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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wertstromdesign als Instrument der wertorientierten Unternehmensführung

Lee, Yong 11 June 2014 (has links)
Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung, Wertstromdesign als zentrale Methode des Lean Managements und die Flexibilität von Produktionssystemen haben sich als Managementansätze in der Vergangenheit bewährt. Die Koexistenz dieser Ansätze stellt Führungskräfte vor die tägliche Herausforderung, ihren jeweiligen Beitrag zur wertorientierten Unternehmensführung zu erkennen, operative Entscheidungen zu treffen und auf diese Weise die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens im Spannungsfeld der Interessen der Anspruchsgruppen sicherzustellen. Unter der leitenden Forschungsfrage, welchen Beitrag das Wertstromdesign als Instrument der wertorientierten Unternehmensführung zum Unternehmenswert unter Beachtung der Flexibilität des Produktionssystems leistet, werden die Einzelkonzepte detailliert betrachtet, wesentliche Einflussgrößen sowie deren durch Reduktion von Komplexität entstehende Wechselwirkungen identifiziert und zur Handlungsorientierung methodisch gestützte Gestaltungsempfehlungen formuliert.:1 Einleitung … 1 1.1 Behandlung des Themas in der Literatur … 4 1.1.1 Wertstromdesign … 4 1.1.2 Flexibilität des Produktionssystems … 6 1.1.3 Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung … 8 1.2 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung … 11 1.3 Struktur der Arbeit und Vorgehensweise … 12 2 Theoretischer Bezugsrahmen … 15 2.1 Systemtheoretischer Ansatz zur Reduktion der Komplexität … 15 2.1.1 Begriffliche Abgrenzung und Arbeitsdefinition … 16 2.1.2 Ansatz der allgemeinen Systemtheorie … 17 Das Produktionssystem als Erfahrungsobjekt … 18 Der Wertstrom als Erkenntnisobjekt … 19 2.2 Wertstromdesign als Gestaltungsmethode … 20 2.2.1 Definition und Abgrenzung zu anderen Methoden … 20 Definition … 21 Abgrenzung zu anderen Lean-Methoden … 22 Abgrenzung zu anderen Prozessoptimierungsmethoden … 23 2.2.2 Vorgehensweise … 24 Festlegung der Produktfamilie … 24 Wertstromanalyse … 27 Wertstromdesign … 30 2.2.3 Zusammenfassung … 33 2.3 Flexibilität von Produktionssystemen … 34 2.3.1 Definition und begriffliche Abgrenzung … 34 Allgemeine Definitionen … 35 Abgrenzung von Agilität und Wandlungsfähigkeit … 37 2.3.2 Klassifizierung der Flexibilitätstypen … 39 Horizontale Klassifizierung … 39 Vertikale Klassifizierung … 41 Sonstige Klassifizierungen … 42 2.3.3 Messung der Flexibilität … 44 Zeit als Maß für die Flexibilität … 44 Kosten als Maß für die Flexibilität … 45 Wahrscheinlichkeit als Maß für die Flexibilität … 47 2.3.4 Zusammenfassung … 47 2.4 Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung … 48 2.4.1 Begriffliche Abgrenzung und Definition … 49 Shareholder-Value-Ansatz … 49 Stakeholder-Ansatz … 50 Arbeitsdefinition … 51 2.4.2 Wertorientierte Kennzahlenkonzepte … 52 Definition und Verwendung des Cashflows … 53 Discounted Cash-Flow (DCF) … 55 Shareholder Value Added (SVA) … 58 Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI) und Cash Value Added (CVA) … 59 Economic Value Added (EVA) … 61 