Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PROXY"" "subject:"[enn] PROXY""
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La coquille de Comptopallium radula (Bivalvia; Pectinidae), archive eulérienne haute-fréquence de la variabilité de l'environnement côtier tropical (Océan Pacifique)Thébault, Julien 09 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Les écosystèmes côtiers sont soumis à de nombreuses perturbations entraînant la modification de leur structure et de leur fonctionnement. Afin d'estimer les parts respectives de la variabilité naturelle et de l'influence anthropique dans ce processus, et ainsi mieux prédire l'évolution de ces écosystèmes, il est nécessaire d'appréhender la variabilité de certains paramètres (température de l'océan, productivité biologique, apports de contaminants, etc.) avant toute influence anthropique majeure. Les mesures instrumentales de ces paramètres étant assez récentes, la reconstruction de la variabilité des écosystèmes côtiers avant la révolution industrielle ne peut se faire que par l'utilisation de proxies incorporés dans différents types d'archives.<br />Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'utilisation de la coquille de Comptopallium radula, un mollusque bivalve tropical de la famille des Pectinidae, pour reconstruire la variabilité de l'environnement dans le lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie, un écosystème sous l'influence de diverses perturbations (réchauffement climatique, urbanisation, exploitation minière). Cette étude repose sur la comparaison de données géochimiques archivées dans la coquille de ce pectinidé au cours de sa vie, avec plusieurs variables physiques, chimiques et biologiques mesurées dans le lagon (suivi environnemental hebdomadaire). L'objectif de cette approche est de calibrer et de mettre en œuvre différents proxies climatiques et environnementaux.<br />Des marquages à la calcéine, effectués in situ sur des individus juvéniles, ont tout d'abord permis de démontrer que les stries de croissance présentes à la surface externe de la coquille de C. radula se forment avec une périodicité de 2 jours.<br />Des analyses isotopiques (δ18O et δ13C) ont ensuite été effectuées à partir de micro-échantillons de calcite prélevés le long de l'axe de croissance maximale de 6 coquilles juvéniles. Connaissant la périodicité de formation des stries, une date calendaire a pu être attribuée avec précision à chacun de ces prélèvements (résolution hebdomadaire). Nos résultats démontrent que les variations ontogéniques du δ18Ocalcite permettent de reconstruire les variations de la température de l'eau avec une précision de 1 °C. Quant à la composition isotopique du carbone (δ13Ccalcite), elle ne peut pas être utilisée comme proxy de la production primaire pélagique. Ses variations sont vraisemblablement contrôlées par le métabolisme benthique (sédiment et coraux).<br />Suite à ces analyses isotopiques, des analyses élémentaires ont été effectuées sur les mêmes coquilles à l'aide d'un système d'ablation laser couplé à un spectromètre de masse à plasma induit (LA-ICP-MS). Nos résultats démontrent que C. radula, au travers des concentrations en métaux dans sa coquille, ne peut être utilisé comme outil de bio-surveillance des apports en métaux dans le lagon : les variations ontogéniques de ces concentrations reflètent probablement les variations temporelles haute-fréquence des flux de métaux à l'interface eau-sédiment. Quant au baryum et au molybdène, leurs concentrations coquillières pourraient être utilisées comme proxies des biomasses de diatomées et de diazotrophes, respectivement.<br />Cette étude démontre donc le potentiel considérable de la coquille de C. radula comme archive eulérienne haute-fréquence de la variabilité climatique et environnementale dans le lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Elle met également en lumière l'importance des processus benthiques sur l'incorporation des signaux géochimiques dans la matrice calcitique de la coquille. Son utilisation en tant qu'outil paléocéanographique est désormais conditionnée par la découverte de gisements fossiles de l'espèce.
