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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Earth3 measures in sustainability reporting : Reinforcing transformational change through indicator and target setting

Schwarz, Jana, Pegels, Lea January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

A evolução dos relatórios de sustentabilidade no setor de mineração. / Assessing the evolution of sustainability reporting in the mining sector.

Perez, Fabiana 27 May 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos nota-se uma preocupação crescente das empresas com responsabilidade empresarial e desenvolvimento sustentável. A divulgação dos resultados por meio da publicação de relatórios de desempenho ambiental, de sustentabilidade e/ou balanços sociais pode demonstrar eficiência e melhorar as relações com as diversas partes interessadas. A publicação de estudos sobre a utilização de relatórios de sustentabilidade no setor de mineração contribui indiretamente para fomentar a evolução dessa prática nas empresas e contribuir para a melhora da imagem da mineração. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar de que modo tem-se dado a evolução dos relatórios de sustentabilidade publicados pelas empresas do setor de mineração. Foi desenvolvido um roteiro de avaliação dos relatórios, baseado em referências internacionais de boas práticas e na literatura sobre o tema. A avaliação foi feita somente em termos de atendimento ou não a 62 requisitos ou tópicos que deveriam idealmente constar de relatórios de sustentabilidade de empresas desse setor. Os requisitos foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias: Contexto e compromissos, Gestão, Desempenho econômico, Desempenho social, Desempenho ambiental e Acessibilidade e garantia. O roteiro foi aplicado a 35 relatórios preparados entre 1997 e 2006 por cinco grandes empresas multinacionais do setor de mineração. A hipótese de evolução na qualidade e na abrangência dos relatórios foi confirmada com uma tendência positiva. A alta média das pontuações totais dos relatórios analisados e a alta porcentagem de apresentação de informações recomendadas para o setor mostram o esforço dessas empresas na identificação de riscos e resposta às partes interessadas. As seis categorias de informação analisadas mostraram resultados diversos, tanto em pontuação obtida quanto à tendência de evolução A categoria que recebeu as melhores pontuações foi \"Contexto e Compromissos\" enquanto a que recebeu as menores notas foi \"Acessibilidade e Garantia\". O método de avaliação mostrou-se eficaz para a avaliar a abrangência ou completude dos relatórios. Nas empresas analisadas os processos de processos de publicação estão estabelecidos, e é possível não só continuar evoluindo para discussões mais profundas, como também compartilhar informações e lições aprendidas para difundir a prática em todo o setor. Passada a fase inicial de amadurecimento dos relatórios, é momento para as empresas avançarem nas suas práticas de divulgação, buscando atender às melhores práticas e expectativas das partes interessadas de uma maneira mais completa, atingindo o próximo patamar de qualidade em relatórios de sustentabilidade. / During last years companies have an increasing concern about corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. Performance disclosure through sustainability, social or environmental reports can demonstrate efficiency and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Publishing researches about the usage of sustainability reports in mining sector can indirectly promote the evolution of this practice in companies and contribute to improve the public image of the sector. The goal of this research is investigating how sustainability reports are evolving in mining companies. A method was developed for reports assessment, based on international good practices and literature about sustainability reports. The assessment was made in terms of presence or not of 62 topics which ideally should be presented in sustainability reports of this sector. The topics were organized in the following categories: Context and Commitment, Management, Economic performance, Social performance, Environmental performance and Assurance and accessibility. The method was applied to 35 reports published between 1997 and 2006 by five big multinational mining companies. The assumption of evolution in report quality and completeness was confirmed, with a positive trend. A high mean of reports score as well as a high percentage of disclosing mining specific information show the effort of these companies in risk identification and response to stakeholders. It was noticed that the six information categories analyzed presented different results, both in adherence to the developed framework and in evolution trend. The category which had the highest score was \"Context and Commitments\" while the category which had the lowest scores was \"Assurance and accessibility\". The assessment method was efficient to assess comprehensiveness or completeness of reports. The reporting process is established in the companies analyzed, and it is possible to keep evolving with orientation to deeper issues, as well as sharing information and lessons learned to disseminate good practices in the mining sector. Beyond the initial phase of reporting, it is time for companies to improve their reporting processes by complying with all best practices available and responding to stakeholders\' expectations in a more comprehensive way, reaching the next level of quality in sustainability reporting.