2.4.3 Operationalisierung der wertorientierten Kennzahlenkonzepte … 63 Kennzahlensystem … 64 Werttreiberhierarchie … 64 2.5 Zusammenfassung … 65 3 Empirische Bestimmung von Wertstromtypen … 68 3.1 Modell zur Schätzung des Wertbeitrags durch das Wertstromdesign … 68 3.1.1 Bestimmung der Einflussgrößen … 69 Bestimmung der Erfolgsfaktoren und Kennzahlen … 69 Bestimmung der relevanten Flexibilitätstypen … 75 3.1.2 Konzeption des Modells zur Schätzung des Wertbeitrags … 76 Aufbau des Modells … 76 Ansatz zur Schätzung des Wertbeitrags … 78 3.2 Empirische Analyse zur Bestimmung von Wertstromtypen … 81 3.2.1 Datenbasis und Erhebungsmethodik … 81 Inhalt der Unternehmensbefragung … 82 Struktur der Grundgesamtheit … 82 3.2.2 Analyse der empirischen Datenbasis … 84 Gewichtung und Einfluss der Kennzahlen … 84 Faktorenanalyse … 90 Clusteranalyse … 94 3.3 Charakterisierung der Wertstromtypen … 97 3.3.1 Klassifizierungsmerkmale von Wertstromtypen … 98 3.3.2 Ableitung der idealisierten Wertstromtypen … 102 Cluster 1: Wertstromtyp „Balanced“ … 102 Cluster 2: Wertstromtyp „Pending“ … 03 Cluster 3: Wertstromtyp „Project“ … 104 Cluster 4: Wertstromtyp „Service“ … 105 3.3.3 .bersicht: Wertstromtypen … 106 3.4 Zusammenfassung … 10 4 Gestaltungsfelder des wertorientierten Wertstromdesigns unter Berücksichtigung der Flexibilität des Produktionssystems … 113 4.1 Ableitung der Gestaltungsfelder … 113 4.1.1 Gestaltungsansätze für die Haupteinflussgrößen … 113 Ansätze des Qualitätsmanagements … 113 Ansätze des Zeitmanagements … 16 4.1.2 Definition der Gestaltungsfelder … 117 Vier Gestaltungsfelder des wertorientierten Wertstromdesigns … 118 Einfluss der Gestaltungsmethoden auf die Flexibilitätsarten … 120 4.2 Gestaltungsfelder des wertorientierten Wertstromdesigns … 122 4.2.1 Fehlervermeidung … 122 Analyse der Fehlerrisiken im Ist-Wertstrom … 122 Reduzierung der Risiken im Soll-Wertstrom … 125 4.2.2 Fehlerabsicherung … 127 Fehleranalyse im Ist-Wertstrom … 127 Statistische Prozesskontrolle im Soll-Wertstrom … 130 4.2.3 Reduzierung der Komplexität … 134 Analyse der Produktkomplexität im Wertstrom … 135 Gestaltung eines wertstromgerechten Produktdesigns … 137 Analyse der Fertigungsorganisation … 139 Gestaltung wandlungsfähiger Fertigungssegmente …142 4.2.4 Stabilisierung und Optimierung des Prozesses … 144 Analyse des Informationsflusses … 144 Leitlinien zur Gestaltung des Material- und Informationsflusses … 146 Analyse der personalkritischen Engpässe … 148 Ma.nahmen zum Kapazitätsausgleich … 151 4.3 Zusammenfassung … 153 5 Fallstudien und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für das wertorientierte Wertstromdesign … 156 5.1 Auswahl der Fallstudien … 156 5.2 Ausgangssituation … 157 5.2.1 Fallstudie 1: Wertstromtyp „Balanced“ … 157 5.2.2 Fallstudie 2: Wertstromtyp „Pending“ … 62 5.2.3 Fallstudie 3: Wertstromtyp „Project“ … 65 5.2.4 Fallstudie 4: Wertstromtyp „Service“ … 168 5.3 Gestaltungsempfehlungen … 172 5.3.1 Wertstromtyp „Balanced“ … 172 5.3.2 Wertstromtyp „Pending“ … 174 5.3.3 Wertstromtyp „Project“ … 176 5.3.4 Wertstromtyp „Service“ … 177 5.4 Zusammenfassung … 180 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick … 183 7 Literaturverzeichnis … 187

