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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terminal terrestre intermodal para mejorar el servicio de transporte de pasajeros en la ciudad de Chachapoyas

Ullilen Tello, Jennifer Edelmira January 2024 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es diseñar un terminal terrestre intermodal para mejorar el sistema de transporte en la ciudad de Chachapoyas. Se planteó 3 objetivos específicos los cuales son: diagnosticar el estado actual del transporte de pasajeros en la ciudad de Chachapoyas, estudiar características arquitectónicas de los terminales terrestres de pasajeros en relación con el objeto de estudio y elaborar estrategias proyectuales para el nuevo terminal terrestre intermodal de pasajeros en la ciudad de Chachapoyas. Para ello la investigación se realizó de manera aplicada de nivel descriptivo porque trabaja hechos de la realidad, de diseño no experimental de enfoque mixto transversal porque se observa la realidad y no se manipula las variables. Se plantearon 3 fases, la primera se realizó el estado actual de los terminales terrestres (observación, mapeo y cartografías), la segunda fase se realizó una investigación teórica de referentes para obtenerlos criterios necesarios (observación y análisis documental) y la tercera fase esta referida a la propuesta del diseño arquitectónico para un terminal terrestre intermodal (cálculo de demanda diaria de viajes (vehículos y usuarios), planos, visualización). Como resultado obtenemos la selección del terreno y programa arquitectónico adecuado para su función, aplicando estrategias proyectuales para el terminal terrestre intermodal en la ciudad de Chachapoyas. / The main objective of this research is to design an intermodal land terminal to improve the transportation system in the city of Chachapoyas. Three specific objectives were proposed, which are: to diagnose the current state of passenger transportation in the city of Chachapoyas, to study architectural characteristics of the passenger land terminals in relation to the object of study and to develop project strategies for the new intermodal land terminal of Chachapoyas. passengers in the city of Chachapoyas. For this, the research was carried out in an applied way at a descriptive level because it works with facts from reality, with a non-experimental design with a mixed cross-sectional approach because reality is observed and the variables are not manipulated. 3 phases were proposed, the first was the current state of the land terminals (observation, mapping and cartographies), the second phase was a theoretical investigation of references to obtain the necessary criteria (observation and documentary analysis) and the third phase is referred to to the architectural design proposal for an intermodal land terminal (calculation of daily travel demand (vehicles and users), plans, visualization). As a result, we obtain the selection of the land and architectural program appropriate for its function, applying design strategies for the intermodalland terminal in the city of Chachapoyas.

