Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PSYCHOMETRIC"" "subject:"[enn] PSYCHOMETRIC""
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Quality in palliative care from the patient perspective : Instrument development, perceptions of care received and the importance of careSandsdalen, Tuva January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim was to investigate the quality of palliative care from the patient perspective, to adapt and psychometrically evaluate the Quality from Patients’ Perspective instrument specific to palliative care (QPP-PC) and investigate the relationship between the combination of person- and organization-related conditions and patients’ perceptions of care quality. Methods: In the systematic literature review (I), 23 studies from 6 databases and reference lists in 2014 were synthesized by integrative thematic analysis. The quantitative studies (II–IV) had cross-sectional designs including 191 patients (73% RR) from hospice inpatient care, hospice day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care in 2013–2014. A modified version of QPP was used. Additionally, person- and organization-related conditions were assessed. Psychometric evaluation, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Main findings: Patients’ preferences for palliative care included living a meaningful life and responsive healthcare personnel, care environment and organization of care (I). The QPP-PC was developed, comprising 12 factors (49 items), 3 single items and 4 dimensions: medical–technical competence, physical–technical conditions, identity–oriented approach, and socio-cultural atmosphere (II). QPP-PC measured patients’ perceived reality (PR) and subjective importance (SI) of care quality. PR differed across settings, but SI did not (III). All settings exhibited areas of strength and for improvement (II, III). Person-related conditions seemed to be related to SI, and person- and organization-related conditions to PR, explaining 18–30 and 22-29% respectively of the variance (IV). Conclusions: The patient perspective of care quality (SI and PR) should be integrated into daily care and improvement initiatives in palliative care. The QPP-PC can measure patients’ perceptions of care quality. Registered nurses and other healthcare personnel need awareness of person- and organization-related conditions to provide high-quality person-centred care. / Knowledge about patients’ perceptions of palliative care is limited and valid instruments are needed. The aim of this thesis was to investigate quality of palliative care from the patient perspective, adapt and evaluate an instrument to measure patients’ perceptions of quality in palliative care (QPP-PC), and investigate the relationship between the combination of person- and organization-related conditions and patients’ perceptions of care quality. A systematic literature review and quantitative methods were used. Patients’ preferences in palliative care included help living a meaningful life and responsive personnel, care environment and organization of care. The QPP-PC was developed and identified patients’ perceptions of areas of strength and for improvement in hospice inpatient and day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care settings. Perceptions of care quality seemed to be related to person- and organization-related conditions, and differed across settings, although subjective importance did not. The patient perspective of care quality should be integrated into daily care and quality work, and QPP-PC can be used in such work. Registered nurses and other healthcare personnel need awareness of person- and organization-related conditions to provide high-quality person-centred palliative care. / Den overordnede hensikten var å undersøke kvalitet i palliativ behandling og omsorg fra pasientens perspektiv, å utvikle og psykometrisk evaluere spørreskjemaet Kvalitet ut fra Pasientens Perspektiv (KUPP) for palliativ omsorg (KUPP-PO), samt å undersøke sammenhengen mellom person- og organisasjonsrelaterte forhold og pasientenes erfaringer av kvalitet. Metode. I den systematiske oversiktsartikkelen (I) ble 23 studier fra seks databaser og referanselister syntetisert i 2014 med integrativ tematisk analyse. De kvantitative studiene (II-IV) hadde et tverrsnittsdesign som inkluderte 191 pasienter (svarprosent: 73) fra hospice-døgnavdeling, hospice-dagavdeling, lindrende enheter i sykehjem og hjemmetjeneste i 2013 til 2014. En modifisert versjon av KUPP ble brukt. I tillegg ble person- og organisasjonsorienterte forhold kartlagt. Deskriptiv og inferensiell statistikk, samt psykometrisk evaluering ble anvendt. Hovedfunn. Pasientene ønsket at palliativ behandling og omsorg skulle omfatte hjelp til å leve et meningsfullt liv og at helsepersonell, omsorgsmiljø og organisering av omsorgen var lydhør for og handlet eller var tilrettelagt i samsvar med deres preferanser (I). KUPP-PO ble utviklet og omfattet 12 faktorer (49 spørsmål), 3 enkeltstående spørsmål og fire dimensjoner; medisinsk-teknisk kompetanse, fysisk-tekniske forhold, identitetsorientert tilnærmingsmåte og sosiokulturell atmosfære (II). KUPP-PO målte pasientenes erfaringer og subjektiv betydning av kvalitet. Pasientens erfaringer av kvaliteten med palliativ behandling og omsorg varierte utfra kontekst, men subjektiv betydning varierte ikke. Alle omsorgskontekstene viste styrker og forbedringsområder (II, III). Personrelaterte forhold så ut til å være forbundet med subjektiv betydning mens person- og organisasjonsorienterte forhold så ut til å være forbundet med erfaring med behandling og omsorg, og forklarte respektivt 18–30/22-29% av variansen (IV). Konklusjon: Kvalitet fra pasientens perspektiv (subjektiv betydning og erfaring) bør integreres i daglig behandling og omsorg og i forbedringstiltak i palliativ omsorg. KUPP-PO kan måle pasientenes erfaringer i kvalitetsutviklingsarbeid. Sykepleiere og annet helsepersonell trenger å være bevisst person- og organisasjonsrelaterte forhold for å utføre personsentrert behandling og omsorg av høy kvalitet.
