Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PSYCHOMETRIC"" "subject:"[enn] PSYCHOMETRIC""
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Argentinean validation of the Rape Supportive Attitude Scale / Validación argentina de la Escala de Actitud Favorable hacia la Violación / Validação Argentina da Escala de Atitudes Favoráveis ao EstuproAlladio, Yanina, Morán, Valeria, Olaz, Fabián 25 September 2017 (has links)
The tolerant attitudes towards sexual violence against women constitute an important risk factor that should be considered to explain this type of aggressive behavior. One of the instruments that evaluates these attitudes is the Rape Supportive Attitude Scale (RSAS) developed by Lottes. The results of different psychometric studies have demonstrated good indexes of reliability and validity in American, Spanish and Salvadorian university students. The purpose of the study was to explore the psychometric properties of the RSAS in Argen tinean university students. We provide evidence of content validity through expert ratings, process validity through cognitive debriefing interviews, and evidence of internal structure through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, the internal consistency of the scale was estimated and an analysis of contrasting groups in relation to gender was con ducted. The results allow us to infer that the RSAS scale is a valid and reliable tool to assess rape supportive attitudes in Argentinean university students. / Las actitudes tolerantes hacia la violencia sexual ejercida contra las mujeres constituyen un factor de riesgo importante a considerar en la explicación de este tipo de conductas. Uno de los instrumentos para evaluar estas actitudes es la Escala de Actitud Favorable hacia la Violación (EAFV) de Lottes, la que ha mostrado fiabilidad y validez en muestras de estu diantes universitarios estadounidenses, españoles y salvadoreños. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento en estudiantes universitarios argentinos. Se aportó evidencia de contenido mediante juicio de expertos, evidencia de pro ceso de respuesta por medio de entrevistas de cognitive debriefing y evidencia de estructura interna a partir del análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Finalmente, se estimó la consistencia interna de la escala y se realizó un análisis de grupos contrastados en relación al género. Los resultados obtenidos permiten inferir que la escala EAFV es un instrumento válido y confiable para evaluar actitudes favorables hacia conductas de violación en univer sitarios argentinos. / As atitudes tolerantes em relação à violência sexual contra as mulheres constituem um importante fator de risco a ser considerado para explicar esse tipo de conduta. Um dos instrumentos para avaliar esses comportamentos é o Questionário de Atitudes Favoráveis em Relação ao Estupro (QAFRE) de Lottes, que tem demonstrado confiabilidade e validez em amostras de estudantes universitários estadounidenses, espanhóis e salvadorenhos. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar as propriedades psicométricas do questionário em estu dantes universitários argentinos. Evidencia sobre a validez do conteúdo foi fornecida através da avaliação de juízes expertos, a validez sobre o processo de resposta foi fornecida através de entrevistas de debriefing cognitivo ea validez de estrutura interna foi fornecida através das analises fatoriais exploratório e confirmatório. Finalmente, a consistência interna do questionário foi estimada e uma análise contrastando grupos em relação ao gênero foi feita. Os resultados obtidos permitem inferir que o questionário é válido e confiável para avaliar atitudes favoráveis em relação ao estupro em estudantes universitários argentinos.
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Desenvolvimento e validação preliminar de um instrumento breve para medir o estresse psicológico pré-operatórioCunha, Maria de Nazaré Furtado January 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes candidatos à cirurgia frequentemente experimentam estresse, condição que os torna suscetíveis a desfechos desfavoráveis como exacerbação de dor, maior consumo de analgésicos e anestésicos, aumento no tempo de hospitalização, maior risco de infecção pós- operatória e aumento no risco de cronificação da dor pós-operatória. Embora seja conhecido que a carga de estresse emocional negativa aumente a morbimortalidade perioperatória, faltam instrumentos práticos desenvolvidos para captar as emoções vinculadas a este contexto. OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um instrumento breve para medir o estresse psicológico pré-operatório (B-MEPS), tornando possível identificar pacientes mais vulneráveis e assim otimizar medidas de controle. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo transversal foram incluídos 863 pacientes (643 mulheres) agendados para cirurgia eletiva. Idade entre 18 a 60 anos, classificados de acordo com o estado físico da Sociedade Americana da Anestesiologia (ASA) nas classes I-III. Os seguintes instrumentos foram aplicados: o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE), a Escala de Depressão de Montgomery-Asberg, o Self-Reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) e o Questionário de Expectativa de Futuro (FSPQ). A fim de selecionar os itens mais discriminativos em relação ao estresse, realizou-se uma análise exploratória usando cada um dos instrumentos. Os critérios utilizados no processo de seleção dos itens, por meio da análise discriminante, foram os candidatos à cirurgia por patologia oncológica ou terem reportado dor pós-operatória moderada a intensa [escore na Escala Análogo-Visual (EAV) > 30 mm]. Neste processo foram selecionados 24 itens, os quais foram ajustados utilizando o modelo de crédito parcial generalizado (GPCM), que é um modelo da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI). A partir do GPCM foram selecionados 16 itens. A validade de face foi realizada por um Comitê de especialistas em medicina perioperatória. Os escores do B-MEPS foram correlacionados com o nível de dor reportado na EAV, na maior parte do tempo das primeiras 24 h do período pós-operatório e com o consumo de morfina pós-operatória quantificado em mg/dia. Esta versão refinada do B-MEPS foi aplicada a 40 pacientes (20 mulheres), ASA II-III, candidatos à cirurgia eletiva. Os escores da B-MEPS foram correlacionados com questões cuja valência semântica apresenta situações que expressam a interferência do estresse na vida diária. RESULTADOS: Inicialmente 24 itens com diferentes números de categorias ordinais foram selecionados a partir dos quatros instrumentos. No processo da GPCM, que objetivou dentre outras finalidades maximizar a confiabilidade, foi realizada a eliminação sequencial de itens internamente inconsistentes. Este processo foi finalizado quando não se observou melhora no nível de consistência nos 16 itens remanescentes, cujo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,83. A TRI propôs modificações nos itens de resposta pelas características