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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sub-registro de nascimento e os fatores que contribuem para a omissão do registro / Underreporting of birth and factors contributing to omission of registration

Cunha, Valdenice Fernandes da 16 March 1993 (has links)
Partindo de hipóteses básicas onde o processo saúde-doença no período perinatal apresenta-se, por um lado, como expressão de condições particulares ás quais famílias estão submetidas, de maneira diferencial, em função de sua adscrição de classe e, por outro, como expressão da articulação de um conjunto de condições biológicas e sociais em permanente relação, o presente trabalho procura, em uma amostra de parturientes e recém-nascidos de hospitais de São Luis do Maranhão, refletir sobre o assunto. Conclui pela pertinência do emprego do conceito sociológico de classe social ao estudo de eventos perinatais que, articulado a esquemas teóricos mais elaborados do campo da Perinatologia, permite ampliar o nível de explicação do fenômeno. / This work searches for empirical sustenance concerning reflection on basic hypotheses whereby the health dickness process in the perinatal periode expresses particular conditions which families are undergoing especially as to their insertion in social classes, on one hand, and especially on the other, articulation of biological and social conditions in permanent relation. It is based on a sample of women-in-labour and newborn children in hospitals in São Luis do Maranhão, Brazil. It is concluded that Sociological concept of social class is pertinent whilst studying perinatal events along with more elaborate theoretical schemes in the field of Perinatology.

Estudo epidemiológico em população rural do interior do Estado de São Paulo com elevada prevalência de Hepatite C / Epidemiological study in the rural population in the interior of the State of São Paulo with a high predominance of Hepatitis C.

Ferrão, Sabrina de Brito Ramalho Luz 14 August 2008 (has links)
A infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C acomete cerca de 180 milhões de pessoas em todo mundo. Trata-se de doença com pouca manifestação clinica, onde cerca de 75% a 85% dos casos evolui para cronificação e aproximadamente 15% para hepatocarcinoma. Entre os fatores de risco mais conhecidos estão a realização de transfusões de sangue e hemoderivados anterior a 1993, uso de drogas endovenosas e relações sexuais desprotegidas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo estimar a prevalência de sorologia positiva para hepatite C e seus possíveis fatores de risco no distrito de Botafogo, município de Bebedouro, SP, onde a elevada freqüência de casos de hepatite chamou a atenção dos seus próprios moradores. Da população de 1318 habitantes, 353 foram sorteados para participar da pesquisa, sendo submetidos a questionário padronizado e coleta de sangue. Infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C foi pesquisada através de exames imunoenzimáticos e de PCR, no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), e por teste imunocromatográfico, no Laboratório de Sorologia do Hospital da Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto-USP . A prevalência encontrada foi de 8,8% (IC95%: 5,8 11,7). As variáveis que mostraram associação na análise univariada foram submetidas a um procedimento multivariado por aplicação do modelo de log binomial. As variáveis preditoras independentes de infecção pela hepatite C foram sexo masculino, tempo de residência acima de trinta anos e uso de medicações parenterais com material esterilizado por técnica de fervura. Uma possível explicação para a elevada prevalência nessa população reside na possibilidade de disseminação do vírus a partir de um antigo morador, que exercia informalmente atividades ligadas ao atendimento à saúde, especialmente aplicação de injeções, numa época anterior ao uso de seringas descartáveis. / Approximately 180 million people worldwide are infected by the hepatitis C virus. It is an illness with little clinical manifestation where about 75% - 85% of the cases evolve to chronification and about 15% to hepatocarcinoma. Among the bestknown risk factors are blood and blood by-product transfusions prior to 1993, use of intravenous drugs and unprotected sexual relations. This study has the objective of estimating the prevalence of positive serology for hepatitis C and its possible risk factors in the district of Botafogo, municipality of Bebedouro, São Paulo, where the high frequency of hepatitis cases caught the attention of the population itself. Out of a population of 1318 inhabitants, 353 were selected to participate in the research, being submitted to a standard questionnaire and blood collection. Hepatitis C infection was researched through immunoenzimatic and PCR exams at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (FIOCRUZ), and by immunochromatographic tests at the Serology Laboratory of the Hospital das Clinicas in Ribeirão Preto USP. The prevalence found was of 8,8% (CI95%: 5,8 11,7). The variables that demonstrated an association in the univariate analysis were submitted to a multivariate procedure through the application of the binomial log model. The independent predictors for hepatitis C infection were male sex, local residence time over thirty years and use of parenteral medication with material sterilized through boiling technique. A possible explanation for the high prevalence in this population lies in the possibility of dissemination of the virus from an older inhabitant who informally exercised medical activities, especially the application of injections in a period before there was use of dischargeable syringes.

