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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative clinical case study of a traditional and positive psychological psychometric feedback

Mohamed, Safia 14 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this clinical case study was to compare clients’ and an Educational Psychologist’s experiences of a psychometric feedback from a traditional perspective with feedback from the perspective of positive psychology. The study consulted relevant literature and integrated readings to design frameworks to guide the two modes of feedback. A mixed-method research approach was applied, with a dominant focus on the qualitative aspects of this study (Qualquan), guided by an interpretivist epistemology. Four adolescent girls and an Educational Psychologist were conveniently selected to participate, with two girls participating in the pilot phase and two in the data collection phase. After the pilot the interview frameworks were adapted. Psychometric profiles were used to generate quantitative data, while audio-visual recordings of the feedback interviews, interview transcripts, field notes , the researcher’s and Educational Psychologist’s reflections, and participants’ pre- and post-feedback narratives contributed to the qualitative data for the study. Following thematic analysis it emerged that the clients’ experienced four similarities between the two modes of feedback interviews. Both feedback interviews were experienced as satisfactory and positive experiences; both modes provided self- and career knowledge to the participants; both were experienced as comprehensive feedbacks and the Educational Psychologist highlighted both strengths and weaknesses of the client in each mode. However, the participant who experienced the positive psychological feedback interview received an additional strength-building opportunity. The lack of significant differentiation between the two modes of feedback interviews may be indicative of the value of the therapeutic alliance between therapists and client. This study’s main contribution to Educational Psychology theory and practice is a framework for a positive psychological feedback interview, which may create opportunities for strength-building discussions. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo en estudiantes de universidades públicas de Lima Metropolitana / Psychometric properties of the multidimensional perfectionism scale in students of public universities of Metropolitan Lima

Flores Bardales, Luisa Fernanda, Taboada Bastas, Rodrigo Sebastian 16 April 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo de Belloch, Carrasco y Perpiña en estudiantes de universidades públicas en Lima Metropolitana. Para esto, se desarrolló una investigación de tipo instrumental contando con la participación de 420 estudiantes (49.76% mujeres y 50.23% hombres), donde el 1.19% de personas eran menor o igual a 18 años, el 95.71% de estudiantes tenían entre 19 y 25 años, mientras que 2.61% tenían 26 o más años. De acuerdo con los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio, los datos se ajustan a menor índice mejor ajuste (Brooke, Russell & Price, 1988); Rock Mim Residuals (RMR≤.08), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI≥.90), Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI≥.90), Chi cuadra (c²) e Índice de parsimonia (PRATIO). Con ello, el modelo de 4 dimensiones (miedo a los errores, influencias paternas, expectativas de logro y organización) se encuentra relacionado entre sí, pues la consistencia interna resultó aceptable (ω =.87 a .93) para cada dimensión. Para una validación convergente, empleamos la escala de Escala de Metas de Estudio (EME) en donde se evidenció que existe correlación positiva y negativa entre factores De esta manera, se concluye que la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo es un instrumento con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para medir el perfeccionismo en universitarios peruanos. / The objective of the research was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale of Belloch, Carrasco and Perpiña in students of public universities in Metropolitan Lima. For this, an instrumental type investigation was developed with the participation of 420 students (49.76% women and 50.23% men), where 1.19% of people were less than or equal to 18 years, 95.71% of students were between 19 and 25 years, while 2.61% were 26 or older. According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis, the data fit the lower the better fit index (Brooke, Russell & Price, 1988); Rock Mim Residuals (RMR≤.08), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI≥.90), Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI≥.90), Chi square (c²) and Parsimony Index (PRATIO). With this, the 4-dimensional model (fear of mistakes, parental influences, expectations of achievement and organization) is related to each other, since the. The internal consistency was acceptable (ω = .87 to .93) for each dimension. For a convergent validation, we used the Scale of Study Goals (EME) scale where it was evidenced that there is a positive and negative correlation between factors In this way, it is concluded that the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale is an instrument with adequate psychometric properties to measure perfectionism in Peruvian university students. / Tesis

Evidencias psicométricas de la Escala de Riesgo de Adicción-Adolescente en Redes sociales e Internet en adolescentes de Lima Metropolitana / Psychometric evidence of the Addiction-Adolescent Risk Scale in Social Networks and the Internet in adolescents of Metropolitan Lima