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Mécanismes de handover inter système 3G-WiMAX. Etude des performances comparées d'une approche basée sur IP et d'une approche utilisant des protocoles radio de niveau 2Liu, Bin 04 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Résumé Dans les futurs réseaux mobiles, différentes technologies d'accès radio, telles que GSM, UMTS, WiMAX, WIFI coexisteront. Pour réaliser un handover vertical sans couture (handover inter-RAT) entre ces technologies, des architectures d'interconnexion et des moyens pour gérer le handover inter-RAT sont proposés. Afin de proposer une solution efficace, nous allons d'abord analyser la solution " Fast MIPv6 (FMIPv6) ". Les analyses numériques démontrent les défauts de FMIPv6 et les exigences de handover inter-RAT. En considérant une architecture de couplage intégré (integrated coupling), nous proposons une nouvelle sous-couche commune d'interconnexion (IW sublayer) au niveau 2 sur le RNC (Radio Network Controller) et le MS (Mobile Station) pour offrir un handover inter-RAT sans couture entre les systèmes UMTS et WiMAX. Cette sous-couche IW permet d'éliminer la perte des paquets et de réduire la latence de handover. Ces paramètres sont des éléments importants communs à la plupart des scénarios de handover inter-RAT. Cette sous-couche IW est également étendue à l'architecture de couplage serré (tight coupling). En outre, deux types de solution basées sur TCP Proxy, qui utilisent la sous-couche IW, sont également introduites sur le RNC pour résoudre deux problèmes rencontrés avec l'utilisation du trafic TCP dans un handover inter-RAT: le " BDP mismatch " et le " spurious RTO (Retransmission TimeOut) ". Le premier type de solution basé sur TCP Proxy est adapté aux scénarios où le handover est fréquent, tandis que le deuxième type de solution basé sur TCP Proxy est conçu pour les scénarios où le handover est occasionnel. Par rapport aux autres solutions de handover vertical, les résultats de simulation montrent que notre deuxième type de solution a le mérite de maintenir la pile de protocole TCP existante inchangée. Les solutions classiques de handover inter-RAT sont généralement réalisées au niveau 2 ou au-dessus, parce qu'il n'y a pas de module commun à la couche physique pour les deux systèmes, ou en raison de la distance géographique des systèmes. Mais pour les futurs systèmes LTE et WiMAX dans à l'architecture " integrated coupling ", ce n'est pas le cas, parce qu'ils ont un certain nombre de techniques physiques communes, telles que MIMO et OFDM. Deux modules nommés " precoder " et " combiner " sont proposés respectivement sur les BSs (stations de base) et sur le MS au niveau physique afin d'exploiter au maximum la diversité des deux réseaux d'accès radio et de réaliser un " soft " handover inter-RAT. Ce " soft " handover inter-RAT au niveau physique est entièrement nouveau à notre connaissance.
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Gestion de Mobilité Supportée par le Réseau dans les Réseaux Sans Fil HétérogènesNguyen, Huu-Nghia 07 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la mise en œuvre de Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) dans les réseaux sans fil hétérogènes, dont la topologie peut être arbitraire et spontanée. Nous proposons d'abord le concept de groupe autonome ou "cluster" qui permet le passage à l'échelle des réseaux. Ensuite nous proposons des extensions à PMIPv6, appelée Scalable Proxy Mobile IPv6 (SPMIPv6), qui prennent en compte de l'architecture en clusters au travers de l'interaction entre de multiples Local Mobility Anchors (LMAs). Nous évaluons l'aptitude à supporter le passage à l'échelle de SPMIPv6 dans un contexte de réseau maillé sans fil en faisant varier sa taille, la vitesse moyenne et la densité des terminaux mobiles. En outre, nous proposons des méthodes pour l'optimisation du routage dans SPMIPv6 pour réduire les latences des communications. Nous introduisons également un mécanisme de détection de mouvements des terminaux mobiles qui prend en compte de l'hétérogénéité des technologies d'accès. Nous implémentons l'ensemble des propositions sous Linux dans un environnement virtualisé. Nous expérimentons différents scénarios dans le mode émulation ainsi qu'en vrai grandeur pour évaluer des mesures différentes telle que le coût de signalisation, la latence de handover, la perte de paquets, le temps aller-retour (RTT), et variation de débit. Finalement, nous adressons le contexte de multi-domiciliation en proposant un concept appelé virtual Stream Control Transmission Protocol (vSCTP) et l'appliquons à l'architecture PMIPv6. Les premières simulations sous Ns-2 laissent entrevoir des bénéfices pour les scénarios d'agrégation de bande passante et les scénarios d'équilibrage de charge.