Fissuras lábio-palatais: estudo caso-controle de fatores de risco / Oral clefts: a case-control study of risk factors

Loffredo, Leonor Castro Monteiro 19 October 1990 (has links)
As fissuras orais integram dois grupos segundo origens etiológicas distintas, quais sejam, fissuras labiais ou lábio-palatais e fissuras palatais. Realizou-se um estudo tipo caso-controle, com 450 casos e 450 controles, sendo que, entre os casos, 354 eram portadores de fissura labial ou lábio-palatina e 96 de fissura palatina. A fim de se estudar a associação entre fissuras orais e possíveis fatores de risco, foram objeto de análise as variáveis: local de moradia da mãe nos quatro primeiros meses de gestação (urbana/rural), poluição, aplicação de pesticida e herbicida na lavoura, doenças nos pais, doenças na mãe nos quatro primeiros meses de gestação, ingestão medicamentosa nesse período, hereditariedade, tabagismo, consumo de bebida alcoólica e exposição a raio-X durante a gestação ou um ano antes. Foram estimados os riscos relativos , segundo cada variável, por ponto e por intervalo de 95 por cento de confiança. Empregou-se análise multivariada, adotando-se o procedimento de máxima verossimilhança incondicional, para cada tipo de fissura. As variáveis hereditariedade (RR = 4,96), epilepsia na mãe (RR = 2,39) e ingestão de anti-inflamatório (RR = 2,59) são fatores de risco para fissuras labiais ou lábio-palatais. As variáveis hereditariedade (RR = 2,82) e poluição (RR = 2,58) são fatores de risco para fissuras palatinas. / There are two groups of clefts which differ in their etiology, namely the group with cleft lip with or without cleft palate and the group of cleft palate isolated. This study refers to a case-central analysis, with 450 cases and 450 controls. Among the cases, 354 have cleft lip with or without cleft palate and 96 have cleft palate. In order to study the association between oral clefts and possible risk factors, the analised variables were: place of mother\'s residence (urban/rural); pollution, parents\'s diseases, mother\'s diseases during the first four months of pregnancy, intake of drugs related to this period, heredity, smoking habits, alcohol consumption and X-ray examinations during pregnancy or X-ray examinations prior to pregnancy. It was estimated the relative risks CRR), for each variable by point and by 95 per cent of confidente interval. It was applied multivariate analysis, for unconditional maximum likelihood procedure, according to each type of cleft. Related to cleft lip with or without cleft palate, the risk factors are heredity (CRR = 4,96), epilepsy in the mother (RR = 2,39) and drug intake as anti-inflammatory in the first four months of pregnancy (RR = 2,59). Related to cleft palate, the risk factors are heredity (RR = 2,82) and pollution (RR = 2,58).

Associação entre higiene oral e os cânceres de cabeça e pescoço / Association between oral hygiene and head and neck cancer

