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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turismindustrin - ett verktyg för att hjälpa människor välja Klimatsmartare Mat.

Andersson, Ann-Christin January 2011 (has links)
About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly.

Godskunders värderingar av faktorer som har betydelse på transportmarknaden

Lundberg, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this project was to determine the freight customers’ valuations that are im-portant to their choice of transport mode for long-distance freight transportation. The results are intended to form the basis for valuations of changes in the transport system and for fore-cast models. The purpose was to study the general valuations of certain quality factors that transportation buyers have regardless of the type of transportation. The study covered all transport modes and transportation systems.</p><p>The method used was computer-assisted telephone interviews that were conducted by the author with slightly fewer than 100 transportation managers and a response frequency of 99%. After a few questions about the company and its transportation, a Stated Preferences survey (SP) was conducted with ranking and paired choices. SP means that it is possible to find out what the company wood choose in a hypothetical situation and where willingness to pay can be determined for different factors. The factors that were primarily investigated by means of paired choices were transportation cost, transportation time, frequency, and risk of delay. Several other factors were also investigated by means of ranking.</p><p>The results show that transportation cost is a very important factor when choosing a carrier. Actual transportation in today’s transport systems is of high quality with few delays and little freight damage At the same time, the transportation market is subject to stiff competition, which is one of the reasons why transportation customers are sensitive to price. The thresh-old for switching carrier is on average a 3.8% lower price, even with everything else un-changed. The companies use many transportation companies. Almost all of them use more than one and over half use more than 10.</p><p>The transportation buyers are prepared to pay in average 2% higher price for a 50% reduc-tion in environmental impact. Shorter transportation times and higher dispatch frequency are valued at very low levels. A short transportation time is on the other hand more important for high-value freight than for low-value freight. The transport managers’ apparent satisfac-tion with today’s transportation solutions may be due to production and transportation being adapted to each other as regards both transportation time and frequency.</p><p>With today’s production, there is thus no reason to change the transportation system other than to wish that transportation were cheaper. This is also shown in the paired choice analy-sis. Price is thus clearly the most important factor, followed by the risk of delay not increas-ing and then shorter transportation time and greater frequency. Transportation buyers are re-nowned for their sensitivity to price and this is borne out by this study and others conducted in the past.</p>

Approaches to road network vulnerability analysis

Jenelius, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>Incidents in the road transport system can have large negative consequences for the society and the business community. The basic aim of vulnerability analysis is to identify scenarios that i) would lead to severe consequences, and ii) have some likelihood of being realized in the future. The Thesis proposes two main approaches to vulnerability analysis. The first significant component of the analysis is to identify <i>important</i> links in the road network, i.e., links where a disruption would lead to severe consequences. The second component is to identify <i>exposed</i> users, i.e., users for which the consequences of a disruption would be particularly severe.</p><p>Paper I<b> </b>introduces the concepts of importance and exposure and how they can be operationalized in terms of increased travel time when road links are closed. The measures are applied to the road network of northern Sweden. Among other things, we find that the most important road links from a socio-economic efficiency perspective are sections of the main roads in the region going through the main population centres. The most exposed users, on the other hand, live in the sparsely populated municipalities in the northwest along the Norwegian border.</p><p>Paper II studies the geographic patterns of exposure and importance in Sweden and identifies properties of the geography, road network and travel patterns that to a large extent explain the observed spatial differences. We find that the municipalities around Stockholm have the most important road networks, and that people in the southern parts of Sweden are considerably less exposed than in the northern parts. We also find that the sparsity of the road network, the travel times of the users and the traffic load on the links provide good explanatory variables for the regional variations in exposure and importance.</p><p>Paper III proposes a link importance measure that incorporates both efficiency considerations, i.e. the total increase in travel time, and equity considerations, i.e. the unevenness of the distribution among users. We show analytically that there is a strong inverse relationship between the two components. In a case study of the Swedish road network we find that when only efficiency is considered, links in many of the main roads are among the most important. With more weight put on equity, importance is gradually shifted to smaller local roads with poor or no alternative routes.</p>

Sista generationens renskötare?

