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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Défis technologiques et pédagogiques rencontrés par des enseignants lors de la mise en place d'un "projet portable" dans une école primaire de milieu défavorisé

Robin, Jean-Philippe 10 1900 (has links)
Depuis la dernière décennie, les outils technologiques et informatiques ont connu un essor considérable dans plusieurs sphères d’activité de la société. L’éducation n’y a pas échappé, et le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS) en a d’ailleurs fait une compétence transversale dans le cadre du Programme de formation de l’école québécoise. L’intégration des TIC s’est faite à travers différents moyens, à commencer par les laboratoires informatiques, les ordinateurs à même la salle de classe et, plus récemment, par l’introduction de projets portables où chaque élève et l’enseignant disposent de leur propre ordinateur. Afin d’être mené à terme, ce projet de recherche a été inscrit dans un projet à plus grande échelle, soit celui d’une recherche financée par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), qui a pour objectif d'analyser les obstacles auxquels font face les enseignants dans l'intégration des technologies à l'école. Le présent projet s'est quant à lui attardé plus spécifiquement aux défis technologiques et pédagogiques inhérents aux projets portables. L’étude s'est déroulée en milieu défavorisé, dans une école primaire montréalaise. Une telle intégration demande une planification rigoureuse et un suivi continu afin d’assurer le succès du projet. De plus, il est évident que ce type de projet pose aussi des défis technologiques et pédagogiques particuliers pour les enseignants. À ce sujet, trois catégories de facteurs qui peuvent avoir un impact sur la réussite des projets portables ont été relevées, soit : les facteurs personnels (internes à l’enseignant), les facteurs relatifs au travail (contexte d'enseignement, pratiques pédagogiques, etc.), ainsi que les facteurs relatifs au matériel et à l’infrastructure. À l’intérieur de ce mémoire, différents concepts, dimensions et indicateurs sont donc explicités et mis en relation afin de mieux comprendre les défis technologiques et pédagogiques qui peuvent survenir dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de projets portables. Trois enseignantes rattachées à autant de groupes d’élèves ont accepté de participer à une entrevue individuelle et de répondre à un questionnaire. Les échanges par courriel ont aussi été analysés. L'ensemble des données recueillies ont fait l'objet d'analyses qualitatives. Les analyses ont montré que la catégorie de facteurs citée la plus fréquemment était celle des facteurs relatifs au travail avec une forte majorité. Des défis ont toutefois été identifiés pour toutes les dimensions. / During the past decade, the presence of ICT and technology in general has increased significantly in many areas of society. Education was no exception, and MELS has even created a transversal competency for that matter under the Programme de formation de l'école québécoise. ICT integration was made through various means, including computer labs, computers in the classroom and, more recently, by the introduction of ubiquitous computing projects, in which each student and the teacher have their own computer. In order to complete this research project successfully, it has been included within a broader project subsidized by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This project is taking place in a disadvantaged community elementary school of Montreal. Ubiquitous computing asks for rigourous planning and ongoing follow-up by teachers, administrative and IT staff. Moreover, such a project obviously presents some technical and pedagogical challenges for teachers. Regarding this matter, three major categories of factors that can impact success of ubiquitous computing projects in education were identified. Those categories can be described as follows : factors that are internal to the teacher (personal matter), factors that are related to work, as well as factors related to infrastructure and equipment. Several concepts, dimensions and indicators are explained in this paper and correlated in order to better understand the challenges that can arise in such projects. Regarding the methodoly used in this research, three teachers accepted to participate in individual interviews, and also answered an online questionnaire. Furthermore, the e-mails exchanged between the research group and the teachers were also analyzed. All data coming from those three sources was subject to a qualitative analysis. The data analysis showed that the dominating category of factors was the one with factors related to work, by a vast majority. Challenges, however, were identified for all dimensions and categories.