Pereira, Nayara Fernanda 20 February 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Com as demonstrações da relação entre inflamação, desregulação microbiológica e câncer, a higiene oral precária pode ser um fator risco. Objetivo: Verificar se a condição de higiene está associada com a ocorrência dos cânceres de cabeça e pescoço. Material e método: Foram analisadas variáveis de condição de higiene bucal, como frequência de escovação, dentes perdidos, necessidade e uso de prótese e visita regular ao dentista num estudo caso-controle, com pacientes de cinco hospitais do estado de São Paulo, pareados por sexo e idade, do projeto multicêntrico ,,Genoma do Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço\" (GENCAPO). Resultados: As neoplasias malignas mais frequentes foram as de bordo de língua (11,41%) e base de língua (10,92%). A análise estatística bivariada encontrou valores de Odds ratio abaixo de 1 para as variáveis: ,,escova 1x\" (OR=0,33; IC0,25-0,44), ,,escova 2x\" (OR=0,42;IC0,35-0,52), ,,usa fio sempre\" (OR=0,19;IC0,13-0,27), ,,usa fio às vezes\" (OR=0,19;IC0,15-0,24), ,,dentista todo ano\" (OR=0,29;IC0,22-0,37), ,,higiene boa\" (OR=0,21;IC0,166-0,27) e ,,higiene regular\" (OR=0,19;IC0,16-0,25) e acima de 1 para ,,sangra sempre\" (OR=2,40;IC1,40-4,09), ,,usa total\" (OR=1,99;IC1,54-2,56), ,,6 ou mais dentes perdidos\" (OR=3,30;IC2,67-4,08). A regressão logística multivariada encontrou significância para ,,escovar os dentes pelo menos 2x ao dia\" (OR=0,53;IC0,37-0,75), ,,fio sempre\" (OR=0,16;IC0,80-0,33) e para variável ,,6 ou mais dentes perdidos\" (OR=3,86;IC2,67-5,57). Discussão: Os dados mostram a necessidade de cuidados orais e indicam que higiene precária pode ser um fator de risco. Conclusão: Bons hábitos de higiene bucal possuem relação inversa com ocorrência de câncer em cabeça e pescoço e esses pacientes tem mais comorbidades bucais. / Introduction: As demonstrations of the relationship between inflammation, microbiological dysregulation and cancer, poor oral hygiene can be adapted for cancers. Objective: To verify if the hygiene condition is associated with the occurrence of head and neck cancers. Material and method: The variables of oral hygiene condition, such as toothbrushing frequency, missing teeth, need and use of prosthesis and regular visit to the dentist in a case-control study were analyzed with patients from five hospitals in the state of São Paulo, paired by sex and age, of the multicenter project ,,Genoma do Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço\" (GENCAPO). Results: The most frequent malignancies were those of the tongue border (11.41%) and tongue base (10.92%). The bivariate statistical analysis found odds ratio values below 1 for the variables\' 1x brush \'(OR = 0.33; IC0.253-0.44),\' 2x brush \'(OR = 0.42; IC0.34-0.52),\' floss (OR = 0.19, IC0.13-0.27), \'sometimes uses floss\' (OR = 0.19, IC0.15-0.24), \'dentist every year\' (OR = 0.29, IC0.22-0.37), (OR = 0.21, IC0.167-0.27) and \'regular hygiene\' (OR = 0.19, IC0.156-0.25) and above 1 for \'always bleeds\' (OR = 2.40, CI 1.40-4.09), \'total use\' (OR = 1,99, IC1,54-2,56), \'6 or more missing teeth\' (OR = 3,30, IC2,67-4,08). Multivariate logistic regression found significance for \'brushing the teeth at least 2x a day\' (OR = 0.53, IC0.37-0.75), \'always wire\' (OR = 0.16, IC0.80-0.32) and for variable \'6 or more lost teeth \'(OR = 3.86, IC2.67-5.57). Discussion: Data show the need for oral care and indicate that poor hygiene may be a risk factor. Conclusion: Good habits of oral hygiene have an inverse relation with the occurrence of head and neck cancer and these patients have more oral comorbidities.

Bi-directional relationship between obesity and depression among adolescent girls

Hu, Anyu 12 March 2016 (has links)
Major depressive disorder is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world while obesity, a condition tied to numerous chronic conditions throughout the lifespan, is at epidemic levels throughout most of the world. Adolescence is a crucial transition period for physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Adolescents, particularly girls, are at high risk of developing depression and obesity. Some studies suggest that obesity is a risk factor for the development of depression while others suggest that depression alters health habits, thereby leading to obesity. The overall goal of this work is to examine both of these questions in adolescent girls and further to explore whether the relationship between obesity (and other related risk factors) and depression is a bi-directional one. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Growth and Health Study (NGHS) is an observational study of 2379 adolescent black and white girls. Height and weight was measured annually (and used to estimate body mass index) over 10 years from early to late adolescence. Diet and other risk factors were also measured longitudinally over 10 years. Depression was measured twice using the Centers for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D): first at exam 8 and then at the final exam (exam 10). Multivariable logistic regression and longitudinal (repeated measures) mixed models were used to control for potential confounding by age, socio-economic status, physical activity, hours of television/video watching per day, and dietary factors. The first objective was to determine whether young adolescent girls who were already overweight or obese had a higher risk for developing depression during the follow-up exams in later adolescence. Overall, the prevalence of moderate (or worse) depression was much higher in girls who were classified as obese (474% with depression) than either overweight (37.8%) or normal-weight (34.3%) girls. After adjusting for baseline age, race, SES, television/video hour per day), physical activity level, diet quality (using Healthy Eating Index scores), and percent of energy from protein, obese girls had a 68% increase risk of subsequent depression (95% CI: 1.17 to 2.39) compared with normal weight girls. There was no increased depression risk for overweight girls. The risk of incident depression associated with obesity was the same for blacks and whites in the study. Finally, after controlling further for a measure of self-worth (using the Harter Scales), the effect of obesity was somewhat attenuated. The second objective of the study was to explore other risk factors for depression in these adolescent girls. In these analyses, several factors from the early adolescent years predicted the development of later depression (moderate or worse). These included hours spent watching television (risk increased by 6% for each additional hour watched per day), white race, SES, obesity, and self-worth score. While the self-worth score ranged only from 1 to 4, there was nearly a 60% reduction in risk for each increase of one point in the score. Thus, self-worth was a particularly important predictor, with higher self-worth scores protecting these girls from incident depression. The final objective of this work was to examine the change in behavioral risk factors associated with prevalent depression at exam 8. Depressed (vs. non-depressed) girls who were not obese at exam 8 were approximately 75% more likely to become obese by exam 10. The results of this study support a finding of a bi-directional relationship between obesity and depression in adolescent girls.

Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress as Predictors of Breast Cancer Risk in Women and Adolescent Girls

Brennan, Laura Ann January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Despite intense research efforts and improvements to mortality rates, breast cancer remains the leading cause of premature cancer death for women. Identifying women at highest risk is vitally important for screening decisions that may have a critical impact on diagnosis and prognosis. A family history of breast cancer is a well-established risk factor, but it can be unreliable. An easily measured and accurate biomarker of breast cancer risk would be a significant advancement to public health by allowing targeted screening of women who would benefit most. It may also reveal underlying molecular mechanism that could illuminate pathways to prevention. Incidence rates of breast cancer have remained unmoved owing to the lack of known modifiable risk factors. This may be due in part because most breast cancer research has focused on behaviors and exposures in, or recalled from, adulthood. The studies detailed in this dissertation seek to investigate the associations between oxidative stress and breast cancer risk in both adult women and adolescent girls with a family history of breast cancer. Methods: To determine the relationship between oxidative stress and breast cancer risk in adult women with a family history of breast cancer we measured and compared urinary levels of 8-OxodG and F2-Isoprostane in a prospective matched case control study nested within the New York Breast Cancer Family Registry. Cases (N=73) were individually matched with 2 controls on age, year of urine donation, menopausal status, and race. Conditional logistic regression methods were used to determine the odds of breast cancer from oxidative stress controlling for other risk factors for breast cancer and potential confounders. To better understand how oxidative stress levels change during puberty in girls and if such change is modified by a family history of breast cancer, we measured and compared levels of those same urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress in adolescent girls with and without a family history of breast cancer from the New York site of the Lessons in Epidemiology and Genetics of Adult Cancer from Youth cohort (LEGACY). Oxidative stress levels were measured both cross-sectionally at baseline and longitudinally every 6-months for up to 18-months. Linear regression was used for the cross-sectional analysis and repeated measures analysis using mixed models was employed for the longitudinal analysis. In both studies, biomarker levels were measured using well-established ELISA methods and adjusted for hydration status using specific gravity. Results: In the case control study of adult women we found that both 8-OxodG and F2-Isoprostane levels were significantly associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer after adjusting for BRCA1/2 mutation status, time between menarche and parity or menopause, and BMI (8-OxodG: β10-unit= -0.14, OR=0.87, p=0.03; F2-Isoprostane: β10-unit = -0.53, OR=0.59 , p=0.03). This inverse association was strongest among women under 50 and in women with a BMI below 25 for both biomarkers, and among women who reached menarche before age 14 for F2-Isoprostane. Overall, women in the highest tertile of either oxidative stress biomarker had approximately 50% reduced odds of breast cancer diagnosis. In our cross-sectional study of adolescent girls, we found that there was no significant difference in either oxidative stress biomarker in girls based on their family history of breast cancer. F2-Isoprostane levels were significantly associated with breast development measured by Tanner stage even after adjusting for age, age-specific BMI category and race (β=0.28, p=0.01). 8-OxodG levels were not significantly associated with age, BMI, race or Tanner stage at baseline but they were significantly associated with overweight/obese BMI but only among girls with a breast cancer family history (β=0.47, p=0.01). Change in 8-OxodG levels was significantly higher over the follow-up period in girls with a family history of breast cancer. This result remained significant after categorical measures of age, BMI, Tanner breast stage and race were added to the longitudinal model. F2-Isoprostane levels significantly increased in all girls over follow-up but this increase did not differ by family history of breast cancer, and the change was no longer significant our multivariate longitudinal analysis. Discussion: In both adult women and adolescent girls we found significant associations between oxidative stress and breast cancer risk. In adult women, low levels of urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress may promote cancer progression. During adolescence, girls with a family history of breast cancer may be exposed to higher rates of DNA oxidation that could result in genetic mutations. The relationships between oxidative stress, breast development, family history, and BMI should be the focus of future investigations.

