Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] REFERENCE"" "subject:"[enn] REFERENCE""
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Quantitative high resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy/Spectroscopie infrarouge quantitative à haute résolution par transformée de FourierVander Auwera, Jean A. D. 27 May 2004 (has links)
Our work falls within the field of high resolution spectroscopy of gas phase molecules in the far-, mid- and near-infrared ranges. Its guiding line are absorption spectral intensities, dealt with experimentally and theoretically. In particular, we developed in our laboratory the field of intensities measurements of vibration-rotation lines using Fourier transform spectrometers, with a precision of about 0.5 % and an accuracy of 2-4 % for chemically stable species. We study chemically stable (CO2, N2O, C2H6, OCS, C2H2) and unstable (HOCl, HCOOH et HNO3) compounds. We also measure infrared absorption cross section spectra for CFC replacements. Some of our measured intensities, of direct interest for the study of planetary atmospheres, are now incorporated in international spectroscopic databases. Others are used to develop global theoretical models of molecules, in relationship with intra-molecular dynamics./Nos travaux de recherches relèvent de la spectroscopie à haute résolution de molécules en phase gazeuse dans les domaines de l’infrarouge lointain, moyen et proche. Ils ont pour ligne directrice les intensités spectrales d’absorption, abordées expérimentalement et théoriquement. Nous avons en particulier développé dans notre laboratoire le domaine de la mesure d’intensités d’absorption de raies de vibration-rotation à l’aide de spectromètres à transformée de Fourier. Nous réalisons ces mesures avec une précision d’environ 0.5 % et une exactitude d'environ 2-4 % pour les espèces chimiquement stables. Nous étudions des composés chimiquement stables (CO2, N2O, C2H6, OCS, C2H2) et instables (HOCl, HCOOH et HNO3). Nous mesurons également des spectres de sections efficaces d’absorption infrarouge pour des substituts des chlorofluorocarbures (CFC). Certaines de nos mesures d’intensité, d’intérêt direct pour l’étude d’atmosphères planétaires, sont aujourd’hui incorporées dans les bases de données spectroscopiques internationales. D’autres sont utilisées pour développer des modèles théoriques globaux de molécules, en liaison avec la dynamique intramoléculaire.
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A permanent magnet synchronous motor for an electric vehicle - design analysisChin, Yung-Kang January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents the study and the design analysis of apermanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for the tractionapplication of an electric vehicle. An existing inductiontraction motor for an electric forklift benchmarks the expectedperformances of the proposed PMSM design. Further, thepossibility of using the identical stator as the one used inthe induction motor is explored for the fast prototyping. Theprototype motor is expected to be field-weakened and to have aconstant power speed range (CPSR) of 2.5 to 3.</p><p>A design approach based on the CPSR contour plot in aninterior permanent magnet (IPM) parameter plane is derived toobtain the possible designs that meet all the designspecifications and the targeted CPSR. This study provides thepossible alternative designs for the subsequent futureprototype motors.</p><p>An analytical approach to estimate the iron loss in PMsynchronous machines is developed and included in the designprocedure. The proposed technique is based on predicting theflux density waveforms in the various regions of the machine.The model can be applied at any specified load condition,including the field-weakening operation region. This model canbe ultimately embedded in the design process for a routine usein loss estimations.</p><p>The first prototype motor with an inset permanent magnetrotor has been built and the available measurements are used tovalidate the design performance. In particular, the thermalanalyses based both on the lumped-circuit approach and thenumerical method are compared with the measured results. Asecond and possibly a third prototype motor targeting a widerand higher performance will be carried out in the continuingphase of the project.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Constant Power Speed Range, Electric Vehicles,Field-weakening, Reference Flux Linkage, Iron Loss, PermanentMagnet Synchronous Motor, Thermal Analysis</p>