das categorias nas Curvas de Resposta ao Item. A curva que avalia a relação entre a localização do conteúdo de traços latentes dos itens sugere que estes apresentam melhor desempenho para identificar níveis de estresse mais levados. O desempenho do conjunto final de itens foi correlacionado com variáveis clínicas relacionadas ao estresse emocional perioperatório como dor (r = 0,23, P < 0,01) e consumo de morfina (r = 0,17, P < 0,01). Um Comitê de experts em medicina perioperatória (N = 30) avaliou a clareza dos itens do B-MEPS usando uma escala análogo-visual de zero a 10. A média global do conjunto de itens foi 8.53 (1,54) e por sugestão deste Comitê o item 16 foi eliminado por falta de clareza. Dois itens do SRQ-20, que apresentavam possibilidade respostas dicotômicas, passaram a ter três possibilidades de respostas. Os escores da versão final preliminar do B-MEPS foram correlacionados com questões cuja valência semântica apresenta situações que expressam a interferência do estresse na vida diária, respondidas por pacientes candidatos à cirurgia eletiva, visando uma validação concorrente preliminar. CONCLUSÃO: Nosso estudo permitiu construir o B-MEPS, que é o resultado do refinamento do conjunto de itens selecionados a partir de instrumentos clássicos para avaliar a carga emocional negativa, a partir da TRI. O conjunto de itens remanescentes apresentou satisfatório nível de consistência interna e o seu escore está correlacionado ao nível de dor. A validação de face e uma pré-validação concorrente preliminar foram realizadas. Este estudo, portanto, concretiza a validação preliminar do B-MEPS como um instrumento útil para ser validado em futuro estudo prospectivo, com o intuito de avaliar a capacidade do B-MEPS predizer desfechos clínicos e orientar o planejamento de intervenções que possam para maximizar o cuidado perioperatório. Embora, este instrumento ainda possa sofrer pequenos ajustes ou adições de algum item após nova analise de TRI prevista após estudo prospectivo com grande numero de pacientes. / INTRODUCTION: Patients who are candidates for surgery often undergo stress, a condition that makes them susceptible to unfavorable outcomes, such as exacerbated pain, greater consumption of analgesic and anesthetics, longer stay in hospital, greater risk of postoperative infection and increased risk of chronification of postoperative pain. Although it is known that the amount of negative emotional stress increases perioperative morbidity and mortality, not many practical instruments have been developed to pick up the emotions connected to this context.. OBJECTIVES: To develop a brief instrument to measure preoperative emotional stress (B-MEPS), enabling the identification of more vulnerable patients and thus optimizing control measures. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 843 patients were included (643 women) scheduled for elective surgery, age between 18 and 60 years, classified according to the physical status of the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) in classes I-III. The following instruments were applied: the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale, the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20 and the Questionnaire on Expectations for the Future (FSPQ) Future self-perception questionnaire. In order to select the most discriminative items regarding stress, an exploratory analysis was performed using each of the instruments, The criteria used in the process of selecting the items, by means of discriminant analysis, are that they were candidates for surgery due to an oncological pathology, or that they had reported moderate to intense postoperative pain [score on the Analogue-Visual Scale AVS > 30 mm]. In this process 24 items were selected which were adjusted using the generalized partial credit model (GPCM), which is a model of the Theory of Response to Item (TRI). Sixteen items were selected based on the GPCM. The face validity was performed by a Committee of specialists in perioperative medicine. The B-MEPS scores were correlated with the level of pain reported in the AVS, mostly in the first 24 hours of the postoperative period, and with the consumption of morphine postoperatively, quantified as mg/day. This refined version of B-MEPS was applied to 40 ASA II-III patients (20 women) who were candidates for elective surgery. The B-MEPS scores were correlated with questions whose semantic valence present situations that express the interference of stress in everyday life. RESULTS: Initially, 24 items with different numbers of ordinal categories were selected based on the four instruments. In the GPCM process which, among other goals included maximizing reliability, the sequential elimination of internally inconsistent items was performed. This process was finalized, when no improvement was found in the level of consistency in the 16 remaining items, whose Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was 0.83. The TRI proposed modifications in the response items due to the characteristics of the categories in the Curves of Response to the Item. The curve that evaluates the relationship between the location of the content of latent traits of the items suggests that these present a better performance to identify higher levels of stress. The performance of the final set of items was correlated with clinical variables related to perioperative emotional stress, such as pain (r = 0.23, P < 0.01) and consumption of morphine (r = 0.17, P < 0.01). A Committee of experts in perioperative medicine (N=30) evaluated the clarity of the items of B-MEPS using an analogue-visual scale from zero to 10.. The global mean of the set of items was 8.53 (1,54) and per suggestion of this Committee, item 16 was eliminated due to lack of clarity. Two items of the SRQ-20, which presented the possibility of dichotomous answers acquired three possible answers. The scores of the preliminary final version of B-MEPS were correlated with questions whose semantic valence presents situations that express the interference of stress in everyday life, answered by patients who were candidates to elective surgery, aiming at a preliminary concurrent validation. CONCLUSION: Our study allowed constructing B-MEPS, which is the result of the refinement of the set of items selected from classical instruments to evaluate the negative emotional load based on TRI. The set of remaining items presented a satisfactory level of internal consistency and its score is correlated with the level of pain. Face validation and a preliminary concurrent pre-validation were performed. This study, thus, materializes the preliminary validation of B-MEPS as a useful instrument to be validated in a future prospective study, aiming at evaluating the capacity of B-MEPS to predict clinical outcomes and guide the planning of interventions that can maximize perioperative care. However, this instrument may still undergo small adjustments or additions of some item after a new TRI analysis foreseen after a prospective study with a large number of patients.
