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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Urban Black Church Leadership on Adverse Behaviors of Urban Middle School Students

Lewis, Garey L. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Sanctions: Exploring the perceptions of urban school principals on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) after successfully turning around low-performing schools

Womack, Sandy D., Jr. 26 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions and Concerns of Novice Secondary Teachers in Louisiana: The Relationship of Novice Secondary Teacher Stress to Their Perception of Principal Leadership

Hand, Victoria Sanderlin 20 December 2009 (has links)
The demand for highly qualified teachers is well documented, yet numerous stressors influence educators to leave their positions. The guiding question for this study was: Is there a relationship between perceived principal leadership behavior and the stress experienced by the novice secondary teacher? The target population was novice teachers in Louisiana. The purposive sample was delimited to novice secondary teachers having six semesters of teaching experience or less in grades 6 through 12. The ten largest parishes in Louisiana were selected to sample. Four of the ten parishes granted permission to survey novice secondary teachers. The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, Form XII (Stogdill, 1963) was used to determine the perception of principal leadership in two dimensions: consideration behavior and initiation of structure behavior. The Teacher Stress Inventory (Fimian, 1988) was used to collect demographic data on the participants and to determine a composite stress score from five sources of stress and five manifestations of stress. The statistical analyses included stepwise multiple regression and one-way ANOVA. Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Science Version16.0 (SPSS). Time management, along with discipline and motivation, were the top two sources of stress for novice teachers. Fatigue manifestation and emotional manifestation were the most conspicuous manifestations of stress. These results reflect relevant issues facing the contemporary teacher. Professional investment, the diminished autonomy teachers experience when the locus of control is external to the classroom, was the single most reliable source of stress to predict both initiating structure and consideration leadership behavior. Emotional manifestation was the single most reliable manifestation of stress to predict initiating structure xiv and consideration leadership behavior. No significant relationship was found between the demographic and organizational variables and stress in the novice secondary teacher. Principal leadership is a potential predictor of teacher retention. Thus, the findings of this study have implications for three specific areas: programs of support for new teachers, preparation and training of principal leadership, and policies that are critical for the successful principal.