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Repenser la grammaire de phrase : les apports de la "Role and Reference Grammar" à l'enseignement de la langueTrajcev, Sonia 07 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le thème général de cette recherche est l'enseignement grammatical dans l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet AMICAL (Architecture Multi-agents Interactive Compagnon pour l'Apprentissage de la Lecture), auquel participent linguistes et informaticiens. L'objectif de notre étude est d'analyser dans quelle mesure des travaux théoriques actuels en linguistique pourraient permettre de déterminer les connaissances sur la phrase à utiliser dans le cadre de l'enseignement grammatical à partir du début de l'apprentissage de la lecture. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous observons l'évolution du concept de phrase en grammaire et en linguistique, puis nous examinons l'enseignement grammatical à l'école élémentaire. Ces observations nous conduisent à déterminer deux problèmes : la phrase est une unité difficile à définir et la grammaire scolaire telle qu'elle existe est sans cesse remise en cause, à la fois par les linguistes et par les didacticiens. Après avoir mis en évidence les problèmes scientifiques que l'on rencontre dans le discours grammatical scolaire, nous présentons une théorie linguistique - la Role and Reference Grammar - qui nous semble à même de répondre à nos besoins d'enseignement en nous fournissant des savoirs de référence (structure logique des prédicats, structure syntaxique stratifiée de la phrase, rôle des opérateurs, etc.) qui peuvent être utilisés dans l'objectif d'un enseignement grammatical visant la maîtrise de la communication verbale par la compréhension des liens entre sens et forme. C'est l'interaction entre ces deux éléments qui nous semble constituer le coeur de l'apprentissage grammatical. Enfin, à partir des éléments que nous fournissent les recherches en psychologie cognitive et la théorie à laquelle nous avons choisi de nous référer, nous proposons une organisation de la grammaire de phrase et explicitons les points théoriques qui nous semblent à même de constituer des objets à enseigner.
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我國縣市圖書館數位參考服務之研究 / A study on digital reference services in public libraries毛明雯 Unknown Date (has links)
由研究結果歸納建議,縣市圖書館發展數位參考服務應重視組織規劃、服務推展與館際合作三大部份:在組織規劃方面,圖書館應積極研擬數位參考服務發展策略並設立專屬管道,進行人力重整或以合作方式解決人力缺乏問題,同時需提供相關教育訓練課程給予參與參考服務的館員們。在服務推展上,應掌握讀者認知習慣,透過利用教育課程提升讀者的資訊素養,同時進行服務狀況的紀錄統計,並著力於數位資源建置。在館際合作方面,可與學校圖書館一同推展利用教育課程,並結合圖書館現有合作服務項目共同發展數位合作參考服務,以創造雙贏局面。 / Due to the ubiquitous information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the blooming resources on the Internet, libraries now inevitably provide reference services with emerging ICTs. The phenomenon is highlighted within public libraries because of their obligations of equally offering information and its accessibility to the general public.
By conducting the questionnaire survey and personal interviews, this study intends to investigate the current status quo of digital reference services in public libraries in Taiwan; to identify the challenges of improving their digital reference services, and to present corresponding solutions.
Based on the results of 19 questionnaires and 10 interviews, the study finds that: (1)71% digital reference services are provided via email; 14% are via online pathfinder, and 5% are via knowledge base created by library. (2)Digital reference services are not prioritized in organization developing plan. Accordingly, the promotion of digital reference services, the acquisition of digital resources, and the need of full time librarians and IT staffs are often neglected. (3)From the educational perspective, the digital reference services can help the librarians for advising on students’ school projects and implementing information instructions to the public. (4)Although most librarians showed their willingness to promote digital reference services, they still preferred the traditional face-to-face reference services. However, they also agreed that the collaborative digital reference service will be the emerging trend .
This study suggests that: (1)Public libraries should have digital reference services development strategy. (2)To solve the labor force deficiency, organization reengineering or cooperation should be considered. (3)The statistics of the digital reference services usage should be collected and analyzed. (4)The online reference resources for public libraries should be expanded. (5)To enhance users’ information literacy, library instructions and promoting events are necessary. (6)Public libraries could cooperate with the school libraries on improving the information literacy of students. (7)Public libraries should offer digital reference training programs to enhance librarians’ professional capabilities, such as electronic resources management. (8)Combine digital reference services with other interlibrary cooperation.
