Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] QUENCH"" "subject:"[enn] QUENCH""
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An Investigation of the Suitability of Using AISI 1117 Carbon Steel in a Quench and Self-tempering Process to Satisfy ASTM A 706 Standard of RebarAllen, Matthew 11 August 2011 (has links)
Experiments were conducted to investigate the potential of using a quench and self-tempering heat treatment process with AISI 1117 steel to satisfy the mechanical properties of ASTM A 706 rebar. A series of quenching tests were performed and the resulting microstructure and mechanical properties studied using optical microscopy, microhardness measurement, and tensile tests. The presence of martensite throughout the samples contributed to the enhanced strength and strain-hardening ratio (tensile to yield strength) of the material. The experimental results showed that AISI 1117 is capable of meeting the ASTM standard. In addition to the experiments, a computer model using the finite difference method and incorporating heat transfer and microstructure evolution was developed to assist in future optimization of the heat treatment process.
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An Investigation of the Suitability of Using AISI 1117 Carbon Steel in a Quench and Self-tempering Process to Satisfy ASTM A 706 Standard of RebarAllen, Matthew 11 August 2011 (has links)
Experiments were conducted to investigate the potential of using a quench and self-tempering heat treatment process with AISI 1117 steel to satisfy the mechanical properties of ASTM A 706 rebar. A series of quenching tests were performed and the resulting microstructure and mechanical properties studied using optical microscopy, microhardness measurement, and tensile tests. The presence of martensite throughout the samples contributed to the enhanced strength and strain-hardening ratio (tensile to yield strength) of the material. The experimental results showed that AISI 1117 is capable of meeting the ASTM standard. In addition to the experiments, a computer model using the finite difference method and incorporating heat transfer and microstructure evolution was developed to assist in future optimization of the heat treatment process.
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The Study of Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Nitric Oxide with Synchrotron RadiationTseng, Cheng-Ying 19 July 2000 (has links)
In the absorption spectra, photoabsorption cross sections and oscillator strengths were measured. Quantum defects were calculated to identify the assignments of absorption features. The measured quantities were also compared with previous results. In fluorescence excitation spectra, ultraviolet and visible emissions were observed, and fluorescence cross sections were measured in the excitation region between 140 and 170 nm. The ultraviolet emission is due to the transition B¡¦2£G¡÷X2£S and the visible emission is associated with B¡¦2£G¡÷B2£S and E2£U+¡÷A2£U+ transitions. In the presence of foreign gas, the collisional quenching effect plays an important role on the fluorescence intensity of C(0) and D(0).We measure the quenching half pressure P1/2 of D(0) respectively. The potential well depth of van der Walls molecule NO-M can be derived from the measured quenching half pressure. In contrast to quenching, the fluorescence intensity of C(1), B(9), B(10) and B(11) are enhanced as the pressure of foreign gas is increased. The enchancement of the fluorescence intensity is attributed to the collisional removal of predissociation.
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The Study of Quenching of the Excited States of Nitric Oxide in the Presence of Foreign GasWang, Chu-Tung 11 July 2002 (has links)
In the fluorescence excitation spectra, fluorescence cross sections can be measured by the normalization of absorption cross section of A(0) or D(0) states. In the presence of foreign gases, the self-quenching rate constants, the half-quenching pressures and the quenching rate constants of D(0) and D(1) states are measured and the results are compared with the previous works. In the additional of foreign gases, the enhancement of global fluorescence of the strong predissociation states of C(1) and B(9) is due to the collision-induced transition. In the case of N2, the enhancement of fluorescence of £^band is owing to the resonance transfer. Finally, the well depth of the van der Walls molecules which are formed by the excited state of NO with quenching gas can be derived from the measured quenching cross sections.
