Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TECHNICAL EDUCATION"" "subject:"[enn] TECHNICAL EDUCATION""
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A importância da família, escola e pares no processo de escolha pelo ensino médio técnico / The importance of family, school and pairs in the selection process of the technical high school.Mariana Simões Ferreira Cintra 29 August 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga a forma como as relações familiares, escolares e entre pares influenciam o ingresso de adolescentes no ensino técnico integrado ao ensino médio e como se articulam às aspirações e expectativas de pais e filhos quanto a essa modalidade de escolarização dentro do contexto social no qual estão inseridos. Além disso, este trabalho examina o significado e a importância do trabalho dos adolescentes, seus projetos escolares e profissionais para o futuro e como vínculos com determinadas religiões articulam-se com o processo de escolarização. Para tanto foram entrevistados, a partir de roteiro semi-estruturado, 10 adolescentes, entre 17 e 18 anos, cinco do sexo masculino e cinco do sexo feminino, matriculados na quarta série do curso de automação industrial no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, Campus de Sertãozinho, único instituto federal na região administrativa do município de Ribeirão Preto. A partir de análise das entrevistas, gravadas e transcritas, nota-se que os pais exercem influência nas escolhas dos filhos, principalmente em seu apoio ao processo de escolarização e na importância que atribuem ao trabalho futuro da prole. Ao lado da família, a escola, professores, funcionários e os pares também exercem influência na trajetória escolar dos adolescentes e em sua escolha pelo Instituto Federal, escola considerada de prestígio e de qualidade e que oferece não apenas educação geral, mas também técnica. As entrevistas foram classificadas em dois eixos temáticos: família e escola, trabalho e expectativas, e os dados foram analisados utilizando-se referenciais teóricos da sociologia da educação para se avaliar como a realidade socioeconômica das famílias, ao lado de outros fatores, influencia o processo de escolha das instituições escolares e como os filhos podem incorporar e reformular as orientações parentais. / This research aims to investigate how familiar, scholar and pair relationships influence the entry of adolescents in integrated technical education to high school and how it is articulated with the aspirations and expectations of parents and children, regarding this type of schooling, within the social context in which they live. In addition, this paper examines the significance and importance of the adolescents\' work, their scholar and professionals projects for the future and how links with certain religions are articulated with the educational process. Therefore, were interviewed, using a semi-structured guide, 10 teenagers between 17 and 18 years old, five males and five females, enrolled in fourth grade of industrial automation course at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Campus Sertãozinho, the only federal institution in the administrative region of Ribeirão Preto. From the analysis of interviews that were taped and transcribed, is noted that parents have an important influence on the children\'s choices, especially on the support of the educational process and the importance they assign to their children future work. Aside to the family, the school, teachers, staff and pairs also exert influence on teenagers\' school performance and their choice for the Federal Institute, a school considered prestigious and with quality, offering not only general education but also technical. The interviews were classified into two main themes: family and school, work and expectations, and data were analyzed using theoretical frameworks of sociology of education to assess how the economic reality of families, alongside other factors, influences the process of choosing the educational institution and how the children can incorporate and rework parental guidance.
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Desafios da implantação das diretrizes curriculares nacionais para a educação ambiental na educação profissional: estudo de caso em escola técnica agrícola do Estado de São Paulo / Challenges of implementation of national curriculum guidelines for environmental education in vocational education: a case study in agricultural technical school of the State of São PauloEdvaldo Haroldo Nicolini 07 November 2016 (has links)
A educação ambiental tem como proposta estimular o surgimento de uma cultura de ligação entre natureza e sociedade, por meio da formação de uma atitude ecológica nas pessoas. Um dos seus fundamentos é a visão socioambiental, que afirma que o meio ambiente é um espaço de relações, um campo de interações culturais, sociais e naturais. Assim, o processo educativo proposto pela educação ambiental inserido na educação formal objetiva à formação de sujeitos capazes de compreender a sua realidade e agir nela de forma consciente. O proposito principal do trabalho foi realizar por meio de um estudo de caso a investigação e análise da formação de estudantes do curso de Técnico em Agropecuária em unidade escolar pertencente ao Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza, a fim de entender se Educação Ambiental e a Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio, definem a formação no sentido de preparar o profissional para as responsabilidades frente às questões ambientais emergentes configuradas na crise socioambiental vigente. Neste sentido, enunciamos a questão central do trabalho formulando o problema com a seguinte expressão: \"Como uma escola agrícola do Centro Paula Souza desenvolve a formação dos estudantes do curso Técnico em Agropecuária prevista no seu projeto político pedagógico e no plano de curso em relação às questões ambientais levando em consideração a sua interação com a Educação Ambiental?\". Com os resultados obtidos pelo estudo de caso em questão, a finalidade é contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da interação da Educação Ambiental e da Educação Profissional. A metodologia a ser adotada foi a pesquisa qualitativa como forma de possibilitar a compreensão dos dados os quais se constituem das diretrizes legais para a para a Educação Ambiental e dos planos de cursos do Centro Paula Souza adotado na escola. