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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sujeito nulo e ordem VS no português brasileiro : um estudo diacrônico-comparativo baseado em corpus / Null subject and VS order in brazilian portuguese : a diachronic-comparative study based on corpus

Gravina, Aline Peixoto, 1982- 02 November 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Charlotte Marie Chambelland Galves / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T23:29:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gravina_AlinePeixoto_D.pdf: 6167939 bytes, checksum: 272642c1fbbf954d6b1a3aee60ca4ae7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Nesse trabalho foi elaborado um estudo comparativo-diacrônico a respeito do uso do sujeito nulo e da inversão do sujeito no PB e no PE, a partir de um corpus composto por jornais que circularam na primeira e segunda metade do século 19 e na primeira metade do século 20 nas cidades de Ouro Preto no Estado de Minas Gerais/Brasil e na cidade de Évora no Distrito de Évora/Portugal. Os jornais utilizados para este estudo foram os seguintes: O Recreador Mineiro (1845 ¿ 1848); O Jornal Mineiro (1897 ¿ 1900) e Tribuna de Ouro Preto (1945 ¿ 1948) no Brasil e A Illustração luzo-brasileira (1856-1858); O Manuelinho de Évora (1890-1898) e Notícias de Évora (1945-1948).Para efetuar as descrições dos fenômenos estudados, foram analisadas mais de 14 mil sentenças desse corpus. Nosso objetivo nesta tese foi o de averiguar e descrever a relação entre o sujeito nulo e a inversão do sujeito na diacronia do PB, através de um estudo comparativo com dados do PE. Para respaldar e explicar a relação entre esses fenômenos, seguimos os pressupostos apresentados por Holmberg (2010) a respeito da presença/ ausência de traços-D não interpretáveis em T para as línguas de sujeito nulo consiste e para as línguas de sujeito nulo parcial, respectivamente. Os resultados quantitativos mostraram que a gramática do PB teria sofrido uma mudança no que diz respeito ao uso de sujeito nulo: perdido a característica de uma língua de sujeito nulo consistente e adquirido propriedades de uma língua com sujeito nulo parcial. Verificou-se nos dados um alto preenchimento do sujeito com o decorrer do tempo por meio de uma estratégia que denominamos de Sujeito Lexical Anáforico. A mudança de gramática de sujeito nulo entre o PB e o PE foi constatada em nossos dados à medida que o número de sujeito nulos encontrados em PE permaneceu com alta porcentagem e constante em todos os períodos e ambientes sintáticos analisados . Além disso, o PE não apresentou qualquer necessidade de uso de estratégias de preenchimento como foi atestado em PB. A realização do sujeito nulo com primeira pessoa apresentou um comportamento diferenciado do sujeito nulo de terceira pessoa nos dados do PB, o que reforça a hipótese de o PB ser uma língua de sujeito nulo parcial. Em relação à inversão, quantitativamente, não foram encontrados diferenças no número de suas realizações. Observou-se que tanto em PB, quanto em PE a inversão com verbos inacusativos é um ambiente produtivo. Embora, no PB, observou-se que preferencialmente esta ordem ocorre com algum elemento locativo preenchendo a posição anterior ao verbo. Com verbos transitivos, para o PB nossas análises vão ao encontro do trabalho de Pilati (2002;2006), foi observada uma maior ocorrência da ordem VOS e a interpretação dessa inversão é que além de se ter um objeto menos referencial, toda a sentença é a informação nova na sentença, ou seja, toda sentença é focalizada. A consequência dessa análise para a derivação é a de que todos os elementos estejam em uma posição mais alta. Diferentemente do PE, que na ordem VOS tem a interpretação de foco apenas no sujeito. A consequência para derivação é que o objeto faz um movimento via scramblig para uma posição intermediária no TP e assim produzir a ordem VOS em posição mais baixa que o PB / Abstract: Our goal in this dissertation is to diachronically examine and describe the relation between null subject and subject inversion in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), through a comparative study with data from European Portuguese (EP) . In order to do so, we have assembled a corpus of Brazilian newspapers- O Recreador Mineiro (1845 ¿ 1848); O Jornal Mineiro (1897 ¿ 1900) e Tribuna de Ouro Preto (1945 ¿ 1948)- and Portuguese newspapers? Illustração luzo-brasileira (1856-1858); O Manuelinho de Évora (1890-1898) e Notícias de Évora (1945-1948). More than 14,000 sentences were analyzed to describe the studied phenomena. To support and explain the relation between null subjects and subject inversion, we follow Holmberg¿s (2010) proposal. The author argues that in consistent null subject languages there is an uninterpretable D-feature in T, absent in partial null subject languages. The quantitative results showed that BP grammar underwent a change with regard to the use of null subjects: it lost the features typical of a consistent null subject language and acquired properties typical of a partial null subject language. We have found out that anaphorical lexical subjects are one of the strategies to realize the subject position in the BP database. A change in the grammar of null subjects in the BP data is observed from their respective numbers when compared to those of EP, which have remained constant, with a high frequency during all periods analyzed according to their syntactic environments. Furthermore, EP showed no strategies to fill the subject position as was attested for BP. The different realization of first person null subjects vis-à-vis third person null subjects in the BP data reinforces the hypothesis that BP is a partial null subject language (Rodrigues, 2004). With respect to subject inversion, the results showed no significant differences between one language and the other. Despite both BP and EP display subject inversion with unaccusative verbs productively throughout their diachronies, in BP it occurs preferentially with some element filling the sentence first position, with either locative or adverbial value. With transitive verbs in BP, the most frequent word order over time is VOS, where O is not referential, according to Pilati (2002, 2006). Once we argue that in those cases, the whole sentence is new information - thus presenting large focus projection - all elements end up in a high position in the derivation. On the other hand, VOS order in EP, presents narrow focus as the sentence subject. The consequence for the syntactic derivation is that the object moves via scrambling into an intermediate position in Spec,TP. In other words, the derivation of VOS order in EP involves movement to a lower position if compared to the one targeted in BP / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutora em Linguística

