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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated modeling approach for enery alternatives and green house gas mitigation in the state of Florida

Unknown Date (has links)
The objective of the research is to develop various green-house gas (GHG) mitigations scenarios in the energy demand and supply sectors for state of Florida through energy and environment modeling tool called LEAP (Long Range Energy Alternative Planning System Model) for 2010-2050. The GHG mitigation scenarios consist of various demand and supply side scenarios. One of the GHG mitigation scenarios is crafted by taking into account the available renewable resources potential for power generation in the state of Florida and then the comparison has been made for transformation sector and corresponding GHG emissions through this newly developed mitigation scenario versus Business As Usual and Florida State Policy scenario. Moreover two master mitigation scenarios (Electrification and Efficiency and Lifestyle) were crafted through combination of certain GHG mitigation scenarios. The energy demand and GHG emissions assessment is performed for both master mitigation scenarios versus business As Usual scenario for 2010 – 2050. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Determining anchoring systems for marine renewable energy devices moored in a western boundary current

Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis anchoring systems for marine renewable energy devices are examined for an area of interest off the coast of Southeast Florida that contains both ocean current and thermal resources for future energy extraction. Bottom types observed during previous regional benthic surveys are compiled and anchor performance of each potential anchor type for the observed bottom types is compared. A baseline range of environmental conditions is created by combining local current measurements and offshore industry standards. Numerical simulations of single point moored marine hydrokinetic devices are created and used to extract anchor loading for two potential deployment locations, multiple mooring scopes, and turbine rotor diameters up to 50 m. This anchor loading data is used for preliminary anchor sizing of deadweight and driven plate anchors on both cohesionless and cohesive soils. Finally, the capabilities of drag embedment and pile anchors relevant to marine renewable energy devices are discussed. / by Michael Grant Seibert. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Design of a power management model for a solar/fuel cell hybrid energy system

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis proposes a Power Management Model (PMM) for optimization of several green power generation systems. A Photovoltaic/Fuel cell Hybrid Energy System (PFHES) consisting of solar cells, electrolyzer and fuel cell stack is utilized to meet a specific DC load bank for various applications. The Photovoltaic system is the primary power source to take advantage of renewable energy. The electrolyzer-fuel cell integration is used as a backup and as a hydrogen storage system with the different energy sources integrated through a DC link bus. An overall power management strategy is designed for the optimization of the power flows among the different energy sources. Extensive simulation experiments have been carried out to verify the system performance under PMM governing strategy. The simulation results indeed demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. / by Rosana Melendez. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Design of hydrodynamic test facility and scaling procedure for ocean current renewable energy devices

Unknown Date (has links)
Simulations have been carried out to validate a hydrokinetic energy system non-dimensional scaling procedure. The requirements for a testing facility intended to test such devices will be determined from the results of the simulations. There are 6 simulations containing 3 prototype systems and 2 possible model facility depths to give a range of results. The first 4 tests are conducted using a varying current profile, while the last 2 tests use a constant current profile of 1.6 m/s. The 3 prototype systems include a: 6 m spherical buoy, a 12 m spherical buoy and a turbine component system. The mooring line used for the simulations is a 6x19 Wire Rope Wire Core of diameter 100 mm and length 1000 m. The simulations are implemented using Orcaflex to obtain the dynamic behavior of the prototype and scaled system. / by William Valentine. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Utilização de lodos de estações de tratamento de água como fonte alternativa de energia

