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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de synergie des effets chimiques et biologiques des lipides de réserve et des huiles essentielles des fruits et graines saisonniers de la sous-région Afrique Centrale / Study of synergy of chemical and biological effects of essential oils and reserve lipids of seasonal fruits and seeds from region Central Africa

Ngakegni-Limbili, Adolphe Christian 28 June 2012 (has links)
La composition en huiles essentielles et en lipides de réserve des graines et fruits saisonniers de quatre espèces végétales d’origine congolaise (Aframomum stipulatum (Gagnep) K. Schum, Aframomum giganteum (Oliv. and Hand) K. Schum, Spondias mombin L. et Nephelium lappaceum L.), a été déterminée par l’utilisation du couplage chromatographie en phase gazeuse/spectrométrie de masse. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de comprendre la bioaccumulation des huiles essentielles et des lipides de réserve dans les organes des différentes espèces. Dans le cas des espèces du genre Aframomum, les graines et les coques de fruits sont sources à la fois des huiles essentielles et des lipides de réserve. Les huiles essentielles des graines des deux espèces du genre Aframomun sont riches en composés monoterpéniques hydrocarbonés et oxygénés (β-pinène, 1,8-cinéole, phellandrène) avec des taux non négligeables de sesquiterpènes (α-sélinène et β-caryophyllène). Les huiles essentielles des coques des deux mêmes espèces se révèlent plus riches en monoterpénes oxygénés que celles des graines avec des composés très caractéristiques (β-pinène, 1,8-cineole, linalool pour A. giganteum et β-pinène, terpinéol, 1,8-cinéole pour A. stipulatum). On note dans les deux espèces, en dépit des procédés unitaires différents utilisés, la présence de lipides de réserve avec un profil acides gras du type palmitique-linoléique. Seuls les lipides de réserve ont été caractérisés dans Spondias mombin L. et Nephelium lappaceum L.. Les différentes parties du fruit de Spondias mombin sont dominées, comme dans le cas des Aframomum, par la présence des acides palmitique-linoléique avec une présence marquée de l’hentriacontane dans l’huile de peaux de fruits. L’huile d’amande de Nephelium lappaceum se distingue par sa richesse en acide arachidique C20:0 et acide 11- eicosénoïque C20:1. Les quatre espèces présentent un apport en phytostérols et en tocophérols. Des essais prometteurs de formulation de phytoproduits ont été réalisés avec des mélanges de tensioactifs, des a-monoglycérides et des huiles essentielles de graines de A. giganteum. Les activités antimicrobienne, anticancéreuse, antipaludique et anti-radicalaire ont été évaluées sur les extraits d’huiles essentielles et sur les lipides de réserve ainsi que sur les analogues synthétiques de lipides pris seuls ou en combinaison. Les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs / The composition of essential oils and fat of seasonal fruits and seeds of four plant species from the Congo (Aframomum stipulatum (Gagnep) K. Schum, Aframomum giganteum (Oliv. and Hand) K. Schum, Spondias mombin L. and Nephelium lappaceum L.), was determined by the combined use of mass spectrometry and gas chromatography. The results were used for understanding the bio-accumulation of essential oils and the storage of lipids in the organs of different species. In the case of the genus Aframomum, seeds and fruit shells are both sources of essential oils and fat. Seeds essential oils of the two species of Aframomun were rich in hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpene compounds such as β-pinene, 1,8-cineole, phellandrene, with significant levels of sesquiterpenes (α-selinene and β-caryophyllene). The shells essential oils of the same two species appear to be more rich in oxygenated monoterpenes than seeds, with a large structural features (β-pinene, 1,8-cineole, linalool for A. giganteum and b-pinene, terpineol, 1.8 -cineole for A. stipulatum). It is notified in both species that despite the different unit processes used, the presence of lipid with a fatty acid profile of the type palmitic-linoleic. Only lipids have been characterized from Spondias mombin L. and Nephelium lappaceum L.. The different parts of the fruit of Spondias mombin are dominated, like Aframomum, by the presence of palmitic-linoleic with a large presence of hentriacontane in the oil fruit skins. The kernel oil Nephelium lappaceum is distinguished by its wealth of arachidic acid C20:0 and 11-eicosénoïc acid C20:1. The four species contained in phytosterols and tocopherols. Testing promising formulation of herbal products were made with mixtures of surfactants, α-monoglycerides and essential oils from seeds of A. giganteum. Antimicrobial, anticancer, antimalarial and anti-radical activities were evaluated on the essential oils on the lipid as well as on the synthetic analogs of lipid alone or in combination. The results are promising