Gamboa Melgar, Goldie Elizabeth, Peña Fuertes, Yazmin Angela Julia 15 March 2021 (has links)
Solicitud de envio de manuscrito como artículo científico. / La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Riesgo de Adicción-adolescente a las Redes Sociales e Internet (ERA-RSI) en estudiantes de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 755 estudiantes (361 hombres y 394 mujeres), cuyas edades se encontraban entre los 13 a 24 años (M = 17, DE = 2.93) y que asistían a escuelas (62.2%) o universidades privadas (33.8%). Se analizó la estructura interna de la ERA-RSI, su relación con otras variables (validez convergente) y la fiabilidad por consistencia interna. Los resultados del Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) indican una estructura de cuatro dimensiones con adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste en la muestra de adolescentes escolares (x2/gl = 2.94, CFI = .93, TLI = .93 y RMSEA = .06) y universitarios (x2/gl = 2.59, CFI = .98, TLI = .98 y RMSEA = .07). Además, se evidencia la consistencia interna de la escala en el grupo de escolares (ω = 41. a .76), así como, en la muestra de universitarios (ω = .63 a .89). Por su parte, la validez de convergencia se realizó con el Cuestionario de Adicción a las Redes Sociales (ARS) y se encontró, entre las dimensiones de ambas pruebas, correlaciones positivas, estadísticamente significativas y de magnitud fuerte. En conclusión, la ERA-RSI cuenta, en general, con adecuadas evidencias empíricas de validez y fiabilidad. / The objective of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Scale of Risk of Addiction-adolescent to Social Networks and Internet (ERA-RSI) in students of Metropolitan Lima. The sample consisted of 755 students (361 men and 394 women), whose ages ranged from 13 to 24 years (M = 17, SD = 2.93) and who attended schools (62.2%) or private universities (33.8%). The internal structure of the ERA-RSI, its relationship with other variables (convergent validity), and the reliability by internal consistency were analyzed. The results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) indicate a four-dimensional structure with adequate goodness-of-fit indices in the sample of school adolescents (x2 / gl = 2.94, CFI = .93, TLI = .93 and RMSEA = .06) and university students (x2 / gl = 2.59, CFI = .98, TLI = .98 and RMSEA = .07). Also, the internal consistency of the scale is evidenced in the group of schoolchildren (ω = 41. to .76), as well as, in the sample of university students (ω = .63 to .89). For its part, the convergence validity was performed with the Social Media Addiction Questionnaire (ARS), and positive, statistically significant, and strong correlations were found between the dimensions of both tests. In conclusion, the ERA-RSI generally has adequate empirical evidence of validity and reliability. / Tesis

A content analysis of forensic psychological reports written for sentencing proceedings in criminal court cases in South Africa

Genis, Marina 30 March 2010 (has links)
Since the 1970s there has been a rising trend in South Africa for legal professionals to use the services of psychologists in legal proceedings. Psychologists have therefore increasingly started to appear as expert witnesses in court cases. Despite this, the field of forensic psychology in South Africa has yet to be defined and delineated. Currently there are no set guidelines or regulations regarding who is qualified to do forensic work, and no standards against which this work can be measured. Psychology in the courtroom has begun to receive a notorious reputation as a result of this. The Professional Board for Psychology (PBP) of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is investigating the creation of a new category of registration, that of Forensic Psychologist, partly in an effort to manage and address this problem. However, to date little, if any, research has been conducted on the scope of the work presented to the courts by psychologists appearing as expert witnesses. This research aimed to address this gap by analysing a sample of forensic psychological reports. The following aspects were investigated: <ul><li>Who (category or registration, length of registration, etc.) is doing sentencing reports;</li> <li>How (interviews, collateral information, psychometric tests, etc.) these reports are compiled; and</li> <li>Whether these reports measure up to professional expectations as well as adhere to the guidelines of the HPCSA.</li></ul> It is clear from the results of this research that some of the psychologists doing forensic assessments and writing reports do so in an idiosyncratic way. Besides the fact that no uniformity exists, forensic work is sometimes done by psychologists who are not qualified to do so in terms of their registration category and thus their scope of practice. The reports analysed did not always measure up to guidelines or professional standards from abroad (in lieu of local standards or guidelines for reports) and/or transgressions were made in terms of HPCSA policies and guidelines. This situation is understandable in the light of two shortfalls in this field, namely training and regulation. The following recommendations can be made on the basis of this study: <ul><li>That psychologists who are adequately trained and have the proven experience in forensic work, be accredited by the PBP;</li> <li>That guidelines and standards for forensic work be drawn up by the PBP; in addition, that more complete ethical guidelines than those contained in chapter 7 of the PBP’s Rules of Conduct Pertaining Specifically to Psychology also be drawn up;</li> <li>That adequate training at MA level in basic forensic issues be made compulsory, with the option of advanced training for those wishing to specialise in the field; and</li> <li>That lawyers be trained in basic concepts of psychology so as to allow for better selection of an appropriate psychologist to assist them and also to assure effective cross-examination regarding psychological issues in court.</li></ul> If these recommendations were implemented, they could aid in regulating the field, thus producing forensic work of a consistently high quality. This will hopefully help to narrow the gap between the expected and actual interaction between law and psychology. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Conducta Antisocial y Delictiva en escolares de Huánuco / Psychometric properties of the Antisocial and Criminal Behavior Scale in Huanuco schoolchildren