Engström, Christine January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Tyst kunskapsöverföring vid personalomsättning : En studie om hur en organisation arbetar med att ta tillvara på den tysta kunskapen

Håkansson, Rickard, Kreppenhofer, Denise January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dag är det inte längre resurser som till exempel kapital, mark, maskiner och teknologi som är de viktigaste tillgångarna för organisationer, utan snarare individers intellektuella resurser så som kunskap. Detta har blivit en av de viktigaste ingredienserna i konkurrensen mellan organisationer. Studiens syfte var att få en djupare förståelse för hur organisationer kan arbeta med att underlätta överföringen av den tysta kunskapen vid omsättning av personal. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer har vi gjort en studie inom en svensk kommunal förvaltning. Resultatet visar fyra olika tillvägagångssätt som används för att behålla den tysta kunskapen inom förvaltningen; överlappning, öppen stämning, utvecklingsgrupp och mentorskap.</p>

A Long Forgotten Jewel : Branding and Imaging of a destination

Duborija, Marco, Mlivic, Aida January 2009 (has links)
<p>The tourism industry is constantly growing and is one of the most expansive industries today. The tourism industry generates many jobs which in they turn generate revenue for the destinations. But in order to take part of this revenue, destinations must first attract the tourists. This is done with destination imaging and destination branding which means that the image and the brand of a destination are playing a significant role. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different aspects of imaging and branding of a destination. In what way they are affecting a country, what impact they have and how they can be manipulated. Terms imaging and branding are of great importance especially for post war countries that have a negative past. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that until recently was associated with war. To change their image Bosnia and Herzegovina should first distance themselves from their negative past. This thesis has a deductive approach which means that the research is based on different forms of literature and interviews. The conclusion of this thesis is that a destination can change their past, from something negative to something positive. But in order to this, a lot of hard work is required.</p>

Kryptid på schemat : En artikelserie om Solåkrabyn

Björkman, Emma January 2007 (has links)
<p>På Solåkrabyn utanför Järna bor och arbetar psykiskt funktionshindrade vuxna. Den socialterapeutiska inriktningen gör att alla ska ha sysselsättning utifrån sin egen förmåga.</p><p>I Madelene Knutströms Trädgårdsgrupp är sysslorna årtidsanpassade. Just nu förbereds det för inför julmarknaden, men Afram hinner ändå leta efter småkryp.</p>

Anpassningar till ekonomiska svängningar bland aktörer inom mötesindustrin : med konferensanläggningar i Stockholm och Göteborg som exempel

Truskauskaite, Alina, Wojtczuk, Ann-Sofi January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Säkerhetsarbetet vid Kils RF och Färjestads RK

Hagman, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to examine how two riding schools work with their safety. Riding is one of the most popular sports in Sweden but also very dangerous. Sweden has a lot of riding schools and almost half a million that rides. Therefore it’s very important that riding, and especially riding at riding schools has the highest level of safety with regards to harmful events.</p><p>The purpose leads to the overarching research question for this essay, which is: How does the Safety work look at two riding schools in the area of Karlstad? Out of this question, seven specified research questions have been constructed. They are:</p><p>1. Do the pupils get education and informed about the safety?</p><p>2. Is there one staff educated in safety questions and that have the main responsibility for the safety?</p><p>3. Do the parents consider that they get enough information about the safety?</p><p>4. Is there demands on reporting if there has been an accident and for insurance purpose?</p><p>5. Is there access to safety equipments (helmet and vest) and does the pupil use them?</p><p>6. Have the riding schools taken part in Konsumentverkets work on safety?</p><p>7. Do the riding schools use Ridsportförbundets safety directives?</p><p>The conclusion is that both Kil and Färjestad have a good safety work at their riding schools overall. There are although some deficiencies when it comes to the information about safety to parents and pupils.</p>