CSR i tre börsnoterade företag : en komparativ innehållsanalys av hållbarhetsredovisningar / CSR in three listed companies : a comparative content analysis of sustainability reports

Franzén, Rasmus, Karlsson, Jens January 2013 (has links)
Marknaden ställer idag högre krav på vad företagen redovisar och intressenterna är inte längre bara uppmärksamma på hur företaget redovisar ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. En ökad medvetenhet hos företagen kan i många fall inbringa konkurrensfördelar om företagen väljer att tillgodose dessa krav. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) syftar till att redovisa vad företaget har gjort, inte bara i ekonomiska resultat utan även beträffande miljö och sociala aspekter. Vi har i vår studie valt att granska med hjälp av en innehållsanalys hur tre svenska företag, H&M, Stora Enso och TeliaSonera, arbetar med CSR och vart tyngdpunkten ligger hos de olika företagen. Studiens syfte är att på ett komparativt sätt och genom en innehållsanalys ämna svara på vilka likheter och skillnader det finns i de tre företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar, samt vad som kan tolka eventuella likheter och skillnader. Vi har använt oss av ett klassificeringsschema som hjälpt oss att dela in vårt empiriska material i fem olika kategorier; Miljö, Energi, Human resources, Produkter och Community involvement. Våra resultat visar att det, till viss del, går att förklara företagens motiv till innehållet i hållbarhetsredovisningarna med utgångspunkt i legitimeringsteorin. Det är framförallt motivet till skillnaderna som kan förklaras genom legitimitetsteorin. Det går emellertid inte att utesluta att andra faktorer påverkar varför det förekommer skillnader, och särskilt likheter, i de redovisade uppgifterna för de tre företagen. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Corporate social responsibility disclosure in corporate communication : A content analysis of the automotive industry’s sustainability reports

Pouvreau, Baptiste, Sonier, Pierre January 2012 (has links)
Problems related to sustainable development such as environmental issues, human rights, orlabor conditions, are nowadays deeply integrated in our society. It became primordial forcompanies to take into consideration these problems in their business development. For morethan a decade now, car companies started to publish official documents summarizing theircommitments in favor of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions. Through thesesustainability reports, car producers disclose information concerning their sustainable policyand bring details to stakeholders on performed sustainable actions. Because publication of sustainability reports is a relatively new phenomenon, a lot of studies still have to be made in this sector. In this way, no main studies were made regarding howCSR actions performed and disclosed by car companies evolved in the past decade. Didcompanies keep focusing on the same type of sustainable actions or did some changes occuron the way they conduct their CSR policies? No trends were available to try to understandhow car companies CSR actions evolved. This thesis is an attempt to fulfill this gap and bringa first set of useful findings on this topic. Based on three different car producers which are BMW Group, Ford Motor Company andMitsubishi Motors Corporation, our study analyses these companies 2002, 2006 and 2010sustainability reports and looks at how CSR actions are disclosed. The purpose is firstly todescribe how companies’ CSR commitment disclosure is evolving between 2002 and 2010and secondly to find explanation to the key trends. In order to achieve this, we used six mainCSR categories (Economic, Environment, Human Rights, Labor Practices and Decent Work,Product Responsibility and Society) and classified disclosed information in relation with thesecategories to create trends. For each of these six categories, sub-categories were used in orderto be more precise in the analysis process of the documents. Results showed an important interest of car producers for the environment category whichrepresents, on average, more than 40% of disclosed information in sustainability reports.Society category trend shows an important increase between 2006 and 2010 which led it tobecome the second most represented category in reports. Other categories trends present amore stable evolution with time. As it is explained more in detail in our analysis part, thisattraction toward environmental issues for car producers can be explained by the badreputation given to car producers in terms of emissions, energy consumption and moreglobally environmental protection. Cultural background and business mindset are alsoinfluencing companies’ choices. Responsive behaviors resulting from stakeholder’s pressureas well as adaptation to a weak regulatory framework are additional elements to explain the key disclosure trends.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Publika företags drivkrafter bakom hållbarhetsredovisningen