Avaliação clínica e microscópica do fenótipo periodontal dos pacientes atendidos na Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo / Clinical and microscopic evaluation of periodontal phenotype of patients attending at School of Dentistry at Bauru, University of São Paulo

Ribeiro, Mônica Garcia 20 May 2011 (has links)
A definição clara de doença periodontal é fundamental para se estabelecer critérios de risco ao desenvolvimento de outras condições sistêmicas e definir fenótipos biológicos que representem os eventos microbiológicos, moleculares e imunológicos subjacentes à manifestação clínica da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência dos diferentes fenótipos biológicos dentre os pacientes atendidos na Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru-USP, correlacionando os achados clínicos às condições sistêmicas dos pacientes e aos achados microscópicos. Foram incluídos na amostra dados do prontuário clínico de 313 pacientes de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 12 e 76 anos. Após a coleta dos dados relativos à identificação, história médica e odontológica e parâmetros periodontais (profundidade de sondagem P.S.; recessão - REC ou hiperplasia HP; nível de inserção clínica NIC; índice de sangramento à sondagem SS e índice de placa IPl), a amostra foi dividida em cinco grupos: IBG-S (Interface Biofilme Gengiva - Saúde)- SS <10% e P.S. 3mm (n=24); IBG-G (Gengivite)- SS&#x2265;10% e P.S.&#x2264;3mm (n=39); IBG-LP/SL (Lesão Profunda- Sangramento Leve)- SS< 10% e 1 sítio ou mais P.S.&#x2265;4 mm (n=47); IBG-LP/SM (Lesão Profunda -Sangramento Moderado)- 10%-49% de SS e 1 sítio ou mais com P.S.&#x2265;4 mm (n=131); IBG-LP/SS (Lesão Profunda -Sangramento severo)- SS&#x2265;50% dos sítios e 1 sítio ou mais com P.S.&#x2265;4 mm (n=72). Foram obtidas biópsias de tecido mole de 25 pacientes dos diferentes grupos para análise em microscopia ótica convencional por dois examinadores experientes, desconhecedores da identificação dos pacientes. Os resultados demonstraram maior prevalência de IBG-LP/SM (41,85%) e menor prevalência de IBG-S (7,65%). A idade média foi de 42,93 ± 14,48 anos, sem diferenças entre os grupos (p=0.42; Kruskal-Wallis), com prevalência de mulheres (63,8%). A avaliação pelo teste Chi-quadrado demonstrou que IBG-LP/SL, IBG- LP/SM e IBG-LP/SS apresentaram maior número de fumantes do que IBG-S e IBG-G (p=0.015), sem diferenças entre os grupos em relação à presença de diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares (p>0.05). O risco de pacientes com SS>10% apresentarem doenças cardiovasculares foi significativamente elevado (p= 0.04, teste exato de Fischer). A P.S. média e NIC foram maiores no grupo IBG-PL/SS (2.95±1.55; 1.94±2.24, respectivamente) e menores no grupo IBG-G (1.71±0.65 e 0.51±0.99, respectivamente), com diferenças significantes entre os grupos (p<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). O SS e IPl foram maiores nos grupos IBG-LP/SS e IBG-G, seguido pelos grupos IBG-LP/SM, IBG-LP/SL e IBG-S (p<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). A análise microscópica demonstrou que o diagnóstico clínico foi compatível com o diagnóstico microscópico em 10 das 25 amostras investigadas (40%), observando-se correlação entre os achados clínicos e microscópicos em 100% das amostras do grupo IBG-G (n=4), 83,3% do grupo IBG-LP/SS (n=6), 50% do grupo IBG-S (n=2), 16,67% do grupo IBG-LP/SM (n=6) e 0% do grupo IBG-LP/SL (n=7). Esses achados sugerem que a manifestação clínica da doença periodontal é heterogênea, não compatível com a resposta inflamatória observada no tecido conjuntivo gengival. / A clear definition of periodontal disease is essential to establish criteria of risk of developing other systemic conditions, as well as to determine biological phenotypes that represent the microbiological, molecular and immunological features underlying clinical manifestation of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of different biological phenotypes among patients attended at School of Dentistry at Bauru-USP, correlating the clinical findings with systemic conditions and microscopic findings. It was included in the sample data collected from dental file records of 313 patients, both genders, age ranged 12-76 years. After collection of data related to the identification, medical and dental history and periodontal parameters (probing depth PD; recession REC or marginal hyperplasia HP; clinical attachment level CAL; bleeding on probing BOP; plaque índex IPl), sample was divided into Five groups: BGI-H (Health)- BOP <10% and PD&#x2264; 3mm (n=24); BGI-G (Gingivitis)- BOP&#x2265;10% and PD&#x2264;3mm (n=39); BGI-DL/LB (Deep lesion/low bleeding)- SS<10% and 1 or more sites PD&#x2265;4 mm (n=47); BGI-DP/MB (Deep lesion/moderate bleeding)- 10%-49% BOP and 1 or more sites PD&#x2265;4 mm (n=131); BGI-DL/SB (Deep lesion/severe bleeding)- BOP 50% and 1 ore more sites PD&#x2265;4 mm (n=72). Soft tissue excisional biopsies were removed from 25 patients of all groups for analysis in optical microscopy by two expertise blinded examiners. The results showed more prevalence of BGI-DP/MB (41.85%) and lesser prevalence of BGI-H (7.65%). Mean age was 42.93±14.48 years, without significant differences among groups (p=0.42; Kruskal-Wallis), and prevalence of women (63.8%). Evaluation by Chi-squared test showed that BGI-DL/LB, BGI-DL/MB and BGI-DL/SB presented more smokers than BGI-H and BGI-G (p=0.015), without significant differences in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (p>0.05). The risk of patients with BOP> 10% present CVD was significantly higher (p= 0.04, Fischers exact test). Mean PD and CAL were deeper in BGI-DL/SB (2.95±1.55; 1.94±2.24, respectively) and shallower in BGI-G (1.71±0.65; 0.51±0.99, respectively), with significant differences among groups (p<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). BOP and IPl were higher at BGI-DL/SB and BGI-G, followed by BGI-DL/MB, BGI-DL/LB and BGI-H (p<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). Clinical diagnosis was compatible with microscopic diagnosis in 10 out of 25 samples (40%), noticing correlation between clinical and microscopic finding in 100% of BGI-G samples (n=4), 83.3% of BGI-DL/SB samples (n=6), 50% of BGI-H samples (n=2), 16,67% of BGI-DL/MB (n=6) and 0% of BGI-DL/LB (n=7). These findings suggest that clinical manifestation of periodontal diseases is heterogeneous, not corresponding to the inflammatory response observed at gingival connective tissue.

