Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SELF-ORGANIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] SELF-ORGANIZATION""
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"Aspectos da dinâmica complexa do processo de tradução. Análise de uma experiência de tradução literária do espanhol ao português" / "Aspects of the complex dynamics of the translation process. Analysis of an experience of literary translation from Spanish into Portuguese"Galindo, Fernando Legon 01 July 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é analisado o processo de tradução através das diferentes versões que fazem quatro tradutores de um mesmo texto (um conto da autora cubana Zoé Valdés) e dos registros que estes tradutores fazem num diário de tradução. O objetivo é pesquisar os aspectos da dinâmica do comportamento do processo de tradução, observando a natureza dos elementos que entram em interação no momento da tomada de decisão do tradutor e na posterior reestruturação do texto traduzido. Também são analisados os paradigmas e trajetórias que apresentaram alguns dos estudos da tradução com o objetivo de determinar as marcas do surgimento de um novo paradigma nestes estudos. / In this work, the translation process is analyzed through the different versions made by four translators of a same text (a short story by cuban writer Zoé Valdés) and the records they wrote in a translation diary. The objective is to research the dynamics of the translation process, observing the nature of the elements that interact in the moment of the translator's decision and during the subsequent restructuring of the translated text. At the same time, paradigms and paths arisen throughout some of the translation studies are examined with the objective of determining signs of the emergence of a new paradigm in these studies.
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Rede auto-organizada utilizando chaveamento de pacotes ópticos. / Self-organized network architecture deployed by the utilization of optical packet switching technology.Sachs, Antonio de Campos 27 April 2011 (has links)
A tecnologia de chaveamento de pacotes ópticos comumente utiliza componentes muito complexos, relegando sua viabilidade para o futuro. A utilização de pacotes ópticos, entretanto, é uma boa opção para melhorar a granularidade dos enlaces ópticos, bem como para tornar os processos de distribuição de banda muito mais eficientes e flexíveis. Esta tese propõe simplificações nas chaves ópticas que além de tornarem o pacote óptico viável para um futuro mais próximo, permitem montar redes ópticas complexas, com muitos nós, que operam de maneira auto-organizada. A rede proposta nesta tese não possui sinalização para reserva ou estabelecimento de caminho. As rotas são definidas pacote a pacote, em tempo real, durante o seu percurso, utilizando roteamento por deflexão. Com funções muito simples realizadas localmente, a rede ganha características desejáveis como: alta escalabilidade e eficiente sistema de proteção de enlace. Estas características desejáveis são tratadas como funções da rede que emergem de funções realizadas em cada um dos nós de rede individualmente. A tese apresenta um modelo analítico estatístico, validado por simulação, para caracterização da rede. No sistema de proteção contra falhas, os cálculos realizados para redes com até 256 nós mostram que o aumento do número médio de saltos ocorre apenas para destinos localizados no entorno da falha. Para demonstrar a viabilidade de construção de chave óptica rápida simplificada utilizando somente componentes já disponíveis no mercado foi montado um protótipo, que mostrou ter um tempo de chaveamento inferior a dois nanossegundos, sendo compatível com as operações de chaveamento de pacotes ópticos. / The Optical Packet Switching (OPS) technology usually involves complex and expensive components relegating its application viability to the future. Nevertheless the OPS utilization is a good option for improving the granularity at high bit rate transmissions, as well as for operation involving flexibility and fast bandwidth distribution. This thesis proposes simplifications on optical switching devices that besides getting closer future viability enable the deployment of highly scalable and self-organized complex network architecture. The proposed network operates without resources reservation or previous path establishment. The routes are defined packet-by-packet in a real time deflection routing procedure. With simple local functions the network starts to operate with desirable performance characteristics such as high scalability and automatic protection system. Those desirable performance characteristics are treated as Emerging Functions. For the network characterization it is presented a statistical analytical model validated by simulation. In the automatic protection functions investigation the results for a 256 nodes network showed that the mean number of hops enhancement occurs only around the failure neighborhood. To demonstrate the switch viability, a prototype was fabricated utilizing components already available in the market. The switching time obtained was below two nanoseconds showing compatibility with the optical packet switching technology.