Bærekraftig eksport av frukt og grønt fra Kroatia : Sustainable export of fruit and vegetables from Croatia

Østgård, Jon Steinar, Reite, Bjørn, Slåttsveen, Wiggo January 2006 (has links)
<p>Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven i Innovation Management, har vært å klargjøre de ulike faktorene som har påvirket prosessen med å få til eksport av frukt og grønnsaker fra Kroatia til Skandinavia, og mer konkret fra Erdut kommune i Øst-Slavonia til COOP Norge.</p><p>I kapittel tre har vi beskrevet relevant teori som belyser fagfeltet som er omhandlet i denne oppgaven.</p><p>Siden det har manglet sekundærdata som beskriver antall gårdsbruk, produkter som dyrkes, tilgjengelig teknologi, bruk av sprøytemidler og lignende, har vi gjennomført undersøkelser som beskriver situasjonen og potensialet for eksport fra regionen. Disse undersøkelsene ble gjennomført sammen med lokale partnere.</p><p>I tillegg gjennomførte vi to eksperimenter for å se om personell og produksjonsprosessen kunne levere den kvaliteten som markedet og kundene krevde . Disse eksperimentene ble mulige ved at COOP Norge kunne delta aktivt som en krevende og kompetent kunde i denne fasen av prosjektet. Begge eksperimentene avslørte til dels store avvik fra kundens krav. Det ble derfor iverksatt to kvalitative undersøkelser blant de lokale produsentene, representanter fra lokalt næringsliv, og våre lokale partnere i området. Hensikten med denne kvalitative undersøkelsen var å finne årsakene til leveringsproblemene og prøve å finne strategier for å få til gode leveranser i framtida.</p><p>Disse dataene ga oss relevant informasjon om årsakene til problemene og identifiserte kritiske suksessfaktorer for videreføring.</p><p>Eksperimentene viste at eksport av frukt og grønt fra dette området ga omlag den dobbelte inntjeningen av tilsvarende leveranser til det lokale markedet. Selv om dataene er begrenset i denne undersøkelsen, så opplever vi at de faktorene som ble tatt fram i denne undersøkelsen kan være relevante for tilsvarende prosjekter andre steder i denne regionen.</p><p>Basert på våre funn og den teoretiske drøftingen har vi kommet fram til følgende anbefalinger for å håndtere eksportprosjekter av frukt og grønt fra denne regionen:</p><p>- Dersom eksportprosjekter som dette skal lykkes, er det etter vår mening viktig at en krevende kunde deltar aktivt i prosjektet, og blir tidlig involvert. Dette for å kunne beskrive marked og markedskrav og spille en aktiv rolle i å utforme viktig detaljer og påvirke utviklingen av verdikjeden .</p><p>- Opplæring av nøkkelpersonell er viktig både for å endre mentale bilder og for å få introdusert nye arbeidsmetoder som er kritiske for å få til god kvalitet.</p><p>- For å styre disse to faktorene er det viktig å få på plass en lokal, sterk og kompetant prosjektleder. Nøkkelen er å finne en person som har evnen til å lede i en god balanse mellom transaksjons- og transformasjonsbasert lederskap. Prosjektledelsen trenger å involvere og motivere produsenter, men samtidig må de være i stand til å intervenere når det er nødvendig å korrigere prosessen (stoppe aktiviteter som har negativ effekt og holde et sterkt fokus på riktig sortering, pakking og kvalitetskontroll)</p><p>- Introdusere et system for sporbarhet og visuell kontroll slik at alle produsentene kan identifiseres og knyttes direkte til de leverte produktene. Hensikten er ikke hovedsakelig kontroll, men for å kunne skape en læringsarena og drive kompetanseutvikling.</p><p>- Prosjektet som dette der de gamle mentale bildene blir utfordret og må erstattes av nye, vil alltid trenge tid til å modnes og utvikles. Det er derfor viktig å ikke undervurdere tidsaspektet samt legge vekt på tett oppfølging og tilrettelegging i tidlige faser.</p>

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