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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wave overtopping and crown wall stability of cube and Cubipod-armored mound breakwaters

Molines Llodra, Jorge 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] The influence of the type of armor on wave overtopping on mound breakwaters is usually represented by the roughness factor. However, different values of roughness factor for the same armor unit are given in the literature. Thus, the roughness factor depends not only on the type of armor, number of layers and permeability but also on the formula and database considered. In the present thesis, a new methodology based on bootstrapping techniques is developed and applied to characterize the roughness factors for different armor units. Differences up to 20% appeared when comparing the optimum roughness factors with those given in the literature. Armor porosity greatly affects the roughness factor and the armor stability: higher armor porosities reduce wave overtopping as well as hydraulic stability. Therefore, armor porosity values usually recommended in the literature should be used to avoid damage during lifetime. Formulas with few variables are easy to apply but they allow the roughness factor to absorb the information not explicitly included in the formula. However, the CLASH neural network avoids this problem and gives excellent estimation for wave overtopping on mound breakwaters. In this thesis, a new formula which emulates the behavior of the CLASH neural network is developed. The new formula has 16 parameters, six dimensionless input variables (Rc/Hm0, Ir, Rc/h, Gc/Hm0, Ac/Rc and a toe berm variable based on Rc/h) and two reduction factors (¿f and ¿ß). The new formula is built-up after systematic simulations using the CLASH neural network and provides the lowest prediction error. Wave overtopping on mound breakwaters can be minimized by increasing the crest freeboard, usually with a concrete crown wall. Crown walls must resist wave loads and armor earth pressure to be stable. In the present study, small-scale test results with cube- and Cubipod-armored mound breakwaters are used to develop a new estimator for calculating horizontal and up-lift forces from waves. The new formulas include four dimensionless input variables (¿f Ru0.1%/Rc, (Rc-Ac)/Ch, ¿(L_m/G_c ) and Fc/Ch) and the crown wall geometry. The roughness factor selected for overtopping prediction is used to consider the type of armor. Up-lift forces decreased sharply with increasing foundation levels. The new formulas provide the lowest error when predicting wave forces on crown walls. / [ES] La influencia del tipo de elemento del manto sobre le rebase de diques en talud se caracteriza habitualmente mediante el factor de rugosidad (¿f). Sin embargo, en la literatura existen diferentes valores del factor de rugosidad para el mismo tipo de elemento. El factor de rugosidad no depende solo del tipo de elemento, número de capas y permeabilidad del núcleo sino también de la formulación y de la base de datos empleada. En la presente tesis se desarrolla y aplica una nueva metodología basada en técnicas de bootstrapping para caracterizar estadísticamente el factor de rugosidad de diferentes elementos (entre ellos el Cubípodo) sobre diferentes formulaciones de rebase. Se observan diferencias de hasta el 20% entre los factores de rugosidad óptimos y los que se proporcionan en la literatura. La porosidad del manto afecta notablemente al factor de rugosidad pero también a la estabilidad del manto; mayores porosidades proporcionan menor rebase pero también menor estabilidad hidráulica. Por ello, las porosidades de diseño recomendadas deben emplearse para evitar daños durante la vida útil. Fórmulas con pocas variables de entrada son sencillas de emplear pero absorben a través del factor de rugosidad toda la información que no se incluye explícitamente en las variables de entrada. En cambio, la red neuronal de CLASH evita en gran medida estos inconvenientes y al mismo tiempo proporciona excelentes para estimar el rebase sobre diques en talud convencionales. En la presente tesis se ha desarrollado una fórmula explícita que permite emular el comportamiento de la red neuronal de CLASH. La nueva fórmula posee 16 parámetros, seis variables de entrada (Rc/Hm0, ¿0,-1, Rc/h, Gc/Hm0, Ac/Rc y una variable para representar