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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding of Foam Sandwich Composite Materials: Process Development and Model Verification

McGrane, Rebecca Ann 17 July 2002 (has links)
Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) is a low cost resin infusion process being developed for the manufacture of composite structures. VARTM is being evaluated for the manufacture of primary aircraft structures, including foam sandwich composite materials. One of the benefits of VARTM is the ability to resin infiltrate large or complex shaped components. However, trial and error process development of these types of composite structures can prove costly and ineffective. Therefore, process modeling of the associated flow details and infiltration times can aide in manufacturing design and optimization. The purpose of this research was to develop a process using VARTM to resin infiltrate stitched and unstitched dry carbon fiber preforms with polymethacrylimide foam cores to produce composite sandwich structures. The infiltration process was then used to experimentally verify a three-dimensional finite element model for VARTM injection of stitched sandwich structures. Using the processes developed for the resin infiltration of stitched foam core preforms, visualization experiments were performed to verify the finite element model. The flow front progression as a function of time and the total infiltration time were recorded and compared with model predictions. Four preform configurations were examined in which foam thickness and stitch row spacing were varied. For the preform with 12.7 mm thick foam core and 12.7 mm stitch row spacing, model prediction and experimental data agreed within 5%. The 12.7 mm thick foam core preform with 6.35 mm row spacing experimental and model predicted data agreed within 8%. However, for the 12.7 mm thick foam core preform with 25.4 mm row spacing, the model overpredicted infiltration times by more 20%. The final case was the 25.4 mm thick foam core preform with 12.7 mm row spacing. In this case, the model overpredicted infiltration times by more than 50%. This indicates that the model did not accurately describe flow through the needle perforations in the foam core and could be addressed by changing the mesh elements connecting the two face sheets. / Master of Science

Fundamental Studies of Reactions between NO3 Radicals and Organic Surfaces

Zhang, Yafen 14 May 2012 (has links)
Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) surface science experiments were designed to study reaction kinetics and mechanisms of gas-phase NO₃ radicals with well-organized, highly characterized, organic thin films. The surface reactions were monitored in situ with reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS). The oxidation states of surface-bound molecules were identified with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Consumption of vinyl groups was observed concurrently with formation of organic nitrates in RAIRS. XPS spectra showed little oxidation of sulfur head groups. The observed rate constant was determined based on the consumption of carbon-carbon double bonds and the formation of organic nitrates. Using this rate constant, the initial reaction probability was determined to be (3 ± 1) X 10⁻³. This reaction probability is approximately two orders of magnitude higher than that for the reactions between the same surface and pure O₃, which is due to the higher electron affinity of NO₃ relative to O₃. These results led to the development of a proposed mechanism that involves electrophilic addition of NO₃ to the double bonds. Reactions between NO₃ and a methyl-terminated SAM were also monitored in situ with RAIRS. In the CH3-SAM studies, hydrogen abstraction was observed during NO3 exposure. The results presented in this thesis should help develop an understanding of the fundamental interfacial reaction dynamics of NO₃ radicals with organic surfaces. / Master of Science

Interfacial Reaction of an Olefin-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayer Exposed to Nitrogen Dioxide: An Investigation Into the Reaction Rate and Mechanism

Davis, Gwen Marie 18 September 2003 (has links)
Reactions of strongly oxidizing pollutants with unsaturated hydrocarbon surfaces are important to many areas of scientific interest. For example, reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons on the surface of tropospheric aerosols could have a great effect on the oxidizing capacity of the troposphere while the reaction products could be involved in the formation of clouds and smog. These reactions are also important in understanding the toxic effect inhalation of these pollutants have on the pulmonary surfactant of the lung, the only amicable air-water interface of the body. The fatty acids of this surfactant are as much as 30% unsaturated, and exposure to oxidizing pollutant is known to alter both the composition and function of the surfactant. Understanding the reaction mechanism will further the knowledge of how this toxicity occurs. While the reactions of strongly oxidizing pollutants, such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide, with alkenes in the gas and solution phases are well known, the interfacial reaction mechanisms of these species is not fully understood. The goal of this study is to determine the reaction mechanism when an unsaturated hydrocarbon monolayer at the gas-surface interface is exposed to gas phase nitrogen dioxide. An olefin-terminated thiol was synthesized and a self-assembled monolayer on Au(111) made and characterized using Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy (RAIRS). This unsaturated surface was then exposed to NO2 at a pressure of 1x10-4 mbar in a UHV (Ultrahigh Vacuum) chamber. Time-resolved RAIRS was preformed in situ to monitor the reaction during exposure. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and RAIRS determined the surface reaction product as an aldehyde. While the mechanism can not be precisely determined, two mechanisms involving either the hydrogen abstraction or radical addition of the NO2 to yield an aldehyde are proposed. / Master of Science