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美元本位制度下之最適關稅政策 / Optimal tariff under a dollar standard陳建璋 Unknown Date (has links)
Following Devereux, Shi, and Xu(2007), this thesis analyzes the effects of tariffs and derives the optimal tariff under the circumstances that the US dollar acts as an international ‘vehicle’ currency— all traded goods prices between the US and the rest of the world are set in US dollars. We set a tariff policy rule which allows the authority to react to country-specific productivity shocks. The analysis on the equilibrium shows that the current tariff imposed by the US on its output is expansionary. However, for the rest of the world, a current tariff imposed by the US is contractionary. Optimal tariff under flexible and fixed exchange rates are examined. Under flexible exchange rate, optimal tariff policy parameters of the US are dependent only on the monetary policy of its own being indifferent to the exchange rate movement;the exchange rate movement is crucial to the optimal tariff policy of the rest of the world. Nevertheless, the optimal tariff policy of the US under fixed exchange rate is the same as that under the flexible exchange rate, while the policy of the rest of the world is altered owing to the loss of control on its domestic money supply to do the unilateral peg.
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Kompiuterinės "Spider" programos ir ja valdomų GNPS geodezinių tinklų ypatumai / Peculiarities of Computer Program Spider and of this Programme Controlled GNSS Geodetic NetworksVarnas, Jonas 18 June 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe aprašoma GNPS sistema bei GNPS referencinių stočių ir jų tinklų funkcijos ir poreikis šiuolaikiniuose inžineriniuose darbuose. Supažindinama su virtualiųjų referencinių stočių sistemomis ir naujuoju „Master Auxiliary Concept“ (MAC) darbo metodais. Išnagrinėjama „Spider“ referencinių stočių valdymo programinė įranga. Analizuojami matavimo rezultatai VRS bei MAC tinkluose. Darbas baigiamas išvadomis ir pasiūlymais. Darbą sudaro keturios dalys: įvadas, trys skyriai, išvados ir literatūros sąrašas. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / GPS system, GPS reference stations and networks of stations and their demand in nowadays engineering jobs are generally explained in thesis. Virtual reference station (VRS) and the newest master auxiliary concept (MAC) methods are introduced. Spider software for reference station networks control are analysed in details. The results using VRS and MAC technologies are analysed and compared. Conclusions and suggestions are at presented. The structure of the work consists of 4 parts: introduction, three parts, conclusions and references. Appendixes included.
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Daugtaškio vartosena grožiniuose tekstuose ir jo stilistinės išgalės / The use of suspension points in the imaginative texts and their stylistic recourcesKuncaitė, Živilė 29 June 2009 (has links)
Darbe pristatomas daugtaškio vartojimas grožiniuose tekstuose. Kadangi skyrybos intonacinis-pauzinis ir prasmės principai vis labiau akcentuojami, tiriama daugtaškio įtaka teksto emociniam ir ekspresiniam atspalviui, intonacijai, prasminiams akcentams, raiškos gyvumui. Tiriamąją medžiagą sudaro pavyzdžiai su 1876 daugtaškiais, pavartotais neoromantizmo atstovės Šatrijos Raganos apysakų rinkinyje „Sename dvare“ ir postmodernistų Renatos Šerelytės romane „Vardas tamsoje“ ir Mariaus Ivaškevičiaus romane „Žali“. Autoriai pasirinkti siekiant palyginti rašymo laikotarpiams (juos skiria šimtmetis), tekstų tipams, pasirinktos literatūros krypčiai būdingą autorinę skyrybą. Teorinės žinios apie daugtaškį lyginamos su realia ženklo vartosena, aiškinamasi, kokias funkcijas tiriamuose tekstuose jis atlieka, aptariami galimi daugtaškio sinonimai. Nemažai dėmesio skiriama vartojimo dažnumo tyrimui statistiniu metodu. / This Master’s thesis presents the use of suspension points in the imaginative texts. As the intonation pause and meaning principles of punctuation are more and more emphasized, the influence of suspension points has been analyzed from the point of the emotional and expressive shade, intonation, meaningful focus, vividness of expression. The research material consists of 1876 examples of suspension points used in the collection of stories “In an Old Manor” by Satrijos Ragana and in the novels of post-modern writers: “The Name in the Darkness” by Renata Serelyte and the novel “The Greens” by Marius Ivaskevicius. The authors have been chosen aiming to compare the authors’ punctuation characteristic to the writing periods (the difference between them is one hundred years), types of the texts, and the chosen trend in literature. The theoretical knowledge about the suspension points have been compared with the real use of the punctuation mark, it has been targeted to ascertain what are the functions of this punctuation mark in the analyzed texts, the possible synonyms of suspension points have been discussed in the thesis. Great attention has been paid to the analysis of the usage frequency applying statistical method.
