Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] RESERVE"" "subject:"[enn] RESERVE""
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Impact of cognitive reserve on clinical and neuropsychological measures in patients with mild cognitive impairmentHaußmann, Robert, von Lieres und Wilkau, Amrei F. E., Sauer, Cathrin, Nilles, Fabienne, Donix, Markus 18 May 2022 (has links)
Objective: Cognitive reserve influences age of onset, speed of progression, and clinical manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease. We investigated whether cognitive reserve interacts with clinical and neuropsychological parameters in mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we recruited 273 people (70.6 ± 10.1 years, 54.6% women) suffering from subjective memory complaints (n = 65), MCI (n = 121), or dementia (n = 87). Patients underwent neuropsychological evaluation, laboratory testing, and brain imaging. Additionally, we obtained information on years of education and help-seeking motivation.
Results: MCI patients with a university degree were significantly older than those without (71.6 ± 9.6 vs. 66.9 ± 10.3, p = 0.02). University-educated MCI patients demonstrated superior performance in verbal fluency. Intrinsic help-seeking motivation (self-referral) was associated with higher cognitive reserve. Female MCI patients presented with greater intrinsic motivation.
Conclusion: Cognitive reserve modulates clinical and neuropsychological measures in patients with MCI.
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Techno-economic analysis of Battery Energy Storage Systems and Demand Side Management for peak load shaving in Swedish industriesSkog Nestorovic, Benjamin, Lindén, Douglas January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish electrical grid has historically been robust and reliable, but with increased electrification in numerous sectors, out-phasing of nuclear power and a high market diffusion of wind power, the system is now facing challenges. The rotational energy in the system is expected to decrease as a result of higher shares of intermittent energy sources, which can affect the stability of the grid frequency negatively. To manage increased frequency drops, the new Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) market will be implemented by June 2020 in the Nordic power system. Simultaneously, it is expected that the demand of electricity will increase significantly in the transport and industry sectors in the coming years. Several DSOs already today indicate challenges with capacity and power security and have or will implement power tariffs as an economic incentive to prevent these problems. For energy intensive customers, such as industries, it will become important to reduce power peaks to avoid high grid fees. Several peak load shaving strategies can be utilized by industries to reduce their power peaks and thus the power tariff. The aim of this study is to economically analyze peak load shaving for Swedish industries. This is done using Li-Ion BESS and DSM, and to maximize the utilization of the BESS by including energy arbitrage and FFR market participation into the analysis. Firstly, a literature review is conducted within the topics of peak load shaving strategies, energy arbitrage and ancillary services. Secondly, data is gathered in collaboration with WSP Systems – Energy, the initiators of the project, to conduct case studies on two different industries. These cases are simulated in the modeling software SAM, for technical analysis, and then economically evaluated with NPV. Also, nine scenarios are created for the emerging FFR market concerning the number of activations per year and the compensation price per activation. The results from the case studies indicate that peak load shaving of 1 – 3 % with BESS provides a positive NPV for both case industries. However, higher percentages result in negative NPVs when no additional revenue streams are included. When considering energy arbitrage, it is concluded that the additional revenues are neglectable for both industries. Participating in the FFR market provides similar trends in the results as before. The exception is valid for scenarios with high numbers of FFR activations and compensation prices, where positive NPVs for all levels of peak load shaving can be concluded. The peak load shaving strategy DSM is implemented for one of the industries, where efficiency measures are concluded to have the most impact