Reconnaissance de contexte stable pour l'habitat intelligent / Stable context recognition for smart home

Pietropaoli, Paoli 10 December 2013 (has links)
L'habitat intelligent est l'objet de nombreux travaux de recherche. Il permet d'assister des personnes âgées ou handicapées, d'améliorer le confort, la sécurité ou encore d'économiser de l'énergie. Aujourd'hui, l'informatique ubiquitaire se développe et s'intègre dans l'habitat intelligent notamment en apportant la sensibilité au contexte. Malheureusement, comprendre ce qui se passe dans une maison n'est pas toujours facile. Dans cette thèse, nous explicitons comment le contexte peut permettre de déployer des services adaptés aux activités et aux besoins des habitants. La compréhension du contexte passe par l'installation de capteurs mais aussi par l'abstraction des données brutes en données intelligibles facilement exploitables par des humains et des services. Nous mettons en avant une architecture multi-couches de fusion de données permettant d'obtenir des données contextuelles de niveaux d'abstraction différents. La mise en place des couches basses y est présentée en détail avec l'application de la théorie des fonctions de croyance pour l'abstraction de données brutes issues de capteurs. Enfin, sont présentés le déploiement d'un prototype nous ayant permis de valider notre approche, ainsi que les services déployés. / Smart home is a major subject of interest. It helps to assist elderly or disabled people, improve comfort, safety, and also save energy. Today, ubiquitous computing is developed and integrated into the smart home providing context-awareness. Unfortunately, understanding what happens in a home is not always easy. In this thesis, we explain how context can be used to deploy services tailored to the activities and needs of residents. Understanding context requires the installation of sensors but also the abstraction of raw data into easily understandable data usable by humans and services. We present a multi-layer architecture of data fusion used to obtain contextual information of different levels of abstraction. The implementation of the lower layers is presented in detail with the application of the theory of belief functions for the abstraction of raw sensor data. Finally, are presented the deployment of a prototype that allowed us to validate our approach and the deployed services.

Design centrado no usuário de um ambiente de reunião instrumentado / User-centered design of an instrumented meeting environment

Motti, Vivian Genaro 18 February 2009 (has links)
A computação ubíqua explora o fato de que é possível embutir em um ambiente sistemas computacionais que transparentemente apóiem tarefas cotidianas do usuário. Sistemas desse tipo podem ser aplicados a diferentes domínios contribuindo, por exemplo, com atividades educacionais, médicas ou administrativas. A captura automática de informação em ambientes de computação ubíqua visa documentar atividades cotidianas de modo a possibilitar, posteriormente, o acesso às informações capturadas. O nível de transparência da interação do usuário com as chamadas aplicações ubíquas de captura e acesso é um desafio para projetistas, uma vez que os requisitos da aplicação devem ser conhecidos em profundidade para que a interação usuário-ambiente seja eficiente, eficaz e satisfatória. O trabalho realizado teve por objetivo especificar uma versão da aplicação para comunicação síncrona entre usuários que participem de reuniões distribuídas usando o DiGaE (Distributed Gathering Environment), desenvolver protótipos de interfaces, avaliá-los e sugerir soluções que facilitem a interação do usuário, aproximando o modelo conceitual da aplicação de seu modelo mental. Foram utilizados conceitos de Engenharia de Software para especificação e modelagem do sistema, e de Interação Humano-Computador para o desenvolvimento e a avaliação das interfaces. O projeto realizado orientou a implementação de um protótipo do ambiente DiGaE pela equipe do Projeto TIDIA-Ae, em cujo contexto este trabalho se insere. A principal contribuição do trabalho é um projeto que considera usabilidade em ambientes ubíquos para comunicação remota entre usuários, de modo a tornar a interação fácil, eficiente, eficaz e satisfatória até mesmo para usuários não especialistas em informática / Ubiquitous computing explores the possibility of instrumenting an environment with computational infrastructure that transparently supports users in their daily tasks. This kind of systems can be applied in different contexts contributing in medical, educational or administrative activities, for instance. The automatic capture of information in ubiquitous computing environments aims at documenting daily activities so that the corresponding information can be later accessed for review. Achieving a high level of transparency concerning the user interaction in such environments is a challenge to designers, since many users\' requirements must be gathered so that the user-environment interaction is efficient, effective and satisfactory. The main objective of the work reported is the specification of a version of the DiGaE (Distributed Gathering Environment) application which allows the synchronous communication among remote users in distributed meetings developing interfaces prototypes, evaluating them and suggesting solutions to facilitate users\' interaction. Concepts from Software Engineering were employed to specify and model the application, and Human-Computer Interaction concepts were employed to develop and evaluate the interfaces. The project guided the implementation of a DiGaE prototype by TIDIA-Ae Project team, in which context this work is inserted. The main contribution of this work is a project which considers usability in ubiquitous distributed gathering environments in order to make the interaction easy, efficient, effective and satisfactory, even for non-expert users