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Modelo com qualidades psicométricas para avaliação da cultura de segurança em instalações nucleares / Model with psychometric quality for safety culture assessment in nuclear facilitiesClaudio Souza do Nascimento 07 August 2015 (has links)
A operação segura e confiável de usinas nucleares não depende só da excelência técnica do projeto e construção, mas também das pessoas e da organização. Por essa razão, a importância dos fatores organizacionais nos mecanismos causais de acidentes tem sido reconhecida por uma série de organizações de pesquisas na Europa, EUA e Japão. Deficiências nesses fatores revelam fragilidades na cultura de segurança da organização. Uma preocupação básica na avaliação de uma cultura de segurança é garantir que os instrumentos de pesquisa sejam válidos e confiáveis. Nas áreas de saúde e de segurança do trabalho há uma série de instrumentos para avaliar a cultura de segurança, para os quais são apresentados estudos de suas proporiedades psicométricas (confiabilidade e validade), mas muito pouco com essas qualidades na área nuclear. No caso específico do Brasil, nenhum. Portanto, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo capaz de avaliar com medidas válidas e confiáveis a cultura de segurança de instalações nucleares. O instrumento de pesquisa foi desenvolvido com base em princípios psicométricos estabelecidos para pesquisas quantitativas e, portanto, foram realizadas a análise da confiabilidade e as validações de conteúdo, de face e de construto. O instrumento foi aplicado nos institutos de pesquisa da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), obtendo-se um total de 226 questionários respondidos. Os resultados da pesquisa possibilitaram caracterizar demograficamente os respondentes e identificar muitos aspectos fortalecidos, mas também algumas fragilidades na cultura de segurança dos institutos avaliados. O instrumento apresentou boas evidências de confiabilidade com o coeficiente alpha de Cronbach de 0,95 para o instrumento como um todo. A validação de construto foi realizada por meio de uma análise fatorial utilizando-se a Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) e rotação fatorial ortogonal Varimax. Os resultados da análise fatorial permitiram concluir que o instrumento possui boas evidências de validade de construto, mas também sugeriram alguns ajustes no caso de uma nova aplicação do instrumento. / The safe and reliable operation of nuclear power plants does not depend only on technical excellence, but also it depends on people and on the organization. For this reason, the importance of organizational factors in causal mechanisms of accidents has been recognized by a number of research organizations in Europe, USA and Japan. Deficiencies in these factors reveal weaknesses in the organization\'s safety culture. A primary concern in evaluating a safety culture is to ensure that research instruments are valid and reliable. In the areas of occupational health and safety there are series of tools to evaluate the safety culture that present studies of its psychometric properties (reliability and validity), but very few of these qualities in the nuclear area. In the specific case of Brazil, none of these tools exist. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to develop a model to assess the safety culture in nuclear facilities with valid and reliable measures. The survey instrument was developed in accordance with the psychometric principles established for quantitative research and thus were held to analyze the reliability and validation of content, face and construct. The instrument was applied in the research institutes of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy National Commission (CNEN), yielding a total of 226 completed questionnaires answered. The survey results made it possible to characterize demographically the respondents and identify many strengthened aspects, but also some weaknesses in the safety culture of the evaluated institutions. The instrument showed good evidence of reliability with Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient 0,95 for the total instrument. The construct validation was performed by means of a factor analysis with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) extraction method and Varimax orthogonal factor rotation. Although factor analysis results have shown that the instrument has good evidence of construct validity, some adjustments in case of a new application of the instrument have also been suggested.
