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統一戰線與大學: 西南聯大地下黨史考察(1938-1946) / 西南聯大地下黨史考察(1938-1946) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Tong yi zhan xian yu da xue: Xi nan lian da di xia dang shi kao cha (1938-1946) / Xi nan lian da di xia dang shi kao cha (1938-1946)

January 2016 (has links)
國立西南聯合大學(簡稱「西南聯大」或「聯大」)是與抗戰相始終的大學。它以戰時教育聞名,成立於抗戰初期(1938 年),由國立北京大學、國立清華大學和私立南開大學聯合組成,抗戰結束後三校解散北歸(1946 年),各自復校。日本的入侵和國家的貧弱,聯大師生共有的民族情感,聯大民主自由的人文環境和「雲南王」龍雲對戰時民主力量的保護等因素,合力構成了聯大地下黨統戰工作的發展空間。這一發展空間與重要的歷史事件的時間點(如1941 年1 月「皖南事變」、1945 年8 月「抗戰勝利」和10 月「龍雲下台」)一起,構成了一個國共角逐的時空。 / 中共中央和南方局對地下黨組織統戰工作的重視和具體指導的時間恰是在聯大成立初期;在聯大中期,為適應局勢,爭取大多數「中間派師生」的支持,中共先後製定了「十六字」方針(即「蔭蔽精幹,長期埋伏,積蓄力量,以待時機」)和「三勤」(即「勤學」、「勤業」、「勤交友」)政策;在聯大後期,中共統戰的方針政策在實踐中得到檢驗,取得成效。 / 聯大地下黨的統戰工作是中共雲南省工作委員會(簡稱「雲南省工委」)統戰工作的重要組成部分。南方局和雲南省工委統戰工作的重點是介於國共兩黨間的「中間力量」。聯大地下黨統戰的人群以聯大師生為主,他們用知識份子所能接受的語言和交友方式對其做統戰工作,突出中共是眾望所歸的力量。一方面,地下黨人以「民族主義」和「愛國」來把如聯大教授等「中間力量」團結起來,通過組織集會探討時事以引發高級知識份子思考抗戰失利、貪污腐敗、物價飛漲、民不聊生的根源,由此孤立國民黨。另一方面,聯大地下黨人在品學兼優的基礎上,以「中間學生」的姿態出現,為聯大同學辦實事(如解決吃飯難問題),由此贏得了大多數「中間學生」的好感。如果說在雲南民主運動高潮到來前,聯大地下黨對「中間派師生」的統戰成效限於潛移默化的影響,那麼在1944-1946年民主運動高潮來臨時,其統戰成效已體現為促使「中間派師生」走出書齋,用文字和行動來爭取「民主與和平」,反抗國民黨當局的獨裁專制。 / 誠然,在四十年代中期,「中間力量」所認同的是介於美蘇政治體制間的「第三條道路」。因此,雲南省工委和聯大地下黨通過扛起「民族主義」和「新民主」的旗幟將聯大師生等「中間力量」凝聚在一起,在孤立國民黨的同時,促使「中間力量」放棄「第三條道路」,服膺於「新民主主義」的「革命」之路。無疑,毛澤東的話語吸引了愛國的知識份子群體,使其感到儘管中共提倡的「新民主」並非西方強調的「民主」,但卻是一條可行的救國之路,「中間力量」感到可參與其中,輔助中共並影響其決策,甚至共同決定中國未來發展的方向。的確,大多數的聯大師生等「中間力量」對於中共及其所提倡的「新民主」是有期待的。南方局、雲南省工委和聯大地下黨的統戰成效亦於此可見。 / 然而,本文也提及,在中共成為執政黨後,當「中間力量」對「革命」勝利發揮作用的歷史使命完成後,受西方教育理念影響的知識份子的「自由主義」與中共的「思想統整」間的弔詭性矛盾即被凸顯。因此,在中共建國後,對知識份子的思想改造不可避免,在這個靈魂改造的過程中,受沖擊的不僅僅是聯大師生 等「中間力量」,即使雲南省工委和聯大地下黨人亦不能幸免。 / 事實上,聯大地下黨對聯大師生等「中間力量」的統戰工作的深遠影響並未隨著聯大的解體和新中國的成立而結束。聯大地下黨人及其統戰對象聯大「中間派師生」,在經歷了新中國對知識份子的思想改造運動後,如何反思民族主義、革命與民主的關係亦值得作進一步的梳理和檢討。這是本文的一個後續研究方向。 / "The emergence of National South-west Associated University (hereafter abbreviated as NSAU) coincided roughly with the war of the Chinese resistance to Japanese aggression. Because of the Marco Polo Bridge (Lugou Qiao) incident on 7 July 1937 and the subsequent Japanese invasion of China, three renowned universities of north China, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University, were consolidated into one temporary university, National Changsha Temporary University (hereafter abbreviated as NCTU), by the Ministry of Education and relocated to Changsha in 1937. At the end of 1937, Nanjing fell, and Wuhan was in crisis, NCTU was forced to move again then to Yunnan province in 1938 and changed its name to NSAU. NSAU, known as an exemplar of wartime education in modern China history, is an important arena of the Chinese Communist Party’s (hereafter abbreviated as CCP) United Front activities between 1938-1946. A number of factors such as Japanese invasion, the country’s poverty and weakness, the sense of nationalism of the University’s teachers and students, the humanistic environment of democracy and freedom of the University, and the protection of the democratic forces by the “King of Yunnan” Long Yun during war times had combined to form a space for the development of the underground CCP's United Front activities in NSAU. / NSAU, known as an exemplar of wartime education in modern China history, is an important arena of the Chinese Communist Party’s (hereafter abbreviated as CCP) United Front activities between 1938-1946. A number of factors such as Japanese invasion, the country’s poverty and weakness, the sense of nationalism of the University’s teachers and students, the humanistic environment of democracy and freedom of the University, and the protection of the democratic forces by the “King of Yunnan” Long Yun during war times had combined to form a space for the development of the underground CCP's United Front activities in NSAU. / NSAU’s underground party’s United Front work was an important part of the Southern Bureau’s and the CCP Yunnan Work Committee's activities. The Southern Bureau was in charge of the underground party branches in Chiang Kai-shek’s districts. The United Front work of the Southern Bureau and the CCP Yunnan Work Committee focused on “the third force” or “the middle force”. In order to win