Sintaxe da posição do verbo e mudança gramatical na história do português Europeu / The syntax of verb position and grammatical change in the history of European portuguese

Antonelli, André Luís, 1980- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Charlotte Marie Chambelland Galves / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T17:26:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonelli_AndreLuis_D.pdf: 3077754 bytes, checksum: d5362560f57c46e1ecd295daf743aeae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O objetivo desta tese é investigar a relação entre a sintaxe da posição do verbo e as propriedades de fronteamento de sintagmas na história do Português Europeu, olhando especificamente para o período de tempo que se estende do século 16 ao 19. Para a realização dessa pesquisa, o quadro teórico adotado será a versão minimalista da Teoria de Princípios e Parâmetros (cf. Chomsky 1995 e trabalhos subsequentes), usando como base para as idéias de estrutura oracional as propostas do projeto cartográfico, especificamente as que se referem à periferia à esquerda da sentença (cf., em particular, Rizzi 1997). Como também se trata de um estudo diacrônico que discutirá questões de mudança linguística, utilizaremos como arcabouço teórico para esse fim os trabalhos de Kroch (1989, 1994, 2000) e Lightfoot (1991, 1999, 2006). Apresentaremos evidências de que, até o fim do século 17, o Português manifestava um comportamento semelhante ao de línguas V2 no que diz respeito à propriedade de movimento do verbo, porémbastante diferenciado com relação às possibilidades de fronteamento de XP's. Argumentaremos que a natureza V2 bastante particular desse período é resultante do modo como a sintaxe da posição do verbo se relaciona com requerimentos da periferia da sentença, em particular no que diz respeito à maneira como o EPP associado aos traços phi do núcleo Fin são checados. Para os séculos 18 e 19, mostraremos que o Português já instancia a sintaxe da língua moderna, sem apresentar as propriedades de uma língua V2. Esse resultado vai ao encontro de diversos trabalhos, os quais, investigando outros aspectos sintáticos da diacronia do Português Europeu, mostram que a passagem do século 17 para o 18 marca o início do sistema gramatical contemporâneo / Abstract: The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the relation between the syntax of verb position and the properties of XP fronting in the history of European Portuguese, looking specifically at the period of time which goes from the 16th up to the 19th century. The framework adopted is the minimalist version of the Principles and Parameters Theory (see Chomsky 1995 and subsequent works), using the ideas of the cartographic project as a basis for the proposals of clause structure, in special those concerning to the left periphery of the sentence (see, in particular, Rizzi 1997). Since this dissertation also deals with aspects of linguistic change, we will follow theoretical assumptions presented in Kroch (1989, 1994, 2000) and Lightfoot (1991, 1999, 2006). We will present evidences that, until the end of the 17th century, Portuguese manifested a behavior similar to that of Verb Second (V2) languages concerning the property of verb movement, but with striking differences in relation to the possibilities of XP fronting. In our analysis, this derives from the way the syntax of verb position relates to the requirements of the periphery of the sentence, in particular those concerning the checking of the EPP associated to the phi features of the Fin head. As for the 18th and the 19th centuries, we will show that Portuguese already instantiated the syntax of the modern language, without presenting the properties of a V2 language. This result is in line with different works, which, investigating other syntactic aspects of the diachrony of European Portuguese, show that, from the 18th on, there is the beginning of the contemporary grammatical system / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística

Etude comparative des verbes supports faire, donner et prendre - buat/membuat, beri/memberi et ambi/memgambil en français en français et en malais / A comparative study of the support verbs to do, to give, to take – buat/membuat, beri/memberi and ambil/mengambil in French and Malay languages

Bin Hassan Hussin, Omrah 03 June 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude comparative de trois verbes supports, faire/membuat, donner/memberi et prendre/mengambil en français et en malais. La méthode utilisée est celle du Lexique-Grammaire de Maurice Gross et celle de la théorie de l’Analyse Matricielle Définitoire d’Amr Helmy Ibrahim. Notre objectif est de décrire les propriétés formelles des phrases à verbes supports en français et en malais et de les comparer du point de vue syntaxique et sémantique. Nous avons appliqué quatre tests de reconnaissance du verbe support afin de déterminer le statut de ces trois verbes dans les constructions étudiées. Notre étude est structurée en six chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, nous exposerons des notions importantes : la définition du support et les différents points de vue de certains linguistes qui se sont intéressés à l’étude du verbe support dans le cadre théorique du Lexique-Grammaire. Le deuxième chapitre donne une présentation générale du malais. Le troisième chapitre présente le verbe support buat/membuat (faire) en malais. Le quatrième chapitre présente l’étude du verbe support beri/memberi (donner) en malais. Le cinquième chapitre présente l’étude du verbe support ambil/mengambil (prendre) en malais. Le sixième chapitre présente l’étude comparative des verbes supports faire (membuat), donner (memberi) et prendre (mengambil) en français et en malais. Les résultas obtenus nous ont montré que le français et le malais partagent les mêmes caractéristiques générales des verbes supports. Ces résultats nous ont permis également de montrer que malgré l’universalité du phénomène, chaque langue possède ses propres mécanismes concernant le fonctionnement des verbes supports et le système de la détermination. / This thesis proposes a comparative study of three support verbs, also called sometimes in English « light verbs », faire/membuat “to do”, donner/memberi “to give” and prendre/mengambil “to take” in French and Malay languages. The method used is that of the Lexicon-Grammar of Maurice Gross and that of theory of the Defining Matrix Analysis of Amr Ibrahim. Our objective is to describe the formal properties of the sentences containing support verbs in French and Malay and to compare them from the syntactic and semantic point of view. We have bracket four tests of recognition of the support verb in order to determine the statue of these three verbs in the studied construction. Our study is structured in six chapters. In the first chapter, we expose the main notion: the definition of the support and the different points of view of the linguists that took an interest in the study of the support verb in the framework of the Lexicon-Grammar. The second chapter is a general presentation of the Malay language. The third chapter is the study of the verb support “membuat/faire” (to do) in Malay. The forth chapter is a study of the support verb “memberi/donner” (to give) in Malay. The fifth chapter is a study of the support verb “mengambil/prendre” (to take) in Malay. The sixth chapter is a comparative study between the three support verbs membuat/faire (to do), memberi/donner (to give) and mengambil/prendre (to take) in Malay and French. The results obtained have shown that the support verbs in French and Malay share the same general characteristics. These results also enabled us to show that in spite of the universality of the phenomenon, each language has its own mechanism concerning the function of the support verb and the system of determination.

Oj, vad du har växt! : Om de dubbla supinumformerna växt och vuxit

Svensson, Malin January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om de dubbla supinumformer som verbet växa har, alltså växt och vuxit. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på ifall de två formerna används olika, och i så fall varför. Min hypotes var nämligen att formen vuxit främst används om människor och att den associeras med att bli vuxen. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka ifall växt var den enda form som användes i fornsvenskan och när formen vuxit i sådana fall etablerades. För att genomföra undersökningen har korpusar från Språkbanken, Litteraturbanken och Projektet Källtext använts. I dessa har användningen av och frekvensskillnaderna mellan formerna växt och vuxit undersökts från fornsvenskan fram till dagens svenska. Resultaten visar att det i nutida svenska finns tendenser till att i vissa sammanhang hellre använda den ena av de båda formerna än den andra. Orsaken till dessa tendenser har jag dock inte lyckats fastställa. Hypotesen att man skulle använda formen vuxit om männ­iskor visade sig inte stämma och formen associeras troligen inte med att bli vuxen. Där­emot stämmer det att växt var den enda supinumformen av verbet växa i fornsvenskan och vuxit verkar inte ha börjat användas förrän på 1600-talet.

