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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Henri Rollet : historien de l’Action catholique et chrétien engagé / Henri Rollet : historian of the Catholic Action and committed catholic layman

Rollet, Jacques-Hubert 18 February 2016 (has links)
Étudiant en histoire à La Sorbonne, Henri Rollet (1917-2003) découvre l’action sociale de l’Église, grâce à Mgr Chaptal, évêque auxiliaire de Paris. Sa responsabilité de « patron » dans l’industrie ne l’empêche pas, en 1948, de soutenir une thèse de doctorat qui retrace l’action sociale des catholiques en France (1871-1901). Dès l’année suivante, il est nommé président du Secrétariat Social de Paris. Plus tard il deviendra président national, puis international de l’action catholique des hommes, auditeur laïc au Concile Vatican II, et ensuite président de l’Institut Catholique de Paris. Pendant cette période, il écrit plusieurs ouvrages souvent historiques sur le rôle des catholiques sociaux, rédige beaucoup d’articles, donne de très nombreuses conférences. C’est essentiellement à partir des informations et commentaires donnés par la presse sur ses livres, articles, et conférences, que l’on peut découvrir le comportement, les opinions, et les prises de position de ce laïc engagé. Comment, au cours de cette deuxième partie du XX° siècle, a-t-il conçu et exercé sa mission de laïc engagé ? Comment a-t-il porté témoignage de sa foi, en France, mais également dans d’autres pays ? Comment a-t-il milité pour donner au laïc un rôle plus important au sein de l’Église ? Comme on le verra, un certain nombre de sujets énoncés il y a cinquante ans, sont encore d’actualité ! À partir des documents retrouvés, ce travail tente de répondre à ces questions, en montrant toute l’importance et l’actualité de la Doctrine Sociale de l’Église. / While studying history at the Sorbonne, Henri Rollet (1917-2003) discovered the Church’s social teaching through Emmanuel Chaptal, an auxiliary bishop of Paris. Though he was an industry manager, he nevertheless submitted a doctoral thesis in 1948 on how Catholics had engaged with French society between 1871 and 1901. The following year, he was appointed President of the Secrétariat Social de Paris. Later he would become national President and then international President of Catholic Action for men, a lay auditor at Vatican II, and then president of the Institut Catholique de Paris. During this period he wrote several works on the role of socially engaged Catholics, mostly of a historical kind, as well as many articles; and he gave numerous conferences. It is essentially though press reports and commentaries on his books, articles and talks that one can discover who this committed lay person was: his attitudes, his opinions, the stands he took. How did this committed lay person conceive and carry out his mission in the second half of the 20th century? How did he bear witness to his faith, not only in France but also in other countries? How did he struggle to give the lay person a more significant role within the Church? As will be seen, a number of topics worked through fifty years ago are still all too relevant. Drawing on newly discovered documents, this study attempts to answer these questions, while bringing out the full importance and relevance of Catholic Social Teaching.

Svátosti v dokumentech II. vatikánského koncilu / The sacraments in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council

Holečková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
The thesis "Sacraments in the documents of the second Vatican council" deals with selected articles of the individual constitutions, documents and decrees of the council, which concern sacraments in the theological context. The articles are selected from the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum concilium, constitution on the Church Lumen gentium, pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes, document about the Apostolate of the Laity Apostolicam actuositatem, decree on Ecumenism Unitatis redintegratio and the decree on the life and service of priests Presbyterorum ordinis. The thesis is based on the acts of council and it maps the progress of creating the articles. A brief summary of history of the formation of individual constitutions, documents and decrees is mentioned before the analysis of the articles. The chapters are divided by the documents. At the end of the thesis is a chapter containing important themes concerning the Sacraments that came up from the mapping of the article.

The Vernacular as Sacred Language? A Study of the Principles of Translation of Liturgical Texts

Hess, Andrew J. 15 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mary for Today: Renewing Catholic Marian Devotion After the Second Vatican Council Through St. Louis-Marie de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary

Seeger, Mary Olivia 26 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.