a la berma de pie basada en Rc/h) y dos factores de reducción (¿f y ¿ß). La nueva fórmula se construye en base a simulaciones controladas empleando la red neuronal de CLASH y proporciona el menor error en la predicción de rebase sobre diques en talud de entre los estimadores estudiados. Una de las maneras más efectivas de disminuir el rebase sobre diques en talud es incrementar la cota de coronación mediante un espaldón de hormigón. Estas estructuras sufren el impacto del oleaje y deben ser diseñadas para resistirlo. En la presente tesis se han empleado ensayos de laboratorio de cubos y Cubípodos para desarrollar una nueva fórmula que permita calcular las fuerzas horizontales y verticales del oleaje sobre el espaldón. Las nuevas fórmulas incluyen la influencia de cuatro variables adimensionales (¿f Ru0.1%/Rc, (Rc-Ac)/Ch, ¿(L_m/G_c ) y Fc/Ch) y de la geometría del espaldón. Incluyen la influencia del tipo de elemento mediante el factor de rugosidad al igual que las fórmulas de rebase. Las fuerzas verticales disminuyen significativamente con el aumento de la cota de cimentación. Las nuevas fórmulas proporcionan el menor error de predicción sobre los registros de laboratorio analizados. / [CAT] La influència del tipus d'element del mantell principal en l'ultrapassament dics en talús és caracteritza habitualment mitjançant el factor de rugositat (¿f). En canvi, en la literatura existeixen diferents valors del factor de rugositat per al mateix tipus d'element. Així doncs, el factor de rugositat no depèn només del tipus d'element, nombre de capes i permeabilitat del nucli però també de la formulació i de la base de dades utilitzada. En la present tesi es desenvolupa i aplica una nova metodologia basada en tècniques de bootstrapping per a caracteritzar estadísticament el factor de rugositat de diferent elements (entre ells el Cubípode) utilitzant diferents formulacions d'ultrapassament. S'observen diferències fins al 20% entre els factors de rugositat òptims i els que apareixen en la literatura. La porositat del mantell afecta notablement el factor de rugositat però també a l'estabilitat del mantell; majors porositats proporcionen menor ultrapassament però també menor estabilitat hidràulica. Per això, les porositats de disseny recomanades deuen emprar-se per a evitar danys durant la vida útil. Formules amb poques variables d'entrada són senzilles d'utilitzar però absorbeixen mitjançant el factor del factor de rugositat tota la informació que no s'inclou de manera explícita en les variables d'entrada. D'altra banda, la xarxa neuronal de CLASH evita en gran mesura aquests inconvenients i al mateix temps proporciona excel·lents resultats per a estimar l'ultrapassament sobre els dics en talús convencionals. En la present tesi s'ha desenvolupat una formulació explícita que permet emular el comportament de la xarxa neuronal de CLASH. La nova formulació té 16 paràmetres, sis variables d'entrada (Rc/Hm0, Ir, Rc/h, Gc/Hm0, Ac/Rc i una variable per a representar la berma de peu basada en Rc/h) i dos factors de reducció (¿f y ¿ß). La nova fórmula es construeix mitjançant simulacions controlades amb la xarxa neuronal de CLASH i proporciona el menor error en la predicció de l'ultrapassament sobre dics en talús de entre els estimadors analitzats. Una de les maneres més efectives de disminuir l'ultrapassament sobre dics en talús és incrementar la cota de coronació mitjançant un espatller de formigó. Aquestes estructures sofreixen l'impacte de les ones i deuen ser dissenyades per a resistir. En la present tesi, s'utilitzen assajos de laboratori de cubs i Cubípodes per a desenvolupar una nova formulació per a calcular les forces horitzontals i verticals causades per l'onatge en l'espatller. Les noves fórmules inclouen la influència de quatre variables adimensionals (¿f Ru0.1%/Rc, (Rc-Ac)/Ch, ¿(L_m/G_c ) y Fc/Ch) i de la geometria de l'espatller. Inclouen la influència del tipus d'element mitjançant el factor de rugositat al igual que les fórmules d'ultrapassament. Les forces verticals disminueixen significativament amb l'augment de la cota de cimentació. Les noves fórmules proporcionen el menor error en la predicció sobre els registres de laboratori analitzats. / Molines Llodra, J. (2016). Wave overtopping and crown wall stability of cube and Cubipod-armored mound breakwaters [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62178 / TESIS

