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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systématisation du contenu théologique de l’expression « nouvelle évangélisation » à la lumière de la théologie pastorale de Jean-Paul II

Barreau, Jean-Marc 04 1900 (has links)
Polarisé par l’événement du jubilé de l’an 2000, Jean-Paul II, tout au long de son pontificat, achemine l’Église catholique dans un long pèlerinage vers le IIIe millénaire de l’humanité. À l’aube du XXIe siècle, avec le contenu théologique du concile Vatican II pour boussole fiable, le pape polonais arbore une vision pastorale originale marquée par l’expression « nouvelle évangélisation ». Reprise de l’épiscopat d’Amérique latine, cette expression devient ainsi son emblème et son fer de lance durant les quelque 27 années de son pontificat. Largement récupérée par maints milieux ecclésiaux, l’expression méritait qu’on en produise une étude systématique à la lumière de la théologie pastorale de celui qui en a été le divulgateur privilégié. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi comme texte fondateur à notre étude sa lettre apostolique Tertio Millennio Adveniente publiée en 1994, en raison de la vision pastorale qui s’en dégage à l’aube de l’an 2000. Ce texte, qui couvre la période du concile Vatican II jusqu’à l’entrée de l’Église catholique dans le IIIe millénaire, définit le cadre temporel de notre recherche. Par ailleurs, il nous permet de retenir trois référents théologiques pour conduire notre étude. Nous les analysons et nous en conduisons une synthèse théologique à travers trois regards synoptiques qui acheminent progressivement la thèse vers sa conclusion. Le premier référent théologique retenu est l’exhortation apostolique Evangelii Nuntiandi du pape Paul VI ; le deuxième référent est l’ouvrage de Karol Wojtyla Aux sources du renouveau ; le troisième référent est l’exhortation postsynodale Ecclesia in America. Avec une démarche herméneutique justifiée, et par la synthèse de ces référents théologiques, trois aboutissants voient le jour. Le premier regarde l’application pastorale du concile Vatican II : dans un regard pastoral justifié par une anthropologie définie, le pasteur articule les constitutions Lumen Gentium et Gaudium et Spes pour proposer une praxis pastorale. Le second aboutissant parle alors de la notion de la créativité de la foi. Cette créativité de la foi se décline, elle, dans les médiations culturelles – troisième aboutissant – qui s’articulent elles-mêmes autour des concepts d’attitudes et de dialogue wojtylien. La critique proposée en conclusion de thèse porte directement sur l’anthropologie proposée par Jean-Paul II sous-jacente à chacun de ces trois aboutissants. / The entire pontificate of Pope John Paul II, polarized by the event of the Jubilee of the year 2000, can be summarized as a long pilgrimage of the Catholic Church towards the Third Millennium of humanity. At the dawn of the XXIst century, having as a sure guide the theological contents of Vatican Council II, the Polish Pope held up for all to see an original pastoral vision marked by the expression “new evangelization”. Borrowed from the Latin American Bishops this expression became his emblem and spearhead during nearly 27 years of pontificate. Since it has been largely appropriated by various ecclesial groups, a systematic study of the expression, in the light of the pastoral theology of its privileged discloser, had to be initiated. To do so we chose, as founding text of our study, the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, published in 1994, due to its pastoral vision at the dawn of the year 2000. This text, covering the period of the Vatican Council II up to the entry of the Roman Catholic Church in the Third Millennium, defined the temporal framework of our research and permitted us to retain three theological tenets. We analyzed them and produced a theological synthesis through three synoptic views which gradually led the thesis to its conclusion. The Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi of Pope Paul VI was the starting point; the second theological tenet was the document of John Paul II entitled Sources of Renewal, and the final tenet was the Post Synodal Exhortation Ecclesia in America. By the analysis and the synthesis of these three tenets, with a justified hermeneutical initiative, three outcomes emerged. The first one looked at the pastoral application of the Vatican Council II: in a pastoral outlook justified by a defined anthropology, the minister articulated the Constitutions Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes to suggest a pastoral praxis. The second outcome then developed the notion of the creativity of the faith. This creativity of the faith declined itself in the cultural mediations – third outcome – which articulate themselves around the concepts of attitudes and Wojtylien dialogue. The proposed critical conclusion of the thesis directly concerned the anthropology proposed by John Paul II underlying in each of these three outcomes.

