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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


01 October 2018 (has links)
[pt] A teologia do domingo se desenvolve a partir da ressureição de Cristo. Diante desse evento, os Apóstolos compreenderam que esse dia deveria ser recordado como memorial pascal da nova e eterna Aliança. O domingo constitui, portanto, o novo tempo do culto cristão, deixando o sétimo dia, o sábado judaico, para então se tornar o primeiro dia da semana como o dia santo. O domingo também assume uma perspectiva escatológica, chamado de o oitavo dia, ou seja, o domingo que não tem fim e, para a vida da Igreja nascente, é um dia especial de culto. Os Padres da Igreja deixaram grande testemunho acerca desse dia que começa aqui para ter seu fim na eternidade. Essa dissertação propõe, então, perfazer um caminho de reflexão sobre a teologia do domingo, tendo em vista que, desde o Concílio Vaticano II, o domingo vem sendo celebrado com a proposta de uma participação plena, ativa e consciente. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa e bibliográfica, embasada na Sagrada Escritura, na Tradição, Magistério e Documentos da Igreja, assim como as leituras de vários estudiosos do assunto. A Constituição Sacrosanctum Concilium teve grande relevância no tocante à questão litúrgica na vida Igreja, ajudando a comunidade de fé a celebrar e viver o mistério de Cristo. A impostação da pesquisa é histórico-salvífica, visto que, desde a criação, já estava presente o desígnio do Pai de salvar e redimir o ser humano, e reúne elementos bíblicos e da eclesiologia litúrgica. O domingo torna-se o lugar privilegiado da irradiação da graça divina através da celebração do Mistério Pascal de Cristo, produzindo nos fiéis uma transformação para a vida. A comunidade que celebra a fé no dia do Senhor se vê guiada pelo Espírito que estava presente na criação, verbalizado na aliança no Sinai e encarnado no Cristo. / [en] The Sunday s theology grow away of Christ s resurrection. From here, this event understood that Day would be remembered as pascal memorial from the new and eternal alliance. Sunday constitute as much as new time of Christian Cult, leaving the Jewish Saturday, the seventh Day, tobe the first Saint Day. Sunday also assumes a scatologic called for the eighth day, and being the Sunday that hasn t final. The priests from the church left a great testimony, about this Day that begins here in order to have a eternity without a final. This dissertation proposes to complete a way about the Sunday theology. There is a vision since the Vaticano Concilio II, Sundays have being celebrated wiht a proposal that plain has an active participation. The Sacrosanctum Concilium had a great revelation, touch the liturgic question in the life of church, helping the, faith of community to celebrate and to live the Christ mistery. The imposition of search is history secure. The placement about salvation, developed, showing us that since the creation it was present in the Father s purposes. They were saved and regained the human being. It assembled biblical and eclesiastic liturgical persons. So, on Sunday Day, it s a place grantee of divine kindness, through of celebration of Pascal Christ, producing us the transformation to the life. The community celebrate the faith in god s Day in a sanctified in the spirit that was present in the creation, verbalized in the alliance of Sinai and incarnated in Christ. Sunday is the Spirit s Day, proceed in the church in a eucaristic celebration.

Proměny diskurzů českého katolického exilu v Itálii 1962-1969 / Discursive Transformation during the Czech Catholic Exile in Italy 1962-1969

Blažek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with events during the Czech Catholic exile in Italy with a focus on the 1960's. It provides a closer look at the institutional and discursive changes that took place at the time of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the subsequent stay of Cardinal Josef Beran in Rome (1965-1969). The work focuses mainly on the development of the publishing house Christian Academy, the Velehrad Center and the Nepomucenum Papal College where the leading figures of Czech Catholic exile, mostly priests, worked. By using the method of historical discourse analysis the work studies how the pro-conciliary orientation which defined itself in opposition towards conservative tendency in the Church became increasingly predominant in the exile environment. Last but not least, the work also shows how the form of Catholic exile discourse in Italy was influenced by the changing relationship between papal diplomacy and Communist Czechoslovakia.