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Pumping Intuitions and Making Practice Different: Richard Rorty's 'Intuitive' Account of Reference and TruthEuverman, Ryan M. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores and makes explicit various aspects of Richard Rorty's rhetorical program for shifting our traditional conceptions of reference and truth. Rorty wants to persuade us to adopt verification (coping) semantics in place of correspondence seeking semantics. I argue against his intuition pumps by considering Keith Donnellan's remarks on description and reference and argue for a view of correspondence truth that is based on what the object, whatever the object, permits us to say. Making this point allows us to see a purposeful conflation in Rorty's work. If beliefs are true because they are justified, Rorty's fallibilistic remark that any of our beliefs may not be true (in the cautionary sense) would follow. But truths may pay because they follow (as "attributive representations") from 'unblocked' objects, or they may just pay. Thus, I suggest that Donnellan preserves William James' remark that we desire correspondence truth, an everyday explanatory notion.
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Economic transition and happiness and life satisfaction in Algeria, Egypt and MoroccoDjiar, Ikram January 2011 (has links)
The present research aims at examining the interaction between transition from centrally planned economies to market based economies and its subsequent effects on populations’ happiness and life satisfaction in Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. It also aims at advising policy makers on how economic policies may affect population’s subjective well-being. It is widely accepted that economic reforms affect individuals’ lives. In contrast, the populations’ values, attitudes and perceptions may also play a major role in the success of these reforms. The first study examines the determinants of happiness and life satisfaction by gender in Algeria and their attitudes and perceptions towards economic policies’ reforms. The survey reports that the female population in Algeria is happier and more satisfied with life than its male counterpart. It has been found that healthier individuals and those in the medium level of income are most likely to be happier and satisfied with their lives. Also, happiness is inversely “U-shaped” in age for the female population contradicting previous studies. Although, both genders believe that rapid market reforms do not have a negative impact on national stability, and are confident with the major companies, privatisation is found to be most likely having a negative effect on the life satisfaction among the male population. The second study examines the changes in the levels of life satisfaction in Egypt and Morocco over the first decade of the present century. It has been found that Egyptian women’ satisfaction with life is “U-shaped” in age, whereas in income that applies only to those at the medium, upper-medium and high levels of income. By contrast, Egyptian men are satisfied at all income levels. In Morocco, unemployed men and women are found to be satisfied with their lives in the beginning of the decade contradicting previous findings. While in the late 2000s, among the employed populations, females and males at the medium and the upper medium levels of income are satisfied, along with the lower level for women and the higher level for men. The third study examines the effect of relative income on individuals’ self-reported life satisfaction, assuming that the individual’s subjective judgement of his or her life satisfaction depends on both absolute and relative incomes. Absolute refers to the individual’s income, relative is the income of others around him or her called a reference group. The findings are that Algerians and Moroccans feel ambitious when self-reporting their levels of life satisfaction and referring their income to others’ income, but Egyptians feel jealous.