«Tu ne tueras plus!» : une étude du processus de «recivilisation» de la société ouest-allemande d’après les catéchismes catholiques (1945-1970)

Gagné, Martin 08 1900 (has links)
Chez les historiens qui se sont consacrés à l’étude de l’Allemagne contemporaine, plusieurs considèrent qu’en perpétrant un crime aussi barbare que la Shoah, le Troisième Reich a provoqué une « rupture de civilisation » (Zivilisationsbruch) au sein de l’histoire occidentale. En règle générale, ces spécialistes ont réfléchi sur le sens ainsi que sur les implications historiques et philosophiques de cet événement pour le monde contemporain. Peu d’entre eux, toutefois, se sont intéressés au pendant de cette « rupture de civilisation » : le processus de « recivilisation » qui a été à l’œuvre dans la société ouest-allemande au cours des premières décennies d’après-guerre. Caractérisé par le rejet de la violence et du militarisme, par la restauration des normes élémentaires de la civilité ainsi que par l’importance croissante accordée à des valeurs telles que la démocratie et le respect des droits de la personne, ce processus permet en grande partie d’expliquer comment, en à peine deux décennies, les Allemands de l’Ouest ont réussi à édifier un État stable et démocratique sur les ruines d’une dictature génocidaire. En étudiant la présentation du Décalogue dans les catéchismes catholiques, ce mémoire cherche à déterminer le rôle attribué aux prescriptions morales de nature religieuse dans le processus de « recivilisation » de la société ouest-allemande. Il se propose de montrer qu’au cours des années 1950 et 1960, les catéchismes catholiques publiés en RFA ont présenté de plus en plus d’indices d’une volonté que l’on pourrait qualifier de « recivilisatrice ». Ces indices ont surtout pris la forme d’une attention grandissante aux questions relatives à la guerre et à la paix, d’un assouplissement dans la présentation de l’autorité parentale et de l’adoption d’une conception de l’autorité civile fondée désormais sur l’accomplissement de devoirs civiques plutôt que sur l’obéissance aux supérieurs hiérarchiques. / Among scholars who have studied contemporary Germany, many consider that by perpetrating such a barbaric crime as the Holocaust, the Third Reich caused a “rupture of civilizationˮ (Zivilisationsbruch) in the history of the Western world. These experts have reflected on the meaning as well as on the historical and philosophical consequences of the Holocaust for the contemporary world. However, very few of them have examined the other side of this “rupture of civilizationˮ, i.e. the “recivilizingˮ process that occurred in West German society during the first postwar decades. Characterized by the rejection of violence and militarism, the restoration of elementary norms of civility and the growing importance attached to civic values such as democracy and human rights, this process explains how, within barely two decades, West Germans succeeded in building a stable and democratic state on the ruins of a genocidal dictatorship. Using the presentation of the Decalogue in the Catholic catechisms, this master’s thesis examines the role attributed to religious moral norms in the “recivilizingˮ process of West German society. It intends to show that during the 1950s and 1960s the Catholic catechisms published in the FRG presented numerous signs of a “recivilizingˮ will, which consisted in a particular attention to issues of war and peace, an updated view of parental authority and the adoption of a conception of civil authority based on the fulfilment of civic duties rather than on sheer obedience to hierarchy.

Ebraismo e Stato di Israele nelle riviste cattoliche italiane (1963-1978) / Judaism and State of Israel in Italian Catholic Reviews (1963-1978)

