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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hub Criativo do Beato- For whom by whom? : A narrative study of global entrepreneurial and creative urban practices in the eastern riverside of Lisbon

Lönnervall, Solveig, Sundell, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the phenomenon of creative hubs in former industrial sites based upon the case study of Hub Criativo do Beato and its process of implementation in Lisbon, Portugal. The hub is explored in relation to political-cultural power embedded in the practice of globalism and public-private partnership. The empirical study represents a common case of creative hubs, but also indicates of a unique aspect of implementation as the decision-making process is shown to bypass the municipal planning department. Conflicting narratives between the rhetoric of the intermediary actor StartUp Lisboa and local concerned are analysed by given value-and-power questions of Flyvbjerg (2002) in relation to globalisation, the creative economy and neo-liberalisation. Data is collected through interviews with actors representing different perspectives and interest to the eastern riverside. Findings shows that globalisation is in the eye of the intermediary manager of the project as an opportunity to accumulate investments and knowledge for the city. The local economic practitioners portray an already ongoing entrepreneurial and global processes in the eastern riverside, and present opposed wishes for governmental involvement within the entrepreneurial and creative practice. The conclusion draws attention to the principal concern of the creative discourse taken for granted in practise. In this case, narratives show that Hub Criativo do Beato is carried out mainly for the city to compete on the global arena, without greater concern for the local context, which resulted in missing great opportunities to deal with challenges and local participation in the planning approach to the eastern riverside of Lisbon.

Разработка стратегии продвижения инноваций как специфической GR-технологии: анализ инновационных предприятий г. Екатеринбурга : магистерская диссертация / Development of a strategy for the promotion of innovation as a specific GR-technology: analysis of innovation enterprises of Ekaterinburg

Кудинов, В. В., Kudinov, V. V. January 2016 (has links)
The paper discusses scientific approaches and technologies of interaction of business with authorities. In the first Chapter proved the relevance of the topic of the thesis. In the second Chapter the basic technology of Government Relations (GR) as applied to innovative companies of Ekaterinburg. The third Chapter describes the conducted study in innovative companies of Yekaterinburg, to identify the most popular technologies GR. Developed a strategy for the promotion of innovation as a specific GR-technology. Relying on the provisions of the thesis, it will be possible to use the tools of this technology in the scientific analysis of the problems of development of state and municipal management and in the practical sphere of increase of efficiency of interaction of business with authorities. / В работе рассмотрены научные подходы и технологии взаимодействия бизнеса с органами власти. В первой главе доказана актуальность темы диссертации. Во второй главе рассмотрены основные технологии Government Relations (GR) применительно к инновационным компаниям г. Екатеринбурга. В третьей главе описывается проведенное исследование в инновационных компаниях г. Екатеринбурга, для выявления наиболее популярных технологий GR. Разработана стратегия продвижения инноваций как специфическая GR-технология. Опираясь на положения диссертации, можно будет использовать инструментарий данной технологии как в научном анализе проблем развития государственного и муниципального управления, так и в практической сфере повышения эффективности взаимодействия бизнеса с органами власти.

Развитие территории через механизмы муниципально-частного партнерства на примере строительства парка экстремальных видов спорта путем реализации концессионного соглашения : магистерская диссертация / The development of the territory through the mechanism of municipal private partnership on the example of the construction of the park extreme sports through the implementation of the concession agreement