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Mesures spécifiques de la qualité de vie dans la maladie d’Alzheimer : intérêts, propriétés et apports. / Specific measures of quality of life in Alzheimer's disease : interests, properties and contributions.Wolak, Aurore 10 June 2014 (has links)
Avec près d'un million de cas de démence en France en 2010, la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) et les syndromes apparentés constituent un enjeu majeur de santé publique. A l'heure actuelle, il n'existe aucun traitement médicamenteux permettant de guérir de la MA. Ces médicaments visent à ralentir la progression de la maladie en améliorant certains symptômes. De ce fait, il semblait utile et nécessaire de disposer d'indicateurs permettant d'évaluer les prises en charge mises en place pour ces patients. La qualité de vie liée à la santé (QDV) est donc devenue un critère d'évaluation indispensable tant pour les chercheurs que pour les cliniciens.Les outils de QDV génériques sont en général moins sensibles pour une maladie donnée. C'est pourquoi d'autres outils spécifiques à la MA se sont développés. Aucun parmi eux n'était validé en langue française. L'objectif de cette thèse était donc, après une revue de la littérature, de réaliser la validation transculturelle puis psychométrique du « Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease » (QoL-AD) et du « Dementia Quality of Life » (DQoL). Ces deux questionnaires étaient d'après la littérature les plus utilisés en langue anglaise dans cette maladie.Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé sur les données du PHRC National 2004 « Evaluation de la qualité de vie chez le sujet âgé dément : validation d'un instrument spécifique ». Cette étude a permis de recueillir des données d'un total de 155 couples patient-aidant recrutés au sein de sept centres hospitaliers français et d'un centre suisse francophone participant à l'étude. Les patients présentaient une MA au stade léger ou stade modéré (Mini Mental State Examination > ou = 10). Le QoL-AD et le DQoL ont été administrés par un enquêteur. Le QoL-AD aidants a été auto-administré. L'adaptation transculturelle puis la validation psychométrique ont donc été réalisées pour ces deux questionnaires.Nous disposons donc désormais d'une version française du QoL-AD et d'une version française du DQoL, ayant bénéficié d'une adaptation transculturelle effectuée selon les recommandations internationales, et qui présentent toutes deux de bonnes propriétés psychométriques. / With nearly one million cases of dementia in France in 2010, Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related syndromes are a major public health issue. Up to now, there is no drug for treatment or preventing for AD. The only available drugs aim to slow down the progression of the disease by improving some symptoms. Therefore, it seemed necessary to have indicators enabling assessment of treatment strategies for these patients. So, health related quality of life (HRQoL) became an essential criterion for evaluation for both researchers and clinicians.Generic HRQoL tools are generally less sensitive for a given disease. That is why other specific tools for AD have been developed. None of them was validated in French. The aim of this thesis was therefore, after a review of the literature, to achieve a cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation of the "Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease" (QoL-AD) and "Dementia Quality of Life" (DQoL). These two questionnaires were selected because they were the most popular in English-language literature for this disease.This thesis was conducted on data collected during the PHRC National 2004 "Evaluation of the quality of life in elderly demented people: validation of a specific instrument". This study concerned a total of 155 patient-caregiver pairs recruited from seven French hospitals and a Francophone Swiss center. Patients had a confirmed diagnosis of AD (mild to moderate stage: Mini Mental State Examination > ou = 10). QoL-AD and DQoL were administered by an interviewer. The caregiver sheet of QoL-AD was self-administered. Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation have been carried out for these two questionnaires.We now have at disposal two HRQoL questionnaires specifics for AD in French language. They are issued from a cross-cultural adaptation performed according to international quidelines and both have good psychometric properties. So they can be used to evaluate quality of life in Alzheimer's disease on French speaking population.
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Élaboration et validation psychométrique d’une échelle d’évaluation de la perception de la qualité de vie (QV) liée à la sclérose en plaques (SEP) et à ses poussées : étude PERSEPP / Élaboration et validation psychométrique d’une échelle d’évaluation de la perception de la qualité de vie (QV) liée à la sclérose en plaques (SEP) et à ses poussées : PERSEPP studyBaroin, Antoine 13 April 2012 (has links)
La qualité de vie (QV) liée à la sclérose en plaques (SEP) a été très étudiée lors de ces dernières années et plusieurs échelles d'évaluation ont ainsi été élaborées. Cependant, peu d'échelles de QV liée à la SEP validées sont disponibles en version française, et aucune ne s'attache à évaluer spécifiquement les périodes de poussées ni les perspectives temporelles. C'est l'objet de ce travail. La première étape a permis d'élaborer une première version d'une échelle d'évaluation de la perception de la QV liée à la SEP et à ses poussées (PERSEPP) en se basant sur la réalisation d'entretiens semi-directifs auprès de patients atteints de formes rémittentes de SEP et de soignants. A partir d'une analyse de contenu thématique de l'ensemble des entretiens individuels et de groupes réalisés, des items spécifiques du concept de QV liée à la SEP et à ses poussées ont ainsi été sélectionnés afin d'élaborer l'échelle PERSEPP constituée d'un questionnaire principal et de modules complémentaires. Une étude pilote a ensuite été réalisée afin d'évaluer différents critères d'acceptabilité et de faisabilité de l'échelle PERSEPP auprès de 40 patients. A la suite de cette étape, une étude multicentrique a permis d'inclure des patients atteints de forme rémittente de SEP, en poussée ou hors poussée, et suivis à l'hôpital ou chez des neurologues libéraux. L'analyse des données recueillies auprès de 305 patients a permis de compléter plusieurs étapes nécessaires à la validation d'une échelle de QV liée à la santé et d'obtenir une version définitive de l'échelle PERSEPP. De par sa méthodologie d'élaboration, cette échelle est spécifique de la forme rémittente de SEP. / Quality of life (QoL) related to multiple sclerosis (MS) has been widely studied in recent years and several rating scales have been developed. However, few QoL scales validated in MS are available in French, and none specifically focuses on assessing periods of relapses or time perspective. This is the purpose of this work. The first step consisted in establishing a first version of a rating scale of QoL perceived in MS and its relapses (PERSEPP) based on semi-structured interviews with patients affected by relapsing-remitting forms of MS and with health care providers. From a thematic content analysis of ail individual interviews and focus groups conducted, specific items of the concept of QoL related to MS and its relapses were selected to develop the PERSEPP scale consisting of a main questionnaire and additional modules. A pilot study with 40 patients was then conducted to evaluate various criteria for acceptability and feasibility of the PERSEPP scale. Following this step, a multicenter study included patients with a relapsing-remitting form of MS, in relapse or not in relapse, and followed by hospital or private practice neurologists. Analysis of the data collected from 305 patients has enabled us to complete several steps necessary for the validation of a healthrelated QoL scale and obtain a final version of the PERSEPP scale. This scale is specific for relapsingremitting form of MS due to the methodology used.