What’s in it for the Provider? : A Lifecycle-Focused Approach towards Designing for Value in Product-Service Systems

Matschewsky, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
Combining products and services into Product-Service Systems (PSS), which are often owned and even operated by the company offering them, is seen as an important element of conducting more sustainable business. The prospective environmental benefits of PSS lie mainly in the improved resource- and operational efficiency. This is achieved by way of a critical shift in incentive structure: If an industrial company assumes responsibility for an offering throughout the lifecycle, the terms on which that company operates are changed substantially in comparison to traditional product sales. Instead of benefiting from a short lifetime through additional sales opportunities or making profit through the sale of spare parts, in highly integrated PSS, each parts exchange, each technicians’ visit and each day the lifetime of the offering is reduced directly affects the bottom line of the provider. Due to that, solely as a result of economic rationality, a provider of these offerings has an incentive to design in such a way that the life of this offering is prolonged, need for spare parts is reduced, service activities are facilitated and simplified, and that the conditions are in place to allow for a second or third life of the offering through remanufacturing. Regardless of this compelling logic, at times, industrial companies fail to establish the preconditions to capturing these benefits as they continue to rely on product and sales-centric design processes even though they provide PSS. This thesis aims to examine this unexploited opportunity from two vantage points. On the one hand, methods conceived in academia to support industry in implementing and executing joint, lifecycle-focused design of products and services, and the use of these methods in practice, are examined. Here, the focus firstly lies on understanding how PSS are designed today, and secondly, on what should change about PSS design methods to improve their implementability and usability in industrial practice, so that they can fulfill their supposed role as facilitators of efficient PSS design and operation. On the other hand, the possible benefits of providing specifically designed and lifecycle-focused PSS as an industrial company are in focus. To this end, the value attained by providers throughout the use phase of PSS is investigated, to then identify possible approaches towards enhancing this value. Eventually, both focus-areas are joined in an effort to examine the interaction between method-supported, lifecycle-oriented PSS design and the value attained by providers of such offerings. As a result of the research, a lacking adaptation of design processes to PSS is identified in the case companies. Further, shortcomings of PSS design methods conceived in academia, e.g. excessive complexity, lacking clarity and rigidity, are found in both literature as well as in a study with an industrial company. To take a first step towards rectifying this issue, six characteristics intended to enhance implementability and usability of PSS design methods, are presented. The value attained by PSS providers has been found to be a complex but important subject. In a case study, value determinants of high relevance to the use phase of the lifecycle have been identified and assessed for their utility as indicators in the evaluation and enhancement of PSS offerings in the design phase. The practitioners involved were supportive of the applicability of the systematic approach presented to capture more value through offering PSS. In joining both the value- and method-oriented approach, the mutual dependency of both aspects is discussed. In order to provide PSS in an economically and environmentally efficient fashion, adapting the existing design processes is imperative. The value attained by the provider can, complementary to existing customer-centric approaches, serve as an important goal for the adaptation of design processes. Ultimately, through understanding the change in incentive structure at the core of PSS, and through implementing a value-driven design process supported by efficient and effective methods aimed at providing both customer value and capturing provider benefits throughout the lifecycle, there is a genuine potential of conducting more sustainable business.

Att främja aktiva och medvetna val gällande hållbarhet hos e-handelskunder / How to promote active and conscious choices regarding sustainability amongst e-commerce customers

