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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Em busca de uma arquitetura sustentável: o uso de fontes alternativas de energia / In search of a sustainable architecture: the use of alternative sources of energy

Pinto, Carolina Ferreira 10 December 2009 (has links)
A atual situação de degradação ambiental tem sido muito discutida nos últimos anos. Um dos principais fatores agravantes dessa situação é a crescente demanda energética e suas atuais formas de produção. O petróleo, matriz energética mundial, é altamente poluente, e um combustível finito com o preço sempre crescente. A energia elétrica brasileira está baseada nas hidrelétricas, considerada fonte de energia limpa e renovável, porém o custo ambiental para sua construção é bem alto. Atualmente já existem tecnologias alternativas que podem servir essa crescente demanda energética sem prejudicar o meio ambiente. Na arquitetura, como em todas as áreas, houve um aumento com preocupação, e o estudo sobre o desempenho energético das edificações para reduzir a demanda de energia se tornou um assunto em pauta. Medidas e soluções estão sendo tomadas na decisão dos projetos mais sustentáveis. Mas para isso, o profissional deve estar atento às novas tecnologias alternativas de produção e distribuição de energia. Quando em um projeto é considerado o uso de fontes alternativas e o uso de técnicas de iluminação e ventilação natural, pode-se economizar não só nas despesas direcionadas para as fornecedoras de energia, mas poupar recursos naturais, ajudando a preservar o meio ambiente, fundamental para a nossa sobrevivência. Este trabalho traz algumas definições sobre sustentabilidade e a relação que a arquitetura tem com a problemática ambiental através da energia. Foi feita uma procura de novas tecnologias de produção e geração de energia e então, composto um estado da arte dos principais centros mundiais em P&D e dos projetos de demonstração envolvendo células à combustível, uma nova tecnologia que gera energia limpa in loco, descrevendo as características mais importantes destes projetos e compilando os resultados para uma possível adaptação aqui no Brasil, a fim de que diminua a participação das edificações no consumo de energia elétrica produzida a partir de hidrelétricas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir com a disseminação do conhecimento sobre energias alternativas e renováveis no meio arquitetônico, e demonstrar os principais centros mundiais em P&D e os projetos de demonstração que envolvam a geração de energia limpa através das células à combustível para uma adaptação no contexto brasileiro. Os resultados dessa pesquisa foram a constatação de que em todos países desenvolvidos há um forte apoio governamental para introdução dessa nova tecnologia de geração de energia para possibilitar futuramente a \"Economia do Hidrogênio\". A maioria dos projetos pesquisados são de células de tecnologia tipo PEM e abastecidas à gás natural (GN), pois esses países já possuem uma infra-estrutura formada para o GN. No contexto brasileiro, o apoio governamental à essa nova tecnologia ainda é pouco, salvo o fomento de algumas instituições como FAPESP, CAPES, CNPQ e centros universitários. Esta ausência governamental deixa espaço para respostas a curto prazo às novas demandas de energia elétrica ocasionando o preenchimento com outros tipos de fontes de energia poluentes e fósseis como é o caso do aumento das termelétricas ultimamente. / The current situation of environmental degradation has been much discussed in recent years. One of the main factors aggravating this situation is the growing energy demand and its current production methods most used. The oil, world energy matrix, is highly polluting fuel and a finite with the ever-increasing price. The Brazilian energy matrix is based on hydro, considered a clean and renewable source of energy, but the environmental cost and its construction are very high. Nowadays, there are alternative technologies that can serve this growing energy demand without harming the environment. In architecture, as in all areas, there was an increase in concern, and the study on the energy performance of buildings to reduce energy demand has become a subject matter. Measures and solutions are being taken in deciding the projects more sustainable. But for this, the practitioner must be aware of new alternative technologies of production and distribution of energy. When a project is considered the use of alternative techniques and the use of natural lighting and ventilation, you can save not only the costs directed for energy providers, but save natural resources, helping to preserve the environment, essential for our survival. This study offers some definitions of sustainability and the relationship that architecture has with the environment through energy. It was made a demand for new production technologies and power generation and then made a \"state of the art world\'s main centers of R&D and demonstration projects involving fuel cells, describing the most important features of these projects and compiling the results for a possible adjustment in Brazil, in order to decrease the participation of the buildings in the consumption of electricity produced from hydropower plants in Brazil. The research aims to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on alternative and renewable energy among architectural and demonstrate the major world centers in R & D and demonstration projects involving the application of clean energy through fuel cells to adapt Brazilian context. The results of this research was the finding that in all developed countries there is strong government support for the introduction of this new technology to generate energy to enable a future \"Hydrogen Economy\". Most projects are cell PEM technology and supplied with natural gas because these countries already have an infrastructure set up to NG. In the Brazilian context, government support to this new technology is still little, except the promotion of some institutions like FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq and universities. This government leaves no room for short-term responses to new demands for power resulting in filling other types of no clean energy clean and fuels such as increasing the thermal power plants.

