Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT"" "subject:"[enn] PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT""
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An Optimization-Based Approach to the Funding of a Loan PortfolioBrushammar, Tobias, Windelhed, Erik January 2004 (has links)
This thesis grew out of a problem encountered by a subsidiary of a Swedish multinational industrial corporation. This subsidiary is responsible for the corporation’s customer financing activities. In the thesis, we refer to these entities as the Division and the Corporation. The Division needed to find a new approach to finance its customer loan portfolio. Risk control and return maximization were important aspects of this need. The objective of this thesis is to devise and implement a method that allows the Division to make optimal funding decisions, given a certain risk limit. We propose a funding approach based on stochastic programming. Our approach allows the Division’s portfolio manager to minimize the funding costs while hedging against market risk. We employ principal component analysis and Monte Carlo simulation to develop a multicurrency scenario generation model for interest and exchange rates. Market rate scenarios are used as input to three different optimization models. Each of the optimization models presents the optimal funding decision as positions in a unique set of financial instruments. By choosing between the optimization models, the portfolio manager can decide which financial instruments he wants to use to fund the loan portfolio. To validate our models, we perform empirical tests on historical market data. Our results show that our optimization models have the potential to deliver sound and profitable funding decisions. In particular, we conclude that the utilization of one of our optimization models would have resulted in an increase in the Division’s net income over the past 3.5 years.
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A Financial Optimization Approach to Quantitative Analysis of Long Term Government Debt Management in SwedenGrill, Tomas, Östberg, Håkan January 2003 (has links)
The Swedish National Debt Office (SNDO) is the Swedish Government’s financial administration. It has several tasks and the main one is to manage the central government’s debt in a way that minimizes the cost with due regard to risk. The debt management problem is to choose currency composition and maturity profile - a problem made difficult because of the many stochastic factors involved. The SNDO has created a simulation model to quantitatively analyze different aspects of this problem by evaluating a set of static strategies in a great number of simulated futures. This approach has a number of drawbacks, which might be handled by using a financial optimization approach based on Stochastic Programming. The objective of this master’s thesis is thus to apply financial optimization on the Swedish government’s strategic debt management problem, using the SNDO’s simulation model to generate scenarios, and to evaluate this approach against a set of static strategies in fictitious future macroeconomic developments. In this report we describe how the SNDO’s simulation model is used along with a clustering algorithm to form future scenarios, which are then used by an optimization model to find an optimal decision regarding the debt management problem. Results of the evaluations show that our optimization approach is expected to have a lower average annual real cost, but with somewhat higher risk, than a set of static comparison strategies in a simulated future. These evaluation results are based on a risk preference set by ourselves, since the government has not expressed its risk preference quantitatively. We also conclude that financial optimization is applicable on the government debt management problem, although some work remains before the method can be incorporated into the strategic work of the SNDO.
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國民小學教師知識管理、教學檔案管理與教師專業發展關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship of Teacher's Knowledge Management,Teaching Portfolio Management and Teacher Professional Development for Elementary School in Taiwan邱馨儀, Chiu,Shin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究的發現,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學、國小教師及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the teacher knowledge management, teaching portfolio management and teacher professional development of elementary school teachers.The study included literature analysis, survey method with an interview, and survey method with a questionnaire.The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the teacher knowledge management, teaching portfolio management and teacher professional development. The purpose of survey method with 12 specialists were aimed to explore the opinions of specialists. Questionnaire of survey based on opinions of principals and teachers of elementary about the teacher knowledge management, teaching portfolio management and teacher professional development. The subjects of the questionnaire included principals and teachers of elementary in Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, Yilan County and Taoyuan County.
Data were analyzed 702 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, correlation and ANOVA, Multiple Regression and LISREL model. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, this study finds reaches the following results:
A. In the aspect of teacher knowledge management:
1. The teacher knowledge management include four parts: (1) knowledge acquisition, (2)knowledge storage, (3)knowledge innovation,(4) knowledge sharing. The perception of principals and teachers were above average agreement of the four parts. For teachers, the best dimension is "teacher knowledge acquisition ".
2. Teachers’ sexual, highest educational degree, years of service, and position of service have significant influences on teacher knowledge management. But teachers’ age and school size do not have any significant influences.