Management of scenarized user-centric service compositions for collaborative pervasive environments / Mise en oeuvre de la composition de services scénarisée et centrée utilisateur pour les environnements pervasifs collaboratifs

Faure, Matthieu 07 December 2012 (has links)
L'informatique pervasive (ou ubiquitaire) est un support pour des environnements contenant denombreux objets (ou dispositifs) disséminés, équipés d'électronique et interconnectés. Ces dispositifsfournissent un accès distant à une multitude de fonctionnalités qui nous aident dans notre vie quotidienne.Les Architectures Orientées Services sont adaptées à la conception de logiciels pervasifs. En effet,chaque dispositif fournit son propre ensemble de fonctionnalités sous la forme de services. Ainsi, enl'absence de mécanisme complémentaire, les utilisateurs se trouvent limités à utiliser les servicesisolément alors que leurs besoins correspondent à des scénarios qui impliquent une composition demultiples services offerts par plusieurs appareils.Dans cette thèse, nous défendons qu'un système pervasif doit : d'une part, permettre aux utilisateursd'exprimer facilement leurs besoins en créant des scénarios et d'autre part, proposer à ses utilisateursune représentation et des moyens de gestion de leur contexte afin qu'ils puissent tirer le meilleur parti deleur environnement et de ses changements. De plus, la présence de plusieurs utilisateurs implique lanécessité de collaborer. Par ailleurs, l'exécution de scénarios doit être résiliente aux changementsenvironnementaux et aux actions des utilisateurs. Elle doit ainsi s'adapter dynamiquement et, si possible,tirer profit du contexte et des changements de l'environnement.Notre contribution, nommée SaS (Scenarios as Services), répond à ces objectifs. Elle propose uneapproche interopérable capable de s'adapter à l'environnement. Elle fournit une représentation persistanteet personnalisable du contexte et inclut un langage de description de scénarios destiné aux utilisateurs.Ces scénarios sont facilement contrôlables, personnalisables et réutilisables. Elle planifie l'exécution pasà pas des scénarios, afin de s'adapter aux changements de l'environnement et de bénéficier desavantages de la mobilité des utilisateurs (exécution d'un scénario, dans la durée, sur plusieurs lieux).Enfin, elle inclut le partage de scénarios qui permet aux utilisateurs de collaborer. Un prototype de SaS,basé sur des normes industrielles (telle qu'OSGi), prouve la faisabilité de notre contribution et nouspermet de l'évaluer sur un cas d'étude simple. / Pervasive (or ubiquitous) computing is a paradigm for environments containing distributedinterconnected devices that embed electronics. These devices provide a remote access to numerousfunctionalities that assist us in our daily life. Service-Oriented Architectures are suitable to design softwarefor pervasive environments. Indeed, each device provides its own set of functionalities as services.Without any extra mechanism, users can only use a single service at a time. Nevertheless, their needsusually correspond to scenarios which involve a composition of multiple services, provided by multipledevices.In this thesis, we advocate that a pervasive system must, on the one hand, enable users to easily expresstheir needs through scenario creation and, on the other hand, propose to users a representation of theircontext so that they can benefit from both their environment and its changes. In addition, the presence ofseveral users implies that users must be able to collaborate.Our contribution, named SaS (Scenarios as Services), fulfils these requirements. It proposes aninteroperable approach that adapts to its environment. It provides users with a customizable andpersistent representation of their context and includes a scenario description language targeted to users.Scenarios are easy to control, customize and reuse. SaS schedules the step-by-step execution ofscenarios to adapt to environmental changes and benefit from user mobility (scenario execution split over time on successive distinct sites). Finally, SaS includes scenario sharing mechanisms which are abasis for collaboration. A prototype of SaS, based on industrial standards (e.g., OSGi), proves thefeasibility of our contribution and serves for its evaluation on a simple use case.

Wear-IT:implications of mobile & wearable technologies to human attention and interruptibility