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa realizou-se visitas, entrevistas in loco, aplicação de questionários e mapeamento de alguns manejos relacionados às práticas de gestão ambiental no intuito de verificar de que forma a educação ambiental acontece articulada na formação técnica, ou não, e como foi identificada pela comunidade escolar. Após a execução dos procedimentos metodológicos propostos, a investigação mostrou que a comunidade escolar reconhece a prática da educação ambiental como imprescindível e de enorme importância, mas reproduzem uma visão de concepção conservacionista/utilitarista, propalada na prática educativa da unidade escolar. / O Environmental education has the purpose to encourage the emergence of a culture connection between nature and society, through the formation of an ecological attitude in people. One of its foundations is the environmental vision, which states that the environment is a space of relations, a field of cultural, natural and social interactions. This the educational process proposed by the environmental education inserted in the objective formal education to the formation of subjects able to understand their reality and act on it consciously. The main work purpose was to carry through a case study research and analysis of training technician course students in Agricultural school unit belonging to the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza, to understand whether environmental education and education vocational High School Technical define the training to prepare professionals for the front responsibilities to emerging environmental issues set in the current environmental crisis. In this sense, we have presented the central issue of work formulating the problem with the following expression: \"As an agricultural school Paula Souza Center develops training for students of the Technical Course in Agriculture provided for in their political pedagogical project and course plan in relation to environmental issues taking into account their interaction with environmental education? \". With the results of the case study in question, the purpose is to contribute to a better understanding of the interaction of Environmental Education and Vocational Education. The methodology to be adopted was the qualitative research as a way to enable the understanding of the data that constitute the legal guidelines for Environmental Education and the plans and courses of Paula Souza Center adopted at school. The development of research was held visits, on-site interviews, questionnaires and mapping of some managements related to environmental management practices in order to verify how environmental education happens articulated in technical training, or not, and how it was identified the school community. After the implementation of the proposed methodological procedures, research has shown that the school community recognizes the practice of environmental education as essential and of paramount importance, but reproduce a vision of conservation design / utilitarian, touted the educational practice of school unit.
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Saberes dos professores da educação profissional técnica de nível médio em enfermagem / Knowledge of technical education teachers in nursingNilton Cesar Granvile 12 February 2016 (has links)
A docência na educação profissional técnica de nível médio em enfermagem é uma das dimensões importantes a ser considerada na qualificação da formação de trabalhadores técnicos, no Brasil. Apesar disso, ela é marcada por fragilidade nos processos formativos, adversas condições de trabalho, incluindo, a precariedade. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever e analisar os saberes dos professores de uma escola privada de educação profissional em enfermagem, no município de Ribeirão Preto, considerando suas vivências na prática pedagógica, a partir de referencial de Tardif (2012). Estudo descritivo-exploratório, qualitativo. A técnica de coleta de dados utilizada foi entrevista semiestruturada com 13 professores, realizadas de novembro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015. As entrevistas foram analisadas, sendo delineadas categorias de decodificação, a saber: Saberes pessoais dos professores; Saberes provenientes da formação escolar anterior; Saberes provenientes da formação profissional para o magistério, subdivididos em Saberes provenientes da formação profissional para o magistério construídos em cursos de Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Enfermagem e Saberes profissionais para o magistério, construídos nos cursos de especialização latu sensu e programas de capacitação docente; Saberes provenientes dos programas e livros didáticos usados no trabalho dos professores; Saberes provenientes de sua própria experiência na profissão envolvendo atuação nos serviços de saúde e na docência. Esses saberes, no exercício cotidiano do trabalho docente, são articulados e reconstruídos. Eles mostram significativamente as suas relações com a diversidade nas possibilidades de formação, dada a fragilidades das políticas de formação docente, bem como suas relações com as condições concretas de trabalho na educação profissional, sendo ainda significativa a concomitância da docência nessa modalidade de ensino com a prática profissional em serviços de saúde, o que também traz implicações para a conformação dos saberes da docência / Teaching in technical education in nursing is one of the important aspects to be considered in the qualification of training technical workers in Brazil. Despite this, it is marked by fragility in the formative processes, adverse conditions of work, including the precariousness. The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the knowledges of teachers of a private school of technical education in nursing, in the city of Ribeirão Preto, considering their experiences in the pedagogical practice, from referential of Tardif (2012). This is a descriptive-exploratory study, qualitative. The data collection technique used was semi-structured interview with 13 teachers, carried out between November 2014 and February 2015. The interviews were analyzed, decoding categories are outlined as follows: Personal knowledge of teachers; Knowledge from the previous school education; Knowledge from professional training to teaching, subdivided in knowledge from technical training to the teaching built in courses of Bachelor`s Degree with a teaching diploma in Nursing and technical knowledge for teaching, built in latu sensu courses in specialization level and teacher training programs. Knowledge from the educational programs and books used in the work of teachers; Knowledge from their own experience in the profession involving acting in health care and teaching. This knowledge, in the daily practice of teaching are articulated and rebuilt. They show significantly their relations with the diversity in the possibilities of training, given the weaknesses of policies of teacher training, and its relations with the concrete conditions of work in education, even with a significant concomitance of teaching in this type of education with professional practice in health services, which also has implications for the conformation of knowledges for teaching