Barranca Sosa, Daniela Romelia, Lino Cruz, Cristopher Junior 18 February 2022 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación es determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Conducta Antisocial y Delictiva en Adolescentes (ECADA; Andreu & Peña, 2013) escolares de un distrito de Huánuco. La muestra estuvo conformada por 347 estudiantes (47.3 % varones y 52.7 % mujeres), con edades entre 12 a 17 años, de instituciones educativas públicas y privadas. Se comprobó la validez basada en relación con otra variable a través de la adaptación del Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry (AQ) realizada por Matalinares et al. (2012). Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio revelan que la estructura de segundo orden (M3) presenta adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste: χ2(116) = 144.93; CFI = .90; RMSEA = .03. Además, se reporta una fiabilidad adecuada (> .80). En conclusión, la ECADA posee aceptables evidencias de validez y de fiabilidad, por tanto, se recomienda continuar investigando las propiedades psicométricas de este instrumento. / The objective of the research is to determine the psychometric properties of the Scale of Antisocial and Criminal Behavior in Adolescents (ECADA; Andreu and Peña, 2013) in schoolchildren in a district of Huánuco. The sample consisted of 347 students (47.3% men and 52.7% women), aged between 12 and 17 years, from public and private educational institutions. Validity based on another variable was verified through the adaptation of the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) carried out by Matalinares et al. (2012). The results of the confirmatory factorial analysis reveal that the second-order structure (M3) presents adequate goodness-of-fit indices: χ2(116) = 144.93; CFI = .90; RMSEA = .03. In addition, adequate reliability (> .80) is reported. In conclusion, the ECADA has acceptable evidence of validity and reliability, therefore, it is recommended to continue investigating the psychometric properties of this instrument. / Tesis

Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de vitalidad subjetiva en pobladores adultos de Huachipa / Psychometric properties of the subjective vitality scale in adult residents of Huachipa

Ortiz de Orué Herles, Adriana Maria 14 December 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Vitalidad Subjetiva (SVS) en adultos de Santa María de Huachipa. La muestra estuvo conformada por 230 participantes (36% hombres y 64% mujeres) entre 18 y 60 años. Además de la SVS, se aplicó la Escala de Satisfacción y Frustración de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (BPNSFS) para realizar la validez convergente y divergente. Como evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, en el análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) se encontró que el modelo unifactorial presentó adecuados índices de ajuste (χ2 = 35.6, gl =14, CFI = .96, RMSEA = .037, SRMR = .08, λ =.25 y .78). Además, se realizó el análisis de confiabilidad mediante el coeficiente omega para el único factor, el cual obtuvo un valor de .84. Asimismo, el resultado de relaciones con otras variables arrojó una correlación positiva entre las dimensiones de satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y vitalidad subjetiva (r = .42 y .47) y una relación negativa con las dimensiones frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y vitalidad subjetiva (r = .36 y .44). Se concluye que la escala de Vitalidad Subjetiva es una medida con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la muestra de estudio. / The objective of this study was to determine the validity and reliability evidence of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS) in adults from Santa María de Huachipa. The sample consisted of 230 participants (36% men and 64% women) between 18 and 60 years old. In addition to the SVS, the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) was applied to perform convergent and divergent validity. As evidence of validity based on the internal structure, in the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) it was found that the unifactorial model presented adequate fit indices (χ2 = 35.6, gl = 14, CFI = .96, RMSEA = .037, SRMR = .08, λ = .25 and .78). In addition, the reliability analysis was performed using the omega coefficient for the only factor, which obtained a value of .84. Likewise, the result of relationships with other variables showed a positive correlation between the dimensions of satisfaction of basic psychological needs and subjective vitality (r =.42 and .47) and a negative relationship with the frustration dimensions of basic psychological needs and subjective vitality (r =.36 and .44). It is concluded that the Subjective Vitality scale is a measure with adequate psychometric properties for the study sample. / Tesis