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Avaliação da fidedignidade e validade do Mini - Rastreio de Transtornos Mentais (Mini-RTM) / Evaluation of Reliability and Validity of MINI-Screening of Mental Disorders (MINI-SMD)Bolsoni, Lívia Maria 28 April 2016 (has links)
Atualmente aumenta o reconhecimento da atenção primária em gerenciar os problemas de saúde mental e o uso de instrumentos de rastreio possibilita mensurar características psicológicas, psíquicas e comportamentais que nem sempre são consideradas. Dessa forma, o uso de instrumentos de rastreio pode auxiliar na detecção precoce de indivíduos que necessitam de tratamento, acompanhamento ou intervenção e são raros os instrumentos que englobam o rastreio de múltiplos transtornos mentais. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral construir e validar um instrumento breve de rastreio de múltiplos transtornos mentais, o qual será chamado de Mini Rastreio para Transtornos Mentais (MINI-RTM), que reúne questões relevantes de diversos instrumentos de rastreio específicos para transtornos mentais, já existentes e validados, mas que permita a detecção dos transtornos mais comuns em atenção primária, incluindo abuso de substâncias e transtornos psicóticos. O MINI-RTM abarcou questões relativas à ansiedade, depressão, abuso e/ou dependência de álcool e substâncias e transtornos psicóticos. É um instrumento composto por nove itens com escore podendo variar de zero a 23. 545 sujeitos foram entrevistados em seus domicílios, por estudantes de medicina, treinados no MINI-RTM e item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA. Os sujeitos que concordaram em participar da segunda fase do estudo, total de 230, receberam uma segunda visita de profissionais de saúde mental, com treinamento no MINI-RTM, no item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA e na entrevista MINI, para possível confirmação do diagnóstico. O MINIRTM foi sujeito à análise da fidedignidade teste-reste, por meio do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC), apresentando valor de 0,78, considerado satisfatório, indicando ser um instrumento bastante confiável e com índices mais expressivos que o item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA. A análise da validade discriminativa, mostrou que o MINI-RTM apresentouse com valores de área sob a curva ROC, sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo satisfatórios. Os pontos de corte, quando comparado com a entrevista padrão-ouro MINI foram: >3 (instrumento mais sensível) e >4 (instrumento mais específico). Quando cotejado com o item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA, para ponto de melhor acurácia, o MINI-RTM apresentou-se com menor variação entre sensibilidade e especificidade, sendo considerado mais equilibrado na detecção de casos e não casos. Quanto à análise da validade concorrente, na comparação com item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA, o MINI-RTM apresentou valor moderado de correlação, o que era de se esperar devido ao item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA avaliar bem estar geral e não um conjunto de transtornos. Dessa forma, o MINI-RTM apresentou-se como um instrumento de rastreio potencialmente relevante para triagem de múltiplos transtornos mentais em cuidados primários de saúde, sendo satisfatoriamente fidedigno, válido e mais abrangente que outros instrumentos de rastreio. O MINI-RTM conseguiu reunir questão importantes para um instrumento de rastreio que é a alta capacidade de discriminação entre casos e não casos e a fácil aplicabilidade. Esse instrumento está disponível para profissionais de cuidados primários de saúde, preenchendo uma importante lacuna na literatura, principalmente nacional, que é a disposição de um instrumento que rastreie múltiplos transtornos mentais, não se limitando somente a avaliação de bem estar geral ou avaliação de transtornos mentais específicos / Current studies raise awareness of primary care on management of mental disorder issues and the use of screening tools allows the measurement of physical, psychological and behavioral features not always considered. Therefore, the use of screening tools may aid early detection of individuals who require treatment, assistance or intervention. In addition, screening tools that allow that allow the identification of multiple mental disorders are uncommon. Therefore, the current study aimed to build and validate a brief tool that tracks multiple mental disorders to be named Mini Screening for Mental Disorders (in Portuguese, MINI-RTM) that gathers relevant issues from various mental disorder screening tools already validated, with the addition of allowing the identification of commonplace disorders such as substance abuse and psychotic disorder. MINI-SMD comprehends questions related to anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse and/or addiction, as well as psychotic disorders. The instrument comprises nine items in which scores vary from zero to 23. 