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Técnicas de controle da diversidade de populações em algoritmos genéticos para determinação de estruturas de proteínas / Control of the Population Diversity in Genetic Algorithms for the Determination of Protein StructuresÓ, Vinicius Tragante do 03 March 2009 (has links)
Recentemente, pesquisadores têm proposto o uso de Algoritmos Genéticos (AGs) para a determinação da estrutura tridimensional de proteínas. No entanto, este é um problema difícil para um AG tradicional, pois na maioria das vezes ocorre a convergência prematura das soluções para ótimos locais. Isto ocorre porque o uso de mecanismos de seleção no AG acarreta uma perda da diversidade das soluções. Assim, neste trabalho, são investigadas estratégias para controlar a diversidade da população do AG e evitar que a solução fique rapidamente presa em ótimos locais. São empregadas bases de dados de ângulos de torção para a cadeia principal, cadeia lateral e técnicas de controle de diversidade em AGs conhecidas como Hipermutação e Imigrantes Aleatórios. Além disso, um novo algoritmo baseado no AG com Imigrantes Aleatórios Auto-Organizáveis é proposto. Os resultados mostram que estas variações são efetivas no objetivo de não manter o conjunto de soluções preso a uma região apenas, além de melhorar o desempenho para o problema de determinação de estruturas terciárias de proteínas. / Recently, researchers have proposed the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of proteins. However, this problem is considered a difficult problem for the standard GA, because most of the cases the convergence occurs early, into local minima instead of the global optimum. This occurs because the use of selection mechanisms in the GA leads to a loss of diversity of solutions. With this in mind, in this work, strategies to control the diversity of the population in the GA are investigated in order to avoid the solution subset to be early caught in local optima. Database sets of torsion angles for the main chain and the side chain are employed, and also modifications in the GAs, known as Hypermutation and Random Immigrants. Besides these approaches, a new algorithm based on the Self-Organizing Random Immigrants is proposed. Results show that these changes are effective in the goal of avoiding the results ensemble to be trapped in a region, and also help improve the performance for the protein structure prediction problem.
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Reações oscilatórias e a temperatura: dos efeitos em escala bulk ao monitoramento local / Oscillatory reactions and temperature: From bulk effects to the local monitoringAlana Aragón Zülke 21 November 2017 (has links)
Utilizando uma faixa de temperatura entre 5° a 45°C, observou-se duas regiões de diferentes tendências para com o aumento da temperatura durante as oscilações (eletro-oxidação galvanostática, mesma corrente normalizada aplicada) no sistema ácido fórmico sobre platina policristalina em meio ácido. Até 25°C, o comportamento cinético operou de modo convencional, do tipo Arrhenius, sendo que acima desse ponto crítico observou-se o fenômeno de (sobre)compensação de temperatura. O sistema foi caracterizado fazendo uso de técnicas eletroquímicas clássicas e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica tendo ficado evidente um ponto de inflexão a 25°C que marca uma quebra na tendência em todas as frequências do sistema (f, Hopf,Sosc) e taxa de envenenamento. Os resultados foram discutidos em termos do papel-chave das espécies de PtO, que acoplam quimicamente as dinâmicas rápidas/lentas. Fomos capazes de: (i) identificar a competição entre duas etapas de reação como responsáveis pelos dois domínios de temperatura; (ii) comparar as energias de ativação relativas dessas duas etapas; E ademais (iii) especulamos sobre o papel de uma determinada etapa de reação no conjunto de reações responsáveis pelo aumento do período oscilatório. Com ajuda de métodos deconvolutivos, reforçamos a hipótese de que as etapas por trás do drift possuem menor energia de ativação que as etapas LH durante tais dinâmicas. Também estão aqui discutidos experimentos de monitoramento de temperatura local durante as dinâmicas oscilatórias. Duas estratégias experimentais foram empregadas: uma utilizando eletrodos-termômetros a base de termistores e outra utilizando um micro calorímetro onde sensores piroelétricos monitoraram as oscilações na temperatura do eletrodo de trabalho, altamente em fase com as oscilações de potencial. Destacamos que ambas configurações foram capazes de acompanhar as diferenças de temperatura durante as dinâmicas oscilatórias (na faixa de 0,1~0,5mK por ciclo). Os resultados obtidos para a reconstrução dos fluxos de calor (ø) corroboram com o atual modelo mecanístico da eletro-oxidação oscilante de ácido fórmico em Pt em meio ácido. Observamos que as etapas