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Evaluating the content validity of the dimensions of a questionnaire measuring factors associated with substance use in adolescents in low socio-economic status communitiesCarels, Cassandra Z. January 2012 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / Substance abuse is recognised as one of the greatest health and social problems in South Africa (SA). There is a need to explore the problem of substance use in the South African context in terms of the Bio-ecological Systems Theoretical Framework. All of the reviewed local and international studies on instruments that are used to measure factors associated with adolescent substance use, while yielding useful information; do not adequately address the issues of an instrument that successfully includes all the levels of the Bio-ecological Systems
Theoretical Framework at the dimension level. As a result, a need for an applicable
instrument exists. The overall purpose of the current study was to evaluate the content validity of the dimensions of the proposed self-administered questionnaire in terms of the Bio-ecological Systems Theoretical Framework, which will assist the factors associated with youth at risk of substance abuse in low socio economic status communities in the South African context. The study was framed in psychometric test theory focusing specifically on the procedures for content validation. It is being increasingly recognized that the development of a valid test requires multiple procedures, which are employed sequentially, at different stages of test construction. Validity is thus built into the test development from the outset. Participants were selected by means of purposive sampling. The sampling method was appropriate since the participants were required to meet certain inclusive criteria. The participants comprised of two groups of community leaders within two different communities on the Cape Flats. An adapted version of the Nominal Group Technique method was employed to collect data. The data for aim one was collected using a self administered questionnaire (Content Validity Questionnaire) consisting of two sections. The first section was presented in the form of a ranking scale with all relevant factors associated with adolescent substance use. The second section of part 1 was in the form of open-ended questions. The second aim was collected in the form of focus groups. Data was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively in the relevant sections. Data collected from the Content Validity Questionnaire (CVQ) was analysed quantitatively by means of statistical analysis
making use of frequencies, and the open-ended questions of the content validity and data from the focus groups was analysed qualitatively by means of thematic analysis. The study concluded that all factors presented in the CVQ are important factors associated with adolescent substance use in the two low socio-economic statuses communities that were analysed in both the quantitative and qualitative components of the study.
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A review of South African perspectives on serial murderDel Fabbro, Giada Alessia 05 November 2007 (has links)
Pistorius (1996) was the first individual to introduce research on serial murder in the South African context with her psychodynamic approach to the phenomenon. Since then, others have followed, namely Labuschagne (1998, 2001) with his search for interactional and communication connections; Du Plessis (1998) from a grounded theory approach; and Hodgskiss (2001) with his assessment of South African offender characteristics and behaviours. Four more studies have been conducted, namely Hook’s post-structural deconstruction of narratives of a person who committed serial murder (2003); De Wet’s psychosocial perspective (2005); Barkhuizen’s intrapsychic object relations approach (2006); and Del Fabbro’s exploration of the phenomenon from a family systems paradigm (2006). To date, no attempt has been made to review these research endeavors. In this article, these studies are reviewed and their strengths and weaknesses with regard to theory, methodology and research findings debated. The author concludes with several recommendations for future research on the phenomenon of serial murder: greater communication between various disciplines (e.g. psychology, criminology, law) investigating serial murder; expansion of Hodgskiss’ research (2001) on offence characteristics for profiling purposes; and the relationship between psychopathology and serial murder. / Dissertation (MA (Clinical Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / MA / unrestricted
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Construção de um instrumento de avaliação do autocuidado dos pacientes com diabetes Mellitus tipo 2Mendonça, Simonize Cunha Barreto de 26 January 2016 (has links)
This is a methodological development study with psychometric approach, which aims to build an assessment tool of self-care of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). The methodological path was guided by theoretical processing procedures of psychometric instruments and the theoretical foundation for self-care model of Dorothea Orem was used. Theoretical procedures included the definition of the construct "Self-care of patients with DM2" and was conducted with the use of the theoretical framework adopted; it gives related and qualitative study literature, with the focus group technique, using content analysis. Three different focus groups, one of eight health professionals with experience in the management of patients with DM2 and the other two compounds in 26 patients with DM treated in an educational program of a health service outpatient formed in the State Sergipe. This study allowed us to describe the meanings attributed by professionals and patients to self-care six requirements in the diversion of Health according to the theory of Orem, which were defined as the theoretical