閻自安 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為:一、了解學校本位決策的意義、目的、特色、原則與倡導理由,以及哲學、社會學與心裡學理論基礎。二、探索學校本位決策的歷史沿革與典範轉移。三、分析國內外學校本位決策的實施概況與困境,並探索推動學校本位決策的可行策略。四、找出可供檢視學校本位決策符合程度的因素,並探討此因素與校長領導方式、教師工作滿意度的關係。五、根據學校本位決策的相關文獻與國內學校本位決策情形的實證研究,提出可供參考的建議。 本研究以自編「學校本位決策工作環境知覺問卷」為工具,抽取臺灣地區160所公、私立國民小學973位教師為對象,調查其所任教學校符合學校本位決策的現況,以及校長領導方式、教師工滿意度的情形,並探究三者間的關係。本研究將學校本位決策分為「決策參與」、「決策自主」、「決策尊重」、「團體決策」與「家長參與」等五個向度,將校長領導方式分為「民主」與「威權」兩個向度,而將教師工作滿意度區分為「行政管理」、「工作本身」、「校長領導」與「同僚關係」等四個向度。 本研究主要研究發現如下: 一、國小校務決策方式符合學校本位決策的程度 1.學校本位決策情形大致符合。 2.決策自主程度最高,決策尊重程度最低。 3.參與班級事務的決策較多,參與學校事務的決策較少。 4.小型學校的學校本位決策程度高於中、大型學校。 5.女校長領導的學校,其學校本位決策程度高於男校長領導的學校。 6.院轄市的學校,其學校本位決策情形高於省縣轄市與鄉鎮離島的學校。 二、校長領導方式與學校本位決策的關係 1.校長領導方式愈民主,則學校本位決策愈易塑造。 2.校長領導方式愈威權,則學校本位決策愈難塑造。 三、學校本位決策與教師工作滿意度的關係 1.學校本位決策程度愈高,則教師的工作滿意度也愈高。 2.學校決策參與的程度愈高,則教師對行政管理與校長領導的滿意度也愈高。 3.學校決策自主的程度愈高,則教師對行政管理、工作本身、校長領導與同僚關係的滿意度也愈高。 4.學校愈尊重教師的決策,則教師對行政管理與校長領導的滿意度也愈高。 5.學校採用團體決策的程度愈高,則教師對行政管理、工作本身與同僚關係的滿意度也愈高。 6.家長參與學校決策的程度愈高,則教師對校長領導的滿意度也就愈低。 四、校長領導方式、學校本位決策與教師工作滿意度的整體關係 1.校長的民主領導取向會影響學校本位決策情形,而學校本位決策情形也會影響教師的工作滿意度。 2.民主領導較會影響決策參與、自主、尊重、團體決策與家長參與,而威權領導僅會影響決策參與和尊重。 3.決策自主較會影響教師對行政管理、工作本身、校長領導與同僚關係的滿意度,而團體決策影響教師對同僚關係的滿意度,家長參與會影響教師對校長領導的滿意度。 本研究並對學校、教育行政單位與未來研究方向提供以下幾點建議: 一、對學校的建議: 1.領導者應加強民主領導能力的培養,避免採用威權的領導方式;2.給予教師更多自主決策的空間,以提升教師的工作滿意度;3.加強團隊合作,以提高教師的工作滿意度;4.鼓勵家長適度參與,建立親師合作的伙伴關係;5.調整校長的角色扮演,以利學校本位決策的實施;6.授權教師或學生參與決策,減少行政管理上的衝突。 二、對教育行政單位的建議: 1.實施學校本位決策,以提升教師工作滿意度;2.發展小型學校,以利學校本位決策的推行;3.提高非都市地區的決策自主與家長參與,以均衡城鄉決策品質的差異;4.實施學校本位決策時,應以學生學習效果的提高為目標,而非爭奪權力;5.確立中央、地方與學校的權限與責任劃分;6.在開放參與的同時,應強化配套措施的設計。 三、對未來研究的建議: 1.在研究對象方面--擴大研究的群體;2.在研究方法方面--深化研究的脈絡;3.在研究工具方面--增加決策的向度;4.在研究變項方面--探討其他變項的關連。 / The purposes of the study were (1) to understand meanings, objectives, characteristics, principles, reasons of advocacy and theoretical perspectives of school-based decision making(SBDM); (2) to inquiry into the historical development of SBDM;(3) to analyze its difficulties and strategies when implementing SBDM; (4) to address the relationships among SBDM, the principal's leadership, and teachers' job satisfaction; (5) to propose suggestions based on results. A questionnaire developed in the study was mailed to a total sample of 973 respondents in 160 elementary schools. The relationships among SBDM, principal's leadership style, and teachers' job satisfaction were inquired. From the statistical analysis of the results, the main findings of this study were drawn: 1.It accords with SBDM above average level in the elementary school. Teachers get the most autonomy and the least respect in the process of participation in school decision making. Teachers participate in work-level decisions more than organizational-level decisions. Small schools are more accordant with SBDM than middle schools and large schools. A schools led by a female principal is more accordant with SBDM than a school led by a male principal. Schools in metropolitans are more accordant with SBDM than schools in prefectures, cities, towns, and islands. 2.A principal is more democratic, the school led by him is more accordant with SBDM. Adversely, a principal is more authoritative, the school led by him is less accordant with SBDM. 3.It is more accordant with SBDM in the elementary school, teachers' job satisfaction is greater. Teachers participate in decision making more often, and they feel more satisfactory about school administrative management and principal's leadership. Teachers participate in decision making more autonomous, and they feel more satisfactory about school administrative management, work, principal's leadership, and colleague relationships. Teachers have the respect of the school to participate in decision making more often, and teachers feel more satisfactory about school administrative management and principal's leadership. Teachers make decision through teamwork more often, and they feel more satisfactory about school administrative management, work, and colleague relationships. Parents participate in decision making more often, but teachers feel less satisfactory about school administrative management, work, and colleague relationships. 4.Democratic leadership influences the success of SBDM, and the implementation of SBDM influences teachers' job satisfaction. Democratic leadership increases participative decision making, autonomous decision making, respectful decision making, group decision making, and parents participation. Authoritative leadership decreases participative decision making and respectful decision making. Autonomous decision making influences teachers' job satisfaction about school administrative management, work, principal leadership, and colleague relationship. Group decision making influences teachers' job satisfaction about colleague relationships. Parents participation influences teachers' job satisfaction about principal's leadership. Suggestions for the elementary schools, educational administrative institutions, and future study are provided. Firstly, six suggestions for the elementary schools are as follow: 1.Cultivate democratic leadership;2.Make teachers participate in decision making more autonomous;3.Encourage teamwork;4.Let parents participate in decision making moderately, so build parents-teacher partnership;5.Adjust the principal leadership to feminine leadership style. 6. Include teachers and students in the decision making processes of schooling. Secondly, six suggestions for educational administrative institutions are as follow: 1.Implement SBDM to increase teachers' job satisfaction;2.Diminish scale of a school to make SBDM succeed more easily;3.Let decision making more autonomous and parents participation more often in non-metropolitans;4.Focus the main goal of SBDM on increasing student learning;5.Identify authority and power of the central office, local areas, and schools;6.Implement SBDM along with other relative policies. Finally, four suggestions for future study are as follow: 1.Enlarge scopes of population;2.Adopt much more 0research methods;3.Increase dimensions of participation;4.Study more relative variables with SBDM.