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Paleoenvironmental changes in the Black Sea region during the last 26,000 years : a multi-proxy study of lacustrine sediments from the western Black SeaKwiecien, Olga January 2008 (has links)
Paleoenvironmental records provide ample information on the Late Quaternary climatic evolution. Due to the great diversity of continental mid-latitude environments the synthetic picture of the past mid-latitudinal climate changes is, however, far from being complete. Owing to its significant size and landlocked setting the Black Sea constitutes a perfect location to study patterns and mechanisms of climate change along the continental interior of Central and Eastern Europe and Asia Minor.
Presently, the southern drainage area of the Black Sea is characterized by a Mediterranean-type climate while the northern drainage is under the influence of Central and Northern European climate. During the Last Glacial a decrease in the global sea level disconnected the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea transforming it into a giant closed lake. At that time atmospheric precipitation and related with it river run-off were the most important factors driving sediment supply and water chemistry of the Black ‘Lake’. Therefore studying properties of the Black Sea sediments provides important information on the interactions and development of the Mediterranean and Central and North European climate in the past.
One significant outcome of my thesis is an improved chronostraphigraphical framework for the glacial lacustrine unit of the Black Sea sediment cores, which allowed to refine the environmental history of the Black Sea region and enabled a reliable correlation with data from other marine and terrestrial archives. Data gathered along a N-S transect presented on a common time scale revealed coherent changes in the basin and its surrounding.
During the glacial, the southward-shifted Polar Front reduced moisture transport to the northern drainage of the Black Sea and let the southern drainage become dominant in freshwater and sediment supply into the basin. Changes in NW Anatolian precipitation reconstructed from the variability of the terrigenous input imply that during the glacial the regional rainfall variability was strongly influenced by Mediterranean sea surface temperatures and decreased in response to the cooling associated with the North Atlantic Heinrich Events H1 and H2. In contrast to regional precipitation changes, the hydrological properties of the Black Sea remained relatively stable under full glacial conditions.
First significant modification in the freshwater/sediment sources reconstructed from changes in the sediment composition, lithology, and 18O of ostracods took place at around 16.4 cal ka BP, simultaneous to the early deglacial northward retreat of the oceanic and atmospheric polar fronts. Meltwater pulses, most probably derived from the disintegrating European ice sheets, changed the isotopic composition of the Black Sea and increased the supply from northern sediment sources.
While these changes signalized a mitigation of the Northern European and Mediterranean climate, a decisive increase in local temperature was indicated only later at the transition from the Oldest Dryas to the Bølling around 14.6 cal ka BP. At that time the warming of the Black Sea surface initiated massive phytoplankton blooms, which in turn, induced the precipitation of inorganic carbonates. This biologically triggered process significantly changed the water chemistry and was recorded by simultaneous shifts in the elemental composition of ostracod shells and in the isotopic composition of the inorganically-precipitated carbonates. Starting with the B/A warming and continuing through the YD cold interval and the Early Holocene warming, the Black Sea temperature signal corresponds to the precipitation and temperature changes recorded in the wider Mediterranean region.
Early Holocene conditions, similar to those of the Bølling/Allerød, were punctured by the marine inflow from the Mediterranean at ~ 9.3 cal ka BP, which terminated the lacustrine phase of the Black Sea and had a substantial impact on the chemical and physical properties of its water. / Aus Paläoumweltdaten lassen sich detaillierte Informationen über die spätquartäre Klimaentwicklung gewinnen. Für die kontinentalen mittleren Breiten ist das Gesamtbild der Klimaänderungen während dieses Zeitraumes aufgrund seiner Vielfältigkeit allerdings noch immer unvollständig. Eine ideale Loka-tion, das Muster und die Mechanismen der Klimaänderungen in Osteuropa und Kleinasien zu untersu-chen, ist das Schwarze Meer mit seiner bedeutenden Größe und seiner kontinentalen Lage.
