Spelling suggestions: "subject:"||label"" "subject:"||babel""
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Most na rampě v Brně / Bridge on a ramp in BrnoDiviš, Dalibor January 2012 (has links)
Thesis involves designing and analysis of horizontally curved bridge contruction with chamber-shaped profile and oblique side walls. The object is a part of fly-over crossig at VMO Brno. Calculations are according to actually valid standards ( Eurocodes ). Thesis gives a basic look at the problematics of horizontaly curved bridge construction, including solution of prestressing cables´ 3D-tracking with usage of common software.
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Eliminating zero-missing phenomenon in long, high voltage, underground cablesLinnet, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
The maximum length of an high voltage underground cable (HV UGC) cable is oftenconstrained by the criterion that the cable cannot have more than 50% reactivepower compensation. If this limit is exceeded the current in the circuit breaker maynot have a zero crossing after energization, which is referred to as the zero missingphenomenon. This is problematic if a fault occur shortly after energization. Inthe past 10 years, different methods have been proposed which would allow greaterreactive power compensation. These methods either prevent the zero missing phenomenon(preventive methods) or provide a way to open the circuit breaker if afault occurs (handling methods).A new 200 km, 220 kV line has been proposed in Iceland referred to as Sprengisandslína.One proposed option is to build it as an OHL-UGC-OHL line as the voltagecriteria is not fulfilled if Sprengisandslína is built as an UGC with a 50% reactivepower compensation. The aim of this thesis is to see whether the zero missing phenomenoncan be avoided by implementing countermeasures - this gives a preliminaryresults whether Sprengisandslína can be built as an UGC. In this thesis the four differentpreventive methods are analyzed with a transient study for Sprengisandslína:(1) Pre-insertion resistor, (2) simultaneous synchronized switching, (3) synchronizedswitching where the cable is energized before the shunt reactor, and (4) synchronizedswitching where the shunt reactor is energized before the cable.Preliminary steady state studies were performed to determine the minimum numberof shunt reactors needed to fulfill the voltage criteria. The results showed thatthe minimum number needed were three assuming they are all of equal size locatedevenly along the cable (one at each end and one in the middle). Additionally, it isnecessary to see whether the generators would become underexcited if the cable isiiienergized with 100% reactive power compensation as it can reduce the lifetime ofthe generators. The results showed that the generators did not become underexcited.The countermeasure of synchronized switching where the shunt reactor is energizedbefore the cable and the countermeasure of simultaneous synchronized switchingwere shown to eliminate the zero-missing phenomenon when the cable was energizedwith 100% reactive power compensation. Synchronized switching where theshunt reactor is energized before the cable was seen to have lower switching overvoltages,21% higher than the nominal value, and the lower inrush current of 2.38kA. However, the method of simultaneous synchronized switching is cheaper andthe switching overvoltages and inrush current were within an acceptable margin(switching overvoltages were 35:9% higher than the nominal value and the inrushcurrent was 4.01 kA).The results of the study indicate that Sprengisandslína can be energized as an UGCwith 100% reactive power compensation if either the countermeasure of simultaneoussynchronized switching or synchronized switching where the shunt reactor isenergized before the cable are used. However, a detailed frequency study must beperformed before either of the countermeasures can be recommended. / Högsta längden på en högspänning underjordisk kabel begränsas ofta av de kriteriersom kabeln inte kan ha mer än 50% reaktiv effektkompensation. Om denna gränsöverskrids kan strömmen i strömbrytaren inte ha noll genomgang efter aktivering,kallad noll saknad fenomen. Detta är problematiskt om ett fel inträffar strax efteraktivering. Under de senaste 10 åren har olika metoder föreslagits, vilket skullemöjliggöra större reaktiv effektkompensation. Dessa metoder hindrar antingen detnollbristande fenomenet (förebyggande metoder) eller ger ett sätt att öppna strömbrytarenom ett fel uppstår (hanteringsmetoder).En ny 200 km, 220 kV linje har föreslagits på Island kallad Sprengisandslína. Ettföreslaget alternativ för att den här linjen ska byggas är att bygga den som en OHLUGC-OHL-linje, eftersom spänningskriterierna inte är uppfyllda om Sprengisandslínaär byggt som en UGC med en 50% reaktiv