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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos: um estudo do campo de ação estratégica no contexto brasileiro / Waste electrical and electronic equipment: a study of the field of action.

Vívian Fernandes Marinho Ferreira 06 August 2018 (has links)
O crescimento econômico e o avanço da tecnologia tem gerado maior produção de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos, cuja vida útil está cada vez menor. A troca constante de equipamentos tem levado a um aumento no descarte dos mesmos. Além da maior produção de resíduos, um agravante é o potencial poluidor deste tipo de resíduo devido aos metais pesados contidos neles, como o chumbo, mercúrio e cádmio. Contudo, apesar disso, há também metais nobres como ouro e prata, o que tem se tornado uma grande oportunidade de negócio para a indústria de reciclagem e os interessados nesta cadeia de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE). Entretanto, apesar do mercado bilionário que gira em torno da produção e troca destes equipamentos, o descarte incorreto dos REEE tem consequências socioambientais muito sérias, como a poluição do solo e da água, o que causa implicações à saúde como doenças neurológicas, câncer e até a morte. Neste contexto, foi estabelecida a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) (Lei 12.305/2010), cujo objetivo é dar a destinação ambientalmente adequada para os resíduos. Com novas obrigatoriedades legais, os envolvidos na cadeia de produção, consumo e descarte dos eletroeletrônicos estão tendo que se reorganizar para manter-se neste mercado. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi entender e mapear o campo no qual os REEE estão inseridos. Ou seja, conhecer quais atores fazem parte deste campo; como se relacionam; quais são os interesses e disputas; como tudo isso está relacionado; como se organiza e quais os campos próximos que interferem nele. A pesquisa se baseou na teoria de campos de Fligstein e McAdam (2012) para entender a existência do campo de ação estratégica estudado, seu estado e características. Foi feito o levantamento de dados através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Utilizou-se da observação participante e a entrevista semiestruturada com os principais atores do campo de ação estratégico dos REEE identificados, com apoio de um roteiro. Pôde-se perceber a existência do campo de REEE, como se estabeleceu a crise no mesmo e como isso tem transformado o campo. Foram identificados uma série de atores que participam do fenômeno de transformação do campo de ação estratégica dos REEE: Universidade, empresas, sociedade civil e governo, além de dois campos próximos que exercem influência no campo estudado, o Mercado de EEE e a Indústria internacional de reciclagem de REEE. O Estado se mostrou muito influente no campo de REEE. Os atores e campos envolvidos desejam, portanto, a recuperação destes REEE para a reciclagem, devido, principalmente, às vantagens econômicas que a reciclagem proporciona a eles. A forma de fazer a recuperação dos REEE é o que tem sido discutido e está em disputa no campo. Diversos entraves foram observados para a gestão dos REEE no contexto brasileiro, mas a principal questão foi a necessidade de investimentos, incentivos e ações conjuntas, colaborativas e concomitantes para possibilitar a gestão efetiva dos REEE. Assim, a forma como a responsabilidade compartilhada, em especial o acordo setorial, vem sendo empregados não se mostram suficiente para a gestão dos REEE. Observou-se a necessidade de uma mudança de paradigma no que tange as questões de produção, consumo, troca e descarte dos REEE no contexto brasileiro. / Economic growth and the advancement of technology have generated greater production of electrical and electronic equipment, with a shorter service life. The constant exchange of equipment has led to an increase in their disposal. In addition to increased waste production, an aggravating factor is the potential for this type of waste to be polluted due to the heavy metals contained in them, such as lead, mercury and cadmium. However, despite this, there are also noble metals such as gold and silver, which has become a great business opportunity for the recycling industry and those interested in this waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) chain. However, in spite of the billion dollar market that revolves around the production and exchange of these equipments, the incorrect disposal of WEEE has very serious socio-environmental consequences, such as soil and water pollution, which causes health implications such as neurological diseases, cancer and even the death. In this context, the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) (Law 12.305/2010) was established, whose objective is to provide the environmentally appropriate destination for the waste. With new legal mandates, those involved in the chain of production, consumption and disposal of consumer electronics are having to reorganize to stay in this market. Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand and map the field in which WEEE are inserted. That is, to know which actors are part of this field; how they relate; what are the interests and disputes; how all this is related; how it is organized, and what nearby fields interfere with it. The research was based on the field theory of Fligstein and McAdam (2012) to understand the existence of the field of strategic action studied, its state and characteristics. Data collection was done through bibliographical and documentary research. Participant observation and the semi-structured interview with the main actors of the strategic action area of the WEEE identified were used, with the support of a script. It was possible to perceive the existence of the field of WEEE, as it was established the crisis in the same one and how this has transformed the field. A number of actors have been identified in the phenomenon of transformation of WEEE\'s strategic field of action: University, companies, civil society and government, as well as two close fields that influence the field studied, the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Market and the International Industry of recycling of WEEE. The state proved to be very influential in the field of WEEE. The actors and fields involved therefore want the recovery of these WEEE for recycling, mainly due to the economic benefits that recycling provides them. The way to do WEEE recovery is what has been discussed and is in dispute in the field. Several barriers were observed for the management of WEEE in the Brazilian context, but the main issue was the need for investments, incentives and joint, collaborative and concomitant actions to enable the effective management of WEEE. Thus, the way shared responsibility has been used does not prove to be sufficient for the management of WEEE. It was observed the need for a paradigm shift in the issues of consumption, exchange and disposal of WEEE in the Brazilian context.