545 participants were interviewed at their homes by medicine students with training at MINI-RTM and Feelings from COOP/WONKA. The subjects who agreed to participate in the second phase of the study, total 230, received a second visit from mental health professionals with training in MINI-SMD, the item Feelings of COOP/WONCA and the MINI interview for possible confirmation of diagnosis. The MINI-SMD was subject to test-retest reliability analysis, through intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), with value 0.78, considered satisfactory, indicating to be a very reliable instrument with more expressive indexes than Feelings from COOP / WONCA. The analysis of discriminant validity showed that MINI-RTM presented satisfactory values under the ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Cut scores when compared with the gold standard MINI interview were: > 3 (more sensitive instrument) and> 4 (more specific instrument). When collated with Feelings for better accuracy scores, MINI-RTM presented less variation between sensitivity and specificity, being considered more balanced in detecting cases and non-cases. With respect to the analysis of concurrent validity, compared to Feelings, MINI-RTM presented moderate correlation value, which has been expected since Feelings assesses well-being and not a set of disorders. Thus, MINI-RTM was presented as a potentially important screening tool for tracking multiple mental disorders in primary health care, being satisfactorily reliable, valid and more comprehensive than other screening tools. MINI-RTM managed to gather important features for a screening instrument such as high capacity of discrimination between cases and noncases and easy applicability. This tool is available for primary health care professionals, filling an important gap in the literature - mainly Brazilian - which is the provision of a tool that tracks multiple mental disorders, not only limited to the assessment of well-being or the general assessment of specific mental disorders
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Instrumento breve para triagem do comprometimento cognitivo em pacientes com esclerose múltipla para o contexto brasileiro: estudos com diferentes medidas / Brief screening for cognitive impairment in Multiple Sclerosis patients to the Brazilian context: studies with different objective measuresSpedo, Carina Tellaroli 24 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O comprometimento cognitivo (CC) na Esclerose Múltipla (EM) possui taxas de prevalência de 43% a 70% e pode surgir desde a Síndrome Clinicamente Isolada (CIS) aos estágios iniciais da EM. O CC na EM pode evoluir independentemente dos sinais e sintomas motores, dos resultados do EDSS e ausência de lesões ativas (captantes) na Ressonância Magnética. Neste contexto, o Multiple Sclerosis National Questionaire (MSNQ) e o protocolo Brief International Cognitive Assesment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS) são instrumentos internacionais empregados para a triagem e o monitoramento nos centros de atendimento para os pacientes com EM. Estudos posteriores e reuniões do mesmo comitê concluíram que o MSNQ possui várias limitações por ser uma medida não objetiva e a triagem única pelo Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) por si só não é capaz de acessar outras áreas que podem estar comprometidas na EM. Com a segunda revisão do MMSE, e na falta de instrumentos de triagem objetivos capazes de triar os pacientes que precisassem ser melhor acompanhados pelo BICAMS, buscou-se no presente estudo criar a partir do BICAMS e do MMSE-2 uma medida rápida para triagem, que tivesse medidas de memória episódica, velocidade de processamento, atenção e memória operacional. Objetivo: Para obter uma ferramenta de triagem para este propósito (MMSE-MS) foram conduzidos estudos de adaptação segundo o estímulo: estudo de protótipos, estudo de adaptação, propriedades psicométricas e normas do MMSE-2 (como a nossa ferramenta experimental) e estudo preliminar de desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta objetiva de triagem para EM, com base no MMSE-3. Métodos: Todos os estudos de tradução e adaptação foram conduzidos seguindo um mesmo método, já amplamente utilizado pela literatura. O primeiro estudo consistiu no estudo convencional e de protótipos para verificar qual possuía melhor estimativa de equivalência entre as culturas. O segundo estudo consistiu em adaptar, verificar as propriedades psicométricas e estabelecer normas para o MMSE-2. Similarmente ao estudo anterior, um juiz internacional discutiu os resultados do estudo de adaptação para estabelecimento dos parâmetros de transculturalidade. O último estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de obter uma ferramenta com estimativas de sensibilidade e especificidade similares ao BICAMS, mas que fosse designada à triagem dos pacientes que são elegíveis para ser acompanhados pelo BICAMS. Para tal participaram do primeiro estudo, 374 voluntários da comunidade e 25 pacientes com EM. No segundo e terceiro estudo, participaram 128 pacientes com EM e 602 voluntários saudáveis. Todos os estudos clínicos e com as amostras da comunidade foram realizados no período de 2013 à 2015 e contaram com a parceria em pesquisa do Instituto Brasileiro de Neuropsicologia (IBNeuro) e do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Avaliação Psicológica (LABIAP). A coleta de pacientes foi realizada no Ambulatório de Neuroimunologia do Hospital das clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Perto (FMRP-USP). Resultados: No primeiro estudo, foram mantidas 5 palavras das 15 da versão original. A razão para as modificações na lista Brasileira foram as diferenças entre a divisão silábica, extensão das palavras e presença de protótipos. Verificou-se ainda que até a quarta palavra evocada na nossa cultura em cada categoria semântica foram as mesmas que foram evocadas na língua nativa do instrumento, mas a ordem da frequência variou dentro de cada categoria, mostrando que embora existam palavras que são prototípicas às duas culturas na classificação semântica global, o contexto cultural interfere muito quando partimos para as especificidades dentro de cada classificação e categoria semântica. O MMSE-2 também apresentou estimativas de validade e precisão comum às duas culturas. No quarto estudo, as medidas do MMSE-2 que tiveram melhor relação com o BICAMS e índices de sensibilidade e especificidade