Procesado Tiempo-Frecuencia: Aplicación a la percepción humana del sonido

Camacho García, Andrés 12 March 2014 (has links)
Esta tesis está dedicada al estudio de las distintas herramientas que se disponen en el campo del Procesado Digital de Señales para analizar la percepción humana del sonido. Para ello, en la primera parte de la tesis se exponen los fundamentos fisiológicos de la percepción humana del sonido, así como los métodos y parámetros fundamentales que permiten evaluar la percepción subjetiva producida, lo que también se conoce como estudio psicoacústico de los sonidos. El análisis psicoacústico permite calcular el valor de una serie de parámetros del sonido para combinarlos de una forma adecuada con el fin de obtener una calificación de su calidad percibida (Sound Quality), lo más parecida posible a la que percibiría una persona. Según los parámetros psicoacústicos combinados, podremos obtener la calificación del grado de molestia, bienestar, stress, disonancia, etc. que produce el sonido en una persona. Respecto a las herramientas disponibles en el campo del Procesado Digital de Señales que puedan ayudar a mejorar el análisis psicoacústico, en esta tesis se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de las posibilidades del procesado Tiempo-Frecuencia. Además de realizar este estudio, el trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en la aplicación del análisis psicoacústico para la calificación de la molestia que producen ciertos tipos de ruido como son los ruidos de motor, ya sea el ruido de combustión producido por el motor, ya sea el ruido de escape. Se sabe que la molestia producida por estos ruidos se puede modelar utilizando una combinación de valores de Loudness (Sonoridad), Sharpness (Agudeza o Tonalidad) y Roughness (Aspereza). El cálculo de los dos primeros parámetros está estandarizado, mientras que existen varias aproximaciones para el cálculo del Roughness, presentando todas ellas serias limitaciones al analizar sonidos de motor, puesto que fueron desarrolladas y probadas para aplicarlas a señales simples. En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un modelo de síntesis de seña / Camacho García, A. (2011). Procesado Tiempo-Frecuencia: Aplicación a la percepción humana del sonido [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36417 / Palancia

Mobile Robot Traversability Mapping : For Outdoor Navigation

Nordin, Peter January 2012 (has links)
To avoid getting stuck or causing damage to a vehicle or its surroundings a driver must be able to identify obstacles and adapt speed to ground conditions. An automatically controlled vehicle must be able to handle these identifications and adjustments by itself using sensors, actuators and control software. By storing properties of the surroundings in a map, a vehicle revisiting an area can benefit from prior information. Rough ground may cause oscillations in the vehicle chassis. These can be measured by on-board motion sensors. For obstacle detection, a representation of the geometry of the surroundings can be created using range sensors. Information on where it is suitable to drive, called traversability, can be generated based on these kinds of sensor measurements. In this work, real semi-autonomous mobile robots have been used to create traverasbility maps in both simulated and real outdoor environments. Seeking out problems through experiments and implementing algorithms in an attempt to solve them has been the core of the work. Finding large obstacles in the vicinity of a vehicle is seldom a problem; accurately identifying small near-ground obstacles is much more difficult, however. The work additionally includes both high-level path planning, where no obstacle details are considered, and more detailed planning for finding an obstacle free path. How prior maps can be matched and merged in preparation for path planning operations is also shown. To prevent collisions with unforeseen objects, up-to-date traversability information is used in local-area navigation and obstacle avoidance.