de envenenamento do eletrodo são acompanhadas pelo aumento no ø enquanto a reativação do eletrodo é acompanhada pela diminuição no ø. / The oscillating electro-oxidation of formic acid on polycrystalline platinum in acidic media, as a model system, was employed to investigate the temperature effects on the coupling of fast and slow dynamics processes belonging to its oscillatory dynamics, i.e. the core oscillator (fast dynamics) and the slow term deactivation of surface caused by the oxygen place-exchange process. Using a temperature range from 5 to 45°C, we observed two disparate regions of tendencies upon temperature increment on the galvanostatic oxidation. The system exhibits conventional Arrhenius behavior for T up to 25°C and, on the other hand, T > 25° revealed the occurrence of temperature (over)compensation. The system was characterized by means of conventional electrochemical techniques and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Clearly, we observed an inflexion point at 25°C marked by a break on the tendency of oscillatory frequency ( f, hopf, Sosc) and poisoning rates. Results were discussed in terms of the key role of PtO species, which chemically couple slow and fast dynamics. In summary we were able to: (i) identify the competition between two reaction steps as responsible for the two temperature domains; (ii) compare the relative activation energies of these two steps; and (iii) suggest the role of a given reaction step on the period-increasing set of reactions involved in the oscillatory dynamics. In addition, we performed experiments to monitor the local temperature of the interface during oscillatory dynamics. Two experimental strategies were applied: low cost thermometers-electrodes and a more sophisticated experimental set up based on pyroelectric detection. It should be noted that both configurations were able to monitor temperature differences during oscillatory dynamics (in the range of 0.1 ~ 0.5mK per cycle). The results obtained for the reconstruction of the heat fluxes (ø) corroborate with the current mechanistic model of the oscillating electro-oxidation of formic acid in Pt in acidic medium. We observed that the poisoning stages of the electrode are accompanied by the increase in ø while the reactivation of the electrode is accompanied by the decrease in ø.
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Modelo de referência para a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas na área de utilidades domésticas no Brasil / Reference model for the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks in the area of household appliances in BrazilAdauto Lucas da Silva 26 October 2015 (has links)
A inovação é um desafio cada vez mais importante e recorrente no nosso contexto econômico. A formação e operação de redes de inovação entre empresas constituem parte do esforço para enfrentar esse desafio. Esta pesquisa tem como propósito apresentar um modelo de referência para apoiar a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. A metodologia de pesquisa é composta de um estudo bibliográfico para a discussão dos principais constructos sobre redes de inovação e sistemas complexos, e de um estudo de caso múltiplo para a coleta de dados em campo. A análise e discussão do cruzamento entre as evidências teóricas e os dados práticos visa propor um modelo de referência para apoiar a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. O modelo de referência é desenvolvido com a metodologia Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). O resultado da pesquisa contribui para ampliar a compreensão dos elementos envolvidos no processo de formação e operação de redes autoorganizadas. Espera-se dessa forma estender a aplicação da auto-organização, enquanto constructo teórico de sistemas complexos, para a área de redes de inovação. / Innovation is an increasingly important challenge and recurrent in our economic context. The formation and operation of innovation networks between companies are part of the effort to meet this challenge. This research is intented to provide a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The research methodology consists of a literature study for the discussion of the main constructs of innovation networks and complex systems, and a case study analysis with multiple units to collect field data. Analysis and discussion of the intersection between theoretical evidence and practical data aims to propose a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The reference model will be developed with the Enterprise Knowledge Development methodology (EKD). The search result helps to broaden the understanding of the elements involved in the formation and operation of self-organized networks. It is hoped in this way to extend the application of self-organization, while theoretical construct of complex systems, to the innovation networks area.