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Gestão pedagógica administrativa em cursos profissionalizantes em Enfermagem / Administrative pedagogic management in nursing technical coursesDebora Maria Alves Estrela 01 November 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A gestão escolar está intrinsecamente relacionada à área educativa, e requer que o gestor dirija os trabalhos desenvolvidos pelos professores de forma a garantir melhores resultados possíveis em prol da formação dos alunos, visando à qualidade do processo ensino aprendizagem. Este estudo apresenta a relação entre o pedagógico e o administrativo da gestão escolar focada no gestor de escola profissionalizante em enfermagem. Objetivos: descrever como os gestores de escolas de ensino profissionalizante em enfermagem compreendem o papel do gestor e conhecer como se processa o trabalho da gestão pedagógica administrativa destes gestores. Método: realizado um estudo exploratório, descritivo de caráter qualitativo. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas com gestores escolares de escolas privadas e públicas. Utilizada a análise de conteúdo preconizada por Bardin. Após a análise surgiram quatro categorias: 1. Função Administrativa do Gestor; 2. Função Pedagógica do Gestor; 3. Formação Pedagógica e Administrativa do Gestor; 4. Cotidiano do Trabalho do Gestor. Resultados: os depoimentos mostraram como ocorre a relação entre o pedagógico e o administrativo na escola e como se processa a gestão. Conclusão: A Função Administrativa do Gestor está alicerçada por questões pedagógicas e políticas que devem prover recursos para a implementação e avaliação do Projeto Político Pedagógico. Na Gestão Pedagógica os gestores apresentaram algumas variáveis em suas funções, sinalizando que alguns profissionais assumem responsabilidades por múltiplas atividades e outros não. A formação pedagógica e administrativa do gestor traz como realidade o ser gestor ainda em construção. No cotidiano, os gestores devem estar atentos à organização do trabalho, principalmente o trabalho pedagógico que deve ser de responsabilidade de todos os profissionais envolvidos com o ensino. / Introduction: Schools management is intrinsically related to the educational area, and requires the manager to conduct work developed by teachers in a way to guarantee the best results possible toward students formation, keeping in mind learning process quality. This study presents the relation between pedagogy and administration in schools management focused in the technical nursing course manager. Objectives: Describe how technical school managers understand the managing role and to know how the administrative pedagogical management work processes. Method: Through an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study, eight interviews with school managers were realized, both in private and public sectors, using content data analysis preconized by Bardin. After analysis four categories were considered: 1. Managers Administrative Function; 2. Managers Pedagogical Function; 3. Managers Pedagogical Formation; 4. Managers Daily Work. Results: Briefing showed how the relationship between pedagogy and administration works in school and how management is processed. Conclusion: Managers Administrative Function is grounded in pedagogical and political questions which must provide resources to the implementation and evaluation of the Pedagogical Political Project. In Pedagogical Management, managers present some variables in their functions, signalizing that some professionals assume responsibility of various activities while others dont. The pedagogical and administrative formation of the manager reveals it is own constructive aspect. On daily life, managers must be aware to work organization, mainly pedagogical work, which must be responsibility of all professionals involved in teaching.
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Professionele ontwikkeling van lektore aan 'n tegniese kollegeWilliamson, James 24 April 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Management) / Apprentices in South Africa must attend a technical college for their theory training. A major problem is that technical colleges experience difficulty in attracting suitable people to be appointed as lecturers in their technical departments. The majority of technical lecturers are artisans who are drawn from industry as they are needed to teach trade theory to apprentices. In most cases the young lecturer who teaches technical subjects does not have the necessary professional qualifications. One cannot assume that someone who is suitably qualified in a technical field of study is necessarily capable of successfully passing on his knowledge to the students. , The functions and tasks of the lecturer must be examined. Once these have been defined, one can concentrate on the recruitment of lecturers. The following factors must be considered: admission requirements, evaluation and acknowledgement of qualifications, promotion and conditions of service. It is not only important to recruit the most suitably qualified person but just as important to ensure that this person remains in the teaching profession. The problem is that salaries and benefits are determined by the education department and colleges cannot compete with industry. In most cases the suitable lecturers, as well as those with a few years teaching experience, are offered well-paid jobs with excellent benefits in the industrial sector. The technical lecturer is a member of the college staff. As many lecturers have the required professional qualifications, it is imperative that all lecturers fulfil the requirements set by the teaching profession. This means that most of the newly appointed technical lecturers must be professionally developed. The principal of the college plays a vital role in the professional training and development of the lecturer. He can promote this by adopting the correct managerial attitude and by creating the appropriate college climate. A good evaluation system is also important...
