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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Air induction noise investigation during turbocharger surge events in petrol engines

Pai, Ajith V. January 2015 (has links)
Turbocharging is used as a means to downsize petrol engines, thereby, producing more power for a lower engine size, when compared with a naturally aspirated engine. Due to the presence of a throttle valve in the intake system in petrol engines, flow is restricted at the outlet pipe of the compressor during low load engine operation. For example, during transient tip out tip in maneuvers. Hence, there is a chance of the turbocharger operating in near surge or surge conditions and, thus, generating surge noise. This Thesis describes an experimental and simulation method to predict and measure the turbocharger surge noise. Initially, experimental transient tip-in and tip-out maneuver was performed on a non turbocharged car with a petrol engine. The measured noise level in the intake manifold, at a low frequency of up to 1200 Hz, was analysed and was shown not to represent surge noise. Next, a one dimensional simulation method was applied to simulate the noise of the engine and this demonstrated an increase in the acoustic pressure level in the intake manifold during the tip in and tip out maneuver. However, a surge noise pattern was not observed in the analysis of acoustic pressure signals in the intake system using Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). The simulation procedure was also used to inform the design of an experimental rig to recreate the surge noise under laboratory conditions. An experimental turbocharger noise rig, designed and built for this purpose, is explained in the Thesis. Important component parts likely to be involved in the surge noise generation such as the intake system, compressor, throttle body, compressor recirculation valve and measurement and control systems were integrated into the test rig. Background noise contributions from the electric motor, AC mains, supercharger pulley, throttle body, inverter fan, throttle body gearing and structural vibration of the supporting structure were identified from the analysed frequency components of the signals from surface microphone measurements taken at the intake system. This helped to clearly identify the surge noise frequency components (3250 Hz) in the STFT analysis. The fundamental mechanism of noise generation was identified using an analysis of the experimental results and a frequency calculation for vortex shedding and the radial acoustic resonances. One of the main conclusions of the Thesis is that the compressor recirculation valve (CRV) open or close position, the CRV delay time and the throttle position are major contributing factors to the cause of the surge noise. Another major conclusion is that the radial acoustic resonance may be a mechanism of surge noise generation. Finally, a passive solution to reduce the surge noise is proposed. A pipe with cross ribs is designed as a passive solution using the radial acoustic resonance calculation and the corresponding nodal patterns. This solution demonstrated a measured intake system noise reduction of up to 10dB under compressor surge conditions.

Dynamic Pricing : A Matter of Attitude

Holmqvist Larsson, Johanna, Tapper, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Tillämpningen av dynamisk prissättning har förenklats i och med digitaliseringens framväxt. Med den ökade tillgången till kunddata kan företag idag kartlägga kundernas köpbeteende och genom algoritmer anpassa priserna därefter. Identiska varor och tjänster kan på så sätt prissättas annorlunda. För företaget utgör denna prissättning en möjlighet till ökad lönsamhet, men ur ett kundperspektiv kan detta tänkas skapa känslor av orättvisa och lurendrejeri. Samtidigt har det visat sig vara desto viktigare i en digital miljö att se till kundnöjdhet, eftersom det finns en högre transparens och kunderna har lägre engagemang och lojalitet. Det kan därför ifrågasättas om ett företag i längden tjänar på att använda sig av dynamisk prissättning om den skadar relationen till kunden. Syftet med denna studie är således att undersöka kundattityd kopplat till dynamisk prissättning. För att undersöka kundattityd baseras studien på en modell med komponenterna kundvärde, kundnöjdhet, kvalitet, kundlojalitet, förtroende och rättvisa. Studiens analys grundar sig på empirisk data som samlats in genom virtuella fokusgruppsdiskussioner. Dataunderlaget utgörs av fem fokusgruppsdiskussioner, med totalt 31 deltagare. Studien visar att kundernas attityd till företaget påverkas negativt av dynamisk prissättning. Dock framhäver studien att kundvärdet skapas i andra kvaliteter än pris. Trots en initial negativ inställning påvisas att det finns en viss grad av kundanpassning och utveckling av köpstrategier.