the support of almost all intellectuals especially NSAU’s students and professors, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai separately formulated the Sixteen-Character Guideline of the CCP’s underground party work: Hiding Elites (yinbi jinggan), Long-term Ambushes (changqi maifu), Saving Force (jixu liliang) and Waiting for the Opportunity (yidai shiji) and the policy of the Three Diligences that refers to Working with Diligence, Studying with Diligence, and Making friends with Diligence. The policy of the Three Diligences was the concrete application of the Sixteen-Character Guideline, according to Zhou Enlai’s idea. / NSAU’s underground party undertook United Front work to influence “the middle force” by cultural activities, propaganda skills and the ways of making friends that were accepted by most of the intellectuals, and stressed that CCP could meet the expectations of the patriotic masses in China. On the one hand,the Communists united “the middle force” such as NSAU’s professors who adhered to nationalism and patriotism, and isolated the Nationalists by organizing rallies and discussing current events, and then led the senior intellectuals to believe that the root cause of the defeat in the anti-Japanese war, corruption, soaring prices and hardship suffered by people wasGuomindang, the Nationalist Party. On the other hand, NSAU’s underground party members, who excelled others in both morals and studies, solved practical problems for their classmates (such as the lack of food), thus winning most of their classmates’ support. / Admittedly “the middle force” was identified with “the third way” whose political stand was between the American and Soviet models in mid-1940s. But the CCP Yunnan Work Committee and NSAU’s underground party combined elements of “the middle force” such as NSAU’s students and professors to isolate the Guomindang, and prompted them to give up “the third way” and believe in the revolutionary way of New Democracy. / There is no doubt that Mao Zedong’s words moved the patriotic intellectuals and made them feel that although the New Democracy advocated by CCP was not Western democracy, it was a feasible way to save the country, and these intellectuals and democrats could participate in and influence the CCP’s decisions on the developmental direction of China in the future. Indeed, most of followers of “the middle force” such as NSAU’s teachers and students believed in both CCP and its New Democracy. In this sense, it is obvious that the United Front activities of the Southern Bureau, the CCP Yunnan Work Committee and NSAU’s underground party were highly effective. / This thesis also mentions that, however, after CCP became the ruling party and “the middle force” had completed its historical mission of being an important ally and follower of CCP in the revolutionary victory, the paradoxical contradiction between the liberal intellectuals influenced by Western value on the one side, and CCP, on the other, became notable. Therefore, a movement of thought reform for intellectuals had to be launched after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In this campaign to reform the soul, those purged were not only “the middle force” including NSAU’s students and professors, but even the CCP Yunnan Work Committee and NSAU’s underground party members. / In fact, the profound influence of NSAU’s underground party’s United Front work on “the middle force” did not end with the disbandment of NSAU and the establishment of new China. After the movement of thought reform for intellectuals, how the former NSAU’s underground party members and their targets of United Front work (i.e., the former NSAU’s teachers and students of “the middle force”) reflected upon the relations between nationalism, revolution and democracy is worth further examination and review. This will be one of the dimensions of a follow-up study of this dissertation. / 劉宇. / Thesis Ph.D. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 339-365). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on September 8, 2017). / Liu Yu . / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.