Ильиных, С. В., Ilyinyh, S. V. January 2017 (has links)
The development of the TERRITORY THROUGH the mechanisms of the MUNICIPAL-the paper analyzes the economic background of using the mechanism of municipal-private partnership (MPP), are considered objective factors hindering and impeding the development of private law. Identify practical problems of development of the territory in implementing the mechanisms of the law. The article considers foreign experience of the use of MPP in the development of territories in the field of sports. It also analyzes the economic and investment potential of Berezovsky urban district and the feasibility of the MPP project in the field of extreme sports. Presented investment project on the construction of the Park extreme sports on the territory of Berezovsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region through the implementation of the concession agreement. / В работе анализируются экономические предпосылки использования механизма муниципально-частного партнерства (МЧП), рассмотрены объективные факторы, тормозящие и препятствующие развитию МЧП. Определены практические проблемы развития территории при реализации механизмов МЧП. Рассмотрен зарубежный опыт использования МЧП при развитии территорий в сфере спорта. Также проводится анализ экономического и инвестиционного потенциала Березовского городского округа и возможности реализации проекта МЧП в сфере экстремальных видов спорта. Представлен инвестиционный проект строительства парка экстремальных видов спорта на территории Березовского городского округа Свердловской области путем реализации концессионного соглашения.

Система финансирования социальной жилищной политики в России : магистерская диссертация / The system of financing social housing policy in Russia

Засухина, В. С., Zasuhina, V. S. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию действующей социальной жилищной политики в России. Предметом исследования выступают механизмы финансирования социального жилья в рамках проводимой жилищной политики. Цель исследования заключается в разработке рекомендаций по совершенствованию системы финансирования строительства социального жилья на основе государственно-частного партнерства. В заключении обозначены рекомендации по дальнейшему развитию социального жилья и способах финансирования его строительства с участием частных партнеров. / Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of current social housing policy in Russia. The subject of the research is the mechanisms of financing social housing in the context of the current housing policy. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the system of financing the construction of social housing on the basis of public-private partnership. In conclusion, recommendations for the further development of social housing and ways to finance its construction with the participation of private partners are indicated.

The Ownership Structure Dilemma and its Implications on the Transition from Small-Scale to Large-Scale Electric Road Systems