Estrategias de reciclaje arquitectónico

Navarro Bosch, Ana María 21 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] This research is framed in the field of architectural recycling, giving value to the architecture from its pre-existing condition, understanding that what is important is its adaptation to new cycles of life, providing a sustainable response to the resource consumption, and simultaneously, without abandoning its beauty. The purpose will be to define the most appropriate strategies for the success of architectural recycling, the determining factors for its design, and their relative value in the final result. We use the methodology of going from the general to the particular, starting to reflect on the current situation and its causes, to analyze the concept of recycling and its implications, and to value the importance of making an action strategy by thinking about recycling from five different actions: relook, re-think, re-schedule, re-design, and re-live. Experimenting, these five actions are applied to the case "Matadero Madrid" in order to evaluate a critical position on the validity of current architectural recycling. Finally, conclusions will be established, recognizing new strategies of architectural recycling, based on creativity and innovation, involving a change in mentality towards a more sustainable architecture. / [ES] La presente investigación se enmarca en el ámbito del reciclaje arquitectónico con el fin de poner en valor a la arquitectura desde su condición preexistente, entendiendo que lo importante es que ésta pueda adaptarse a nuevos ciclos de vida dando con ello una respuesta sostenible frente al consumo de recursos y, a su vez, hacerlo sin renunciar a la belleza. El objeto será el de definir las estrategias más adecuadas para el éxito del reciclaje arquitectónico, los factores determinantes para su diseño y su valor relativo en el resultado final. Se emplea la metodología de ir de lo general a lo particular, comenzando por reflexionar sobre la situación actual y sus causas para, a continuación, hacer un análisis del concepto del reciclaje y sus implicaciones y valorar con ello la importancia de la elaboración de una estrategia de actuación reflexionando sobre el reciclaje desde cinco acciones: re_mirar, re_pensar, re_programar, re_diseñar y re_vivir. En la experimentación-discusión, se aplican estas cinco acciones al caso de Matadero Madrid, con el objeto de elaborar un posicionamiento crítico sobre la validez del reciclaje arquitectónico en el momento actual. Por último, se establecerán conclusiones reconociendo nuevas estrategias de actuación de reciclaje arquitectónico, basadas en la creatividad y la innovación, que suponen un cambio de mentalidad, hacia una arquitectura mas sostenible. / [CA] La present investigació s'emmarca en l'àmbit del reciclatge arquitectònic per a posar en valor a l'arquitectura des de la seua condició preexistent, entenent que l'important és que esta puga adaptar-se a nous cicles de vida donant així una resposta sostenible enfront del consum de recursos i, al seu torn, fer-ho sense renunciar a la bellesa. L'objecte serà el de definir les estratègies mes adequades per a l'èxit del reciclatge arquitectònic, els factors determinants per al seu disseny i el seu valor relatiu en el resultat final. S'utilitza la metodologia d'anar del general al particular, començant per reflexionar sobre la situació actual i les seues causes per a continuació, fer una anàlisi del concepte del reciclatge i les seues implicacions i valorar amb això la importància de l'elaboració d'una estratègia d'actuació reflexionant sobre el reciclatge des de cinc accions: re_mirar, re_pensar, re_ programar, re_dissenyar i re_viure. En l'experimentació-discussió, s'apliquen estes cinc accions al cas Matadero Madrid, amb l'objecte d'elaborar un posicionament crític sobre la validesa del reciclatge arquitectònic en el moment actual. Finalment, s'establiran conclusions reconeixent noves estratègies d'actuació de reciclatge arquitectònic, basades en la creativitat i la innovació, que suposen un canvi de mentalitat, cap a una arquitectura mes sostenible. / Navarro Bosch, AM. (2016). Estrategias de reciclaje arquitectónico [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61984

Study and analysis of the behavior of a construction system for sustainable architecture / Estudio y análisis del comportamiento de un sistema constructivo para arquitectura sostenible