dimensions of the instrument. We requirements were: finding and securing adequate multidisciplinary care (mutual accountability, accessibility, basic conditioning factors); know and consider the disease and its complications (disease-related aspects); adhere to treatment (drug treatment and drug); know and consider the inconvenience of treatment (side effects and psycho-emotional distress); accept the disease (humanization of treatment, recognizing the need to control the disease, recovery team Health and treatment outcomes), and learn to live with the effects of the disease (enhancement of style and self-esteem). It was developed an assessment tool Self-care of patients with DM2 (INAAP-DM2) containing 131 itens and consists of a Likert scale of five points and to measure in each of the dimensions the requirements of self, classifying three levels: Totally Compensatory, Partially Compensatory and education support. The same was subjected to a validation process content. For this, the instrument passes through a semantic and conceptual analysis by a panel of seven judges. It was subsequently conducted a pre-test with 14 patients with DM2. For content validation, the judges evaluated items related to the domains to which they belonged, their stay in the instrument and presents psychometric criteria. It was calculated the content validity index for each items (IVCi) and mean IVCi (IVCS) for all the items of each domain. The content validity of the instrument was considered excellent when it came to a IVCi ≥ 0.75 and an average of IVCS ≥ 0.90. After calculation was obtained those 129 items were IVCi ≥ 0.78 and all domains showed IVCS ≥ 0.90. With regard to remain in the instrument, all items showed IVCi ≥ 0.78 and the set of items for each domain presented IVCS ≥ 0.90, that is, the domain A (0.99) B (1.00) C (0, 98) D (1.00) E (0.97) and F (0,96). In the trial of psychometric criteria (objectivity, clarity, precision, criminality, simplicity, relevance and credibility mode), in general, they showed a satisfactory assessment items, and have been updated according to the suggestions of the panel of judges. The development of a technology that takes into account the multidimensional nature of this disease can help multidisciplinary teams in the use of a model of comprehensive care of patients with DM2. / Trata-se de um estudo de desenvolvimento metodológico com abordagem psicométrica que teve por objetivo construir um instrumento de avaliação do autocuidado dos pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). O percurso metodológico norteou-se nos procedimentos teóricos para elaboração de instrumento psicométrico e fundamentou-se no modelo teórico do autocuidado de Dorothea Orem. Os procedimentos teóricos compreenderam a definição do construto “autocuidado de pacientes com DM2”, o qual delineou-se a partir do referencial teórico adotado, da literatura pertinente e de estudo qualitativo, com a técnica de grupo focal, utilizando a análise de conteúdo. Foram formados três grupos focais distintos, um composto por oito profissionais de saúde com experiência no manejo de pacientes com DM2 e os outros dois compostos por 26 pacientes com DM cadastrados em um programa educativo de um serviço ambulatorial de referência do Estado de Sergipe. Esse estudo permitiu descrever os significados atribuídos pelos profissionais e pacientes aos seis requisitos de autocuidado no desvio da saúde de Orem, definidos como as dimensões teóricas do instrumento, a saber: buscar e garantir assistência multiprofissional apropriada (responsabilização mútua, acessibilidade, fatores condicionantes básicos); conhecer e considerar a doença e suas complicações (aspectos relacionados à doença); aderir ao tratamento (tratamento medicamentoso e não medicamentoso); conhecer e considerar os desconfortos do tratamento (efeitos colaterais e desconfortos psicoemocionais); aceitar a doença (humanização terapêutica, reconhecimento da necessidade de controlar a doença, valorização da equipe de saúde e dos resultados do tratamento) e aprender a viver com os efeitos da doença (valorização do estilo de vida e autoestima). O instrumento foi submetido à análise semântica e conceitual por um painel de sete juízes e, na sequência, a um pré-teste com 14 pacientes com diabetes, resultando em um instrumento com 131 itens. Na validação de conteúdo, os juízes avaliaram os itens quanto aos domínios a que pertenciam, à permanência no instrumento e aos critérios psicométricos que possuiam, sendo calculado o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo para cada um dos itens (IVCi) e a média de IVCi (IVCs) para o conjunto de itens de cada domínio. A validade de conteúdo de uma escala foi considerada excelente quando atingiu um IVCi ≥ 0,75 e uma média de IVCs ≥ 0,90. Quanto aos domínios, 129 itens apresentaram IVCi ≥ 0,78 e todos os domínios exibiram IVCs ≥ 0,90. Para permanência no instrumento, todos os itens apresentaram IVCi ≥ 0,78 e o conjunto de itens de cada domínio apresentou IVCs ≥ 0,90, a saber domínio A (0,99), B (1,00), C (0,98), D (1,00), E (0,97) e F (0,96). No julgamento dos critérios psicométricos (objetividade, clareza, precisão, tipicidade, simplicidade, relevância, modalidade e credibilidade), de maneira geral, os itens apresentaram uma avaliação satisfatória, e foram reformulados conforme as sugestões do painel de juízes. Foi desenvolvido e validado o conteúdo do Instrumento de Avaliação do Autocuidado dos pacientes com DM2 (INAAP-DM2), que consiste em uma escala tipo Likert de cinco pontos e permite mensurar em cada dimensão os requisitos de autocuidado, classificando-os em três níveis: Totalmente Compensatório, Parcialmente Compensatório e Apoio-Educação. O desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia, que considere a multidimensionalidade dessa enfermidade, poderá instrumentalizar equipes multiprofissionais na utilização de um modelo de atenção integral aos pacientes com DM2, com base nos pressupostos teóricos de Orem para os requisitos de autocuidado.