Defining risk factors and mechanisms of permucosal transmission of HCV amongst HIV-infected men who have sex with men

Bradshaw, Daniel Mark January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Prevalência de pólipos endometriais pré-malignos e malignos em mulheres na pré e na pós-menopausa e fatores clínicos, ultrassonográficos e histeroscópicos associados à malignidade / Prevalence of premalignant and malignant endometrial polyps in premenopausal and postmenopausal women and clinical, sonographic and hysteroscopic factors associated with malignancy

Godoy Junior, Carlos Eduardo de 07 November 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lúcia Helena Simões Costa Paiva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-07T13:41:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GodoyJunior_CarlosEduardode_M.pdf: 3229802 bytes, checksum: b1f86c528adec46a35b4dc29dfd94438 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo:Introdução: Os pólipos endometriais são achados freqüentes em mulheres durante a investigação de sangramento uterino anormal ou sangramento pósmenopausa. Apesar da baixa malignidade associada aos pólipos, a ressecção histeroscópica das lesões é conduta de rotina, levando diversas pacientes portadoras de lesões benignas à realização de tratamentos cirúrgicos. A partir disso, surge a necessidade de identificar fatores de risco para malignidade e métodos propedêuticos que tornem a indicação cirúrgica mais criteriosa. Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência de pólipos endometriais pré-malignos e malignos em mulheres na pré e na pós-menopausa e fatores clínicos, ultrassonográficos e histeroscópicos associados à malignidade. Sujeitos e Métodos: Foram selecionadas mulheres submetidas a ressecção histeroscópica de pólipos endometriais de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2008, utilizando-se a base de dados informatizada do Hospital da Mulher Prof. Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti - CAISM/UNICAMP. Foram incluídas 870 mulheres, com idades entre 25 e 85 anos, agrupadas em pré-menopausa ou pós-menopausa. Os dados clínicos, ultrassonográficos, histeroscópicos e histológicos foram obtidos através da revisão dos prontuários médicos. As variáveis clínicas avaliadas foram idade, sangramento pós-menopausa, tempo de menopausa, paridade, hipertensão arterial, obesidade, diabetes mellitus, uso de terapia hormonal e uso de tamoxifeno. Os pólipos foram classificados em benignos (pólipos endometriais, pólipos com hiperplasia simples ou complexa sem atipias), pré-malignos (pólipos com hiperplasia simples ou complexa com atipias) e pólipos malignos. Resultados: A média etária foi de 57,5 anos (+ 10,6), sendo que 76,4% encontravam-se na pós-menopausa. Foram diagnosticadas 95,8% de lesões benignas. Pólipos pré-malignos foram 1,6% dos casos. Pólipos malignos representaram 2,5% do total da amostra. O sangramento pós-menopausa e a idade avançada foram os únicos fatores clínicos associados ao maior risco de malignidade com RP de 3,67 (IC95% 1,69 - 7,97) e RP de 1,05 (IC95% 1,01 - 1,09), respectivamente. A avaliação ultrassonográfica da linha endometrial revelou maior espessura média nos pólipos malignos. Na histeroscopia cirúrgica, os maiores pólipos ressecados foram aqueles com hiperplasia complexa sem atipias, seguidos pelos pólipos carcinomatosos e pólipos com hiperplasia complexa com atipias. A medida ultrassonográfica da espessura endometrial de 13mm mostrou uma acurácia de 68,6% para o diagnóstico de malignidade, com sensibilidade de 69.6%, especificidade de 68,5%, VPP de 9,3% e VPN de 98%. Os pólipos de 30mm medidos pela histeroscopia mostraram uma acurácia de 65,3% para