Managing Information Technology Waste in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo

van de Merwe, Sarah January 2009 (has links)
Information technology (IT) is one of the fastest growing product groups on the market today (Babu et al., 2006). This technology has become inexpensive to produce and continues to improve in the areas of memory, speed, operating systems, weight, and audio/visual capabilities (Envirosris, 2000). All of these factors have led to a decrease in product lifespan and an increase in the amount of IT-waste produced. IT-waste contains a number of hazardous materials. If this waste is not managed appropriately it can create serious environmental and human health problems. In Canada, there are no federal policies in place to manage IT-waste. Management of IT-waste has largely been the responsibility of local governments. Consequently, there is no uniformity. A wide spectrum of management approaches ranges from ‘do nothing’ to enacting bans to prohibit this waste from entering landfills. Recently (April 1, 2009), a program (Ontario Electronic Stewardship Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment- OES WEEE) has been created at the provincial level to help with IT management. Residential participation in this program remains voluntary. This research is exploratory and aims at examining the potential for a sustainable integrated waste management (IWM) plan for residential IT-waste, using the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (RMoW) as a case study. A multiple methods approach was employed to gain an understanding of IT-waste issues and to develop a set of sustainable IWM criteria for evaluation of the OES program and RMoW. Methods used to collect data included: a literature review, surveys, plan analysis, direct observation, key informant interviews, and archival research. A number of recommendations apply specifically to Waterloo Region. Others more broadly address local governments across Ontario for better management of residential IT-waste and other e-waste products.

Managing Information Technology Waste in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo

van de Merwe, Sarah January 2009 (has links)
Information technology (IT) is one of the fastest growing product groups on the market today (Babu et al., 2006). This technology has become inexpensive to produce and continues to improve in the areas of memory, speed, operating systems, weight, and audio/visual capabilities (Envirosris, 2000). All of these factors have led to a decrease in product lifespan and an increase in the amount of IT-waste produced. IT-waste contains a number of hazardous materials. If this waste is not managed appropriately it can create serious environmental and human health problems. In Canada, there are no federal policies in place to manage IT-waste. Management of IT-waste has largely been the responsibility of local governments. Consequently, there is no uniformity. A wide spectrum of management approaches ranges from ‘do nothing’ to enacting bans to prohibit this waste from entering landfills. Recently (April 1, 2009), a program (Ontario Electronic Stewardship Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment- OES WEEE) has been created at the provincial level to help with IT management. Residential participation in this program remains voluntary. This research is exploratory and aims at examining the potential for a sustainable integrated waste management (IWM) plan for residential IT-waste, using the Regional Municipality of Waterloo (RMoW) as a case study. A multiple methods approach was employed to gain an understanding of IT-waste issues and to develop a set of sustainable IWM criteria for evaluation of the OES program and RMoW. Methods used to collect data included: a literature review, surveys, plan analysis, direct observation, key informant interviews, and archival research. A number of recommendations apply specifically to Waterloo Region. Others more broadly address local governments across Ontario for better management of residential IT-waste and other e-waste products.