parecidos foram as medidas da tarefa de evocação, atenção e cálculo, memória de histórias e codificação dígitos-símbolos. As correlações selecionadas foram aquelas classificadas em moderadas e fortes. Como segundo critério, as medidas do MMSE-2 foram comparadas às medidas do BICAMS pela curva ROC. As medidas do MMSE- 2 que tiveram especificidade e sensibilidade significativas (p<0,001) foram as elegíveis para compor o teste de triagem. Como a tarefa de codificação dígitos-símbolos é susceptível à demanda motora, optou-se pelo uso da forma oral do SDMT em conjunto. Deste modo, no nosso instrumento de triagem, normas para este instrumento foram criadas a partir da soma dos itens do MMSE-MS com o SDMT oral. Conclusão: A integração de dados desses diversos estudos evidencia cautela quanto aos procedimentos de adaptação empregados para adaptação transcultural das tarefas que são de origem verbal e semântica. Há também evidências da necessidade de instrumentos capazes de triar esses pacientes. Para tal, o MMSE-EM mostrou-se válido, preciso, com índices de sensibilidade e especificidade similares ao BICAMS, com normas ajustadas ao contexto Brasileiro. / Background: The cognitive impairment (CI) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has the prevalence rate from 43% to 70% and may occur from the Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) to the early stages of MS. The CI in MS can advance independently of motor signs and symptoms, EDSS scores and MRI stable. In this context, the National Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire (MSNQ) and the International Brief Cognitive Assesment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS) are international tools used to screening and monitoring MS patients in care centers. Further studies and meetings provided by same committee alluded that MSNQ has several limitations for being a non-objective measure and the screening using the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) alone is not effective because other areas that may be impaired in MS is not screened. With the second revision of the MMSE, and the lack of objective screening tools to quikly screening MS patients that needed to be monitored by BICAMS, we aimed in the presente study to create a fast measurement to screening the episodic memory, processing speed, attention and working memory from BICAMS and MMSE-2. Objective: To obtain brief a screening tool for MS (MMSE-MS) were conducted four studies using different tools: first the prototype study to development of CVLT-2 lists, adaptation, psychometric properties and normative data of BICAMS to the Braziliam context (as our gold standard), Cross cultural adaptation, psychometric properties, and normative data of MMSE-2 (the experimental tool) and the preliminary study of development of MMSE-MS. Methods: All translation and adaptation studies were conducted following the same method, as widely used in the literature. The first study consisted of conventional adaptation and prototypical norms, aiming to see which had the best estimates of equivalence between the cultures. The second study with BICAMS protocol show that MS scored significantly lower on all BICAMS tests. At the end of the study, the results were discussed with a member of the international committee to confirm the evidences of transculturality between the original and Brazilian versions. The third study consisted of Adapt, to investigate the psychometric properties and stablish normative data to the MMSE-2. Similarly to the previous study, an international judge discussed the results of the study of adaptation to identify the estimatives of transculturality. The fourth and last study was conducted in order to obtain a tool with sensitivity and similar specificity estimates BICAMS, but it was designed to screen patients who are eligible to be accompanied by BICAMS. Participated of the first study, 374 healthy volunteers and 25 patients with MS. In the second and third study participated 128 MS patients and 602 healthy volunteers. All clinical studies and community samples were carried out from 2013 to 2015 and had the partnership of the Brazilian Institute of Neuropsychology (IBNeuro) and the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Psychological Assessment (LABIAP). The collection of patients was performed at the Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic from Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP-USP). Results: In the first study, were kept 5 words of 15 from the original American version. The reason for these changes in the Brazilian list were the differences between the syllabic division, extension of the words and the presence of prototypicall words. Was also found that until the fourth word evoked in our culture, in each semantic category were the same as those mentioned in the native language, but the order of the frequency varied within each category, indicating that although there are words that are prototypically commom between the two cultures in the overall semantic classification, the cultural context changes when we analyse the specifics prototipically words inside of each classification and semantic categories. To the second study, the BICAMS showed similar estimates of reliability and validity for current use as monitoring tool for MS in the Brazilian contexto, supporting the diagnostic validity of the Brazilian-Portuguese adaptation The normative data were satisfactory (p <0.001) in relation to the vocational status. The third study, with MMSE-2 also provided good estimates of validity and precision to the both cultures. To the fourth study, the MMSE-2 was compared to the BICAMS. The MMSE-2 tasks which had similar sensitivity and specificity to the