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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Social housing in South Africa : are public private partnerships (PPP) a solution?”

Sobuza, Yandisa 03 July 2011 (has links)
South Africa faces a shortfall in its provision of housing for low income households. This study explores the potential to use public private partnerships (PPP) to address these supply problems. A review of the housing market and an examination of the opportunities and challenges presented by PPP are presented, including a review of the international experience in the provision of social housing. Interviews with key stakeholders are undertaken to evaluate the appropriateness of PPP in the South African social housing sector. PPP are believed to have the potential increase the supply of social housing, provided there is continuing support from the state. However, none of the key stakeholders were keen to use the “traditional” PPP process, suggesting a need for innovative partnership models more appropriate for the sector. Copyright / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

It takes three to tango:end-user engagement in innovative public procurement

Torvinen, H. (Hannu) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the phenomenon of end-user engagement in innovative public procurement. Innovative public procurement aims at satisfying human needs and fixing societal problems by enhancing the development of innovative products, services or processes. To understand the functions expected from procurement, collaborative interfaces, such as interaction with citizen communities, become instrumental for innovations to materialise. In contrast to the existing debate on innovative public procurement focused on broad policy issues or the dyadic relationship between procurer and supplier parties, the interest of this study lies in the micro-level interaction within the inter-organisational triad of public-sector procurer, private-sector supplier and public-service end-user. Value creation via end-user engagement is examined in the study through the three issues of co-creation activities, end-user roles and procurer capabilities. The empirical findings are based on a qualitative case approach to four innovative public property procurement projects in northern Finland. The primary data are generated through interviews and participant observation on relevant procurer, supplier, end-user and expert informants. The results of the thesis highlight the need to further place end-user interaction at the heart of developing public procurement procedures. First, the study categorises end-user engagement activities following the key principles of value co-creation in dialogue, access, risk assessment and reflexivity as well as transparency related actions. Second, the study identifies four end-user roles, conventional, cooperative, collaborative or controlling roles, each of which embodies different value potential according to the procurement situation. Third, adopting a user-centred approach to public procurement calls for an experimental culture that enables the procurer’s capabilities of learning-by-doing, alliancing and networking as well as the evaluation of external support to take place. By integrating the debate of public service co-production into the public procurement context, the study contributes to both innovative public procurement and public service management discussions. From a practitioner’s perspective, the main motivation to use innovative public procurement should not be financial savings, but the added value-in-use and well-being of the public. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja tutkii loppukäyttäjien sitouttamista innovatiivisissa julkisissa hankinnoissa. Innovatiiviset julkiset hankinnat pyrkivät täyttämään ihmisten tarpeita ja vastaamaan yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin tehostamalla innovatiivisten tuotteiden, palveluiden ja prosessien syntymistä. Ymmärtääkseen hankinnalta vaaditun toiminnallisuuden, yhteistyö julkisia palveluita käyttävien kansalaisten kanssa on elintärkeää innovaatioiden materialisoitumiselle. Siinä missä innovatiivisten hankintojen keskustelu on nykyisellään keskittynyt erityisesti hankintapolitiikkaan ja dyadiseen suhteeseen tilaajan ja toimittajan välillä, tämä tutkimus keskittyy vuorovaikutuksen tarkasteluun mikrotasolla triadisessa suhteessa julkisen sektorin tilaajan, yksityisen sektorin toimittajan ja julkisen palvelun loppukäyttäjän välillä. Loppukäyttäjien sitouttamisella saavutettua arvontuotantoa tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa kolmen sitouttamisen toimintoihin, loppukäyttäjän rooleihin ja tilaajan kyvykkyyksiin liittyvän kysymyksen avulla. Empiiriset tulokset perustuvat laadulliseen tapaustutkimukseen neljästä innovatiivisesta tilahankinnasta Pohjois-Suomessa. Ensisijainen aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla ja havainnoimalla keskeisiä tilaaja-, toimittaja- ja loppukäyttäjäorganisaatioiden edustajia. Tutkimuksen tulokset korostavat loppukäyttäjävuorovaikutuksen selkeää asettamista innovatiivisten hankintakäytäntöjen ytimeen. Ensiksi, tutkimus luokittelee loppukäyttäjien sitouttamisen vuorovaikutukseen, pääsyyn, riskien hallintaan ja refleksiivisyyteen sekä läpinäkyvyyteen liittyviin toimintoihin. Toiseksi, tutkimuksen tuloksissa tunnistetaan neljä tilannesidonnaista loppukäyttäjien omaksumaa joko perinteistä, auttavaa, kumppanillista tai hallitsevaa roolia. Viimeiseksi, käyttäjäkeskeinen lähestymistapa julkiseen hankintaan edellyttää kokeilevaa kulttuuria, joka mahdollistaa tilaajalle ensiarvoiset kokeilemalla-oppimisen, verkostoitumisen ja ulkoisen tuen arvioimisen kyvykkyydet. Integroimalla julkisten palveluiden yhteistuotannon keskustelua julkisen hankinnan kontekstiin, tutkimuksen kontribuutiot suuntautuvat sekä innovatiivisten julkisten hankintojen että julkisten palveluiden keskusteluun. Käytännön toimijoiden näkökulmasta tärkeää on, että taloudellisten säästöjen sijasta hankinnan tärkein vaikutin olisi käyttöarvon luominen ja kansalaisten hyvinvoinnin edistäminen.