Instrumental Landscapes: Sustainable Strategies for Wetland Development

Fanti, Dennis 06 August 2010 (has links)
As a result of widespread urban development over the past two decades, global wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate. This thesis develops a series of strategies for protecting wetland ecosystems from the ecological consequences that cascade through an ecosystem as a result of such development. This thesis is based on the paired assumptions that ecosystems represent networks of linked processes that operate across both local and global scales, and that the ecological integrity of any ecosystem can be maintained (a) only if the physical integrity of an ecosystem’s constituent processes is maintained, and (b) only if damage occurring at one ecological scale is prevented from affecting processes occurring at another. Thus, the strategies proposed here are multi-scalar and implemented at both the scale of the site and at the broader watershed scale. The strategies developed in this thesis focus on maintaining the physical integrity of the local wetlands as a means of protecting the processes that occur within the broader wetland ecosystem. The thesis proposes that wetland sites might be best protected from the effects of urban development by implementing a series of landscape interventions that provide the ecosystem with the means to reorient itself in new ecological relationships. Instead of attempting to recreate and control a complex set of conditions by imposing a deterministic architectural solution on the site, this strategy seeds new processes and new structural relationships such that the ecosystem reorganizes itself according to its own structural logic and grows into new stable relationships according to conditions that arise out of those processes. Because this approach generates a series of self-sustaining processes, human intervention is minimized beyond the initial stages. The stategies proposed here will be explored in the context of proposals recently announced by oil companies to develop ecologically sensitive wetland sites located on the Athabasca River in north-eastern Alberta.

Breaking Through the First Cost Barriers to Sustainable Planning, Design and Construction

Mogge, John W., Jr. 27 October 2004 (has links)
Breaking Through the First Cost Barriers of Sustainable Planning, Design, and Construction John W. Mogge Jr. 377 Pages Directed by Dr. Rita Oberle The research integrates elements of the bodies of knowledge for sustainability, planning, design, and construction to create an understanding of green project first cost drivers. It extends conceptual models for sustainable infrastructure and the built environment process by creating a framework based linkage to analyze first cost impacts of sustainable project planning, design, and construction decisions. The framework functions as an analytical bridge between the built environment process and sustainability and is the principal contribution of this research. Through a preliminary analysis of fourteen projects, the work draws out relevant planning, materials and methods, and estimating and scheduling best practices and guiding principles. The work then proposes a first cost impact framework derived from the preliminary analysis as a decision support tool and tests the framework using an expert system derived linguistic database. The test results support the functionality of the framework. The test linguistic database was developed through an interdisciplinary professional expert practitioner interview process using common green project planning, design and construction strategies. The qualitative, interpretative, multi-criteria analysis of the data used fuzzy set theory and presents findings helpful in understanding green project first cost drivers. The work concludes with an assessment and a discussion of parallel research, and ten recommended areas for further research.

Investigations on a new high-strength pozzolan foam material

Claus, Julien 19 November 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes improvements on newly-discovered high-strength pozzolan-based materials fabricated via a low-cost chemical reaction that takes place between 90 and 115 ℃ for 3 to 24 hours. The reported results focus on pozzolan constituents acquired from Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) such as cenospheres, fly ash C and F, as well as bottom ash. The thesis reports on various types of these materials with specific gravity ranging from 0.5 to 1.6; compressive strength ranging from 300 to 3600 psi, and compressive modulus ranging from 50 to 240 ksi. In addition to their good mechanical properties under compression that are attractive for the building and construction industries, the materials further exhibit great potential for applications as energy absorption cores in sandwich construction that could extend their value in other industries including the automotive and aerospace industries. For example, the load-displacement curve exhibits a short elastic zone followed by a long load-plateau; while the materials crush through a controlled vertical cracking process. Additionally, an attempt was made to further decrease the manufacturing cost of the material by investigating incorporation of chemicals that accelerates dehydration of the mixture. One such successful chemical reported in this thesis is aluminum phosphate; while it is not conclusive how the chemical improves any major property.