Ökonomische Analyse der Rückgewinnung von hochwertigen Metallen aus elektrischen und elektronischen Altgeräten in Deutschland

Greif, Steffi 03 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Ausgabe beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema „Ökonomische Analyse der Rückgewinnung von hochwertigen Metallen aus elektrischen und elektronischen Altgeräten in Deutschland“. Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte sind aus dem täglichen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken; die Unternehmen entwickeln und produzieren immer leistungsfähigere Produkte, wobei durch die immer schnelleren und kurzlebigeren Innovationszyklen die Abfallberge ausgedienter Elektro(nik)geräte beständig wachsen. Mit Inkrafttreten des Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz am 24. März 2005 werden alte Elektro(nik)geräte zukünftig getrennt gesammelt und weitgehend verwertet. Neu ist, dass die Hersteller mehr Verantwortung für ihre Produkte übernehmen und zur Verwertung der getrennt gesammelten Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten verpflichtet sind. Das Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz geht zum einen aus der europäischen Richtlinie über die Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten (WEEE) und zum anderen aus der europäischen Richtlinie über die Verwendung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe in Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten (RoHS) hervor und gilt als Reaktion auf die wachsenden Elektro(nik)schrott-Berge. Für die Unternehmen der Entsorgungs- und Recyclingbranche ergeben sich mit diesen gesetzlichen Neuerungen neue Chancen auf Weiterentwicklung ihres Geschäftsfeldes. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt den Demontageunternehmen, mit deren Hilfe erst die gesetzlichen Forderungen, hinsichtlich der zu erzielenden Rückgewinnungsquoten und der notwendigen selektiven Behandlung einiger Baugruppen, erfüllt werden können. Die Rückgewinnung hochwertiger Metalle aus Elektro(nik)schrott bedarf im Hinblick der Preissteigerungen auf den Rohstoffmärkten höchster Priorität. Mit Etablierung eines Sekundärrohstoffmarktes kann ein rohstoffarmes Land wie Deutschland der Abhängigkeit des Importes von Primärrohstoffen signifikant entgegenwirken.

Structuration des mélanges ABS/PC en vue du recyclage des DEEE. / Structuration of ABS/PC morphology blends for recycling of WEEE.