Jaber, Nader 12 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar una estructura polivalente que tiene la capacidad y los criterios a ser utilizados en situaciones de emergencia, y en los países en desarrollo, donde se deben realizar intervenciones para ayudar a superar algunos problemas de la vida. Se trata de un esqueleto principal que definirá la forma final de la estructura y se va a transformar con el fin de que se adapte a todos los climas, y a los diferentes terrenos, y a las diferentes situaciones de emergencia. Esta estructura puede ser utilizada para las escuelas y los hospitales en los países en desarrollo, para el apoyo a los refugiados, para las exposiciones temporales de recaudación de fondos... El proyecto se realizará con materiales sostenibles traídos de los alrededores de la zona de intervención con el fin de eliminar los gastos de transporte y dejar que se mezclan con su ambiente. La tecnología elegida es la del Space Frame, proporcionando una gran cobertura de espacio con un mínimo de material. La estructura es sostenible por lo que se basara únicamente en las fuentes naturales de energía para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios y, si es posible, crear energía adicional. La investigación y el desarrollo del proyecto se llevaron a cabo en 3 países: el estudio sostenible ha sido realizado en Italia, el desarrollo del proyecto en España, Valencia, y la recuperación de información, investigación de campo y la experimentación se llevaba a cabo en el Líbano, donde los conflictos en curso han dado lugar a un número sin precedente de refugiados allí. La tesis parte desde el estudio de la arquitectura de emergencia en general para después tratar la historia de este tema en el Líbano. Una vez entendido el contexto es más fácil traer las líneas guiadas necesarias para que este proyecto no cae en los mismos errores de los antecedentes. Llegado a este nivel, y para justificar más el proyecto y hacerlo lo más cercano de las necesidades actuales en el país, se ha hecho un largo trabajo e investigación y entrevistas en diferentes campos de refugiados. Desde esta parte se ha podido traer otras líneas guiadas para mejorar el proyecto. Con todas estas líneas guiadas, se ha adelantado el dibujo, estudio y análisis sostenible y estructural del proyecto de la tesis. / [CA] L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és dissenyar una estructura polivalent que tingui la capacitat i els criteris a utilitzar en situacions d'emergència i en països en desenvolupament, on s'han de fer intervencions per ajudar a superar alguns problemes de vida. Es tracta d'un esquelet principal que definirà la forma final de l'estructura i es transformarà de manera que s'adapti a tots els climes i a diferents terrenys i a diferents situacions d'emergència. Aquesta estructura es pot utilitzar per a escoles i hospitals dels països en desenvolupament, per donar suport als refugiats, per a exposicions temporals de recaptació de fons... El projecte es farà amb materials sostenibles provocats per l'àrea d'intervenció per eliminar els costos de transport i deixar-los barrejar al seu entorn. La tecnologia escollida és Space Frame, proporcionant una gran cobertura espacial amb un mínim de material. L'estructura és sostenible, de manera que només es basarà en fonts d'energia naturals per satisfer les necessitats dels usuaris i, si és possible, crear energia addicional. La investigació i el desenvolupament del projecte es van dur a terme a 3 països: l'estudi sostenible es va dur a terme a Itàlia, el desenvolupament del projecte a Espanya, València i la recuperació d'informació, la investigació i l'experimentació de camp es van dur a terme al Líban, on els conflictes en curs han provocat un nombre sense precedents de refugiats. La tesi parteix de l'estudi de l'arquitectura d'emergència en general i després tracta la història d'aquest tema al Líban. Un cop entès el context, és més fàcil portar les línies guiades necessàries perquè aquest projecte no caigui en els mateixos errors que els anteriors. A aquest nivell, i per justificar encara més el projecte i fer-lo tan a prop de les necessitats actuals del país, s'han realitzat treballs extensos i investigacions i entrevistes en diferents camps de refugiats. A partir d'aquesta part ha estat possible portar altres línies guiades per millorar el projecte. Amb totes aquestes línies guiades, s'ha avançat el dibuix, l'estudi i l'anàlisi sostenible i estructural del projecte de tesi. / [EN] The objective of this thesis is to design a multipurpose structure that has the capacity and criteria to be used in emergency situations, and in developing countries, where interventions must be made to help overcome some life problems. This is a main skeleton that will define the final shape of the structure and will be transformed so that it adapts to all climates, and to different terrains, and to different emergency situations. This structure can be used for schools and hospitals in developing countries, for supporting refugees, for temporary fundraising exhibitions... The project will be made with sustainable materials brought from around the area of intervention in order to eliminate transportation costs and let them blend into their environment. The technology chosen is Space Frame, providing great space coverage with a minimum of material. The structure is sustainable so it will rely solely on natural energy sources to meet the needs of users and, if possible, create additional energy. The research and development of the project was carried out in 3 countries: the sustainable study was carried out in Italy, the development of the project in Spain, Valencia, and the information retrieval, field research and experimentation was carried out in Lebanon, where ongoing conflicts have led to unprecedented numbers of refugees there. The thesis starts from the study of emergency architecture in general and then deals with the history of this topic in Lebanon. Once the context is understood, it is easier to bring the necessary guided lines so that this project does not fall into the same errors as the previous ones. At this level, and to further justify the project and make it as close to the current needs in the country, extensive work and research and interviews have been done in different refugee camps. From this part it has been possible to bring other guided lines to improve the project. With all these lines guided, the drawing, study and sustainable and structural analysis of the thesis project has been advanced. / Jaber, N. (2024). Study and analysis of the behavior of a construction system for sustainable architecture [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206180

Developing a sustainability benchmarking system : a case study of the provincial government Western Cape’s immovable asset assessment pilot project