on the economic evaluation. If all efficiency measures would be implemented, the electricity consumption would be reduced by 17 %. Additionally, the power peaks would be reduced with 18 % and result in a significantly more positive NPV than peak load shaving using BESS. A sensitivity analysis concerning BESS capital cost and power tariff price concludes that the BESS price has a strong relation to the NPV, where a BESS price reduction of 60 % results in an NPV increase of at least 100 %. BESS prices have decreased the past years and are expected to keep decreasing in the future. Hence, investments in BESS can become more profitable and attractive in the coming years. Finally, for future research, it is recommended to combine the methodology from this study together with a load forecasting method. This combined methodology could then be practically applied to case specific industries with high peak loads. / Det svenska elnätet har historiskt sett varit robust och pålitligt, men i takt med ökad elektrifiering i flera sektorer, utfasning av kärnkraft samt ökad mängd installerad vindkraft ställs nu systemet inför nya utmaningar. Bland annat förväntas rotationsenergin i systemet minska som ett resultat av högre andelar intermittenta energikällor i systemet. För att hantera detta kommer den nya Fast Frequency Reserve (FFR) marknaden finnas tillgänglig från och med juni 2020. Samtidigt förväntas även efterfrågan på el inom transport- och industrisektorn öka markant de kommande åren. Redan idag är effektbrist ett problem i vissa regioner, vilket kan komma att förvärras. Många nätägare ska eller har redan infört effekttariffer för utnyttjande av deras elnät, vilket är ett ekonomiskt incitament för att hantera effektproblematiken där kunder med en mer flexibel elkonsumtion kommer gynnas. För större elförbrukare, som exempelvis industrier, kan det bli ekonomiskt betydelsefullt att sänka sina effekttoppar och därmed undvika höga nätavgifter. För att minska effekttoppar finns ett flertal så kallade peak load shaving-strategier, som kan utnyttjas av industrier för att minska kostnaderna för effekttariffen. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera peak load shaving för svenska industrier, med hjälp av ett Li-Ion batterilagringssystem och efterfrågeflexibilitet, samt maximera utnyttjandet av batteriet genom att inkludera energiarbitrage och deltagande i FFR-marknaden i analysen. Ett första steg i arbetet är att utföra en litteraturstudie för de berörda områdena. I ett andra steg insamlas data tillsammans med WSP, initiativtagaren av projektet, för att kunna göra en fallstudie på två industrier. För dessa fallstudier undersöks de tekniska förutsättningarna för att implementera peak load shaving-strategier genom modellering i simuleringsprogrammet SAM. Sedan utreds de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för fallstudierna, där NPV används som ekonomiskt nyckeltal. Dessutom skapas nio scenarion för den kommande FFR-marknaden för att uppskatta kostnader och inkomster. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att 1 – 3 % kapade effekttoppar med batterilagring ger ett positivt NPV för båda industrierna. Över 3 % blir resultatet negativt utan ytterligare inkomstströmmar inkluderade. Energiarbitrage konstateras att bidra med marginella positiva fördelar. Vid inkludering av FFR-marknaden i analysen erhålls liknande trender i resultaten, bortsett från scenarion med relativt högt antal avrop och pris. I dessa fall blir även 4 – 10 % kapade effekttoppar ekonomiskt attraktiva. För en av industrierna utvärderas efterfrågeflexibilitet, där effektivisering av elkrävande processer har störst inflytande på resultatet. Vid implementering av samtliga effektiviseringsåtgärder skulle elkonsumtionen minska med 17 %. Dessutom minskar effekttopparna med 18 %, vilket resulterar i ett signifikant mer positivt NPV, jämfört med användningen av batterilager. En känslighetsanalys gällande batteripris och effekttariffer, konstaterade att batteripriset har en stark påverkan på NPV. Vid en batteriprisminskning på 60 % ökar NPV med minst 100 %. Därmed kan batteriinvesteringar bli mer gynnsamma och attraktiva om batteripriser fortsätter att falla, vilket flera prognoser indikerar. Slutligen rekommenderas framtida studier att kombinera metodiken från detta arbete med en prognostiseringsmetod för elanvändning i industrier. Denna kombinerade metod kan sedan praktiskt tillämpas på fallspecifika industrier med höga effekttoppar.