Kognitive Reserve im Erwerbsalter

Weißbecker-Klaus, Xenija 14 February 2019 (has links)
Bei altersbedingt abnehmender kognitiver Funktion stellt das steigende Renteneintrittsalter Arbeitgeber und -nehmer vor wachsende Herausforderungen. Der Aufbau der kognitiven Reserve (CR) durch geistig stimulierende Aktivitäten verspricht eine Resilienz gegenüber neuropathologisch bedingten kognitiven Defiziten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Rolle der CR in Bezug auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und die neuronale Informationsverarbeitung gesunder Erwachsener im Berufsalter untersucht. Unter Ableitung des Elektroenzephalogramms bearbeiteten Probanden mittleren und hohen Erwerbsalters (34-45 J. und 46-62 J.) im 2-Jahres-Abstand Aufgaben zu drei Domänen exekutiver Funktionen: Arbeitsgedächtnis (AG), kognitive Flexibilität und Inhibitionskontrolle. Hoch-CR-Probanden wiesen aufgabenübergreifend schnellere Reaktionen und geringere Fehlerraten auf. Reduzierte Leistung ließ sich in der Gering-CR-Gruppe tendenziell bei älteren Probanden und in anspruchsvollen Aufgabenbedingungen beobachten. Nach 2 Jahren zeigten Gering-CR-Ältere eine numerisch abnehmende AG-Kapazität, während Hoch-CR-Ältere ihre hohe Leistung steigern konnten. Die P3-Amplitude variierte in Abhängigkeit von der CR und dem Alter. Hoch-CR-Jüngere wiesen im Vergleich zu Gering-CR-Jüngeren höhere P3-Amplituden auf, während Hoch-CR-Ältere im Gegensatz zu Gering-CR-Älteren kleinere P3-Amplituden generierten. Zudem legten kürzere P3-Latenzen in der Hoch-CR-Gruppe eine schnellere neuronale Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit nahe. In der Aufgabe zur kognitiven Flexibilität ließ sich bei Gering-CR-Probanden ein Anterior-Shift der P3 beobachten. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse konnten nach 2 Jahren repliziert werden. Alterungsrelevante Leistungsvariablen und neuronale Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse zeigten sich bereits im Berufsalter sensitiv gegenüber der CR. Das mittlere Erwachsenenalter sollte bei der Erarbeitung und Evaluation CR-basierter Maßnahmen zur Prävention kognitiver Defizite stärker berücksichtigt werden. / The increasing retirement date accompanied by an age-associated decline of cognitive functions poses growing challenges to employers and employees. The cognitive reserve (CR) promises a resilience to brain damage-associated cognitive deficits through intellectually stimulating lifestyle activities. The present study examines the role of CR relating to cognitive performance and neuronal information processing of healthy adults in working age. Using an electroencephalogram, subjects of middle and high working age (34-45 years and 46-62 years of age, respectively) completed tasks on three domains of executive functions: working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibition control. Follow-up assessments were conducted after two years. High-CR subjects performed better across tasks than Low-CR subjects, with faster reaction times and lower error rates. Reduced performance in the Low-CR group tended to be more common among older participants and during the more challenging task conditions. In addition, after two years, Low-CR older workers showed a decreased working memory capacity while older High-CR individuals improved their higher performance. The P3 amplitude of the event-related brain potential varied systematically as a function of CR and age. High-CR younger individuals revealed higher P3 amplitudes compared to Low-CR younger individuals, while High-CR older individuals generated smaller P3 amplitudes than Low-CR older individuals. The shorter P3 peak-latencies of the High-CR group suggested moreover a difference in neural processing speed. When testing cognitive flexibility an anterior shift of the P3 was observed in older Low-CR subjects. The results were almost completely replicated after two years. Age-related performance variables and neuronal information processes revealed to be sensitive to CR already at working age. These findings recommend more research on early adulthood in the development and evaluation of CR-based programs to prevent cognitive deficits.