LEONARDO HENRIQUE PIACENTE 31 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] A comparação da eclesiologia de Irineu de Lião com a Lumen gentium surge no contexto do movimento de retorno às fontes cristãs nos séculos XIX e XX. O Concílio Vaticano II foi influenciado por este movimento no seu processo de aggiornamento da Igreja no mundo moderno. A nova perspectiva teológica, ainda em construção, influenciou o Concílio Vaticano II e as discussões eclesiológicas, tanto no que se referia à compreensão sobre Igreja quanto à sua atuação e presença no mundo. Tudo isso ficou mais notório com a elaboração da Constituição Dogmática Lumen gentium. De modo especial, Irineu de Lião, bispo e mártir do século II, surge como uma das fontes para este retorno na Lumem gentium que atesta duas citações diretas entre as cinco referências feitas ao texto dele em todo texto conciliar. O bispo de Lião não se incumbe de escrever um tratado teológico, na Adversus haereses e na Epideixis, mas se dedica a defender a fé cristã, que estava se emancipando das comunidades judaicas e ganhando sua autonomia de doutrina, de ensinamento e de culto. Paralelamente a este processo de emancipação crescem outras doutrinas diferentes no seio do cristianismo como foi o caso das doutrinas gnósticas. Para Irineu o conhecimento da verdade é a doutrina que a Igreja recebeu e ensina. Portanto, a agregação a Cristo necessita do conhecimento claro do que é a regula fidei, que norteará a compreensão das Sagradas Escrituras, ordenará o verdadeiro culto a Deus e conduzirá o fiel a testemunhar a presença de Cristo no mundo. A teologia sobre a Igreja em Irineu de Lião não se encontra sistematizada em seus livros, mas aparece em várias partes dos seus escritos enquanto formula suas denúncias e refutações. No entanto, para o bispo de Lião, a Igreja é obra de Deus, que criou o ser humano no seu amor de Pai, e como este se perdeu, enviou o seu Filho para recapitular toda a criação e reunir um novo povo, que ouvisse a sua voz e se voltasse para ele. O ressourcement, por mais que utilizasse de novas metodologias para a construção do pensamento teológico e o ensino de teologia, muitos dos padres conciliares ainda carregavam um modelo manualístico e indireto de abordagem teológica. Portanto, ao comparar o pensamento eclesiológico de Irineu com o desenvolvido na Lumen gentium, busca-se tanto as referências que estão no texto conciliar quanto as múltiplas concepções de Igreja que surjam por uma análise comparativa, para assim perceber como o modelo eclesiológico do início do cristianismo possibilita uma compreensão maior e mais profunda de um texto contemporâneo. / [en] The comparison of the Irenaeus of Lyon s ecclesiology with the Lumen gentium arises in the context of the return to the Christian Sources in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This move had a capital influence in the Second Vatican Council concerning the process of aggiornamento of the Church in the modern world. In this regard, the fresh theological perspective, that was still growing, had an impact both in the ecclesiological discussions and the comprehension about the presence and action of the Church in the world. Furthermore, this whole set has increased in importance through the devising of the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium. Particularly, Irenaeus, bishop of Lyon and martyr of the second century, emerges as a central source for the Lumen gentium since the Constitution includes five references of his writings, two of which are direct quotes. Both in Adversus haereses and Epideixis, the bishop of Lyon doesn t aim to write a theological treatise. Instead of that, his target is to defend the Christian faith, which was emancipating from the Jewish communities and achieving autonomy in the doctrine, the teachings, and the way of cult. In parallel with this emancipation process, different doctrines gain ground within Christianity, as, for example, the gnostic ones. However, according to Irenaeus, the only knowledge of the truth comes from the doctrine which the Church holds and teaches. As a result, for someone to belong to Christ it is mandatory to clearly know the regula fidei, which instructs about the comprehension of the Holy Scriptures, organizes the real God s cult, and guides the devotee to testify Christ s presence in the world. There isn t a systematic Theology about the Church in Irenaeus of Lyon‘s works, but this matter is recorded in many of his complaints and denials. It can be noticed by the fact that, to him, the Church is God s work. As the human being got apart from the Father s love, God has sent his own Son to recapitulate the whole creation and gather a New People, that could hear his voice and turn back towards him. Despite the ressourcement has applied new methodologies to build up theological thinking and to teach Theology, many Council Fathers were still used to an indirect theological approach, based on the use of handbooks. Therefore, comparing the Irenaeus ecclesiology to the one developed in Lumen gentium is an assignment that requires research both in the references of the conciliar text and the multiple conceptions of Church collected through analysis. Thus, it is possible to develop a deeper knowledge of a contemporary text in light of an ecclesiological model from the beginning of Christianity.