This master thesis is written on behalf of KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). The study investigates how infrastructure ownership could affect the transition from small-scale to large-scale electric road systems (ERS) and how infrastructure ownership affects the foreseen future roles of the ERS stakeholders. The authors have used a qualitative research method, including a literature study within the areas of infrastructure transitions and infrastructure ownership and a case study on ERS. Conclusions are based on the chosen theoretical framework and the empirical findings from conducted interviews within the following stakeholder segments; agencies, electric utilities, road carriers, construction firms and road power technology firms. The transport system is a large sociotechnical system, which is characterized by a high level of complexity, capital intensity and asset durability which makes it difficult to accomplish radical system transitions. Political regulations and progressive environmental targets have created a demand for new solutions within the transport system. One widely discussed, possible solution is ERS, which are considered to be beneficial from both an environmental and socio-economic perspective. The main identified barriers for a transition to ERS are related to the complex system design. Further, the matter of how the ERS infrastructure should be owned and financed remains unclear. It will be argued that the government needs to play a key role, both as a coordinator and financier, during the initial phase of an ERS expansion. In order to obtain a high level of competence, which is considered as vital, it is important with close cooperation between different public and private stakeholders and to have a procurement process which is strongly focused on functionality. The authors suggest that in order to decrease system complexity and increase stakeholder cooperation, cross-sectorial system suppliers should be formed. During an initial deployment of ERS towards a national system, it is suggested to only have one cross-sectorial system supplier which manages the constructions and operations of ERS, in order to decrease complexity and increase knowledge. As the system and technology matures and knowledge regarding ERS has been established, it is suggested by the authors to introduce competition at the cross-sectorial system supplier level nationally. There are many barriers for public private partnerships (PPP) during an initial expansion phase of ERS due to large investments, immature technology and the necessity for an overall control of a large-scale system. In addition, early investments in a large-scale system is considered as unattractive among private actors due to the high risks. However, it will be argued that PPP structures or private ownerships are suitable in closed systems as the level of complexity is lower. These systems should be subsidized by the government as they will drive innovation and stimulate the development. Depending on the degree of capital intensity and governmental regulations, PPP structures could become suitable also in a national system, when the system has matured. The suggested stakeholder structure with cross-sectorial system suppliers facilitates for a possible future PPP structure. / Denna masteruppsats är skriven på uppdrag av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan och Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI). I studien undersöks hur ägarskap av infrastruktur skulle kunna påverka skiftet från småskaliga till storskaliga elvägssystem och hur ägarskapet av infrastrukturen påverkar de förutsedda framtida rollerna hos elvägssystemets intressenter. Författarna har använt sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, vilken inkluderar en litteraturstudie inom områden för infrastrukturskiften och ägarskap av infrastruktur samt en fallstudie inom elvägssystem. Slutsatser är baserade på det valda teoretiska ramverket och de empiriska resultaten från de genomförda intervjuerna inom följande intressentsegment; myndigheter, energibolag, godstransportörer, konstruktionsfirmor och tillverkare av elvägsinfrastruktur. Transportsystemet är ett stort sociotekniskt system, vilket karakteriseras av en hög nivå av komplexitet, kapitalintensitet och lång livslängd på tillgångar, vilket gör det svårt att uppnå radikala systemskiften. Politiska regleringar och progressiva miljömål har skapat ett behov för nya lösningar inom transportsystemet. En diskuterad möjlig lösning är elvägssystem, vilket anses vara fördelaktigt både från ett miljömässigt och socioekonomiskt perspektiv. De huvudsakliga identifierade barriärerna för ett skifte till ett elvägssystem är relaterade till den komplexa systemdesignen. Vidare är frågan rörande hur infrastrukturen till ett elvägssystem ska ägas och finansieras fortfarande oklar. Det kommer att argumenteras för att staten behöver ha en nyckelroll, både som koordinator och finansiär, under den initiala expansionsfasen av ett elvägssystem. För att uppnå en hög nivå av kompetens, vilket anses vara avgörande, så är det viktigt med ett nära samarbete mellan olika statliga och privata intressenter och att ha en upphandlingsprocess som starkt fokuserar på funktionalitet. Författarna föreslår att för att minska systemets komplexitet och öka intressenternas samarbete, så borde tvärsektoriella systemleverantörer formas. Under en initial utbredning av elvägssystem mot ett nationellt system, så föreslås det att enbart ha en tvärsektoriell systemleverantör som sköter konstruktion och verksamhet av elvägssystemet för att minska komplexiteten och öka kunskapen. Allt eftersom att systemet och teknologin mognar och kunskap om elvägssystem etableras, så föreslår författarna att konkurrens ska introduceras på tvärsektoriell systemleverantörsnivå nationellt. Det finns många barriärer för offentlig-privat samverkan (OPS) under den initiala expansionsfasen av elvägssystem på grund av stora investeringar, omogen teknologi och behovet av övergripande kontroll i ett storskaligt system. Dessutom anses tidiga investeringar i ett storskaligt system vara oattraktivt hos de privata aktörerna på grund av de höga riskerna. Det kan dock argumenteras för att OPS-strukturer eller privat ägande är passande för slutna system då nivån av komplexitet är lägre. Dessa system borde subventioneras av staten då de kommer driva innovation och stimulera utvecklingen. Beroende på graden av kapitalintensitet och statliga regleringar, skulle OPS-strukturer också kunna vara lämpliga för ett nationellt system, när systemet har mognat. De föreslagna intressentstrukturerna med tvärsektoriella systemleverantörer underlättar för en möjlig framtida OPS-struktur

Empirischer Vergleich von KBV und ÖPP: Studie zu Beschaffungsmethoden der öffentlichen Hand vor dem Hintergrund des Gemeinsamen Erfahrungsberichts der Rechnungshöfe