The structure and dynamics of riverine vegetation in the Umfolozi game reserve

Kemper, Nigel Palmer. January 1991 (has links)
A dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, for the Degree of Master of Science. . / The cyclone Domoina floods of 1984 were responsible for the large scale destruction and devastation of riverine vegetation in the Umfolozi Game Reserve. This event highlighted the need to gain an understanding af the structure and dynamics of riverine vegetation and to use this knowledge to develop a management strategy directed at the future recovery and maintenance of riverine vegetation in the Umfolozi Game Reserve. (Abbreviation abstract) / Andrew Chakane 2018

A Cota de Reserva Ambiental no Novo Código Florestal Brasileiro: propostas para a efetividade / Environmental Reserve Quota on the New Brazilian Forest Code: proposals to effectiveness

Scoton, Luis Eduardo Brito 09 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute o conceito e natureza jurídica da Cota de Reserva Ambiental (CRA) enquanto instrumento de política ambiental previsto no Novo Código Florestal Brasileiro (Lei Federal nº 12.651/12). O problema de pesquisa se funda em saber se a atual proposta de regulamentação da CRA permitirá a efetividade do instituto. Aspectos teóricos foram discutidos com base em material documental e bibliográfico, recolhidos no âmbito das ciências do direito e da economia. Ao fim, foi realizada pesquisa exploratória sobre o tema, baseada em entrevistas com gestores ambientais, analisadas sob o método dialético-qualitativo. O objetivo, de modo geral, é discutir o atual marco regulatório sobre o tema, de modo criar propostas a sua efetividade. / This paper discusses the concept and legal nature of the Environmental Reserve Quota (CRA) as an environmental policy instrument regulated by the New Brazilian Forest Code (Federal Law nº 12.651/12). The research problem seeks to identify if the current proposal for regulation of the CRA will allow the effectiveness of this institute. Theoretical aspects were discussed on the basis of documentary and bibliographic material collected in the sciences of law and economics. By the end, an exploratory research was conducted on the subject, based on interviews with environmental managers, analyzed from a dialectical qualitative method. The goal, in general, is to discuss the current regulatory framework on the subject with the intention to make proposals to its effectiveness.


沈美岑 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於產險業特別準備金制度爭議已久,應於何時提存或收回似乎已成了保險業界與保險司之間的角力賽。本研究採用傳統精算中破產理論(Ruin Theory)的概念,並觀察火災保險、貨物運輸保險、漁船保險與任意汽車保險等四個不同損失分配的險別進行蒙地卡羅模擬(Monte Carlo Simulation),得出各個險種最適的特別準備金提存率。本文使人更容易了解因各險種具備的特性不同,在相同的破產機率水準下,會因為危險程度不同以及自留保費收入相對於自留賠款間的關係,間接影響到最適特別準備金的提存額度。   本研究的實證模擬分析結果發現:整體而言,目前產險業應提存的特別準備金總額大致上已充足,但是,若以各險別應提列的特別準備金額度而言,任意汽車保險有滯留過多的情形,而漁船保險則明顯地不充足,因此,目前應重新估算各險別應提存的特別準備金,暫時以各險可「相互浥注」的概念,使各險種調整至適當的比率,一併轉入「淨值」項下的「特別公積」科目,而「負債」項所剩餘的「特別準備金」餘額應逐年攤銷;建議今後特別準備金必須以「差額補足法」的會計處理方式,並按各個險種「專款專用」為原則。 / Much debate has devoted about the issue of the contingency reserve in property insurance companies in Taiwan over the past decades and how to calculate the appropriate amount of the reserve has become a perplexing problem between insurance companies and regulators. This paper conducts the Ruin Theory and comes up with the optimal model for calculating the contingency reserve. By using Monte Carlo Simulation method, we collect four different lines data in Fire, Marine cargo. Fishing vessel and Motor insurance to calculate the optimal contingency reserve ratio in each line. In addition, we examine the effect of different contingency reserve systems on insurance company's financial statements. Our results imply that owing to the different loss distribution in each line, the different level of risk and the ratio of retention premium to retention claim will indirectly affect the optimal contingency reserve under the identical ruin probability level.   Our findings indicate that the overall contingency reserve of property insurance company is sufficient at present, but the amount is not sufficient for each line. For example, the reserve in motor insurance is over-reserved while that in fishing vessel insurance is not adequate. We, therefore; suggest that the contingency reserve should be re-estimated by each line. At present, we suggest to use the "inter-line-compensation" principle to make up the insufficient reserve for different line. However, the contingency reserve should be credited as "special fund" of Surplus when the reserve in each line is at the adequate level and the over-reserved amount of "special claim's reserve" should be amortized year by year. Moreover, We suggest to applying the "marginal contribution" method for calculating contingency reserve and establish an individual account for the contingency reserve for each line.

Mapping potential soil erosion using rusle, remote sensing, and GIS : the case study of Weenen Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal.