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Intenção empreendedora: validação de modelo em universidades federais de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil / Entrepreneurial intention: model validation in universities federal of Mato Grosso do Sul, BrazilSouza, Roosiley dos Santos 16 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-20T14:50:11Z
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Roosiley Dos Santos Souza.pdf: 1731739 bytes, checksum: 1f07502a21f8578370ddfd9ad1d27a64 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-20T14:50:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Roosiley Dos Santos Souza.pdf: 1731739 bytes, checksum: 1f07502a21f8578370ddfd9ad1d27a64 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-10-16 / Entrepreneurship is seen as promoting the generation of new knowledge, new technology, and the ability to enhance the role of entrepreneurs in society as agents of development in their local and regional context. A promising field for research is on higher education, given its key role of promoter and developer of entrepreneurial intentions. The objective of this research is to apply and validate the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire - EIQ as measurement instrument of entrepreneurial intention in Brazil, in a regional context. The EIQ is a psychometric measuring instrument proposed by Liñán (2008), Liñán and Chen (2009) and reviewed by Liñán, Urban and Guerrero (2011), whose base is the Theory of Planned Behavior of Ajzen (1991). Thus, the research was with students who attend graduate of Management and Production Engineering at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and the Federal University of Grande Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The methodology used in the study was quantitative. The survey data was conducted by applying the EIQ, with a sample of 505 students of the two institutions of higher education. The data were first exploited through Microsoft Excel 2007 software, then statistically analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling with partial least squares model paths (PLSPM), using the SmartPLS 2.0 M3 software. It was found that the constructs showed significant positive relationships and explaining 13% of the variance of Personal Attitude (AP), 21.2% of Perceived Behavior Control (PBC) and 57.3% of Entrepreneurial Intent (IE). The relationship between attitude and intention showed the greatest strength from the relationships observed denoting the consolidated role of theoretical observed relationship between attitudes and intentions. The main results indicate that the EIQ was validated in a regional context. Thus, there was understanding that this thesis has contributed to validation of a psychometric scale regional context and Brazil. / O empreendedorismo é visto como promotor da geração de novos conhecimentos, de novas tecnologias, tendo a capacidade de potencializar o papel dos empreendedores na sociedade como agentes de desenvolvimento em seu contexto local e regional. Um campo promissor para investigação está no ensino superior, dado o seu papel fundamental de promotor e fomentador das intenções empreendedoras. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é aplicar e validar o Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire - EIQ como instrumento de mensuração da intenção empreendedora no Brasil, num contexto regional. O EIQ é um instrumento de medida psicométrica proposto por Liñán (2008), Liñán e Chen (2009) e revisto por Liñán, Urbano e Guerrero (2011), cuja base é a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado de Ajzen (1991). Dessa forma, a pesquisa foi com alunos que cursam graduação de Administração e Engenharia de Produção, na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul e na Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. A metodologia empregada na pesquisa foi de natureza quantitativa. O levantamento dos dados foi realizado com a aplicação do EIQ, com uma amostra de 505 alunos das duas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Os dados foram inicialmente explorados por meio do software Microsoft Excel 2007, depois submetidos à análise estatística por meio de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais com mínimos quadrados parciais e modelo de caminhos (PLSPM), usando-se o software SmartPLS 2.0 M3. Verificou-se que os constructos apresentaram relações positivas e significantes explicando 13% da variância da Atitude Pessoal (AP), 21,2% do Controle do Comportamento Percebido (CCP) e 57,3% da Intenção Empreendedora (IE). A relação entre a atitude e a intenção demonstrou a maior força dentre as relações observadas denotando o papel consolidado da relação teórica observada entre as atitudes e intenções. Os principais resultados indicam que o EIQ foi validado em contexto regional. Desta forma, houve entendimento de que a presente tese contribuiu para validação de uma escala psicométrica em contexto regional e no Brasil.
