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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公務人力發展中心協力治理的實踐: 以福華國際文教會館為例 / Collaborative Governance of Civil Service Development Institute: A Study of Howard Civil Service International House

劉婉茹 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣社會快速成長,人民對公共服務的要求逐漸提升,政府為了改善服務品質、加強行政革新、提升組織績效,因此將公務人力發展中心大樓設施營運管理業務委託民間經營,成立福華國際文教會館,公務人力發展中心則專注於教育訓練及研究發展等核心業務。此種透過結合民間資源的方式,引進市場競爭機制,不僅提昇公用財產使用效益,也創造良好經營效率及服務品質。本研究希望藉由分析福華國際文教會館經營模式以及其與公務人力發展中心的互動關係,探討其成功的因素並了解公務人力發展中心與福華國際文教會館之間的協力模式。 本研究之研究目的主要分為三點:一、探討政府部門和私部門之跨部門治理模式的運作過程;二、了解福華國際文教會館委外模式的成功因素;三、分析並建構協力治理的互動機制與模式。本研究從福華國際文教會館之委外模式、協力過程、協力結果三個層面進行探討分析。研究發現福華國際文教會館的經營策略收到良好成效,強化機關核心業務及避免員額膨脹,同時維持績效和服務品質,提高公有財產效益減少政府財務負擔,並且達成教育訓練之需求。研究結果指出公務人力發展中心與福華國際文教會館的協力模式有幾項特色:一、委託專業顧問公司選擇「代理人」;二、公務人力發展中心工作目標的分割;三、完整的經營管理與協調方式;四、多元彈性的監督機制;五、靈活彈性的溝通機制。 / In recent years, the rapid growth of Taiwan society, people's demands for public services gradually improved, in order to improve service quality the government strengthen the administrative reform and improve organizational performance. Therefore, buildings of Civil Service Development Institute outsourcing to private sector, known as Howard Civil Service International House. Thus, Civil Service Development Institute can focused on core businesses include education and training, research and development. Such a way through a combination of private resources, the introduction of market competition mechanism, not only to enhance the efficient use of public property, but also to create a good efficiency and service quality. This study is to analyze business model of Howard Civil Service International House and its interaction between Civil Service Development Institute. This study attempt to understand the factors of its success and the collaboration model between Civil Service Development Institute and Howard Civil Service International House. The main purpose of this study is divided into three parts: First, the operating process of cross-sectoral governance model between government and the private sector. Second, understanding outsourcing model of Howard Civil Service International House. Third, analyzing collaborative governance model. This study will discuss about outsourcing model, process of collaborative governance and the results of collaborative governance of Howard Civil Service International House. This study found that business strategy of Howard Civil Service International House has good effect and strengthen its core business and avoid staff expansion. It also maintain great performance and quality of service. Besides, it improved the effectiveness of public property and reduce government financial burden. Research results indicate that the collaborative model of Civil Service Development Institute and Howard Civil Service International House has several characteristics: First, choose a "Agent" by the professional consultant company. Second, Civil Service Development Institute does goals segmentation. Third, the managing and coordinative mode are faultless. Fourth, the monitoring system is flexible. Fifth, the communicating system is flexible.

協力治理下社區資產如何促成社區營造成果:以宜蘭縣大二結社區為例 / How Community Assets Contribute to Community-building under Collaborative Governance—A Case Study of Greater Er-chieh Community in Yi-lan County

呂芷宜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文自協力治理觀點探討我國社區營造政策,以及鄉村型社區之社區資產與社區營造成果,並以宜蘭大二結社區為代表性個案,經由文獻分析法、個案研究法、參與觀察法及深度訪談分析,並參考Green 與Haines(2008)之七項社區關鍵資產、Ansell與Gash(2008)建構之協力治理模型,建構本研究分析模型。 研究發現,大二結社區營造在協力治理獲得成果的因素為「社區組織與專業組織發展高度信任之協力夥伴關係並積極投入各項計畫以確保組織穩定運作」、「社區領導精英具高度使命感、行動力及構築願景帶動社區居民發揮主體性」、「社區文化資本具體培育文化公民權並啟動各項行動」、「組成各類志工強化組織人力核心承載並有效轉化社區公共議題」、「創新及持續各項社區活動以累積社區實作經驗及社區學習」、「宜蘭縣政府及主要專業組織對社區營造以遍地開花模式推動」等,逐步翻轉社區內部組織結構、建立信任理解、培養參與活力。 其經驗及推動成果足以提供其他鄉村型社區參考,且已有許多社區及政府單位造訪汲取相關社造內涵,值得作為代表性個案研究。