Skarin, Erik, Carlsson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Objectives set by the EU means that all buildings after 2020 has to be nearly zero energy buildings. This means that thicker layers of insulation have to be added in the wall construction which makes the wall thicker. It means that the living area will be reduced. Vacuum insulation is a highly effective type of insulation and because of its low thermal conductivity it has the ability to reduce the thickness in wall structures. This project investigates a proposal to apply vacuum insulation in one-storey buildings. In order to achieve the goals of the project, a proposal for a one-storey building was developed. Calculations have been made and the proposal was developed as an alternative to show how to construct a family home containing vacuum insulation. The empirical data was collected through interviews, document analysis and literature studies. The collected data was analyzed together with the theoretical framework that has been developed through literature studies and document analysis. Creating a wall construction containing vacuum insulation as a primary insulation usually means that the wall will be considerably thinner than a wall construction with traditional insulation. This means that living area can be saved. Vacuum insulation has to be protected properly as it is easily punctured where upon it loses the most of its insulation capacity. Vacuum insulation is not common on the Swedish construction market today, this is due to many factors, including its high price. Vacuum insulation is a good problem solver which can be used in bay windows to gain extra space. One can also make use for it in tight spaces. From an economic point of view vacuum insulation offers the greatest advantages in cities where living space is considerably higher than in rural areas. To take part of the work there is no need for prior knowledge about vacuum insulation. The project focuses only on wall structures in the single-storey villas, therefor, no indentations has been made on the floor- and roof structures or other building types. The project only focuses on newly constructed buildings. No calculations are made for moisture or production costs. / Mål uppsatta av EU innebär att samtliga byggnader som uppförs vid år 2020 måste vara nära-nollenergihus. För väggarna i konstruktionen innebär det att tjockare lager av isolering måste adderas vilket ger bredare väggkonstruktioner. Bredare väggkonstruktioner innebär även att boarean minskas. Vakuumisolering är ett högeffektivt isoleringsmaterial som genom sin låga värmeledningsförmåga har möjligheten att minska tjockleken vid väggkonstruktioner på grund av dess tunna skikt. Arbetet utreder ett förslag att applicera vakuumisolering i enplansvillor. För att uppnå arbetets mål har ett förslag på enplansvilla tagits fram. Beräkningar har gjorts och förslaget är framtaget som ett alternativ för att visa hur en villa innehållande vakuumisolering kan utformas. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom intervjuer, dokumentanalyser samt litteraturstudier. Empirin analyseras sedan tillsammans med det framtagna teoretiska ramverket genom litteraturstudier och dokumentanalyser. Att skapa en väggkonstruktion med vakuumisolering som primär isolering betyder oftast att väggen blir avsevärt mycket tunnare än en väggkonstruktion av traditionell isolering, vilket betyder att boarea kan sparas. Vakuumisolering måste skyddas på rätt sätt i väggkonstruktioner eftersom materialet lätt punkteras varpå det förlorar den största delen av sin isoleringsförmåga. Idag är inte vakuumisolering utbrett på den svenska byggmarknaden vilket beror på många faktorer, bland annat dess höga pris. Vakuumisolering är en väldigt bra problemlösare som med fördel kan användas i burspråk för att vinna extra utrymme. Det kan även användas i trånga utrymmen som elnischar. Ur ekonomisk synpunkt ger vakuumisolering störst fördel i städer där boarea per kvadratmeter är högre än motsvarande på landsbygden. För att ta del av arbetet krävs inga förkunskaper om vakuumisolering. Arbetet fokuserar endast på väggkonstruktioner i enplansvillor, därför har inga fördjupningar skett på golv- och takkonstruktioner eller andra byggnadstyper. Enbart nybyggnationer av trästommar är utrett. Beräkningar är inte gjorda för fukt och produktionskostnader.