B. In the aspect of teaching portfolio management:
1. The teaching portfolio management include four parts: (1) professional background materials, (2) portfolio structure system, (3) teaching planning and design, (4) professional reflective record. The perception of principals and teachers were above average agreement of the four parts. For teachers, the best dimension is " teaching planning and design ".
2. Teachers’ highest educational degree and position of service have significant influences on teaching portfolio management. But teachers’ sexual, age, years of service, and school size do not have any significant influences.
C. In the aspect of teacher professional development:
1. The teacher professional development include four parts: (1) professional knowledge, (2) professional ability, (3) professional spirit. The perception of principals and teachers were above average agreement of the three parts. For teachers, the best dimension is " professional ability ".
2. Teachers’ sexual, teachers’ age, highest educational degree, years of service, and position of service have significant influences on teaching portfolio management. But school size do not have any significant influences.
D.In the aspect of relationships among teacher knowledge management, teaching portfolio management and teacher professional development:
1. There was positive correlation and regression existed among teacher knowledge management, teaching portfolio management and teacher professional development.
2.Teachers’ knowledge management and teaching portfolio management did promote teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the education authorities, the teacher training institutions, the elementary schools principals and teachers, and the future researchers, hoping to benefit the development of elementary school education in the future.
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Stress-Test Exercises and the Pricing of Very Long-Term BondsDubecq, Simon 28 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In the first part of this thesis, we introduce a new methodology for stress-test exercises. Our approach allows to consider richer stress-test exercises, which assess the impact of a modification of the whole distribution of asset prices' factors, rather than focusing as the common practices on a single realization of these factors, and take into account the potential reaction to the shock of the portfolio manager. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the pricing of bonds with very long-term time-to-maturity (more than ten years). Modeling the volatility of very long-term rates is a challenge, due to the constraints put by no-arbitrage assumption. As a consequence, most of the no-arbitrage term structure models assume a constant limiting rate (of infinite maturity). The second chapter investigates the compatibility of the so-called "level" factor, whose variations have a uniform impact on the modeled yield curve, with the no-arbitrage assumptions. We introduce in the third chapter a new class of arbitrage-free term structure factor models, which allows the limiting rate to be stochastic, and present its empirical properties on a dataset of US T-Bonds.
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Éthique et performance : le cas des indices boursiers et des fonds d'investissement en finance islamiqueEl Khamlichi, Abdelbari 28 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis le milieu des années 90, les indices et les fonds d'investissement islamiques ont fait l'objet de plusieurs études académiques. Cependant, les résultats divergent quant à leur surperformance ou leur sous-performance. L'objectif de notre thèse est d'étudier les enjeux et la performance de cette catégorie d'indices et de fonds. En ce qui concerne les indices, notre étude porte sur un échantillon de 57 couples d'indices islamiques et de leurs benchmarks conventionnels. Nous étudions d'abord les similitudes et les différences entre les deux catégories d'indices. Puis, nous réalisons une revue de littérature classique accompagnée d'une méta-analyse. Ensuite, nous analysons l'efficience et le potentiel de diversification de ces indices. Après, nous comparons les indices en termes de rentabilité, de risque et de performance. Nous utilisons également plusieurs mesures de performance afin de classer les indices islamiques. Enfin, nous étudions la persistance de la performance en ayant recours au modèle à quatre facteurs. Nos résultats montrent que malgré leur manque de diversification, les indices boursiers islamiques ont, en moyenne, le même degré d'inefficience et le même niveau de performance que leurs homologues conventionnels. Quant aux fonds d'investissement islamiques, nous étudions un échantillon de 111 fonds equity sur la période allant d'avril 2005 à mars 2011. Nous utilisons plusieurs mesures de performance et des tests non paramétriques de la persistance entre trois sous-périodes équivalentes. Nous trouvons une hétérogénéité en matière de performance de ces fonds et une absence de persistance pendant et après la dernière crise financière.