Propiedades psicométricas del Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) en mujeres adultas peruanas / Psychometric properties of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) in Peruvian adult women

Busch Conroy, Nicole, Tonani Hildebrandt, Alessia 24 February 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) en una muestra de 338 mujeres peruanas (M=28.35, DE= 12.45). Como objetivos específicos, se buscó evaluar la evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, la validez de contenido, la evidencia de validez basada en la relación con otras variables de tipo convergente y la confiabilidad por consistencia interna. Se llevó a cabo un AFC que mostró que el modelo de los tres factores de la versión en español del DEBQ se ajusta adecuadamente a la población peruana. Se encontró que el grado de confiabilidad era adecuado (valores alfa de Cronbach: Comer Emocional = .92 [IC 95% = .917 - 941], Comer Externo = .85 [IC 95% = .821 - 873], Comer Restrictivo = .88 [IC 95% = .855 - 900]). Respecto a la de evidencia de validez basada en la relación con otras variables de tipo convergente, se evidencia que las tres dimensiones mantienen una correlación positiva y estadísticamente significativa con el BSQ-14. Así, la dimensión de comer restrictivo obtuvo la correlación más alta con el BSQ-14 (r = .58). El presente estudio es la primera adaptación del DEBQ a población peruana, lo que implica una contribución a la literatura en el uso del DEBQ para la evaluación de estilos alimentarios en las mujeres peruanas. / The aim of the present study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) in a sample of 335 Peruvian women (M = 28.37; SD = 12.48). Specific goals include: to evaluate the validity based on the internal structure of the scale, the convergent validity, and the reliability by internal consistency. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was carried out and showed that the three-factor model of the Spanish version of the DEBQ is adequately adjusted to the Peruvian population. Regarding reliability, it was found to be adequate (Cronbach’s alpha values: Emotional Eating = .92 [95% CI = .917 – 941], External Eating = .85 [95% CI = .821 – 873], Restrictive Eating = .88 [95% CI = .855 – 900]. As for convergent validity, it is evident that the three dimensions maintain a positive and statistically significant correlation with the BSQ-14. Thus, the restrictive eating scale obtained the highest correlation with the BSQ-14 (r = .58). The present study is the first adaptation of the DEBQ in peruvian population, which implies a contribution to the literature on the use of the instrument for the evaluation of eating styles in peruvian women. / Tesis

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Shirom – Melamed Burnout Measure en policías en servicio / Psychometric properties of Shirom - Melamed Burnout Measure on policemen in service

Canales Nieto, Valeria Nicol, Moreno Tipismana, Ursula Patricia 31 March 2022 (has links)
Shirom y Melamed (2006) proponen una forma de medir el burnout basados en la teoría de conservación de los recursos (COR). El objetivo fue determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala Shirom - Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM). La muestra se obtuvo mediante el muestreo no probabilístico, de tipo intencional por conveniencia, compuesta por 289 policías peruanos en servicio de ambos sexos entre los 20 a 61 años. Se realizó el análisis factorial exploratorio que confirmó la estructura original de tres factores (30.90%, 16.60% y 13.30% de varianza explicada) y cargas factoriales superiores a .30. Asimismo, se encontró una adecuada consistencia interna para las tres dimensiones. El factor fatiga física (ω = .88) y agotamiento emocional (ω = .82) obtuvieron alta consistencia interna mientras que el factor cansancio cognitivo (ω ≥ .65) obtuvo un puntaje aceptable. El SMBM cuenta con las propiedades psicométricas necesarias para considerarla una medida válida y confiable al usarla como instrumento de medición del burnout en futuras investigaciones. / Shirom & Melamed (2006) propose a way to gauge the burnout based on the Resource Conservation Theory (COR). The research objective is to establish “Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM)” psychometric properties. The sample size was composed by 289 both sexes peruvian policemen between 20 and 61 years old. The exploratory factor analysis was made confirming the three factors original structure, getting as a result factor loads higher than 30 (30.90%, 16.60% y 13.30%). Besides, Internal Consistency Coefficients calculated were acceptable for all three dimensions. Physical fatigue factor (ω =.88) and emotional exhaustion (ω =.82) got high internal consistency, while cognitive fatigue factor (ω ≥.65) got just an acceptable score. SMBM has the necessary psychometric properties to be considered valid and reliable as a Burnout measuring instrument on future investigations. / Tesis