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Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten zur Wirkungsgradsteigerung von braunkohlegefeuerten IGCC-Kraftwerken mit CO2-AbtrennungTrompelt, Michael 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der Arbeit werden braunkohlegefeuerte IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke gesamtheitlich beschrieben, deren Potenziale erarbeitet und mit ASPEN Plus™ sowie EBSILON® Professional simulativ abgebildet. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass ausgehend von Basiskonzepten braunkohlegefeuerter IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke mit verschiedenen Potenzialen zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik sowie dem im Jahr 2025 Wirkungsgradsteigerungen sowie prozesstechnische Vereinfachungen möglich sind. Als Potenziale werden dabei verringerte Braunkohletrocknung, konservativere Annahmen der technologischen Auslegung als auch Modifizierungen der CO-Konvertierung, sowie für das Jahr 2025 konservative Annahmen und innovative Potenziale untersucht. Ausgangspunkt bildet eine Analyse von bestehenden und zukünftig erwarteten Prozesskomponenten braunkohlegefeuerter IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke unter Berücksichtigung von drei unterschiedlichen Vergasungsverfahren (nach Siemens, nach Shell und dem HTW-Verfahren).
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Supraleitende Strombegrenzer in HochspannungsnetzenStemmle, Mark January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Hannover, Univ., Diss., 2009
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Entanglement entropy of locally perturbed thermal systemsŠtikonas, Andrius January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we study the time evolution of Rényi and entanglement entropies of thermal states in Conformal Field Theory (CFT). These quantities are usually hard to compute but Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) and Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi (HRT) proposals allow us to find the same quantities using calculations in general relativity. We will introduce main concepts of holography, quantum information and conformal field theory that will be used to derive the results of this thesis. In the first part of the thesis, we explicitly compute entanglement entropy of the rotating BTZ black hole by directly applying HRT proposal and finding lengths of spacelike geodesics. Rényi entropy of thermal state perturbed by a local quantum quench is computed by mapping correlators on two glued cylinders to the plane for field theory containing a single free boson and for 2d CFTs in the large c limit. We consider Thermofield Double State (TFD) which is an entangled state in direct product of two 2D CFTs. It is conjectured to be holographically equivalent to the eternal BTZ black hole. TFD state is perturbed by a local quench in one CFT and mutual information between two intervals in two CFTs is computed. We find when mutual information vanishes and interpret this as scrambling time, i.e. time scale required for the system to thermalize. This field theory result is modelled with a massive free falling particle in the BTZ black hole. We have computed the back-reaction of the particle on the metric of BTZ and used RT proposal to find holographic entanglement entropy. Finally, we generalize this calculation to the case of rotating BTZ with inner and outer horizons. It is dual to the CFT with different temperatures for left and right moving modes. We calculate mutual information and scrambling time and find exact agreement between results in the gravity and those in the CFT.
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[pt] Aços de alta resistência contendo frações significativas de
austenita retida têm alcançado grande interesse comercial
principalmente quando associados ao fenômeno TRIP durante o
processo de conformação final. Recentemente, um novo
conceito de tratamento térmico, denominado Têmpera e
Partição, vem sendo estudado como mais uma alternativa no
desenvolvimento de aços multifásicos. Neste processo, o
controle da fração volumétrica da austenita retida é
possível uma vez que durante o tratamento de partição, a
supersaturação de carbono na martensita temperada é
utilizada para estabilizar a austenita não transformada,
evitando assim transformações futuras que poderiam ocorrer
em temperaturas mais baixas. A seqüência de processamento
térmico envolve o tratamento de têmpera numa faixa de
temperatura entre Ms e Mf, seguido de partição numa
temperatura igual ou superior à temperatura de têmpera. A
partição do carbono da martenista para a austenita é
possível caso reações competitivas, como por exemplo, a
precipitação de carbetos, sejam suprimidas pela adição de
elementos de liga tais como Si e/ou Al. Uma condição básica
para o modelo está relacionada à restrição de movimentação
da interface martensita/austenita, uma vez que a difusão em
temperaturas baixas está limitada aos átomos interticiais.