Meiring, Casper Johannes Knoetze 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Building structures have a major impact on the quality of the macro-climates of the world, in particular in terms of pollution and environmental costs associated with their creation, operation and maintenance. Emerging global trends to make buildings more efficient, effective and sustainable, led to the question can one establish how sustainable existing buildings are? Building rating tools like LEED, BREEAM and Green Star, can already be used to rate and certify buildings in terms of their environmental performance and sustainability, but seem to fall short of establishing true overall building performance sustainability. As an architect, the researcher was involved in a project to develop a process for the Provincial Government Western Cape to comply with the Government Immovable Asset Management Act, Act no.19 of 2007 (GIAMA). The problem statement of this study links to the objective to comply with GIAMA, which requires that all government buildings be assessed in terms of their sustainability. This led to a number of research questions being asked. The first of these questions are what can be learnt from currently available rating systems and would it be possible to track and monitor the sustainability performance of a building over time. This triggered a series of related questions: What role can benchmarking play in establishing and tracking a building’s sustainability over time? How can benchmarking help to identify which part of a building’s overall sustainability is most in need of resourcing, to bring it closer to overall sustainability? How can capital and maintenance expense budgets associated with the building life-cycle be effectively utilised to bring buildings closer to overall sustainability? How can the availability of detailed information pertaining to the costs and benefits of green investments in existing buildings help building owners to identify the best initiatives to invest in? The methodology used in this study to answer the above questions is based on two research approaches. The first part made use of a literature review to establish and define the knowledge framework to be used in the second case study portion of the study. The methodology used for the case study was based on applied research, where the real life problems associated with the development of a suitability benchmarking process for the PGWC was documented and assessed. The results of the study found that there exist a missing link between theoretical knowledge of sustainability benchmarking and the legislative requirement of GIAMA and that this missing link is the standardised accurate and verifiable data required for the benchmarking process. In addition to this it was also found that the social aspects of buildings are generally neglected. A universal standard for collection of the required data is also needed. The study also highlighted that a general misperception exist that Environmental Sustainability is synonymous with the Sustainability paradigm. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bou strukture het 'n groot impak op die gehalte van die makro-streke van die wêreld. Veral in terme van besoedeling en die ekologiese koste wat verband hou met die ontwikkeling, werking en onderhoud daarvan. Globale opkomende tendense om geboue meer doeltreffend en volhoubaar te maak, het gelei tot die vraag: Hoe kan 'n mens die volhoubaarheid van 'n bestaande gebou vasstel? 'n Aantal bou-graderings-stelsels, soos LEED, BREEAM en Green Star, kan reeds gebruik word om geboue te gradeer en sertifiseer in terme van hul omgewingsvolhoubaarheid, maar skiet te kort ten opsigte van algehele volhoubaarheid van ʼn gebou. As ʼn argitek was die navorser betrokke by ʼn projek om ʼn proses te ontwikkel vir die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap (PGWK) om te voldoen aan die Wet op die Bestuur van Onroerende Regeringsbates, Wet no. 19 van 2007. Die probleemstelling van hierdie studie koppel aan die vereiste om te voldoen aan Wet 19 van 2007, wat vereis dat alle regeringsgeboue geassesseer word ingevolge hul volboubaarheid . Dit het gelei tot 'n aantal navorsingsvrae: Eerstens, watter lesse kan geleer word uit die bestaande bou-graderings-stelsels en tweedens, is dit moontlik om op die volhoubaarheid van 'n gebou te monitor en gradeer oor tyd? Dit het tot verwante vrae gelei, naamlik: Watter rol die stel van maatstawe kan speel om die volhoubaarheid van ʼn gebou te monitor? Hoe kan die stel van maatstawe bepaal watter aspekte van 'n gebou die meeste hulpbronne benodig, ten einde dit nader aan algehele volhoubaarheid te bring? Kan die kapitaal- en instandhoudingsbegrotings, wat verband hou met die lewens-siklus van die gebou, effektief gebruik word om ʼn gebou nader aan volhoubaarheid te bring? Hoe kan die beskikbaarheid van inligting met betrekking tot die koste en voordele van groen beleggings van bestaande geboue, gebou-eienaars help om die beste inisiatiewe te identifiseer om in te belê? Die metode wat in hierdie studie gebruik is om bogenoemde vrae te antwoord, is gebaseer op twee navorsings benaderings. Die eerste deel van hierdie studie het gebruik gemaak van 'n literatuuroorsig om ʼn kennisraamwerk te definieer en te vestig, wat dan in die tweede deel van die studie, ʼn gevallestudie, gebruik word. Die metode wat gebruik is vir die gevalle studie is gebaseer op toegepaste navorsing, waar die werklike probleme wat verband hou met die ontwikkeling van 'n geskikte volhoubaarheid maatstawings proses vir die PRWK gedokumenteer en geassesseer is. Die resultate van die studie was die bevinding dat daar 'n vermiste skakel bestaan tussen die teoretiese kennis ten opsigte van ‘n maatstawings stelsel vir volhoubaarheid en die wetlike vereiste van Wet 19 van 2007. Die vermiste skakel is dat gestandariseerde, accurate en verifieerbare data bemodig word vir die maatstawings proses. Daar is ook gevind dat die sosiale impakte van geboue verwaarloos word. Die studie stel voor dat ʼn universele standaard benodig word vir die versameling van die vereiste data. Die studie het ook n belangrike observasie gemaak dat daar 'n algemene wanopvatting in die industrie bestaan dat Omgewingsvolhoubaarheid sinoniem is met die Volhoubaarheid paradigma.