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Representation and power : "The eastern door"Smith, Mary, 1977- January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Capacity Market in USZoe Gonzalez, Astrid, Gustavsson, Tuve January 2022 (has links)
As the transition from the use of fossil fuels torenewable sources takes place, consumption of electricity willgreatly increase. The shift in energy sources will have a deepimpact on how financial decisions in the grid will be made. Toensure that the necessary investments are made to meet the newneeds, many network administrators have used different typesof markets for capacity. This project reviews how the networkadministrator PJM in the US uses capacity markets to secure thesupply of electricity and stability in the grid. A literature studywas conducted together with a market simulation and the resultsfrom the simulation shows that the use of a separate capacitymarket is a successful concept for securing future electricitysupply and stability in the grid. / I takt med att övergången från användningen av fossila bränslen till förnybara källor sker, kommer elförbrukningen att öka kraftigt. Skiftet av energikällorkommer att ha en stor påverkan på hur finansiella beslut inom elnätet kommer att tas. För att se till att nödvändiga investeringar görs för att klara de nya behoven har många nätverksadministratörer använt sig av olika slags marknader för kapacitet. I detta projekt undersöks hur nätverksadministratören PJM i USA använder sig av kapacitetsmarknader för att säkra elproduktionen och stabiliteten i nätet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes tillsammans med en marknadssimulering och resultatet från undersökningen visar på att användningen av en separat kapacitetsmarknad är ett framgångsrikt koncept för att säkra framtida elförsörjning och stabilitet i nätet. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm
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Frekvensstyrning med KaplanturbinStrömstedt, Hemi January 2023 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet inriktar sig på att med ett simuleringsprogram försöka utröna om det skulle gå att använda feedback control av löphju-let på en kaplanturbin för att reglera frekvensen ut på elnätet. Detta görs idag med hjälp av att öka eller minska magnetiseringen av generatorn. Det blir också en jämförelse för att se om det blir någon skillnad på resultatet mellan PID/PI. Resultatet mellan PID och PI är väldigt snar-lika och på frågan om det skulle gå att frekvens styra med löphjulet är svaret antagligen, det beror på hur mycket turbinens svängmassa på-verkar varvtalsändringen. Det skulle däremot ge ökat underhåll och större förslitning på lager och packningar. / This degree project focuses on using a simulation program to try to find out if it would be possible to use feedback control of the impeller on a Kaplan turbine to regulate the frequency on the power grid. This is done today by increasing or decreasing the magnetization of the genera-tor. There will also be a comparison to see if there is any difference in the result between PID/PI. The result between PID and PI is very close, and to the question of whether it would be possible to control the fre-quency with the impeller, the answer is probably, it depends on how much the turbine's swing mass affects the speed change. However, this would result in increased maintenance and greater wear and tear on bearings and seals.
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The utilisation of satellite images for the detection of elephant induced vegetation change patternsSimms, Chenay 02 1900 (has links)
South Africa’s growing elephant populations are concentrated in relatively small enclosed protected areas resulting in the over utilisation of the available food sources. Elephants and other herbivores as well as other natural disturbances such as fires and droughts play an important role in maintaining savannah environments. When these disturbances become too concentrated in a particular area the vegetation composition may be negatively affected. Excessive damage to the vegetation would result from exceeding the capacity of a protected area to provide food resources. The effect of the 120 elephants on the vegetation of Welgevonden Private Game Reserve, is not known. The rugged terrain of this reserve makes it a difficult, time consuming and labour intensive exercise to conduct ground studies. Satellite images can be used as a monitoring tool for vegetation change and improve the quantity and quality of environmental data to be collected significantly, allowing more informed management decision-making. This study evaluated the use of satellite imagery for monitoring elephant induced vegetation change on Welgevonden Private Game Reserve. The LANDSAT Thematic Mapper multispectral images, acquired at two yearly intervals from 1993 until 2007 were used. However, no suitable images were available for the years 1997, 2001 and 2003. A series of vegetation change maps was produced and the distribution of water sources and fire occurrences mapped. The areas of change were then correlated with the spatial distribution of water points and fire occurances, with uncorrelated areas of change. This was analysed using large animal population trends, weather data and management practices. On the visual comparison of the vegetation maps, it was seen that over this time period there was some decrease and thinning of woodland, but the most notable change was the increase of open woodland and decrease in grasslands. Using only the digital change detection for the period 1993 to 2007, a general increase in vegetation cover is seen. But this generalisation is misleading, since comparing the digital change detection to the vegetation maps indicates that while vegetation cover may have increased, significant changes occurred in the vegetation types.