o diagnóstico de malignidade com sensibilidade de 47,8%, especificidade de 66,1%, VPP de 6,1% e VPN de 96,5%. Conclusões: A prevalência de malignidade nos pólipos endometriais foi baixa e esteve associada ao sangramento pós-menopausa e maior idade. A espessura endometrial à ultrassonografia e o tamanho dos pólipos endometrias à histeroscopia tiveram baixa acurácia para predizer malignidade nos pólipos endometriais / Abstract: Introduction: Endometrial polyps are frequent findings in women during investigation of abnormal uterine bleeding or postmenopausal bleeding. Despite the low malignancy rate associated with polyps, hysteroscopic resection of the lesions is routine practice, leading to surgical treatment in various patients with benign lesions. Therefore, there is a need to identify risk factors for malignancy and propaedeutic methods that can permit a more judicious indication for surgery. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of premalignant and malignant endometrial polyps in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, as well as clinical, ultrasound and hysteroscopic factors associated with malignancy. Subjects and Methods: Women undergoing hysteroscopic resection of endometrial polyps from January 1998 to December 2008 were selected, using a computerized database from the Prof. Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti Women's Hospital- CAISM/UNICAMP. Eight hundred and seventy (870) women, aged between 25 and 85 years, grouped into premenopausal or postmenopausal were included in the study. Clinical, ultrasound, hysteroscopic and histologic data were obtained by medical chart review. The clinical variables evaluated were age, postmenopausal bleeding, time since menopause, parity, arterial hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hormonal therapy use and tamoxifen use. Polyps were classified as benign (endometrial polyps, polyps with non-atypical simple or complex hyperplasia), premalignant (polyps with atypical simple or complex hyperplasia) and malignant polyps. Results: The mean age of the patients was 57.5 years (+ 10.6), and 76.4% of these women were postmenopausal. Benign lesions were diagnosed in 95.8% of the patients. Premalignant polyps represented 1.6% of the cases. Malignant polyps accounted for 2.5% of the total sample. Postmenopausal bleeding and advanced age were the only clinical factors associated with a higher risk of malignancy with RP of 3.67 (95%CI 1.69 - 7.97) and RP of 1.05 (95%CI 1.01 - 1.09), respectively. Ultrasound evaluation of the endometrial thickness revealed that malignant polyps had a greater median thickness. On surgical hysteroscopy, the largest resected polyps were those with complex non-atypical hyperplasia, followed by carcinomatous polyps and polyps with atypical complex hyperplasia. A sonographically measured endometrial thickness of 13mm showed a diagnostic accuracy of 68.6% for malignancy, with a sensitivity of 69.6%, a specificity of 68.5%, PPV of 9.3% and NPV of 98%. Polyps of 30mm measured by hysteroscopy showed a diagnostic accuracy of 65.3% for malignancy with a sensitivity of 47.8%, a specificity of 66.1%, a VPP of 6.1% and a VPN of 96.5%. Conclusions: There was a low prevalence of malignancy in endometrial polyps that was associated with postmenopausal bleeding and more advanced age. Endometrial thickening on ultrasound evaluation and endometrial polyp size on hysteroscopy is able to predict malignancy in endometrial polyps with a low level of accuracy / Mestrado / Fisiopatologia Ginecológica / Mestre em Ciências da Saúde

Risk factors associated with changes in functional disability and institutionalization in the Hong Kong elderly.