Bhogal, Ramandeep, Logani, Karandip Singh January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera och systematisera vilka drivkrafter som är aktuella idag gentemot tidigare framtagna drivkrafter, för publika företag, för att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning. Metod: I denna uppsats har den kvalitativa arbetsmetoden tillämpats. Vi ansåg att den kvalitativa metoden var mer tillämpbart på vår studie då vi hade avsikt att på en djupare förståelse för företagens drivkrafter bakom hållbarhetsredovisningen. Vi har valt att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer i form utav både ett personligt möte och via telefon. Empiri: Det sammanställda resultatet från vår undersökning är att det finns en hel del olika drivkrafter bakom företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Majoriteten utav företagens drivkrafter är likadana, skillnaden är inte betydande.. Många utav drivkrafterna från tidigare gjord forskning är inte förekommande idag. Slutsats: Slutsatsen med denna studie är att drivkrafterna till varför publika företag upprättar en hållbarhetsredovisning till en viss del skiljer sig gentemot tidigare framtagna drivkrafter. De främsta aktuella drivkrafterna bakom publika företags hållbarhetsredovisningar är att företagen skapar en legitimitet genom att ha en transparens emellan företaget och dess intressenter, det föreligger en efterfrågan från ägare och nya potentiella investerare och förbättra interna processer och den interna organisationen för att skapa en långsiktighet.

Redovisning av jämställdhet i större svenska revisionsbyråers års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar / Larger swedish auditing firms reporting on gender equality in annual and sustainability reports

Lindelöf, Stina, Stensson, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Jämställdhet är ett aktuellt ämne som diskuteras bland både forskare och medier. Revisionsbranschen anses som en jämställd bransch samtidigt som undersökningar visar att kvinnor i de större företagen inte uppfattar den så jämställd som den genom könsfördelningen verkar vara. Forskare menar att det är viktigt att följa hur information om kvinnor och män redovisas i företags års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar för att se hur uppfattningar förändras över tid. Studier har genomförts i syfte att se hur företag redovisar sociala faktorer, såsom jämställdhet, men dessa finnes underrepresenterade i Sverige vilket leder fram till studiens problemformulering:   Vad redovisar större svenska revisionsbyråer om jämställdhet i sina års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar och hur har denna redovisning förändrats från räkenskapsår 2007/2008 till och med räkenskapsår 2011/2012?   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera och beskriva vad större revisionsbyråer i Sverige redovisar om jämställdhet i sina års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar för att få bättre insikt i denna redovisning. Delsyftet är även att beskriva hur denna redovisning har förändrats från räkenskapsår 2007/2008 till och med räkenskapsår 2011/2012 för att se hur engagemanget i frågan utvecklats. Metod: Års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar från de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige studerades från räkenskapsår 2007/2008 till och med räkenskapsår 2011/2012. Den metod som användes för att samla in informationen var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där en undersökningsmall som följde Weberprotokollet utformades. Resultat och slutsatser: Endast ett av företagen redovisade ett uppsatt mål om jämställdhet i sina rapporter men företagen uttryckte istället jämställdhet som en strävan eller utmaning. Företagen redovisade lagstadgad könsuppdelad statistik och frivilliga upplysningar om jämställdhet. Däremot var redovisningen om jämställdhet bristfällig hos några av företagen vilket gjorde att det var svårt att identifiera tydliga förändringar. De redovisade frivilliga upplysningar vilket skulle kunna förklaras med att de redovisar detta i syfte att skapa legitimitet gentemot sina intressenter. Nyckelord: Jämställdhet, legitimitet, intressenter, redovisning, årsredovisningar, hållbarhetsredovisningar / Background and problem: Gender equality is a current topic discussed among researchers and the media. The audit industry is considered as an equal branch while surveys show that women in the larger companies do not perceive it as equal as gender balance appears to be. Researchers believe that it is important to monitor how information about women and men is reported in the company's annual and sustainability reports to see how perceptions change over time. Research has been carried out to see how companies report on social factors such as gender, but these studies are underrepresented in Sweden, which leads to the study´s question: What do major Swedish auditing firms report about gender equality in their annual and sustainability reports and how has this reporting changed between 2007/2008 – 2011/2012?   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify and describe what the major auditing firms in Sweden report on gender equality in their annual and sustainability reports to gain a better understanding of this reporting. Another purpose is to describe how this report has changed between 2007/2008 – 2011/2012 to see how the involvement has developed. Method: Annual and sustainability reports from the four largest auditing firms in Sweden were studied between 2007/2008 – 2011/2012. The method used to collect the information was a qualitative content analysis where a list that followed the Weber protocol was created. Results and conclusions: Only one company reported a goal of equality in its reports, but all companies expressed equality as an ambition or challenge. The companies reported statutory gender statistics and voluntary disclosures. The results showed, however, that the reporting of equality was deficient in some of the companies that made it difficult to identify changes. They reported voluntary disclosures, which could be explained by that they report this in order to create legitimacy to their stakeholders. Keywords: Gender equality, legitimacy, stakeholders, accounting, annual reports, sustainability reports