Impact of ubiquitous real-time information on bus passenger route choice

Islam, Md Faqhrul January 2018 (has links)
Over the last decade, Ubiquitous Real-time Passenger Information (URTPI) has become popular among public transport passengers. The effectiveness of URTPI and hence the value of the investments into the necessary systems can be increased with a clear understanding of how URTPI influences passenger behaviour. However, such an understanding is still limited and fragmented. In particular, very little is known about the impact of URTPI on route choice. This study fills this gap evaluating the impact of URTPI on bus passengers' route choice. A revealed preference survey methodology was adopted for data collection and two questionnaire surveys targeting bus users were carried out. Categorical Regression and discrete choice models, such as Binary Logit Model and Multinomial Logit Model, have been applied to analyse the survey data. The study reveals that trip length, passenger age and profession are the main factors influencing the use of URTPI.Having access toURTPI, the frequency of its use is strongly influenced by the attributes of information and social norms. Bus arrival time and bus stop location are the two most important contents of information. Changing time ofdeparture from the start and the boarding time are the two most popular actions taken by bus passengers after consulting URTPI. Passengers' decisions are influenced by information on bus arrival time, bus route, and walking distance. As a result of the impact of URTPI on passengers' choices, the demand distribution for bus runs could potentially be changed by 33% and for bus lines by 22%. The overall network demand distribution could be affected in 42% of cases as a result of consulting URTPI.This study implicates that while investing in tailoring the sources of URTPI, passengers' preferred attributes and contents of information should be considered. Transport planners and operators should take the potential impact of URTPI into account to make better predictions of the PT demand distribution.

Chronologie et évolution de la déformation de la croûte moyenne à la surface dans un prisme collisionel en décrochement - impacts sur l'aléa sismo-gravitaire: Exemple des Alpes Sud-Occidentales.