Prorocký model katecheze jako reakce na otázky naší doby / Prophetic model of catechesis as a response to the questions of our time

Krbec, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The Diploma thesis "Prophetic model of catechesis as a response to the questions of our time" examines the theme of the historical-prophetic model of catechesis. The study part of the work looks at the model in the context of the biblical concept of prophecy consummated in the personality of Jesus of Nazareth and as one of the manifestations of the participation of those baptised in Christ's prophetic office, realised in the evangelical mission of the Church. His sensitivity to social challenges, the emphasis laid on small Christian communities, and the entitlement to Christian engagement are viewed within the scope of the Social Doctrine of the Church and its development after the Second Vatican Council. The authorial part of the work presents original catechesis to the current social topic, read through the prism of gospel and Christian belief. The objective of the work is to show how the historical-prophetic model of catechesis can help adult believers understand the "signs of the times" and contribute to the growth of Christian community. The objective is to be achieved by submitting the topic to the members of two small communities and evaluating the results of the meeting.


[pt] Homem para os outros: a mística trinitária de Pedro Arrupe e seu impacto na renovação eclesial dos séculos XX e XXI propõe a ressignificação da mística para os dias de hoje a partir da sua vida e missão. Este jesuíta, assim como outros místicos contemporâneos – Simone Weil, Etty Hillesum, Thomas Merton e Christian de Chergé – deixaram sua marca no século passado e são ainda hoje testemunho real da possibilidade de instalação do Reino de Deus na história. Todos esses místicos contemporâneos e também outros, alimentados por uma profunda experiência do inefável, foram fonte de luz e esperança para o mundo, mesmo em condições extremas de sofrimento. Pedro Arrupe viveu em um momento conturbado na história, atravessado pelas duas Grandes Guerras e pela Guerra Fria. Em sua época, também a Igreja enfrentava tempos de tensão interna tentando se adequar às mudanças de aggiornamento propostas pelo Concílio Vaticano II. Como Superior Geral da Companhia de Jesus, alimentado por uma mística particular e profunda, entendeu como sua a tarefa de colaborar com a proposta conciliar de abertura ao mundo. Sua vida foi um exemplo de doação aos outros e, entre as frentes de luta que assumiu, estão o compromisso da fé com a justiça e o diálogo com a cultura e as demais religiões, com atenção especial à questão dos refugiados e migrantes. Arrupe é considerado por muitos um profeta, além de seu tempo, e como tal foi incompreendido. As sementes que plantou, no entanto, frutificaram e encontraram solo fértil em muitos que conviveram ou foram mobilizados por ele. Um exemplo, é o próprio papa Francisco, também jesuíta e formado na mesma espiritualidade, que a partir da mesma base bíblica tenta hoje implementar pautas que foram caras a seu antigo superior. / [en] A Man for Others: Pedro Arrupe s trinitarian mystic and its impact on the twentieth and twenty-first century ecclesial renewal proposes the resignification of mystic for today s world based on his life and mission. The Jesuit priest Arrupe, as many other contemporary mystics, such as Simone Weil, Etty Hillusum, Thomas Merton and Christian de Chergé – left their mark on the last century and, even today, bear real witness to the possibilities of the establishment of God’s Reign in history. Those contemporary mystics, among others, fed by a deep experience of the ineffable, were sources of light and hope for the world, even in conditions of extreme suffering. Pedro Arrupe lived through a troubled moment in history, marked by World War I and World War II and by the Cold War. During his lifetime, even the Church faced periods of internal tension trying to adapt itself to the aggiornamento changes brought about by the Second Vatican Council. While serving as the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, supported by his own deep and private mystic, he took upon himself the task to collaborate with the Second Vatican Council proposal to open the Church to the world. His life was an example of commitment to working for those in need, and, among many of the battle fronts he had to face, we can mention the promotion of faith with justice and the dialog with other cultures and religions, with special emphasis on the plight of refugees and migrants. Arrupe is considered by many as a prophet ahead of his time, and, as such, often misunderstood. However, the seeds he planted did bear fruit and found fertile soil in many people that knew him and those who were touched by him. Pope Francis is a good example. He is also a Jesuit who shares the same spirituality, and tries to implement, based on the same Biblical basis, the guidelines that were dear to his former Superior General.