龔青佩 Unknown Date (has links)

臺北觀光護照與觀光發展–從協力治理的觀點分析 / A case study of 〝Taipei Pass〞 and Tourism Development from Collaborative Governance Perspective

吳鎧安, Wu, Kai An Unknown Date (has links)
觀光發展是一個國家國際化與現代化的指標,觀光產業則被喻為世界經濟的「陽光產業」、「無煙囪工業」,我國在面臨全球競爭、地方治理的趨勢下,積極推動各項觀光發展政策。然而傳統以國家為單一行動者之由上而下統治模式的正當性於1990年代已受到排山倒海而來的威脅,民眾參與公共事務的聲浪日趨高漲,政府官僚無法再獨立貫徹其單一意志,取而代之的是晚近學界所謂協力治理的概念,強調政府必須將權力賦予社會,在公共政策、公共事務與公共服務的制定、執行和提供上,與所有的政治行動者或利害關係人形成相互依賴、平等的網絡關係。 本研究以治理理論、公私協力關係為理論基礎,臺北觀光護照為研究個案,從參與者、互信基礎、互動方式、資源分享、責任共擔、目標達成等六大面向分析臺北觀光護照協力治理的狀況。研究發現臺北觀光護照在協力治理上有其適用性與侷限性;係屬混合型治理模式,屬水平互補的協力互動模式,以契約規範為合作機制的非典型夥伴關係,此外未建立共同願景以及缺乏完整監督課責與績效評估機制。並建議公部門應提供適當的協力誘因吸引私部門參與協力合作,可嘗試納入第三部門的諮詢與整合力量,要有更完善的監督機制以確保協力關係的妥善運作,鬆綁相關政府法令以及增加行銷通路與曝光度。

公私協力失靈與調整之研究:以三峽藍染節與土城桐花節為例 / The Study of Public-Private-Partnership's Failure and Adjustment: In case of Sanxia Indigo Festival and Tucheng Tung Blossom Festival

湯宗岳 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代以來,政府能力減弱導致治理的困境,需要引進其他部門的力量以持續公共服務之提供,「公私協力夥伴關係」理論應運而生,「協力治理」成為政府在新時代提供公共服務的重要方法。協力治理是一套建立在行為者之間網絡互動的治理體系,雙方共享合作夥伴關係產出的利益,但是新的治理模式也會帶來新的困境;地方異質性導致國家在治理上的困境,進而轉向倚賴社區與地方政府間協力推行政策。當旨在解決政府失靈問題的協力治理都出現侷限時,透過協力網絡所提供的公共服務要如何持續推行?本研究探討公私部門之間的協力合作與衝突,透過相關公共行政理論之討論,以「新北市土城桐花節」與「新北市三峽藍染節」為個案,分析我國地方層級文化節慶活動辦理過程的協力治理,以期為既有體制下運作出現失靈僵局的公私協力關係提出解決問題的參考。本研究以協力治理理論為分析架構,透過深度訪談與次級文獻分析嘗試回答下列問題:本研究兩個案例中公私協力運作過程為何?遭遇什麼樣的困境?當協力面臨失靈時行為者如何面對困境使協力成功或至少不致失敗?研究結果發現,公私部門的合作關係若僅止於契約委外,則協力傾向出現不穩定甚至失靈;若公私部門調整他們對協力治理的態度,亦即公部門確實扮演其領航角色,與地方團體對協力過程具共同的承諾與相近的目標、且積極參與協力過程,便可使出現困境的協力不致徹底失敗。 / Since the 1980s, governments around the world have suffered from weakened governing capacities. The idea of “public-private-partnership (PPP)” was thus proposed, hoping to help sustain public services. Central to the PPP is the concept of “collaborative governance,” which has become an important method for government to deliver public services. It is a governance system based on network built among actors who share the benefit generating from the partnership or collaboration. However, this new governance model faces challenges caused by local differences. State then turns to depend on collaborative governance between local government and community. Drawing upon major public administration theories, this study seeks to answer the question as to how could public services sustain when the collaborative governance fails. It is done so through examining the cooperation and conflict between public and private sectors, with Sanxia “Indigo Festival” and Tucheng “Tung Blossom Festival” in New Taipei City as cases. In-depth interviews and secondary literature analysis are adopted for this study. It is found from both cases that if the PPP is merely contract-based, it tends to be instable or even fail. If actors in both public and private sectors take collaborative governance seriously and commit to long-term collaborative relationship, the PPP tends to be stable and sustainable. It is also found that whether public sector can play a proper role of pilot in the collaborative relationship appears to be the key to success.

