüístico, o presente trabalho analisa o instituto constitucional, durante o referido período histórico, com base nas teorias de linguagem de viés culturalista desenvolvidas por Mikhail Bakhtin e Pierre Bourdieu. Para tanto, foram examinados discursos sobre o sítio produzidos nas esferas dos três poderes públicos federais, registrados, principalmente, nos anais da Assembléia Constituinte, do Senado Federal e da Câmara dos Deputados, em mensagens redigidas pelos Presidentes da República e em decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal. O estudo desses materiais, que leva a concluir que as disputas pelos sentidos do estado de sítio foram marcadas por relações lingüísticas de poder simbólico e que o instituto funcionou como meio de configuração das estruturas políticas e jurídicas da Primeira República, está estruturado em três partes: a primeira dedicada aos trabalhos constituintes, a segunda ao processo de concretização dos dispositivos constitucionais e a terceira à reforma da Constituição aprovada em 1926. / [en] Understanding the constitutional precept of the state of siege is essential to understanding the democratic political structures. If, on the one hand, it is a mechanism for the society s protection, thus broadening the limits of the state authority for a quick action in exceptional situations, then on the other hand it can be a legitimizing instrument of arbitrariness and interventionist abuses. The frequent declarations of state of siege during Brazil s First Republic can indicate the vicissitudes that used to permeate the state powers and the attempts to consolidate the federative republican regime in the country. Given that the normative juridical phenomenon of the state of siege can be seen as a linguistic phenomenon, the current work analyses the constitutional institution during the aforementioned period, based on the language theories of Mikhail Bakhtin and Pierre Bourdieu and their culturalist bias. Discourses on the state of siege produced by the three branches of the federal powers - mostly registered in the annals of the Constituent Assembly, the Senate and the House of Deputies, presidential messages and Supreme Court decisions - have been examined. The study of these materials is structured in three parts - the first, dedicated to the making of a new constitution, the second, concerning the solidification process of the constitutional rules and the third, dealing with the 1926 constitutional reform - and leads to the conclusion that the disputes on the meanings of state of siege were characterized by linguistic relations of symbolic power and that this institution worked as a means to configure the political and juridical institutions of the First Republic.

Literatur der "Übergangsgesellschaft"

Tjahjandari, Lily 16 October 2009 (has links)
Deutsche Vereinigung 1989 hat grundsätzliche Änderungen in der deutschen Gesellschaft, sowohl kulturelle, soziale als auch wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gebracht. Diese Studie versucht, das literarische Image der deutschen Gesellschaft im Übergang zu analysieren, der durch Arbeiten von Volker Braun vorher und nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschland vertreten ist. Die Analyse führte mit der ästhetischen und thematischen Annäherung auf mehreren Werke Volker Brauns wie Drama, Prosa und Dichtungssammlung, die mit dem Feld und der Literatur in Deutschland in der 80er Jahren bis zu 90er Jahren vereinigt wird. Die Forschung beschränkt sich auf Werke Volker Brauns in den achtziger Jahren bis kurz nach der Wende. Die Werkauswahl beinhaltet Werke Brauns, die sich in Bänden 8-10 befinden. Die Texte von Volker Braun werden ins Feld der ostdeutschen und Literatur der der Wiedervereinigung gelegt und als ein Teil der kulturellen Produktion analysiert, die immer mit dem Machtfeld Ostdeutschlands entsprechend ist. Forschung konzentriert sich auf Änderungen in thematischen Arbeiten von Volker Braun, nachdem die Vereinigung Deutschlands die Änderung in thematisch und ästhetisch vereinigt mit den großen sozialen Änderungen in Deutschland nach der Vereinigung beschrieb. Die Methode des interpretativen Kommentars bezieht sich auf Pierre Bordieus Theorie über das literarische Feld. Die Forschung versucht aus den Texten Brauns vor und nach der Wende einen Mentalitätswandel herauszuarbeiten und zu zeigen, wie die Texte die „Übergangsphase“ repräsentieren. / German unification in 1989 has brought fundamental changes in German society, both cultural, social and economic development. This study attempts to analyze the literary image of German society in transition, represented by works of Volker Braun before and after reunification Germany. Analysis conducted with the aesthetic and thematic approach on a number of rich Volker Braun such as drama, prose and poetry collection that is associated with the field and literature in Germany in the year of an 80-to 90-an. Texts of works of Volker Braun placed in the field of East German literature and German unification and analized as part of cultural production, which is always correspondent with the field of the repressive East Germany. Research focuses on changes in thematic works of Volker Braun after the unification of Germany described the change in thematic and aesthetic associated with the great social changes in Germany after unification. The method of the interpretative comment refers to Pierre Bordieu''s theory on the literary field. The research tries to work out from the texts of brown before and after the turn a mentality change and to show how the texts represent the "transitional phase".

The Distance from Necessity: A Bourdieusian Analysis of Gathering Practices in Vermont

Pierce, Alan Robert 13 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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