Intégration de matériaux oxydes innovants dans une cellule IT-SOFC / Integration of innovative oxide materials in an IT-SOFC

Morandi, Anne 04 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à évaluer le potentiel d'un nouveau couple cathode / électrolyte pour une application en IT-SOFC (700°C), par le biais de l’élaboration et du test de cellules à anode support de configuration planaire. Les matériaux concernés sont l'électrolyte BaIn0.3Ti0.7O2.85 (BIT07), de structure perovskite, et les nickelates de terres rares Ln2-xNiO4+ (LnN, Ln = La, Nd, Pr) en tant que cathodes ; ces matériaux ont montré des propriétés prometteuses dans des travaux préliminaires effectués à l'IMN et l'ICMCB. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur la mise en place d'un protocole d'élaboration de cellules complètes utilisant des techniques bas coûts et industrialisables (cellules de taille 3 x 3 cm2) : l’anode Ni / BIT07 a été élaborée par coulage en bande, l'électrolyte BIT07 par vacuum slip casting et les cathodes par sérigraphie. Les mesures électrochimiques réalisées sur une première génération de cellules ont mis en évidence la nécessité d'ajouter une couche barrière de GDC entre les cathodes LnN et l'électrolyte BIT07. Les meilleures performances ont été obtenues pour une cellule BIT07 / Ni | BIT07 | GDC | PrN, avec une densité de puissance à 700°C et 0.7 V de 176 mW cm-2 pour une faible résistance de polarisation de 0. 29 Ω cm2. La principale limitation des performances a été identifiée comme étant la résistance interne du banc de test, donnant lieu à des valeurs de résistances séries anormalement élevées. Cette cellule a été opérée avec succès durant plus de 500 heures sous courant, avec néanmoins une vitesse de dégradation extrapolée élevée de l’ordre de 27% / kh. / This thesis aimed at assessing the potential of a novel cathode / electrolyte couple for IT-SOFC applications (700°C), through the elaboration and testing of planar anode-supported cells. The materials involved were the perovskite-structured BaIn0.3Ti0.7O2.85 (BIT07) electrolyte and the rare earth nickelate Ln2-xNiO4+ (LnN, Ln = La, Nd, Pr) cathodes, both materials having shown promising properties in preliminary work done at the IMN and the ICMCB. The first part of this thesis concerned the implementation of a cell elaboration protocol using low-cost and scalable shaping techniques (cell size 3 x 3 cm2); namely, the Ni / BIT07 anodes were elaborated by tape casting, the BIT07 electrolyte by vacuum slip casting and the cathodes by screen printing. Comparison of electrochemical results for a first and second generation of cells highlighted the usefulness of adding a GDC buffer layer in between the LnN cathodes and the BIT07 electrolyte. The best performance has been obtained for a cell BIT07 / Ni | BIT07 | GDC | PrN, with a power density at 700°C and 0.7 V of 176 mW cm-2 for a competitive polarisation resistance of 0.29 Ω cm2. The main limitation of the performance has been determined to be related to the internal resistance of the test setup, giving anomalously high series resistances. This cell has been successfully operated beyond 500 hours under current, although with a fairly high extrapolated degradation rate of 27% / kh.

Modelling Of Current-Zero Behaviour Of An SF6 Rotating Arc

Ravishankar, B R 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Energetická simulace provozu solárních kolektorů v nízkoenergetickém rodinném domě s teplovzdušným vytápěním / Energy simulation of solar collectors operation in a low-energy family house with warm-air heating

Pech, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with energy simulation of a solar energy system in a low-energy family house with warm-air heating. The simulations performed resulted in the assessment of the energy contribution of four solar systems with different types of collectors. The profitability and return of investment for the particular system have been evaluated based on investment costs and the savings gained. The theoretical part includes an introduction to the solar energy field, solar panel systems and the passive house concept. The practical part is devoted to description of the simulated object models as used in the TRNSYS environment, the simulation results evaluation along with the assessment of the economic return on investment. The conclusion recommendations regarding a suitable type and size of the solar panel with respect to the economic criteria chosen are given.