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Eventi come l’ultima crisi finanziaria sono una delle principali cause di perdite inattese negli investimenti finanziari. Infatti, durante una crisi finanziaria, la volatilità dei rendimenti azionari aumenta a causa degli shock dei mercati, incrementando la probabilità di perdita. Per fronteggiare gli effetti della crisi gli investitori , sfruttando possibili informazioni provenienti dai mercati, dovrebbero impostare con anticipo le proprie strategie di investimento e gestirli in modo appropriato per limitare gli effetti degli shock. In base a tali considerazioni si è analizzato, con tale studio, la capacità di predizione da parte di alcune variabili finanziarie/economiche ( BSEYD e Term Yield Spread) dell’andamento dei principali mercati europei ( Germania, Francia e Spagna) e si è definita un appropriata strategia di investimento per i periodi di crisi, costruendo un modello di portafoglio neutrale agli shock. I periodi analizzati sono stati rispettivamente : 1994-2013 e 2003-2014. I risultati hanno dimostrato che le variabili analizzate presentano diverso potere di predizione dei mercati considerati e che la perfomance del portafoglio neutrale agli shock di mercato è migliore di quella del portafoglio market neutral nei periodi di crisi. / Events like the last financial crisis are one of the principal causes of unexpected loss in investments. During a financial crisis period the stock return volatility increases for effect of internal and external shocks and the probability of reaching the expected return become lower , increasing the probability of loss.
To face crisis effects, international investors should consider possible signals and information present in the market about possible crashes or declining period to set in advance their investment strategies and to manage them properly to limit the shock effects. On the basis of these considerations, with this study, we analyzed the predictive power of 2 economic/ financial variables( BSEYD and Term spread yield) on principal European stock markets (France, Germany and Spain) and defined a proper investment strategy for financial crisis period, building a portfolio model that is neutral to the international market shocks. The study has been conducted in two periods: 1994-2013 ( prediction analysis) and 2003-2014 (shock neutral portfolio mode). Results show different predictive power on the of the variables on the different markets analyzed and a better performance of the shock neutral portfolio than the market neutral portfolio strategy in declining period of the market.
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A reexamination of modern finance issues using Artificial Market FrameworksVeryzhenko, Iryna 18 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse apporte une contribution à la compréhension des dynamiques de marché et à la prise de décision des traders à l'aide d'une plateforme de simulation de marchés multi-agents. La modélisation multi-agents permet notamment d'étudier le système boursier comme un système complexe évolutif dans lequel chaque trader artificiel possède son propre comportement possède son propre comportement et qui, par ses prises de décision, influence l'ensemble des autres acteurs du système. Dans une première partie, nous mettons en évidence à l'aide de "traders à intelligence zéro" (ZIT), le rôle de la microstructure pour comprendre la nature des principaux faits stylisés de l'évolution des prix. Les résultats issus de nombreuses simulations, indiquent que l'usage des ZIT n'est pas suffisant pour reproduire de façon convaincante les évolutions de prix réels, car ceux-ci doivent être appréhendés à la fois de manière qualitative mais aussi quantitative. Nous montrons que seuls des éléments de stratégies de trading et une forte calibration peuvent améliorer cette réplication par simulation, suggérant que les aspects comportementaux importent tout autant que les aspects micro structurels. Dans une seconde partie, nous concentrons notre recherche sur la problématique de la rationalité dans le corpus de la théorie moderne du portefeuille. Le marché artificiel nous permet de tester si des stratégies naïves peuvent surpasser, en terme de performance, des modèles plus complexes. Diverses stratégies d'investissement sont implémentées dans le système artificiel et mises en interaction afin d'observer leur survie dans des compétitions écologiques basées sur leurs performances relatives. Certaines de ces stratégies d'investissements sont fondées sur des variations du modèle canonique de la théorie de portefeuilles de Markowitz, d'autres suivent des principes de diversification naïfs, d'autres encore obéissent à des combinaisons de stratégies rationnelles sophistiquées et de stratégies naïves. Enfin, de manière à mieux saisir les facteurs qui influent sur la performance du portefeuille, nous montrons les effets de la fréquence de pondération et des préférences pour le risque des investisseurs sur l'issue de ces compétitions. Pour finir, afin de fournir une mesure de performance absolue orientée vers l'évaluation ex-post d'un large éventail de stratégies de trading des investisseurs (agents dans notre cas) nous proposons un nouvel algorithme de complexité polynomiale permettant de déterminer la borne supérieure absolue des profits atteignables pour n'importe quelle stratégie sur une période de temps donnée. Cet algorithme met en contact deux champs a priori éloignés: la théorie des graphes d'une part et la finance computationnelle d'autre part.
