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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia para zoneamento de risco a inundações graduais

Righi, Eléia January 2016 (has links)
A gestão e gerenciamento de riscos naturais têm sido aprimorados à medida que as perdas associadas a desastres assumem proporções insustentáveis do ponto de vista socioeconômico. As inundações graduais são os desastres que mais provocam perdas materiais e humanas mundialmente. Assim, esse trabalho objetiva propor uma metodologia para zoneamento de risco a inundações graduais para áreas urbanas localizadas em grandes bacias hidrográficas. A aplicabilidade da sistemática proposta foi na área urbana do município de Uruguaiana. A metodologia foi estruturada primeiramente para definir os tempos de retorno, ou seja, os graus de perigo, através de modelos matemáticos. Na análise da vulnerabilidade incluíram-se parâmetros associados às características socioeconômicas, estrutura das edificações, infraestrutura urbana, doenças de veiculação hídrica e o impacto emocional. A combinação entre os graus de perigo a inundações e a vulnerabilidade, permitiu a construção de “Mapas de Risco”. Assim, foram gerados três níveis de perigo identificando-se 1664 edificações, dessas 857 possuem baixo padrão estrutural, sendo estruturalmente muito frágeis. Consequentemente as áreas com alta vulnerabilidade são predominantes envolvendo muitas residências de baixo padrão urbano, deficiência na infraestrutura urbana, um grande número de pessoas atingidas, aproximadamente 4300, e com uma baixa capacidade resiliente (baixa renda nominal). São os locais que mais impactam psicologicamente a população em pré-evento e pós-evento. A zona de média vulnerabilidade é pequena e concentra-se na parte Centro/Norte da área urbana, a faixa de baixa vulnerabilidade também ocupa uma pequena área e está distribuída por toda a zona de perigo, nela encontramos setores com uma renda média nominal superior a R$ 600,00, ultrapassando os R$ 2000,00. Apesar de possuir um numero significativo de pessoas afetadas (aproximadamente 1000) as condições das edificações e a renda permite uma total recuperação, mesmo em médio prazo. Em relação ao risco, assim como ocorreu na vulnerabilidade, na faixa de alto risco, encontram-se um total de 832 edificações, com aproximadamente 2900 pessoas, constituindo-se a maioria de residências de baixo padrão estrutural com um sistema de esgoto, água e drenagem pluvial inexistente e viário deficitário. A faixa de risco médio possui 490 edificações, dessas duas são para usos comerciais e três são institucionais, e possui em torno de 1500 pessoas. Nas áreas caracterizadas de baixo risco predominam edificações com médio e alto padrão construtivo, com 334 residências e aproximadamente 800 pessoas. Nesse sentido, o conhecimento teórico, técnico e prático sobre as áreas de perigo, vulnerabilidade e risco de inundações graduais é, indiscutivelmente, fundamental para o desenvolvimento de técnicas adequadas para estabelecer planos de proteção civil e programar sistemas de vigilância dos fenômenos e alerta a população de Uruguaiana. / The management of natural hazards have been enhanced as the losses associated with disasters assume unsustainable proportions of the socioeconomic point of view. Gradual floods are the disasters that cause material losses and more human world. Thus, this paper aims to propose a methodology for risk zoning the gradual flooding to urban areas located in large river basins. The applicability of the methodology proposed was in the urban area of the municipality of Uruguaiana. The methodology was first structured to set the return time, namely the degree of danger, by mathematical models. The vulnerability analysis included up parameters associated with socioeconomic characteristics, the structure of buildings, urban infrastructure, waterborne diseases and the emotional impact. The combination of the degrees of danger and vulnerability to floods, allowed the construction of "Risk Maps". Therefore, we generated three hazard levels identifying buildings in 1664, 857 of these have low structural pattern, being structurally very fragile. Consequently areas with high vulnerability are prevalent involving many low standard urban residences, deficiency in urban infrastructure, a large number of people affected, about 4300, and with a low resilient capacity (low nominal income). Are the places that most psychologically impacting the population in pre-event and post-event. The average vulnerability zone is small and focuses on the Center/North inner city, low vulnerability group also occupies a small area and is distributed throughout the danger zone, there we find sectors with an average nominal income above R$ 600,00, surpassing the R$ 2.000,00. Despite having a significant number of affected people (about 1000) the conditions of the buildings and the income allows a full recovery, even in the medium term. Regarding the risk, as occurred in vulnerability in high-risk group, there are a total of 832 buildings, with about 2900 people, constituting the majority of low structural pattern residences with a sewer system, water and nonexistent storm drainage and road deficit. The medium-risk group has 490 buildings, these two are for commercial uses and three are institutional, and has around 1500 people. Characterized in low-risk areas predominate buildings with medium and high construction standards, with 334 homes and approximately 800 people. In this sense, the theoretical, technical and practical knowledge about the areas of risk, vulnerability and risk of progressive flooding is arguably crucial to the development of appropriate techniques to establish civil protection plans and program of phenomena surveillance systems and alert the population Uruguaiana.