Moraes, Beatriz Stoll January 2018 (has links)
O lodo é o principal resíduo sólido gerado no processo de Tratamento de Água para Abastecimento público (ETA). São considerados Resíduos Sólidos Não Perigosos e Não Inertes (Classe IIA) pela ABNT 10.004/2004, devendo ser tratados e dispostos em locais legalmente apropriados. Na maioria dos municípios brasileiros, estes lodos são despejados sem nenhuma forma de tratamento, contribuindo com a degradação da qualidade dos mananciais. O lodo é constituído de materiais inorgânicos como siltes e sílicas, matéria orgânica degradável, com presença de microorganismos patógenos e metais, oriundos do próprio manancial de captação ou do coagulante utilizado durante o processo de coagulação. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade da utilização dos lodos das ETA como Fonte Alternativa de Energia, comparando os lodos gerados com Sulfato de Alumínio (SA), Polialumínio Cloreto (PAC) e Tanino (T) extraído de casca de Acacia mearsii de Wild. A metodologia utilizada contou com as seguintes análises físicas e químicas: Estereomicroscopia, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Difração de Raio X (DRX), Perda ao Fogo (PF) e Poder Calorífico Superior (PCS) e Inferior (PCI). Valores simulados de economia com a utilização dos lodos como fonte alternativa também foram levados em consideração. Os lodos ao SA e ao PAC foram coletados diretamente na planta da ETA São Gabriel Saneamento, localizada no Município de São Gabriel/RS e, o lodo ao Tanino foi gerado no Laboratório de Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental, na Universidade Federal do Pampa, campus São Gabriel. Os resultados apontaram que o lodo ao tanino apresentou uma quantidade maior de matéria orgânica, com perda ao fogo de 40,5%, maior teor de carbono (15%), hidrogênio de 2,44% e um poder calorífico de 4.347,30kJ.kg-1, podendo ser utilizado como biossólido, na reconstituição de áreas degradadas e como fonte de energia. Já o lodo ao SA, apresentou uma perda ao fogo de 23,2%, carbono de 5%, hidrogênio de 2,3%, um poder calorífico baixo de 1.384,40 kJ.kg-1, enquanto que o lodo ao PAC apresentou uma perda ao fogo de 30,0%, carbono de 6,41%, hidrogênio de 2,05%, um poder calorífico baixo de 2.746,50kJ.kg-1, ficando entre ao SA e ao Tanino. A diminuição na conta de energia elétrica da estação estudada resultou em 3,22% para lodo ao PAC e 4,67% para lodo ao Tanino, correspondendo a uma economia anual com transporte para descarte e com geração de energia elétrica de US$9.590,44 para o PAC e US$10.615,38 para o Tanino. A fim de potencializar estes resultados foram acrescentadas porcentagens diferentes de casca de arroz (CA), técnica esta chamada de cofiring. Para as misturas obteve-se uma economia de consumo de energia elétrica de 6,32% (PAC+15%CA) e 8,39% (PAC+25%), correspondendo aos valores de US$13.839,77 e US$16.795,41 respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que lodos de ETA possuem potencial de geração de energia, podendo ser aplicada dentro das próprias instalações de processo tornando-as mais sustentáveis em termos energéticos. / Sludge is the main solid waste generated in a Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Non- Hazardous and Non-Inert Solid Waste (Class IIA) by ABNT 10,004/2004 (Brazilian Regulation) is considered as being treated and disposed of in legally appropriate places. In most Brazilian municipalities, these sludges are dumped without any form of treatment, contributing to the degradation of the quality of the springs. The sludge is composed of inorganic materials such as silt and silica, degradable organic matter, with the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and metals, originating from the source of collection or the coagulant used during the coagulation process. The main objective of this work was to verify the possibility of using WTP sludge as an Alternative Energy Source, comparing sludge generated with Aluminum Sulphate (SA), Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC) and Tannin (T) extracted from Acacia mearsii of Wild. The methodology used included the following physical and chemical analyzes: Stereomicroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fire Loss (PF) and Upper Calorific Power (PCS) and Inferior (PCI). Simulated values of economy with the use of sludge as an alternative source were also taken into account. The sludge from the SA and PAC was sampled directly from the São Gabriel Saneamento WTP, located in the São Gabriel City (Southern Brazil), and the sludge from Taninn was generated at the Laboratory of Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation at the Universidade Federal do Pampa, Campus São Gabriel. The results showed that the sludge to the tannin presented a higher amount of organic matter, with a loss of 40.5%, a higher carbon content (15%), a hydrogen of 2.44% and a calorific value of 4 347.30 kJ. kg-1, which can be used as biosolids, in the reconstitution of degraded areas and as an energy source. The sludge to aluminum sulphate (SA) presented a fire loss of 23.2%, carbon of 5%, hydrogen of 2.3%, a low calorific value of 1,384.40 kJ.kg-1, while the sludge to Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC) presented a fire loss of 30.0%, carbon of 6.41%, hydrogen of 2.05%, a low calorific value of 2,746.50 kJ.kg-1, being between SA and Tannin. The decrease in the electricity bill of the station studied resulted in 3.22% for sludge to PAC and 4.67% for sludge to Taninn, corresponding to an annual economy with transportation for disposal and with electric power generation of US$9,590.44 for the PAC and US$10,615.38 for Tannin. In order to potentiate these results were added different percentages of rice husk (CA), a technique called cofiring. For the mixtures, electricity consumption was 6.32% (PAC + 15% CA) and 8.39% (PAC + 25%), corresponding to the amounts of US$13,839.77 and US$16,795.41 respectively. Results showed that WTPA sludge has potential for energy generation, and can be applied within the process facilities themselves becoming more sustainable in terms of energy.