Most of the areas of significant change that were identified showed a strong positive correlation with burnt areas. The distribution of the water sources could not be directly linked to the vegetation change although rainfall fluctuations seemed to have accelerated vegetation changes. Years with high game counts, such as 1999, also coincide with very low rainfall making it difficult to differentiate between the effects of heavy utilisation of vegetation and low rainfall. Furthermore, many of the initial vegetation changes could be the result of land use changes due to the introduction of browsers, selective grazers and elephants that allow for more natural utilisation of the vegetation. Remote sensing makes it possible to successfully track changes in vegetation and identify areas of potential elephant induced vegetation change. Vegetation changes caused by disturbances, such as fire and anthropogenic activities, can be accounted for but it is not possible to conclude with a high level of certainty that the further changes seen are solely a result of elephant damage. Further work is required to reliably isolate elephant induced vegetation changes, as well as to establish the effects these changes have on the ecosystem as a whole. / Environmental Sciences / (M. Sc. (Environmetal Sciences))
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Did the Founding of the United States Federal Reserve Impact the Financial Markets of the United Kingdom?Markwith, James Q 01 January 2016 (has links)
This paper examines U.K financial metric data to determine whether or not the founding of the Federal Reserve had real economic effects on the U.K financial markets. To measure for real effects I use a composite stock price index collected from a variety of industries. I develop the theory using empirical conclusions from past studies on the Federal Reserve and its impact on U.S financial markets to direct my examination of the U.K markets. Although the U.K data shows that the founding of the Federal Reserve influenced short-term interest rates, the analysis does not find real effects on U.K stock prices and long-term interest rates.
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Hunting as a conservation tool : investigating the use of hunting in CBNRM programs : a case study of the Ntabethemba Community Reserve, South Africa.Gird, Justin William 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The conservation of resources which fall under communal tenure has been a major dilemma for the past 60 years. In South Africa communal lands support more than a quarter of the country’s citizens, mostly the poorest members of society whose livelihoods rely heavily on natural resources. Wildlife enterprise is an alternative land use strategy for implementing community based resource management on communal lands. Additionally, safari hunting has been recognised as an efficient means of initiating wildlife based land use practises. In the 1980’s a community owned game reserve, which utilised safari hunting as an income source, was established on one of South Africa’s black homelands, the Ciskei. Since then, the reserve has been disbanded but little is known about how it operated, the reason it was formed or why it failed.
The aim of this study was twofold: firstly, to document and understand the happenings of a failed community owned hunting reserve in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province and secondly, to determine what level of support there would be amongst the local residents if the reserve was to be re-established. Semi structured, qualitative interviews were conducted to gather information about the reserve from key informants. Structured, randomly selected household surveys were used to gauge local residents support on the idea of having the reserve re-established. Additionally, in doing so it was possible to view, though indirectly, the thoughts and attitudes of the residents to the notion of safari hunting as a land use option.
In review of the reserve history it was found that complexities that make up the social settings of communal lands in South Africa were ignored and dealt with through the age-old approach of top-down management regimes. Once the power of the initial authorities was lost the entire project was doomed to failure as local residents felt no need to keep the project alive. Results showed that 73.7% of the respondents would support the redevelopment of the Ntabethemba Reserve while 19.5% would not. The remaining 6.8% could not say whether they would or would not. The majority of the respondents (73%) believed that the area should be marketed for safari hunters, whilst 13% were against it, 9% were neutral and 5% were unsure.
The Ntabethemba Reserve can be viewed as a ‘joint-management’ project where management responsibilities were adopted by a non-community party. If a future project is to be undertaken it needs to be aware of the complex socio-ecological setting of the area and account for this in ways that are beyond those advocated in the traditional approach to protected area conservation. The highly skewed distribution of livestock ownership needs to be taken into consideration in that those few individuals who own the most livestock would lose the most from any development that reduces
grazing lands. Both the benefits and the costs need to be distributed in such a way that a situation is avoided where only a few are benefiting at the expense of others. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bewaring van hulpbronne in gebiede met kommunale grondregte is reeds vir die afgelope 60 jaar uiters problematies. In Suid-Afrika is meer as ‘n kwart van alle landsburgers afhanklik van kommunale grondgebiede vir hulle lewensonderhoud. Dit is hoofsaaklik die armste lede van die gemeenskap wat op die natuurlike hulpbronne in hierdie gebiede staatmaak. Natuurlewe-ondernemings bied ‘n alternatiewe strategie vir grondverbruik, wat die implementasie van gemeenskapsaangedrewe hulpbronbestuur op kommunale grond moontlik maak. Daarmee gepaard, is safari-jag ‘n erkende en effektiewe metode om praktyke rondom natuurlewe-gesentreerde grondverbruik te inisieer.