協力治理、網絡結構與政策擴散: 以中國大陸森林認證政策為例 / Examining collaborative governance, network structure & policy diffusion: the case of forest certification policy in China

謝儲鍵, Hsieh, Chu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球氣候急遽變遷的挑戰下,各國政府對於環境治理議題高度的重視與 關切。在1992年京都議定書制定後,國家透過彼此的規範制約,期望可減少二 氧化碳的排放與環境的破壞。然而,正式權威途徑的執行,對於經濟發展與環境 永續的趨避衝突,卻不見預期效益。爾後,森林認證概念倡議後,希冀以市場途 徑作為國際規範,進入各國的創新管道。而第一個透過非政府組織建立的FSC體系,在2001年經由WWF進入中國大陸推展認證項目。只是,西方的運作思維與原則框架,在中國大陸終究遭遇到體制與管理上的困境。2008年後,中國大陸政府除了主導國家體系CFCC外,也與PEFC在2014年正式達成互認的成果。本研究試圖從政策改變前與後,以兩個階段分析行動者協力合作的情況,網 絡互動與體系採用的擴散情況。 研究結果分為兩個部分,首先就問卷統計數據來看協力與體系採用的相關性。對於FSC而言,治理與規範性是行動者選擇採用與否的重要因素。也就是行動者選擇FSC是因為重視認證資源的獲取、非正式關係的信任度與公開透明的正式溝通管道。而對於PEFC而言,治理因素同樣重要,而受到行動者支持的是相互性因數。傘型認證體制的特性,共同分享資訊、資源,使得政策場域中的行動者支持 PEFC。然而,對於CFCC而言並沒有太大的差異性。而在協力與網絡互動的分析上,自主性成為影響的因數。代表政策場域中的行動者,重視管理協調與主導政策制定討論的過程。 第二,對於擴散因數與體系採用的相關檢定。對FSC而言,社會化是重要 的關鍵。政策制定行動者考慮的是體系鄰近性、市場偏好、企業喜好與國際組織 的支持。而採用CFCC的行動者,同樣認為社會化重要。表示,利益方瞭解這是一個市場遊戲,而CFCC得到PEFC的互認後,對國家體系保持肯定態度。然而,競爭因素與採用CFCC也具有顯著性。表示行動者瞭解在中國大陸,政府透過管制帶來的競爭情勢,因此選擇了CFCC體系。 第三,就社會網絡分析數據分析,來看組織協力與體系採用關係。以程度中 心性來看,在資源與專業知識面向,皆是從國際組織轉向政府部門。在影響力層 面,國際組織甚至在第二階段便消失。而正式途徑的合作,以政府及國際組織為 兩大群體。但在第二階段,政府集中性更高,而國際組織則愈趨降低。包括在信 任度上,國際非政府組織也是下降的情況。在結構洞分析方面,第一階段的資源 掮客是一個多元組織的分佈,到的第二階段則單一化,國際體系成為傳達訊息的 角色。在影響力方面,第二階段主要是政府的角色成為掮客,而國際組織傳達影 響力的功能消失。而在信度度方面,第二階段發現國際非政府組織與企業,反而 更突顯他們在非正式關係網絡中的掮客位置。影響信任網絡的因素,分析發現政 策制定過程的資訊分享是關鍵原因。 本論文認為國際規範不僅建立在行動者的合作上,更需要結合地方組織,透 過社區力量建立由下而上的互動網絡。尤其第一階段,中國大陸需要藉由國際力 量,協助國內政策制定。因此,給予行動一個大鳴大放的空間與環境。第二階段, 受到協商過程的困境,而形成權力收回的情況。再者,中國大陸對於非政治敏感 議題,並非完全恪守政治命令而行,來決定政策發展的方向。相反的,政府可相 對釋出部分的自主性給國際組織。然而,當遭遇話語權問題時,便會透過管制途 徑收回權力,是一種「妥協式的管制協力」。而擴散的效應則是源於政策場域中, 行動者對於政策的學習與社會化而成。本研究透過微觀的實證資料,對中國大陸 協力、擴散與網絡互動研究有興趣的學者,提供另一個角度的解釋。總結來說, 國際規範透過非政府組織的「非正式途徑」,從國外帶入國內,並同時垂直向上 與向下影響中央政府的決策,及提升草根的公民力量。以中國大陸經驗反思國際 政策治理理論,重構對於開發中國家的「迴力鏢效應 2.0」模式。 / While facing the challenge of global climate change, each country puts much emphasis on environmental governance issues urgently. Since the Kyoto Protocol declared in 1992, the effective approach to resolve environmental crisis aims to regulate environmental standards and reduce emission of carbon dioxide through various air, forest and water management. However, the management efficiency is not obvious to enhance the sustainable target by formal authorities because of the conflict of economic development and environmental sustainability. The forest certification mechanism is an innovative business strategy to implement international norms into domestic governance. Particularly, FSC is successfully getting into China to develop systems through the strong support from international organizations and enterprises. On the other hand, FSC also confronted many obstacles in regulatory institution and management difficulties from Chinese registration and standard laws. Meanwhile, Chinese governments dominated in national system (CFCC) which had recognized with PEFC in 2014. This research analysis focused on the development of collaboration, network interaction and system adoption in two stages of policy change. First, the