Preservação e sustentabilidade: restaurações e retrofits / Preservation and sustainability: restorations and retrofits

Silva, Roberto Toffoli Simoens da 20 September 2013 (has links)
Os campos da Preservação de Monumentos Históricos e da Sustentabilidade na Construção Civil, apesar de distintos, apresentam certo grau de complementaridade. São áreas que dependem de processos eminentemente coletivos para seu avanço, e que se consagram como tradições culturais importantes no enfrentamento da deterioração dos espaços urbanos contemporâneos. A matéria é atual e urgente. Entretanto, o debate sobre o projeto arquitetônico como instrumento de valorização cultural e requalificação ainda é incipiente. Como analisar as intervenções atuais em edifícios degradados? Qual a relevância da Teoria da Restauração e da Sustentabilidade na construção no ideário cultural? Como reintegrar imóveis disfuncionais às dinâmicas urbanas? São questões complexas que merecem atenção. Por isso propomos a análise de três intervenções em edifícios ecléticos na cidade de São Paulo, e cujas estratégias de ocupação guardam intima relação com a adoção de usos e ocupações ordinárias. Debateremos, portanto, um projeto residencial - o condomínio Américo Simões, e dois acadêmicos - o Instituto Oscar Freire da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, e a FAU - Vila Penteado, da mesma universidade. Cada caso foi estudado através de sistema de valores, em que as dimensões individuais e coletivas do projeto são articuladas no intuito de produzir-se uma visão de conjunto das propostas. O primeiro valor é denominado cultural, ou seja, tem suas definições atribuídas às pesquisas históricas e estéticas e atribui aos bens imóveis valores de interesse comuns a toda a sociedade. O segundo, por outro lado, recebe o nome de valor autoral e volta-se ao reconhecimento das escolhas projetuais contemporâneas, do arquiteto responsável pela proposta, e que estão presentes no partido arquitetônico das restaurações. Do nosso ponto de vista, essa metodologia oferece possibilidades de aprendizado técnico e ético nesse debate particular, em que acreditamos ser desejável a aproximação entre as tendências de Preservação e Sustentabilidade nos projetos de arquitetura. / The fields of the Historical Monument Preservation and the Sustainability in the Civil Construction, although distinct, present certain degree of integration. They are areas that share of eminently collective processes in the advance of the knowledge, and that if contemporaries consecrate as important cultural traditions for the confrontation of the deterioration of the urban spaces. The substance is current and urgent. However, the debate on the architectural project in this area is incipient. How to evaluate the current interventions in degraded buildings? Which the relevance of the Theory of the Restoration and Sustainability in the construction of the recent cultural scenario? How to reintegrate abandoned buildings to the urban dynamics? These are complex issues that deserve attention. Therefore we consider the analysis of three interventions in eclectic buildings in the city of São Paulo, and whose strategies of occupation keep it summons usual relation with the adoption of uses and occupations. We will debate, therefore, a residential project - the condominium Américo Simões, and two academicals buildings - the Institute Oscar Freire of the College of Medicine of the USP, and the FAU - Vila Penteado, of the same university. Each in case were analyzed through a system of values, where the individual and collective dimensions of projects are articulated in intention to produce a vision of set of the proposals. The first value is called cultural, that is, it has its definitions attributed to the historical and aesthetic research and attributes to the real properties common values of interest to all the society. As, on the other hand, it receives the name from authorial value and turns it the recognition of the contemporary decisions, of the responsible architect for the proposal, and that they are gifts in the party architectural of the restorations. Of our point of view this methodology offers to learning possibilities technician and ethical of this debate in particular, where we believe to be desirable the approach enters the trends of Preservation and Sustainability in the architectural projects.