Alkhuder, Aboubaker 18 December 2014 (has links)
La présence de matières plastiques dans les DEEE (déchets des équipements électriques et électroniques) a augmenté de 25% ces cinq dernières années. Avec la mise en place de nouvelles réglementations imposant des objectifs de recyclage élevés et l’augmentation des cours du pétrole, le recyclage des matières plastiques devient plus que jamais d’actualité. Dans ce contexte, tout en travaillant avec des polymères vierges, l’objectif de ce travail est de trouver une voie de valorisation des DEEE par le mélange de polymères. Le travail s’est focalisé sur l’amélioration des propriétés mécaniques des mélanges ABS/PC (70%/30% en masse) en structurant la morphologie de mélanges sous formes allongées (fibres et/ou lamelles). Pour ce faire, des outils spécifiques novateurs (éléments multiplicateurs de couches, filière de coextrusion fibrillaire) sont développés et utilisés. La démarche consiste à structurer d’abord des joncs, qui sont ensuite granulés, puis injectés lors d’une deuxième étape pour fabriquer des éprouvettes. Lorsque des morphologies allongées sont obtenues, des améliorations notables de propriétés (au choc en particulier) sont observées. Le travail termine par l’étude de l’effet sur la structuration et les propriétés finales d’un compatibilisant, l’ABS greffé anhydride maléique, synthétisé par extrusion réactive et rajouté au mélange ABS/PC. / Plastics in WEEE (Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipments) have increased up to 25% in the last five years. As new regulations are setting up increased recycling objectives and the oil prize is also increasing, plastic recycling is more than never an issue. In this context, while still working on virgin polymers, this work objective is to find a way to valorize the WEEE by the use of polymer blends. This work is focused on the upgrading of mechanical properties of ABS/PC (70%/30% wt%) blends by structuring the morphology of the blends creating elongated shapes (fibers and/or lamellas). To do so, innovative specific tools have been developed and used such as layer-multiplying mixing elements or fibrillar coextrusion dye. The first step of the procedure is to create structured strands of polymers which are then pelletized. Then these pellets are injected in a second step to create specimens. When elongated morphologies are obtained, significant improvements are observed in properties, especially for impact behavior. Finally, this work studies the effect of a compatibilizer on the structuration and the final properties of the blends. The compatibilizer, maleic anhydride grafted ABS, was synthesized through reactive extrusion and added in ABS/PC blends.

Contribution aux méthodes de conception pour la fin de vie : prise en compte des pratiques de prétraitement de la filière DEEE (Déchets d’Equipements Electriques et Electroniques) / Contribution to design for end-of-life approaches : taking into consideration pre-treatment practices from the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) compliance scheme

Alonso movilla, Natalia 30 November 2016 (has links)
Les filières de valorisation de déchets ont été mises en place au cours des dernières années pour répondre à des pressions économiques, sociétales, environnementales et réglementaires. Pour que les produits en fin de vie soient valorisés au mieux, il faut que leur conception soit adaptée aux spécificités des différents acteurs de la filière. L’étape de prétraitement consiste en la séparation des différents composants et matières des déchets. C’est une étape essentielle pour la valorisation de produits complexes comme les DEEE (déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques), qui sont l’objet de ces travaux. Nos recherches bibliographiques montrent que les méthodes de conception existantes pour la valorisation ne prennent en compte ni la diversité et la nature des pratiques de prétraitement ni les raisons qui poussent à réaliser chacune d’elles. Afin de comprendre l’expertise liée à ces pratiques, nous avons réalisé deux modèles.En premier lieu, un modèle macroscopique nous a permis d’identifier les grands facteurs qui affectent le fonctionnement des opérateurs de prétraitement. Il a été établi en deux étapes : la première étape consiste en la caractérisation des opérateurs de traitement ; la deuxième étape s’attache à la classification des opérateurs de traitement. Afin de développer ce modèle nous nous sommes appuyés sur deux études descriptives de la filière DEEE française. Une étude descriptive qualitative nous a permis d’identifier les raisons qui poussent les opérateurs à réaliser les différentes stratégies de fin de vie et les processus de prétraitement. Une analyse statistique en composantes principales (ACP), a été réalisée afin de développer une classification des opérateurs de prétraitement.Dans un deuxième temps, dans le but d’identifier quels sont les conséquences de certains choix de conception pour la fin de vie, nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse systématique et détaillée du traitement réalisé par un type spécifique d’opérateur de DEEE. Celle-ci nous a permis d’obtenir un modèle microscopique des activités. Afin de développer et d’appliquer la méthode, nous nous sommes focalisés sur le désassemblage manuel d’écrans plats en vue de leur recyclage. Nous avons obtenu des données quantitatives qui constituent des preuves solides pour soutenir le développement de recommandations d’éco-conception. Avec ce modèle nous pouvons développer des indicateurs et des règles de conception quantitatives utilisables en conception de produit.Les modèles macro et microscopiques sont des instruments d’acquisition des connaissances sur l’expertise de centres de traitement qui peuvent être adaptés pour une utilisation dans d’autres filières de valorisation de déchets. / Compliance schemes have been stablished in recent years to alleviate the burden of economical, societal, environmental and regulatory pressures. To ensure the best recovery of end-of-life products, their design has to meet the requirements of the different waste management operators. The pre-treatment phase consists on the separation of components and materials from waste. It is an essential step when recovering complex product such as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), which is the focus of this research work. The literature research shows that design for recovery methods do not take into account the diversity and nature of pre-treatment practices or the reasons behind them. In order to increase the understating related to these practices we have developed two models.The first one is a macroscopic model whose aim is to identify the main factors that influence the activity of pre-treatment operators. The development of the method involved two main steps: the characterization and the classification of pre-treatment operators. Two descriptive studies of the French WEEE compliance scheme have been carried out in order to develop the method. A qualitative descriptive study allowed us to identify the reasons why operators realize the different recovery strategies and pretreatment process. A descriptive statistical analysis, more specifically, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to develop a classification of the pretreatment operators.The second model that has been developed, a microscopic one, contains detailed information about the treatment operations carried out by one specific type of operator. The aim of this model is to identify what the best and worst design choices are in order to improve product’s pre-treatment. We have proposed a method for manual disassembly analysis to support the ecodesign of flat panel displays. The method enables to obtain quantitative data that provide solid evidence to support the development of eco-design guidelines. It also enables the development of disassembly indicators and recommendations to be used in product design.The macro and microscopic models are instruments of knowledge acquisition on pre-treatment practices that may be applicable to other compliance schemes.