Sanchez, Guillaume 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire présente une étude pluridisciplinaire, structurale, pétrologique et géochronologique multiméthodes (Ar-Ar, traces de fission, (U-Th)/He et cosmogénique 10Be) permettant de contraindre les processus tectoniques (enfouissement, exhumation, faille active,...) depuis la croûte moyenne jusqu'en surface dans l'arc alpin Sud-Occidental. (i) L'étude thermo-barométrique et Ar-Ar des zones de cisaillement montre que le massif de l'Argentera-Mercantour et sa couverture attachée permienne ont subi une histoire tectono-métamorphique similaire avec un pic d'enfouissement à 15-18 km autour de 34 Ma en relation avec le sous-charriage sous les unités métamorphiques internes. L'exhumation du massif (0.8mm/an) s'effectue en deux temps témoignant d'une transition entre une tectonique transpressive puis transtensive durant le Miocène (26 à 4 Ma) en relation avec le poinçonnement N-S mantellique (Corps d'Ivrée) et les mouvements rotationnels de la plaque adriatique. (ii) La couverture sédimentaire est raccourcie et se deplace vers le Sud et ce durant tout le Miocène (23-8Ma). Ce déplacement est directement relié à la dynamique d'exhumation du massif cristallin externe de l'Argentera-Mercantour, la pente résultant du soulévement est favorable au découplage et au glissement de la couverture sédimentaire sus-jacente. De plus, le saut métamorphique entre le massif cristallin et la couverture sédimentaire ainsi que leur relation structurale conduit au concept de substitution de socle. (iii) Après 8 Ma, socle et couverture sont couplés comme l'indiquent des ages AFT identiques dans la couverture et le socle. La tectonique récente affectant à la fois la couverture et le massif de l'Argentera-Mercatour est caractérisée par un système principal décrochant N140°, et N-S extensif minoritaire, à l'origine de mouvements transtensifs dans la région de l'Embrunais-Ubaye. L'initiation de ce jeu normal à 4-5Ma est contrainte par les âges AHe sous la faille du Camp des Fourches. (iv) Ce sytème de faille toujours actif (sismicité et activité gravitaire associée) rend compte de ~40-60% de la rotation de la plaque adriatique. Il est mis en évidence par des morphologies glaciaires Holocènes décalées, datées par la méthode 10Be à 12-13 ka, les surfaces de failles étant datées à 11-8 ka, et les glissements gravitaires à 10-2 ka.

Oceanic and atmospheric response to climate change over varying geologic timescales

Woodard, Stella C. 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Global climate is controlled by two factors, the amount of heat energy received from the sun (solar insolation) and the way that heat is distributed Earth's surface. Solar insolation varies on timescales of 10s to 100s of thousands of years due to changes in the path of Earth's orbit about the sun (Milankovitch cycles). Earth's internal boundary conditions, such as paleogeography, the presence/absence of polar icecaps, atmospheric/oceanic chemistry and sea level, provide distribution and feedback mechanisms for the incoming heat. Variations in these internal boundary conditions may happen abruptly or, as in the case of plate tectonics, take millions of years. We use geochemical and sedimentological techniques to investigate the response of ocean chemistry, regional aridity and atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns to climate change during both greenhouse and icehouse climates. To explore the connection between orbitally-forced changes in solar insolation, continental aridity and wind, we generated a high-resolution dust record for ~58 Myr old deep-sea sediments from Shatsky Rise. Our data provide the first evidence of a correlation between dust flux to the deep sea and orbital cycles during the Early Paleogene, indicating dust supply (regional aridity) responded to orbital forcing during the last major interval of greenhouse climate. The change in dust flux was comparable to that during icehouse climates implying subtle variations in solar insolation have a similar impact on climate during intervals of over-all warmth as they do during glacial-interglacial states. The Carboniferous Period (359-299 Ma) marks a critical time in Earth's history when a series of tectonic and biological events caused a shift in the mean climate state from a global "greenhouse" to an "icehouse". Geochemical records extracted from sedimentary rocks deposited in shallow epicontinental seaways are increasingly being used to infer relationships between tectonism, carbon cycling and climate and therefore are assumed to reflect global ocean processes. We analyzed radiogenic isotopes in biogenic apatite along a North American transect to constrain the degree of geochemical coupling between the epicontinental seas and the open ocean. Our results argue strongly for decoupling of North American seaways from the open ocean by latest Mississippian time.