Nucleação da floresta com araucária sobre o campo : estratégias das plantas e os modelos de metacomunidades

Rech, Morgana January 2016 (has links)
A expansão da floresta sobre o campo, a partir do estabelecimento de araucárias isoladas (nucleação), forma uma paisagem única no planalto sul-brasileiro, sendo que o uso de uma abordagem de metacomunidades pode auxiliar a compreender melhor esse processo. Existem quatro modelos de metacomunidades que explicam a relação entre comunidades locais: dinâmica de manchas, seleção de espécies, efeitos de massa e neutro. Esses modelos possuem diferentes premissas quanto aos processos de nicho e de dispersão que atuam na dinâmica da metacomunidade. No entanto, há uma lacuna entre a teoria e o teste desses modelos em estudos empíricos. Uma forma de testar mais claramente esses modelos é através de uma abordagem funcional. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a importância (i) de atributos relacionados às estratégias de dispersão e de crescimento das espécies, (ii) da abundância das espécies no pool regional e (iii) do tamanho da mancha, na organização de comunidades de indivíduos lenhosos juvenis em áreas de nucleação florestal sobre o campo, a fim de compreender quais modelos de metacomunidades melhor explicam esse processo. Para tanto, calculamos o CWM (Community Weighted Mean) e índices de diversidade funcional, considerando a ocorrência (sesFD) e a abundância (sesFDis) das espécies, para tamanho da semente e área foliar específica (SLA), em manchas florestais de distintos tamanhos e na floresta contínua adjacente ao campo, e testamos se as áreas diferem entre si de acordo com o tipo de ambiente. Avaliamos ainda se a abundância relativa das espécies nas áreas de nucleação é determinada pela abundância das mesmas na floresta contínua, através do uso dos modelos de Community Assembly by Trait Selection (CATS). Os resultados foram então comparados com o esperado para cada modelo de metacomunidade. A maior parte dos sítios apresentou índices de diversidade funcional para SLA e tamanho da semente de acordo com o esperado ao acaso. As áreas não diferiram quanto ao CWM para SLA. No entanto, foram observadas diferenças quanto ao CWM para o tamanho da semente, com o favorecimento de espécies com sementes menores em áreas mais abertas, e espécies com sementes maiores em áreas mais sombreadas. De acordo com os modelos CATS, a abundância das espécies no pool regional foi mais importante do que os atributos para a determinação da abundância das mesmas nas comunidades locais. Concluiu-se que o modelo de metacomunidades que melhor explica o processo de nucleação florestal sobre o campo no planalto das araucárias é o modelo de efeitos de massa, o que ressalta a importância da dispersão para a estruturação das comunidades locais. Como a maior parte das espécies lenhosas existentes na área possui dispersão zoocórica, esse resultado indica que a preservação da fauna dispersora é fundamental para a dinâmica desse ecossistema. Com o uso de uma abordagem funcional, em conjunto com os modelos CATS, foi possível testar os quatro modelos de metacomunidades. Assim, o método proposto pode ser aplicado a outros sistemas naturais, auxiliando na compreensão do funcionamento de diferentes metacomunidades. / The forest expansion over the grassland, from the establishment of isolated Araucaria (nucleation) forms a unique landscape in south brazilian plateau, and the use of a metacommunity approach can help to better understand this process. There are four metacommunity models that explain the relationship between local communities: patch-dynamics, species-sorting, mass-effects and neutral. These models have different assumptions about niche processes and dispersion that act in metacommunities dynamics. However, there is a gap between theory and the test of these models in empirical studies. One way to test these models more clearly is through a functional approach. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the importance of (i) attributes related to dispersion and growth species strategies, (ii) species abundance in the regional pool and (iii) patch size, on structuring communities of juvenile woody individuals in forest nucleation areas on the grassland in order to understand which metacommunity model explain this process. Therefore, we calculate the CWM (Community Weighted Mean) and functional diversity indices, considering species occurrence (sesFD) and abundance (sesFDis) for seed size and specific leaf area (SLA), in forest patches of different sizes and in adjacent continuous forest and tested if sites differ according to ambient. Further, we evaluated if species relative abundance in nucleation areas is determined by the abundance in the continuous forest, by the use of Community Assembly by Trait Selection (CATS) models. Then, we compared results with expected for each metacommunity model. Most of sites presented functional diversity values for SLA and seed size as expected by chance. Areas did not differ in CWM to SLA. However, we observed differences for CWM to seed size, favoring species with smaller seeds in more open areas, and species with larger seeds in more shaded areas. According to CATS models, species abundance in regional pool was more important than attributes to determine species abundance in local communities. We concluded that the metacommunity model that best explains forest nucleation on the grassland in Araucaria plateau is the mass-effects model, which emphasizes the importance of dispersion for structuring local communities. As most of existing woody species has zoochorous dispersion, this result indicates that preservation of disperser fauna is essential for ecosystem dynamic. By using a functional approach in combination with CATS models, it was possible to test the four metacommunity models. Thus, the method proposed in this work can be applied to other natural systems, helping understanding different metacommunities operation.

