Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIAL INTEGRATION"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIAL INTEGRATION""
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The Relationship Between Squatter Housing Transformation And Social Integration Of Rural Migrants Into Urban Life: A Case Study In DikmenKahraman, Zerrin Ezgi 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Rural migration process resulted in both spatial and social problems in large Turkish cities. Squatter housing transformation constitutes the spatial dimension of the problem. On the other hand, rural migration has led to social problems such as non-integration, social exclusion and urban poverty of the migrant groups. This dissertation which believes the necessity of searching rural migration as a socio-spatial process attempts to explore the relationship between squatter housing transformation and social integration of rural migrants into the urban life. Within this framework, this study attempts to answer three major research questions: (1) What are the rural migrants& / #8217 / perceived attributes of urban integration? (2) Which attributes significantly explain urban integration of rural migrants? (3) Does the urban integration of rural migrants differentiate according to where they live & / #8211 / squatter housing neighborhoods, transformed squatter housing neighborhoods via improvement plans, and transformed squatter housing neighborhoods via urban transformation project model& / #8211 / ?
I design this exploratory study as a case study since a case study method is an
appropriate methodology for holistic and in-depth investigations. I conduct the case study of this thesis in Dikmen that includes different rural migrant settlements. I conduct in-depth interviews with rural migrants to collect the data, and apply multivariate analysis techniques to answer the research questions of this study. Thesis findings provide that urban integration is a multi-dimensional phenomenon / and multiple relationships exist between dimensions of urban integration, between dimensions and evaluations of urban integration, and urban integration and squatter housing transformation.
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A study of a football team with people with mental handicap with participation from corporate volunteersChow, Lok-ming, Dorothy., 周樂明. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Service Management / Master / Master of Social Sciences
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Įstatymų ir kitų teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, socialinę integraciją, įgyvendinimas: Akmenės rajono pataisos inspekcijos atvejis / Implementation of laws and other deeds regulating social integration of individuals released from imprisonment institutions: the case of Correctional Inspectorate of Akmenė districtJaudženis, Rolandas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas įstatymų ir kitų teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, socialinę integraciją, įgyvendinimas Akmenės rajono pataisos inspekcijos atveju. Darbo teorinėje dalyje pateikiamos asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, socialinės atskirties ir jų socialinės integracijos, bei įstatymų ir kitų teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, socialinę integraciją, sampratos, atskleidžiamas visuomenės ir valstybės vaidmuo sprendžiant asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, socialinės integracijos problemas. Darbo tiriamojoje dalyje, naudojant dokumentų analizės, interviu ir veiklos savianalizės metodus, analizuojama Akmenės rajono pataisos inspekcijos veikla įgyvendinant įstatymus ir kitus teisės aktus, reglamentuojančius asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, socialinę integraciją, išskiriamos problemos, bei pateikiami problemų sprendimo būdai. / Implementation of laws and other deeds regulating social integration of individuals released from imprisonment institutions taking the case of Correctional Inspectorate of Akmenė district is analyzed in Bachelor thesis. In theoretical part of the thesis the conceptions of social separation and social integration of individuals released from imprisonment institutions are presented together with conceptions of laws and other deeds, regulating social integration of individuals released from imprisonment institutions. The role of society and state in solving social integration issues of individuals released from imprisonment institutions is revealed. In the research part of the thesis the activities of Correctional Inspectorate of Akmenė district regarding implementation of laws and other deeds regulating social integration of individuals released from imprisonment institutions are analyzed by methods of document analysis, interviews and self-analysis of activities, identifying problems and suggesting solutions to the problems.
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Computer use among seniors 80 years and older : narrative inquiry on the benefits and problemsSwartz, Nancy P. 04 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of computer competence in elders’ well-being as they experience a
reduced ability to communicate in very old age. My research question was “How do elders over
80 interact with computers? Employing narrative inquiry, I sought stories from 10 elders living
in Victoria, B.C. Narrative style open-ended interviews were conducted one on one. Challenging
stereotypes, these participants were computer literate people who happen to be very old.
Depending on their relationships, learning from their children was a valuable resource. I found
no evidence that they required any special senior friendly websites. These elders learned to use
what interested them on the computer—no more. The computer is an extension of their ability to
communicate their social messages as they age. The denouement of my narrative research is that
computers give voice to elders; nevertheless, decision makers need to respect elders’ right to
refuse computer uses.