張清文 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 根據鍾理和寫給文友廖清秀的信函中,指出他約在一九三○年左右,接觸了大量的中國新文學作家的作品,引起他強烈的閱讀興趣,甚至到了廢寢忘食的地步,而其中影響最大且最深的要算是魯迅,因為不論在他的日記或與文友的通信中,最常提及的中國作家就是魯迅。 魯迅是中國新文學運動中最重要的作家,他在文學上的成就,不僅在中國,甚至對鄰近的日本、韓國、新加坡等都產生了深遠的影響,他不僅是中國文學上的巨人,也是躋身世界文學之林的大文豪,日據時期的台灣文壇就是站在世界文學的角度上,開始閱讀並接受魯迅,鍾理和也就是在這樣的文學背景下接觸魯迅。因此,我們在看待魯迅對鍾理和的影響之時,並不把他當作是個獨特現象,而是把他放置在「台灣魯迅學」的範疇中,視為魯迅在台灣傳播的眾多面向之一。所以,本論文首先簡單探討魯迅文學在台灣的傳播情形,再透過對兩人文本的細讀與比較,尋繹魯迅對鍾理和文學的影響。 要進行不同作家文學的傳承或影響的研究,並不能只強調兩者的接觸關係,還必須在諸如主題、表現方式、文字技巧、創作風格等等的層面上進行考察,才能得到較為完整、正確的結果。因此,我們嘗試在鍾理和的作品中,尋找若干對魯迅文學的繼承或轉化的情形,尤其在顯而易見的國民性批判議題與寫實精神的發揚上,除了探討文字上所具體呈現的影響外,也注意在精神或思想上的可能關連。透過這些全面而深入的討論,我們看到鍾理和之所以接受魯迅文學,無疑地主要是著眼在「現代性」這部分上。同樣源自對傳統封建思想的不滿,企求對所處社會進行改革,在國民性的議題上,在對鄉土的寫實與批判上,無一不是站在「現代性」的立場,吸收、學習魯迅相關的文學與思想,但鍾理和的文學並不完全等於魯迅,他一直有著自我獨特的風格,始終立足於台灣的觀點,恰如其份地展現他的主體性。 此外,我們也明確的看到鍾理和是在文學上認識、接受並詮釋魯迅的,有別於被中共神化或國民黨貶抑的扭曲形象,在這裡我們重新看到魯迅作為文學家的真實形象。而鍾理和借鑑魯迅文學的事實,也說明魯迅或中國文學確曾對台灣文學的發展產生作用,並客觀證成台灣文學開放性的特色。 / Abstract Zhong Li-he pointed out in his correspondence with his literary friend Liao Qing-xiu that sometime around 1930 he began to be in touch with a lot of literary works written by Chinese new-vernacular literary writers, which aroused his intense reading interest to the extent that he couldn’t eat and sleep without finishing reading them. Lu Xun was the Chinese writer who had the greatest influence on Zhong Li-he because his name was most often mentioned in either his diaries or his correspondence with his literary friends. Lu Xun, whose achievement in literature exerted profound influence not only in China but also on neighboring countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, was the most important writer in the Chinese new-vernacular literature movement. Not only was he a literary giant in Chinese literature, but he was also an eminent writer in world literature. In fact, the literary arena of Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule started to read and accept the works of Lu Xun from the perspective of World literature, and it was against this literary background that Zhong Li-he began his contact with the literary works of Lu Xun. Therefore, we do not treat Lu Xun’s influence on Zhong Li-he as a unique phenomenon; in contrast, we place it in the field of “Lu Xun Studies in Taiwan,” and regard it as one of the many facets of how the literary works of Lu Xun were disseminated in Taiwan. Therefore, this dissertation first discusses how Lu Xun literature was disseminated in Taiwan. It then inquires into the influence Lu Xun exerted on Zhong Li-he literature by comparing their literary texts. When carrying out a research into the inheritance or influence of the literary works of different writers, we cannot emphasize simply on the way they contact with one another; on the contrary, we must also examine other facets such as the literary subjects, the ways they are expressed, the writing skills, the creative writing styles etc. so as to arrive at a more complete and correct conclusion. Therefore, we attempt to find out how Lu Xun literature was inherited or transformed through the reading of Zhong Li-he’s literary works. For instance, when dealing with the issues of national characteristic criticism and the promotion of realistic writing, we not only discuss the influence they embodied in written language, but also take notice of the possible correlation between them in terms of spirits or thoughts. By means of comprehensive and thorough discussion, we find out that Zhong Li-he’s acceptance of Lu Xun literature was undoubtedly because of his focus on the aspect of “modernity”. Similarly, on the issue of national characteristic and on the realism and criticism of “hometown”, Zhong Li-he’s position was anchored in “modernity”, expressing his discontentment with traditional feudalistic thinking and his great eagerness for social reforms. Even though Zhong Li-he learned and soaked up Lu Xun-related literature and thoughts, Zhong Li-he literature is not equivalent to Lu Xun literature because Zhong always had his own unique style. He grounded his position from the perspective of Taiwan, which reflected his subjectivity. Finally, we clearly find out that Zhong Li-he came to know, accept and interpret Lu Xun literarily, which is different from the distorted image conjured up by the Chinese Communist Party’s deification or Kuomintang’s disparagement of him. It is in this context that we see the real image of Lu Xun as a literary man. On the other hand, the fact that Zhong Li-he drew lessons from Lu Xun literature explained that Lu Xun or the Chinese literature did exercise influence on the development of the literature of Taiwan, which objectively testified to the fact that openness was a characteristic of the literature of Taiwan.