Синтез и свойства тонкопленочных структур на основе индолокарбазолов : магистерская диссертация / Synthesis and properties of thin film structures based on indolocarbazoles

Трофимова, К. Е., Trofimova, K. E. January 2020 (has links)
Спроектирована установка для нанесения органических покрытий. Установка термовакуумного нанесения и виртуальный прибор «ThermoVAC&Co» позволяют осуществлять синтез тонкопленочных покрытий, контролируя температуру нагрева испаряемого вещества до 500 °C. Выполнен синтез тонких пленок 5,11-диметил-5,11-дигидроиндоло [3.2-b]карбазола 5,11-дигексил-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3.2-b]карбазола, 5,11-бис(2-метоксиэтил)-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3,2-b]карбазола и 5,11-бис[2-(2-метоксиэтокси)этокси]-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3,2-b]карбазола для исследования оптических и электрических характеристик. С помощью конфокального микроскопа Axio CSM 700 была проведена аттестация поверхности синтезируемых покрытий. Спектры оптического поглощения были получены на спектрометре Shimadzu UV-2450. Расчетный потенциал ионизации для исследованных соединений ICZ составляет 6,82-7,1 эВ. Обсуждается влияние отдельных блоков соединений на спектр оптического поглощения. На базе микрозондовой станции Cascade Microtech MPS150 произведены измерения вольтамперных характеристик структуры ITO/-ICZ/Al. По данным ВАХ были рассчитаны подвижности зарядов по модели инжекционных токов. Подвижность носителей заряда, оцененная по вольтамперным характеристикам, находится в диапазоне 2,2 ∙ 10-9–1,43 ∙ 10-6 см2 / (В·сек) для исследованных соединений ICZ. Установлена связь между интенсивностью полос поглощения с максимумом около 430 нм и подвижностью носителей заряда. / The installation for applying organic coatings is designed. The thermal vacuum deposition unit and the «ThermoVAC & Co» virtual instrument allow the synthesis of thin-film coatings, controlling the temperature of heating the evaporated substance up to 500 ° C. The thin films of 5,11-dimethyl-5,11-dihydroindolo [3.2-b] carbazole 5,11-dihexyl-5,11-dihydroindolo [3.2-b] carbazole, 5,11-bis (2-methoxyethyl) - 5,11-dihydroindolo [3,2-b] carbazole and 5,11-bis [2- (2-methoxyethoxy) ethoxy] -5,11-dihydroindolo [3,2-b] carbazole were synthesized to study optical and electrical characteristics. The surface of the synthesized coatings was certified using the Axio CSM 700 confocal microscope. Optical absorption spectra were obtained with the Shimadzu UV-2450 spectrometer. The calculated ionization potential is 6.82–7.1 eV for the studied ICZ compounds. The effect of individual blocks of compounds on the optical absorption spectrum is discussed. The current-voltage characteristics of the ITO / -ICZ / Al structure were measured with the Cascade Microtech MPS150 microprobe station. According to the I-V characteristics data, the charge mobility was calculated using the injection current model. The mobility of charge carriers, estimated by the current-voltage characteristics, is in the range 2,2 ∙ 10-9–1,43 ∙ 10-6 cm2/ (V·sec) for the studied ICZ compounds. The relationship between the intensity of absorption bands with a maximum near 430 nm, and the mobility of charge carriers were found.