Turbocharger performance and surge definition on a steady flow turbocharger test stand

Duda, Tomasz January 2017 (has links)
Turbocharger performance maps are vital components used in an engine-turbocharger matching process, a 1D engine performance development stage and a day-to-day operation of a turbocharged vehicle. The main aim of this thesis is the investigation of the turbocharger compressor performance when operating with an alternative to air substitute gas. This occurs, for instance, when turbocharging and low pressure exhaust gas recirculation (LP EGR) technologies are combined. To conduct the experimental study of the turbocharger performance with substitute gas a steady-state turbocharger test facility with a compressor closed-loop mode has been designed and built within this thesis by the author. Also, for the most accurate performance map determination an uncertainty analysis of a selected turbocharger performance map and an extensive study on surge have also been carried out. The sensor based uncertainty analysis has been a key aspect to help to understand the links between the accuracy of measured quantities and the overall uncertainty of the performance parameters. Such knowledge allowed for a selection of sensors targeting the most accurate data measurement. While investigating the uncertainty of the turbocharger performance maps heat transfer related efficiency uncertainty was also studied. Namely, a series of a semi-adiabatic tests were performed in the low turbocharger speed region which highlighted the issues related to a work and heat transfer separation and uncertainty of the extrapolated performance data. Also, a contribution to the turbocharger heat transfer modelling has been made by supporting the in-house lumped capacitance thermal node model with the 3D CHT (conjugate heat transfer) simulations [1, 2]. Finally, a study of a literature based compressor heat estimation method was performed as an alternative way of separating work and heat transfer (with low speed adiabatic mapping). The experimental surge study was conducted in phases and included the analysis and comparison of the low and high frequency pressure data gathered at various locations downstream and upstream from the compressor and temperature data collected at close distance from impeller eye. It has been concluded that the post-compressor located pressure measurement is preferable (than the pre-compressor pressure measurement) as the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) magnitude of the peak frequency associated with surge is independent on the distance of the sensor from the compressor. The useage of the temperature sensor installed at the closest distance from the compressor entry allowed an observation of the near surge temperature rise (a result of the air recirculation). However, due to the inconsistent rate of the temperature rise across the various speed lines along with the poor response it offers no benefit from the surge avoidance point of view. The comparison of the available surge metrics revealed that the resultant surge lines were drawn at different operating points especially at the higher turbocharger speed lines where the surge development investigated by the rise of the low frequency FFT magnitude peaks was much more visible. The experimental tests performed in steady-state and pulsating flow conditions have indicated larger surge margin availability for the latter case [3]. Development of a turbocharger rig and gaining the confidence in turbocharger performance map generation allowed the author to carry out the investigation over compressor performance with a substitute gas. The study covered two cases of homogeneous and non-homogeneous gas introduction representing a well and a poorly mixed gases respectively. The substitute gas included various mixtures of CO2 and air and pure CO2. It has been highlighted that when comparing turbomachinery performance maps working with substitute gas non-dimensional speed and mass flow parameters shall be introduced. These parameters allow for the map corrections with respect to individual gas constant (R) and ratio of specific heats (γ). The experimentally obtained compressor performance maps with low CO2 concentration in CO2-air mixtures (3%, 5% and 10%) were successfully corrected with the use of non-dimensional speed and mass flow parameters. However, the compressor performance map obtained for the pure CO2 has revealed significant offsets in pressure ratio, efficiency, surge and choke flow locations. This is due to a significantly different γ. In the attempt of the further performance correction a method proposed by Roberts and Sjolander has been followed. As a result of such, a poor match between the measured and predicted values of compressor efficiency was achieved (n exponent = 0.8). A closer correlation was obtained if the n exponent was made a speed dependent variable. This observation has suggested that the measurement of compressor efficiency was affected by the heat transfer between the uninsulated turbomachinery components. Due to the time limitations this assertion has not been investigated experimentally. Realising this limitation, therefore, a series of adiabatic CFD simulations have been performed instead. These simulations have shown that for the case of pure CO2 a reasonable match between the simulated and predicted values of efficiency and pressure ratio was achieved. The experimental and numerical comparison of the compressor performance for homogeneously and non-homogeneously introduced substitute gas did not show any significant compressor performance changes. Finally, experimental study of selected configurations of the intake pipework and EGR mixing valve has shown that complex flow regimes can be developed within the LP EGR system affecting the compressor’s surge margin, efficiency and width of the map. This demonstrates that the aerodynamic disturbances of an EGR mixing valve may have the largest influence on the compressor map compared to all other factors.

Monitor para caracterização de ruídos em redes de corrente alternada. / Monitor to characterise electrical noise in alternate current network.