Blended learning : undergraduate students' experiences of using technology to support their learning

Jefferies, Amanda Lucille Joanne January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates undergraduate experiences of studying within a blended learning environment at a UK university in the first decade of the 21st century. Blended learning in this context comprises the use of institutionally provided technologies including a university-wide managed learning environment, alongside campus-based classroom teaching to support student learning. The personal ownership of technologies and their importance for the student learning experience is also considered. The University of Hertfordshire has promoted itself as a ‘blended learning institution’ since 2005 and this study considers what blended learning means and how students use information technology to support their learning. The study approaches the student experience of blended learning by considering three constituent themes: the student, their HE study and their use of technology. The preliminary study for this work used student constructed reflective video and audio diaries over a period of 18 months. Subsequently a new conceptual framework was drawn up by the researcher. This provided a matrix structure with which to explore through interviews with students their uses of technology for learning, and the relationship with approaches to pedagogy. The analysis of the interviews has provided a snapshot of students’ experiences of pedagogy and technology use across their studies. A Venn diagram was used to explore the three themes and provide a representation of the extent to which technology is seen by students as a part of their everyday lives whether for study or leisure. The student experiences reported here demonstrated a high degree of dependence on technology overall in both their personal and study lives. Their preferences were for a learning environment which included both the taught campus–based experience and the opportunity for easy online access to materials and supplementary activities to support their studies twenty four hours a day. As the students reported on their ‘maturing’ as learners during the course of the study, they described increasingly sophisticated online searching strategies and independent approaches to their learning regardless of their personal pedagogic preferences. Garrison and Vaughan assert that the ‘ideal educational transaction is a collaborative constructivist process that has inquiry at its core’ (2008:14). The outcome of this study presents a more complex view of the student experience of pedagogy in Higher Education. While recent research has reported on the student experience of either technology or pedagogy, the unique contribution of this study is its consideration of both pedagogy and the use of information technology from the viewpoint of the student experience.

Tectonic evolution of Aegean metamorphic core complexes, Andros and Tinos Islands, Greece