Systématisation du contenu théologique de l’expression « nouvelle évangélisation » à la lumière de la théologie pastorale de Jean-Paul II

Barreau, Jean-Marc 04 1900 (has links)
Polarisé par l’événement du jubilé de l’an 2000, Jean-Paul II, tout au long de son pontificat, achemine l’Église catholique dans un long pèlerinage vers le IIIe millénaire de l’humanité. À l’aube du XXIe siècle, avec le contenu théologique du concile Vatican II pour boussole fiable, le pape polonais arbore une vision pastorale originale marquée par l’expression « nouvelle évangélisation ». Reprise de l’épiscopat d’Amérique latine, cette expression devient ainsi son emblème et son fer de lance durant les quelque 27 années de son pontificat. Largement récupérée par maints milieux ecclésiaux, l’expression méritait qu’on en produise une étude systématique à la lumière de la théologie pastorale de celui qui en a été le divulgateur privilégié. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi comme texte fondateur à notre étude sa lettre apostolique Tertio Millennio Adveniente publiée en 1994, en raison de la vision pastorale qui s’en dégage à l’aube de l’an 2000. Ce texte, qui couvre la période du concile Vatican II jusqu’à l’entrée de l’Église catholique dans le IIIe millénaire, définit le cadre temporel de notre recherche. Par ailleurs, il nous permet de retenir trois référents théologiques pour conduire notre étude. Nous les analysons et nous en conduisons une synthèse théologique à travers trois regards synoptiques qui acheminent progressivement la thèse vers sa conclusion. Le premier référent théologique retenu est l’exhortation apostolique Evangelii Nuntiandi du pape Paul VI ; le deuxième référent est l’ouvrage de Karol Wojtyla Aux sources du renouveau ; le troisième référent est l’exhortation postsynodale Ecclesia in America. Avec une démarche herméneutique justifiée, et par la synthèse de ces référents théologiques, trois aboutissants voient le jour. Le premier regarde l’application pastorale du concile Vatican II : dans un regard pastoral justifié par une anthropologie définie, le pasteur articule les constitutions Lumen Gentium et Gaudium et Spes pour proposer une praxis pastorale. Le second aboutissant parle alors de la notion de la créativité de la foi. Cette créativité de la foi se décline, elle, dans les médiations culturelles – troisième aboutissant – qui s’articulent elles-mêmes autour des concepts d’attitudes et de dialogue wojtylien. La critique proposée en conclusion de thèse porte directement sur l’anthropologie proposée par Jean-Paul II sous-jacente à chacun de ces trois aboutissants. / The entire pontificate of Pope John Paul II, polarized by the event of the Jubilee of the year 2000, can be summarized as a long pilgrimage of the Catholic Church towards the Third Millennium of humanity. At the dawn of the XXIst century, having as a sure guide the theological contents of Vatican Council II, the Polish Pope held up for all to see an original pastoral vision marked by the expression “new evangelization”. Borrowed from the Latin American Bishops this expression became his emblem and spearhead during nearly 27 years of pontificate. Since it has been largely appropriated by various ecclesial groups, a systematic study of the expression, in the light of the pastoral theology of its privileged discloser, had to be initiated. To do so we chose, as founding text of our study, the Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, published in 1994, due to its pastoral vision at the dawn of the year 2000. This text, covering the period of the Vatican Council II up to the entry of the Roman Catholic Church in the Third Millennium, defined the temporal framework of our research and permitted us to retain three theological tenets. We analyzed them and produced a theological synthesis through three synoptic views which gradually led the thesis to its conclusion. The Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi of Pope Paul VI was the starting point; the second theological tenet was the document of John Paul II entitled Sources of Renewal, and the final tenet was the Post Synodal Exhortation Ecclesia in America. By the analysis and the synthesis of these three tenets, with a justified hermeneutical initiative, three outcomes emerged. The first one looked at the pastoral application of the Vatican Council II: in a pastoral outlook justified by a defined anthropology, the minister articulated the Constitutions Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes to suggest a pastoral praxis. The second outcome then developed the notion of the creativity of the faith. This creativity of the faith declined itself in the cultural mediations – third outcome – which articulate themselves around the concepts of attitudes and Wojtylien dialogue. The proposed critical conclusion of the thesis directly concerned the anthropology proposed by John Paul II underlying in each of these three outcomes.