Preservação e sustentabilidade: restaurações e retrofits / Preservation and sustainability: restorations and retrofits

Roberto Toffoli Simoens da Silva 20 September 2013 (has links)
Os campos da Preservação de Monumentos Históricos e da Sustentabilidade na Construção Civil, apesar de distintos, apresentam certo grau de complementaridade. São áreas que dependem de processos eminentemente coletivos para seu avanço, e que se consagram como tradições culturais importantes no enfrentamento da deterioração dos espaços urbanos contemporâneos. A matéria é atual e urgente. Entretanto, o debate sobre o projeto arquitetônico como instrumento de valorização cultural e requalificação ainda é incipiente. Como analisar as intervenções atuais em edifícios degradados? Qual a relevância da Teoria da Restauração e da Sustentabilidade na construção no ideário cultural? Como reintegrar imóveis disfuncionais às dinâmicas urbanas? São questões complexas que merecem atenção. Por isso propomos a análise de três intervenções em edifícios ecléticos na cidade de São Paulo, e cujas estratégias de ocupação guardam intima relação com a adoção de usos e ocupações ordinárias. Debateremos, portanto, um projeto residencial - o condomínio Américo Simões, e dois acadêmicos - o Instituto Oscar Freire da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, e a FAU - Vila Penteado, da mesma universidade. Cada caso foi estudado através de sistema de valores, em que as dimensões individuais e coletivas do projeto são articuladas no intuito de produzir-se uma visão de conjunto das propostas. O primeiro valor é denominado cultural, ou seja, tem suas definições atribuídas às pesquisas históricas e estéticas e atribui aos bens imóveis valores de interesse comuns a toda a sociedade. O segundo, por outro lado, recebe o nome de valor autoral e volta-se ao reconhecimento das escolhas projetuais contemporâneas, do arquiteto responsável pela proposta, e que estão presentes no partido arquitetônico das restaurações. Do nosso ponto de vista, essa metodologia oferece possibilidades de aprendizado técnico e ético nesse debate particular, em que acreditamos ser desejável a aproximação entre as tendências de Preservação e Sustentabilidade nos projetos de arquitetura. / The fields of the Historical Monument Preservation and the Sustainability in the Civil Construction, although distinct, present certain degree of integration. They are areas that share of eminently collective processes in the advance of the knowledge, and that if contemporaries consecrate as important cultural traditions for the confrontation of the deterioration of the urban spaces. The substance is current and urgent. However, the debate on the architectural project in this area is incipient. How to evaluate the current interventions in degraded buildings? Which the relevance of the Theory of the Restoration and Sustainability in the construction of the recent cultural scenario? How to reintegrate abandoned buildings to the urban dynamics? These are complex issues that deserve attention. Therefore we consider the analysis of three interventions in eclectic buildings in the city of São Paulo, and whose strategies of occupation keep it summons usual relation with the adoption of uses and occupations. We will debate, therefore, a residential project - the condominium Américo Simões, and two academicals buildings - the Institute Oscar Freire of the College of Medicine of the USP, and the FAU - Vila Penteado, of the same university. Each in case were analyzed through a system of values, where the individual and collective dimensions of projects are articulated in intention to produce a vision of set of the proposals. The first value is called cultural, that is, it has its definitions attributed to the historical and aesthetic research and attributes to the real properties common values of interest to all the society. As, on the other hand, it receives the name from authorial value and turns it the recognition of the contemporary decisions, of the responsible architect for the proposal, and that they are gifts in the party architectural of the restorations. Of our point of view this methodology offers to learning possibilities technician and ethical of this debate in particular, where we believe to be desirable the approach enters the trends of Preservation and Sustainability in the architectural projects.