Potencial da biomassa aérea da Ipomoea Batatas (l.) lam. e Pennicetum Purpureum Chumach cv. Napier e cv. roxo sob ação de três complexos enzimáticos hidrolíticos na produção de etanol 2g

Mairesse, Marta Heloísa 05 October 2015 (has links)
A geração de energia a partir de biomassa lignocelulósica pode contribuir de maneira significativa com a ampliação do escopo energético, no que se refere ao uso de fontes alternativas voltadas à geração de combustíveis renováveis. Porém, a utilização destas fontes enfrenta ainda desafios relacionados à exploração de diferentes matérias-primas com potencial de utilização e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de processos que garantam a viabilidade técnica e econômica da geração do etanol 2G. Neste estudo foi estimada a produção de etanol da biomassa aérea da batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) e da biomassa do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), cv. Roxo e cv. Napier após pré-tratamento ácido e básico, sob hidrólise de dois complexos enzimáticos comerciais (CTec2 e HTec2) e o extrato enzimático obtido a partir de fungo isolado de ninhos de Acromyrmex balzani. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados e o arranjo dos tratamentos o Esquema Fatorial 3x3, em três repetições. Foi verificado, para a batata-doce, o rendimento estimado médio de 37,42 mL/Kg de MS hidrolisada com os complexos enzimáticos comerciais e que o capim-elefante, nesse experimento, confirmou seu potencial para ser utilizado na produção de energia renovável, pois apresentou o rendimento médio de 123,5 mL/Kg de MS hidrolisada nas mesmas condições da hidrólise da biomassa aérea da batata-doce. / Power generation from lignocellulosic biomass can contribute significantly to the energy scope expansion, with regard to the alternative sources use focused on the renewable fuels generation. However, the use of these sources still faces challenges related to different raw materials exploration with potential use and technologies processes development that ensure the technical and economic viability of generating 2G ethanol. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ethanol production potential from aerial sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) (B) crop residues compared to elephantgrass materials (Pennisetum purpureum Schum), cultivar Roxo and cultivar Napier by the hydrolytic action of three enzyme solutions: two commercial enzymatic complexes (CTec2 e HTec2) and an enzyme extract obtained from filamentous fungi isolated from Acromyrmex balzani. The experimental design was the Factorial Scheme 3x3, in triplicate. It was checked on the sweet potato, the average yield of 37.42 mL/kg MS hydrolyzed with commercial enzymatic complexes and the elephantgrass, this experiment confirmed its potential to be used in the renewable energy production, as it presented average yield of 123.5 mL/kg MS hydrolyzed under the same conditions of biomass sweet potato hydrolysis.

Energy and sustainability transitions : the case of community renewables for off-grid rural electrification in Nigeria with emphasis on Shape community project