The effects of distortion : Investigating how different types of distortion affect timbral attributes and subjective preference

Waldton Lézin, André January 2020 (has links)
The effects of distortion has been investigated prior to this study, however most of these studies focus on the objective physicalities of a certain type of distortion or they might apply distortion in static amounts to examine effects of loudspeaker distortion. Objectively the varying types of distortion may be different, however there are little explanations on how these types subjectively might sound different. This study aimed to investigate how subjective preference and perception of the timbral attributes warmth and roughness may vary between types of distortion, and if there was a pattern between these using three different types of distortion (zero-crossing, solid state and tube), applied at two different levels (high and low) and to two different instruments (guitar and vocals). The outcome indicated that subjects most prefer tube distortion and that this distortion was considered to provide the most amounts of warmth while also the least amounts of roughness. There were also interaction effects indicating guitar being less sensitive about the level of distortion while being more sensitive about the type of distortion for the measures of preference and amounts of roughness, when compared to vocals.

O design de gemas através dos enfoques: Mineralogia, Tribologia e Design / The gemstone design through the focus: Mineralogy, Tribology and Design

Nadur, Angela Vido 24 November 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo descrever o processo de desenvolvimento da gema lapidada, do início até o fim, abordando o comportamento dos minerais colocados em produção e sua aplicação no Design. O mineral gemológico foi submetido a processos mecânicos, comumente utilizados na lapidação de gemas, e analisados através da tribologia. A lapidação de gemas foi desenvolvida através de processos empíricos, em que pode ser descrita pela ciência através de fatores como tempo, velocidade de rotação, carga aplicada e padrões de qualidade de brilho são parâmetros julgados pelo lapidário e avaliados através de padrões visuais. Neste trabalho, destacaram-se parâmetros mineralógicos preponderantes que possibilitaram a otimização da lapidação de gemas, como a relação da orientação cristalográfica com o polimento (dureza, direção de polimento); relação da composição química do mineral com os pós de polimentos e lubrificantes; sua influência na planicidade de superfície; determinação de propriedades ópticas em relação aos ângulos críticos aplicados nas faces do pavilhão, e itens preponderantes que referem-se ao Design de Gemas. Foram utilizados seis conjuntos de minerais gemológicos, que ocorrem em abundância no Brasil e são largamente utilizados na indústria joalheria. São eles: granada, topázio, berilo, turmalina, espodumênio e quartzo. Os mesmos minerais foram lapidados no Brasil e na Alemanha. Foram feitos ensaios de brilho, rugosidade e comparações da qualidade da superfície em micrografias no Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura. Análises complementares foram realizadas com os minerais e os pós de polimento, entre eles a microdureza Vickers nos diferentes eixos cristalográficos dos minerais e análise do pó de polimento quanto ao tamanho, formato e composição química. O objetivo foi identificar a melhor combinação de mineral, pó de polimento e ângulos de facetamento, através da qualidade da superfície e brilho. É proposto ao final, a aplicação do conhecimento para a área de desenvolvimento em Design de Gemas. Os parâmetros de qualidade em lapidação, permitirão a evolução da compreensão do comportamento dos minerais perante seu processamento, admitindo possibilidades futuras de melhorias da qualidade e excelência para criação de novos formatos para a gema lapidada. / This thesis aims to describe the procedure of gemstone cutting regarding its mineralogical characteristics, production and Design. Chosen gemstones underwent usual mechanical procedures for gemstone cutting and were then subject to tribology analysis. Gemstone cutting was developed through an empirical process, in which can be described by science with rotation speed, applied strength, and brightness are parameters judged by the lapidary and evaluated visually. Herein the main mineralogical parameters that optimize gemstone cutting are emphasized, namely: crystallographic axes and polish orientation relationship (hardness, polishing direction); the choice of polishing powders and lubricants according to the mineral chemical composition; their influence on the flatness of surface; refraction indexes and critical angles (used to determine the ideal pavilion angles), and their applications concerning Design. Six groups of gem minerals abundant in Brazil and vastly used in the jewelry industry were used for this study: garnet, topaz, beryl, tourmaline, spodumene and quartz. The cutting processes were performed both in Brazil and in Germany. The faceted gemstones brightness and roughness were determined and compared with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) micrographs. In addition, the minerals and polishing powder grains went through complementary analysis, such as: Vickers micro hardness tests on all crystallographic axes and evaluation of grain size, shape, chemical composition and its influence on flatness of surface, respectively. All tests were performed to better correlate minerals, polishing powders and faceting angles. The evaluation criteria included surface quality and light reflection standards. Lastly, this thesis aims to apply the knowledge acquired in this work to develop Gemstone Design. Gemstone cutting quality standards allow for further comprehension of mineral \"behavior\" during its processing and open future possibilities on cutting quality enhancement and excellence to develop of new shapes for faceted gemstones.