Las estrategias de inteligencia de negocios y la identificación de nuevas oportunidades de negocio con el estado para las empresas medianas del sector tecnológico en Lima. / Business intelligence strategies and identification of new business opportunities with the state for medium-sized tech-companies in Lima. / Business intelligence strategies and identification of new business opportunities with the state for medium-sized tech-companies in Lima.

Avila Céspedes, Natali Madelin, Montenegro Vargas, José Francisco 17 November 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar cuál es la influencia de una estrategia de inteligencia de negocios en la identificación de nuevas oportunidades de negocio dentro del plan anual de contrataciones del estado peruano para medianas empresas del sector tecnológico en Lima. En el primer capítulo desarrollaremos los conceptos necesarios para conocer a los elementos que intervienen en una contratación con el estado. Además, brindaremos definiciones de estrategias e inteligencia de negocios. Luego, en el segundo capítulo, nos enfocaremos en el diseño de metodología de investigación, se tomarán muestras y clasificaremos los resultados dentro de patrones y cumplimiento de reglas de negocio para su análisis posterior. En el tercer capítulo se analizará la información recopilada y se podrá dar un diagnóstico de la situación actual del sistema de contrataciones con el estado peruano, dando a conocer los principales problemas o debilidades de este proceso y también daremos a conocer los beneficios de utilizar inteligencia de negocios para la identificación de nuevas oportunidades de negocio con el estado. Después, en el capítulo cuatro, discutiremos los hallazgos de nuestra investigación, y barreras que se encontraron en el camino. Por último, en el capítulo cinco se resumen las conclusiones y recomendaciones de este caso. / The main objective of this research work is to determine the influence of a business intelligence strategy in the identification of new business opportunities within the annual contract plan of the Peruvian state for medium-sized companies in the technology sector in Lima. In the first chapter we will develop the necessary concepts to know the elements that intervene in a contract with the state. In addition, we will provide definitions of strategies and business intelligence. Then, in the second chapter, we will focus on the design of research methodology, we will take samples and classify the results within patterns and compliance with business rules for further analysis. In the third chapter the information collected will be analyzed and a diagnosis of the current situation of the contracting system with the Peruvian state will be made, giving information about the main problems or weaknesses of this process and we will also make known the benefits of using intelligence of business for the identification of new business opportunities with the state. Then, in chapter four, we will discuss the findings of our research, and barriers that were encountered along the way. Finally, chapter five summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of this case. / Tesis