PALUMBO, ENRICO 26 March 2010 (has links)
I percorsi che hanno portato i cattolici a ripensare il proprio rapporto con gli ebrei sono molti e investono aspetti molteplici del problema. A questo tema, approdato infine al Concilio Vaticano II con la dichiarazione Nostra Aetate (1965), si è aggiunta la questione della posizione dei cristiani di fronte alla nascita dello Stato di Israele. Le riviste cattoliche italiane (di cui si sono qui prese in esame quelle d’opinione di diverso orientamento), luogo di discussione e di formazione di un’opinione pubblica consapevole, rispettarono tale pluralismo e, grazie all’impulso conciliare, affrontarono con crescente competenza la questione dei rapporti ebraico-cristiani, diventando fucina di un confronto fecondo con l’ebraismo. La vicenda dello Stato di Israele si è certamente intrecciata con il dialogo ebraico-cristiano, ma la maggior parte delle riviste cattoliche riuscì a non confondere i due piani e a compiere valutazioni distinte. La solida difesa del dialogo ebraico-cristiano si accompagnò nelle riviste della sinistra cattolica, soprattutto dopo il 1967, a una visione sempre più critica del ruolo che Israele stava svolgendo in Medio Oriente e a un avvicinamento alle posizioni palestinesi. Nella destra cattolica, in alcuni casi lontana dallo spirito conciliare sul tema dei rapporti tra le due fedi abramitiche, furono maggiori le voci in favore dello Stato di Israele, il cui ruolo era inserito nel quadro della guerra fredda. / Paths bringing Catholics to reconsider their relationship with the Jewish are various and touch manyfold aspects of the issue, which finally was brought up during the Second Vatican Council in the declaration Nostra Aetate (1965). Meanwhile Christians were further confronted by the foundation of Israel. Italian Catholic reviews, in the pluralism of the Council, faced with increased competence the issue of Christian-Jewish relationship and became the place for internal debates, opinion making, but also fruitful confrontation with Hebraism; those holding different views are specifically taken into account in this work. The course of Israel as state is certainly interwoven with the Christian-Jewish dialogue, but most Catholic reviews managed to keep the discussion and their evaluations on two different levels. The support of Christian-Jewish dialogue did not prevent left-wing Catholics from a critical vision of the role played by Israel in the Middle East, particularly in 1967, when positions came close to Palestinians. On the other hand within the Catholic right-wing, sometimes far from the spirit of the Council about the two religions with same roots, voices rose in favour of Israel and its role in the frame of the cold war.

Proměny sakrálního prostoru / Transformations of Sacred Space.

Mléčka, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The Christian church has been an inherent part of human continuity for more than thousand years. The external appearance of the Christian church has always reflected societal transformations as well as turning points in history. Moreover, it has become an integral part of our existence both in space and time. Nowadays, we frequently hear that the crisis of European society is in effect an identity crisis, an inability to ask about where we are heading and what the meaning of life is. The reduction of time givenness to the already limited scope of our own physical existence destroys the ability in a man to ask questions and find answers to them, or even enquire about the meaning and essence of things. The carefree, dispersed husk blown by the wind may seem to be free and independent; however, it has also stopped trying to actively find paths for future generations. One of the fundamental attributes of an architect should be a strong aptitude for synthetic thinking, which includes multiple knowledge of social cognition, i.e. in the currentness of present experience as well as in time. This knowledge should ideally help to identify the core of problem, and to define the general rules applicable, regardless of changes in social demand, trends or taste. This dissertation, concerned with the “change” of the Christian church, ought to provide a compact, effective platform based on a synthesis of all analytical findings in the areas of architecture, liturgy, history, and theology. This platform can be applied in architectural practice, education (both architectural and theological), pastorage, and other wide, well-researched social discourses on the current form of the Christian sacred space, its basis and likely future development. The emphasis should be put on individual interpretation of a target group rather than dogmatic interpretation of dramatic revelations. Therefore, the first half of the dissertation will analyse the theological and symbolic basis, and historic transformations. Whilst, the second half will depict the current approach to the creation of sacred space in both newly built churches and the ongoing conversions of existing spaces. In conclusion, the dissertation will debate the future direction of sacred space in post-Christian Europe.

Projevy antifeminismu v současném učení římskokatolické církve / Manifests of antifeminism in contemporary teaching of the Roman Catholic Church

Langhammerová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis Antifeminism in Contemporary Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church examines the mechanisms which shape the identity of women in Roman Catholic teachings. This is the starting point for the subsequent constitution of gender order, i.e. the way the relationship between man and woman is constructed, and in which woman is subordinated to man. To support the subordinate position of women, Roman Catholic theology implemented theory of complementarity into its teachings. This inequality provides an important underpinning of gender-based violence. Feminist movement and feminist theology, such as that of Mary Daly brought new analytical tools in the 1960s and 1970s to understand the functioning of the social mechanisms that lead to women's subordination. These tools are, in particular, feminist critique and perspective, critique of power relations and of androcentrism, and a specifically feminist understanding of woman's identity. The Istanbul Convention, with its perspective that rejects inequality, promotes criticism of power relations and describes violence against women as gender-based violence, is conceptually in accordance with the methods and goals of the feminist movement as well as with democratic principles. In particular, it agrees with them on the issue of gender-based...