BICAMS protocol was the recalling, attention and calculation, history memory and processing speed (Symbol Digit-coding). The selected tasks were those classified as moderate and Strong correlations. The second procedure consisted on comparisions among the MMSE-2 measurements and BICAMS using ROC curve. So, the MMSE-2 measures that had significant (p <0.001) specificity and sensitivity and similar area under the curve (ROC) were eligible to composse the screening tool. As the digit-symbol coding task is susceptible to motor demand, we decided to include the oral SDMT to the task. Thus, to get our screening tool, normative data for this instrument were created from the sum of the MMSE-MS items with oral SDMT. Conclusion: The overall of the data from these studies calls attention to the necessity of the caution to the adaptation procedures used in cross-cultural adaptation of the tasks that has verbal and semantic stimuli. There is also the need of tools abel to screening MS patients. For this, these preliminar data for MMSE-MS showed evidences of validation, similar sensitivity and and specificity, with normative data culturally adjusted to the Brazilian context.
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Avaliação da fidedignidade e validade do Mini - Rastreio de Transtornos Mentais (Mini-RTM) / Evaluation of Reliability and Validity of MINI-Screening of Mental Disorders (MINI-SMD)Lívia Maria Bolsoni 28 April 2016 (has links)
Atualmente aumenta o reconhecimento da atenção primária em gerenciar os problemas de saúde mental e o uso de instrumentos de rastreio possibilita mensurar características psicológicas, psíquicas e comportamentais que nem sempre são consideradas. Dessa forma, o uso de instrumentos de rastreio pode auxiliar na detecção precoce de indivíduos que necessitam de tratamento, acompanhamento ou intervenção e são raros os instrumentos que englobam o rastreio de múltiplos transtornos mentais. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral construir e validar um instrumento breve de rastreio de múltiplos transtornos mentais, o qual será chamado de Mini Rastreio para Transtornos Mentais (MINI-RTM), que reúne questões relevantes de diversos instrumentos de rastreio específicos para transtornos mentais, já existentes e validados, mas que permita a detecção dos transtornos mais comuns em atenção primária, incluindo abuso de substâncias e transtornos psicóticos. O MINI-RTM abarcou questões relativas à ansiedade, depressão, abuso e/ou dependência de álcool e substâncias e transtornos psicóticos. É um instrumento composto por nove itens com escore podendo variar de zero a 23. 545 sujeitos foram entrevistados em seus domicílios, por estudantes de medicina, treinados no MINI-RTM e item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA. Os sujeitos que concordaram em participar da segunda fase do estudo, total de 230, receberam uma segunda visita de profissionais de saúde mental, com treinamento no MINI-RTM, no item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA e na entrevista MINI, para possível confirmação do diagnóstico. O MINIRTM foi sujeito à análise da fidedignidade teste-reste, por meio do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC), apresentando valor de 0,78, considerado satisfatório, indicando ser um instrumento bastante confiável e com índices mais expressivos que o item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA. A análise da validade discriminativa, mostrou que o MINI-RTM apresentouse com valores de área sob a curva ROC, sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo satisfatórios. Os pontos de corte, quando comparado com a entrevista padrão-ouro MINI foram: >3 (instrumento mais sensível) e >4 (instrumento mais específico). Quando cotejado com o item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA, para ponto de melhor acurácia, o MINI-RTM apresentou-se com menor variação entre sensibilidade e especificidade, sendo considerado mais equilibrado na detecção de casos e não casos. Quanto à análise da validade concorrente, na comparação com item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA, o MINI-RTM apresentou valor moderado de correlação, o que era de se esperar devido ao item Sentimentos do COOP/WONCA avaliar bem estar geral e não um conjunto de transtornos. Dessa forma, o MINI-RTM apresentou-se como um instrumento de rastreio potencialmente relevante para triagem de múltiplos transtornos mentais em cuidados primários de saúde, sendo satisfatoriamente fidedigno, válido e mais abrangente que outros instrumentos de rastreio. O MINI-RTM conseguiu reunir questão importantes para um instrumento de rastreio que é a alta capacidade de discriminação entre casos e não casos e a fácil aplicabilidade. Esse instrumento está disponível para profissionais de cuidados primários de saúde, preenchendo uma importante lacuna na literatura, principalmente nacional, que é a disposição de um instrumento que rastreie múltiplos transtornos mentais, não se limitando somente a avaliação de bem estar geral ou avaliação de transtornos mentais específicos / Current studies raise awareness of primary care on management of mental disorder issues and the use of screening tools allows the measurement of physical, psychological and behavioral features not always considered. Therefore, the use of screening tools may aid early detection of individuals who require treatment, assistance or intervention. In addition, screening tools that allow that allow the identification of multiple mental disorders are uncommon. Therefore, the current study aimed to build and validate a brief tool that tracks multiple mental disorders to be named Mini Screening for Mental Disorders (in Portuguese, MINI-RTM) that gathers relevant issues from various mental disorder screening tools already validated, with the addition of allowing the identification of commonplace disorders such as substance abuse and psychotic disorder. MINI-SMD comprehends questions related to anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse and/or addiction, as well as psychotic disorders. The instrument comprises nine items in which scores vary from zero to 23. 