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First-year students' perceptions of the influence of social integration on academic performanceMoos, Aziza January 2009 (has links)
<p>During Apartheid, South African education policies were largely based on a system of  / racial segregation, resulting in unequal educational opportunities between black and white students.  / Current education policies centred on Access and Equity have been ratified to address the education issues of the past. However, there still remains a concern about the poor performance and  / consequently, the high drop out rate, particularly amongst black South African university students. The findings of various studies have shown that the factors that contribute to poor academic performance range from inadequate pre-university schooling and financial issues to poor language proficiency, inadequate social support and insufficient social integration. The present study employed a qualitative approach to explore first-year students&rsquo / perceptions of the influence of social integration on academic performance. Tinto&rsquo / s Student Integration Model provided the conceptual basis for the conduction of the study. Three focus groups were used to collect the data which were analysed according to thematic analysis procedures. The main finding of the study  / was that academic and social experiences were intrinsically linked in the first year of study. Moreover, the findings indicate that friends, belonging to nonacademic organisations and lecturer-student interaction (as three indicators of social integration) influenced first-year students&rsquo / academic performance. South African contextual factors such as socio-economic status and language  / were found to be a potential hindrance to good academic performance. The implications of these findings are discussed.</p>
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Utilisation des services sociaux et insertion sociale de jeunes adultes avec antécédents de placement pour des motifs de protectionTurcotte, Marie-Ève January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Social inclusion and exclusion in higher education : the role of pedagogy in English.Appalsamy, Kershnee. January 2011 (has links)
This study investigates how lecturers at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal construct
pedagogy to socially include and/ or exclude students. The focus is particularly on
two disciplines: English literary studies in the Faculty of Human Development and
Social Sciences and English education in the Faculty of Education. The research
question for the study is: how does the construction and practice of teaching in
English literary studies and English education disciplines serve to include and/or
exclude students? This question draws attention to how disciplinary knowledge
structures inform pedagogic practice and how the disciplinary identity of these
disciplines impact on pedagogic practice to include and/ or exclude. Since this study
is grounded in a critical interpretive paradigm, it used social realist (Archer, 1995,
1996) and critical realist (Bhaskar, 1979) theories to conceptualise and to engage
critically with the phenomenon of social inclusion and exclusion in Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs). The substantive theories of Maton (2000), Bourdieu (1988) and
Bernstein (1990) were used to understand how disciplinary knowledge and identities
are constructed in the respective disciplines to include and/ or exclude. Classroom
observation, documentary evidence and interviews were used as research instruments.
Phenomenology was chosen as a research design. Research findings suggest that,
irrespective of the discourses of equity and open access to HEIs, among other things,
students from poor educational and socio-economic backgrounds are still excluded.
Data suggests that the ways in which lecturers construct pedagogy heavily impact on
the way inclusivity is achieved. Given the fact that not all students are able to acquire
epistemological access equally, this study found that the system favours only those
students who acquire the necessary linguistic and cultural capital prior to entering
HEIs (Bourdieu, 1988). / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, 2011.
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Neformaliojo meninio ugdymo reikšmė globos namuose augančių paauglių integracijai į visuomenę / The Significance of Non-Formal Art Education to the Social Integration of Teenagers Raised in Child Care HomesPaušienė, Jolanta 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe aptariama neformaliojo meninio ugdymo samprata, jo reikšmė asmens raidai bei taikymo vaikų globos namuose sunkumai; analizuojama meninės veiklos svarba globos namuose augančių paauglių integracijai į visuomenę. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – ištirti, kaip neformalusis meninis ugdymas padeda globos namuose augantiems paaugliams integruotis į visuomenę. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti neformaliojo meninio ugdymo sampratą formaliojo švietimo kontekste; apibūdinti neformaliojo meninio ugdymo reikšmę asmens raidai; išsiaiškinti neformaliojo meninio ugdymo taikymo vaikų globos namuose sunkumus; apibūdinti paauglių sėkmingo integravimo/si į visuomenę prielaidas; ištirti, kaip neformalusis meninis ugdymas padeda globos namuose augantiems paaugliams įgyti integravimo/si į visuomenę svarbių įgūdžių. Tyrimo objektas – neformaliojo meninio ugdymo svarba globos institucijoje augančių paauglių integracijai į visuomenę. Tyrimas atliktas trijuose Šiaulių ir Radviliškio rajonų vaikų globos namuose, naudojant anketinės apklausos metodą buvo apklausti 61 juose augantys paaugliai.
Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą ir švietimo dokumentus gautos šios išvados: neformalusis meninis ugdymas - viena iš švietimo sistemos sričių, tenkinanti individualius auklėtinių meninio lavinimosi ir savirealizacijos poreikius, skatinanti asmens raidą bei kultūros brendimą. Vykdant neformalųjį meninį ugdymą vaikų globos namuose susiduriama su sunkumais: pasigendama socialinio teisingumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis considers the conception of non-formal art education, its significance to the development of personality and the difficulties of its application in child care homes. The paper also includes the investigation into the importance of artistic activities to the social integration of teenagers raised in child care homes. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to determine how non-formal art education facilitates social integration of teenagers raised in child care homes. The following tasks were set to achieve this goal: to study the conception of non-formal art education in the context of formal education, to characterize the significance of non-formal art education to personality development, to ascertain the difficulties in the application of non-formal art education in child care homes, to describe the preconditions for the successful social integration/self-integration of the teenagers, to investigate how non-formal art education helps teenagers in child care homes to acquire skills necessary for social integration/self-integration. The object of the research is the significance of non-formal art education to the social integration of teenagers in child care homes. The research was conducted in the form of survey (a questionnaire) in three child care homes in Šiauliai and Radviliškis regions. The survey included 61 teenager respondents from these child care homes.
The analysis of scientific literature and education documents led to the following conclusions: non-formal... [to full text]
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The nature of social integration in post-apartheid Cape TownLemanski, Charlotte January 2006 (has links)
This research considers the nature of social integration between individuals living in desegregated neighbourhoods in post-apartheid Cape Town. Social integration is understood as a dynamic process between individuals from apartheid's different racial classifications as opposed to the common emphasis in the literature on the static outcome of a neighbourhood being integrated. The research was based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. A quantitative analysis of South Africa's 2001 census results was conducted. From this analysis neighbourhoods in Cape Town with "multiple population dominance', where no single group comprises more than 50% of the suburb population and at least one other group comprises over 25%, were identified. Qualitative fieldwork (semi-structured interviews and mental maps) was conducted in two of these 'multiple population dominance' suburbs. Based on research in these neighbourhoods I conclude that labelling a suburb as physically desegregated implies a level of social cohesion that was not found, and masks the reality of division based on length of tenure and socio-economic status. Within the specific South African context of racial inequality, such opposition to desegregation that is not matched by a shared class is likely to restrict the potential for social integration to develop beyond the confines of black middle-classes moving into 'White' areas, and poor Coloureds and Black Africans living in low-cost housing, thus affecting only a handful of the population.
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Strukturomvandling och social utslagning : en analys av sambanden mellan social struktur och social missanpassning och utslagning under perioden 1860-1975 / Structural change and social eliminationFrick, Willy January 1982 (has links)
Structural changes in society have often been related to social problems such as crime, alcoholism and social elimination. In this analysis of the development of social elimination in Sweden during the period 1860-1975, which is mainly based on official data, it is demonstrated that there is not always a causal relationship between structural change and such social problems. If structural changes lead to social problems or not depend on whether the structural changes occur according to a "Budding" or an "Expansion" model. The historical period in which a rapid structural change followed the "Budding" model closely was the time right before and after the turn of the century in which the final leap into the industrial society occured. This was a period characterized by an increasing number of industries, communities and organizations. During this period the structural changes increased the legal economic opportunities, strengthened the social and cultural integration as well as the informal social control within the working class. This period was also a period with decreasing human maladjustment symptoms and social elimination. After World War II a new period of rapid structural changes occured. But now the development followed closely to the "Expansion" model. This was a period when different subsystems in society became larger, more centralized specialized and difficult to survey. The consequences were not only more individual freedom and higher standards of living but also many individuals experienced a great deal of social stress together with a decreasing social and cultural integration. Increasing opportunities for crime and drugs together with a decreasing social control increased the risks for social maladjustment for many people. This latter period can also be described as a period of rapidly increasing human maladjustment symptoms and increasing social elimination of the socially maladjusted. / digitalisering@umu
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