Visuri, A. (Aku) 17 May 2019 (has links)
Abstract This thesis explores different ways of leveraging mobile sensing to understand how end users use and interact with their smart technologies, namely smartphones and smartwatches. These topics are extensively explored in other parallel research; however, numerous gaps still exist within the literature. The use of mobile sensing to collect quantified ground-truth information of device use in-the-wild is critical to collect unbiased experiences and usage traces. This thesis covers three main themes: (a) the way our affect influences our smartphone use, and how our smartphone usage can also be analysed from our usage habits; (b) revealing quantified exploration of smartwatch usage traits, and how these relate to smartphone use, and (c) novel ways to mitigate interruptions during smartphone or smartwatch use. The thesis begins by explaining the related work and the overall theme of mobile sensing and how device usage influences attention; it then proceeds to elaborate on the contribution of each included article to the overall scope of the thesis. The thesis then concludes with a summary of how the presented articles tie together in a broader scope. Considering the vast amount of research in this field by this thesis’ author as well as other researchers, this type of work can potentially improve the use of novel wearable technologies in the future. By the end of the thesis, the reader should have a broad understanding of what mobile sensing is, and how it can be applied to comprehensively uncover technology use as well as leveraging mobile sensing to enhance the use of technology. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan erilaisia tapoja hyödyntää mobiilikäytön tunnistamista ymmärtääkseen, miten loppukäyttäjät käyttävät ja ovat vuorovaikutuksessa älykkäiden teknologioidensa, esimerkiksi älypuhelimien ja älykellojen kanssa. Näitä aiheita tutkitaan laajasti muissa rinnakkaisissa tutkimuksissa, mutta kirjallisuudessa on vielä lukuisia aukkoja. Matkaviestinnän käytöstä kerätään kvantitatiiviset tiedot, jotka koskevat laitteen käyttöä luonnossa. Tämän tiedon kerääminen on kriittistä jotta voidaan kerätä puolueettomia kokemuksia ja käyttöjälkiä. Tässä työssä käsitellään kolmea pääteemaa; i) miten älypuhelinkäyttöömme vaikuttaa meidän mielialamme ja miten älypuhelinkäyttöämme voidaan analysoida käyttötapojen perusteella, ii) paljastaa älykellon käyttöominaisuuksien määrälliset tutkimukset ja miten nämä tulokset heijastuvat älypuhelimen käyttöön ja iii) uusia tapoja lieventää katkoksia älypuhelimen tai älykellon käytön aikana. Työ aloittaa selittämällä siihen liittyvää työtä ja mobiilin tunnistamisen yleistä teemaa ja sitä, miten laitteen käyttö vaikuttaa huomiokykyyn, ja jatkuu sitten yksityiskohtaisesti jokaisen mukana tulevan artikkelin osuuden yleiseen käsittelyyn. Työssä päädytään yhteenvetoon siitä, miten esitetyt artikkelit sitovat yhteen laajemman kokonaisuuden ja ottavat huomioon tämän alan tekijän ja muiden tutkijoiden tämän alan tutkimukset, ja miten tällaista työtä voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa edelleen tulevaisuudessa käyttämällä uusia tekniikoita. Työn päätyttyä lukijalla on laaja käsitys siitä, mitä mobiili-tunnistaminen on ja miten sitä voidaan soveltaa sekä teknologian käytön kattavaan paljastamiseen että mobiilidatan tunnistuksen hyödyntämiseen teknologian käytön tehostamiseksi.

Um framework para desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais em aplicações de computação ubíqua / A framework for multimodal interfaces development in ubiquitous computing applications

Inacio Junior, Valter dos Reis 26 April 2007 (has links)
Interfaces multimodais processam vários tipos de entrada do usuário, tais como voz, gestos e interação com caneta, de uma maneira combinada e coordenada com a saída multimídia do sistema. Aplicações que suportam a multimodalidade provêem um modo mais natural e flexível para a execução de tarefas em computadores, uma vez que permitem que usuários com diferentes níveis de habilidades escolham o modo de interação que melhor se adequa às suas necessidades. O uso de interfaces que fogem do estilo convencional de interação baseado em teclado e mouse vai de encontro ao conceito de computação ubíqua, que tem se estabelecido como uma área de pesquisa que estuda os aspectos tecnológicos e sociais decorrentes da integração de sistemas e dispositivos computacionais à ambientes. Nesse contexto, o trabalho aqui reportado visou investigar a implementação de interfaces multimodais em aplicações de computação ubíqua, por meio da construção de um framework de software para integração de modalidades de escrita e voz / Multimodal interfaces process several types of user inputs, such as voice, gestures and pen interaction, in a combined and coordinated manner with the system?s multimedia output. Applications which support multimodality provide a more natural and flexible way for executing tasks with computers, since they allow users with different levels of abilities to choose the mode of interaction that best fits their needs. The use of interfaces that run away from the conventional style of interaction, based in keyboard and mouse, comes together with the concept of ubiquitous computing, which has been established as a research area that studies the social and technological aspects decurrent from the integration os systems and devices into the environments. In this context, the work reported here aimed to investigate the implementation of multimodal interfaces in ubiquitous computing applications, by means of the building of a software framework used for integrating handwriting and speech modalities