545 participants were interviewed at their homes by medicine students with training at MINI-RTM and Feelings from COOP/WONKA. The subjects who agreed to participate in the second phase of the study, total 230, received a second visit from mental health professionals with training in MINI-SMD, the item Feelings of COOP/WONCA and the MINI interview for possible confirmation of diagnosis. The MINI-SMD was subject to test-retest reliability analysis, through intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), with value 0.78, considered satisfactory, indicating to be a very reliable instrument with more expressive indexes than Feelings from COOP / WONCA. The analysis of discriminant validity showed that MINI-RTM presented satisfactory values under the ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Cut scores when compared with the gold standard MINI interview were: > 3 (more sensitive instrument) and> 4 (more specific instrument). When collated with Feelings for better accuracy scores, MINI-RTM presented less variation between sensitivity and specificity, being considered more balanced in detecting cases and non-cases. With respect to the analysis of concurrent validity, compared to Feelings, MINI-RTM presented moderate correlation value, which has been expected since Feelings assesses well-being and not a set of disorders. Thus, MINI-RTM was presented as a potentially important screening tool for tracking multiple mental disorders in primary health care, being satisfactorily reliable, valid and more comprehensive than other screening tools. MINI-RTM managed to gather important features for a screening instrument such as high capacity of discrimination between cases and noncases and easy applicability. This tool is available for primary health care professionals, filling an important gap in the literature - mainly Brazilian - which is the provision of a tool that tracks multiple mental disorders, not only limited to the assessment of well-being or the general assessment of specific mental disorders
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Comparing the BDI II and the HADS (HADS-D) as a screening tool for depression amongst HIV infected individuals attending a public health clinicLe Fleur, Celeste Catherine January 2011 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / This study utilised secondary data from a larger study that looked at individuals that are already infected by HIV which is entitled Implicative personal dilemmas and cognitive conflicts in health decision making in HIV positive adults and adults with AIDS. The primary aim of the larger study was to examine the cognitive construction of the individual and how they utilised their individual resources to construct who they are and how they perceived the difficulties and challenges that they face and the decisions they make regarding their health. HIV and AIDS is a debilitating disease and it affects millions worldwide. South Africa, presently, has the largest burden of this disease with those between the ages of 15 – 49 years of age being most affected. As previously mentioned the decisions that individuals make can impact on their health. Decisions to take necessary precautions such as protected sex during sexual intercourse can decrease the progression of the disease. Decisions made regarding abstinence of risky behaviour as well as being committed to taking medication could also positively impact health. People living with HIV and AIDS find it difficult to adjust to the challenges that this disease presents. Depression is often experienced due to the changes in self image and perception. Studies show that females are twice more likely to experience depression than men. There has however been no conclusive evidence showing the reason for this, however, the perception of stress based on gender could shed some light on this matter and how these perceptions can increase the likelihood of women being more vulnerable to depression. Due to the limitation of this study, it will only look at depression as it relates to HIV and AIDS. Psychological problems such as depression can hamper the adjustment process and the effect of depression is evident in that it can lower the CD 4 + cells. Not only are those living with HIV and AIDS affected by depression, but they also have a lifetime prevalence to depression. It is important to have an effective screening tool for depression so that the detection of this disease can be made and effective treatment can be implemented to enhance health. The sample consisted of 113 adult participants that have already been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. The primary aim of this study was to compare the Beck’s Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale –(the Depression component) (HADS-D) as a screening tool for depression. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a 5 factor structure which accounted for 60.14 % of the total variance. The HADS yielded one factor accounting for 14.33% of total variance. The BDI II has proven to be more a reliable measure of depression with 0.89 according to the Cronbach’s Alpha co efficient opposed to 0.375 as per the HADS-D. The secondary aim was to establish the sociodemographic and disease profiles of the participants under study. / South Africa
