Spelling suggestions: "subject:"franga"" "subject:"iranga""
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Agregatinių specifikacijų sudarymas ir analizė panaudojant žinių bazes / Development and analysis of aggregate specifications using knowledge basesBudnikas, Germanas 28 July 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to develop technique for development and analysis of static and dynamic properties of aggregate specifications using knowledge bases.
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Programinė įranga lietuviško sakinio sintaksinei struktūrai atvaizduoti grafu / Software to create a program that could form a graph of syntactic structure of Lithuanian sentenceTalutytė, Jurgita 11 June 2004 (has links)
At the present there is no software for Lithuanian language that could form the Lithuanian language structure necessary for translation of words from one language to another. The aim of this paper was to create a program that could form a graph of syntactic structure of Lithuanian sentence. For this purpose the algorithm that could make a graphical presentation of syntactic sentence structure of Lithuanian words sequence in sentence and syntactic structure of each word should be formed.
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Informacijos valdymo kontaktų centruose analizė / Informational management analysis of call centerButkevičius, Robertas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šis darbas yra koncentruotas į kontaktų centrų organizacines ir technologines struktūras. Jame susipažįstama su balso atpažinimo sistemomis ir juose naudojamais modeliais. Atliktas eksperimentas, kuriame nustatyta kalbos atpažinimo tikslumas pasirinktomis sistemomis. Suprojektuotas supaprastintas kontaktų centrų prototipas, bei atlikti jo bandymai. Baigiamojo darbo darbo objektas yra kontaktų centrų organizacinė ir technologinė struktūra. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti, kontaktų centrų organizacinę ir technologinę struktūrą Lietuvoje ir užsienyje ir jas palyginti, identifikuojant pagrindines kontaktų centrų organizacinės ir technologinės struktūros Lietuvoje formavimo problemas. Darbe naudojami tyrimo metodai. Tyrimo metu atliekama kontaktų centrų informacinėse sistemose naudojamų technologijų užsienyje ir Lietuvoje, metodų apžvalga ir apibendrinimas. Įvertinama tyrimų medžiaga dedukcijos, sintezės ir indukcijos metodais. Bandymo metodas pritaikytas balso atpažinimo sistemų tikslumo tyrime. Atliekama mokslinių straipsnių, sistemų vertinimo metodologijos analizė ir sisteminimas, sistemų lyginamoji analizė. Palyginamos sistemų funkcinės komponentės, naudojami metodai, programinė įranga, vystymo galimybės. Atliekamas supaprastinto ir apibendrinto sistemos modelio kūrimas, kuriame išskiriamos bendros gairės, pagrindiniai sistemos elementai ir atliekami procesai. Gautų rezultatų reikšmingumas. Darbe pateikti apibendrinti kontaktų centrų informacinės sistemos architektūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The current paper is concentrated on the organizational and technological structures of contact centers. Here we familiarize with speech recognition systems and models used in them. The accomplished experiment ascertained accuracy of speech recognition for the chosen systems. A simplified prototype of contact center was projected and its tests performed. The work object of MA paper is organizational and technological structure of contact centers. The aim of this paper – to inspect the organizational and technological structure of contact centers in Lithuania and abroad, compare them by identifying the major formation problems for organizational and technological structure of contact centers in Lithuania. Research methods used in the paper. The research examines and reviews methods of technologies used for the contact center’s information systems in Lithuania and abroad, together generalizing them. Research material is evaluated by the methods of deduction, synthesis and induction. Research method is applied in research for accuracy in speech recognition systems. Analysis of scientific articles, system evaluation methodology is performed together with systemization, comparative analysis of systems. System functional components, usable methods, software, possibilities of development are compared. A creation of a simplified and generalized system model is performed, where principal guide lines, major system elements and performed processes are presented. Significance of the... [to full text]
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Šiaulių m. Dainų parko kompleksinis įrangos projektas. Dainų parko planas, mažoji architektūra, vizualinė informacija, ekstremalaus sporto aikštelė I, ekstremalaus sporto aikštelė II / A Complex Equipment Project of Šiauliai City Dainai Park • Landscape of the park • Small-scale architecture of the park • Information system of the park • A playing-field for extreme sports – 1and 2Žalalytė, Aurelija 16 January 2006 (has links)
“A Complex Equipment Project of Šiauliai City Dainai Park. The plan of Dainai Park . Small-scale architecture of the park . Information system of the park. A playing-field for extreme sports I. A playing-field for extreme sports II” an author of this master thesis is a student of Šiauliai University, Art Faculty, Design department Aurelija Žalalytė. Profesor Giedrius Šiukščius. This Master thesis is about Šiauliai City Dainai Park reconstruction project. Here is an offer how it is possible to manage this park in a different, modern way. The idea of the work:minimalism in the park for a maximum of comfort for the people. Here solved the questions about importance and function of contemporary park, the esthetical side of park in a public urban space. All solutions, given in a project is real and possible to use.