Mänskliga rättigheter inom den katolska kyrkan : Särskilt fokus på religionsfrihet efter Andra Vatikankonciliet

Mittak Alexandersson, Tünde January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar den katolska kyrkans syn på grunden för mänskliga rättigheter och religionsfrihet. Idén om mänskliga rättigheter började ta fast form under upplysningen på 1700-talet. Vid den tiden var dock katolska kyrkans syn på de mänskliga rättigheterna inte förenlig med den sekulära uppfattningen. De demokratiska principerna och mänskliga rättigheterna, inklusive religionsfrihet, integrerades i den katolska socialdoktrinen först genom Andra Vatikankonciliet (1962–1965), även kallad Vatikan II. Syftet är dels att undersöka hur den katolska kyrkan argumenterar för mänskliga rättigheter och religionsfriheten efter Vatikan II, dels att analysera relevanta skrifter och kanoniska bestämmelser i jämförelse med FN:s Allmänna förklaring och konventioner om de mänskliga rättigheterna. Uppsatsens tes är att området mänskliga rättigheter är ett tvärvetenskapligt akademiskt fält där den katolska teologin också har relevans i diskussioner kring hur mänskliga rättigheter kan rättfärdigas. För att nå syftet används flera metoder. Genom text- och argumentanalys av skrifter från Vatikan II kan det konstateras att det finns vissa skillnader mellan den katolska kyrkans argumentation för mänskliga rättigheter och de sekulära argumenten. Analysen visar att grunden för mänskliga rättigheter och religionsfrihet enligt katolska kyrkan är den mänskliga personens värdighet. I detta avseende är Jürgen Habermas teori om människans värdighet, som ofta benämns teori om människovärde, relevant att användas som teoretiskt ramverk. En begreppsanalys gällande de kursiverade begreppen görs även i uppsatsen. Som ytterligare metoder används juridisk metod och kanonisk tolkning i rättsavsnittet.  Jag argumenterar för att katolska kyrkans människosyn ger en ökad förståelse för vad religionsfrihet innebär. Med tanke på mångfalden av religioner och traditioner i den postmoderna världen bör teologer även involveras i diskurser om religionsfriheten. Därför föreslår jag att mänskliga rättigheters dimensioner utvidgas till att ta mer hänsyn till teologiska människorättsargument. / This essay deals with the Catholic Church's view of the basis of human rights and freedom of religion. The idea of ​​human rights began to take shape during the Enlightenment in the 18th century. At the time, however, the Catholic Church's view of human rights was inconsistent with secularism. Democratic principles and human rights, including freedom of religion, were first integrated into Catholic social doctrine through the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), also known as Vatican II. The purpose is partly to examine how the Catholic Church argues for human rights and freedom of religion after Vatican II, and partly to analyse relevant writings and canonical provisions in comparison with the UN Universal Declaration and Conventions on Human Rights. The thesis of this essay is that the field of human rights is an interdisciplinary academic field where Catholic theology also has relevance in discussions about how human rights can be justified. To achieve the purposes, several methods are used. Through a text- and argument analysis of writings from Vatican II, it can be stated that there are certain differences between the Catholic Church's arguments for human rights and the secular ones. The analysis shows that the basis of human rights and religious freedom, according to the Catholic Church, is the dignity of the human person. In this respect, Jürgen Habermas' theory of human dignity, often referred to as human worth (människovärde), is relevant to be used as a theoretical framework. A concept analysis regarding the italicized concepts is also done in the essay. As additional methods, legal method and canonical interpretation are used in the legal section. I argue that the Catholic Church's view of human beings gives a greater understanding of what freedom of religion means. Because of the diversity of religions and traditions in the postmodern world, theologians should also be involved in discourses on freedom of religion. Therefore, I propose that dimensions of the human rights be extended to take more account of theological human rights arguments.