Obligatoriskt krav på hållbarhetsredovisning : Faktorer till utmaningar som kan uppstå i företags praktiska arbete / Obligatory requirement for sustainability reporting : Factors to challenges that may arise in companies practical work

Ahlström, Emma, Myrén, Martina January 2018 (has links)
I årsredovisningslagen (1995:1554) tillkom en ändring (2016:947) som medför att större svenska företag blir tvingade till att upprätta en hållbarhetsredovisning. I en tidigare undersökning framkommer det att nio av tio företag upplever det nya lagkravet som utmanande. Denna studie bidrar därför med kunskap om vilka dessa utmaningar kan vara och vad de kan bero på. Syftet med studien är att uppmärksamma vilka faktorer som ligger till grund för att företag uppfattar implementering av lag (2016:947) som utmanande. Genom detta kan studien bidra med förståelse för det praktiska arbetet vid upprättandet av hållbarhetsredovisningar. Det kan vara användbart för företag som går över från frivillig till lagstadgad hållbarhetsredovisning eller företag som upprättar en hållbarhetsredovisning för första gången i samband med ett lagkrav.För att uppnå syftet har studien utgått ifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av intervjuer. Det har utförts åtta intervjuer med hållbarhetsansvariga på företag inom modebranschen samt sport- och fritidsbranschen. För att erhålla empiri kring det praktiska arbetet ansågs en kvalitativ metod vara bäst lämpad då det önskades praktiska exempel från informanterna.Studiens resultat kan förklaras med hjälp av implementeringsteorin där egenskaperna förstå, kan och vill presenteras. För att uppmärksamma svårigheter vid implementeringen kommer studien att undersöka om företagen besitter dessa tre egenskaper. Vid implementering av ett beslut är det väsentligt att veta vilka egenskaper företagen har för att förstå styrningenseffekter. Inom implementeringsteorin framgår det att det är mest problematiskt ifall viljan inte finns vid en implementering. Resultatet från studien visar att det finns utmaningar hos företagen som kan kopplas till egenskaperna förstå och kan. Egenskapen vill visar sig i denna studie inte kunna kopplas till företagens utmaningar. / The Annual Account Act (1995:1554) introduced a change (2016:947) which implies that larger Swedish companies are forced to establish a sustainability report. In a previous survey it appears that nine out of ten companies experience the new legal requirement as challenging. This study therefore contributes with knowledge of which these challenges could be and what they may depend on. The purpose of the study is to observe what factors that are the reasons why companies perceive implementation of law (2016:947) as challenging. By this, the study can contribute to understand the practical work in the preparation of sustainability reports. It can be useful for companies that switch from voluntary to statutory sustainability reporting or companies that establish a sustainability report for the first time in a connection with a legal requirement. To achieve the aim, the study has been based on a qualitative research method in the form of interviews. There have been eight interviews with sustainability managers in companies within the fashion industry as well as the sports-and leisure industry. In order to gain empirical knowledge about the practical work, a qualitative method was considered most appropriate because it was desired that the informants provided practical examples. The result of the study can be explained by using the implementation theory where the properties understand, can and will are presented. In order to pay attention to difficulties with implementation, the study will investigate whether the companies process these three properties. When implementing a decision, it is essential to know what properties companies have in order to understand the effects of the control. In implementation theory, it appears that it is most problematic if there is no willingness to implement. The result from the study shows that there is challenges within the companies that can be linked to the properties understandand can. The property will appear in this study unable to connect to the challenges in the companies.

Att följa ett hållbarhetsarbete : en longditudinell studie av SJs hållbarhetsrapporter