«Tu ne tueras plus!» : une étude du processus de «recivilisation» de la société ouest-allemande d’après les catéchismes catholiques (1945-1970)

Gagné, Martin 08 1900 (has links)
Chez les historiens qui se sont consacrés à l’étude de l’Allemagne contemporaine, plusieurs considèrent qu’en perpétrant un crime aussi barbare que la Shoah, le Troisième Reich a provoqué une « rupture de civilisation » (Zivilisationsbruch) au sein de l’histoire occidentale. En règle générale, ces spécialistes ont réfléchi sur le sens ainsi que sur les implications historiques et philosophiques de cet événement pour le monde contemporain. Peu d’entre eux, toutefois, se sont intéressés au pendant de cette « rupture de civilisation » : le processus de « recivilisation » qui a été à l’œuvre dans la société ouest-allemande au cours des premières décennies d’après-guerre. Caractérisé par le rejet de la violence et du militarisme, par la restauration des normes élémentaires de la civilité ainsi que par l’importance croissante accordée à des valeurs telles que la démocratie et le respect des droits de la personne, ce processus permet en grande partie d’expliquer comment, en à peine deux décennies, les Allemands de l’Ouest ont réussi à édifier un État stable et démocratique sur les ruines d’une dictature génocidaire. En étudiant la présentation du Décalogue dans les catéchismes catholiques, ce mémoire cherche à déterminer le rôle attribué aux prescriptions morales de nature religieuse dans le processus de « recivilisation » de la société ouest-allemande. Il se propose de montrer qu’au cours des années 1950 et 1960, les catéchismes catholiques publiés en RFA ont présenté de plus en plus d’indices d’une volonté que l’on pourrait qualifier de « recivilisatrice ». Ces indices ont surtout pris la forme d’une attention grandissante aux questions relatives à la guerre et à la paix, d’un assouplissement dans la présentation de l’autorité parentale et de l’adoption d’une conception de l’autorité civile fondée désormais sur l’accomplissement de devoirs civiques plutôt que sur l’obéissance aux supérieurs hiérarchiques. / Among scholars who have studied contemporary Germany, many consider that by perpetrating such a barbaric crime as the Holocaust, the Third Reich caused a “rupture of civilizationˮ (Zivilisationsbruch) in the history of the Western world. These experts have reflected on the meaning as well as on the historical and philosophical consequences of the Holocaust for the contemporary world. However, very few of them have examined the other side of this “rupture of civilizationˮ, i.e. the “recivilizingˮ process that occurred in West German society during the first postwar decades. Characterized by the rejection of violence and militarism, the restoration of elementary norms of civility and the growing importance attached to civic values such as democracy and human rights, this process explains how, within barely two decades, West Germans succeeded in building a stable and democratic state on the ruins of a genocidal dictatorship. Using the presentation of the Decalogue in the Catholic catechisms, this master’s thesis examines the role attributed to religious moral norms in the “recivilizingˮ process of West German society. It intends to show that during the 1950s and 1960s the Catholic catechisms published in the FRG presented numerous signs of a “recivilizingˮ will, which consisted in a particular attention to issues of war and peace, an updated view of parental authority and the adoption of a conception of civil authority based on the fulfilment of civic duties rather than on sheer obedience to hierarchy.