Developing an improved, shock-capturing watershed model for simulating spatially variable runoff and soil erosion processes at the hillslope scale

Dermisis, Dimitrios Charalampos 15 December 2012 (has links)
The overarching objective of this study was the development, validation and testing of an improved watershed modeling framework that accounts for the effects of spatial heterogeneity on overland flow and erosion processes and it is computationally sound for shallow, overland flows with shock waves. Most of the existing soil erosion models determine fluxes of water and sediment with the assumption of a homogeneous hill. In these models the physical and biogeochemical properties of the heterogeneous hill are spatially averaged, without considering roughness and longitudinal curvature effects as well as differences in the land use/land cover -LU/LC- and soil properties along the hill. This issue was addressed by improving the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP-Original version 2010.1) soil erosion model at the hillslope scale to account for the physics in terms of spatial heterogeneity in flow using a well-established shock-capturing numerical scheme. The improved WEPP model, referred to as "WEPP-Improved" model was (i) validated via detailed field experiments within an experimental plot and (ii) tested via generic simulations at the hillslope scale covering a variety of scenarios in terms of topography, LU/LC and soil type. Results showed that the WEPP-Improved model could effectively simulate the unsteadiness of the flow as well as the required time (lag) for the flow rate to reach equilibrium conditions. However, the model provided only a steady-state sediment transport rate and could capture only the equilibrium conditions. Further, the WEPP-Improved model reflected the effects of curvature, LU/LC and soil type on flow, as the model did not treat the hillslope as a homogeneous unit. Based on the generic simulations, landscape variability resulted to differences in the predicted peak runoff rate, Qpeak, between the WEPP-Improved vs. WEPP-Original models ranging ~ 3 - 62 % (avg. 19 %) due to curvature effects only, ~ 17 - 170 % (avg. ~ 66 %) due to added effects of LU/LC variability and ~ 5 % - 200 % (avg. ~ 52 %) due to added effects of soil type variability. The highest reported differences on the predicted Qpeak between the two models were attributed to the formation of the shock waves; these differences were dominant for the low in magnitude storm event and attenuated for the high event. It is believed that if the physical processes are represented accurately at the hillslope scale using the suggested modeling framework, then by utilizing an appropriate routing scheme of the flow and sediment within the stream network, it will be possible to scale-up the flow/sediment routing from the hillslope to the watershed scale without losing the degree of heterogeneity encapsulated from different hillslopes within the drainage network.

The Effect of Near Wall Disturbances on a Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer

Jonathan J Gaskins (11355756) 09 September 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the effects of near wall disturbances in the form of roughness on a compressible turbulent boundary layer. The studies were carried out using numerical methods which directly solve the Navier-Stokes equations. This provides for unique opportunities to investigate three dimensional structures of the flow as well as avoid the loss of physical fidelity with turbulence modeling. Three cases were ran, a smooth wall case, and two rough wall cases with different heights of the roughness elements between the cases. The results are first visualized with different approaches. Then statistical methods were used to characterize the flow.