Hesse, Mario, Lück, Oliver, Redlich, Matthias, Rottmann, Oliver 03 April 2017 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren erfolgt in Deutschland eine verstärkte Einbindung von privatwirtschaftlichen Akteuren bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Leistungen. Insbesondere im Bereich der Infrastrukturbereitstellung haben sich Öffentlich-Private-Partnerschaften als eine alternative Beschaffungsvariante etabliert. Diese Vertrags-ÖPP sind in den Kontext einer allgemeinen Privatisierungskritik geraten, vor allem wird die Wirtschaftlichkeit dieser Variante bzw. deren Berechnung diskutiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund liegt das Ziel der Studie darin, die geringe empirische Datenlage zum Status quo der Umsetzungspraxis zu vergrößern, die Beschaffungsalternativen konventionelle Beschaffungsvariante (KBV) und ÖPP komparativ gegenüberzustellen und dabei auch auf Aspekte einzugehen, die im Erfahrungsbericht der Rechnungshöfe nicht behandelt werden, da dieser ausschließlich die Wirtschaftlichkeit von ÖPP fokussiert. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand fokussiert nur kommunale ÖPP-Projekte die einen Lebenszyklusansatz verfolgen, folglich Infrastruktureinrichtungen wie Schulen, Kindertagestätten und Verwaltungsgebäude. Allen diesen Projekten ist inhärent, dass während der Vertragslaufzeit kein öffentliches Eigentum veräußert wird, die Aufgabenverantwortung folglich stets bei der öffentlichen Hand verbleibt und somit auch keine Privatisierung öffentlichen Eigentums erfolgt. Die Studie zeigt, dass bei vielen KBV-Projekten die Betriebskosten in den anfänglich zu erstellenden Wirtschaftlichkeitsvergleichen keine oder nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen, während bei ÖPP in der Regel von Anfang an der gesamte Lebenszyklus der Infrastruktureinrichtung betrachtet wird, da der Großteil der Gesamtkosten der Infrastrukturmaßnahme während der Betriebsphase anfällt. (Kostensparende) Synergieeffekte bleiben deshalb bei den KBV vielfach ungenutzt. Die Nutzung von ABC-Ausschreibungen löst dieses Problem nur bedingt, da durch sie Aufwand und Transaktionskosten enorm gesteigert werden. Die Betrachtung unterschiedlicher Wertschöpfungsstufen (Planung, Bau, Finanzierung, Betrieb, Verwertung) stellt den entscheidenden Punkt für die Wirtschaftlichkeit von ÖPP-Projekten im Vergleich zur KBV dar, da die private Seite veranlasst ist, die Bauleistungen betriebsoptimierend zu planen und durchzuführen. Ferner zeigt die Studie, dass die von den Rechnungshöfen angemahnte Verfahrenstransparenz eine Herausforderung bei allen öffentlichen Beschaffungsvarianten darstellt und das Fehlanreize, die durch die Prinzipal-Agent-Problematik entstehen, ebenfalls kein singuläres Defizit des ÖPP-Ansatzes sind. Dem Vorwurf, dass ÖPP-Projekte dazu genutzt würden, Schulden in öffentlichen Haushalten zu verschleiern und Kosten möglichst intransparent darzustellen, wird mit der schrittweisen bundesweiten Umstellung der Kommunen auf doppische Haushaltsführung weitestgehend der Boden entzogen, da ÖPP-Projekte mit Forfaitierung sogar Transparenzvorteile gegenüber den KBV aufweisen. Ziel der Studie ist nicht, die ÖPP als „Königsweg“ der öffentlichen Beschaffung darzustellen, sondern den Versuch zu unternehmen, einen kritischen Blick auf die Beschaffungsvariante selbst und die an ihr geäußerte Kritik zu werfen. Es gilt: Vor dem Hintergrund der langfristigen Bindung des privaten Partners und der damit verbundenen Verantwortungs- und Risikoteilung ist es nach wie vor möglich, dass wirtschaftlichere und bedarfsgerechtere Lösungen als bei der KBV gefunden werden.