A piedade popular em tempos líquidos na Sacrosanctum Concilium 13

Cardoso, João Paulo 11 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-04T11:48:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 João Paulo Cardoso.pdf: 911847 bytes, checksum: fc606a4d430e6ee06ed627e9e27826bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-04T11:48:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 João Paulo Cardoso.pdf: 911847 bytes, checksum: fc606a4d430e6ee06ed627e9e27826bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-11 / According to Sacrosanctum Concilium 13, pious exercises should be recommended, but with determination that there should be harmonization with the liturgy. The Popular Piety can not substitut, in any way, the official liturgical practices of the Church. In this study we make analysis of the current reality, which will be based on ‗Liquid Modernity‘, expression of the Polish Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. With this expression, Bauman identify the moment we are living, in which everything is predicted to be fleeting, including the human relations. In this context, the harmonization between Liturgy and Popular Piety is impaired, causing a mismatch between liturgical practices, with their stable norms, and popular devotions, prone to change more easily. However, pious exercises should be encouraged, even with the variants of the present time. For this analysis, the theoretical foundations are sought in the Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy, documents of the Popes, in the set of works written by Bauman and many others that help in understanding of the relation between the Popular Piety and the Liturgy in this period of history which Bauman classifies as ‗Liquid Modernity / De acordo com a Sacrosanctum Concilium 13, os exercícios piedosos devem ser recomendados, porém com a determinação de que de haja harmonização com a Liturgia. A Piedade Popular não pode substituir, de forma alguma, as práticas litúrgicas oficiais da Igreja. Nesse estudo fazemos uma análise da realidade atual, que será pautada pela ‗Modernidade Líquida‘, expressão do sociólogo polonês Zygmunt Bauman. Com esta expressão, Bauman identifica o momento que estamos vivendo, em que tudo está previsto para ser passageiro e fugaz, inclusive as relações humanas. Neste contexto, a harmonização entre Liturgia e Piedade Popular fica prejudicada, causando um descompasso entre as práticas litúrgicas, com suas normas estáveis, e as devoções populares, propensas a se alterarem mais facilmente. Contudo, os piedosos exercícios devem ser incentivados, mesmo com as variantes do tempo atual. Para esta análise, os fundamentos teóricos são buscados no Diretório sobre a Piedade Popular e a Liturgia, documentos dos papas, no conjunto de obras escritas por Bauman e tantas outras que auxiliam na compreensão da relação entre a Piedade Popular e a Liturgia neste período da história que Bauman classifica como ‗Modernidade Líquida

“Sempre haverá pobres na terra”: os desafios da pobreza na América Latina dentro do novo paradigma de missão cristã segundo o Pacto de Lausanne e a Gaudium et Spes

Arruda, Glair Alonso 14 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-12T09:29:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Glair Alonso Arruda.pdf: 1114868 bytes, checksum: b7bbed1eae0e04309a12255e24b67440 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-12T09:29:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glair Alonso Arruda.pdf: 1114868 bytes, checksum: b7bbed1eae0e04309a12255e24b67440 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-11-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this study was to analyze two official documents of Christianity promulgated in the 1960s and 1970s, namely the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes in Catholicism and the Lausanne Covennant in Protestantism, with a focus on poverty in Latin America, using a bibliographical and documentary research methodology. Main theoretical references included the sociology of Max Weber in analyzing the motivations behind the documents, and the missiology of David Bosch to study the historical and theological contexts. The dissertation is structured in three chapters. In the first, we analyse the context that defines the conception of Christianity regarding the mission of the church in the nineteenth century, as well as the way in which the two Christian perspectives viewed the question of poverty. The second chapter analyzes the two documents and their social, political, and economic context of the mid-twentieth century and identifies the conception of poverty within the mission context in a new paradigm, missio Dei, which classifies poverty as an institutional and structural problem in both Christian perspectives. In the third chapter, we analyze the theoretical implications and the contradictions that the new paradigm brings to the question of the poverty of the Latin American populations, the practical repercussions with the organization of the Ecclesial Base Communities, Liberation Theology and Theology of the Integral Mission / O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma análise de dois documentos oficiais do cristianismo promulgados nas décadas de 1960-1970, a saber, a Constituição Pastoral Gaudium et Spes no catolicismo, e o Pacto de Lausanne, no protestantismo, tendo como eixo a questão da pobreza na América Latina, pela metodologia da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Utilizou-se como referenciais teóricos principais a sociologia de Max Weber para análise das motivações por trás dos documentos e a missiologia de David Bosch que orientaram o estudo dos contextos históricos e teológicos. A dissertação foi estruturada em três capítulos. No primeiro, foram verificados os contextos que definiram a concepção do cristianismo quanto à missão da Igreja no século XIX, e analisada a maneira como as duas vertentes cristãs se posicionavam quanto à questão da pobreza. O segundo capítulo analisa os dois documentos e seu contexto social, político, econômico de meados do século XX e identifica a concepção de pobreza dentro do contexto de missão em novo paradigma, a missio Dei, para ambas as vertentes cristãs, identificando a pobreza como um problema institucional e estrutural. No terceiro capítulo, são analisadas as implicações teóricas e as contradições que o novo paradigma acarreta para a questão da pobreza das populações latino-americanas, as repercussões práticas com a organização das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base, da Teologia da Libertação e da Teologia da Missão Integral