Nilsson, Zandra, Lindberg, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how to work with sustainability in e-commerce, with a focus on making information available to the consumer as well as how this could be conceptualized. This requires a multidisciplinary approach, with domain knowledge based on environmental science and additional knowledge in information and computer science. In the time we live in now, we see an increased need to think sustainably and act for it in society. Consumption of products or services has a great impact on this and to a large extent via e-commerce today where consumers often find themselves confused in how to make a sustainable choice. We must work towards a more sustainable society and living. If we continue to utilize our planet's resources and assets without letting nature recover, we will probably end up in an unsustainable situation. Previous research shows the complexity in terms of sustainability, the definition as such but also how to assess it, a lack of regulated standards complicates the unified picture of what is actually sustainable. Creating an index or some form of standard for sustainability is not possible for us in relation to the time frame and scope of this study. An attempt to clarify what one can do with a focus on the consumer and how he or she can access information that is available or could be, is for us interesting to investigate. What made this possible was an extensive literature study to acquire the domain knowledge required to be able to understand what we needed to focus on, the literature study itself provided good insights and a good foundation as a starting point. By following a work process based on Design Science Research Methodology and with the opportunity to collaborate with an established company that works to guide consumers in e-commerce, we have been able to work in a concrete and relevant context and thus had the opportunity to test our concepts based on a literature study and data collection methods, consisting of questionnaires and interviews. Key findings from the study were that consumers wanted to know more about sustainability as well as the importance of involving the consumer in the process. Based on a literature study and the data collections, a basic data model for sustainability was developed. Companies in e-commerce should take the initiative to support sustainable online consumption. The task is difficult, but doing so could provide a competetive advantage among the companies and at the same time it contributes to a good cause.

Optimalizace činnosti měrového střediska / Measuring centre process optimization

Benda, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis is engaged in optimisation processes of PUQ (as for Purchasing Quality) department, Robert Bosch České Budějovice. This department is responsible for input control of parts for manufacture as well as check of new parts including their documentation and documentation updates. By optimisation we understand selection of the best variant from group of possibilities.

Value Sensitive Future of Persuasive Technology in Retail : Multi-Stakeholder Approach / Värdekänslig framtid för övertygande teknologier inom detaljhandeln : Ett flerpartsperspektiv

Grossova, Dominika January 2023 (has links)
Persuasive technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the retail industry, often to influence customer behaviours and increase sales. This study explores multi-stakeholder perspectives on the values, ethical considerations, and possible risks associated with the implementation of such persuasive technologies. It was conducted with a retail agency that develops persuasive technology in the form of an engagement retail platform. Value Sensitive Design (VSD) Framework and ACTVOD Futures Workshop were used to develop value scenario workshops with program managers, designers, and field team members. Value-oriented themes were then derived from a thematic analysis. Values such as ownership and property, identity, and informed consent were often discussed, while human welfare and environmental sustainability were neglected. Also uncovered were several misconceptions concerning artificial intelligence (AI) and a lack of urgency to address ethical concerns among company stakeholders. This study emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the ethical considerations of persuasive technology and develop proactive solutions to make it safe, sustainable, and beneficial for users and consumers. / Övertygande teknologi, så kallad persuasive technology, blir allt vanligare inom detaljhandelsbranschen, ofta för att påverka kundbeteenden och öka försäljningen. Denna studie undersöker flera parters perspektiv på värden, etiska överväganden och möjliga risker i samband med implementeringen av övertygande teknologier. Studien genomfördes på en detaljhandelsbyrå som utvecklar övertygande teknologi i form av en engagerande detaljhandelsplattform. Ett ramverk för värdekänslig design (Value Sensitive Design - VSD) och ACTVOD Futures Workshop användes för att utveckla värdescenario-workshops med programchefer, designers och fältteammedlemmar. Värdeteman genererades sedan från en tematisk analys. Värden som ägande och egendom, identitet och informerat samtycke diskuterades ofta, medan mänskligt välbefinnande och miljömässig hållbarhet försummades. Dessutom påvisades flera missuppfattningar om artificiell intelligens (AI) och en bristande brådska att ta itu med etiska frågor bland företagets nyckelpersoner. Denna studie betonar vikten av att erkänna och hantera de etiska övervägandena för övertygande teknologi och att utveckla proaktiva lösningar för att göra sådana övertygande teknologier säkra, hållbara och gynnsamma för användare och konsumenter.