Tesfamichael, Solomon Gebremariam. January 2004 (has links)
Accelerated soil erosion is drawing a growing attention with the recognition that the rate of soil loss is too great to be met by soil formation rate. Weenen Game Reserve (WGR) is an area with an unfortunate history of prolonged soil erosion due to excessive overgrazing that led to severe land degradation with prominent visible scars. This problem triggered the general objective of estimating and mapping potential soil erosion in WGR. Assessing soil loss in the area objectively has important implications for the overall management plans as it is reserved for ecological recovery. The most important variables that affect soil erosion are considered as inputs in soil loss estimation models. In this study the RUSLE model, which uses rainfall, soil, topography, and cover management data, was employed. From the rainfall data, an erosivity factor was generated by using a regression equation developed by relating EI30 index and total monthly rainfall. The soil erodibility factor was calculated using the soil erodibility nomograph equation after generating the relevant data from laboratory analysis of soil samples gathered from the study area. Using exponential ordinary kriging, the point values of this factor were interpolated to fill in the non-sampled areas. The topographic effect, which is expressed as the combined impact of slope length and slope steepness, was extracted from the DEM of the study area using the flow accumulation method. For mapping of the land cover factor, in situ measurements of cover from selected sites were undertaken and assigned values from the USLE table before being related with MSAVI of Landsat 7 ETM+ image. These values were then multiplied to get the final annual soil loss map. The resulting potential soil loss values vary between 0 and 346 ton ha-1 year-l with an average of 5 ton ha-1 year-l. About 58% of the study area experiences less than 1 ton ha-1 year-1 indicating the influence of the highest values on the average value. High soil erosion rates are concentrated in the central part extending as far as the south and the north tips along the eastern escarpments and these areas are the ones with the steepest slopes. The results indicate a high variation of soil loss within the study area. Nevertheless, the majority of the area falling below the average might foresee that the soil erosion problem of the area can be minimized significantly depending largely on soil management. The most important areas for intervention are the medium and low erosion susceptible parts of WGR, which are mainly found in the flatter or gently sloping landscapes. The steepest areas are mostly covered with rocks and/or vegetation and hence less effort must be spent in managing them. Overall, the reported increasing density of the vegetation community in the area that reduces the exposure of soil from the impact of direct raindrops and surface-flowing water must be pursued further. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.

Perception of local community participation in wildlife and tourism management: Phinda Private Game Reserve, Umkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Muzirambi, Jones Mudimu 10 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, conservation and tourism planning that incorporate local communities, has a greater significance today than before given the historical Apartheid legacy, which marginalised the majority of the population from democratic processes and economic opportunities. Community participation in the critical facets of conservation and tourism, that is planning, decision-making and management has been an object of research discourse for a long time. Issues around sustainability, governance, employment opportunity and equity, cost and benefit-sharing, land rights, capacity-building, active participation and conflicts have received great attention from scholars throughout the world. Externally-generated (observer) views on the nature and extent of local community participation in conservation and tourism management, more often than not, fail to depict the perceptions of the local residents. Explanations tend to be more prescriptive and are forced onto the stakeholders, who are directly affected by the circumstances around them. The voice of the local residents clearly articulates their views and attitudes much more than any other external views. The goal of this research study is to investigate the perceptions of local community on their participation in wildlife conservation, ecotourism and social development and the information gathered will be used to develop a new model for enhanced private sector-community collaboration and communication for sustainability. The study interrogates factors constraining collaboration, which include organisational culture, power differentials and communication, from the perspectives of stakeholders, especially the grassroots community. It engages with the community for its views and opinions and as a result, delivers valuable criticisms of and suggestions for the improvement of the process followed. A qualitative approach was adopted. Data collection and analysis methods were identified, explained, justified and implemented. This project is a Case Study, carried out in Umkhanyakhude District of KZN, in which Phinda Game Reserve and the surrounding local communities are located. Makhasa and Mnqobokazi are situated about 30-40 kilometres north-east of Hluhluwe, on the R22 Road that links the town with Sodwana Bay. Semi-structured individual and group interviews allow the study participants to identify and describe concerns or concepts that may not have been expected or considered by the researcher Interviews are of particular importance to ensure honesty and impartiality. Documentary analysis allowed to generate inferences through objective and systematic identification of core elements of a written communication. Observation was used to capture situations of interest not readily volunteered by the participants due to notable different views among members of the particular community. The Adapted Nominal Group Technique workshop was prepared and conducted, to augment the other methods. A multi-method approach ensured the reliability of the findings and the validity of both the approaches and the data collected. The historical background of &Beyond, its philosophy and journey towards sustainable wildlife conservation, tourism and social development was discussed. It was evident that due to the proximity of Makhasa and Mnqobokazi, activities of Phinda directly affected the communities and the same applies to those of the communities in Phinda. There was an apparent need to carefully and properly manage the cultural, socio-economic, political and spatial relationships to build a common understanding about roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in a mutually beneficial manner. The findings of the study illustrates that the perceptions and attitudes of the local residents on their participation in decision-making and management of conservation, tourism and social development are important for sustainability. The understanding of land rights issues was restricted to a few. While there was general appreciation for the activities of Phinda and Africa Foundation, the participants expressed their unfulfilled expectations, concerns and also made suggestions for a way forward to prevent conflict and ensure sustainable conservation and tourism. Skewed power relations, lack of participation in decision-making, poor governance, employment opportunities and equity, lack of transparency and poor communication strategies were among the main issues raised by the participants. Constructive criticism and recommendations, together with the Bending the Curve Model could serve as a valuable community engagement framework for private sector tourism companies and private game reserves to involve and work with surrounding communities to ensure more sustainable private game reserves in the future. The study recommends the model with some concrete, practical measures adapted from ideas of collaborative theory, for sustainable development / School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