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Vandens apskaitos ir tiekimo kontrolės programinė įranga / The software for water record and supply controlStatkevičius, Gediminas 16 January 2006 (has links)
Summary The sector of Communal service is an area there is still a lack of advanced technologies applications. One of such field – a control of counters data. There are only few technological decisions used in this field. Furthermore, the existing systems are quite expensive and not common in Lithuania. In this work the alternative decision is suggested by using only few components from more expensive systems. Created system allows to follow the water use, to normalize water supply, to check water use by distant way using the internet, to estimate the value of maximal water flow then in case of overfilling the water supply is automatically stopped (using to avoid results of accident). The system is created in this way: the water counter transmits data to a server, the data is stored in database. The counters of “Siemens” production are used, which can transfer data by distant way. The distant control flaps are used for the control of water supply. According to the created software the user can check last counter data, statistics, to stop and start water supply, to administrate the counter data and statistics from any place with internet. This software can be used not only by one user but by users groups as well, for example, house community. The software can be used in more fields. Using additional components, the program is suitable for the control of heating, gas and other resources.
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Transformuojami baldai / Transformable furnitureKavaliauskaitė, Ieva 10 January 2007 (has links)
Transformable Furniture
Master’s Degree Work
The theme of the Master’s degree work - “Transformable Furniture” – is a topical issue these days, because the problem of irrational and tasteless furniture as well as interiors still exists.
After analysing theories of the development of contemporary material environment as well as philosophical and artistic theories and attitude through the prism of the art and science proportion, the conception of the art playfulness, tendencies of the development of furniture and interior installations, assortment and principles of the creation and art conception as well as ergonomic laws, declared by the Functionality, the Constructivism, the concept of the Master’s degree work was formed, theoretical description was prepared and the universal, transformable furniture of 98 sq. m., designed for the interior was created; it enables to plan the dwelling space rationally and creatively.
The project is composed from eleven main objects with continuous transformable modifications of the furniture for individual space. The project is presented on fourteen plane-tables with detailed schemes of each object, visualisations of their position in the interior. Three-dimensional models of each object are presented following a chosen scale of M 1 : 10.
After the analysis of theoretical sources and their application in the project, the conclusions were made: transformable furniture enables to form the mobile as well as playful individual space... [to full text]
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OLPC KOMPIUTERIŲ TECHNINĖ IR PROGRAMINĖ ĮRANGA, JOS KŪRIMO YPATUMAI / OLPC computer hardware and software, the creation of featuresSaldukas, Mindaugas 28 August 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe supažindinama su OLPC kompiuteriu ir jo operacine sistema „Sugar“. Pateikiama informacija apie kompiuterio techninę ir programinę įrangą, kaip galima išbandyti „Sugar“ savo kompiuteryje. Pateikiami programų kūrimo ypatumai ir keletas programų pavyzdžių. / This work presents the OLPC computer and its operating system "Sugar." Provides information about your computer hardware and software, how to test the "Sugar" on your computer. The program features the development of programs and a number of examples.
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Vynotekos interjero ir įrangos projektas / Project of the wine store interior and equipmentGrigaitytė, Neda 02 September 2010 (has links)
Visais laikais, kaip ir šiandien, vienas iš pagrindinių žmogaus gerovės, materialiosos kultūros vertinimo matų yra būstas ir jo įranga.
Projektuojamas ,,Vynotekos interjero ir įrangos projektas“, kuriame bus įrengta vyno parduotuvė ir kavinė. Parduotuvėje bus galima įsigyti kokybiško vyno ar vynui skirtos įrangos, kavinėje papietauti ir dalyvauti organizuojamose degustacijose.
Kadangi projektuojamą ,,Vynoteką“ pasirinkta suprojektuoti jau egzistuojančiose patalpose, visą įrangą, interjerinius sprendimus, medžiagiškumą reikėjo derinti prie patalpų išplanavimo.