School Climate in the School Choice Era: A Comparative Analysis of District-Run Public Schools and Charter Schools

Duszka, Christopher Damian 10 September 2018 (has links)
Comparative analyses of district-run public schools and charter schools are limited to performance outcomes. There is a dearth of research on how the school-types vary on factors consequential to performance such as school climate. Public-private distinctions, such as in organizational autonomy, value orientations, funding structures, and management practices, could result in school climate dissimilarities between district-run public schools and charter schools. The aim of this dissertation is to assess the influence organizational factors have on school climate and determine if school-type affects school climate. Student and staff school climate survey data from the Miami-Dade school district were utilized for this dissertation. Structural equation modeling was employed to test theoretical models of students’ and staffs’ perceptions of school climate using data from 2001-2002 through 2015-2016 academic years. Within-between effects panel regression was utilized to test the effect of school-type on school climate constructs over time using data from 2005-2006 through 2015-2016 academic years. The structural equation results demonstrate that milieu, ecology, culture, and organizational structure influence students’ and staffs’ perceptions of their schools’ climates. Ecology has the strongest association with students’ perceptions of school climate. Job satisfaction, a part of milieu and culture, has the strongest association with staffs’ perceptions of school climate. The results indicate that the theoretical models of school climate employed by this study are sound. The within-between effects panel regression results demonstrate that characteristics inherent to school-type have a plausible influence on students’ perceptions of school climate, but not for staff. Charter school students rated their school climates more favorably than traditional public schools, but when other factors are controlled, traditional public schools and magnet schools had more favorable ratings. Public-sector values, collective bargaining, and school district oversight may be beneficial to schools’ climates. This dissertation underscores the impact management and funding structures have on school climate. The author recommends that the school climate concept and evaluations of schools’ organizational practices be incorporated into school improvement policies. The milieu, culture, ecology, and organizational structures of schools should be reviewed when assessing school quality.


JOAO CARLOS DE SOUZA ANHAIA GINO 03 July 2023 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese teve como objetivo principal construir, validar e discutir a pertinência de índices que relacionassem aspectos da gestão escolar (liderança do diretor, autoeficácia pedagógica do diretor e complexidade da gestão) com o desempenho e a equidade dos resultados dos alunos dos anos finais do ensino fundamental. A pesquisa foi um estudo quantitativo de natureza exploratória, tendo como amostra principal as escolas da rede municipal do Rio de Janeiro que ofertam nono ano e foram avaliadas no SAEB 2019. Complementarmente foram realizadas análises para as escolas que ofereciam o quinto ano da mesma rede e para as escolas públicas do Brasil de quinto e nono anos que participaram do SAEB 2019. Em termos metodológicos, foram construídos três índices por meio da análise fatorial: o Índice de Liderança do Diretor (ILD), o Índice de Autoeficácia Pedagógica do Diretor (IAEPD), e um Índice de Complexidade da Gestão (ICG) para a rede municipal do Rio de Janeiro, alternativo ao índice criado pelo INEP. Foram então realizadas regressões lineares multivariadas usando a média da proficiência em matemática dos alunos e seu desvio padrão em cada escola como variáveis dependentes e o Índice de Nível Socioeconômico (Inse) do INEP como variável de controle. Os principais resultados indicaram que a liderança do diretor e a crença em autoeficácia pedagógica do diretor apresentaram correlação positiva com a proficiência e com as desigualdades no desempenho dos alunos. Quanto a complexidade da gestão a correlação foi negativa: quanto mais complexa a escola, pior o resultado dos alunos. Não foi possível encontrar resultados estatisticamente confiáveis para a relação entre a complexidade da gestão e a equidade do desempenho dos alunos. Os modelos para o Rio de Janeiro só apresentaram significância estatística em alguns coeficientes para o quinto ano. Todos os índices e respectivos coeficientes tiveram significância estatística nos modelos nacionais. / [en] The main objective of this thesis was to construct, validate, and discuss the relevance of indices that relate aspects of school management (principal s leadership, principal s pedagogical self-efficacy, and management complexity) to the outcome and equity of students results in the final years of elementary school. The research was a quantitative study of exploratory nature, having as main samplethe schools of the municipal network of Rio de Janeiro that offer 9th grade and were evaluated in SAEB 2019. In a complementary way, analyses were carried out for schools that offered 5th grade in the same system and for Brazil s 5th and 9th grade public schools that participated in SAEB 2019. In methodological terms, three indices were constructed using factor analysis: the Principal Leadership Index (PLI), the Principal Pedagogical Self-Efficacy Index (PPSEI), and a Management Complexity Index (MCI) for the municipal system of Rio de Janeiro, an alternativeto the index created by INEP. Multivariate linear regressions were then performed using the average math proficiency of students and its standard deviation in each school as dependent variables and INEP s Socioeconomic Level Index (SELI) as control variable. The main results indicated that the principal s leadership and the principal s belief in pedagogical self-efficacy were positively correlated with student proficiency and achievement inequalities. Management complexity, on the other hand, showed a negative correlation: the more complex the school, the worse the student achievement. It was not possible to find statistically reliable results for the relationship between management complexity and equity in student achievement. The models for Rio de Janeiro only showed statistical significance in some coefficients for the 5th grade. All indices and respective coefficients were statistically significant in the national models.

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