Understanding the issues of project cost and time in sustainable construction from a general contractor's perspective: case study

Weeks, Jason A. 17 March 2010 (has links)
The green building market has seen tremendous growth in the past decade. Organizations such as the US Green Building Council have emerged to become a dominant leader in the building industry. Although the green building rating systems are cross-disciplinary, much of the focus has been directed towards design-related input. General Contractors play an important role in delivering successful sustainable construction projects. If an integrated project delivery method is chosen, the General Contractor may offer insightful preconstruction assistance by providing ideas on green construction methods and materials. As sustainable building practices become more prominent in the construction industry, General Contractors must remain knowledgeable on current green building standards in order to stay competitive. Two of the most important aspects of business for a General Contractor involve time and money. Through qualitative literature review and quantitative results from a case study, this research analyzes time and cost in sustainable construction projects from a General Contractor's perspective. The research also examines whether the management of a sustainable construction project is substantially different than a non-sustainable construction project for a General Contractor. Finally, because the green building process involves multiple parties, the collaboration effort from all parties involved in a green building project will be studied.

Instrumental Landscapes: Sustainable Strategies for Wetland Development

Fanti, Dennis 06 August 2010 (has links)
As a result of widespread urban development over the past two decades, global wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate. This thesis develops a series of strategies for protecting wetland ecosystems from the ecological consequences that cascade through an ecosystem as a result of such development. This thesis is based on the paired assumptions that ecosystems represent networks of linked processes that operate across both local and global scales, and that the ecological integrity of any ecosystem can be maintained (a) only if the physical integrity of an ecosystem’s constituent processes is maintained, and (b) only if damage occurring at one ecological scale is prevented from affecting processes occurring at another. Thus, the strategies proposed here are multi-scalar and implemented at both the scale of the site and at the broader watershed scale. The strategies developed in this thesis focus on maintaining the physical integrity of the local wetlands as a means of protecting the processes that occur within the broader wetland ecosystem. The thesis proposes that wetland sites might be best protected from the effects of urban development by implementing a series of landscape interventions that provide the ecosystem with the means to reorient itself in new ecological relationships. Instead of attempting to recreate and control a complex set of conditions by imposing a deterministic architectural solution on the site, this strategy seeds new processes and new structural relationships such that the ecosystem reorganizes itself according to its own structural logic and grows into new stable relationships according to conditions that arise out of those processes. Because this approach generates a series of self-sustaining processes, human intervention is minimized beyond the initial stages. The stategies proposed here will be explored in the context of proposals recently announced by oil companies to develop ecologically sensitive wetland sites located on the Athabasca River in north-eastern Alberta.

Social interaction and well-being in architectural environments : the design of a multi-use-facility.

Sharkey, David Michael. 20 June 2013 (has links)
The urban architectural environment in modern day life places a variety of additional unnecessary stresses upon people which affects social interaction and well-being. This dissertation is aimed at developing an understanding of what social interaction and well-being is in architecture and how important it is to design architectural environments that enhance these two principles. The research investigates the benefits and design tools of a more appropriate approach to the built environment through the exploration of the theories of Biophilia, Image Of The City and New Urbanism. The theories seek to provide architects and the designers of the built environment with tools that can be used to create architectural environments that enhance social interaction and the well-being of building users. It further endeavours to highlight the destructive qualities that affect well-being and social interaction in the architectural environment on both a macro (city context) and a micro level (the building) to create an awareness in those responsible for the design of these environments and the impact they have on society. The designers of the built environment should consider the social and well-being needs of the people as this will convert architectural environments into spaces that have physical and physiological benefits to its users. / Thesis (M.Arch.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

Respect and Reuse: Sustainable Preservation in Portland, Oregon / Sustainable Preservation in Portland, Oregon

Johnson, Bethany N., 1983- 06 1900 (has links)
xvi, 109 p. : ill., maps. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / The 'culture of sustainability' is rapidly developing across the United States and the globe. Prompted by economic and environmental crisis, the need to understand and implement sustainable practices has become the paramount objective of the building industry. Utilization of historic preservation as a response to sustainable development is an important aspect of the building profession not yet fully understood, though its roots are found in the "new life for old buildings" movement of the 1970s. This lack of understanding is, in part, due to limited research addressing the conservation and sustainability of the existing building stock within the United States. This thesis will provide case study research on successful sustainable preservation strategies that have been filtered through the National Register of Historic Places and the LEED Green Building Rating System, helping to define the opportunities for beneficial interchange. / Committee in Charge: Dr. Kingston W. Heath, Chair; Shannon M. Bell