Shin, Timothy Andrew 10 October 2014 (has links)
The Aegean is a classic setting for studying exhumation of high-pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks. Two end-member models are proposed to explain the uplift of these rocks: core-complex style extension along low-angle normal faults and extrusion-wedge uplift. Extrusion-wedge underplating is the mechanism that exhumed HP rocks on Evia whereas Tinos hosts several detachments varying in age from 30-9 Ma. Andros, situated between them, may be the geological manifestation of the interplay of these processes and provides an opportunity to test these models. Detachments on NW Tinos and on Andros and the enigmatic low-angle Makrotantalon Unit contact on Andros were insufficiently dated prior to this study. Geo- and thermochronometrycombined with structural observations from sampling transects in the transport direction from (1) lower plate Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros and Tinos, (2) middle plate Makrotantalon Unit on Andros, and (3) hanging wall Upper Unit address these issues. Maximum depositional ages from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronometry and structures reveal Paleocene-Eocene syn-HP metamorphism thrusting resulted in an inversed-age relationship between the Permian Makrotantalon Unit and the underlying Triassic-Eocene Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros. The Makrotantalon Unit has an internal inversed stratigraphy whereas the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Andros and Tinos appear stratigraphically intact. Structures and zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He ages in transects from NW Tinos (~12-8 Ma) and central Andros Cycladic Blueschist Unit (~13-7 Ma) indicate rapid cooling due to exhumation associated with the Livada Detachment. Older cooling ages (~16-10 Ma) and structures in the Makrotantalon Unit indicate later brittle strain localization on the Makrotantalon Thrust contact is accommodated by rheologically weaker serpentinites and calc-schists, resulting in slivering of the footwall under the Livada Detachment on Andros. Estimated mean cooling slip rates of the Livada Detachment on Andros of ~3.8 (+1.2/-1.3) km/Myr and 2.1 (+0.2/-0.2) km/Myr on NW Tinos resulted in minimum vertical exhumations of 15 km and 4 km, respectively. The NCDS here accommodated ~12-25% of 60 km of HP-rock exhumation from ~30-7 Ma. We present a tectonic model to elucidate the evolution of the Makrotantalon Unit and the magnitude, temporal, and spatial variability of exhumation via detachments on these islands.

'You are what you read' : intertextual relations in Patrick White's The solid mandala

Stefani, Monica January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise intertextual do romance The Solid Mandala, do escritor australiano, ganhador do prêmio Nobel, Patrick White, publicado em 1966, como parte de um esforço para estimular estudos sobre sua obra no Brasil e para investigar por que sua fortuna crítica tem passado por uma fase negativa recentemente. Primeiro, mostramos brevemente sua biografia e as condições relacionadas à produção e publicação de The Solid Mandala. Em seguida, apresentamos o contexto histórico do romance. As relações de conflito e complementação envolvendo os irmãos gêmeos Waldo e Arthur Brown na narrativa são analisadas, com destaque para a relação deles com a literatura (um tema importante no romance), retratando o papel das personagens como leitores e escritores na história, apreendendo, assim, seus sentimentos, suas visões de mundo e filosofia de vida (Waldo aspira à uma carreira de escritor e Arthur de fato compõe um poema). Os estudos de Gérard Genette sobre Narratologia são utilizados para embasar a análise, particularmente na relação intertextual entre The Solid Mandala e The Brothers Karamazov, do escritor F. Dostoyevsky, que é o título que chama a atenção de Arthur. Na busca pelo todo de sua vida, Arthur incorpora vários elementos (centrados em um único ponto, suas mandalas) e consegue criar sua própria filosofia. No final vemos que Arthur transcende sua realidade ao usar a leitura do romance russo como um instrumento. Esse estudo destaca a pertinência de revisitar a obra de Patrick White (uma vez que ela prova estar em sintonia com as questões filosóficas sendo discutidas atualmente) e coloca The Solid Mandala no contexto da literatura mundial. / This work performs an intertextual analysis of the Nobel Prize winning Australian novelist Patrick White’s The Solid Mandala, published in 1966, as part of an effort to boost studies of his novels in Brazil and to investigate why his critical fortune has been undergoing a negative phase recently. First, we briefly present his biography and the conditions surrounding the writing and publication of The Solid Mandala. Later on, we present the historical context of the novel. The relations of conflict and complementation involving the twin brothers Waldo and Arthur Brown in the narrative are analysed, but we focus on their relation to literature (which is an important theme in the novel), depicting their roles as readers and writers in the story, thus, apprehending their feelings towards each other, worldviews and outlook on life (Waldo aspires to become a great writer, and Arthur actually produces a poem). Gérard Genette’s studies on Narratology are used to support our analysis, particularly in the intertextual relation between The Solid Mandala and F. Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, which is the title that calls Arthur’s attention. In his pursue to find the whole of his life, Arthur incorporates various elements (centred at just one point, his mandalas) and is able to create his own philosophy. At the end we see that Arthur transcends his reality by using the reading of the Russian novel as an instrument. This study enlightens the pertinence of revisiting Patrick White’s oeuvre (since it proves to be so well tuned in to the current philosophical issues being discussed), and places The Solid Mandala in the context of worldwide literature.