Estilos de crianza percibidos e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes escolares / Perceived parenting styles and emotional intelligence among school aged children

Chichizola Roberts, Stephanie, Quiroz Núñez del Arco, Corina Milagros 20 March 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo establecer la relación entre los estilos de crianza percibidos y la inteligencia emocional en niños de edad escolar de Lima Metropolitana. Se incluyeron 407 niños entre 11 y 13 años de edad (53.6% hombres, 46.4% mujeres), de Instituciones Educativas públicas y privadas. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Estilos de Crianza de Steinberg y la Escala Rasgo de Metaconocimientos sobre Estados Emocionales Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24). Se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre las 3 dimensiones de los Estilos de Crianza con las 3 dimensiones de la Inteligencia Emocional. La mayoría de participantes percibieron a sus padres con estilos democrático, seguidos por los estilos permisivo y negligente. Comparaciones entre los estilos de crianza percibidos y la inteligencia emocional, revelan diferencias significativas entre los estilos mixto y negligente con las 3 dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional. Los estilos de crianza adecuados y recomendados (democrático y mixto) se relacionan con mejores puntajes en las tres dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional en comparación a los estilos inadecuados y poco recomendados (autoritario, negligente y permisivo). Se discutieron las implicancias de los resultados y se presentan sugerencias para futuros estudios. / This research is aimed at establishing a correlation between Perceived Parenting Styles and Emotional Intelligence, among school aged children, in Lima’s Metropolitan area. The sample included 407 children between 11 and 13 years of age (53% male and 46.4% females) attending public and private schools. A Parenting Styles Scale and the Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24) were the instruments used. Significant correlations were found among the 3 dimensions of Parenting Styles and the 3 Emotional Intelligence dimensions. The majority of the samples perceived their parents as authoritative (democratic), followed by the permissive and negligent styles. Comparisons between the Perceived Parenting Styles and Emotional Intelligence reveal significant differences among the mixed and negligent styles with the 3 dimensions of Emotional Intelligence. Adequate parenting styles (authoritative and mixed) are correlated with better scores on the three dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, in contrast to the inadequate, less recommended styles (authoritarian, negligent and permissive). Implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented. / Tesis

Escuela Nacional Superior de Artes Escénica en el Centro de Lima

Monge Bellido, Tanehy Milagros 01 September 2018 (has links)
La tesis aborda un hecho que salta a raíz de la alta demanda de las Artes Escénicas en la Lima y la necesidad de generar una propuesta de un espacio educativo e idóneo para una formación profesional y competente para esto se analizan temas de Arquitectura y teóricos para la base de la investigación. Un factor determinante es el estudio del usuario, ya que va dirigido a este, es por eso que se explora el tipo de formación y aspectos dentro de ella que fomentaría una mejor formación como es la interdisciplinaridad que consiste básicamente en integran tres disciplinas que tienes relación para fomentar una mejor formación, es por esto que en la propuesta se busca generar espacios de encuentro comunes, así como educativos para fomentar esta integración. La investigación se completa con el análisis de referentes similares, usuario, reglamento y ordenanzas por parte del Minedu, la elección del lugar en donde será ubicado, es ahí también es donde la propuesta busca hacer un aporte en zonas vulnerables con valor histórico del centro de Lima, Además, se abordar los criterios que se tomaron en cuenta para el diseño de esta. / The thesis approach with a fact that is the result of the high demand of the Performing Arts in Lima and the need to generate a proposal of an educational and ideal space for a professional and competent training for it. The analysis attends Architecture and theoretical topics for the basis of the investigation. A determining factor is the study of the user, since it is aimed at this, that´s why it explores the type of training and aspects within that would encourage a better training such as interdisciplinary that consists basically of integrating three disciplines that have a relationship to promote a better training, this is why the proposal look for to generate common meeting spaces, as well as educational to develop this integration. The investigation is completed with the analysis of similar referents, user, regulation and ordinances by the Minedu, the choice of where it will be located, this is also where the proposal look forward to make a contribution in vulnerable areas with historical value of the center of Lima, in addition, we will focus the criteria that were taken in consideration for the design of the proposal. / Tesis