Risk Identification in Public-Private Partnerships : A qualitative case study on the consideration of stakeholders in the risk identification step

Cheshmmishi, Aylar, Sedin, Elsa January 2024 (has links)
A public-private partnership (PPP) is a collaborative partnership between the publicsector and a private entity. The adoption of PPPs has risen throughout the years, utilizedfor developing cultural infrastructure. With the increase in opting for PPPs, the numberof failed PPPs has shown to be due to inefficient risk management procedures. This thesisdelves into the realm of public-private partnerships (PPPs) and examines the integrationof stakeholder management in the risk identification process, aiming to answer thefollowing research question: How do the public sector and private sector in a public-private partnership respectivelyconsider stakeholder management when identifying risks? Through a qualitative single case study of a PPP project in Sweden, the research aims toprovide insights into how key actors in PPPs consider stakeholders when identifyingrisks. The study emphasizes the importance of stakeholder theory in enhancing riskidentification practices within the context of collaborative ventures. By exploring thecomplexities of PPPs and the dynamics of stakeholder engagement, this researchcontributes to the existing literature on effective partnership arrangements and riskmanagement in public-private partnerships (PPPs). The findings highlight thesignificance of incorporating stakeholder perspectives in risk identification strategies tofoster successful outcomes in PPP projects. To answer the research question, semi-structured interviews were conducted with thepublic and private entity involved in the PPP chosen for the case study. This study notonly offers theoretical implications for understanding the interplay between stakeholdertheory and risk management but also provides practical insights for organizations seekingto establish and maintain successful PPPs. The research underscores the critical role ofclear project objectives, defined partnership responsibilities, communication, andcollaboration in sustaining long-term partnerships. By bridging the gap betweenstakeholder theory and risk management, the study offers a theoretical contribution forunderstanding how stakeholder engagement can enhance risk identification strategies in PPP projects. Overall, this thesis contributes to advancing knowledge on stakeholder considerations inPPPs and offers recommendations for enhancing risk identification measures incollaborative ventures.

The impact of CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd. on the income tax position of construction contractors / Simone Smit

Smit, Simone January 2015 (has links)
Infrastructure is one of the top priorities of the South African Government. Substantial amounts will be invested by the Government in infrastructure between 2014 and 2016 as good infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the growth of the South African economy. Government does not have sufficient resources to meet its infrastructure goals and is therefore dependent on the private construction sector to provide assistance. Discrepancies were noted between the judgment laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd (SACS) and the interpretations from the relevant sections contained within the Income Tax Act governing the normal tax treatment of construction contractors. The aim of this study was to determine whether reliance could be placed on the judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd in order to determine the nature and deductibility of expenditure incurred by construction contractors in future. It is crucial that tax legislation should be correctly interpreted and applied in determining the taxable income of taxpayers as it is evident that tax consequences influence the behaviour of South African taxpayers. A literature study of prior case law, sections of the Income Tax Act governing the normal tax treatment of construction contractors as well as other relevant literature was performed in order to determine the correct application of sections governing the normal tax position of construction contractors. The negative tax consequences suffered by SACS as a main contractor due to judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd could influence the willingness of the private construction sector to provide assistance to Government in future. Based on the literature study performed it was found that the court's application of Section 22(2A) of the Income Tax Act was correct. It was further found that the Court erroneously applied Section 11 (a), and as a result incorrectly determined the normal tax position of SACS. In response to this it is recommended that no reliance should be placed on the judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd in respect of determining the nature and deductibility of fees paid to subcontractors by construction contractors, as this could result in negative tax planning consequences. / MCom (South African and International Tax), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The impact of CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd. on the income tax position of construction contractors / Simone Smit