Structuration des mélanges ABS/PC en vue du recyclage des DEEE. / Structuration of ABS/PC morphology blends for recycling of WEEE.

Alkhuder, Aboubaker 18 December 2014 (has links)
La présence de matières plastiques dans les DEEE (déchets des équipements électriques et électroniques) a augmenté de 25% ces cinq dernières années. Avec la mise en place de nouvelles réglementations imposant des objectifs de recyclage élevés et l’augmentation des cours du pétrole, le recyclage des matières plastiques devient plus que jamais d’actualité. Dans ce contexte, tout en travaillant avec des polymères vierges, l’objectif de ce travail est de trouver une voie de valorisation des DEEE par le mélange de polymères. Le travail s’est focalisé sur l’amélioration des propriétés mécaniques des mélanges ABS/PC (70%/30% en masse) en structurant la morphologie de mélanges sous formes allongées (fibres et/ou lamelles). Pour ce faire, des outils spécifiques novateurs (éléments multiplicateurs de couches, filière de coextrusion fibrillaire) sont développés et utilisés. La démarche consiste à structurer d’abord des joncs, qui sont ensuite granulés, puis injectés lors d’une deuxième étape pour fabriquer des éprouvettes. Lorsque des morphologies allongées sont obtenues, des améliorations notables de propriétés (au choc en particulier) sont observées. Le travail termine par l’étude de l’effet sur la structuration et les propriétés finales d’un compatibilisant, l’ABS greffé anhydride maléique, synthétisé par extrusion réactive et rajouté au mélange ABS/PC. / Plastics in WEEE (Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipments) have increased up to 25% in the last five years. As new regulations are setting up increased recycling objectives and the oil prize is also increasing, plastic recycling is more than never an issue. In this context, while still working on virgin polymers, this work objective is to find a way to valorize the WEEE by the use of polymer blends. This work is focused on the upgrading of mechanical properties of ABS/PC (70%/30% wt%) blends by structuring the morphology of the blends creating elongated shapes (fibers and/or lamellas). To do so, innovative specific tools have been developed and used such as layer-multiplying mixing elements or fibrillar coextrusion dye. The first step of the procedure is to create structured strands of polymers which are then pelletized. Then these pellets are injected in a second step to create specimens. When elongated morphologies are obtained, significant improvements are observed in properties, especially for impact behavior. Finally, this work studies the effect of a compatibilizer on the structuration and the final properties of the blends. The compatibilizer, maleic anhydride grafted ABS, was synthesized through reactive extrusion and added in ABS/PC blends.