Typical and Darkened Portland Cement Concrete Pavement: Temperature, Moisture, and Roughness Analyses

Waters, Tenli 01 June 2016 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to 1) investigate the effects of lower concrete albedo on the thermal behavior of concrete pavement by directly comparing temperatures and moisture contents of typical and darkened concrete pavements and 2) investigate changes in roughness of both typical and darkened concrete pavements as a result of changes in temperature and moisture gradients. The scope of the research included instrumentation, testing, and analysis of typical and darkened concrete pavements constructed in northern Utah.Procedures related to field testing included infrared thermography, thermocouple readings, sensor data collection, and roughness surveys. Elevation surveys and albedo measurements were also performed to further characterize the site. Procedures related to laboratory testing included elastic modulus, compressive strength, rapid chloride permeability, thermal conductivity, and Schmidt rebound hammer testing of cylinders prepared from typical and darkened concrete.When considered over the entire monitoring period, the average surface temperatures of the darkened pavement were higher than those of the typical pavement by 3.3°F, and the average subsurface temperatures of the darkened pavement were higher than those of the typical pavement by 3.1°F. A strong positive correlation exists between the air temperature and both the surface and the subsurface pavement temperatures. The difference between both the surface and subsurface temperatures of the darkened and typical pavements decreases as the air temperature decreases. The results of a simple linear regression suggest that, when the air temperature is 32°F, the surface temperature of the darkened concrete is just 0.2°F higher than that of the typical concrete and the subsurface temperature of the darkened concrete is 1.1°F higher than that of the typical concrete. The difference in surface temperature is expected to be 0°F when the air temperature is 30.5°F, while the difference in subsurface temperature is expected to be 0°F when the air temperature is 17.9°F. Therefore, the darkened pavement is unlikely to melt snow and ice faster than the typical pavement or provide significantly greater frost protection to subsurface layers and buried utilities during winter for conditions similar to those in this research. The roughness measurements for the typical pavement exhibit much more daily variability than seasonal variability. The roughness measurements for the darkened pavement also exhibit more daily variability than seasonal variability but less overall variability than that of the typical pavement. Neither pavement temperature gradient nor moisture gradient appears to be correlated to roughness for either the typical pavement or the darkened pavement.

Detection Method of Subclinical Atherosclerosis of the Carotid Artery with a Hemodynamics Modeling Approach

Peressini, Marisa 01 June 2018 (has links)
Subclinical atherosclerosis is an important area of research to evaluate stroke risk and predict localization of plaque. The current methods for detecting atherosclerosis risk are insufficient because it is based on The Framingham Risk Score and carotid intima media thickness, therefore an engineering detection model based on quantifiable data is needed. Laminar and turbulent flow, dictated by Reynolds number and relative roughness, was modeled through the carotid artery bifurcation to compare shear stress and shear rate. Computer-aided design and fluid flow software were used to model hemodynamics through the carotid artery. Data from the model was derived from governing equations programmed in COMSOL for both laminar and turbulent flow. A carotid artery model is accurate enough to describe how relative roughness, flow profiles, and shear rate can be a good prediction of subclinical atherosclerosis.

Ability of ADV Measurements to Detect Turbulence Differences Between Angular and Rounded Gravel Beds of Intermediate - Roughness Scale

Haws, Benjamin B. 16 July 2008 (has links)
A set of laboratory experiments was carried out to distinguish flow characteristics(bed origin, shear velocity, turbulence intensity, turbulent kinetic energy) between beds of differing gravel angularity. Ten vertical profiles of velocity measurements were taken from angular and rounded fixed gravel beds with a 16 MHz micro acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) sampling at 50 Hz. Both gravel beds had a bottom slope of 0.2% and were in the intermediate - roughness scale. Shear velocities were calculated using three common methods: St Venant, Reynolds stress, and Clauser. The Reynolds stress method resulted in the closest visual match to turbulence distributions proposed by others. The bed origin was found to be on average 0.24D50 and 0.21D50 for the angular and rounded gravel beds respectively. These differences, however, were not statistically significant. Turbulence intensity within 20% of the bed showed considerable scatter. The difficult measuring conditions likely prevented the ADV to detect significant differences of turbulence intensity in the longitudinal and transverse directions between the two gravel beds. But the ADV measurements in the vertical direction may well resolve turbulence even in difficult flow conditions (determined by acoustic Doppler performance curve formulation). For the vertical direction, the angular gravel bed showed an increase in TImax that extended throughout the profile. The increased turbulence intensity had a concomitant effect of increasing the turbulent kinetic energy for the angular bed.

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