BIANCA RODRIGUES TEIXEIRA 06 November 2020 (has links)
[pt] Valores de usuário são um fator importante no design de software, mas nem sempre são considerados de forma explícita no processo de design. Ao tomar decisões de design, valores de usuários podem se perder junto aos viéses dos designers relacionados a seus próprios valores. Para evitar esse problema, este trabalho estuda a integração de valores de usuários com técnicas de design rationale, especificamente Questões, Opções e Critérios (QOC), e como essa integração é refletida em um artefato de design resultante (um diagrama de interação usando MoLIC). Conduzimos dois estudos separados com estudantes de Ciência da Computação no Rio de Janeiro. No primeiro estudo, vimos que valores de usuários podem ser integrados com design rationale usando notações informais, como circulando ou sublinhando as opções ou critérios associados a valores de usuários. As decisões tomadas com o método QOC usando valores de usuário resultaram em impactos relevantes nos diagramas MoLIC. Participantes que realizaram as atividades para usuários com valores bem definidos tiveram resultados mais ricos do que aqueles com usuários mais genéricos. No segundo estudo, vimos que designers conseguem reconhecer quando valores de usuários são incorporados em artefatos de design. Esses resultados são estimulantes para continuar a pesquisar valores de usuários, com possibilidades de desenvolver novos métodos ou de atualizar técnicas e notações existentes, como QOC ou MoLIC, para dar suporte a valores de usuários. / [en] User values are a significant part of designing software, but are not always considered explicitly in the design process. When making design decisions, user values can get lost among the designers own biases regarding their values. To avoid this pitfall, this work studies the integration of user values with design rationale techniques, namely Questions, Options, and Criteria (QOC), and how this integration reflects on a resulting design artifact (in particular, an interaction diagram using MoLIC). We performed two separate studies with Computer Science students in Rio de Janeiro. In the first study, we found that user values can be integrated into design rationale using informal notations, such as circling or underlining the options or criteria related to user values. The decisions made with the QOC method using user values did result in relevant impacts on MoLIC diagrams. Participants who performed activities for users with strong values had richer results than those for more generic users. In a second study, we found that designers can recognize when user values are embedded into design artifacts. These results are encouraging to continue research regarding user values, with possibilities of developing new methods or updating existing techniques and notations such as QOC or MoLIC to explicitly support user values.

Holographic Communications Technologies : A qualitative study on the ethical and\or legal challenges based on the stakeholders' perspectives

Giogiou, Natalia January 2022 (has links)
Holographic communications technologies are a new digital technology being currently  developed by companies to be available to the public in the near future. Through holographic  communications technologies, the image of one user located in one place can be captured with  special equipment from different angles, so that its three-dimensional depiction is created  realistically. The 3D depiction is then transmitted in high-quality to another user located in some  other remote place, creating a whole new experience of unconventional data communication. This  new digital technology is planned to be deployed in several fields, such as marketing, education,  medicine, business and entertainment. However, like any new technological tool that is  introduced, also in the case of holographic communication technologies there are ethical and/or  legal challenges that could emerge from its misuse and set in danger fundamental human rights.  Hence, research was conducted as an interpretive qualitative study to explore the potential ethical  and/or legal challenges of holographic communications technologies by considering the  knowledge, opinions, experiences, and perspectives of legal experts, as well as experts on ethical  issues. The empirical data was collected through individual semi-structured interviews from the  selected participants, and from the review of mainly confidential documents, before being  subjected to a thematic analysis. The analysis of the data gave prominence to five themes which  were reviewed in the context of the research question and the proposed theoretical framework  with the help of Ethical Technology Assessment (ETA). The discussion of the findings revealed  that the most prominent challenges that could arise from the use of holographic communications  technologies are privacy and data protection issues. It was further shown that existing digital  technologies with similar features and the ethical and/or legal challenges confronted in the past  about them can be of help to approach the ones regarding holographic communications  technologies. The research indicated that the designing phase of a new digital technology, and  accordingly holographic communication technologies, is important as decisions are being made  about the technical features of it, as well as the capabilities it will offer to the end users. Hence, it  plays a vital role to whether the use of the digital technology will be according to ethics and laws  later on. It was also shown that the participation of end users in this phase is important to reflect  their concerns and desires with the creators before the new digital technology is introduced, but  it is still a challenge to decide who will be included and on what criteria they will be selected.   The research showed that existing ethical and legal frameworks are important to form a  corresponding framework for holographic communications technologies and can be built upon.  However, this is also a challenge, as, according to the research, any new framework that will be  constructed with regard to holographic communications technologies cannot possibly be  unanimous as different norms and societal beliefs apply to different territories or domains, but  should rather be “personalized” according to the targeted audience.