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Rede auto-organizada utilizando chaveamento de pacotes ópticos. / Self-organized network architecture deployed by the utilization of optical packet switching technology.Antonio de Campos Sachs 27 April 2011 (has links)
A tecnologia de chaveamento de pacotes ópticos comumente utiliza componentes muito complexos, relegando sua viabilidade para o futuro. A utilização de pacotes ópticos, entretanto, é uma boa opção para melhorar a granularidade dos enlaces ópticos, bem como para tornar os processos de distribuição de banda muito mais eficientes e flexíveis. Esta tese propõe simplificações nas chaves ópticas que além de tornarem o pacote óptico viável para um futuro mais próximo, permitem montar redes ópticas complexas, com muitos nós, que operam de maneira auto-organizada. A rede proposta nesta tese não possui sinalização para reserva ou estabelecimento de caminho. As rotas são definidas pacote a pacote, em tempo real, durante o seu percurso, utilizando roteamento por deflexão. Com funções muito simples realizadas localmente, a rede ganha características desejáveis como: alta escalabilidade e eficiente sistema de proteção de enlace. Estas características desejáveis são tratadas como funções da rede que emergem de funções realizadas em cada um dos nós de rede individualmente. A tese apresenta um modelo analítico estatístico, validado por simulação, para caracterização da rede. No sistema de proteção contra falhas, os cálculos realizados para redes com até 256 nós mostram que o aumento do número médio de saltos ocorre apenas para destinos localizados no entorno da falha. Para demonstrar a viabilidade de construção de chave óptica rápida simplificada utilizando somente componentes já disponíveis no mercado foi montado um protótipo, que mostrou ter um tempo de chaveamento inferior a dois nanossegundos, sendo compatível com as operações de chaveamento de pacotes ópticos. / The Optical Packet Switching (OPS) technology usually involves complex and expensive components relegating its application viability to the future. Nevertheless the OPS utilization is a good option for improving the granularity at high bit rate transmissions, as well as for operation involving flexibility and fast bandwidth distribution. This thesis proposes simplifications on optical switching devices that besides getting closer future viability enable the deployment of highly scalable and self-organized complex network architecture. The proposed network operates without resources reservation or previous path establishment. The routes are defined packet-by-packet in a real time deflection routing procedure. With simple local functions the network starts to operate with desirable performance characteristics such as high scalability and automatic protection system. Those desirable performance characteristics are treated as Emerging Functions. For the network characterization it is presented a statistical analytical model validated by simulation. In the automatic protection functions investigation the results for a 256 nodes network showed that the mean number of hops enhancement occurs only around the failure neighborhood. To demonstrate the switch viability, a prototype was fabricated utilizing components already available in the market. The switching time obtained was below two nanoseconds showing compatibility with the optical packet switching technology.
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Modelo de referência para a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas na área de utilidades domésticas no Brasil / Reference model for the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks in the area of household appliances in BrazilSilva, Adauto Lucas da 26 October 2015 (has links)
A inovação é um desafio cada vez mais importante e recorrente no nosso contexto econômico. A formação e operação de redes de inovação entre empresas constituem parte do esforço para enfrentar esse desafio. Esta pesquisa tem como propósito apresentar um modelo de referência para apoiar a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. A metodologia de pesquisa é composta de um estudo bibliográfico para a discussão dos principais constructos sobre redes de inovação e sistemas complexos, e de um estudo de caso múltiplo para a coleta de dados em campo. A análise e discussão do cruzamento entre as evidências teóricas e os dados práticos visa propor um modelo de referência para apoiar a formação e operação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. O modelo de referência é desenvolvido com a metodologia Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). O resultado da pesquisa contribui para ampliar a compreensão dos elementos envolvidos no processo de formação e operação de redes autoorganizadas. Espera-se dessa forma estender a aplicação da auto-organização, enquanto constructo teórico de sistemas complexos, para a área de redes de inovação. / Innovation is an increasingly important challenge and recurrent in our economic context. The formation and operation of innovation networks between companies are part of the effort to meet this challenge. This research is intented to provide a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The research methodology consists of a literature study for the discussion of the main constructs of innovation networks and complex systems, and a case study analysis with multiple units to collect field data. Analysis and discussion of the intersection between theoretical evidence and practical data aims to propose a reference model to support the formation and operation of self-organized innovation networks. The reference model will be developed with the Enterprise Knowledge Development methodology (EKD). The search result helps to broaden the understanding of the elements involved in the formation and operation of self-organized networks. It is hoped in this way to extend the application of self-organization, while theoretical construct of complex systems, to the innovation networks area.