Étude des altérations du comportement auditif chez l'enfant avec autisme : mise au point d'un nouvel instrument d'évaluation, l'échelle EACAA-E (Échelle Altérations Comportement Auditif Autisme Enfant) / Study of alterations of the auditory behavior in children with autism : development of a new assessment tool, the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C)

Filipova, Marina 30 November 2016 (has links)
L'autisme est un trouble envahissant du développement qui affecte toutes les fonctions sensorielles, perceptives, cognitives, communicatives, émotionnelles et relationnelles de l'enfant. S'appuyant sur la triade symptomatique autistique (altération qualitative des interactions sociales, altération qualitative de la communication et de l'imagination, caractère restreint, répétitif et stéréotypé des comportements, des centres d'intérêts et des activités), la définition de l'autisme de l'enfant a longtemps exclu les particularités sensorielles dont attestent pourtant à la fois les personnes avec autisme et les études scientifiques. Le DSM-5 a aujourd'hui réparé cet oubli. Actuellement si ces dysfonctionnements auditifs peuvent être identifiés par le clinicien à l'aide d'outils diagnostiques ou comportementaux validés, à notre connaissance, il n'existe pas d'outil spécifique pour les évaluer. Le premier objectif de cette recherche est d'élaborer une échelle d'Évaluation des Altérations du Comportement Auditif Autisme - Enfant (EACAA-E) utilisable par les cliniciens dans des situations d'examen de l'enfant avec TSA et qui présentent les qualités métrologiques nécessaires pour un usage en pratique clinique et en recherche. Le second objectif est de montrer que les altérations du comportement auditif chez des enfants avec TSA seraient une composante particulière de l'autisme, puis qu'indépendantes du degré de sévérité de l'autisme et du degré de sévérité du retard mental. Cinquante enfants et adolescents avec troubles du spectre de l'autisme et d'âge réel compris entre 2 ans et 18 ans sont recrutés dans des services de soins médico-psychologiques (Pédopsychiatrie, CAMSP) et inclus dans la recherche après consentement de la famille. Le diagnostic d'autisme est effectué à partir des critères du DSM 5 (rétrospectivement pour certains d'entre eux pour qui avait été utilisé initialement le DSM-IV-TR) et l'évaluation quantitative diagnostique est effectuée à l'aide de la CARS, de l'ADOS et de l'ADI-R. Le développement intellectuel et psychologique et le degré de sévérité du retard mental sont évalués à l'aide de tests appropriés (PEP 3, EDEI-R, BECS). L'échelle l'EACAA-E est une échelle originale qui a fait l'objet d'une première étude (Master recherche) et d'une première analyse psychométrique (Filipova et al. 2014) qui a abouti à sa forme définitive : l'échelle comporte 24 items couvrant 7 dimensions de la sensorialité auditive (bizarrerie, fascination, paradoxe, inconfort, hypoesthésie, hyperesthésie, difficulté). La cotation des items (de 0 à 4) permet de calculer un score global et un score par dimension. L'observation des comportements auditifs de l'enfant est réalisée au cours d'un examen psychologique du développement de la cognition et de la communication. Cet examen peut être enregistré. La cotation des items de comportements de l'échelle est réalisée à la fin de la séance par l'examinateur. Une double cotation inter et intra-cotateur est effectuée à partir du document vidéoscopique de l'examen. Les analyses psychométriques indiquent une bonne homogénéité de l'échelle et une bonne fidélité inter et intra-cotateur. L'étude antérieure préliminaire avait aussi montré que l'échelle EACAA-E est sensible aux changements induits par une prise en charge intégrative incluant la T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). Ces résultats attestent les qualités métrologiques de l'échelle. Par ailleurs, le score global est corrélé négativement au quotient de développement global, indiquant l'existence d'un lien entre la sévérité du retard mental et l'intensité des altérations du comportement auditif. Par contre, les scores à l'EACAA-E semblent indépendants de la sévérité globale de l'autisme, telle qu'évaluée quantitativement par la CARS. L'EACAA-E apparaît donc comme une échelle clinique francophone pertinente pour l'évaluation des altérations des comportements auditifs chez les enfants présentant un TSA. / Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects all sensory, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional and relationship to the child. Based on the autistic triad of symptoms (qualitative impairment in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication and imagination, restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities), the definition of child's autism has long ruled the sensory characteristics which nevertheless attest to both people with autism and scientific studies. The DSM-5 has now fixed this oversight. Currently if auditory dysfunction can be identified by the clinician using validated diagnostic or behavioral tools, to our knowledge, there is no specific tool to evaluate them. The first objective of this research is to develop the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) for use by clinicians in children's exam situations with ASD and having the metrological required for use in clinical practice and research. The second objective is to show that alterations of the auditory behavior in children with ASD would be a particular component of autism, as independent of the degree of severity of autism and the degree of severity of mental retardation. Participant. Fifty children and adolescents with disorders of the autism spectrum and actual age between 2 and 18 years were recruited from medical and psychological care (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, CAMSP) and included in the search after family consent. The diagnosis of autism is made from DSM 5 (retrospectively for some of them who had initially used the DSM-IV-TR) and diagnostic quantitative evaluation is performed using the CARS, the ADOS and ADI-R. The intellectual and psychological development and severity of mental retardation are evaluated using appropriate tests (PEP 3, EDEI-R, SCEB). Measurement'method. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) is an original scale which was the subject of a first study (Master's degree) and a first psychometric analysis (2014 Filipova et al.) Which resulted in its final form: the scale includes 24 items covering seven dimensions of auditory sensory (oddity, fascinating, paradoxical, discomfort, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, difficulty). The listing of items (0 to 4) calculates an overall score and a score by dimension. The observation of the child's auditory behavior is made during a psychological examination of the development of cognition and communication. This examination can be registered. Trading on the scale behavior of items is performed at the end of the session by the examiner. A double rating by inter and intra-rater is carried out from the document videoscopic examination. Psychometric analysis indicates good homogeneity of the scale and good reliability inter and intra-rater. Preliminary earlier study also showed that ABAA-C scale is sensitive to changes induced by integrative care including T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). These results demonstrate the metrological qualities of the scale. Moreover, the overall score is negatively correlated to the overall development quotient, indicating the existence of a link between the severity of mental retardation and intensity alterations of the auditory behavior. By against and scores to the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appear to be independent of the overall severity of autism, as assessed quantitatively by CARS. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appears as a relevant francophone clinical scale for assessing alterations in auditory behavior in children with ASD.