Zhujing Xu (13150383) 25 July 2022 (has links)
<p>One of the fundamental predictions of quantum mechanics is the occurrence of random fluctuations which can induce a measurable force between neutral objects, known as the Casimir effect. Casimir effect has attracted a lot of interest in both theoretical and practical work since the first prediction in 1948 because it is the most accessible evidence of quantum electromagnetic fluctuations in vacuum. Besides, it has prospective applications for nanotechnology and for studying fundamental physical theories beyond the standard model. In this dissertation, we report the experimental and theoretical progress towards realizing Casimir-based devices and long sought-after vacuum friction. </p> <p><br></p> <p>First, we propose and experimentally realize the first Casimir diode system that can regulate energy transfer along one direction through quantum vacuum fluctuations. This is the first experimental demonstration of non-reciprocal energy transfer by Casimir effects. We develop a dual-cantilever vacuum system which can be used to measure the Casimir force at separations from 50 nm to 1000 nm.  Parametric coupling scheme is applied to the system to couple two cantilevers with different resonant frequencies by Casimir interaction. By controlling the system near the exceptional point, we are able to break the time reversal symmetry and observe the non-reciprocal energy transfer. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The description of the Casimir diode system is followed by an experimental demonstration of the Casimir transistor system where we achieve the first measurement of Casimir interaction between three macroscopic objects. Three cantilevers can be coupled through quantum vacuum fluctuations by the parametric coupling scheme. Moreover, we have realized the first three-terminal Casimir transistor system that can switch and amplify quantum vacuum mediated energy transfer. These two Casimir-based devices will have potential applications in sensing and information processing.  </p> <p><br></p> <p>Subsequently, the first observation of Casimir mediated non-contact friction is demonstrated experimentally. When two parallel surfaces are moving with a relative velocity, they will experience quantum vacuum friction force which tries to slow down the relative motion because of quantum vacuum fluctuations. The quantum vacuum friction comes from the exchange of virtual photons between two moving bodies.  We have designed a novel method to detect the Casimir force mediated non-contact friction force between two harmonic oscillators. The non-contact friction comes from the interaction of virtual photons and phonons. We have experimentally detected the effect of non-contact friction and successfully measured the friction force at different velocities. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In the latter part of this thesis, two theoretical proposals about detecting the Casimir torque and rotational quantum vacuum friction torque by a levitated optomechanical system are discussed. The optically levitated nanoparticle system is a good candidate for precision measurements because it can achieve an ultrahigh mechanical quality factor due to the well isolation from the thermal environment. The calculation of the Casimir torque on a levitated nanorod near a birefringent plate is demonstrated. The calculation of the rotational quantum vacuum friction torque on a rotating nanosphere near a plate is also presented. By comparing these small torques to the sensitivity of our levitation system, we show that it is feasible to detect the Casimir torque and the rotational quantum vacuum friction torque under realistic conditions in the near future. </p> <p><br></p>

Development of a vacuum arc thruster for nanosatellite propulsion

Lun, Jonathan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This thesis describes the development of a vacuum arc thruster (VAT) to be used as a potential low mass (< 500 g), low power (< 5–10W) propulsion system for nanosatellites. The thruster uses a high voltage capacitive circuit to initiate and power the arc process with a 400 ns high current (150–800A) pulse. A one-dimensional steady state analyticalmodel describing the cathode region of the vacuum arc was developed. The model made use of mass and energy balances at the sheath region and cathode surface respectively to predict key quantities such as thrust, ion velocity, ion-to-arc current ratio and erosion rate. Predicted results were shown to be within the limits of reported literature (∼63 μN/A, 26.12 km/s, 0.077 and 110 μg/C respectively). A sensitivity analysis of the analytical model found that a high electric field in the cathode region impedes and decelerates ion flow, which is used for thrust. This was confirmed experimentally for thrust values at arc voltages greater than 2000 V. Both direct and indirect means of measuring thrust were achieved by using a deflecting cantilever beam and an ion collector system, respectively. The transient response of the cantilever beam to impulsive thrust was analytically modeled, whilst the ion current was found by measuring the current induced on a plate subject to ion bombardment. Knowledge of the ion current density distribution was successfully used to approximate the effective normal thrust vector. Direct and indirect thrust levels were roughly 140 and 82 μN/A of average arc current, respectively. Measured thrust was found to be higher than predicted thrust due to thrust contributions fromthe ablation of Teflon insulation. The discrepancy is also due to the uncertainty in quantifying free parameters in the analytical model such as the fraction of generated ions flowing away from the cathode region. The thrust-topower ratio, specific impulse and efficiency of the vacuum arc thruster at an average arc current of 200 A was measured to be 0.6 μN/W, 160 s and 0.05 %, respectively. A thruster performance analysis and specification showed that the VAT is capable of achieving specific orbital and slew manoeuvres within a constant 5–10 W average power. It was concluded that thruster performance could be improved by using a two-stage arc circuit consisting of a high voltage, low current, short pulse trigger and a low voltage, high current, long pulse driver.

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