Em busca de uma arquitetura sustentável: o uso de fontes alternativas de energia / In search of a sustainable architecture: the use of alternative sources of energy

Carolina Ferreira Pinto 10 December 2009 (has links)
A atual situação de degradação ambiental tem sido muito discutida nos últimos anos. Um dos principais fatores agravantes dessa situação é a crescente demanda energética e suas atuais formas de produção. O petróleo, matriz energética mundial, é altamente poluente, e um combustível finito com o preço sempre crescente. A energia elétrica brasileira está baseada nas hidrelétricas, considerada fonte de energia limpa e renovável, porém o custo ambiental para sua construção é bem alto. Atualmente já existem tecnologias alternativas que podem servir essa crescente demanda energética sem prejudicar o meio ambiente. Na arquitetura, como em todas as áreas, houve um aumento com preocupação, e o estudo sobre o desempenho energético das edificações para reduzir a demanda de energia se tornou um assunto em pauta. Medidas e soluções estão sendo tomadas na decisão dos projetos mais sustentáveis. Mas para isso, o profissional deve estar atento às novas tecnologias alternativas de produção e distribuição de energia. Quando em um projeto é considerado o uso de fontes alternativas e o uso de técnicas de iluminação e ventilação natural, pode-se economizar não só nas despesas direcionadas para as fornecedoras de energia, mas poupar recursos naturais, ajudando a preservar o meio ambiente, fundamental para a nossa sobrevivência. Este trabalho traz algumas definições sobre sustentabilidade e a relação que a arquitetura tem com a problemática ambiental através da energia. Foi feita uma procura de novas tecnologias de produção e geração de energia e então, composto um estado da arte dos principais centros mundiais em P&D e dos projetos de demonstração envolvendo células à combustível, uma nova tecnologia que gera energia limpa in loco, descrevendo as características mais importantes destes projetos e compilando os resultados para uma possível adaptação aqui no Brasil, a fim de que diminua a participação das edificações no consumo de energia elétrica produzida a partir de hidrelétricas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir com a disseminação do conhecimento sobre energias alternativas e renováveis no meio arquitetônico, e demonstrar os principais centros mundiais em P&D e os projetos de demonstração que envolvam a geração de energia limpa através das células à combustível para uma adaptação no contexto brasileiro. Os resultados dessa pesquisa foram a constatação de que em todos países desenvolvidos há um forte apoio governamental para introdução dessa nova tecnologia de geração de energia para possibilitar futuramente a \"Economia do Hidrogênio\". A maioria dos projetos pesquisados são de células de tecnologia tipo PEM e abastecidas à gás natural (GN), pois esses países já possuem uma infra-estrutura formada para o GN. No contexto brasileiro, o apoio governamental à essa nova tecnologia ainda é pouco, salvo o fomento de algumas instituições como FAPESP, CAPES, CNPQ e centros universitários. Esta ausência governamental deixa espaço para respostas a curto prazo às novas demandas de energia elétrica ocasionando o preenchimento com outros tipos de fontes de energia poluentes e fósseis como é o caso do aumento das termelétricas ultimamente. / The current situation of environmental degradation has been much discussed in recent years. One of the main factors aggravating this situation is the growing energy demand and its current production methods most used. The oil, world energy matrix, is highly polluting fuel and a finite with the ever-increasing price. The Brazilian energy matrix is based on hydro, considered a clean and renewable source of energy, but the environmental cost and its construction are very high. Nowadays, there are alternative technologies that can serve this growing energy demand without harming the environment. In architecture, as in all areas, there was an increase in concern, and the study on the energy performance of buildings to reduce energy demand has become a subject matter. Measures and solutions are being taken in deciding the projects more sustainable. But for this, the practitioner must be aware of new alternative technologies of production and distribution of energy. When a project is considered the use of alternative techniques and the use of natural lighting and ventilation, you can save not only the costs directed for energy providers, but save natural resources, helping to preserve the environment, essential for our survival. This study offers some definitions of sustainability and the relationship that architecture has with the environment through energy. It was made a demand for new production technologies and power generation and then made a \"state of the art world\'s main centers of R&D and demonstration projects involving fuel cells, describing the most important features of these projects and compiling the results for a possible adjustment in Brazil, in order to decrease the participation of the buildings in the consumption of electricity produced from hydropower plants in Brazil. The research aims to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on alternative and renewable energy among architectural and demonstrate the major world centers in R & D and demonstration projects involving the application of clean energy through fuel cells to adapt Brazilian context. The results of this research was the finding that in all developed countries there is strong government support for the introduction of this new technology to generate energy to enable a future \"Hydrogen Economy\". Most projects are cell PEM technology and supplied with natural gas because these countries already have an infrastructure set up to NG. In the Brazilian context, government support to this new technology is still little, except the promotion of some institutions like FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq and universities. This government leaves no room for short-term responses to new demands for power resulting in filling other types of no clean energy clean and fuels such as increasing the thermal power plants.