Silva, Alvaro Macedo da 13 July 1992 (has links)
Distúrbios em redes elétricas podem causar danos materiais e/ou operacionais em equipamentos eletrônicos sensíveis, em particular, sistemas em microcomputadores. Com o objetivo de registrar esses distúrbios, um monitor para redes elétricas foi desenvolvido. O equipamento desenvolvido é controlado por um microprocessador 80C86-2. Os seguintes distúrbios podem ser monitorados: desvios da freqüência nominal da rede, interferências de rádio freqüência, subtensão, sobretensão e surtos de tensão. Para minimizar o gargalo de Von Neumann, os circuitos foram projetados de forma que a maior parte das leituras é solicitada via interrupção. O equipamento foi testado a nível de laboratório e os resultados são apresentados. / Power line disturbances can adversely affect electronic sensitive equipment, particularly microcomputer based systems. In order to register these disturbances a power line monitor has been developed. The developed instrument is microprocessor based using a 80C86-2 as the main CPU. The following electrical disturbances can be monitored: nominal frequency deviations, radio-frequency interference, under and overvoltages, transient over voltages. Attempting to minimize Von Neumann´s bottle neck, the hardware was designed in such a way that most of the readings were requested through interrupts. The equipment was tested through a series of disturbance simulations, and the results are presented.

Análise de Riscos Costeiros a Eventos Atmosféricos Extremos no Litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo - Estudo de caso na região da Desembocadura de Cananéia / Analysis of Coastal Risks due to Atmospheric Extremes Events in the South Coast of São Paulo - Study case in the region of Desembocadura de Cananéia

Gagliardi, Marcelo Henrique 12 August 2013 (has links)
O atual estudo visa cooperar na compreensão dos efeitos da passagem de tempestades extremas sobre os sistemas litorâneos através do estudo de caso na Desembocadura de Cananéia, localizada na Ilha Comprida - SP. O trabalho contou com campanhas de campo para levantamento de dados topográficos e coletas de sedimentos, análises das condições ambientais atuantes durante o período dos campos, determinação da evolução da linha de costa através da análise de fotos aéreas e imagens de satélite e simulações numéricas para caracterizar o regime de ondas atuante na região. Foram produzidos mapas temáticos para representar as cotas de inundação associadas a ocorrência de marés meteorológicas .Os resultados indicaram que a ação das ondas de tempestade se da principalmente por meio do transporte onshore-offshore nas escalas temporais diária e mensal. A evolução da linha de costa obtida apontou para maior eficiência das correntes de deriva litorânea na escala decadal. A comparação entre os resultados topográficos/volumétricos e da evolução da linha de costa evidenciam uma tendência erosiva nas adjacências do Pontal de Fora associada à incidência de eventos atmosféricos extremos para o período entre 2001 e início de 2012. Os resultados das determinações das cotas de inundação apontam que os maiores impactos locais associados às mudanças climáticas serão provenientes das alterações na frequência de ocorrência e intensidade das tempestades / The current study aims to cooperate in the knowledge about the effects of the occurrence of extreme storms on coastal systems through the case study of the Desembocadura de Cananéia, located on Ilha Comprida - SP. The work included campaigns of field survey to collect topographic data and sediment samples, analysis of environmental conditions during the period of surveys, determination of the shoreline evolution through analysis of aerial photos and satellite images and numerical simulations to characterize the wave regime present in the region. Thematic maps were produced to represent the flood hazard associated with the occurrence of storm surges. Results indicated that the action of storm waves occurs primarily by means of the onshore-offshore transport on daily and monthly time scales. The evolution of the shoreline obtained pointed to greater efficiency of longshore currents on the decadal scale. The comparison between the topographic/volumetric results and the evolution of the coastline shows an erosive trend in the vicinity of the Pontal de Fora associated with the incidence of extreme weather events for the period between 2001 and early 2012. The results of the determinations of flood hazard areas points out that the major local impacts related to the global climate changes will come from variations in the frequency of occurrence and intensity of storms

Etude de la formation et de la mise en place des déferlantes pyroclastiques par modélisations numérique et expérimentale / Study of the formation and the transportation of the ash-cloud surge by numerical and experimental modeling