effektkompensation. Syftet meddenna avhandling är att se huruvida det saknade fenomenet kan undvikas genomatt genomföra motåtgärder - detta ger ett preliminärt resultat om Sprengisandslínakan byggas som en UGC. I denna avhandling analyseras de fyra olika förebyggandemetoderna med en övergående studie för Sprengisandslína: (1) Förinsättningsresistor,(2) Synkroniserad samtidigkoppling, (3) Synkroniserad inkoppling där kabelnaktiveras före shuntreaktorn och (4) ) synkroniserad inkoppling där shuntreaktornaktiveras före kabeln.Preliminära steady state studier utförs för att bestämma det minsta antalet shuntreaktorersom behövs för att uppfylla spänningskriterierna. Resultaten visade att detminsta antalet som behövdes var tre förutsatt att de alla är lika stora som liggerjämnt längs kabeln (en i varje ände och en i mitten). Dessutom är det nödvändigtatt se om generatorer skulle bli underexiterad om kabeln är energiserad med 100%iiiivreaktiva effektkompensation eftersom det kan minska generatorns livslängd. Resultatenvisade att generatorer inte blev underexiterad.Motståndet för synkroniserad omkoppling där shuntreaktorn aktiveras före kabelnoch motmätningen av samtidig synkroniserad omkoppling visades för att elimineradet nollmissande fenomenet när kabeln aktiverades med 100% reaktiv effektkompensation.Synkroniserad omkoppling där shuntreaktorn aktiveras innan kabeln visadesig ha lägre omkopplingsvolymer, 21% högre än nominellt värde och den lägre inbrusningsströmmenpå 2,38 kA. Metoden för samtidig synkroniserad omkopplingär emellertid billigare och omkopplingsvolymen och inströmmen var inom en acceptabelmarginal (omkopplingsvolymer var 35; 9% högre än nominellt värde ochinströmningsströmmen var 4,01 kA).De resultaten av studien indikerar att Sprengisandslína kan energiseras som en UGCmed 100% reaktiv effektkompensation om antingen motspelet av samtidig synkroniseradomkoppling eller synkroniserad omkoppling där shuntreaktorn aktiveras innankabeln installeras. En detaljerad frekvensstudie måste dock utföras innan någon avmotåtgärderna kan rekommenderas.
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Návrh počítačové sítě / Computer Network DesignBartoň, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the customer's computer network and his requirements. Then the changes and the way of their realization were proposed. The next part of the thesis are the description of appropriate components, selected technologies and the detailed description of the implementation process, including blueprints.
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Paul Renner and Futura: The Effects of Culture, Technology, and Social Continuity on the Design of Type for PrintingLeonard, Charles C. 12 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reviews the circumstances that led to what Paul Renner called “the inflation of historicism,” places his response to that problem in the context of the Weimar Republic, details how the German attributes with which he began the project were displaced from the typeface that emerged in 1927, demonstrates that Futura belongs to a new category of serif-less roman fonts rooted in Arts and Crafts lettering, and considers why the specifically German aspects of the project have gone unrecognized for over seventy years. Renner’s writing is compared to ideas prevalent in early twentieth-century German cultural discourse, and Futura’s design process is placed in the context of Renner’s personal experience of Weimar’s social and economic crises. Objective measurements are employed to establish the relationship between drawings attributed to Renner and are used to compare features of Futura with other fonts of the period.
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Paul Renner and Futura: The Effects of Culture, Technology, and Social Continuity on the Design of Type for PrintingLeonard, Charles C. 12 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reviews the circumstances that led to what Paul Renner called “the inflation of historicism,” places his response to that problem in the context of the Weimar Republic, details how the German attributes with which he began the project were displaced from the typeface that emerged in 1927, demonstrates that Futura belongs to a new category of serif-less roman fonts rooted in Arts and Crafts lettering, and considers why the specifically German aspects of the project have gone unrecognized for over seventy years. Renner’s writing is compared to ideas prevalent in early twentieth-century German cultural discourse, and Futura’s design process is placed in the context of Renner’s personal experience of Weimar’s social and economic crises. Objective measurements are employed to establish the relationship between drawings attributed to Renner and are used to compare features of Futura with other fonts of the period.