Análisis del uso de sistemas informáticos especializados en recursos humanos para incrementar la eficiencia en los procesos de reclutamiento y selección de mandos medios de la mediana empresa del sector inmobiliario de Lima Metropolitana

Rojas Pachas, Daniel Eleazar, Yauri Rivera, Daniel Elías 19 July 2018 (has links)
En la búsqueda por lograr mayores niveles de competitividad y crecimiento económico, las medianas empresas inmobiliarias de Lima Metropolitana se han visto obligadas a ser más ágiles y flexibles en la incorporación y uso de sistemas informáticos especializados de recursos humanos. De acuerdo con lo antes mencionado, la presente investigación se denomina “El análisis del uso de sistemas informáticos especializados en recursos humanos para incrementar la eficiencia en los procesos de reclutamiento y selección de mandos medios de la mediana empresa del sector inmobiliario de Lima Metropolitana”. / In the search to achieve higher levels of competitiveness and economic growth, the medium real state companies in Lima Metropolitan have been obliged to be more agile and flexible in the incorporation and use of informatic systems specialized in human resources. As mentioned previously, the recent investigation is called “The use of informatic systems specialized on human resources to increase the efficiency in the recruitment and selection process of middle managers for the medium company in the real state companies of Lima Metropolitan”. / Tesis

Optimización De La Gestión Municipal Para El Desarrollo De Los Proyectos De Construcción De Conexiones Peatonales En Zonas Vulnerables De Lima Metropolitana

Llerena Mamani, Fernando Andre, Mendiola López, Miguel Edmundo 13 July 2018 (has links)
La presente tesis permite conocer el funcionamiento de la gestión de Proyectos Sociales para las Conexiones de Vías Peatonales en los Asentamientos Humanos de Lima Metropolitana, en los que se busca obtener la mayor cantidad de proyectos ejecutados al servicio de la población beneficiada. Asimismo, para los procesos que se llevan a cabo se ha obtenido un listado completo de las áreas comprometidas para la realización de estos proyectos y las responsabilidades de cada una, se han utilizado herramientas como la WBS estructura detallada de trabajo por el PMI (Project Management Institute), y diagramas de flujo para indicar el funcionamiento de las áreas encargadas de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima. Se está dejando un precedente de cómo llevar a cabo proyectos sociales en Lima Metropolitana y mejorar la cantidad de proyectos exitosos, para que el gasto de la municipalidad sea cumplido como se indicó en el PMI (Plan Multianual de Inversión) que actualmente tiene mayor relevancia por el cambio del sistema de aprobación de proyectos INVIERTE.PE. y que será utilizado para los siguientes años. El sistema de proyectos sociales en el Perú debe satisfacer necesidades básicas de la población de menores recursos, sin embargo, se hace necesario un reordenamiento del sistema de crecimiento de la ciudad de manera sostenida que siguiendo un plan estratégico de desarrollo cuente con mayor respaldo y control para que se cumpla en los años que se le tiene programado a pesar el cambio de autoridades y cambio de planes de crecimiento. / This thesis allows to know the operation of the management of Social Projects for the connections of pedestrian routes in the Human Settlements of Metropolitan Lima, in which it is sought to obtain the greater number of projects executed at the service of the benefited population. Likewise, for the processes that are carried out, a complete list of the areas committed to the realization of these projects and the responsibilities of each one has been obtained, tools such as the WBS have been used. Detailed work structure by the PMI (Project Management Institute), and flow charts to indicate the operation of the areas in charge of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. It is leaving a precedent of how to carry out Social Projects in Metropolitan Lima and improve the number of successful projects for the expenditure of the municipality is completed as indicated in the PMI (Multi-Year Investment Plan) currently has more relevance for the change of the system of approval of projects INVIERTE.PE. and that will be used for the following years. The system of social projects in Peru must meet the basic needs of the population with fewer resources, however, it is necessary to reorder the city's growth system in a sustained manner that following a strategic development plan has greater support and control so that it will be fulfilled in the years that it is scheduled, despite the change of authorities and change of growth plans. / Trabajo de investigación