Authentic Adobe and Off-the-Grid Earthships : Investigating the potential for a green rating system and sustainability-oriented accommodation platform in Taos, New Mexico

Elf Donaldson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
In an age where the sharing economy has proliferated as a preferred means of travel in the tourism industry, and the accommodation sharing platform Airbnb has risen to the forefront, there is much criticism and discussion about the need for such nascent platforms to operate in alignment with sustainable development. Currently, economic benefits for the host and guest lie at the core of Airbnb’s sustainability appeal, while few concrete steps have been taken to advance environmental and social values. Many have proposed a green rating system and sustainability-oriented search filters as a means to propagate these values and catalyze a necessary paradigm shift within the sharing economy. Through the lens of green architecture and construction, this study analyzes the extent and manner in which sustainability features and amenities are promoted by hosts on Airbnb in the high-desert mountain town of Taos, New Mexico. This case study approach selects and intriguing destination that is not only characterized by a long history of earthen building traditions by the Tiwa people, but was also the birthplace of the world-renowned, off-the-grid Earthship concept. An analysis of all active Airbnb listings was compared with a more targeted analysis of off-the-grid listings to reveal that hosts more often than not frame their sustainability features and amenities in terms of visitor comfort, convenience, and enjoyment. For instance, the valorization of earthen adobe building for its authenticity and cultural appeal in lieu of its energy efficient and natural qualities. This indicated a high level of unexploited potential, wherein hosts could enhance their listing’s sustainability appeal and educational value through reframing these features to potential guests, and off-the-grid listings could benefit from implementing and promoting sustainable practices and emphasizing the local culture. Most importantly, after quantitively analyzing the features that arose, this study assembled the content basis for a theoretical green rating system and sustainability search filters that could be applied to Taos as a localized system, or merely provide insight to other destinations and the Airbnb platform as a whole.

Diseño Interior de un Centro de Educación Ambiental en la Ciudad Comercial Minka - Callao / Interior Design of an Environmental Education Center in the Minka’s Commercial City, Callao

Noriega Regies, Angela Giovanna 20 October 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional propone el Diseño Interior de un Centro de Educación Ambiental ubicado en la Ciudad Comercial Minka, Callao. La propuesta busca, a través del adecuado diseño de espacios, incrementar y reforzar el cuidado del Medio Ambiente y el estilo de vida sostenible, por medio de la enseñanza de cursos, talleres y exhibiciones con la metodología ASIRI (hacer, sentir y pensar). En primer lugar, se realizó el Levantamiento del predio a intervenir, el análisis de contexto comprendido por vías principales, accesos, circulación, uso de suelos e hitos, contaminación, plantas y estaciones de reciclaje, tanto a nivel Callao como Minka; el Análisis de preexistencia que abarca zonificación, ingresos, circulación, sistema constructivo, asoleamiento y vientos del predio y el Diagnóstico FODA con oportunidades y amenazas de Minka, y fortalezas y debilidades del establecimiento a intervenir. Después, se realizó un análisis de usuario y funciones para posteriormen- te poder plantear las estrategias necesarias como la organizativa, formal, espacial y de experiencia. Luego, se diseñó el Master Plan con los planos de distribución de los dos niveles, techos, cortes y elevaciones necesarias. Por último, se priorizó un sector por las actividades a realizar y el sistema constructivo; y se diseñaron las plantas de distribución en 1/25, techos, cortes, 2 cortes escantillón, pisos, muebles fijos y móviles, mobiliarios y detalles de los mismos, carpintería, FCR, rociadores,INDECI, iluminación e instalaciones eléctricas. / The present work of professional sufficiency proposes the Interior Design of an Environmental Education Center located in Minka’s Commercial City, Callao. The proposal seeks, through the adequate design of spaces, increase and reinforce the care of the Environment and the sustainable lifestyle, through the teaching of courses, workshopsand exhibitions with the ASIRI methodology (doing, feeling and thinking). In the first place, the drawing up of the property to be intervened was realized, as same as the context analysis with main roads, accesses, circulation, land use and milestones, pollution, plants and recycling stations, both at Callao and Minka levels; the Analysis of preexistence with zoning, circulation, construction system, sunlight and winds of the property and the SWOT Diagnosis with opportunities and threats of Minka, and strengths and weaknesses of the establishment to intervene. Afterwards, a user and function analysis was realized to be able to use the necessary strategies such as organizational, formal, spatial and experience. Then, the Master Plan was designed with the distribution plans of the two levels, ceilings, cuts and necessary eleva- tions. Finally, a sector was prioritized by the activities to be carried out and the system constructive, and the distribution plants were designed in 1/25, ceilings, cuts, 2 scantlings cuts, floors, fixed and mobile furniture, and details thereof, carpentry, FCR, sprinklers, INDECI, lighting and electrical installations. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Nuevo terminal pesquero artesanal para el Puerto Malabrigo en La Libertad / New fish market for the Malabrigo port in La Libertad