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The Triumph of Technology Over Politics? : Reconstructing Television Systems: The Example of SwedenEwertsson, Lena January 2001 (has links)
Based upon perspectives and concepts from social and historical research on technical systems, this dissertation describes and analyses events and processes relating to the dramatic change in television in Western Europe during the 1980s and early 1990s. In particular, it focuses on how Swedish television, conceived as a large socio-tecnical system, has shifted from a traditional 'public service' system to a more open and mixed system. In addition to traditional public television broadcasting, it has now come to encompass several commercial channels distributed through an expanding combination of technical and market alternatives, including satellite television. The study traces the multiple ways in which socio-historical processes and contingencies have shaped the television system in Sweden. The most detailed historical descriptions and analyses focus on the entrepreneurial activities of the Swedish firm, Industriförvaltning AB Kinnevik, documenting the introduction of the satellite channel TV3 in Sweden and the related expansion of the system. The entrepreneurial actions of Kinnevik in establishing the new satellite channel TV3 are analysed against the background of (1) the characteristics of the traditional Swedish radio and TV broadcasting system, (2) the development of cable television in Sweden, and (3) the broad history of satellite television. Emphasis is placed on how and why it was possible for a new actor to successfully challenge, gain access to, and help transform a well-established system that had remained relatively stable for a long time. This raises attendant questions of timing. How do we account for and explain the relative stability of this system for such a long period? Why did radical change occur at a particular time and not before or after? Whereas the empirical material concerning the activities of Kinnevik in relation to its entrance on the television market covers the period between 1984 and 1991, the study in general addresses developments throughout the twentieth century and, occasionally, even further back in history. The focus is thus on the system as a whole, rather than on only one of its components. A number of conclusions are drawn from the study concerning both the construction of new systems and the reconstruction of established systems. Two major conclusions can be mentioned here. (1) First, the historical material confirms the necessity of collective action in large-scale technology-based entrepreneurial action. (2) Second, the study also shows that there is nothing necessary or inevitable about the development of technologies/technological systems, even though they are subject to a high degree of path-dependence. / <p>The electronic version of the printed dissertation is a corrected version where all spelling and grammatical errors are corrected.</p>
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Optimering av underhållsstrategier i åldrande kärnkraftsanläggningar : En litteratur- och intervjustudie med kompletterade fallstudie kring kabel- och rörgenomföringarBack, Nina January 2020 (has links)
Rapporten baseras på en litteratur- och intervjustudie kring underhållsstrategier och komponentutbyten i kärnkraftverk, med fokus på komponenter som tenderar till att påverkas av åldring i en högre grad. Exemplifiering sker genom en kompletterande fallstudie kring kabel- och rörgenomföringar av typen Brattbergare som har packbitar bestående av ett polymert material. Erhållet resultat av litteratur- och intervjustudien belyser vilka säkerhetsföreskrifter som råder för all kärnteknisk verksamhet i Sverige. Utöver det erhålls information om hur åldring påverkar ett materials egenskaper över tid och att detta ligger till grund för fastställandet av ett system eller en komponents kvalificerade livslängd. I takt med att majoriteten av världens kärnkraftverk närmar sig sin ursprungligt tilltänkta livslängd och planeras underhållas för fortsatt långtidsdrift finns det ett ökat intresse för effektiva underhållsstrategier. Åldershanteringen har en avgörande roll för anläggningens lönsamhet och driftsäkerhet. Fallstudien föreslår två olika underhållsstrategier som stöds av resultatet av litteratur- och intervjustudien. Deras ekologiska påverkan och ekonomiska omfattning beaktas för att utse den metod som har störst potential att öka resurseffektiviteten och minska kostnaderna för underhållsåtgärder. Vald metod går ut på att praktiska tillståndsmätningar tillämpas för att undersöka hårdheten av packbitar till Brattbergare. Hårdhetsmätningarna syftar till att ge indikationer på i vilken grad packbitarna harpåverkats av degraderande åldringsmekanismer under olika förutsättningar. Resultatet av fallstudien överensstämmer med de resultat som noterades i litteratur- och intervjustudien. Packbitarna hårdnar när de åldras. Två miljöbetingelser som tenderar till att påskynda åldringsprocessen är förhöjda temperaturer och stråldoser. Vald metod för fallstudien är praktiskt realiserbar trots vissa begränsningar i befintliga kärnkraftsanläggningar vid Forsmark. Presenterad strategi bör kunna bistå med en ekologisk och ekonomisk optimering