Adaptação dinâmica de vídeo / Dynamic video adapting

Eisinger, Robson 21 June 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta o resultado de um estudo comparando o uso de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina na adaptação dinâmica de vídeo. O sistema utiliza informações de contexto, como as características de um dispositivo, preferências do usuário e condições de rede, como entrada de um mecanismo de decisão responsável por encontrar parâmetros de codificação mais adequados ao contexto à geração de um novo fluxo de vídeo dinamicamente personalizado / This work presents the results of a comparative study about machine learning techniques used in dynamic video adaptation. The system uses contextual information, such as devices? characteristics, user?s preferences and network condition as an input for a decision engine, responsible to find the best encoding parameters to be used during the generation of a new dynamically personalized video stream

Uma Proposta para Descoberta de Recursos na Computação Ubíqua com Suporte Semântico / A PROPOSAL FOR RESOURCE DISCOVERY IN UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING WITH SUPPORT SEMANTIC

Dilli, Renato Marques 11 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dm2_rdilli.pdf: 6543916 bytes, checksum: c1e5f8d9e3780088d192fcc2919a072b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-11 / In ubiquitous environments resources should be shared so that they can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. In this approach the process of resource discovery plays an important role in adequately satisfy the requests for resources. This paper presents the proposed EXEHDA-SD, EXEHDA-Semantic Discovery, which consists of a mechanism for resource discovery for ubiquitous computing, which combines technologies into its architecture for the semantic processing of requests for resources, increasing expressiveness in representation and consultation. The mechanism provides for the dynamics in which resources enter and leave the environment and pursue issues such as scalability and user preferences. In this sense, the work includes a study on mechanisms of resource discovery in the context of ubiquitous computing and technology for semantic processing with the intention of substantiating the architectural choices of the mechanism. The EXEHDA-SD was modeled to be prototyped as a service to the EXEHDA middleware, enabling the execution of search for resources located in the cells of the ubiquitous environment, in a scalable perspective, through the use of ontologies and tools for handling. Processing ontology expands the capacity for representation of environmental resources and their location. The use of semantic description of resources, among other things, facilitates the location of features similar to those requested. The model was compared with the state of the art, and its differential was discussed. Moreover, their functions were evaluated by three case studies / Em ambientes ubíquos os recursos devem estar compartilhados para que possam ser acessados de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Nesta abordagem o processo de descoberta de recursos assume um importante papel em satisfazer adequadamente as requisições por recursos. Este trabalho apresenta a proposta do EXEHDA-SD, EXEHDASemantic Discovery, que consiste em um mecanismo de descoberta de recursos, para computação ubíqua, que agrega tecnologias em sua arquitetura para o processamento semântico de requisições por recursos, aumentando a expressividade na representação e consulta. O mecanismo prevê a dinamicidade em que os recursos entram e saem do ambiente e persegue aspectos como escalabilidade e preferências do usuário. Neste sentido, o trabalho desenvolvido contempla um estudo sobre mecanismos de descoberta de recursos no contexto da computação ubíqua e das tecnologias para processamento semântico com a intenção de fundamentar as escolhas arquiteturais do mecanismo. O EXEHDA-SD foi modelado para ser prototipado na forma de um serviço para o middleware EXEHDA, possibilitando a realização de pesquisas por recursos localizados nas células do ambiente ubíquo, em uma perspectiva escalável, através da utilização de ontologias e ferramentas para sua manipulação. O processamento de ontologias expande a capacidade de representação dos recursos do ambiente, bem como sua localização. A utilização de semântica na descrição dos recursos, dentre outros aspectos, facilita a localização de recursos similares ao solicitado. O modelo foi comparado com o estado da arte, e seu diferencial foi discutido. Outrossim, suas funcionalidades foram avaliadas por três estudos de caso

Design d'espaces et pratiques numériques : de la "réalité augmentée" à la notion d'entr'espace / Spatial design and digital practices : from "augmented reality" to the concept of interspace