Moreno Saavedra, Sheylla Alexandra 07 July 2020 (has links)
El mar peruano atesora zonas de intenso afloramiento marino, por lo que es considerado dentro de las cuatro áreas principales pesqueras del mundo, siendo el norte del Perú la zona que concentra el mayor porcentaje de la diversidad hidrobiológica. La actividad pesquera en los diversos departamentos norteños se ha desarrollado con suma importancia con el transcurso del tiempo, lo que ha contribuido al crecimiento del PBI del país. La propuesta de un nuevo terminal pesquero para el puerto Malabrigo en el distrito de Rázuri, nace de la necesidad por abastecer de infraestructura nueva y especializada al distrito favoreciendo a la Población Económica Activa (PEA) que se dedica a la pesca artesanal y en ese sentido, contribuir indirectamente al desarrollo de la zona comercial pesquera y el turismo del lugar. El desarrollo del presente documento inicia con el análisis de la problemática que presenta esta zona, para lo cual se exponen argumentos que justifican el desarrollo de la tipología arquitectónica propuesta. Asimismo, se desarrollan los aspectos históricos, geográficos y climáticos como parte de la determinación del lugar de intervención. Dentro del desarrollo de carácter arquitectónico se analizan proyectos referenciales ubicados en diferentes partes del mundo con el objetivo de conocer y entender el funcionamiento y diseño de la tipología planteada. También se expone la definición teórica, el marco histórico y el marco normativo que refieren a la tipología escogida. En esa misma línea, se desarrolla un énfasis en arquitectura sostenible en torno a la cual girará todo el proyecto arquitectónico. / The Peruvian sea treasures areas of intense marine outcrop, which is why it is considered within the four main fishing areas of the world, with northern Peru being the area that concentrates the highest percentage of hydrobiological diversity. Fishing activity in the various northern departments has developed with great importance over time, which has contributed to the growth of the country's GDP. The proposal for a new fishing terminal for the Malabrigo port in the Razuri district arises from the need to supply new and specialized infrastructure to the district, favoring the Economically Active Population (EAP) that is dedicated to artisanal fishing and in that sense , indirectly contribute to the development of the commercial fishing zone and tourism of the place. The development of this document begins with the analysis of the problems presented by this area, for which arguments are presented that justify the development of the proposed architectural typology. Likewise, the historical, geographic, and climatic aspects are developed as part of the determination of the place of intervention. Within the architectural development, referential projects located in different parts of the world are analyzed with the aim of knowing and understanding the operation and design of the proposed typology. The theoretical definition, the historical framework and the normative framework that refer to the chosen typology are also exposed. Along these same lines, an emphasis is developed on sustainable architecture around which the entire architectural project will revolve. / Trabajo de investigación

Ideal Siting, Orientation, and Ventilation of Houses in Relation to the Climate of Denton, Texas

Jenkins, Gloria Ann 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to collect and compile data on the principal climatic factors of the Denton area which affect one's personal comfort and health, in order to show how a maximum of these commodities could be secured through manipulation and control of the climate of individual building sites. In the Denton County area the naturally breezy climate of summer, excluding areas near heat-collecting surfaces of pavement and masonry, is not usually uncomfortable out of doors unless one is directly exposed to the sun; but, as a result of improper orientation of houses, indoors one often feels a pressing still heat and a general discomfort. The writer's interest in the field of architecture led to a desire to find out how this condition could be alleviated; therefore, this study was undertaken.

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