Gegenwärtig ist das südliche Einzugsgebiet des Schwarzen Meeres durch ein mediterranes Klima ge-prägt, während die nördlichen Regionen von zentral- bzw. nordeuropäischem Klima beeinflusst werden. Als im letzten Glazial der Meeresspiegel so stark sank, dass das Schwarze Meer vom Mittelmeer abge-trennt und zu einem großen, abflusslosen See wurde, waren der atmosphärische Niederschlag und der damit verbundene Abfluss die wesentlichen Steuerfaktoren für Sedimenteintrag und Wasserchemie des Schwarzen „Sees“. Deshalb liefert die Untersuchung der Sedimente des Schwarzen Meeres wichtige Informationen über die früheren Zusammenhänge sowie die Entwicklung von mediterranem und zentral- bzw. nordeuropäischem Klima.
Das bedeutsamste Ergebnis meiner Doktorarbeit ist ein verbessertes Altersmodell für Sedimentkerne aus dem westlichen Schwarzen Meer; dieses erlaubt eine genauere Rekonstruktion der Entwicklungsge-schichte dieses Binnenmeeres und seiner Umgebung und ermöglicht einen fundierten Vergleich mit an-deren marinen und terrestrischen Archiven. Daten, die entlang eines N-S Transektes im westlichen Be-reich des Schwarzen Meeres erfasst wurden und auf einer gemeinsamen Zeitskala dargestellt werden, lassen die folgenden zusammenhängenden Entwicklungen im Becken und seiner Umgebung erkennen:
Während des Glazials war der Feuchtigkeitstransport zum nördlichen Einzugsgebiet des Schwarzen Meeres aufgrund der südwärts verlagerten Polarfront vermindert, so dass Süßwasser und Sedimente vor-rangig aus dem südlichen Einzugsgebiet in das Becken gelangten. Die Rekonstruktion von Nieder-schlagsänderungen mit Hilfe von Schwankungen des terrigenen Eintrags zeigt, dass der regionale Nie-derschlag im Glazial stark von den Wasseroberflächentemperaturen des Mittelmeeres beeinflusst wurde und als Folge der Abkühlung während der nordatlantischen Heinrich-Ereignisse H1 und H2 abnahm. Im Gegensatz dazu blieb das Schwarze Meer während des Hochglazials hydrologisch relativ stabil.
Die Sedimentzusammensetzung, Lithologie und δ18O-Werte von Ostracoden zeigen, dass erste signifi-kante Änderungen im Frischwasser- und Sedimenteintrag zeitgleich mit dem frühglazialen nordwärtigen Rückzug der ozeanischen und atmosphärischen Polarfronten um 16.4 cal ka BP auftraten. Der Schmelz-wassereintrag abschmelzender europäischer Eisflächen veränderte die Isotopenzusammensetzung des Wassers und erhöhte die Sedimentzufuhr aus den nördlichen Quellen.
Während diese Änderungen auf ein bereits milderes Klima in Nordeuropa und im Mittelmeerraum hin-deuten, zeigt sich ein Anstieg der lokalen Temperaturen erst während des Übergangs von der Älteren Dryas zum Bølling/Allerød um etwa 14.6 cal. ka BP. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt führte ein wahrscheinlicher Anstieg der Wasseroberflächentemperaturen im Schwarzen Meer zu einem massiven Phytoplankton-wachstum, welcher die Ausfällung anorganischen Karbonats zur Folge hatte. Dieser biologisch ausgelös-te Prozess veränderte maßgeblich die Wasserchemie und spiegelt sich in simultanen Veränderungen der Elementzusammensetzung von Ostracoden und der Isotopenzusammensetzung von anorganisch ausge-fälltem Karbonat wieder. Beginnend mit dem Bølling/Allerød, durch die Jüngere Dryas Kälteperiode und die frühholozäne Erwärmung hindurch, deckt sich das Temperatursignal des Schwarzen Meeres mit den Niederschlags- und Temperaturänderungen des weiteren Mittelmeerraumes.
Das Frühholozän war, ähnlich wie das Bølling/Allerød, durch das Einströmen salzhaltigen Meerwassers aus dem Mittelmeer gekennzeichnet (~9.5 cal. ka BP), welches die lakustrine Phase des Schwarzen Mee-res beendete und einen erheblichen Einfluss auf seine chemischen und physikalischen Wassereigen-schaften ausübte.