Principales razones que influyen en la compra por catálogo de la categoría maquillaje para mujeres de Lima Metropolitana

Ávila Arévalo, Wendy Ivy, Huamán Villanueva, María Alejandra 29 November 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal identificar las principales razones que influyen en la compra por catálogo de la categoría maquillaje para las mujeres de Lima Metropolitana. Para cumplir con este fin se realizó un estudio mixto; en el enfoque cuantitativo, utilizando una muestra de 386 mujeres encuestadas de una población de 4’715,875 mujeres, que representa el 51.4% del total de personas que residen en Lima Metropolitana. El alcance empleado fue correlacional, dado que se deseaba conocer el comportamiento de una variable respecto a otras, en este caso, analizar las variables de mayor influencia en la decisión de compra por catálogo en la categoría maquillaje. Previo a iniciar la investigación cuantitativa se realizó una investigación cualitativa que permitió conocer el tema de estudio a profundidad, se realizó mediante entrevistas a las consultoras de venta por catálogo, pues son ellas las que tienen contacto directo y constante con el público objetivo; en cuanto a la investigación cuantitativa tuvo un alcance correlacional y el diseño experimental empleado fue transversal - correlacional, ya que se recolectó datos y se describió la relación entre ellos en un momento determinado. Luego de haber finalizados con la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa se concluyó que la hipótesis general fue aceptada al obtener una correlación positiva, aunque en un nivel medio. Las variables que influyeron en mayor proporción que otras, fueron la calidad del producto, el conocer a la consultora y el servicio personalizado. / The objective of this research was to identify the variables that influence women in the Lima Metro area to catalog purchase makeup. In order to achieve the aforementioned, a quantitative study was carried out, surveying a sample of 386 from a population of 4'715,875 women, representing 51.4% of the total number of people residing in Metropolitan Lima. The scope used was correlational, since we wanted to analyze the behavior of one variable with respect to others, to be able to identify those that influence the outcome the most. Before we proceeded with the quantitative aspect of the investigation, we carried out a qualitative one, making sure that we had an understanding of the process. To do so, we consulted with different catalog sale consultants, which are the main drivers for sale in this sector, and are in direct contact with the customers. Once established the basic information needed, we proceeded to design our quantitative part of the investigation, which consisted of a correlational scope, designed as a transversal – correlational procedure, since the result aims not only to collect the data, but also, to show the relationship between variables at a given time. Based on the qualitative and quantitative results, it is concluded that the general hypothesis was accepted when obtaining a positive correlation, although at a medium level. With that said we determined the variables that influenced the most were the quality of the product; know the consultant and the personalized service. / Tesis