Standing with Unfamiliar Company on Uncommon Ground: The Catholic Church and the Chicago Parliaments of Religions

Parra, Carlos 18 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the struggle of the Catholic Church to be true to itself and its mission in the midst of other religions, in the context of the non-Catholic American culture, and in relation to the modern world and its discontents. As milestones of the global interfaith movement, American religious freedom and pluralism, and of the relation of religion to modernity, the Chicago Parliaments of Religions offer a unique window through which to view this Catholic struggle at work in the religious public square created by the Parliaments and the evolution of that struggle over the course of the century framed by the two Chicago events. In relation to other religions, the Catholic Church stretched itself from an exclusivist position of being the only true and good religion to an inclusivist position of recognizing that truth and good can be present in other religions. Uniquely, Catholic involvement in the centennial Parliament made the Church stretch itself even further, beyond the exclusivist-inclusivist spectrum into a pluralist framework in which the Church acted humbly as one religion among many. In relation to American culture, the Catholic Church stretched itself from a Eurocentric and monarchic worldview with claims of Catholic supremacy to the American alternative of democracy, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. In relation to modernity, the Church stretched itself from viewing the modern world as an enemy to be fought and conquered to befriending modernity and designing some specific accommodations to it. In these three relationships, there was indeed a shift, but not at all a clean break. Instead a stretch occurred, acknowledging a lived intra-Catholic tension between religious exclusivism and inclusivism, between a universal Catholic identity and Catholic inculturation in America (and in other cultures), and between the immutability of Catholic eternal truths and their translatability into the new languages offered by the modern world. In all this the Second Vatican Council was the major catalyst. For all three cases the Chicago Parliaments of Religions serve as environments conducive to the raising of important questions about Catholic identity, the Catholic understanding of non-Catholics, and Catholic interfaith relations.

Standing with Unfamiliar Company on Uncommon Ground: The Catholic Church and the Chicago Parliaments of Religions

Parra, Carlos 18 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the struggle of the Catholic Church to be true to itself and its mission in the midst of other religions, in the context of the non-Catholic American culture, and in relation to the modern world and its discontents. As milestones of the global interfaith movement, American religious freedom and pluralism, and of the relation of religion to modernity, the Chicago Parliaments of Religions offer a unique window through which to view this Catholic struggle at work in the religious public square created by the Parliaments and the evolution of that struggle over the course of the century framed by the two Chicago events. In relation to other religions, the Catholic Church stretched itself from an exclusivist position of being the only true and good religion to an inclusivist position of recognizing that truth and good can be present in other religions. Uniquely, Catholic involvement in the centennial Parliament made the Church stretch itself even further, beyond the exclusivist-inclusivist spectrum into a pluralist framework in which the Church acted humbly as one religion among many. In relation to American culture, the Catholic Church stretched itself from a Eurocentric and monarchic worldview with claims of Catholic supremacy to the American alternative of democracy, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. In relation to modernity, the Church stretched itself from viewing the modern world as an enemy to be fought and conquered to befriending modernity and designing some specific accommodations to it. In these three relationships, there was indeed a shift, but not at all a clean break. Instead a stretch occurred, acknowledging a lived intra-Catholic tension between religious exclusivism and inclusivism, between a universal Catholic identity and Catholic inculturation in America (and in other cultures), and between the immutability of Catholic eternal truths and their translatability into the new languages offered by the modern world. In all this the Second Vatican Council was the major catalyst. For all three cases the Chicago Parliaments of Religions serve as environments conducive to the raising of important questions about Catholic identity, the Catholic understanding of non-Catholics, and Catholic interfaith relations.

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