Du verbe à la fonction prépositionnelle : étude du cas de จาก /cà : k/ / From verb to prepositional function : the case study of จาก /cà : k/

Sungpanich, Piyajit 24 October 2013 (has links)
Du fait que les mots thaï possèdent une propriété de polyvalence catégorielle et fonctionnelle, nous essayons donc d’étudier, dans le cas de จาก /cà:k/, ses conditions de fonctionnement et ses valeurs sémantiques sans la prise en considération de la catégorisation des mots que l’on avait faite traditionnellement. Ainsi, la remise en cause des classifications des mots thaï va nous ramener à étudier le fonctionnement de l’unité lexicale จาก/cà:k/ en tant que marqueur. Cette étude est inspirée de la théorie des opérations prédicative et énonciative d’Antoine CULIOLI selon laquelle chaque marqueur est considéré comme une trace observable d’opérations prédicative et énonciative. En partant de ce point de vue, l’analyse proposée dans ce travail vise à montrer les points suivants : comment le marqueur จาก /cà:k/, participe à la construction du sens des énoncés dans lesquels il peut s’intégrer, quelles sont les propriétés des contextes et des co-textes qui rendent possible ou impossible le marqueur จาก /cà:k/ et que le marqueur จาก /cà:k/ est un opérateur de prédication dont le fonctionnement singulier peut être ramené à un faisceau de traits saillants de la catégorie référentielle de จาก /cà:k/. / Owing to the fact that the Thai words are poly-functional, we thus try to study the lexical unit จาก /cà:k/, its functions and its semantic values without the consideration of the traditional categorization. This interrogation about the Thai word classification leads us to study the lexical unit จาก /cà:k/ as a marker. This study is inspired by the theory of the predicative and enunciative operations of Antoine CULIOLI. According to this theory, each marker is regarded as an observable trace of predicative and enunciative operations. On the basis of this point of view, the analysis engaged in this task aims at showing the following points: how the marker จาก /cà:k/ takes part in the construction of meaning in one sentence in which it can be integrated, which properties of the contexts and the co-texts make possible or impossible for the marker จาก /cà:k/ and that the marker จาก /cà:k/ is an operator of predication of which the singular operation can generate the features of the referential category of จาก /cà:k/.

L’aspect grammatical et ses manifestations dans les traductions en français de textes littéraires bulgares / Grammatical aspect and its expression in French translations of Bulgarian literary texts

Kozareva-Levie, Yordanka 07 February 2011 (has links)
Dans ce travail, la réflexion sur les enjeux linguistiques (et éthiques) de la traduction s’articule à l’étude de valeurs temporelles et aspectuelles en bulgare et en français. La question de l’aspectualité en bulgare a été envisagée sous l’angle de la possibilité de ses manifestations en français. Les orientations principales de cette étude ont été guidées par la conviction du rôle fondamental de la traduction pour la compréhension des mécanismes régissant les langues. L’approche théorique a nécessité la description de paradigmes temporels : l’aoriste et le parfait en bulgare, le passé simple, l’imparfait et le passé composé en français. Un certain nombre de procédés orthonymiques ont été considérés et illustrés afin de souligner l’importance, lors de la constitution de l’écriture de la traduction, de l’expérience référentielle, et de l’omniprésence, dans l’esprit des traducteurs, d’une conception jugée correcte et naturelle de s’exprimer. La revue des notions théoriques autour du temps et de l’aspect a permis de mettre en lumière le traitement des imperfectifs secondaires, fondamental pour l’appréhension de l’aspect. Texte original et traduction attestent également de différentes visions des procès mais le choix de l’une ou de l’autre représentation ne constitue pas un obstacle à la réception sans aspérités du texte traduit. Cette divergence de représentations démontre que l’existence d’oppositions aspectuelles en bulgare est rarement prise en compte par le traducteur. L’examen du parfait a constitué une ouverture vers l’analyse de valeurs médiatives dont l’expression est, dans une langue comme le bulgare, fortement intégrée dans la morphologie verbale. / This dissertation is a reflection on the linguistic and ethical issues at play in translation, hinging on an examination of the temporal and aspectual values in the French and Bulgarian languages. The question of aspect in Bulgarian is approached through the study of its possible translations in French.The orientations of this work go along the belief that translation plays a crucial role in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the functioning of languages.The theoretical approach of this dissertation made it necessary to describe the following temporal paradigms: the aorist and perfect in Bulgarian, the “passé simple”, “imparfait” and “passé composé” in French. It also considers and illustrates some orthonymic devices so as to underline the importance of the referential experience in the craft of writing a translation, and also to highlight the omnipresence, in the translator’s mind, of a conception of what is natural and appropriate to say in a given language. Going through the notions of tense and aspect made it possible to shed light on the handling of the secondary imperfective forms, which proves to be essential for the comprehension of aspect. Moreover, even though the original text and the translation give different perspectives on the action, preferring one interpretation or the other does not obstruct the reader’s understanding. These divergences prove that the existence of aspectual oppositions in Bulgarian are hardly ever taken into account when translated. The examination of the perfect led to the broadening of our study to the analysis of meditative values, the expression of which, in Bulgarian, is strongly integrated in the morphology of the verbs.