January 1996 (has links)
by Amy, Chan Shiu Yu. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 189-210). / Questionaire also in Chinese. / Acknowledgement --- p.iv / List of Tables --- p.v / List of Figures --- p.ix / Abstract --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1 --- Demographic Aging in Hong Kong / Chapter 1.2 --- Rationale of the Present Study / Chapter 1.3 --- Longitudinal Studies on Elderly Health / Chapter 1.4 --- Brief Summary of the Baseline Study / Chapter 1.5 --- Objectives of the Present Study / Chapter 1.6 --- Outline of the Thesis / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review: Review of Health Surveys of the Elderly 226}0ؤ International and Local --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction / Chapter 2.2 --- Health Surveys of the Elderly in Developed Countries 一 Selected Issues / Chapter 2.3 --- Health Surveys of the Elderly in the Asian Pacific Rim / Chapter 2.4 --- Health Surveys of the Elderly in Hong Kong / Chapter 2.5 --- Conclusion / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Methodology --- p.81 / Chapter 3.1 --- Research Design / Chapter 3.2 --- Study population一 Sampling Method and Sample Size / Chapter 3.3 --- Data Collection / Chapter 3.4 --- Data Analysis / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Results: Change in Functional Status and Factors Associated with Change --- p.91 / Chapter 4.1 --- Socio-demographic Profile / Chapter 4.2 --- Mental Health Status / Chapter 4.3 --- Functional Disability / Chapter 4.4 --- Physical Health / Chapter 4.5 --- Physical Impairment / Chapter 4.6 --- Use of Health Services / Chapter 4.7 --- Physical Exercise / Chapter 4.8 --- Social Supportive Network / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Results: Logistic Regression Analysis of Change in Functional Status Associated with Various Risk Factors --- p.110 / Chapter 5.1 --- Socio-demographic Profile / Chapter 5.2 --- Mental Health Status / Chapter 5.3 --- Functional Disability / Chapter 5.4 --- Physical Health / Chapter 5.5 --- Physical Impairment / Chapter 5.6 --- Use of Health Services / Chapter 5.7 --- Physical Exercise / Chapter 5.8 --- Social Supportive Network / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Results: Institutionalization and Associated Factors --- p.131 / Chapter 6.1 --- Socio-demographic Profile / Chapter 6.2 --- Mental Health Status / Chapter 6.3 --- Functional Disability / Chapter 6.4 --- Physical Health / Chapter 6.5 --- Physical Impairment / Chapter 6.6 --- Use of Health Services / Chapter 6.7 --- Physical Exercise / Chapter 6.8 --- Social Supportive Network / Chapter Chapter 7 --- Results : Logistic Regression Analysis of Institutionalization At Follow Up Associated with Various Risk Factors --- p.149 / Chapter 7.1 --- Socio-demographic Profile / Chapter 7.2 --- Mental Health Status / Chapter 7.3 --- Functional Disability / Chapter 7.4 --- Physical Health / Chapter 7.5 --- Physical Impairment / Chapter 7.6 --- Use of Health Services / Chapter 7.7 --- Physical Exercise / Chapter 7.8 --- Social Supportive Network / Chapter Chapter 8 --- Discussion and Conclusion --- p.167 / Chapter 8.1 --- Change of Functional Status Related to Various Risk Factors / Chapter 8.2 --- Institutionalization Associated with Various Risk Factors / Chapter 8.3 --- Validity and Reliability / Chapter 8.4 --- Implications on Health Care / Chapter 8.5 --- Conclusion / References --- p.189 / Appendix --- p.211 / Chapter I. --- Projected Additional Old Age Home (OAH) Places required for Aged70 and above / Chapter II. --- The Questionnaire Used at the Baseline Interviews / Chapter - --- English Version / Chapter - --- Chinese Version / Chapter III. --- The Questionnaire Used at Follow Up Interviews / Chapter - --- Chinese Version

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