statistical findings show that norm and governance factors are significant to actors in adoption of FSC which means that the policy makers emphasize on the resource, informal trust relationships and transparent formal communication. Also, governance is important to actors to adopt PEFC systems. Another influential factor is mutuality that actors prefer the umbrella mechanism of PEFC to share information and resources with more flexible institutions. Otherwise, the correlation of interval variable of collaboration and network interaction, the analysis shows that autonomy is the influential factor to affect the collaborative relationships among actors in policy domain. On the other side, the interactive relationship is not significantly correlated to system adoption and diffusion. Second, about the results of diffusion and system adoption, socialization is a crucial element to support FSC because of system approximation, market preferences and INGO support. To CFCC adopters, socialization is also a significant factor to them which means that they understand the certification system is a global market game. After CFCC recognized with PEFC, policy-domain actors approve CFCC. Meanwhile, competition is a considerable dimension to actors by regulatory approach by central governments. Finally, based on network analysis of centrality, the high-central actors transformed to governmental actors from international NGOs in the second stage. Meanwhile, INGOs disappeared in influential factor. As for formal collaborative relationship, the public sectors and INGOs are two main groups. However, the public sectors are more central, but INGO are more peripheral. Also, the trust centrality of INGOs descends since CFCC and PEFC recognized. Of the structural-constraint analysis, the resource brokers are multiple in the first stage, but more homogeneous to public sector then. In policy-influence dimension, the governmental organizations are still main brokers in the second stage, and INGOs disappeared. The trust brokers are INGO and private sectors that highlight their informal relationships in the broker network. The Chinese governments release the approach of “airing views freely” to INGOs and multinational corporations in the first stage, and take back the autonomous right in second one because of “political baselines”. In conclusion, this research argues that collaborative governance not only requires the legitimacy of international norms and rules implemented to domestic markets, but also integrates more local actors in policy-making process to enhance the efficiency. Chinese governmental actors are willing to cooperate with others by releasing more power and autonomy. However, they also take back the power while they lose the power of discourse which means that it is “negotiable regulation and collaboration”. Moreover, the research results reform the “Boomerang Effect 2.0” to rethink about another vertical effect of INGOs power bringing into domestic central governments and local civil society.