Butu, Ahmed Ibrahim January 2017 (has links)
The transition from one energy system to another has been analysed by many researchers especially in the context of developed countries. Community renewable energy transition in rural areas is largely under-researched, particularly in developing countries. This study developed a model based on indicators from transition theory and concepts to assess the transformative potential of the processes and governance approaches to community renewable energy in accelerating energy and sustainability transition in off-grid communities in Nigeria. The exploratory research adopted a case study approach and analysed renewable energy planning and decision-making processes as well as evaluated the development of a pilot community renewable energy project in Shape rural community in Nigeria. In addition to documentary evidence, the study gathered data primarily by interviewing 24 relevant actors in the Nigerian electricity industry as well as actors involved in the pilot community renewable energy project. The study reveals that the processes and governance approaches adopted are in line with transition theory and have the potential of contributing to the transformation of the rural electricity provision in Nigeria. However, there is still a long way to go for Nigeria to effectively implement an integrated governance approach capable of accelerating the transition processes. The study found that community renewable energy is motivated by several determinants including: the lack of energy accessibility; removing carbon emissions; meeting environmental obligations; achieving energy security; and, addressing cracks in the current system of rural electrification. The study further found a lack of local initiatives at the grassroots level that can add pressure to make the transition happen. The study found the establishment of an arena for the identification of the challenges facing rural communities and development of strategies. However, some prominent actors are not involved in both strategic decision-making and the implementation process. Of concern, the study revealed a lack of clearly defined responsibilities with most of the government agencies carrying out renewable energy activities independently. Similarly, the study found several barriers which are classified as: actor; interaction; institutional; infrastructural; and, socio-political that are challenging the successful transition to community renewable energy. This work contributes to current attempts to operationalise transition theory and concepts to assess on-going transition processes and governance. This is a significant contribution to the literature because it helps in linking theoretical development with sustainability in practice in a developing country context. The study may assist policy makers, communities and other relevant stakeholders in designing an integrated governance framework for renewable energy transition in rural areas.


Rosa, Tammy Scarlett Balbina Sales 14 September 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:32:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tammy Sales Rosa.pdf: 1898317 bytes, checksum: 62f560bd48bfd3197dcc87a1edba0877 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Must of the energy consumption in the world comes from non-renewable sources of energy, the main information occurs in nature in a longer time than their consumption and subject of depletion causing negative impacts in its use. Alternative sources are necessary. The use of biomass as fuel material, is widely used and appears as the main substitute for fossil fuels. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the energy potential of macrófitas Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) and Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce) existing in the region of Campos Gerais, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil. Assessment took place gravimetric design,analysis growth, immediate analysis and determination of the calorific value. The macrophyte water hyacinth and water lettuce showed intermediate energy potential compared biomasses studied today. Immediate analysis did not show satisfactory values when compared to biomass already used. For higher calorific values the average and the productivity of the dry mass values were similar to biomasses already used. The water hyacinth showed characteristic values about water lettuce. / Grande parte do consumo energético do mundo é proveniente de fontes não renováveis de energia, ou seja, sua formação na natureza ocorre em um tempo maior do que o seu consumo, sendo passíveis de esgotamento e causando impactos negativos na sua utilização. Fontes alternativas se fazem necessárias. O uso de biomassa como material combustível é muito utilizado e aparece como principal substituto dos combustíveis fósseis. Portanto este trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar potencial energético das macrófitas Eichhornia crassipes (aguapé) e Pistia stratiotes (alface d’água) existentes na região dos Campos Gerais, município de Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil. Para avaliação realizou-se dimensionamento gravimétrico, análise de crescimento, análise imediata e determinação do poder calorífico. As macrófitas aguapé ealface d’água apresentaram potencial energético intermediário quando comparadas as biomassas hoje estudadas. A análise imediata apresentou valores não satisfatórios quando comparados a biomassa já utilizada. Para o poder calorífico superior os valores foram médios e para a produtividade da massa seca os valores foram semelhantes às biomassas já utilizadas.O aguapé mostrou valores característicos superiores a alface d’água.

Geração de energia a partir de resíduos sólidos urbanos: avaliação e diretrizes para tecnologias potencialmente aplicáveis no Brasil / Power Generation From Solid Waste: Assessment and Guidelines for Potentially Applicable Technologies in Brazil