CILBENE INES FALCAO BARBOSA 04 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] A vida de Jesus de Nazaré é um mistério, desde a concepção até a sua ascensão. Na sua paixão, morte, ressurreição e glorificação o mistério de Jesus Cristo é clarificado e torna-se o núcleo central da fé cristã. No mistério pascal o desígnio salvífico de Deus se realizou uma vez por todas com a morte redentora do seu Filho, Jesus Cristo. Jesus venceu o sofrimento, o pecado, a morte e abriu um caminho de vida plena para homens. Primeiramente no Antigo Testamento temos o termo pesah, (passagem) para a festa da páscoa e depois no Novo Testamento as comunidades cristãs do século I a III, passaram a entender páscoa como o mistério de Cristo. Este mistério compreende toda a história da salvação, que tem seu ápice em Jesus Cristo, sua encarnação, sua morte, sua ressurreição gloriosa e depois, na espera feliz de seu retorno. As comunidades faziam memória da imolação de Jesus na cruz, o ato salvífico primordial. A crucificação de Cristo era entendida, pelos primeiros cristãos, como início da sua glorificação. Esta linha histórica, contínua e progressiva do desígnio de Deus para a humanidade e o fundamento bíblico de mistério, são as bases nas quais se elabora o conceito de mistério pascal, no século II. A teologia patrística, entre os séculos III a IV, reflete o mistério pascal de Cristo com foco nas dimensões: história salvífica, eclesial e sacramental. Anos mais tarde, um movimento litúrgico retoma a teologia com base nas fontes bíblico-patrísticas e proporciona vigor fontal à liturgia. Pio XII lentamente incorpora a teologia do mistério, pensada pelo movimento litúrgico, aos documentos pré-conciliares. Neste movimento progressivo, a teologia litúrgica do mistério pascal se concretiza na constituição dogmática Sacrosanctum Concilium que estabelece o mistério pascal como cume e fonte da liturgia. / [en] The life of Jesus of Nazareth is a mystery, from conception to his ascension. In his passion, death, resurrection and glorification, the mystery of Jesus Christ is clarified and becomes the central core of the Christian faith. In the paschal mystery, the salvific plan of God was fulfilled once and for all with the redeeming death of his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus conquered suffering, sin, and death and opened a path of full life for men. First, in the Old Testament, we have the term pesah (passage) for the Easter feast, and then in the New Testament the Christian communities from the 1st to the 3rd century came to understand Easter as the mystery of Christ. This mystery includes all of salvation history, which has its culmination in JesusChrist, his incarnation, his death, his glorious resurrection and then in the joyful waiting for his return. The communities remembered the immolation of Jesus on the cross, the primordial saving act. The crucifixion of Christ was understood, by the first Christians, as the beginning of his glorification. This continuous and progressive historical line of God s plan for humanity and the biblical foundation of mystery are the bases on which the concept of the Paschal Mystery was elaborated in the second century. Patristic theology, between the 3rd and 4th centuries, reflects the paschal mystery of Christ with a focus on the dimensions: salvific, ecclesial and sacramental history. Years later, a liturgical movement takes up the theology based on the biblical-patristic sources and gives fontal vigor to the liturgy. Pius XII slowly incorporates the theology of mystery, thought up by the liturgical movement, into pre-conciliar documents. In this progressive movement, the liturgical theology of the paschal mystery is concretized in the dogmatic constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, which establishes the paschal mystery as the summit and source of the liturgy.

Transcending the “Malaise”: Redemption, Grace, and Existentialism in Walker Percy’s Fiction

Hohman, Xiamara Elena 05 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The historical development of biblical Mariology pre- and post-Vatican II (1943-1986 American Mariology)

Tibbetts, James J., S.F.O. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Towards a new vision of the laity and their mission : an exploration of the response of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary to the Vatican II documents

Csiszer, Monika 28 February 2006 (has links)
The present study explores how the guiding principles and aspirations of the II Vatican Council concerning the theological status and significance of the laity and their involvement in the apostolic mission of God come to fruition in the `movement church' within the Roman Catholic Church of Hungary. The restoration of the lay status and function, distorted through the centuries in the Roman Catholic Church worldwide, is a crucial and indispensable task of the Roman Catholic Church if she wants to fulfil her prophetic, pastoral and holistic mission. This is indispensable for the Church to become what she really is, the eschatological people of God. Two revival movements in the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary are studied: the Bokor Movement and the Roman Catholic Charismatic Movement from the perspective of the role of the laity. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Towards a new vision of the laity and their mission : an exploration of the response of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary to the Vatican II documents

Csiszer, Monika 28 February 2006 (has links)
The present study explores how the guiding principles and aspirations of the II Vatican Council concerning the theological status and significance of the laity and their involvement in the apostolic mission of God come to fruition in the `movement church' within the Roman Catholic Church of Hungary. The restoration of the lay status and function, distorted through the centuries in the Roman Catholic Church worldwide, is a crucial and indispensable task of the Roman Catholic Church if she wants to fulfil her prophetic, pastoral and holistic mission. This is indispensable for the Church to become what she really is, the eschatological people of God. Two revival movements in the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary are studied: the Bokor Movement and the Roman Catholic Charismatic Movement from the perspective of the role of the laity. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

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