Gouvernance et développement durable : le cas de la responsabilité élargie du producteur dans la filière de gestion des déchets des équipements électriques et électroniques / Governance and sustainable development : the case of the extended producer responsibility of the electrical and electronic equipment waste management system

Mérot, Anne-Sophie 25 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral porte sur l'étude de la gouvernance de la filière des déchets des équipements électriques et électroniques (DEEE), filière régie par le principe de responsabilité élargie du producteur (REP). La REP est une stratégie de gestion environnementale mise en place pour faire face aux enjeux environnementaux, sanitaires et économiques qu'engendre la production croissante de DEEE. Nous envisageons la REP comme une stratégie de changement vers un système plus conforme aux principes du développement durable. Cette transition est notamment possible si le régime de gestion des DEEE s'envisage en tant que régime de ressources. En tant que système de règles et de normes socialement construites, la REP est également une institution. A ce titre, elle présente des similarités avec les institutions de gestion des ressources communes, notamment l'importance de la gouvernance. Dans notre cas d'étude, la gouvernance possède deux niveaux qui incarnent le caractère temporel du développement durable : un niveau opérationnel, concernée par une gestion quotidienne, et un niveau stratégique dédié à une vision de plus long terme. / This doctoral research focuses on the study of the governance of the electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) stream, a sector governed by the principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR). EPR is an environmental management strategy in place to deal with environmental, health and economic issues created by the growing production of WEEE. We envisage EPR as a strategy for change towards a system that is more consistent with the principles of sustainable development. This transition is notably possible if the WEEE management regime is considered as a resource regime. As a system of rules and socially constructed set of norms, the EPR is also an institution. As such, it has similarities with the institutions of common resources management, including the importance of governance. In our case study, governance has two levels that embody the temporal character of sustainable development: an operational level, involved in daily management, and strategic level dedicated to a more long term vision.

Förutsättningar och hinder för att minska elektronikavfall : En studie över hur WEEE-direktivet påverkar Sveriges förebyggande åtgärder mot elektronikavfall

Löf, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
To meet the growing amount of waste from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) EU developed, year 2002, a directive (2002/96/EG) with the objective to govern the management and reduce the amount of WEEE. The directive is based on producer responsibility which makes the producer responsible for collection and dispose of WEEE. In 2012 a new revised directive (2012/19/EU), with tougher collection targets, was developed. Both the old and the new directive states that the approach to tackle WEEE should be prioritized in order of prevention, reuse and then recycling. Hitherto the amounts of WEEE has increased every year, making it relevant to examine which type of preventive measures the directive contains and how effective they are. I have also examined how the EU wants Member States to interpret and promote the measures of reuse and also discussed the consumption and production of electronic products in the context sustainable development. The study is mainly a literature review in which scientific articles and books on environmental policy have been used to create theoretical framework. In order to study how the prevention and reuse has worked out in practice five interviews has been conducted with actors that are working with issues related to the context of WEEE and electronic recycling. The study shows that all of the preventive measures outlined in the directive are linked to the stage of manufacture in productdesign where eco-design is a well-known and broad field. The empirical material in this study also shows that reuse is an implicit section in the directive with no clear strategy of how to implement it. The general conclusion is that the preventive measures on a large scale have been absent and that the outcomes from the measures that have been implemented have not met the objectives. The reason why reuse is difficult to promote is primarily explained by that there are obstacles in terms of laws and regulations that make the measures of reuse hard to implement in the Member States.