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Physiological monitoring of welfare for conservation of Arabian oryx, Oryx leucoryxAl Jahdhami, Mansoor January 2010 (has links)
The endangered Arabian oryx, Oryx leucoryx faces a wide range of issues that potentially have adverse effects on their welfare while they are free-ranging in their natural habitat, housed in captivity for conservation breeding or when they are translocated from the wild to captivity or vice versa. Furthermore, the global increase in the number of captive Arabian oryx (currently more than 95 % of the world population of about 8000 individuals), gives rise to particular concern for their welfare and health within captive conditions. Thorough assessment of the welfare of animals involves physiological and behavioural measures. Methods for assessment of welfare in Arabian oryx have not been established and the present studies aim at establishing physiological tools for assessment of welfare. Therefore, the present studies developed and applied new methods for non-invasive assessment of welfare in the Arabian oryx (using faecal samples), and established reference values for a range of haematological, biochemical and clinical parameters. The potential disturbances in these parameters were investigated after immobilisation and tranquillisation and post- transportation. Two enzyme immuno-assays (EIA I and II) for faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM) were validated by stimulation and suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis through injection of synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and dexamethasone, respectively. These studies established a lag-time of 14 ± 1 h between secretion of glucocorticoids into the blood stream and excretion of the measured FGM. Faecal incubation at 30°C for 3 days showed that EIA I measured more stable faecal glucocorticoid metabolites than EIA II, and has greater potential for application in field conditions. This method was found to be invaluable for measuring stress and hence assessment of welfare status, and its use is recommended in planning welfare improvements. Measurement of FGM successfully detected the stress of road transportation (630 km for 8-10 h), showing an increase 2 days after transport, followed by recovery to basal FGM levels after re-housing for up to 11 days. Releasing oryx to the wild, in Oman, and tracking for 11 days, after transportation 50-70 km from the captive site (Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Jaaluni), caused an increase in FGM to the highest levels seen in these studies, and suggests a high level of stress was experienced after release of oryx. Published reference values for haematological, biochemical, hormonal and clinical parameters for Arabian oryx are limited, with little information for non-immobilised and non-tranquillised oryx or consideration of possible age and sex differences. Therefore, reference values and inter-percentile ranges (2.5 and 97.5 percentiles) were established for 32 parameters, in separate groups of male and female adult oryx, without using immobilising or tranquillising chemicals during capture. The haematological parameters investigated were white blood cell count and differentiation (%) of cell types (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils), number of platelets, red blood cell count, haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit, erythrocyte cell volume, erythrocyte haemoglobin content and concentration, serum osmolality and ions (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus). Biochemical parameters investigated were serum urea, glucose, total protein, albumin and plasma lactate concentrations. Clinical parameters investigated were body temperature, heart and respiratory rates. Hormonal parameters measured were cortisol, free-thyroxine, free-triiodothyronine and insulin concentrations. Near basal values for serum cortisol were measured in Arabian oryx sampled within 2 min, while values were significantly higher in oryx sampled within 5-10 min. The reference values established in these studies are considered valuable tools for diagnosis of disease and physiological alterations in male and female Arabian oryx. To investigate the possible effects of the common practice of immobilisation and tranquillisation on physiological and biochemical status, two restraint chemicals (xylazine and perphenazine enanthate) were evaluated. Xylazine (an immobilising agent) caused changes in many clinical, hormonal, haematological and biochemical parameters; respiratory rate decreased by 74 %, heart rate decreased by 58 %, causing a decrease in red blood cell count, haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit, serum albumin and total protein concentration. Xylazine also induced a decrease in serum insulin, which probably caused the observed increase in serum glucose. Perphenazine enanthate (a long-acting tranquilliser) was found to have no adverse effects on most parameters, which generally remained in the reference ranges. However, a reduction in blood haematocrit and related parameters (red blood cell count and plasma haemoglobin concentration) occurred, 1-3 days after injection. The tranquilliser also plays a role in reducing stress and significantly reduced serum cortisol 2-3 days after injection in oryx held in captivity compared to oryx that received a saline (control) injection. FGM increased significantly one day after injection of perphenazine enanthate and saline, suggesting the animals were initially stressed by the handling and venipuncture, taking into consideration the lag-time from cortisol secretion to appearance of FGM. The baseline concentration of serum cortisol was used in assessing the stress caused by handling before and after transporting Arabian oryx for 630 km (8-10 h) and the acute effects of handling and injections. Increased serum cortisol was always associated with leukocytosis, neutrophilia and lymphopenia. Serum cortisol of non-transported oryx was reduced by the tranquilliser perphenazine enanthate, but transportation of tranquillised Arabian oryx during hot ambient temperature (maximum 42 °C) resulted in fatigue and prevented reaching a clear conclusion of the role of the tranquilliser in reducing transport stress. Non-tranquillised oryx transported at a maximum of 26-30 °C showed a similar level of stress as implied by the level of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites, but without fatigue. However, the tranquilliser induced calmness in Arabian oryx for up to 7 days, which facilitated capture and handling. Therefore, perphenazine enanthate has a potential to be used in the management practices, such as movement and transport of Arabian oryx. This thesis discusses the current and future welfare issues that face Arabian oryx in captivity, upon release and in the wild. Additional methods are proposed for thorough assessment and improvement of welfare to complement the methods established by the present studies.
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