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Interaktivni sistem zasnovan na Internet tehnologijama za psihometrijsku dijagnostiku / Interactive system based on Internet technology for psychometric diagnosticsIlić Velibor 22 September 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatra model sistema baziranog na Internet tehnologijama za psihometrijsku dijagnostiku.<br />Sistem je baziran na kombinaciji sistema za upravljanje sadržajem (Content Management Systems, CMS) i sistema za podršku grupnom radu (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW), omogućava dijagnostiku kognitivnih sposobnosti putem multimedijalnih testova, kontrolu nad tokom testiranja, skladištenje i analizu podataka o korisnicima i rezultata testova, kao i platformu za kolaborativni naučno istraživački rad.</p> / <p>In this thesis is analyzed model of system based on Internet technologies for psychometrics diagnostics.<br />System is based on combinations Content Management Systems, (CMS) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work, (CSCW). System enables: diagnostics cognitive capabilities using multimedial tests, control on process of diagnostics, recording data in databases, data analysis. System represent environment for collaborative scientific work.</p>
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Comparing the BDI II and the HADS (HADS-D) as a screening tool for depression amongst HIV infected individuals attending a public health clinicLe Fleur, Celeste Catherine January 2011 (has links)
<p>This study utilised secondary data from a larger study that looked at individuals that are already infected by HIV which is entitled Implicative personal dilemmas and cognitive conflicts in health decision making in HIV positive adults and adults with AIDS. The primary aim of the larger study was to examine the cognitive construction of the individual and how they utilised their individual resources to construct who they are and how they perceived the difficulties and challenges that they face and the decisions they make regarding their health. HIV and AIDS is a debilitating disease and it affects millions worldwide. South Africa, presently, has the largest burden of this disease with those between the ages of 15 &ndash / 49 years of age being most affected. As previously  / mentioned the decisions that individuals make can impact on their health. Decisions to take necessary precautions such as protected sex during sexual intercourse can decrease the  / progression of the disease. Decisions made regarding abstinence of risky behaviour as well as being committed to taking medication could also positively impact health. People living with HIV and AIDS find it  / difficult to adjust to the challenges that this disease presents. Depression is often experienced due to the changes in self image and perception. Studies show that  / females are twice more likely to experience depression than men. There has however been no conclusive evidence showing the reason for this, however, the perception of stress based on  / gender could shed some light on this matter and how these perceptions can increase the likelihood of women being more vulnerable to depression. Due to the limitation of this study, it will  / only look at depression as it relates to HIV and AIDS. Psychological problems such as depression can hamper the adjustment process and the effect of depression is evident in that it can lower the CD 4 + cells. Not only are those  / living with HIV and AIDS affected by depression, but they also have a lifetime prevalence to depression. It is important to have an effective screening tool for depression so that the detection of this  / disease can be made and effective treatment can be implemented to enhance health. The sample consisted of 113 adult participants that have already been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. The  / primary aim of this study was to compare the Beck&rsquo / s Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale &ndash / (the Depression component) (HADS-D) as a screening tool  /   / for depression. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a 5 factor structure which accounted for 60.14 % of the total variance. The HADS yielded one factor accounting for 14.33% of total variance. The BDI II has proven to be more a reliable measure of depression with 0.89 according to the Cronbach&rsquo / s Alpha co efficient opposed to 0.375 as per the HADS-D. The secondary aim was to establish  / the sociodemographic and disease profiles of the participants under study. </p>
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Entwicklung, Reliabilität und Objektivität einer „Objective Structured Clinical Examination“ in der Notfallmedizin / Development, reliability and objectivity of an „Objective Structured Clinical Examination“ in emergency medicineSchwerdtfeger, Katrin 26 February 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparing the BDI II and the HADS (HADS-D) as a screening tool for depression amongst HIV infected individuals attending a public health clinicLe Fleur, Celeste Catherine January 2011 (has links)