PAPA, ANTONIO FABRIZIO 14 May 2021 (has links)
Con il presente lavoro ci si pone l’obiettivo scientifico di dotare di una adeguata dogmatica giuridica quella complessa realtà che è costituita dal configurarsi delle relazioni interne al Collegio episcopale, avanzando anche nella comprensione dell’aspetto intrinsecamente comunitario dell’ufficio episcopale quale risultato del rapporto di unitaria successione all’ufficio apostolico di diritto divino. Leggendo l’appartenenza al Collegio di quei membri che lo compongono uti universi attraverso il fondamentale valore ecclesiologico che ha l’inserimento sacramentale di essi nel “simbolismo dei Dodici” (cap. I), si giunge a configurare la compagine di coloro che sono uniti nel ministero episcopale nei termini di “universitas collegialis personarum inaequali iure" (cap. III), appurando - appunto a partire dalla questione terminologica di “collegium” (cap. II) - come sia effettivamente possibile dar vita a riflessioni sempre più pregnanti sul contributo che il pensiero teologico fornisce ai fini della strutturazione anche giuridica dell’empiria interna al carattere normativo della Chiesa. Può risultare così più agevole individuare le relazioni tra quei nuclei di significato che hanno condotto, in ambito cattolico, sia ad una nuova messa a punto e valorizzazione (teorica e pratica) della dottrina della collegialità episcopale in seno al Concilio Vaticano II sia al sempre più vivace prospettarsi di interessanti orizzonti in sede di riflessione canonistica ed ecclesiologica attuale. / The present work has the scientific aim of endowing with an adequate juridical dogmatics the complex reality that is constituted by the configuration of the internal relations of the College of Bishops, advancing also in the understanding of the intrinsically communitarian aspect of the episcopal office as a result of the relationship of unitary succession to the apostolic office of divine law. By interpreting the belonging to the College of those members who make it up uti universi through the fundamental ecclesiological value of their sacramental insertion in the "symbolism of the Twelve" (chapter I), one arrives at configuring the group of those who are united in the episcopal ministry in terms of "universitas collegialis personarum inaequali iure" (chapter III), demonstrating - starting precisely from the terminological question of "collegium" (chapter II) - how it is possible to give rise to increasingly pregnant reflections on the contribution that theological thought provides for the purposes of structuring, also juridically, the empirical internal normative character of the Church. In this way, it will be easier to identify the relationships between those nuclei of meaning that have led, in the Catholic sphere, both to a new development and enhancement (theoretical and practical) of the doctrine of episcopal collegiality within the Second Vatican Council and to the increasingly lively prospect of interesting horizons in the current canonical and ecclesiological reflection.

Analysis of the religious practices of Hindus at Saint Joseph's Oratory : transmission of Christian faith after the Second Vatican Council

Jomon Kalladanthiyil, John 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Moderní sakrální architektura / Modern Sacral Architecture.

PODROUŽKOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with European sacral architecture of the twentieth and the twenty-first century. Particularly, it refers to Judaic, Roman-Catholic and Islamic buildings. The second part puts into historical context the sacral constructions of individual religions including their function, characters and typology. In the third part of this thesis the representative sample of significant modern sacral constructions is selected, always under circumstances regarding their creation, the urban description and the setting in a specific location as well as the architectural layout, the interior arrangment and a possible use of special technological procedures at their construction. The mutual comparison and the evaluation of the modern European sacral architecture development are carried out in the fourth part. This section notices the function and the usage of light and presents some extraordinary buildings from this point of view. The final fifth part tries to answer the question, how a modern temple should look like.

Pilgrimage in war : the influence of the Second World War and the theme of vocation in Evelyn Waugh's later novels / 戦火の歴拝 : イーヴリン・ウォーの後期小説における第二次世界大戦の影響と召命のテーマ / センカ ノ レキハイ : イーヴリン ウォー ノ コウキ ショウセツ ニオケル ダイニジ セカイ タイセン ノ エイキョウ ト ショウメイ ノ テーマ / 戦火の歴拝 : イーヴリンウォーの後期小説における第二次世界大戦の影響と召命のテーマ

有為楠 香, Kaori Wicks 13 September 2018 (has links)
本論文はイギリス20世紀のカトリック作家イーヴリン・ウォー(Evelyn Waugh)(1903-66)の後期作品、主に1940-1960年代に書かれた小説について論じるものであり、とりわけ、彼の最後の作品である『名誉の剣』三部作(the Sword of Honour trilogy)を中心に考察する。本論の考察の目的は、作品が書かれた時代のイギリス社会とウォーの作品との関連性、そして彼が希求した、キリスト教徒としての召命のテーマを探ることである。 / This dissertation is on Evelyn Waugh's (1903-66) later novels, written from 1942, through the Second World War, to 1965, especially on his last ones, the Sword of Honour trilogy. With discussions focusing on the relationship of Waugh's works with British society of the same period, this thesis clarifies the theme of vocation, which is observed in most of his novels. / 博士(英文学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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