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An?lise das propriedades psicom?tricas da vers?o brasileira do invent?rio ?parcours amoreux des jeunes-paj?Campos, Mariana Rocha da Silva 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2016-10-04T21:58:47Z
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Disserta??o Mariana 17_03_15 versao final.pdf: 1700056 bytes, checksum: 584bcb99ef41417f01ec79613db83a82 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-04T21:58:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Disserta??o Mariana 17_03_15 versao final.pdf: 1700056 bytes, checksum: 584bcb99ef41417f01ec79613db83a82 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Introduction: worldwide, is recognized the importance of cross-cultural studies to study comprehensive, multi-faceted and multi-causal phenomena, such as interpersonal violence among young people, considering the impact of the indicators of this research in the exchange of knowledge and actions for the prevention and control of factors risk and vulnerabilities. It is known that this type of research requires the use of validated research instruments in order to ensure its quality and therefore the results obtained after its application in other studies. The analysis of the psychometric properties, reliability and validity of an instrument is critical to ensure that it is calibrated to measure the phenomenon to which it is proposed. Objective: to determine the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the inventory "Parcours des Jeunes Amourex" - Loving Trail Youth - PAJ through construct validation and reliability analysis. Methodology: methodological study which deals with the construct validity and reliability (psychometric analyzes) of the Brazilian version of the PAJ, executed in the period 2013-2015, using a convenience sample of 380 adolescents and young adults in the age groups 14-24 years enrolled in public schools in Feira de Santana, Bahia-Brazil. This research represents the second stage of cultural adaptation process and inventory of content validation, carried out from 2011-2013, which led to the national version (adapted and validated). The original inventory and the national version consist of 64 questions in different formats (dichotomous, open, scales). And reliability analysis was used examining the internal consistency of the questions, by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, considering the satisfactory value> 0.6; the factorability of the questions was evaluated by the test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO), with appropriate value> 0.5; the construct validity was verified through exploratory factor analysis using the principal component analysis technique, with varimax rotation, using the latent root criterion to define the number of factors to be extracted. Results: The data showed that the adapted version of the PAJ has construct validity of evidence, since the measures proposed construct and has adequate reliability coefficients, confirming the internal consistency of the scale. It can be said then that the inventory showed good psychometric parameters allowing its applicability in national studies that seek to investigate violence among young couples and factors related to family life and friends. Conclusions: This research contributes to the appropriateness and applicability of an inventory that assesses multiple dimensions of loving violence in youth, encouraging new studies, exchange of information between different contexts, and can support public policies and programs that lead to the prevention and cure cycle intergenerational victimization and aggression between present and future generations. / Introdu??o: em n?vel mundial, reconhece-se a import?ncia dos estudos transculturais para estudar fen?menos abrangentes, multifacetados e multicausais, como a viol?ncia interpessoal entre jovens, considerando o impacto dos indicadores dessas pesquisas nas trocas de conhecimentos e a??es voltadas ? preven??o e controle dos fatores de risco e vulnerabilidades. Sabe-se que este tipo de pesquisa requer a utiliza??o de instrumentos de pesquisa validados, a fim de garantir sua qualidade e consequentemente dos resultados obtidos ap?s sua aplica??o em outras pesquisas.A an?lise das propriedades psicom?tricas, confiabilidade e validade de um instrumento ? fundamental para garantir que seja calibrado em medir o fen?meno ao qual est? proposto. Objetivo:realizar avalia??o das propriedades psicom?tricas da vers?o brasileira do invent?rio ?Parcours Amourex des Jeunes? ?Percurso Amoroso dos Jovens - PAJ, atrav?s da valida??o de construto e an?lise de confiabilidade. Metodologia: estudo metodol?gicoque trata da valida??o de construto e de confiabilidade (an?lises psicom?tricas) da vers?o brasileira do PAJ, executado no per?odo 2013 a 2015, utilizando amostra de conveni?ncia de 380 adolescentes e adultos jovens, nas faixas et?rias de 14 a 24 anos, matriculados nas escolas p?blicas de Feira de Santana-Bahia-Brasil. Esta pesquisa representa a segunda etapa do processo de adapta??o transcultural e valida??o de conte?do do inventario, realizado no per?odo de 2011-2013, o qual originou a vers?o nacional (adaptada e validada). O invent?rio original e a vers?o nacional s?o constitu?dos de 64 quest?es em formatos diversos (dicot?micas, abertas, escalas). Para an?lise da confiabilidade foi utilizado o exame da consist?ncia interna das quest?es, atrav?s do c?lculo do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, considerando satisfat?rio o valor >0,6; a fatorabilidade das quest?es foi avaliada pelo teste deKaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO), sendo adequado valor >0,5; a validade de construto foi verificada atrav?s da an?lise fatorial explorat?ria, utilizando a t?cnica de an?lise de componentes principais, com rota??o varimax, sendo utilizado o crit?rio da raiz latente para definir a quantidade de fatores a serem extra?dos. Resultados: os dados mostraram que a vers?o adaptada do PAJ apresenta evid?ncias de validade de construto, visto que mede o construto proposto e possui coeficientes de fidedignidade adequados, confirmando a consist?ncia interna da escala. Pode-se afirmar ent?o, que o invent?rio apresentou bons par?metros psicom?tricos o que permite a sua aplicabilidade em estudos nacionais que buscam investigar viol?ncia entre casais jovens e fatores relacionados ao conv?vio familiar e amigos. Conclus?es: essa pesquisa contribui com a adequa??o e aplicabilidade de um invent?rio que avalia m?ltiplas dimens?es da viol?ncia amorosa na juventude, incentivando novos estudos, trocas de conhecimentos entre diferentes contextos, al?m de poder subsidiar pol?ticas p?blicas e programas que conduzam ? preven??o e supera??odo ciclo intergeracional de vitimiza??o e agress?o entre gera??es presentes e futuras.
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