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Living Conditions of People with Intellectual Disabilities : A Study of Health, Housing, Work, Leisure and Social Relations in a Swedish County PopulationUmb-Carlsson, Õie January 2005 (has links)
The general aim of this thesis is to describe mortality, health and living conditions in an administratively defined county population of people with intellectual disabilities born between 1959 and 1974 (N=213). The living conditions of persons with intellectual disabilities were compared with those of the general population. Moreover, the reports of relatives and staff were compared on the living conditions of people with intellectual disabilities. Information on the living conditions of persons with intellectual disabilities was provided by proxy (relative and staff) questionnaire reports and national welfare statistics conducted by Statistics Sweden (SCB). Medical examination and medical case records were used to obtain data on health and medical services. People with intellectual disabilities lived in the community and took part in numerous common recreational and cultural activities. However, the comparison with the general population indicated clear differences in living conditions, particularly regarding employment and social life. In contrast, surprisingly little variation in living conditions was found in people with intellectual disabilities, despite varying ages and a wide range of level of disabilities. In addition, gender related differences of persons with intellectual disabilities were few when compared with those found in the general population. A wide range of physical and mental health problems were identified in the group with intellectual disabilities. Although a majority of persons with intellectual disabilities had access to a family doctor and attended regular health checks, a number of needs of specialist examinations were identified indicating shortcomings in the quality of health care. Analyses indicated differences in the reports of relatives and staff on living conditions of most domains included in the questionnaire. In general, disagreement was higher on subjective than on objective items. Relative and staff responders contribute dissimilar information that is related to varying viewpoints and different types of information.
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Three Essays on Institutional Investors and Corporate GovernanceAshraf, Rasha 06 July 2007 (has links)
The first essay analyzes mutual funds proxy voting records on shareholder proposals. The results indicate that mutual funds support shareholder proposals and vote against management for proposals that are likely to increase shareholders wealth and rights, in firms with weaker external monitoring mechanisms, in firms with entrenched management, and when funds have longer investment horizon. Mutual funds mostly take management sides on executive compensation related proposals, when they have higher ownership concentration, and when they belong to bigger fund families. The results further indicate that there is a positive reputational effect for the funds undertaking a monitoring role. Moreover, mutual funds reduce holdings when they disapprove of managements policy, but before doing so they take on an activist role by supporting shareholder proposals. The second essay investigates institutional investors trading behavior of acquiring firm stocks surrounding merger activities. We label investment companies and independent investment advisors as active institutions and banks, nonbank trusts and insurance companies as passive institutions. We find active institutions increase holdings of acquiring firm stocks for mergers with higher wealth implications. However, active institutions overreact to stock mergers at the announcement, which they appear to correct at the resolution quarter of the merger. The trading behavior of passive institutions suggests that these institutions disregard the market response of merger announcement in trading acquiring firm stocks at the announcement quarter. The passive institutions gradually update their beliefs and trade on the basis of merger wealth effect at the resolution quarter. The third essay examines relation between executive compensation structure with the existing level and changes of takeover defense mechanisms of firms. According to managerial entrenchment hypothesis, higher managerial power from adoption of takeover defense mechanisms would lead to generating higher rents for executives. Efficient contracting hypothesis argue that higher anti-takeover provisions would contribute in achieving efficient contracting by deferring compensation into the future due to the low possibility of hostile takeover. The results support managerial entrenchment hypothesis with regard to existing level of takeover defense mechanisms. With regard to changes in anti-takeover provisions, the existing level of managerial power influence the future pay structure.
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Scalable internet video-on-demand systemsZink, Michael. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. University, Diss., 2003--Darmstadt.