JUAN CARLOS JELDES PONTIO 10 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Desdobramento de convívio de design, uma ação disciplinar em Valparaíso-Chile é uma tese que abre a questão de como o designer pode ser parte de sua própria realidade e também é capaz de exercer uma ação direta sobre a comunidade, participando da dignidade da vida pessoas e considerando as condições de cultura material contemporânea. Para isso, a disciplina literatura focada em traçar o perfil do design com ênfase no conceito de valor é revisto, caminhos conceituais que apontam a crítica teórica do industrialismo são estudados e sua influência sobre a construção de uma visão social hegemônica e disciplina. Em seguida, a tese se desenrola nas próprias noções de design, a fim de esclarecer os elementos disciplinares universais que nos permitem fazer leituras desprovidos de preconceitos. Para integrar-se nessa proposta e participar desse papel docente da escola de Arquitetura e Design da Universidade Católica de Valparaíso, e[ad]. Assim, com estes elementos, constrói-se um marco teórico crítico que irá dar origem à pesquisa sobre Aconcagua FabLab (laboratório de fabricação), como o caso de uma ação direta sobre o território local, desatrelado de uma situação de aula que promove a coparticipação entre o conhecimento da universidade e o saber da comunidade. Conclui-se com a proposta para navegar em direção a um Design Convivencial, para conseguir chaves de identificação que nos permitem encontrar ua via alternativa disciplina para o desenvolvimento industrialista. / [en] Deployment of Convivial Design, a disciplinary action in Valparaíso, Chile, is a thesis that opens the question of how the designer can participate in his own reality and is also able to exercise direct action on the community, participating in the dignity of people s life and considering the conditions of the contemporary material culture. For this, we review the disciplinary literature focused on design profiling with emphasis on the concept of value. We study the conceptual paths that are linked to the theoretical critiques about industrialism, as well as the influence of this in the construction of a social hegemonic and disciplinary vision. Then the thesis runs on the notions proper to design in order to clear the most universal disciplinary elements that allow us to make readings devoid of preconceptions. With the exposition of the location from where this thesis is carried out, a reflection is made on the institutional, theoretical and teaching place of the author in the School of Architecture and Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. With these elements, a theoretical-critical referential is built that allows the implementation of the Aconcagua FabLab project (mobile digital manufacturing laboratory), as a case of direct university action on the local territory, the classroom deployment. It concludes with the proposal to navigate towards a Convivial Design identifying keys that allow us to find a disciplinary path as an alternative to industrialist development. / [es] Despliegue Convivencial del Diseño, una acción disciplinar en Valparaíso-Chile es una tesis que abre la pregunta por cómo el diseñador puede ser partícipe de su propia realidad y es capaz también de ejercer una acción directa sobre la comunidad, participando en la dignificación de la vida de las personas y considerando las condicionantes de la cultura material contemporánea. Para esto, se revisa la literatura disciplinar enfocada al perfilamiento del diseño con acento en el concepto de valor, se estudian los caminos conceptuales que se vinculan a las críticas teóricas sobre el industrialismo, así la influencia de éste en la construcción de una visión hegemónica social y disciplinar. Luego la tesis discurre en las nociones propias del diseño, con el objeto de despejar los elementos disciplinares más universales que nos permitan hacer lecturas desprovistas de preconceptos. Con la exposición de la ubicación desde donde se realiza esta tesis, se elabora una reflexión acerca del lugar institucional, teórico y docente del autor en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, e[ad]. Con estos elementos, se construye un referencial teórico-crítico que da pie a poner en práctica el proyecto Aconcagua FabLab (laboratorio de fabricación digital móvil), como un caso de acción universitaria directa sobre el territorio local, el despliegue del aula. Se concluye con la propuesta de navegar hacia un Diseño Convivencial identificando claves que nos permitan encontrar un camino disciplinar como alternativa al desarrollo industrialista.

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