Essa restrição leva a um novo conceito de equilíbrio
denominado Equilíbrio Constrito de Carbono, que é
caracterizado pela igualdade do potencial químico na
interface austenita-martensita apenas para o carbono. Nesse
trabalho foram desenvolvidos quatro aços, contendo
diferentes percentuais de C e Ni e com a presença dos
elementos Si, Mn, Mo e Cr. A adição desses elementos teve
finalidade reduzir a temperatura Bs, visando desacoplar o
tratamento de têmpera e partição de uma eventual
transformação bainítica. Um conjunto de condições para o
tratamento de têmpera e partição foi então desenhado,
envolvendo diferentes temperaturas de têmpera e diferentes
temperaturas e tempos de partição. A avaliação
microestrutural foi realizada utilizando recursos de
microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura e
de transmissão. A técnica de difração de raios-X foi
empregada para quantificar a fração de austenita retida e
seu enriquecimento em carbono. Foi modelado o processo de
partição do carbono utilizando o programa DICTRATM. Os
resultados dessas simulações foram analisados em termos dos
parâmetros microestruturais, do tempo e da temperatura, e
como essa combinação influência a cinética de partição do
carbono. Os resultados obtidos para as amostras ensaiadas
em tração indicaram uma vasta combinação de resistência
e ductilidade, confirmando o potencial do processo na
otimização das propriedades mecânicas. / [en] High strength steels containing significant fractions of
retained austenite have been developed in recent years and
are the subject of growing commercial interest when
associated with the TRIP phenomenon during deformation. A
new process concept, Quenching and Partitioning, has been
recently proposed for production of steel microstructures
containing carbon-enriched austenite. The heat treatment
sequence involves quenching to a temperature between the
martensite-start (Ms) and martensite-finish (Mf)
temperatures, followed by a partitioning treatment, above
or at the initial quench temperature, designed to enrich
the remaining untransformed austenite with the carbon
escaping from the supersaturated martensite phase, thereby
stabilizing the retained austenite phase during the
subsequent quench to room temperature. To enable the
austenite enrichment, competing reactions, principally
carbide precipitation, must be suppressed by appropriate
alloying elements, such as Si and/or Al. The concept
assumes a stationary martensite/austenite interface and the
absence of shortrange movements of iron and substitutionals
elements. The condition under which partitioning occur has
been called Constrained Carbon Equilibrium (ECC), due to
the restriction in movement of the interface and the
assumption that only carbon equilibrates its chemical
potencial at the interface. In this work, a group of four
alloys was investigated, containing different additions of
C and Ni and containing Si, Mn, Mo e Cr. These alloys were
designed to preclude bainite formation at the partitioning
temperatures of interest. Several heat-treatments, were
performed in these alloys, using the Q&P concept, to
evaluate its effect on the resulting microstructure and
mechanical properties. Each alloy was quenched at selected
temperatures and partitioned from 350 to 450°C for times
ranging from 10 to 1000s. Microstructural characterization
was performed by optical microcoscopy, scanning and
transmission electron microscopy, while X-ray diffraction
was used to determine both the fraction and the carbon
content of the retained austenite. Partitioning kinetics
were simulated with DICTRATM. The results were analyzed
taking into consideration the scale of the microstructure,
as well as the partitioning temperature. Tensile test
results indicated that very high levels of strength with
moderate toughness can be achieved confirming the potential
of the Q&P to produce a superior combination of mechanical
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Classificação dos óleos de têmpera nacionais / Classification of national quench oilsJuliano Emílio Ruggieri 06 April 1998 (has links)
A têmpera, que consiste no resfriamento rápido do aço, após austenitização, é um dos tratamentos térmicos mais utilizados. O objetivo desse tratamento é a obtenção da estrutura martensítica, que oferece ótimas propriedades de dureza e resistência. A água, as soluções de polímeros e os óleos minerais são os meios refrigerantes mais comuns, sendo os óleos responsáveis pelo resfriamento em 80% dos casos. Verificou-se, no Brasil, o desconhecimento, dos mercados produtor e consumidor, quanto ao universo dos óleos de têmpera comercialmente disponíveis e de suas respectivas características de resfriamento. Assim, atentou-se para a necessidade de apresentar aos mercados já descritos, uma classificação dos óleos de têmpera nacionais,relacionando-os como rápidos, intermediários e lentos, destacando ainda, aspectos importantes nos parâmetros de resfriamento. / Quenching of steels, which consist of very fast cooling from austenitizing temperatures, is the most used heat treatment. The aim of this treatment is the obtation of martensitic microstructure. This microstructure confer excellent hardness and strength properties. The most common quenchants are water, polymer solutions and mineral oils, and the oils themselves are responsible by the 80% of the quenchants used during quenching. In Brazil, it was verified consumer lack of knowledge of the oils available as quenchants and their characteristics. Therefore, in this work as attempt was made to present the quenchants available and their classification as fast, intermediary and slow quenchants.