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Avaliação da diversidade no processo de obtenção do consentimento através da autorização por representação em situações assistenciais e de pesquisa envolvendo crianças e idososRaymundo, Marcia Mocellin January 2007 (has links)
A Autorização por Representação é utilizada quando uma pessoa está impossibilitada - ou não habilitada legalmente - para consentir com um determinado procedimento assistencial ou com a participação em um projeto de pesquisa. Um dos diversos fatores que podem influenciar o representante durante o processo de autorização é a idade da pessoa representada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a diversidade no processo de obtenção da Autorização por Representação em situações assistenciais e de pesquisa em crianças e idosos foram desenvolvidos dois estudos. O primeiro foi um estudo transversal que visou avaliar o Desenvolvimento Psicológicomoral como um indicativo da capacidade para consentir em uma amostra de adolescentes e idosos. Não houve diferença entre o grupo de adolescentes e o de idosos em relação ao Desenvolvimento Psicológico-moral. O segundo estudo comparou o processo de obtenção da Autorização por Representação quanto ao grupo etário dos representados e a situação assistencial ou de pesquisa, através de uma simulação de um processo de autorização por representação. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Termos de Consentimento fictícios, compreendendo situações de assistência e pesquisa clínica em crianças e idosos. Do total de participantes, 97,0% responderam que autorizariam a realização do procedimento assistencial, 81,5% deles lembravam dos riscos do procedimento descritos no Termo de Consentimento e 78,0% lembravam dos benefícios. Em relação à participação em pesquisa, 23,5% dos entrevistados já haviam participado de projetos de pesquisa, sendo que 61,1% autorizariam a participação de seu familiar representado em um projeto de pesquisa. O fato de o maior índice de Autorizações por Representação corresponder ao procedimento assistencial provavelmente seja em razão da assistência representar uma necessidade e a pesquisa uma possibilidade. Quanto aos participantes lembrarem mais dos benefícios do que dos riscos provavelmente seja porque os benefícios vislumbrariam uma possibilidade de melhora da situação clínica em que supostamente o familiar encontrava-se. / Consent by proxy is obtained when a person is unable or legally unauthorized to provide consent for the performance of a medical procedure or participation in a research project. One of the several factors that may affect proxies during the consent process is the age of the person that they represent. The same procedure may be authorized for the elderly but not for a child, or vice-versa. A better understanding of the variables that make up the complex process of obtaining consent by proxy contributes to improving the management of these situations by the involved professionals. Two studies were conducted in order to evaluate several variables of the process of obtaining consent by proxy for medical care or clinical research involving children and the elderly. The first was a cross-sectional study to evaluate moral development as a marker of the competence to provide consent in a sample of adolescents and elderly people using a specific instrument. No differences were found in moral development between the groups of adolescents and elderly people according to the references used in the study. The second study compared the process of obtaining consent by proxy for medical care or clinical research in different age groups. The study was a simulation of the process of obtaining consent by proxy. The instruments were simulated consent terms for medical care or participation in research involving children or the elderly. Of all participants, 97.0% would authorize the medical procedure, 81.5% recalled the risks of the procedure described in the consent term, and 78.0% recalled its benefits. The analysis of participation in research showed that 23.5% of the respondents had already participated in research projects and 61.1% would provide consent for the participation of a family member in a research project. Medical procedures were mostly consented by proxies, which may be explained by the fact that medical assistance is a need, whereas research remains as a possibility. Participants recalled more benefits than risks, which may be assigned to the fact that benefits would indicate a possibility of clinical improvement of the condition that was simulated for their family member.
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Variação das frequências estomáticas em folhas de glossopteris no permiano da Bacia do Paraná (Formação Rio Bonito) e sua relação com níveis paleoatmosféricos de CO2Schmidt, Isabela Degani January 2010 (has links)
Está demonstrado em plantas atuais que níveis atmosféricos de CO2 e frequência estomática estão inversamente correlacionados. A utilização de dados estomáticos na calibração das curvas de CO2 paleoatmosférico do Fanerozoico tem sido eficiente não apenas para o Cenozoico, mas também apresenta excelente correspondência desde o Eodevoniano. Cutículas de glossopterídeas provenientes das jazidas de carvão de Faxinal (RS) e Figueira (PR), incluídas em níveis estratigráficos distintos da Formação Rio Bonito (Sakmariano e Artinskiano respectivamente), viabilizaram análises para floras desenvolvidas sob a vigência de megaciclo icehouse. Cabe ressaltar que o uso de glossopterídeas, classificadas dentro do grupo extinto das Pteridospermophyta, esbarra na impossibilidade de se estabelecer um equivalente ecológico atual, dada a ausência de relações taxonômicas, estruturais e ecológicas com grupos viventes. Portanto, optou-se por uma abordagem proposta por outros autores como alternativa para diferentes grupos de pteridospermas, que consistiu em comparar entre si resultados de análises estomáticas na morfo-espécie Glossopteris communis Feistmantel procedente de distintos níveis associados a carvões na Bacia do Paraná. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi estabelecer possíveis relações entre os padrões estomáticos calculados e flutuações nos teores de CO2 paleoatmosférico. A metodologia consistiu em resgatar mecanica e quimicamente as cutículas da rocha matriz, clareá-las em solução de Schulze e montá-las em lâminas de gelatina glicerinada para observação em microscopia de luz transmitida. A observação deu-se com auxílio de filtro de contraste por interferência diferencial e as contagens foram feitas com o auxílio de programa para análise de imagens. As técnicas de estudo compreenderam cálculos de densidade estomática (DE- número de estômatos por unidade de área da folha) e índice estomático (IE- percentual de estômatos sobre o total de células epidérmicas). Os resultados obtidos foram de DE média= 234,73 e IE médio= 15,7 para a jazida de Faxinal (Sakmariano) e de DE média= 284,14 e IE= 18,9 para a jazida de Figueira (Artinskiano). Esses valores enquadram-se dentro da curva global de CO2 atmosférico para o Fanerozoico (modelo GEOCARB). As frequências estomáticas mais baixas das folhas do Faxinal com relação àquelas de Figueira foram relacionadas a processo de reversão temporária da tendência global de baixos teores de CO2 atmosférico para a base do Permiano. Essa reversão é atribuída à provável influência de fatores paleoecológicos locais relativos à grande extensão das turfeiras na parte sul da bacia, responsável pela emissão em larga escala de gases-estufa. Além disso, a flora de Faxinal está preservada em uma camada de tonstein, registro de atividade vulcânica que poderia ter afetado os níveis de CO2. Por outro lado, as turfeiras de registro muito esparso ocorrentes no nordeste da bacia, em intervalo mais jovem, por sua pequena extensão e ausência de indícios de vulcanismo, não alteraram o padrão paleoatmosférico. Estudos focados no final do Paleozoico têm especial relevância porque, nesse intervalo vigoravam, nas diferentes paleolatitudes, condições ambientais análogas àquelas ocorrentes na atualidade, como a existência de calotas de gelo nos pólos e períodos de aquecimento global. / In extant plants stomatal frequency and the concentration of the atmospheric CO2 have been shown to correlate inversely. The use of stomatal data to calibrate phanerozoic paleoatmospheric CO2 curves has been considered a reliable technique not only for the Cenozoic estimates but also for results obtained since the Early Devonian. Glossopterid cuticles from Faxinal and Figueira coalfields (respectively in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná States) from distinct stratigraphic levels in the Rio Bonito Formation allowed stomatal counting for floras developed under icehouse megacycle. However, it is important to highlight that the efficiency of Glossopteris, classified in the extinct group of Pteridospermophyta, is restricted as paleo-CO2 proxy for the Paleozoic due to the difficulty of establishing a nearest living equivalent for it, given the lack of taxonomic, structural and ecological relationships with extant groups. Thus it was here adopted an alternative approach proposed by different authors analyzing other groups of pteridosperms, which consists in comparing results obtained from the morphospecies Glossopteris communis Feistmantel between two different coal levels in the Paraná Basin. The general aim of this study was to establish possible relations between the calculated stomatal patterns and the fluctuation in the paleoatmospheric CO2 levels. The methodology consisted in mechanically and chemically isolating the cuticles from the matrix rock, bleaching them with Schulze solution and then mounting glycerin jelly slides for observation in transmitted light microscopy. The microscopic observation was made using a differential interference contrast filter and the counting was carried out with the help of software for image analysis. The study techniques included the calculation of stomatal densities (SD- number of stomata per foliar area unit) and of stomatal indices (SI- a ratio of the number of the stomata to the total number of epidermal cells). The results were mean SD= 234.73 and mean SI= 15.7 in Faxinal coalfield (Sakmarian) and mean SD= 284.14 and SI= 18.9 in Figueira coalfield (Artinskian). These values agree with the curve of global atmospheric CO2 for the Phanerozoic (GEOCARB model). The lower stomatal frequencies detected at the climax of the coal interval (Faxinal coalfield, Sakmarian) when compared to the higher ones obtained in leaves from a younger interval (Figueira coalfield, Artinskian) could be attributed to temporarily high levels of atmospheric CO2. Therefore, the occurrence of an extensive peat generating event at the southern part of the basin and the consequent greenhouse gases emissions from this environment may have been enough to reverse regionally and temporarily the reduction trend in atmospheric CO2. Additionally, the Faxinal flora is preserved in a tonstein layer, which is a record of a volcanic activity that could also imply a rise in atmospheric CO2. During the Artinskian, the scarce generation of peat mires, as revealed by the occurrence of thin and discontinuous coal layers, and the lack of volcanism evidences would be insufficient to affect the general low CO2 trend. Studies focused in the Late Paleozoic are especially relevant because of the presently shared icehouse climate with glacial-interglacial cyclicity which includes times of global warming.