<p>This study utilised secondary data from a larger study that looked at individuals that are already infected by HIV which is entitled Implicative personal dilemmas and cognitive conflicts in health decision making in HIV positive adults and adults with AIDS. The primary aim of the larger study was to examine the cognitive construction of the individual and how they utilised their individual resources to construct who they are and how they perceived the difficulties and challenges that they face and the decisions they make regarding their health. HIV and AIDS is a debilitating disease and it affects millions worldwide. South Africa, presently, has the largest burden of this disease with those between the ages of 15 &ndash / 49 years of age being most affected. As previously  / mentioned the decisions that individuals make can impact on their health. Decisions to take necessary precautions such as protected sex during sexual intercourse can decrease the  / progression of the disease. Decisions made regarding abstinence of risky behaviour as well as being committed to taking medication could also positively impact health. People living with HIV and AIDS find it  / difficult to adjust to the challenges that this disease presents. Depression is often experienced due to the changes in self image and perception. Studies show that  / females are twice more likely to experience depression than men. There has however been no conclusive evidence showing the reason for this, however, the perception of stress based on  / gender could shed some light on this matter and how these perceptions can increase the likelihood of women being more vulnerable to depression. Due to the limitation of this study, it will  / only look at depression as it relates to HIV and AIDS. Psychological problems such as depression can hamper the adjustment process and the effect of depression is evident in that it can lower the CD 4 + cells. Not only are those  / living with HIV and AIDS affected by depression, but they also have a lifetime prevalence to depression. It is important to have an effective screening tool for depression so that the detection of this  / disease can be made and effective treatment can be implemented to enhance health. The sample consisted of 113 adult participants that have already been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. The  / primary aim of this study was to compare the Beck&rsquo / s Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale &ndash / (the Depression component) (HADS-D) as a screening tool  /   / for depression. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a 5 factor structure which accounted for 60.14 % of the total variance. The HADS yielded one factor accounting for 14.33% of total variance. The BDI II has proven to be more a reliable measure of depression with 0.89 according to the Cronbach&rsquo / s Alpha co efficient opposed to 0.375 as per the HADS-D. The secondary aim was to establish  / the sociodemographic and disease profiles of the participants under study. </p>
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Comparing the BDI II and the hads (HADS-D) as a screening tool for depression amongst HIV infected individuals attending a public health clinicFleur, Celeste Catherine Le January 2010 (has links)
This study utilised secondary data from a larger study that looked at individuals that are already infected by HIV which is entitled Implicative personal dilemmas and cognitive conflicts in health decision making in HIV positive adults and adults with AIDS. The primary aim of the larger study was to examine the cognitive construction of the individual and how they utilised their individual resources to construct who they are and how they perceived the difficulties and challenges that they face and the decisions they make regarding their health. HIV and AIDS is a debilitating disease and it affects millions worldwide. South Africa, presently, has the largest burden of this disease with those between the ages of 15 – 49 years of age being most affected. As previously mentioned the decisions that individuals make can impact on their health. Decisions to take necessary precautions such as protected sex during sexual intercourse can decrease the progression of the
disease. Decisions made regarding abstinence of risky behaviour as well as being committed to taking medication could also positively impact health. People living with HIV and AIDS find it difficult to adjust to the challenges that this disease presents. Depression is often experienced due to the changes in self image and perception. Studies show that females are twice more likely to experience depression than men. There has however been no conclusive evidence showing the
reason for this, however, the perception of stress based on gender could shed some light on this matter and how these perceptions can increase the likelihood of women being more vulnerable to depression. Due to the limitation of this study, it will only look at depression as it relates to HIV and AIDS. Psychological problems such as depression can hamper the adjustment process and the effect of depression is evident in that it can lower the CD 4 + cells. Not only are those living with HIV and AIDS affected by depression, but they also have a lifetime prevalence to depression. It is important to have an effective screening tool for depression so that the detection of this disease can be made and effective treatment can be implemented to enhance health. The sample consisted of 113 adult participants that have already been diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. The primary aim of this study was to compare the Beck’s Depression Inventory II (BDI II) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale –(the Depression component) (HADS-D) as a screening tool for depression.Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a 5 factor structure which accounted for 60.14 % of the total variance. The HADS yielded one factor accounting for 14.33% of total variance. The BDI II has proven to be more a reliable measure of depression with 0.89 according to the Cronbach’s Alpha co
efficient opposed to 0.375 as per the HADS-D. The secondary aim was to establish the sociodemographic and disease profiles of the participants under study. / Magister Psychologiae - MPsych
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