Allert, Alexander, Richloow, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Title: To follow sustainability - through a longitudinal study of the sustainability reports of SJ. Introduction: Sustainability Reporting is a way for companies to show how they work with sustainability, where the companies ambitions, strategies and visions of sustainability are also presented. GRI (Global reporting initiative) is the largest framework in the world that companies use when designing the sustainability report. One way of looking at the sustainability report is that it is for communicating with stakeholders, society and within the management team. In this way, the sustainability report is a way of making sustainability challenges more visible and by creating perspectives and achievements that make changes. Problem: One of the main purposes of the sustainability reporting framework GRI is to provide greater transparency for stakeholders, thus providing the opportunity for comparison over time. When there is a lack of clear national provisions for the preparation of sustainability work, evaluations and comparisons are difficult for the rest of the world. The lack of accounting principles and common practice means that it is often not clear what has been measured, how it has been measured and what tasks are covered. Therefore, it is interesting to study what can complicate a comparison over several years, by studying the sustainability work over time in the company SJ, which has been actively working with the framework of GRI since 2007. Purpose: Analyze what in sustainability reports that can complicate the comparability of the results. Method: It is important that companies sustainability issues are linked to performance measures, just to measure sustainability performance. Therefore, we have chosen to look at the sustainability areas of SJ and the indicators that are linked to these areas. We wanted to see how well it was possible to compare the results of the sustainability areas of SJ over time? This is carried out through a longitudinal case study with inductive approach to the sustainability reports of SJ. Results: In this study, it has been found that there is a lack of information about several parts, where the reader of the report does not get enough insight. Information deficiency in definitions and measurement methods leads to a comparison being uncertain and less credible. In the examination of deviating outcomes, the complexity was shown to interpret what influenced an outcome and strongly suggested that there was a lack of transparency. It also emerged that there is a big room for companies to choose which performance indicators and measurement methods they want.

A evolução dos relatórios de sustentabilidade no setor de mineração. / Assessing the evolution of sustainability reporting in the mining sector.

Fabiana Perez 27 May 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos nota-se uma preocupação crescente das empresas com responsabilidade empresarial e desenvolvimento sustentável. A divulgação dos resultados por meio da publicação de relatórios de desempenho ambiental, de sustentabilidade e/ou balanços sociais pode demonstrar eficiência e melhorar as relações com as diversas partes interessadas. A publicação de estudos sobre a utilização de relatórios de sustentabilidade no setor de mineração contribui indiretamente para fomentar a evolução dessa prática nas empresas e contribuir para a melhora da imagem da mineração. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar de que modo tem-se dado a evolução dos relatórios de sustentabilidade publicados pelas empresas do setor de mineração. Foi desenvolvido um roteiro de avaliação dos relatórios, baseado em referências internacionais de boas práticas e na literatura sobre o tema. A avaliação foi feita somente em termos de atendimento ou não a 62 requisitos ou tópicos que deveriam idealmente constar de relatórios de sustentabilidade de empresas desse setor. Os requisitos foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias: Contexto e compromissos, Gestão, Desempenho econômico, Desempenho social, Desempenho ambiental e Acessibilidade e garantia. O roteiro foi aplicado a 35 relatórios preparados entre 1997 e 2006 por cinco grandes empresas multinacionais do setor de mineração. A hipótese de evolução na qualidade e na abrangência dos relatórios foi confirmada com uma tendência positiva. A alta média das pontuações totais dos relatórios analisados e a alta porcentagem de apresentação de informações recomendadas para o setor mostram o esforço dessas empresas na identificação de riscos e resposta às partes interessadas. As seis categorias de informação analisadas mostraram resultados diversos, tanto em pontuação obtida quanto à tendência de evolução A categoria que recebeu as melhores pontuações foi \"Contexto e Compromissos\" enquanto a que recebeu as menores notas foi \"Acessibilidade e Garantia\". O método de avaliação mostrou-se eficaz para a avaliar a abrangência ou completude dos relatórios. Nas empresas analisadas os processos de processos de publicação estão estabelecidos, e é possível não só continuar evoluindo para discussões mais profundas, como também compartilhar informações e lições aprendidas para difundir a prática em todo o setor. Passada a fase inicial de amadurecimento dos relatórios, é momento para as empresas avançarem nas suas práticas de divulgação, buscando atender às melhores práticas e expectativas das partes interessadas de uma maneira mais completa, atingindo o próximo patamar de qualidade em relatórios de sustentabilidade. / During last years companies have an increasing concern about corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. Performance disclosure through sustainability, social or environmental reports can demonstrate efficiency and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Publishing researches about the usage of sustainability reports in mining sector can indirectly promote the evolution of this practice in companies and contribute to improve the public image of the sector. The goal of this research is investigating how sustainability reports are evolving in mining companies. A method was developed for reports assessment, based on international good practices and literature about sustainability reports. The assessment was made in terms of presence or not of 62 topics which ideally should be presented in sustainability reports of this sector. The topics were organized in the following categories: Context and Commitment, Management, Economic performance, Social performance, Environmental performance and Assurance and accessibility. The method was applied to 35 reports published between 1997 and 2006 by five big multinational mining companies. The assumption of evolution in report quality and completeness was confirmed, with a positive trend. A high mean of reports score as well as a high percentage of disclosing mining specific information show the effort of these companies in risk identification and response to stakeholders. It was noticed that the six information categories analyzed presented different results, both in adherence to the developed framework and in evolution trend. The category which had the highest score was \"Context and Commitments\" while the category which had the lowest scores was \"Assurance and accessibility\". The assessment method was efficient to assess comprehensiveness or completeness of reports. The reporting process is established in the companies analyzed, and it is possible to keep evolving with orientation to deeper issues, as well as sharing information and lessons learned to disseminate good practices in the mining sector. Beyond the initial phase of reporting, it is time for companies to improve their reporting processes by complying with all best practices available and responding to stakeholders\' expectations in a more comprehensive way, reaching the next level of quality in sustainability reporting.