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Avaliação da diversidade no processo de obtenção do consentimento através da autorização por representação em situações assistenciais e de pesquisa envolvendo crianças e idososRaymundo, Marcia Mocellin January 2007 (has links)
A Autorização por Representação é utilizada quando uma pessoa está impossibilitada - ou não habilitada legalmente - para consentir com um determinado procedimento assistencial ou com a participação em um projeto de pesquisa. Um dos diversos fatores que podem influenciar o representante durante o processo de autorização é a idade da pessoa representada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a diversidade no processo de obtenção da Autorização por Representação em situações assistenciais e de pesquisa em crianças e idosos foram desenvolvidos dois estudos. O primeiro foi um estudo transversal que visou avaliar o Desenvolvimento Psicológicomoral como um indicativo da capacidade para consentir em uma amostra de adolescentes e idosos. Não houve diferença entre o grupo de adolescentes e o de idosos em relação ao Desenvolvimento Psicológico-moral. O segundo estudo comparou o processo de obtenção da Autorização por Representação quanto ao grupo etário dos representados e a situação assistencial ou de pesquisa, através de uma simulação de um processo de autorização por representação. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Termos de Consentimento fictícios, compreendendo situações de assistência e pesquisa clínica em crianças e idosos. Do total de participantes, 97,0% responderam que autorizariam a realização do procedimento assistencial, 81,5% deles lembravam dos riscos do procedimento descritos no Termo de Consentimento e 78,0% lembravam dos benefícios. Em relação à participação em pesquisa, 23,5% dos entrevistados já haviam participado de projetos de pesquisa, sendo que 61,1% autorizariam a participação de seu familiar representado em um projeto de pesquisa. O fato de o maior índice de Autorizações por Representação corresponder ao procedimento assistencial provavelmente seja em razão da assistência representar uma necessidade e a pesquisa uma possibilidade. Quanto aos participantes lembrarem mais dos benefícios do que dos riscos provavelmente seja porque os benefícios vislumbrariam uma possibilidade de melhora da situação clínica em que supostamente o familiar encontrava-se. / Consent by proxy is obtained when a person is unable or legally unauthorized to provide consent for the performance of a medical procedure or participation in a research project. One of the several factors that may affect proxies during the consent process is the age of the person that they represent. The same procedure may be authorized for the elderly but not for a child, or vice-versa. A better understanding of the variables that make up the complex process of obtaining consent by proxy contributes to improving the management of these situations by the involved professionals. Two studies were conducted in order to evaluate several variables of the process of obtaining consent by proxy for medical care or clinical research involving children and the elderly. The first was a cross-sectional study to evaluate moral development as a marker of the competence to provide consent in a sample of adolescents and elderly people using a specific instrument. No differences were found in moral development between the groups of adolescents and elderly people according to the references used in the study. The second study compared the process of obtaining consent by proxy for medical care or clinical research in different age groups. The study was a simulation of the process of obtaining consent by proxy. The instruments were simulated consent terms for medical care or participation in research involving children or the elderly. Of all participants, 97.0% would authorize the medical procedure, 81.5% recalled the risks of the procedure described in the consent term, and 78.0% recalled its benefits. The analysis of participation in research showed that 23.5% of the respondents had already participated in research projects and 61.1% would provide consent for the participation of a family member in a research project. Medical procedures were mostly consented by proxies, which may be explained by the fact that medical assistance is a need, whereas research remains as a possibility. Participants recalled more benefits than risks, which may be assigned to the fact that benefits would indicate a possibility of clinical improvement of the condition that was simulated for their family member.
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