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Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten zur Wirkungsgradsteigerung von braunkohlegefeuerten IGCC-Kraftwerken mit CO2-AbtrennungTrompelt, Michael 01 July 2014 (has links)
Mit der Arbeit werden braunkohlegefeuerte IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke gesamtheitlich beschrieben, deren Potenziale erarbeitet und mit ASPEN Plus™ sowie EBSILON® Professional simulativ abgebildet. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass ausgehend von Basiskonzepten braunkohlegefeuerter IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke mit verschiedenen Potenzialen zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik sowie dem im Jahr 2025 Wirkungsgradsteigerungen sowie prozesstechnische Vereinfachungen möglich sind. Als Potenziale werden dabei verringerte Braunkohletrocknung, konservativere Annahmen der technologischen Auslegung als auch Modifizierungen der CO-Konvertierung, sowie für das Jahr 2025 konservative Annahmen und innovative Potenziale untersucht. Ausgangspunkt bildet eine Analyse von bestehenden und zukünftig erwarteten Prozesskomponenten braunkohlegefeuerter IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke unter Berücksichtigung von drei unterschiedlichen Vergasungsverfahren (nach Siemens, nach Shell und dem HTW-Verfahren).:1 Einleitung und Zielsetzung
2 Grundlagen und Methodik
2.1 IGCC und CCS
2.2 Gewählte Randbedingungen
2.3 Untersuchte Konzepte
2.4 Grundlagen der Konzeptbewertung
2.4.1 Energetische Analyse
2.4.2 Exergetische Analyse
2.4.3 Kohlenstoffbilanz
2.5 Verfahrenstechnische Simulationswerkzeuge
3 IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerksprozess
3.1 Vergasung
3.1.1 Reaktionen
3.1.2 Fluiddynamische Klassifizierung
3.1.3 Vergasungstechnologien
3.1.4 Flowsheet Simulation der Vergasungstechnologien
3.1.5 Vergleich der abgebildeten Vergasungstechnologien
3.2 Vergasungsstofftrocknung und -aufbereitung
3.2.1 Technologie der Vergasungsstofftrocknung und -aufbereitung
3.2.2 Flowsheet Simulation der Vergasungsstofftrocknung und
3.3 Sauerstoffbereitstellung
3.3.1 Technologie der kryogenen Luftzerlegung
3.3.2 Flowsheet Simulation der kryogenen Luftzerlegung
3.3.3 Potenziale
3.4 Gaskonditionierung
3.4.1 Kühlung, Entstaubung und Spurstoffentfernung
3.4.2 CO-Konvertierung
3.4.3 CO2- und H2S-Abtrennung
3.4.4 H2S-Aufbereitung
3.4.5 CO2-Verdichtung und -Speicherung
3.4.6 Reingaskonditionierung
3.5 Stromerzeugung im GuD-Prozess
3.5.1 Technologie des GuD-Prozesses
3.5.2 Flowsheet Simulation des GuD-Prozesses
3.5.3 Potenziale
3.6 Gesamtkonzepte für IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik
3.7 Betrachtungen zu Strängigkeit und Verfügbarkeit der Gesamtkonzepte für IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerke zum gegenwärtiger Stand der Technik
4 Konzeptstudien
4.1 Konservative Annahmen zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik
4.2 Verringerte Braunkohletrocknung zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik
4.3 Modifizierte CO-Konvertierung zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Technik
4.3.1 Quenchkonvertierung
4.3.2 Isotherme katalytische CO-Konvertierung
4.3.3 Kombination von Quenchkonvertierung und isothermer katalytischer CO-Konvertierung
4.4 Konservative Annahmen zum Stand der Technik im Jahr 2025
4.5 Innovatives Potenzial zum Stand der Technik im Jahr 2025
5 Zusammenfassung
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