Gueugneau, Valentin 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les écoulements pyroclastiques sont des écoulements volcaniques complexes dont le comportement physique fait encore l'objet de débats. Ils sont composés de deux parties : l'écoulement dense basal, riche en particules et en blocs, surmonté par la déferlante, diluée et turbulente. Les interactions entre ces deux parties ne sont pas bien comprises, tout comme leurs échanges de masses et de quantités de mouvement. Partant de ce constat, cette thèse se concentre sur l’étude des mécanismes de formation de la déferlante à partir de l’écoulement dense.Les expériences mettent en évidence un mécanisme de formation d'un écoulement dilué par l’alternance d’incorporation d'air et d’élutriation des particules fines d’un lit granulaire dense soumis à des vibrations. L'air est aspiré dans le lit granulaire pendant les phases de dilatation puis expulsé pendant les phases de contraction. Une partie des particules est alors soutenue par l'air turbulent expulsé et forme un mélange de gaz et de particules qui, plus dense que l’air, se transforme en un écoulement de gravité. Extrapolé à l’échelle d’un volcan, ce mécanisme d’incorporation d’air et d’élutriation peut être reproduit par une topographie rugueuse, où chaque obstacle génère une compaction puis une dilation de l’écoulement dense. La quantification du mécanisme a été effectuée et l’approche expérimentale a permis d’aboutir à une loi reliant le flux de masse de la partie dense vers la déferlante à la vitesse de l’écoulement dense. Le modèle numérique est utilisé dans un premier temps pour étudier la rhéologie de l’écoulement dense qui, en contrôlant sa vitesse, contrôle le flux de masse précédemment évoqué. Un chapitre est consacré à l’effet de la fluidisation de l’écoulement dense sur sa rhéologie. Les résultats montrent que la fluidisation par les gaz est capable d’expliquer à la fois la grande mobilité de ces écoulements, ainsi que la formation des morphologies terminales en lobes et chenaux. L’ingestion d’air dans un écoulement au cours de sa mise en place semble pouvoir expliquer une partie de la dynamique des écoulements denses. Des rhéologies simples, de premier ordre, ont également été analysées : la rhéologie de Coulomb, la rhéologie plastique, et la rhéologie à coefficient de frottement variable. Les résultats montrent que la rhéologie plastique semble la mieux adaptée pour reproduire la vitesse et l’extension des écoulements denses.Ce modèle numérique a ensuite été utilisé pour tester la loi de flux de masse obtenue suite aux expériences de laboratoire. Appliqués à l’effondrement de dôme du 25 juin 1997 à la Soufriere Hills de Montserrat, les résultats montrent que les simulations reproduisent des dépôts de déferlantes dont l’épaisseur et l’extension sont tout à fait réalistes. Les simulations reproduisent même les écoulements denses secondaires issus de la sédimentation de la déferlante puis de la remobilisation des dépôts. Les cycles d’ingestion/expulsion d’air dans l’écoulement dense, par interaction avec la topographie, expliqueraient donc à la fois la grande fluidité des écoulements denses et la formation des déferlantes pyroclastiques. Les résultats de cette thèse mettent à jour un mécanisme nouveau qui pourrait être la clé de la mise en place des écoulements pyroclastiques et pourrait permettre d’améliorer la prévision future des risques et des menaces par modélisation numérique. / Small volume pyroclastic density currents are complex volcanic flows, whose physical behaviour is still debated. They comprise two parts: the pyroclastic flow, rich in particles and blocks, overridden by the ash-cloud surge, a turbulent and dilute flow. The interactions between these two parts are not fully understood, as well as their exchanges of mass and momentum. Therefore, the thesis focuses on the investigation of ash-cloud surge formation mechanisms from the pyroclastic flow. The experiments reveal a mechanism of dilute flow formation by alternation of air incorporation into and elutriation of fine particles from a dense granular bed subjected to vibrations. The air is aspirated into the granular bed during dilatations, and expulsed during the contraction phases. A part of the particles are then sustained by the turbulent expulsed air and form a mixture of gas and particles that transforms into a gravity current. Extrapolated to a volcanic edifice, this mechanism of air incorporation and elutriation can be reproduced by a rough topography, where each obstacle generates a compaction followed by a dilatation of the pyroclastic flow. The quantification of the mechanism has been accomplished and the mass flux from the dense flow to the ash-cloud surge has been deduced.The numerical model is first used to study the pyroclastic flow rheology, which controls the velocity of the flow, and then the mass flux previously mentioned. One chapter is dedicated to the fluidization effect on the pyroclastic flow rheology. Results show that this mechanism can explain the long runout of these flows, and also the formation of levées and channel morphologies. The air ingestion in the flow during its movement could explain a part of the pyroclastic flows dynamic. Simple rheologies has also been analyzed: a Coulomb rheology, a plastic rheology, and a variable friction coefficient rheology. Results show that the plastic rheology seems to be the most adapted rheology to simulate the pyroclastic flow dynamic. Then, the numerical model has been used to test the mass flow law obtained through experiments. Applied to the 25 June 1997 dome collapse at Soufrière Hills Volcano at Montserrat, results show that the simulations reproduce accurately the extension and the thickness of the surge deposits. The simulations are also able to reproduce the surge derived pyroclastic flow, generated by remobilisation of surge deposits. The cycles of ingestion/expulsion of air in the pyroclastic flow by interactions with the topography could explain both the great fluidity of these flows and the formation of ash-cloud surge. These results highlight a new mechanism that could be a key process in pyroclastic flow dynamic, which could improve significantly the hazard and risk assessment using numerical model.