Pavan, Margareth de Cassia Oliveira 19 November 2010 (has links)
O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) tornou-se uma tarefa que demanda ações diferenciadas e articuladas, em função da quantidade e diversidade dos mesmos. O grande desafio está em encontrar soluções ambientalmente seguras, socialmente adequadas e economicamente eficientes para equacionar este problema. Todavia, se corretamente gerenciados, estes resíduos podem ser aproveitados do ponto de vista energético. Estimativas realizadas neste estudo apontam para um potencial de geração de energia a partir de resíduos urbanos, para o Brasil, da ordem de 16 GW (utilizando o processo de incineração) ou 5,8 GW (pela digestão anaeróbia em aterros). Outros benefícios da recuperação energética dos resíduos também podem ser destacados tais como: (a) benefícios estratégicos, uma vez que essa ação pode contribuir como fonte alternativa de energia; (b) benefícios ambientais, pois colabora com organização dos aterros e a mitigação de gases de efeito estufa; (c) benefícios sócio-econômicos, devido ao desenvolvimento de tecnologia nacional com o uso de equipamento e insumos nacionais e, sobretudo, (d) emprego de mão-de-obra qualificada e não qualificada nas várias etapas do processo de recuperação energética. O presente trabalho faz uma análise das tecnologias potencialmente aplicáveis no Brasil, para recuperação energética a partir RSU, e propõe uma série de diretrizes para esse aproveitamento, levando em consideração as especificidades da realidade brasileira. / The management of solid waste (MSW) has become a challenge that demands articulated and non-conventional actions because of the quantity and diversity of such wastes. Finding environmentally friendly, socially adequate and economically efficient solutions to overcome this issue is the challenge to be faced. Nevertheless, if properly managed, these wastes can be recovered from the standpoint of energy. Estimates presented in this work highlight a potential power generation from urban waste, in Brazil, around 16 GW (using incineration process) or 5.8 GW (by anaerobic digestion in landfills). Several other advantages of recovering energy from waste could also be rolled as follows: (a) strategic benefits, since it may contribute as an alternative energy source and increase energy supply; (b) environmental benefits, once it contributes to improve waste management and to the mitigation of greenhouse gases; (c) social-economic benefits, due to the development of a Brazilian technology taking advantage of national equipment and materials, and most important, (d) employment of skilled and unskilled labor in the various stages of the energy recovery process. This thesis analyzes though the technologies potentially applicable in Brazil for energy recovery from MSW, and proposes guidelines for such use taking into account the specificities of the Brazilian reality.

Análise da intensidade energética: um estudo de caso para o Estado de São Paulo / Energy Intensity Analysis: A Case Study for the Sao Paulo State

Oshiro, André Hideki Furukawa 20 March 2015 (has links)
O sistema energético pode ser visto não apenas como uma restrição, mas também como uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento produtivo de uma sociedade. Pela segunda ótica, o objetivo principal a ser perseguido é a da garantia do suprimento energético e da adequação das formas e fontes de energia aos usos finais demandados. Ao mesmo tempo, dentro do contexto global de preocupação com as mudanças climáticas, faz-se necessário conceber uma nova trajetória de desenvolvimento para o estado de São Paulo, mais moderna, com maior participação de fontes renováveis de energia, focada na diminuição da ntensidade energética, e mais voltada ao desenvolvimento tecnológico. Este trabalho procurou, então, mostrar que o estado de São Paulo já promoveu uma verdadeira transformação de sua matriz energética em termos da participação de energias renováveis, no entanto, que os paulistas ainda devem encarar outros desafios maiores como saber lidar com a tendência não declinante de sua intensidade energética nos últimos anos. Enfim, ao decompor o indicador de intensidade energética para o estado de São Paulo, buscou-se explicitar as possíveis causas de forma a observar se há um tradeoff aparente entre o uso de fontes energéticas renováveis e a estagnação dos valores da intensidade energética estadual. / The energy system can be understood not only as a constraint, but also as an opportunity for a society productive development. Taking the second approach, the main objective to be pursued is that of securing energy supply and adequacy of forms and sources of energy to the demanded end uses. At the same time, within the context of global concern about climate change, it is necessary to devise a new development path for the state of São Paulo, more modern, with a higher share of renewable energy sources, focused on reduction of energy intensity and more focused on technological development. This study sought to show, therefore, that the state of São Paulo has promoted a true transformation of its energy matrix in terms of the share of renewable energies. However, the state must still face other major challenges such as how to deal with its non-downward energy intensity trend in recent years. Finally, by decomposing the energy intensity indicator for the state of São Paulo, we sought to clarify the possible causes in order to observe whether there is an apparent tradeoff between the use of renewable energy sources and the stagnation of the state energy intensity values.

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