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Project portfolio management for product innovation in service and manufacturing industriesKillen, Catherine P January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Macquarie University, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, 2008. / Bibliography: p. 301-327. / Introduction -- Literature review -- Methodology and phase 1 research design -- Phase 1 findings -- Phase 2 research design -- Phase 2 findings -- Conclusions and implications. / This research examines the relationship between innovation project portfolio management (IPPM) capabilities and competitive advantage. Innovation projects - or projects for the development of new products - are of escalating importance in an increasingly competitive, globalised and deregulated environment characterised by shortening product lifecycles and dynamic markets. IPPM capabilities aim to improve the success rates for product innovation activities by providing a holistic and responsive decision-making environment to maximise the long-term value of innovation investments across the portfolio of innovation projects. This research takes a wide view and investigates the overall rganisational capability for the management of the innovation project portfolio. -- Successful product innovation is no longer primarily a concern of manufacturing-based industries - product development in service industries is a growing endeavour in an increasingly important industry. Therefore this research includes service product development environments and is the first to extend beyond the traditional manufacturing industry base for IPPM research. This is also the first study to investigate IPPM capabilities in Australia. -- A pragmatic perspective guides a two-phase study encompassing a quantitative survey and a qualitative multiple-case study, the combination of methods providing a deeper level of understanding than could be achieved by either method alone. Findings support prior IPPM studies and suggest a positive relationship between structured IPPM capabilities and improved new product outcomes. The research highlights similarities and differences between service and manufacturing environments, and suggests future challenges will result from the increasing blurring of the boundaries between service and manufacturing industries. This research adopts a 'dynamic capabilities' perspective and draws on organisational learning theory to investigate the path-dependent nature of IPPM capability development. It adds to the understanding of how IPPM capabilities work with the resource base and contribute to competitive advantage. The findings of the research are presented in a maturity model and several conceptual models, and areas for future research are identified. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xxvii, 436 p. ill. (some col.)
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An empirical investigation of asset-pricing models in AustraliaLimkriangkrai, Manapon January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis examines competing asset-pricing models in Australia with the goal of establishing the model which best explains cross-sectional stock returns. The research employs Australian equity data over the period 1980-2001, with the major analyses covering the more recent period 1990-2001. The study first documents that existing asset-pricing models namely the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and domestic Fama-French three-factor model fail to meet the widely applied Merton?s zero-intercept criterion for a well-specified pricing model. This study instead documents that the US three-factor model provides the best description of Australian stock returns. The three US Fama-French factors are statistically significant for the majority of portfolios consisting of large stocks. However, no significant coefficients are found for portfolios in the smallest size quintile. This result initially suggests that the largest firms in the Australian market are globally integrated with the US market while the smallest firms are not. Therefore, the evidence at this point implies domestic segmentation in the Australian market. This is an unsatisfying outcome, considering that the goal of this research is to establish the pricing model that best describes portfolio returns. Given pervasive evidence that liquidity is strongly related to stock returns, the second part of the major analyses derives and incorporates this potentially priced factor to the specified pricing models ... This study also introduces a methodology for individual security analysis, which implements the portfolio analysis, in this part of analyses. The technique makes use of visual impressions conveyed by the histogram plots of coefficients' p-values. A statistically significant coefficient will have its p-values concentrated at below a 5% level of significance; a histogram of p-values will not have a uniform distribution ... The final stage of this study employs daily return data as an examination of what is indeed the best pricing model as well as to provide a robustness check on monthly return results. The daily result indicates that all three US Fama-French factors, namely the US market, size and book-to-market factors as well as LIQT are statistically significant, while the Australian three-factor model only exhibits one significant market factor. This study has discovered that it is in fact the US three-factor model with LIQT and not the domestic model, which qualifies for the criterion of a well-specified asset-pricing model and that it best describes Australian stock returns.
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Information and control in financial markets /Lee, Samuel, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009.
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