'You are what you read' : intertextual relations in Patrick White's The solid mandala

Stefani, Monica January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise intertextual do romance The Solid Mandala, do escritor australiano, ganhador do prêmio Nobel, Patrick White, publicado em 1966, como parte de um esforço para estimular estudos sobre sua obra no Brasil e para investigar por que sua fortuna crítica tem passado por uma fase negativa recentemente. Primeiro, mostramos brevemente sua biografia e as condições relacionadas à produção e publicação de The Solid Mandala. Em seguida, apresentamos o contexto histórico do romance. As relações de conflito e complementação envolvendo os irmãos gêmeos Waldo e Arthur Brown na narrativa são analisadas, com destaque para a relação deles com a literatura (um tema importante no romance), retratando o papel das personagens como leitores e escritores na história, apreendendo, assim, seus sentimentos, suas visões de mundo e filosofia de vida (Waldo aspira à uma carreira de escritor e Arthur de fato compõe um poema). Os estudos de Gérard Genette sobre Narratologia são utilizados para embasar a análise, particularmente na relação intertextual entre The Solid Mandala e The Brothers Karamazov, do escritor F. Dostoyevsky, que é o título que chama a atenção de Arthur. Na busca pelo todo de sua vida, Arthur incorpora vários elementos (centrados em um único ponto, suas mandalas) e consegue criar sua própria filosofia. No final vemos que Arthur transcende sua realidade ao usar a leitura do romance russo como um instrumento. Esse estudo destaca a pertinência de revisitar a obra de Patrick White (uma vez que ela prova estar em sintonia com as questões filosóficas sendo discutidas atualmente) e coloca The Solid Mandala no contexto da literatura mundial. / This work performs an intertextual analysis of the Nobel Prize winning Australian novelist Patrick White’s The Solid Mandala, published in 1966, as part of an effort to boost studies of his novels in Brazil and to investigate why his critical fortune has been undergoing a negative phase recently. First, we briefly present his biography and the conditions surrounding the writing and publication of The Solid Mandala. Later on, we present the historical context of the novel. The relations of conflict and complementation involving the twin brothers Waldo and Arthur Brown in the narrative are analysed, but we focus on their relation to literature (which is an important theme in the novel), depicting their roles as readers and writers in the story, thus, apprehending their feelings towards each other, worldviews and outlook on life (Waldo aspires to become a great writer, and Arthur actually produces a poem). Gérard Genette’s studies on Narratology are used to support our analysis, particularly in the intertextual relation between The Solid Mandala and F. Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, which is the title that calls Arthur’s attention. In his pursue to find the whole of his life, Arthur incorporates various elements (centred at just one point, his mandalas) and is able to create his own philosophy. At the end we see that Arthur transcends his reality by using the reading of the Russian novel as an instrument. This study enlightens the pertinence of revisiting Patrick White’s oeuvre (since it proves to be so well tuned in to the current philosophical issues being discussed), and places The Solid Mandala in the context of worldwide literature.

Interaction of the eta-meson with light nuclei

De Villiers, Jean Schepers 30 November 2005 (has links)
The long-standing problem of possible formation of metastable states in collisions of the eta-meson with atomic nuclei is revisited. The two-body eta-nucleon interaction is described by a local potential, which is constructed by fitting known low-energy parameters of this interaction. The many-body eta-nucleus potential obtained within the folding model, is used to search for metastable states of the systems formed by the eta-meson with hydrogen and helium isotopes. It is found that all these systems generate strings of overlapping resonances. / Physics / M.Sc. (Physics)

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