Strengths and challenges in the Finnish waste electrical and electronic equipment recovery system:consumers’ perceptions and participation

Ylä-Mella, J. (Jenni) 17 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract The production and use of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) have significantly increased during the last three decades due to technological innovations and new applications of EEE. Fast technological progress, EEE becoming a part of everyday life and rising incomes have led to the situation where EEE are more replaceable than ever causing the rapid growth of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In order to reduce negative environmental and health impacts and to improve the recovery of valuable substances from WEEE, the European Union has implemented Directives related to EEE. In this thesis, the national implementation of the WEEE Directive and the development of the WEEE recovery infrastructure in Finland were studied. Furthermore, consumers’ awareness and perceptions toward the WEEE recovery system were assessed through a survey conducted in the Oulu region. Finally, the role of consumer behaviour in storing electronics at home and its impact on the realisation of the waste hierarchy were considered. Results indicate that the implementation of the WEEE Directive has succeeded in Finland. The legislative basis and functional WEEE recovery system with high collection and recovery rates have been enacted within a few years. The study revealed that consumers’ awareness of the importance and existence of WEEE recovery system is high among the residents in Oulu; however, the high storing rates of mobile phones indicate that the proximity and the convenience of the WEEE recovery system are inadequate to motivate the return of small WEEE. Analysing the lifespan of electronics indicates that stockpiling deprives the re-use potential of mobile phones and thus hinders waste prevention. Storage also delays the return of valuable substances for recycling and risks the realisation of the waste management hierarchy. It is concluded that education and awareness raising will continue to be a crucial element in the progress towards a more environmentally conscious WEEE recovery in Finland. / Tiivistelmä Sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden (SE-laitteiden) tuotanto ja käyttö ovat kasvaneet merkittävästi viime vuosikymmenten aikana uusien teknologisten ratkaisujen ja sovellusten myötä. Nopea teknologinen kehitys, SE-laitteiden jokapäiväistyminen sekä elintason nousu ovat johtaneet tilanteeseen, jossa ne ovat helpommin vaihdettavissa kuin koskaan aikaisemmin. Tämän seurauksena myös sähkö- ja elektroniikkaromun (SE-romu, SER) määrä on nopeassa kasvussa. Vähentääkseen SE-romun aiheuttamia haitallisia ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia sekä tehostaakseen hyödyllisten materiaalien talteenottoa SE-romusta Euroopan Unioni on ottanut käyttöön sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteisiin liittyviä direktiivejä. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu SER-direktiivin kansallista käyttöönottoa ja keräysverkoston kehittymistä Suomessa. Lisäksi kuluttajakäsitystä ja -tietoisuutta arvioitiin Oulun alueella toteutetulla kyselytutkimuksella. Työssä on arvioitu myös kuluttajien roolia käytöstä poistettujen SE-laitteiden kotivarastoinnissa ja sen vaikutuksia jätehierarkian toteutumiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että kansallinen implementointi on onnistunut Suomessa; kansallinen lainsäädännöllinen perusta ja toimiva keräysjärjestelmä on saavutettu vain muutamassa vuodessa. Tutkimuksesta selviää, että kuluttajatietoisuus keräysjärjestelmän tärkeydestä ja sen olemassaolosta on hyvällä tasolla; matkapuhelinten korkea säilytysaste kotitalouksissa viittaa kuitenkin nykyisen järjestelmän riittämättömyyteen motivoida kuluttajia palauttamaan pientä SE-romua keräysjärjestelmään. SE-laitteiden elinkaaren vaikutusten tarkastelu osoittaa, että varastointi estää matkapuhelinten uudelleenkäyttöä ja estää jätteen synnyn ehkäisyä. Lisäksi se viivästyttää hyödyllisten materiaalien palautumista kierrätykseen vaarantaen myös jätehierarkian toteutumisen. Siksi koulutus ja tietoisuuden lisääminen ovat tärkeässä roolissa ympäristömyötäisemmän keräysjärjestelmän saavuttamiseksi Suomessa.

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