Estudo analí­tico, experimental e numérico CFD do escoamento transitório no circuito de adução simples com chaminé de equilíbrio de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas - PCH. / Analytical experimental and CFD study of transient flow in small hydroelectric power plant with surge tank.

Antonio Braulio Neto 27 November 2018 (has links)
O transiente hidráulico na adução de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCH) é um importante tema de estudo para a correta escolha e dimensionamento das estruturas de amortecimento, que protegem o circuito adutor da variação abrupta da pressão interna causada pela variação na velocidade média do escoamento. Este trabalho propõe a utilização da hidrodinâmica computacional (CFD) para avaliar a oscilação de massa ou nível d\'água no interior da estrutura de proteção denominada Chaminé de Equilíbrio e comparar esses resultados com a solução teórica analítica, com os critérios de dimensionamento definidos em norma técnica e com os dados de medições experimentais. O problema foi modelado no software Ansys CFX que utiliza o método dos volumes finitos (MVF) para resolver os campos de velocidade e pressão do escoamento, tanto em regime permanente, quanto em regime transiente. Aplicando-se o modelo CFD proposto ao circuito hidráulico didático, os resultados foram validados com a formulação teórica e com as medições experimentais do nível d\'água na chaminé. O modelo foi aplicado num estudo de caso que consiste num circuito hidráulico de PCH. Os resultados da oscilação de massa no interior da chaminé para este estudo de caso confirmam o emprego da fluidodinâmica computacional para avaliar tais escoamentos em regime transitório. / The hydraulic transient in the circuit of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHP) is an important study subject for the correct choice and design of damping structure which protects the conduit from an abrupt variation of the internal pressure caused by the changes in the average flow velocity. This work proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to evaluate the mass oscillation or water level inside the protection structure called Surge Tank and compares these results with theory, design criteria defined by the technical standard, and experimental data. The problem was modeling in Ansys CFX software that uses the finite volume method (FVM) to solve velocity and pressure flow fields, in both steady state and transient flow. The proposed model used in a hydraulic circuit led to results validation with experimental measurements of water level surge tank. For the proposed case study, the response of the numerical CFD simulation confirms the use of computational fluid dynamics to evaluate such transient flows.

Análise de Riscos Costeiros a Eventos Atmosféricos Extremos no Litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo - Estudo de caso na região da Desembocadura de Cananéia / Analysis of Coastal Risks due to Atmospheric Extremes Events in the South Coast of São Paulo - Study case in the region of Desembocadura de Cananéia

Marcelo Henrique Gagliardi 12 August 2013 (has links)
O atual estudo visa cooperar na compreensão dos efeitos da passagem de tempestades extremas sobre os sistemas litorâneos através do estudo de caso na Desembocadura de Cananéia, localizada na Ilha Comprida - SP. O trabalho contou com campanhas de campo para levantamento de dados topográficos e coletas de sedimentos, análises das condições ambientais atuantes durante o período dos campos, determinação da evolução da linha de costa através da análise de fotos aéreas e imagens de satélite e simulações numéricas para caracterizar o regime de ondas atuante na região. Foram produzidos mapas temáticos para representar as cotas de inundação associadas a ocorrência de marés meteorológicas .Os resultados indicaram que a ação das ondas de tempestade se da principalmente por meio do transporte onshore-offshore nas escalas temporais diária e mensal. A evolução da linha de costa obtida apontou para maior eficiência das correntes de deriva litorânea na escala decadal. A comparação entre os resultados topográficos/volumétricos e da evolução da linha de costa evidenciam uma tendência erosiva nas adjacências do Pontal de Fora associada à incidência de eventos atmosféricos extremos para o período entre 2001 e início de 2012. Os resultados das determinações das cotas de inundação apontam que os maiores impactos locais associados às mudanças climáticas serão provenientes das alterações na frequência de ocorrência e intensidade das tempestades / The current study aims to cooperate in the knowledge about the effects of the occurrence of extreme storms on coastal systems through the case study of the Desembocadura de Cananéia, located on Ilha Comprida - SP. The work included campaigns of field survey to collect topographic data and sediment samples, analysis of environmental conditions during the period of surveys, determination of the shoreline evolution through analysis of aerial photos and satellite images and numerical simulations to characterize the wave regime present in the region. Thematic maps were produced to represent the flood hazard associated with the occurrence of storm surges. Results indicated that the action of storm waves occurs primarily by means of the onshore-offshore transport on daily and monthly time scales. The evolution of the shoreline obtained pointed to greater efficiency of longshore currents on the decadal scale. The comparison between the topographic/volumetric results and the evolution of the coastline shows an erosive trend in the vicinity of the Pontal de Fora associated with the incidence of extreme weather events for the period between 2001 and early 2012. The results of the determinations of flood hazard areas points out that the major local impacts related to the global climate changes will come from variations in the frequency of occurrence and intensity of storms