Fernandez-Moujan, Carola 15 January 2014 (has links)
Autrefois enfermés à l'intérieur des écrans, les médias numériques s'invitent aujourd'hui au cœur même du quotidien. Informatique ubiquitaire, objets connectés, dispositifs de réalité «mixte» et «augmentée» ... font advenir de nouveaux modes d'expérience spatiale. Pourtant, la portée de cette rupture est encore mal comprise, soit parce que l'on confond expérience esthétique et démonstration technique, soit parce que l'on peine à dépasser les registres traditionnels de la fonction, de l'information et de la fiction. Quelles conséquences pour le design d'espaces? La première partie de cette thèse analyse la terminologie en usage afin de montrer qu'elle ne permet pas de rendre compte de l'expérience esthétique qu'il s'agît de décrire, et propose la notion d'entr'espace comme outil susceptible de la caractériser. Les enjeux sont déplacés depuis le champ strict du numérique vers le cadre plus large de l'histoire du design en vue de mettre en évidence la manière spécifique au design de se saisir des questions soulevées par ces moments de rupture. La deuxième partie explore les tensions qui traversent l'entr'espace en partant du paradigme baroque. Alors que ces dispositifs numériques sont souvent conçus sans prendre en compte les relations spatiales que pourtant ils articulent, l'hypothèse développée est que c'est précisément au niveau de ces relations, considérées dans toute leur épaisseur sensible, que se situent les principaux enjeux. La troisième partie, enfin, propose des axes de réflexion prospectifs en explorant la manière dont l'entr'espace transforme notre expérience de l'habiter à travers les notions de matière, interaction, vie et existence. / Formerly confined inside computer screens, digital media dwells today at the very heart of everyday environments. Ubiquitous computing connected objects, «mixed» and «augmented» reality ... bring about new modes of spatial experience. This breakthrough, however, has not yet been fully acknowledged. Dominant lines of thought either mistake aesthetic experience and technological demonstration, or struggle to get beyond traditional notions of function, information and fiction. What are the consequences for spatial design practice? The first part of this thesis discusses current terminology in order to show its ineffectiveness in describing the precise nature of the aesthetic experience, and proposes the notion of interspace as a conceptual tool to characterize it adequately. The stakes are shifted from the sole realm of the digital towards the larger frame of design history in order to show the specific way that design as a discipline has taken to size the questions rose by analogous technological breakthroughs in the past. The second part explores the tensions that run through interspaces departing from the Baroque paradigm. Whilst such digital devices are often designed without consideration for the spatial relationships they nevertheless organize, the main hypothesis is that it is precisely at the level of such relationships -their fullest sensorial wealth considered-that the highest stakes are. The third and last part introduces prospective lines of thought by exploring the way interspaces transform our experience of dwelling through the notions of matter, interaction, life and existence.

SMALLSOA – Um Motor para Execução de Composições de Serviços em Ambientes Móveis

Zanuz, Luciano 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T14:01:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Arquiteturas orientadas a serviços (SOA) voltaram a ganhar destaque, após o surgimento dos web services, como uma tecnologia capaz de melhorar consideravelmente a interoperabilidade entre aplicações de software. Para apoiar a crescente necessidade de colaboração entre pessoas fisicamente separadas, como em sistemas de trabalho ou ensino à distância, ambientes colaborativos estão sendo construídos utilizando a Internet como plataforma. Com a popularização dos dispositivos móveis, softwares que permitem interações entre quaisquer dispositivos, móveis ou não, utilizando tecnologias variadas de comunicação rumo a um mundo ubíquo, vêm ganhando destaque. SOA, por sua vez, está sendo considerada uma das plataformas mais indicadas para sistemas colaborativos ubíquos. Este trabalho apresenta SmallSOA, um motor para execução de composições de serviços em ambientes móveis, um dos componentes centrais da arquitetura orientada a serviços chamada U-SOA que o grupo de pesquisa de Engenharia de Software e Linguagens de Pr / Services-oriented architectures (SOA) restarted to gain prominence after the emergence of web services as a technology able to improve the interoperability between software applications. To support the growing need for collaboration between people physically separated as in distance work or learning systems, collaborative environments are being constructed using the Internet as platform. With the popularization of mobile devices, software that allows interactions between any devices, mobile or not, using different communication technologies towards a ubiquitous world are gaining prominence. SOA, in its turn, is considered one of the most suitable platforms for ubiquitous collaborative systems. This work presents SmallSOA, an engine for services compositions execution on mobile environments, one of the central components of the service oriented architecture called U-SOA that the research team on Software Engineering and Programming Languages at Unisinos is developing. An engine for services compositions exec

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