IKEA’s Social Innovation Strategy at H22 : Understanding the Narrative of Social Innovation in Cities Through Living Laboratories and Communicating CSR

Dimitrova, Magdalena January 2022 (has links)
To increase the understanding of the role of CSR in global development practice, this study examined ‘The Oracle’ podcast series, one of IKEA’s projects at H22, Helsingborg’s open innovation platform and city expo. The current transformations in our communities are met with traditional CSR approaches which are being exchanged for innovative models that encourage participation, consultation and engagement. The ethical discourse on businesses engaging in social affairs remains to be contested, but analysis on individual interests in shared issues using a communication view of CSR leads to innovation in network societies. At the same time, development practitioners are organizing social learning systems to communicate social change (C4D). Findings showed that storytelling can be used to study the shared sustainable development priorities between governments and businesses, and that the functionality of these narratives are just as important as the information they hold. Further research can be made to investigate the function of social innovation as a catalyst for CSR and C4D to find compatible solutions that address global development problems.

Public-private partnership : a model for improving the quality of education in South African rural communities

Mathonsi, Adolph Hlalela 23 February 2013 (has links)
Education in South Africa is a key concern because the South African education system is underperforming compared to many other developing countries despite the large capital investment made by the South African government and its private sector. South African children are routinely underachieving and rate not only among the worst in the world, but often among the worst in the Southern African region and in Africa as a whole. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore whether Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a suitable model for improving the quality of education in South African rural communities.The objective of the study was answered in a two-phase approach. The first phase developed an understanding of the challenges that prevents the delivery of quality education in South African rural communities with experts in education. The second phase determined the suitability of PPP to improve the quality of education in South African rural communities and the critical success factors for implementing PPP in education from interviews with PPP practitioners.The findings of the study revealed that PPP is a suitable model to improve the quality of education in South African communities and a PPP framework was proposed by the researcher that indicates the benefits of implementing PPP, the critical success factors of PPP and the barriers of PPP in education. The study also highlighted conditions that must be met to achieve quality education in South African rural communities through PPPs.The research concludes by making recommendations to both the government and the public sector in light of the findings of this research. Limitations for the study were highlighted and other variables to be researched that are important to further understanding of PPP as a model to improve the quality of education in South African rural communities were suggested. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Third-Party Administrators in Public-Private Partnerships: A Multiple Case Study

Haug, Beata Ewa 01 January 2015 (has links)
Local public agencies turn to public-private partnerships (PPPs) to allow greater participation by private firms in delivering public services. In the last 25 years, private organizations had been reluctant to form PPPs with local government agencies because of the complex procurement processes and the bureaucratic business environment. Guided by the decision theory and complex adaptive systems theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to identify what information leaders within third-party administrators (TPAs) need regarding the contracting process in the formation of PPPs. The data collection process consisted of face-to-face interviews with 4 executive leaders of 3 Wisconsin state licensed TPAs and examination of contracts and plan service agreements (PSAs) between TPAs and local government agencies. Dada was analyzed using the Yin 5-step data analysis method and cross-case analysis. The results indicated that TPA leaders must understand collaborative leadership, key players, roles and responsibilities, and specialized services in the formation of a PPP; change and transfer of controlling interest, and understanding the strengths and weakness of contract provisions are complex business systems that influence the decision to form a PPP; ERISA and compliance with applicable federal and state laws are critical contract stipulations to consider in the formation of PPPs; that market assessment, health care reform, and transparency between private and public partners are critical in the formation of PPPs. The implications for social change include new insights for PPP leaders that may enhance the effectiveness of social services and save taxpayers' money.