政府委託專業服務之協力治理運作研究:行政院勞工委員會「微型創業鳳凰貸款」個案分析 / Collaborative Governance in Contracting for Professional Services: A Case Study of a Micro-Enterprise program

謝文琪, Shie, Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的主要在於從協力治理的分析途徑,透過深度訪談協力治理結構中各方主要協力成員,從不同的角度交叉對照並整合多方觀點進行分析,以期深度探討勞委會微型創業鳳凰貸款政策協力治理模式之運作,亦包括此協力治理結構與協力成員角色、協力成員間關係,以及此治理模式運作的回應性。 勞委會微型創業鳳凰貸款政策之協力治理模式,係以政府的主導角色為首跟委外單位、信保基金、銀行與創業顧問所形成的公私協力治理網絡。雖然原先的主要的業務內容與專業知識並非提供微型創業貸款與創業諮詢輔導服務,但是勞委會勞工福利處所選擇的協力成員與建構的協力模式卻體現了協力治理的精神,使其不僅獲得所需要的專業知識與資金,更擴展了政府提供公共服務的界線範圍,透過不斷的調整嘗試,將此貸款政策演化成為目前我國協助弱勢民眾進行微型創業的同類型創業貸款政策裡較為完整的典範。 本研究主要發現包括:一、勞委會中心導向的複雜協力結構與模式,加上協力成員共同參與決策之貸款審查會,使得政策執行流程更長卻比以往更容易取得貸款;二、多元資金來源、高度專業性、政府採購法規定影響公共服務提供的高穩定度與調整改善的動態性;三、信任、共識與溝通的多元反饋管道建立,促進協力模式的穩定度與調整改善的動態性。依此,本研究並提出包括關於增進審查會共識、增加與委外單位的信任感和穩定度關係,協助弱勢民眾創業的措施之三個面向的研究建議。

私有地上的生態保育:以雙連埤的協力治理為例 / Ecology Conservation on private lands: Collaborative Governance in The Case of Shuang-Lien Lake

林易萱, Lin, Yi-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去政府的保育政策多施行於國有地上,盡量避免限制私有土地上的經濟活動,卻也造成保護區周邊私有土地利用上,與保育目的不相容的情形,致使共享性資源(common pool resources, CPRs)走向悲劇一途。本文以宜蘭雙連埤濕地作為個案,從深度訪談瞭解該地私有地保育的困境,並從「協力治理」(collaborative governance)的角度分析,發現政府單方面的保育政策,難以達到良好的私地保育效果。本研究透過深度訪談追蹤雙連埤的保育努力過程,發現最後能夠維持雙連埤的風貌,荒野協會等民間保育團體功不可沒。保育團體不具備管理的職責,比較容易與在地居民的建立情感聯繫,能作為政府與居民之間的溝通橋樑;他們擁有豐富的生態知識,能化自然資源為物質性誘因(material incentives),結合居民生計與生態保育的行動,減輕私有地上活動對環境的壓力。透過「由下而上」的共享性資源管理模式,雙連埤的案例展現如何透過協力合產與「社基保育」(Community-Based Conservation)模式,破除「生態」與「生計」無法共存的迷思,進而達到永續發展的目的。 / Conservational policies have been known more applicable to public lands. Yet endangered species can not tell and thus have suffered from the economic activities on private land, leading to an inevitable tragedy. This thesis adopts Shuang-Lien Lake as a case to demonstrate the possibility of an alternative, community-based approach. Through in-depth interviews with policy makers and major stakeholders, this research indicates how collaboration between local government and voluntary citizen groups could overcome the oppositions by local residents against conserving valuable ecologic system on private land.

協力創新在公部門應用之研究:文建會推動文化創意產業發展政策為例 / Collaborative innovation in the public sector: the case of the council for cultural affairs’ policies promoting cultural and creative industries