Hållbarhetslogik i de svenska storbankerna : En analys av utvecklingen av bankernas hållbarhetsredovisningar / Sustainability logic in the Swedish major banks : An analysis of the development of the banks’ sustainability reports

Lundström, Felicia, Skatka, Max January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund och Problematisering: I dagens samhälle har hållbarhetsfrågor fått ett allt större fokus och många företag upprättar hållbarhetsredovisningar för att beskriva hur de jobbar med hållbarhet. Företags hållbarhetsarbete har även blivit mer harmoniserat runt om i världen vilket eventuellt innebär att det har vuxit fram hållbarhetslogiker inom vissa branscher. Samtidigt har bankernas hållbarhetsarbete fått en större uppmärksamhet i medier där bland annat negativa händelser såsom Panamaskandalen och Finanskrisen 2007-2008 har belysts, vilket har lett till att folk tappat förtroendet för banker. Syfte: På grund av den ökade uppmärksamheten och förändringar i hållbarhetsarbetet är syftet att analysera om det går att se en viss hållbarhetslogik inom de fyra svenska storbankerna, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB och Swedbank, samt hur den i så fall har utvecklats över tid. Metod: För att se om det finns en hållbarhetslogik inom de fyra bankerna är uppsatsen uppbyggd på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av bankernas hållbarhetsredovisningar och av deras årsredovisningar i de fall då separata hållbarhetsredovisningar inte finns. Kodning av redovisningar har skett i dataprogrammet Nvivo för kvalitativa innehållsanalyser. Redovisningarna har kodats utifrån fyra kategorier: anställda, etik, miljö och samhälle. Resultat: Det finns en hållbarhetslogik inom bankerna som delvis kan förklaras av att de ingår i samma organisationsfält då de alla verkar på samma marknad, erbjuder liknande produkter och tjänster, har liknande intressenter och följer samma lagar. I hållbarhetsredovisningarna syns det framförallt en tydlig utveckling gällande hur bankerna har tagit större ansvar med åren när det gäller miljö och etik. Denna utveckling kan kopplas till hur de anpassat sig till förändrade normer, lagar och värderingar i samhället. Till en viss del har även påtvingad isomorfism bidragit till att en hållbarhetslogik vuxit fram eftersom bankerna har varit tvungna att anpassa sig efter skärpta regelkrav såsom högre kapitalbuffertar och finansiering av terrorism. / Background and Problematization: In today’s society the knowledge about sustainability has increased, therefore many companies have decided to publish a sustainability report where they explain how they conduct their operation in a sustainable manner. Companies sustainability efforts have also become more harmonized around the world which might indicate that a certain sustainability logic has developed. Media have recently especially paid attention to issues of banks and have enlightened negative occurrences such as the tax evasion in Panama and the financial crisis of 2007-2008 that have led to people losing their confidence in banks. Purpose: Due to the increased attention and changes in sustainability work, the purpose of this study is to analyse if there exists a sustainability logic within the four major banks in Sweden, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank and how the logic has developed over time. Methodology: In order to see if there exists a sustainability logic within the four banks we decided to conduct a qualitative content analysis of the banks’ sustainability reports. The reports have been coded in a software program called Nvivo. The reports have been coded based on four categories: employees, ethics, environment and society. Result: There exists a sustainability logic within the banks which partially can be explained by the fact that they are a part of the same business field. They all operate in the same market, offer similar products and services, have similar stakeholders and follow the same laws and regulations. In the sustainability reports we can see a clear development regarding the level of responsibility banks have taken when it comes to their impact on environmental and ethical questions within their investments and customers. This development can be explained by how they have adapted to changed norms, laws and values in the community. We can also see how a coercive isomorphism has contributed to a harmonization of their sustainability work through changed laws regarding both capital demands and financing of terrorism.

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