Contribuição ao entendimento da aplicação da certificação LEED e do conceito de custos no ciclo de vida em empreendimentos mais sustentaveis no Brasil / Contribution to the understanding of LEED certification and life cycle costing use in sustainable buildings in Brazil

Pardini, Andrea Fonseca 08 July 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Vanessa Gomes da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T07:00:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pardini_AndreaFonseca_M.pdf: 3009036 bytes, checksum: df11fe038da1fb8372046949e7ae835a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A preocupação com a vida no planeta e com a qualidade de vida emergiu como foco de governantes, mídia e comunidades acadêmicas. No setor da indústria da construção civil, porém, o movimento neste sentido ainda é incipiente. Este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de contribuir para o entendimento da aplicação da certificação ambiental de edifícios norte-americana Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - LEED e do conceito de custos no ciclo de vida em empreendimentos mais sustentáveis no Brasil. Para tanto, foram desenhados dois objetivos específicos a serem alcançados: (1) estudar a aplicação de uma metodologia de avaliação ambiental americana, o LEED, em empreendimentos brasileiros, entendendo as facilidades e restrições quando da aplicação para a realidade brasileira e (2) captar a percepção e entendimento referentes às edificações sustentáveis e de custos ao longo do ciclo de vida de uma edificação, por uma amostra relevante do mercado brasileiro. A partir de revisão bibliográfica detalhada foi realizada uma análise da implementação de cada ponto do sistema de certificação diante do contexto brasileiro, confrontando-a com evidências obtidas para os EUA. Finalmente, foram desenvolvidas as análises de dois estudos de casos nacionais, para posicionamento da discussão no contexto brasileiro. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram que (1) a percepção aqui no Brasil de que estas edificações têm um custo inicial maior é real, mas ainda está embasada mais em sentimento do que em conhecimento específico; (2) alcançar a certificação LEED pode não ser uma tarefa fácil e, no Brasil, significa, em muitas vezes, saltar da completa ausência de referência para o atendimento de normas americanas; e (3) mesmo em centros avançados da construção civil brasileira, o mercado ainda não está preparado para os "selos verdes" internacionais. Existem grandes obstáculos a serem superados até que se possa desenvolver um edifício verde com a mesma eficiência de prazo e investimento que um empreendimento convencional. Apesar de suas limitações, a entrada de certificações no Brasil traz consigo uma nova forma de se enxergar os impactos gerados pelo produto da construção civil, abrindo assim a discussão para assuntos antes nunca abordados. O que se deve evitar no Brasil é que a ansiedade pela busca de certificados, resulte no risco de fragilizar o papel transformador das certificações. / Abstract: The concern with life on the planet and with quality of life has emerged as a major focus of government, media and academic communities. However, in the Civil Construction Industry, this movement is still incipient. This research has a general objective to contribute for the understanding of the application of the North-American environmental building certification Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - LEED and of the concept of life cycle costing to sustainable buildings in Brazil. Therefore, two specific goals were envisioned: (1) study the application of the LEED certification to Brazilian buildings, understanding the restrictions for its use in a reality different from the original American reference; and (2) get the perception and understanding related to sustainable buildings and the costs during the building life cycle, using a relevant sample of the Brazilian construction market. After a detailed literature review, implementation of the certification system in the Brazilian context was analyzed on an item by item basis, and compared with the evidences obtained from the American results. Finally, two national case studies were analyzed to put the debate in perspective. Obtained results confirmed that (1) the perception that such buildings in Brazil have higher initial costs is correct, however, such perception is based on intuition rather than on specific knowledge or historical evidence; (2) obtaining a LEED certificate is not an easy task and in Brazil it means, most of the time, jumping from complete lack of reference to follow North American standards; and (3) even in developed civil construction centers in Brazil, the market is not yet prepared for international green certification. There are huge obstacles to be overcome until green buildings are developed at the same time and cost efficiency of a conventional one. Even within these limitations, certification brings a new way of looking at civil construction impacts and opens discussion on matters never approached before in Brazil. The quest for certification in itself should be avoided. Otherwise, it may put at risk the valuable contribution building certification can bring to market transformation. / Mestrado / Arquitetura e Construção / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

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