av underhållsarbetet för kabel- och rörgenomföringar. / This report is based on a literature study and interviews regarding maintenance strategies and component replacements in nuclear power plants. Focuses of the study are on components which tend to more commonly be affected by degrading aging mechanisms. Exemplification is done with a complementary case study about cable- and pipe transits with packing pieces made of polymeric materials. A frequently used application for cable- and pipe transits in Swedish NPPs is manufactured by MCT Brattberg AB. Result obtained from interviews with relevant personnel’s and the literature study providing knowledge about prevailing safety regulations at Swedish nuclear facilities. Moreover, information is gained about how aging affects the features of materials over time and that it is the basis for determining the qualified lifetime of systems and components. Further on this could be of specific interest considering that the majority of the worlds NPPs are close to its intended lifetime and soon entering a phase of LTO. A proper aging management is an important factor when it comes to a safe and reliable operation of an NPP. The case study compares two different maintenance strategies which are supported by the obtained result from interviews and the literature study. Considering ecological and economic impacts of the strategies, the one with the greatest potential to reduce negative influences are exemplified. Chosen method included practical hardness measurement with a portable durometer at packing pieces for cable- and pipe transits. Measured hardness of the packing pieces indicates at what degree which they have been affected by degrading aging mechanisms given different circumstances. The obtained result from the two different parts of the report is corresponding to each other. Packing pieces consisting polymers hardens as they age. Elevated temperatures and higher dose rates accelerates the aging process. Represented method of the case study is practically viable at existing NPPs at Forsmark. Presented strategy should be able to assist with an ecological and economic optimization maintenance work for cable- and pipe transits.
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Návrh provedení plošné kabelizace venkovních vedení 22 kV určené uzlové oblasti / Technical design of extensive replacement of overhead lines by HV cables in given distribution areaBracek, David January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the technical design of extensive replacement of overhead lines by high voltage cables in the given distribution area. In its first part the thesis is focused on the survey of the concerning legislation and technical standards, which must be followed during making technical design documentation. It also mentions the processes which precede the replacement itself. There are also the operational differences between the overhead lines and the high voltage cables in the first part, too. The second part is focused on the technical description of the given area, the technical design of the replacement by high voltage cables and the realization of calculation, which is important as a base for further realization of technical arrangements. The consideration of technical feasibility and economic efficiency are also contained in the second part.
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Vliv samonosného optického kabelu na mechaniku venkovního vedení VN / Influence of All-dielectric self-supporting cable on the mechanics of middle voltage overhead lineNedoma, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on assessing the impact of retrofitting dielectric All Dielectric Self-Supporting Cable (ADSS) to existing MV overhead line. This type of optical cable is a means of future strengthening of the communication infrastructure of the distribution network. However, its mechanical properties are significantly different from the properties ACSR cable, due to which its installation can be problematic in terms of meeting the requirements of the PNE 33 3301 standard. In practical part, this work deals with the design of the ADSS installation on the existing MV line and the determination of its impact based on the assessment of the results of this design.
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Program pro návrh společných TV kabelových rozvodů / Program for design of CATVSedláček, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The main task of this master’s thesis is to create an interactive computer programme for the design of small and medium television cable circuits. The first part of this document describes main conceptions of a modification and a distribution of television signals. There are also introduced basic topologies of small and medium sized distribution networks, some passive and active elements in the circuit including their usage. There is also described an algorithm for calculation of circuit’s values. The second part contains a detailed description of created programme with all of its functions. A part of this document is made by a sample calculation of the four variants of circuit and its comparison with computer calculation. In suplement are included selected parts of source code.
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