Human emotions toward stimuli in the uncanny valley: laddering and index construction

Ho, Chin-Chang January 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Human-looking computer interfaces, including humanoid robots and animated humans, may elicit in their users eerie feelings. This effect, often called the uncanny valley, emphasizes our heightened ability to distinguish between the human and merely humanlike using both perceptual and cognitive approaches. Although reactions to uncanny characters are captured more accurately with emotional descriptors (e.g., eerie and creepy) than with cognitive descriptors (e.g., strange), and although previous studies suggest the psychological processes underlying the uncanny valley are more perceptual and emotional than cognitive, the deep roots of the concept of humanness imply the application of category boundaries and cognitive dissonance in distinguishing among robots, androids, and humans. First, laddering interviews (N = 30) revealed firm boundaries among participants’ concepts of animated, robotic, and human. Participants associated human traits like soul, imperfect, or intended exclusively with humans, and they simultaneously devalued the autonomous accomplishments of robots (e.g., simple task, limited ability, or controlled). Jerky movement and humanlike appearance were associated with robots, even though the presented robotic stimuli were humanlike. The facial expressions perceived in robots as improper were perceived in animated characters as mismatched. Second, association model testing indicated that the independent evaluation based on the developed indices is a viable quantitative technique for the laddering interview. Third, from the interviews several candidate items for the eeriness index were validated in a large representative survey (N = 1,311). The improved eeriness index is nearly orthogonal to perceived humanness (r = .04). The improved indices facilitate plotting relations among rated characters of varying human likeness, enhancing perspectives on humanlike robot design and animation creation.

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