彭俊亨, Peng, Chun Heng Unknown Date (has links)
公共部門的組織運作相較於過去,正處在更為不穩定和動盪的環境之中,公部門必須提高其「創新」的能力以為因應,並由於治理網絡形式的顯現,也更加強調公部門創新的重要性。面對當前許多充滿高度複雜與棘手的公共問題,我們不僅需要公共創新的新途徑,同時也要為許多問題的解決方案提出必要的工具。無疑地,吾人必須關注如何透過治理網絡中行動者間的協力,即是公共管理者、民選官員、企業、非營利組織等行動者的協力,用以強化公共創新,因此,「協力創新」可以說是當前公部門創新的重要議題,同時也是公部門面對網絡治理亟欲尋求的新方法。簡言之,欲探究的「協力創新」,則是指以網絡為基礎的協力,促進治理過程中公部門的創新。 本研究主要聚焦在公共部門協力創新的理論與實務的討論,以下述兩個關鍵重點做為討論的主軸:一、重點是針對「公共部門的創新」,而非一般所談論的企業創新;二、著重於「跨部門間或網絡協力」的創新,並非單一組織內部的創新。研究問題包括:何謂是在公部門的協力創新?協力創新的過程需要具備哪些條件?網絡中的行動者如何透過協力過程以導引出創新?協力創新呈現的樣貌或結果為何?對文化行政機關而言,文化創意產業政策之推動,對文化行政官僚的協力創新經驗有何特殊性?協力創新的過程有何困難?如何克服這些障礙,以驅動協力創新? 儘管公部門透過跨部門、跨組織的協力創新研究還處在發展萌芽的階段。在實務上,公部門必須審時度勢,在協力過程中透過制度設計,與行動參與者進行有效溝通、建立信任,並證明展現其領導、協調和整合的能力。因此,本研究關注協力創新在公部門的應用,一方面提出整合自公部門創新、協力治理文獻而發展出來的理論架構,另一方面也針對文建會在推動文化創意產業政策運用協力創新的過程和經驗,進行質化的實證研究,以提供公部門有關協力創新應用之理論面與實務面相互印證的機會。 研究發現公部門創新必須致力於創造更多的公共價值;政治的推力、回應外部發展趨勢、核心職能外新增業務的壓力、尋求和匯集外部資源、創造有利創新的組織文化是公共組織內外環境中存在激發協力創新的驅動因素;而網絡治理的領導能力、多層次與橫向溝通平台、互惠的信任關係基礎、良性的創新循環等是影響協力創新過程的關鍵因素;公部門適當的制度設計有利於協力創新的發展;協力創新的多元價值結果亦呈現出不同的創新類型。最後,本研究也針對協力創新的實務應用、制度設計及組織運作、文化創意產業推動方面提出若干建議。 / The importance of strengthening innovation in the operation and organization of the public sector is highlighted by both today's increasingly variable environment and the emergence of governance networks. The many complex and wicked problems that are currently encountered in civil sector indicates a need not only to innovate, but also to come up with necessary tools for solving multiple problems. No doubt the primary focus should be on uniting efforts among actors in governance networks, namely civil sector managers, elected officials, businessmen, and non-profit administrators, in order to strengthen public sector innovation. For these reasons, collaborative innovation is an important topic in public sector innovation and an anxiously pursued new method as the public sector faces collaborative governance. Moreover, collaborative innovation is network-based collaboration that promotes innovation in the public sector governance process. This study primarily focuses on theories of public sector collaborative innovation and discussions of actual practice in the field. The study revolves around two key points: a focus on public sector innovation as opposed to commonly discussed business innovation, and innovation in cross-sector collaboration or network-based collaboration as opposed to innovation within a single organization. Questions addressed in this study include: What is meant by public sector collaborative innovation? What are the prerequisites for collaborative innovation processes? How do actors within a network lead innovation through collaborative processes? What are the features or results of collaborative innovation processes? What special experiences have administrators of cultural bureaus had promoting cultural and creative industry policies with collaborative innovation? What difficulties are encountered during processes of collaborative innovation? How can these difficulties be overcome in order to spur collaborative innovation? Research of cross-sector and transorganizational collaborative innovation in the public sector is still in its developmental stages. Each collaborative process must be assessed through system design to ensure effective communication and the establishment of trust, as well as to verify leadership, coordination and integration capabilities. Therefore, this study concerned with the application of collaborative innovation in the public sector first constructs its theoretical framework on extant literature in the fields of public sector innovation and collaborative governance, and secondly is directed at the Council for Cultural Affairs use of collaborative innovation in its policies that promote cultural and creative industries. This study employs qualitative empirical research to provide opportunities for mutually verifiable theoretical and practical collaborative innovation applications related to the public sector. Results of this study suggest that innovation in the public sector should be directed at creating more public value. Governmental influence, response to external trends, pressure added by work extrinsic to core functions, the collection of external resources and organizational culture cultivating beneficial innovation are all factors that drive collaborative innovation in and around public organizations. Network governance leadership ability, forums for both horizontal and vertical communication, foundations of mutually beneficial trust, and healthy innovation cycles are all influential factors in collaborative innovation processes. Appropriate organizational design in the public sector spurs the development of collaborative innovation, and the manifold values of collaborative innovation result in different innovative forms. Finally, this study aims to make recommendations for the practical application, organizational design and operation of collaborative innovation, and the promotion of cultural and creative industries.

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