Derivace sloves v současné italštině / Derivation of verbs in Present-Day Italian

Papayová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Presented thesis deals with the word-formation processes involved in creating new verbs in presen-day Italian. These processes are mainly derivational, namely prefixation, suffixation, conversion, including parasynthesis and back-formation, these two create mostly verbs. Compound verbs are rare in Italian and the number of verbal loanwords is low as well. The first part of the thesis describes these processes from theoretical point of view. The second part presents the descriptive analysis of 330 verbs created between 1976-2001. These verbs were extracted from the eletronic version of Dizionario Italiano Sabatini-Coletti and they were categorized by the process involved in their creation. The productivity of each process and then affixes was also studied.

The habitual mood in Northern Sotho

Mampuru, Deborah Maphoko 18 March 2014 (has links)
M.A. (African Languages) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The use of English 'be' and 'have' in the interlanguage of Hong Kong primary school students

Tam, Yuen Pik Vyonne 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Le lexique des verbes en dénomination orale : étude exploratoire chez l'aphasique et étude en IRMf chez le sujet sain / Verb lexicon in oral naming : exploratory study in aphasics and fMRI study in health subjects

Manchon, Mélanie 23 September 2011 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur l’organisation du lexique des verbes chez l’aphasique, d’une part à travers une étude exploratoire en dénomination orale d’action sur support vidéo, et d’autre part à partir d’une investigation en IRMf chez le sujet sain. D’après nos résultats, les aphasiques de différents types ont des difficultés à produire des verbes, et on observe une production importante d’énoncés non conventionnels à pivot verbal : les approximations sémantiques. En aphasiologie, l’étude de ces énoncés, qu’on associe à des paraphasies sémantiques, se limite à un cadre nominal et sont considérés comme des erreurs. Nous soulignons qu’elles manifestent un mode de structuration du lexique des verbes par proximité sémantique et marquent l’existence d’une flexibilité cognitive dans la structuration du lexique mental. Dans la littérature, les troubles spécifiques du verbe, chez l’aphasique, sont associés à des lésions du lobe frontal, mais ces données sont controversées. En IRMf, nous obtenons des activations fronto-pariétales, des régions plus postérieures, et des activations de la boucle fronto-thalamo-striée. Nos résultats sont en faveur d’un recrutement d’un ensemble de régions cérébrales. Le support que nous avons utilisé permettrait d'accéder par deux voies à la représentation de la nature sensori-motrice du verbe, par le gyrus temporal moyen gauche et les aires prémotrices. Le mode vidéo semblerait être un outil d’évaluation plus écologique que le support imagé pour l’étude du traitement du lexique des verbes. / Our study deals with the organisation of verb lexicon in aphasics, partly through an exploratory study of oral action naming using a video stimulus, and partly through an fMRI investigation in healthy subjects. According to our results, patients with different types of aphasia experience verb production difficulties. We observed a high rate of non conventional utterances, mainly verbal, in the form of semantic approximations. In aphasiology, the study of these utterances, which are associated with semantic paraphasia and are considered as errors, is limited to a nominal framework. We emphasise that these utterances demonstrate a verb lexicon structure based on semantic proximity, and signal the existence of a cognitive flexibility in the structure of the mental lexicon. In the literature, specific verb difficulties in aphasics are associated with frontal lobe lesions, but these data have been disputed. Using fMRI, we obtained fronto-parietal activations in the more posterior regions as well as activations in the thalamo-fronto-striate loop. Our results support the recruitment of all the cerebral regions. The stimulus used in our study may have enabled access via two pathways to the representation of the sensorimotor nature of verbs via the left middle temporal gyrus and the premotor areas. Videos appear to be a more ecological evaluative tool than images for studying the lexical processing of verbs.

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