Sustainable Development Economy: Macroeconomic Policy and Microeconomic Impact of Public Private Partnerships

Berkshire, Richard 01 January 2019 (has links)
The impact of public private partnership (PPP) on Dallas, Texas economic development activities is debated through many forms of academic studies. The purpose of this study was to bridge the research gap in PPP impact on sustainable economic development from the perspectives of PPP practitioners. The central research question focused on the PPP executives' perspective on the evaluation of PPP programs within a 5-year period (2005 - 2010) in Dallas, Texas. The theoretical framework of this study was based on the policy feedback theory. A qualitative case study design was the case study approach and purposeful sampling interviews were the data collection tool; 7 participants agreed to participate in the study and provided data and information through participating in the interview. The participants were representative of the total population with 2 participants from the public sector, 2 participants from the for-profit private sector, 2 participants from nonprofit community development organizations, and 1 member from city council. A comparison to secondary data was performed to ensure reliability and protect against bias. Research findings provided indicators to PPP's successful design, lessons learned, and PPP executives' and policy makers' evaluation standards as well as suggestions for improvement. The social impact of this study on governance and a clearer understanding of PPP provides insights on the best use of public resources attempting to increase government performance efficiency.


Winij, Ruampongpattana 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20350号 / 工博第4287号 / 新制||工||1664(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 小林 潔司, 教授 大津 宏康, 准教授 松島 格也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Exploring Differences in School Quality Assurance Measures at Public, Private, and Public-Private Partnership Schools Using PISA Data:

Mitra, Romita January 2021 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Zhushan Li / Educational public private partnerships (PPP), referring to the shared delivery of education services by the government and private providers, have been increasing in recent decades, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Yet to date, there has been limited research on their role in the education landscape, in part due to the difficulty of classifying PPP schools in large-scale datasets, which typically classify schools as either public or private. In addition, few studies have assessed PPPs and school quality assurance indicators typically associated with them.  The study had two purposes. First, to explore the possibility of classifying PPP schools in a large-scale dataset using a statistical method. And second, to use these classifications to examine the differences between PPP, public, and private schools on school quality assurance measures, including but not limited to achievement. These analyses were performed using data from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), with schools from six of the global emerging economy countries: Brazil, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey.  Schools were classified using a two-step clustering method using funding and management variables. This revealed three good-quality clusters with a silhouette measure of cohesion and separation of 0.6 (IBM, 2015b; Wendler & Gröttrup, 2016). These were classified as public, private, and PPP based on the characteristics of each school type. With these classifications, the study assessed the relationship between school type and achievement in mathematics, science and reading, and 24 school quality assurance measures from PISA. The analyses controlled for school resources and socio-economic and cultural status. The study found that overall, PPP schools performed better than public schools on three indicators, and better than private schools on five indicators; public schools performed better than PPP schools on one outcome and better than private schools on three outcomes, although with mostly small effect sizes. Private schools did not outperform other school types on any outcome. A country wise analysis showed that these results differed by country. The study highlights the possibility of using two-step clustering to identify PPP schools, the effects of shared funding and management on school performance, and the importance of context in examining countries’ education policies. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2021. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation.

Risk management of PPP projects in China

Wang, Xinyu January 2017 (has links)
This thesis report is aiming to make a literature review on the risk management of PPP projects. At first, 22 risks are identified from different literatures, and next the suggested risk allocations from various literatures are given and get compared with each other. In addition, one more important part in the risk management, i.e. risk mitigation strategy, is collected from some literatures.  The risk management of PPP projects will not focus only on Chinese area, but mostly on the management of commonly occurred risks in PPP projects worldwide. Also, the PPP projects will only focus on the infrastructure projects. The scientific research method in this report is mainly qualitative data collection. In the discussion chapter, knowledge risk management is introduced to be added to the risk management of PPP projects. The SECI model and PPP knowledge base are two rational ways of handling risks. They can not only improve the communications and understandings among the stakeholders, but can also tackle many risks and the knowledge gaps. Finally, conclusions will be drawn from the results and the discussions; recommendations for future research will be given. / Denna examensarbete syftar till att göra en litteraturstudie om riskhanteringen av PPP-projekt (offentlig-privat samverkan). Först identifieras 22 risker från olika litteraturer, och därefter ges de föreslagna riskallokeringarna från olika litteraturer och jämförs med varandra. Dessutom samlas en viktig del i riskhanteringen, dvs riskreduceringsstrategin, som är samlad från vissa litteraturer. Riskhanteringen av PPP-projekt kommer inte att endast fokusera på kinesiskt område, utan mestadels på förvaltningen av vanliga risker i PPP-projekt världen över. Dessutom kommer PPP-projekten endast att fokusera på infrastrukturprojekten. Den vetenskapliga forskningsmetoden i denna rapport är huvudsakligen kvalitativ datainsamling. I diskussionskapitlet introduceras kunskapsriskhantering som läggs till i riskhanteringen av PPP-projekt. SECI-modellen och PPP-kunskapsbasen är två rationella sätt att hantera risker. De kan förutom att förbättra kommunikationen och förståelserna bland intressenterna, även ta itu med många risker och kunskapsbrister. Slutligen kommer slutsatser att dras av resultaten och diskussionerna. Rekommendationer för framtida forskning kommer att ges.

"P3s", Urban Growth Machines, and the Glass City

Deeter, Curtis 14 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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