Estudo analí­tico, experimental e numérico CFD do escoamento transitório no circuito de adução simples com chaminé de equilíbrio de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas - PCH. / Analytical experimental and CFD study of transient flow in small hydroelectric power plant with surge tank.

Braulio Neto, Antonio 27 November 2018 (has links)
O transiente hidráulico na adução de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCH) é um importante tema de estudo para a correta escolha e dimensionamento das estruturas de amortecimento, que protegem o circuito adutor da variação abrupta da pressão interna causada pela variação na velocidade média do escoamento. Este trabalho propõe a utilização da hidrodinâmica computacional (CFD) para avaliar a oscilação de massa ou nível d\'água no interior da estrutura de proteção denominada Chaminé de Equilíbrio e comparar esses resultados com a solução teórica analítica, com os critérios de dimensionamento definidos em norma técnica e com os dados de medições experimentais. O problema foi modelado no software Ansys CFX que utiliza o método dos volumes finitos (MVF) para resolver os campos de velocidade e pressão do escoamento, tanto em regime permanente, quanto em regime transiente. Aplicando-se o modelo CFD proposto ao circuito hidráulico didático, os resultados foram validados com a formulação teórica e com as medições experimentais do nível d\'água na chaminé. O modelo foi aplicado num estudo de caso que consiste num circuito hidráulico de PCH. Os resultados da oscilação de massa no interior da chaminé para este estudo de caso confirmam o emprego da fluidodinâmica computacional para avaliar tais escoamentos em regime transitório. / The hydraulic transient in the circuit of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHP) is an important study subject for the correct choice and design of damping structure which protects the conduit from an abrupt variation of the internal pressure caused by the changes in the average flow velocity. This work proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to evaluate the mass oscillation or water level inside the protection structure called Surge Tank and compares these results with theory, design criteria defined by the technical standard, and experimental data. The problem was modeling in Ansys CFX software that uses the finite volume method (FVM) to solve velocity and pressure flow fields, in both steady state and transient flow. The proposed model used in a hydraulic circuit led to results validation with experimental measurements of water level surge tank. For the proposed case study, the response of the numerical CFD simulation confirms the use of computational fluid dynamics to evaluate such transient flows.

Investigating Transient Overvoltage Produced by Switching Action on Long Transmission Lines and Its Effect on Substations

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Switching surges are a common type of phenomenon that occur on any sort of power system network. These are more pronounced on long transmission lines and in high voltage substations. The problem with switching surges is encountered when a lot of power is transmitted across a transmission line/network, typically from a concentrated generation node to a concentrated load. The problem becomes significantly worse when the transmission line is long and when the voltage levels are high, typically above 400 kV. These overvoltage transients occur following any type of switching action such as breaker operation, fault occurrence/clearance and energization, and they pose a very real danger to weakly interconnected systems. At EHV levels, the insulation coordination of such lines is mainly dictated by the peak level of switching surges, the most dangerous of which include three phase line energization and single-phase reclosing. Switching surges can depend on a number of independent and inter-dependent factors like voltage level, line length, tower construction, location along the line, and presence of other equipment like shunt/series reactors and capacitors. This project discusses the approaches taken and methods applied to observe and tackle the problems associated with switching surges on a long transmission line. A detailed discussion pertaining to different aspects of switching surges and their effects is presented with results from various studies published in IEEE journals and conference papers. Then a series of simulations are presented to determine an arrangement of substation equipment with respect to incoming transmission lines; that correspond to the lowest surge levels at that substation. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Electrical Engineering 2018

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