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'n Evaluering van die kurrikulum vir die oriënteringskursus vir die nasionale tegniese sertiflkaatOosthuizen, Jan Anthonie 18 February 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Tertiary and Adult Education) / The research under discussion follows from and should be seen against the background of the request to the Subdirectorate: Subject Curriculum Matters of the Department of Education and Training (DET) to develop a curriculum (syllabus) for an orientation course to the NI-course. The aim of this course is to fill existing gaps so that progress in the NI-course and the results of the course could be improved. The gap between general formative education and the expected teaching and training knowledge for entry into the NI-course was identified as a problem area.- Launched under the direction and initiative of the DET the NTC (OR) Course is a co-ordinated attempt to ensure a uniform standard in that this program was developed nationally. The curriculation action is unique because the curriculum for the introductory course wasn't developed in isolation but with the co-operation of all the education departments and interest groups. The NTC(OR) Course was developed and tested according to the curriculum development model of Jansen (1984:210). In this study use was mainly made of quasi-experimental research. In the first place it was necessary to define clearly what is meant by scientifically justified curriculum development. A literature study was undertaken to identify criteria to determine which requirements are necessary for curriculum development. To identify said criteria, use was mainly made of Jansen's model of curriculum development. This model was made applicable to curriculum evaluation by elevating the phases in the curriculum development process to criteria for the evaluation of a subject curriculum. The evaluation of the curriculum developmental actions of the DET was undertaken solely to express an opinion as to the scientificalness of the curriculum development. Use was made of evaluation tables to compare the curriculum developmental requirements, as set by practice, and the curriculum developmental action of the DET. The conclusion derived from the evaluation tables is that curriculum development of the DET compares favourably with the requirements set by practice. With only a few exceptions the curriculation action of the DET complies to a large extent with the criteria set in practice.
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Die evaluering van die voortegnikuskursus as oorbruggingskursus aan die Technikon WitwatersrandTheron, Johan Jacobus 10 June 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Subject Didactics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Vernuwing van die kurrikulum vir beheerstelsels N6Bothma, Pieter Hendrik 19 May 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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'n Modulêre struktuur vir die praktiese opleiding van N-baan vakleerlingeNeveling, Nicolaas Jacobus 18 August 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies) / The purpose of this research is to set a structure for the practical training of N-course apprentices. This research focuses on the practical training of apprentices in the telecommunications field. However it has become clear that this structure can be applied to other fields of practical training for apprentices as well. It is important for all training officials who deal with practical training in the technical field to keep pace with the latest development in competency-based training in the technological world. Modular practical training focuses on the ability of the apprentice to master specific skills as required in his field of training. The training program comprises a set of instruction modules with set objectives which can be obtained only if followed by carrying out specific actions. The important characteristic of modular training is that the apprentice is expected to master all the modules set for his particular field of occupation at his own pace according to his individual talents and abilities. The individual trainee is held responsible for succesfully mastering all practical objectives set to him. These modules are arranged progressively and progress is measured with definite performance criteria. A practical module is a complete instructional unit. It comprises aims, objectives, a pre-test, contents with resource material and a final criterium test.
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Career Technical Education Adjunct Faculty Teacher Readiness: An Investigation of Teacher Excellence and Variables of PreparednessGuerra, Jorge 31 October 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between teaching readiness and teaching excellence with three variables of preparedness of adjunct professors teaching career technical education courses through student surveys using a correlational design of two statistical techniques; least-squares regression and one-way analysis of variance. That is, the research tested the relationship between teacher readiness and teacher excellence with the number of years teaching, the number of years of experience in the professional field and exposure to teaching related professional development, referred to as variables of preparedness.
The results of the research provided insight to the relationship between the variables of preparedness and student assessment of their adjunct professors. Concerning the years of teaching experience, this research found a negative inverse relationship with how students rated their professors’ teaching readiness and excellence. The research also found no relationship between years of professional experience and the students’ assessment. Lastly, the research found a significant positive relationship between the
amount of teaching related professional development taken by an adjunct professor and the students’ assessment in teaching readiness and excellence.
This research suggests that policies and practices at colleges should address the professional development needs of adjunct professors. Also, to design a model that meets the practices of inclusion for adjunct faculty and to make professional development a priority within the organization. Lastly, implement that model over time to prepare adjuncts in readiness and excellence.
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