A Cota de Reserva Ambiental no Novo Código Florestal Brasileiro: propostas para a efetividade / Environmental Reserve Quota on the New Brazilian Forest Code: proposals to effectiveness

Luis Eduardo Brito Scoton 09 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute o conceito e natureza jurídica da Cota de Reserva Ambiental (CRA) enquanto instrumento de política ambiental previsto no Novo Código Florestal Brasileiro (Lei Federal nº 12.651/12). O problema de pesquisa se funda em saber se a atual proposta de regulamentação da CRA permitirá a efetividade do instituto. Aspectos teóricos foram discutidos com base em material documental e bibliográfico, recolhidos no âmbito das ciências do direito e da economia. Ao fim, foi realizada pesquisa exploratória sobre o tema, baseada em entrevistas com gestores ambientais, analisadas sob o método dialético-qualitativo. O objetivo, de modo geral, é discutir o atual marco regulatório sobre o tema, de modo criar propostas a sua efetividade. / This paper discusses the concept and legal nature of the Environmental Reserve Quota (CRA) as an environmental policy instrument regulated by the New Brazilian Forest Code (Federal Law nº 12.651/12). The research problem seeks to identify if the current proposal for regulation of the CRA will allow the effectiveness of this institute. Theoretical aspects were discussed on the basis of documentary and bibliographic material collected in the sciences of law and economics. By the end, an exploratory research was conducted on the subject, based on interviews with environmental managers, analyzed from a dialectical qualitative method. The goal, in general, is to discuss the current regulatory framework on the subject with the intention to make proposals to its effectiveness.

Farmers' participation in conservation of rural landscapes : A case study of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve (Spain)

Torrents, Pau January 2014 (has links)
In an European context of agricultural land abandonment, the role of the farming community as landscape stewards is crucial for maintaining the rural landscape as well as the ecosystem services provided by this landscape. Such stewardship is studied here by assessing the participation of the farming community in the management of Menorca Biosphere Reserve, a small Mediterranean island with very well conserved and rich rural landscape which is not escaping this tendency of land abandonment. A survey of 41 farms and interviews with 15 stakeholders were performed in order to assess the role of the farming community in participatory management processes and the effectiveness of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency (MBRA) in facilitating their participation.The results show that the participatory activities of the MBRA are effective and highly valued by participating stakeholders but could be improved by: 1) engaging non-associated farmers and traditional farmers in the MBRA activities 2) finding a consensual and long-term solution on issues related to the access to private rural land 3) providing rapid feedback to participants after meetings and 4) transforming the MBRA structure in order to deal with changes and an uncertain future. Failing to do this could illegitimate further participatory activities, erode trust among stakeholders and alienate the farming community and the society, thereby affecting the maintenance of the rural landscape.This case study highlights the importance of appropriate management structure for adaptive co-management to benefit from the participation of stakeholders in general and farmers in particular. The findings should be of interest to managers, scholars and practitioners using adaptive co-management approaches to manage complex social-ecological systems such as rural, cultural landscapes.

The Social Impacts of Tourism in the UNESCO Champlain Adirondack Biosphere Reserve (USA)

Cerialo, Kelly L. 30 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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