Smit, Simone January 2015 (has links)
Infrastructure is one of the top priorities of the South African Government. Substantial amounts will be invested by the Government in infrastructure between 2014 and 2016 as good infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the growth of the South African economy. Government does not have sufficient resources to meet its infrastructure goals and is therefore dependent on the private construction sector to provide assistance. Discrepancies were noted between the judgment laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd (SACS) and the interpretations from the relevant sections contained within the Income Tax Act governing the normal tax treatment of construction contractors. The aim of this study was to determine whether reliance could be placed on the judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd in order to determine the nature and deductibility of expenditure incurred by construction contractors in future. It is crucial that tax legislation should be correctly interpreted and applied in determining the taxable income of taxpayers as it is evident that tax consequences influence the behaviour of South African taxpayers. A literature study of prior case law, sections of the Income Tax Act governing the normal tax treatment of construction contractors as well as other relevant literature was performed in order to determine the correct application of sections governing the normal tax position of construction contractors. The negative tax consequences suffered by SACS as a main contractor due to judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd could influence the willingness of the private construction sector to provide assistance to Government in future. Based on the literature study performed it was found that the court's application of Section 22(2A) of the Income Tax Act was correct. It was further found that the Court erroneously applied Section 11 (a), and as a result incorrectly determined the normal tax position of SACS. In response to this it is recommended that no reliance should be placed on the judgement laid down in CSARS v South African Custodial Services (Pty) Ltd in respect of determining the nature and deductibility of fees paid to subcontractors by construction contractors, as this could result in negative tax planning consequences. / MCom (South African and International Tax), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

公私協力失靈與調整之研究:以三峽藍染節與土城桐花節為例 / The Study of Public-Private-Partnership's Failure and Adjustment: In case of Sanxia Indigo Festival and Tucheng Tung Blossom Festival

湯宗岳 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代以來,政府能力減弱導致治理的困境,需要引進其他部門的力量以持續公共服務之提供,「公私協力夥伴關係」理論應運而生,「協力治理」成為政府在新時代提供公共服務的重要方法。協力治理是一套建立在行為者之間網絡互動的治理體系,雙方共享合作夥伴關係產出的利益,但是新的治理模式也會帶來新的困境;地方異質性導致國家在治理上的困境,進而轉向倚賴社區與地方政府間協力推行政策。當旨在解決政府失靈問題的協力治理都出現侷限時,透過協力網絡所提供的公共服務要如何持續推行?本研究探討公私部門之間的協力合作與衝突,透過相關公共行政理論之討論,以「新北市土城桐花節」與「新北市三峽藍染節」為個案,分析我國地方層級文化節慶活動辦理過程的協力治理,以期為既有體制下運作出現失靈僵局的公私協力關係提出解決問題的參考。本研究以協力治理理論為分析架構,透過深度訪談與次級文獻分析嘗試回答下列問題:本研究兩個案例中公私協力運作過程為何?遭遇什麼樣的困境?當協力面臨失靈時行為者如何面對困境使協力成功或至少不致失敗?研究結果發現,公私部門的合作關係若僅止於契約委外,則協力傾向出現不穩定甚至失靈;若公私部門調整他們對協力治理的態度,亦即公部門確實扮演其領航角色,與地方團體對協力過程具共同的承諾與相近的目標、且積極參與協力過程,便可使出現困境的協力不致徹底失敗。 / Since the 1980s, governments around the world have suffered from weakened governing capacities. The idea of “public-private-partnership (PPP)” was thus proposed, hoping to help sustain public services. Central to the PPP is the concept of “collaborative governance,” which has become an important method for government to deliver public services. It is a governance system based on network built among actors who share the benefit generating from the partnership or collaboration. However, this new governance model faces challenges caused by local differences. State then turns to depend on collaborative governance between local government and community. Drawing upon major public administration theories, this study seeks to answer the question as to how could public services sustain when the collaborative governance fails. It is done so through examining the cooperation and conflict between public and private sectors, with Sanxia “Indigo Festival” and Tucheng “Tung Blossom Festival” in New Taipei City as cases. In-depth interviews and secondary literature analysis are adopted for this study. It is found from both cases that if the PPP is merely contract-based, it tends to be instable or even fail. If actors in both public and private sectors take collaborative governance seriously and commit to long-term collaborative relationship, the PPP tends to be stable and sustainable. It is also found that whether public sector can play a proper role of pilot in the collaborative relationship appears to be the key to success.

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