Gedurende die 1980’s is ‘n natuurreservaat met gemeenskapsregte in een van Suid-Afrika se swart tuislande, naamlik die Ciskei, gevestig. Safari-jag is as inkomstebron in hierdie reservaat benut. Die reservaat is sedertdien ontbind. Daar is egter min inligting oor hoe die reservaat bedryf is, oor die redes waarom dit geskep is, of waarom dit misluk het.
Hierdie studie was tweedoelig: eerstens om die gebeure rondom ‘n mislukte jagreservaat met gemeenskapsregte in die Oos-Kaapprovinsie te dokumenteer en te begryp, and tweedens, om te bepaal of, en in hoe ‘n mate, die plaaslike inworners die hervestiging van die reservaat sou ondersteun. Half-gestruktureerde, kwalitatiewe onderhoude is gevoer om inligting oor die reservaat van sleutelinformante in te win. Gestruktureerde, ewekansig geselekteerde huishoudelike steekproewe is gedoen om die steun vir die moontlike hervestiging van die reservaat te peil. Op indirekte wyse was dit verder moontlik om inwoners se houdings en benaderings tot safari-jag as grondverbruikerskeuse te evalueer.
Toe die geskiedenis van die reservaat in oorsig geneem is, is bevind dat die ingewikkelde sosiale agtergrond van gemeenkappe met kommunale grondregte in Suid-Afrika verontagsaam is, en dat die afgeleefde bestuursbenadering “van-bo-af-ondertoe” ook hier gebruik is. Toe die eermalige owerhede al hulle uitvoerende magte verloor het was die projek tot mislukking bestem, omdat die plaaslike inwoners geen rede gesien het om dit aan die lewe te hou nie. Die resultate het getoon dat 73.7% van die respondente die herontwikkeling van die Ntabethemba Reservaat sou ondersteun, terwyl 19.5% dit nie sou doen nie. Die oorblywende 6.8% kon nie sȇ of hulle ten gunste daarvan was of nie. Die meerderheid van die respondente (73%) is van mening dat die gebied as safarijaggebbied bemark moet word, terwyl 13% daarteen was, 9% neutraal en 5% onseker was.
Die Ntabethemba-reservaat kan eerder as ‘n projek van “gesamentlike-bestuur” beskou word, as ‘n inisiatief wat uiteraard op “kommunaal-gebaseerde natuurlike hulpbronbestuur” (CBNRM) gegrond
is. As ‘n projek in die toekoms weer geloots word, moet sorgvuldig ag geslaan word op die ingewikkelde sosio-ekologiese agtergrond van die gebied. Dit mag nie, soos in die verlede, bloot volgens die tradisionele benadering tot die bewaring van beskermde gebiede van stapel gestuur word nie. Die erg skewe verspreiding van veebesit is uiters belangrik in hierdie konteks, aangesien die paar individue wat die meeste vee besit, die grootste verliese sal moet dra as ‘n ontwikkeling plaasvind wat weidingsverliese behels. Beide voordele en verliese moet opgeweeg en eweredig versprei word, sodat ‘n paar mense nie ten koste van ander begunstig word nie.
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Essays on Federal Reserve Bank Evolution, Transparency and Market InteractionSchnidman, Evan A 10 October 2015 (has links)
This three part dissertation begins by "Examining the Origin of Federal Reserve Independence." This paper explores early Fed history with a particular emphasis on the period between 1947 and 1953 in order to provide a complete political account of Fed Independence. / Government
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Statistical problem with measuring monetary policy with application to the current crisisPappoe, Naakorkoi 18 November 2010 (has links)
This report reviews the 2007 financial crisis and the actions of the Federal Reserve. The Full Employment Act of 1946 and the "Humphrey-Hawkins" Act guides the Fed's actions. These two laws outline the long-term goals of the monetary policy framework the Fed uses; however, the framework lacks principles for achieving the mandated long term goals such as reliable, complete data. This report looks at the use of model-based forecasting and gives recommendations for principles which will strengthen the preexisting monetary framework. / text
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