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Investigating the Social-Ecological Resilience of Water Management Practices within Ethnic Minority Hill Tribes of Northern ThailandVogt, Jason January 2007 (has links)
<p>Resilience is an essential and highly desired characteristic of a social-ecological system’s ability to adapt and adjust to various stresses and shocks that cause disruption. As social and ecological systems are intertwined and continually experiencing changes and disturbances, a major challenge appears revolving around the ways in which this resilience can be built and investigated. Social-ecological resilience can be defined as the amount of stress or disturbance that a particular system can tolerate, while still maintaining the same functions and identity. This paper uses social-ecological resilience concepts as a research framework, and examines three main themes that allow for the building of water management resilience to occur. These themes include learning to live with change, nurturing the ability to adapt/adjust to changes, and also on creating opportunities for self-organization. Two ethnic minority villages in Northern Thailand were chosen as research sites, in which the village water management practices were studied within a specific time period. Varying degrees of quantity and quality water issues within both villages have brought about stress and disturbances within their water management practices and increased the need to deal with these problems. Research was conducted at a community scale and resilience analysis pertains only to this specific level. Through the utilization of focus groups and interviews, qualitative data was collected and analyzed within a SE resilience context. This paper sets out to explore how social-ecological resilience has been built or not, and to what degree this has occurred within these two villages water management practices. The analysis indicates how complex and interconnected the social and ecological systems are and how the water management practices of these two communities play a role in this complex, dynamic process. Conclusions drawn are not limited to these two communities, but can be applied to the wider Northern Thailand region.</p>
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Die Kunst die Zukunft zu erfinden : Selbstrationalität, asymmetrische Information und Selbstorganisation in einer wissensintensiven professionellen Non Profit OrganisationQuast, Detlef January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on predictability problems regarding the behaviour of the professional librarians in public-, school- and research libraries in specific crucial situations. The material was obtained by observations/participations (over 10 years) in the daily work in Swedish libraries by non-structured interviews and “free” discussions with librarians and library visitors. Over 200 interviews with 87 librarians and over 300 discussions with 261 library visitors are the fundament of the empirical basis of my study. These findings build up a theoretical basis (a heuristic model) grounded in ideas of deterministic chaos and complexity theory. Deterministic means, that the current state is the consequence of its preceding states, in my terms, the corporate memory in organizations. Chaotic means the sensitivity of initial condition. Deterministic chaos describes behaviour which satisfies the conditions of determinism but even shows the characteristics of chaos. The study shows that differences between the behaviour of the librarians and the predictions of the behaviour in crucial situations from the political leadership are essentially grounded in ·The history of Swedish libraries (deterministic rationality and self-rationality). ·The asymmetric information between librarians and politicians. ·Self-organization of librarians in the daily work. ·The “free” will of librarians in crucial situations grounded in the philosophy of Kant. The behaviour I could observe was studied in the following situations: ·The demand of a law, which secures the existence of public- and school libraries. ·The selection, development and installation of appropriate computer based information systems in public- school- and research libraries. ·The GÖK- and KUR-projects, which was based on the assumption that new ways to work with the daily patterns in libraries should open the library for more visitors, book loaners and information seekers. The issues discussed in this dissertation gave the following results: ·That the long time, in many cases even short time, unpredictability of librarian behaviour in for the library crucial situations is not only understandable – but also necessary for the development of the library. ·That the deterministic chaotic behaviour of the librarians is generated by self-rationality, asymmetric information, and self-organization. ·That the library is not a chaotic organization but a deterministic chaotic organization. Further I could see tendencies for the same behaviour in other professional, knowledge based Non Profit Organizations like schools, universities and hospitals.
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Exergy analysis and resource accountingGaudreau, Kyrke 24 June 2009 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to establish the utility and limitations of using exergy (a thermodynamic measure of energy quality, or ability to perform work) as a resource consumption metric, and to investigate what role exergy may play in resource consumption decision-making. To do so, this thesis assessed three exergy-based resource consumption methodologies: the Exergy Replacement Cost; Eco-exergy; and Emergy. Furthermore, fundamental properties of exergy were revisited, including the exergy reference state, and the derivations of both concentration and non-flow exergy.
The results of the analysis indicate three significant problem areas with applying exergy toward resource valuation. First, the exergy derivation level conflicts with the resource valuation level regarding important requirements and assumptions: the exergy reference environment is modelled as an infinitely large system in internal chemical equilibrium, and this is in incomparable to the real world; and, the derivation of non-flow exergy values items based solely upon chemical concentrations, whereas at the resource consumption level, work producing items are valuable based primarily upon chemical reactivity. Second, exergy proponents have not adequately addressed the many different and critical perspectives of exergy, including exergy as: harmful or helpful; organizing or disorganizing; a restricted or unrestricted measure of potential useful work; and applied to value systems or specific items. Third, none of the resource consumption methodologies properly apply exergy: the Exergy Replacement Cost primarily focuses on mineral upgrading; Eco-exergy is improperly derived from exergy; and Emergy has switched from being energy-based to exergy-based without any reformulation of the methodology.
For the reasons provided above, among others, this author concludes there is currently no justified theoretical connection between exergy and resource value, and that there is a disjunction between how exergy is derived and how it is applied. Non exergy-based applications for the three resource consumption methodologies are proposed.
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