Vieni iš svarbiausių interjero įrangos elementų šiame projekte tapo baro ir parduotuvės stalai, vyno kolonos ir vyno spintos. Kuriant šiuos objektus, svarbiausia buvo derinti estetinę stilistiką su funkcionalumu, t.y. darbuotojams turėjo būti patogu dirbti bei nejausti diskomforto. Todėl daugelis yra aptakių formų, be aštrių kampų, gaminami iš natūralios medienos, kuri derinama su kitomis medžiagomis: grūdintu stiklu, sidabro atspalvio metalais. Minkšti baldai gaminami iš medžio masyvo, aptraukti natūralia trijų atspalvių oda. Grindų dangai naudojamos akmens masės plytelės ir natūralios medienos parketas. Baro ir parduotuvės zonose pakabinamos medinės nuleidžiamos lubos (parduotuvės zonoje šalia medienos dar naudojamos bordo atspalvio gipso plokštės, su ornamentiniais motyvais).
,,Vynotekos“ interjero medžiagiškumas bei spalvų skalė yra gana gausi – nuo rusvai dažytų sienų, bordo bei kreminio atspalvio teksturinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Home and its equipment were always very important for people wellbeing and measure of the material culture value.
Wine store and café will be designed in the “Project of the wine store interior and equipment”. The shop will sell quality wine and wine equipment and the coffee food services and tasting possibilities.
As this “Wine store” was chosen to be designed in already existing premises, all the equipment, interior decisions and materials used had to be adjusted to the building layout.
One of the most important interior and equipment elements in this project became bar and shop tables, wine columns and wine cabinets. The focal attention in the design of these objects was paid to combining aesthetic stylistics and functionality, i.e. the staff should feel comfortable in their work and do not sense any discomfort. Therefore most of the objects are streamlined, without sharp angles and made of natural wood, combining it with other materials: shatterproof glass, silver color metals. Soft furniture is made of wood and covered with natural three color leather. Stone titles and natural wood parquet were used as floor cover. In the bar and shop zones wooden roll-down ceiling was installed (combined with ornamented claret color gypsum plasterboards in the shop zone).
Materials and color scale used in “Wine store” is rather rich - from brownish walls, claret and cream color textural wallpapers to marble cover on the columns, ceiling or ornaments in gold-plated frames. Crystal... [to full text]
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Lygiagrečių programų efektyvumo tyrimas / Efficiency analysis of parallel programsŠeinauskas, Vytenis 11 August 2008 (has links)
Šis magistrinis darbas skirtas lygiagrečių programų efektyvumo analizei atlikti, pasinaudojant sukurta lygiagrečių programų efektyvumo tyrimo programine įranga. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti, ištirti bei pritaikyti mokymo programinę įrangą, skirtą lygiagrečių programų analizei. Tam tikslui buvo atliekamas sukurtos programos galimybių tyrimas bei suplanuoti ir vykdomi programinės įrangos tobulinimo darbai. Taip pat buvo atliekami pavyzdinių lygiagrečių programų tyrimai, naudojant sukurtą programinę įrangą, norint parodyti lygiagrečių programų efektyvumo tyrimo būdus bei sukurtos lygiagrečių programų efektyvumo tyrimo programinės įrangos galimybes. / Parallel program execution is often used to overcome the constraints of processing speed and memory size when executing complex and time-consuming algorithms. The downside to this approach is the increased overall complexity of programs and their implementations. Parallel execution introduces a new class of software bugs and performance shortcomings, that are usually difficult to trace using traditional methods and tools. Hence, new tools and methods need to be introduced, which deal specifically with problems encountered in parallel programs. The goal of this project is the development of MPI-based parallel program performance monitoring tool and research into the ways this tool can be used for measuring, comparing and improving the performance of target programs.
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Programinės įrangos naudojimo konsultavimo sistema / Software for Using Advisory SystemValašinas, Aivaras 02 July 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – sukurti programinės įrangos naudojimo konsultavimo sistemą, kuri kauptų duomenis ape programinę įrangą ir su ja susijusią informaciją: vartotojų atsiliepimus, problemas, pamokas ir pan. / A system enabling the users to find the necessary software, to read information related to it, responses by other users, their ratings was created. The users themselves can post questions, provide help for other users and rate the help they have received. The system is managed by moderators who can edit or remove the unnecessary information. System administrator is granted the right to change settings including the appearance.
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