Cahuin Cornejo, Briggitte Stefani, Guzmán Retto, Reynaldo Francisco Matias, Otiniano Lopez, Orlando, Sánchez Palomares, Gerson Roger 17 February 2019 (has links)
“Lavakee” es una idea de negocio que brinda el servicio de lavandería en sinergia con el estilo de vida actual de las personas. Para esto, canaliza su distribución a través de la tecnología mediante una aplicación móvil y página web. En nuestro país, el mercado de lavanderías ha ido evolucionando, antiguamente el servicio era usado en su mayoría para el lavado de aquellas prendas que necesitaban un cuidado especial a la hora del lavado o las destinadas a una ocasión especial. De otro lado con el cambio del paisaje urbano, las necesidades de las personas se han ido acondicionando de acuerdo con su nuevo entorno. Tiempo y espacio son ahora necesidades principales para el habitante de Lima Metropolitana, el suplir de estas necesidades se encuentra en tercerización de esta actividad rutinaria. En este contexto, se desarrolla una nueva propuesta de lavandería, que tenga un excelente servicio a través de sus procesos, con canales de distribución, una aplicativo móvil, página web, fanpage en redes sociales y local físico. El aspecto diferenciador a lo existente en el mercado será la variedad de aromas ofrecidos, para tu vestimenta y que redondeará la calidad del producto. Además, se contará con servicios especializados como Vag Bag, producto antihumedad para tu ropa de cama, vestimenta, etc. El servicio contará con 24 horas de atención los 7 días a la semana. La rentabilidad del proyecto para los futuros inversionistas es de 13,42%, mientras que menor a dos años es el tiempo de recupero de su inversión, por tanto, creo que es un proyecto robusto y recomendable añadiendo que es futurista de acuerdo con el incremento de las necesidades que suplimos fruto de la investigación de mercado. / "Lavakee" is a business idea that provides laundry service in synergy with the current lifestyle of people. For this, it channels its distribution through technology through a mobile application and web page. In our country, the market of laundries has been evolving, formerly the service was used mostly for the washing of those garments that needed special care at the time of washing or for a special occasion. On the other hand, with the change of the urban landscape, the needs of people have been conditioned according to their new environment. Time and space are now main needs for the inhabitant of Metropolitan Lima, the supply of these needs is in the outsourcing of this routine activity. In this context, a new laundry proposal is developed, which has an excellent service through its processes, with distribution channels, a mobile application, website, fanpage in social networks and physical premises. The differentiating aspect to what exists in the market will be the variety of aromas offered, for your clothing and that will round off the quality of the product. In addition, there will be specialized services such as Vag Bag, anti-humidity product for your bedding, clothing, etc. The service will have 24 hours of service 7 days a week. The profitability of the project for future investors is 13.42%, while less than two years is the recovery time of your investment, therefore, I think it is a robust and recommended project adding that it is futuristic according to the increase of the needs that we supply as the result of market research. / Trabajo de investigación

Chef a domicilio / Chef at Home

Lavanda Flores, Cynthia, Puente Orosco, Jesús, Quintanilla Tavara, Ana 17 February 2019 (has links)
Chef a domicilio es un proyecto que fue analizado en base a la cantidad de personas que deseen disfrutar de un buen momento con todas las atenciones sin salir de su domicilio. Nuestro negocio consiste en brindar un servicio personalizado, en la comodidad de tu hogar, en la preparación de platillos de corte nacional e internacional otorgando un ahorro de tiempo, dinero y con la confianza plena que serán atendidos por los mejores chefs. Nuestros puntos de contacto con el cliente será la plataforma de servicio, la cual estará con la información necesaria que el cliente necesite para poder ingresar, registrar sus datos y para posteriormente ser contactado. Contaremos también con los canales alternos tales como Brochures, Facebook, YouTube para generar mayor exposición de la marca. Para cualquier promoción futura, se usará la plataforma y Facebook como principales medios de comunicación. Mediante el siguiente análisis se logra obtener la viabilidad del proyecto ya que se ha encontrado una tasa de aceptación de más de 50% en el landing page desde el primer momento, donde identificamos la necesidad que tienen los clientes en ahorrar tiempo y disfrutar un buen momento sintiéndose comodidad. / Chef at home is a project that was analyzed based on the number of people who wish to enjoy a good time with all the attention without leaving their home. Our business is to provide a personalized service, in the comfort of your home, in the preparation of national and international dishes, saving time, money and full confidence that will be served by the best chefs. Our point of contact with the client will be the service platform, which will be with the necessary information that the client needs to be able to enter, register their data and then be contacted. We will also have alternative channels such as Brochures, Facebook, YouTube to generate more exposure of the brand. For any future promotion, the platform and Facebook will be used as the main means of communication. Through the following analysis, the viability of the project is achieved, since an acceptance rate of more than 50% has been found on the landing page from the first moment, where we identify the need that customers have to save time and enjoy a good time. feeling comfort. / Trabajo de investigación

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