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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neįgalių asmenų įsidarbinimo galimybės aptarnavimo sferoje / Possibility of disabled people to work in the service domain

Ivanauskaitė, Irma 28 June 2006 (has links)
There are choice aspects of disabled people, of them profession territory in the post – graduate. There are introduced with resolve and possibility of disabled people to work in the service domain. There are used these systems of the investigation – analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire of disabled people, data – processing of statistics. There are data – processing of questionnaire, conclusion of one hundred forty at work with physically and mentally disabled people. We can arque, that: · There are a lot of disabled people, who want work in the service domain, but there are little people, who work in the service domain in Lithuania. · For a lot of disabled people job is not values, because, if they would have climate, want take of. · A lot of examine people, who have a profession, a job pick not in the service domain.

Kauno Medicinos Universiteto visuomenės sveikatos fakulteto absolventų karjeros galimybių vertinimas / Assessment of career development of the graduates from the faculty of public health, Kaunas University of Medicine

Antipova, Evelina 13 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY The aims of the study: To assess the opinion of the graduates from the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at KMU about the studies and employment opportunities. The objectives of the study: 1. To assess the distribution of the graduates from the FPH by employment status. 2. To evaluate the opinion of the graduates about the level of the competence, acquired during the studies, and describe the main problems, faced during the studies at the FPH. 3. To investigate possible ways for improvement of studies, expressd by the graduates. Methods: Questionnaire survey of the graduates from the FPH was carried out using two types of questionnaires, separately for Bachelors and Masters. All the 270 graduates, who had graduated from FPH in 2001 – 2003 were asked to participate in the survey. The response rate was 66.6% 80 graduates responded, out of 120 who were contacted. Extemporized interview was performed with 10 graduates. It gave much additional information which the questionnaires didn’t contain. Programme SPSS (the 10th version) was used for the statistical analysis. The results: Majority of the graduates from the FPH succeed in being employed according to their speciality, practicing and using the skills and knowledge they acquired. The prior fields of employment are state services like - State Public Health Service, Municipality, Public Health Centres, Health Ministry of Lithuania, Kaunas University on Medicine (69.6 % graduates) and health care institutions like... [to full text]

Darbdavių požiūris į neįgalių asmenų įsidarbinimo galimybes darbo rinkoje / Opinion of the bosses about the facilities of disabled persons in the work-market

Spėčiuvienė, Regina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta neįgaliųjų asmenų įsidarbinimo galimybių bei darbdavių požiūrio į neįgaliųjų asmenų įsidarbinimą darbo rinkoje, teorinė analizė. Keliami tokie teiginiai – problemos: ar neįglieji asmenys gali pasinaudoti teisiniais dokumentais, reglamentuojančiais šių asmenų teisę į darbą; kokios pagrindinės priežastys įtakoja, kad darbdaviai nesilaiko tų teisinių aktų; ar patys neįgalieji suinteresuoti darbu. / There is theoretical analysis of the facilities of disabled persons finding a job and the viewpoint of employers to the placement of disabled people at the work market in this work. Such propositions – problems are raising: can the disabled persons use the law papers, which regulate the right to work for these persons; what main reasons determine that the employers don`t follow the law acts; do the disability persons themselves interest in the work.

Vadybos specialistų ugdymas veiklai tarptautinėje darbo rinkose: tobulinimo strategijos / Management specialist training for activities in the international market: strategic decisions

Pluktaitė, Justina 17 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami vadybos specialistų įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje veiksniai, švietimo sistemos, darbo rinkos poreikių harmonizavimo galimybės Lietuvoje. Išnagrinėta organizacijų tarptautiškumo įtaka žmonių išteklių vadybos pokyčiams, pateikiamos Lietuvos švietimo sistemos ypatybės rengiant vadybos specialistus. Pateikiama mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, kurioje nagrinėjama vadybos specialistų kompetencijos, žmonių išteklių vadybos principai, specialistų integracijos į darbo rinką modeliai. Pristatoma mokslinio tyrimo metadologija. Siekiant nustatyti vadybos specialistų įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje veiksnius, Lietuvos organizacijų keliamus reikalavimus įdarbinant vadybininkus, atlikta darbo rinkos struktūros statistikos ir mokslininkų atliktų tyrimų analizė bei atlikta anketinė vadybos studijų studentų ir absolventų ir įvairių organizacijų atstovų apklausa. Atsižvelgiant į literatūros šaltinių, statistikos analizę bei atliktus tyrimus, parengti strateginiai sprendimai, kurie leidžia vadybos specialistui pasirinkti įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje strategiją. Apibendrinamos išvados ir pateikiami pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 7 dalys: įvadas, 4 dėstymo dalys, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. / This Master thesis has its main focus on managers training for activities in the international market, considering the needs of labour market and education institutions in order to harmonise specialist training system. It covers human resource management changes regarding business internationalisation process and influence of human resource management changes in the Lithuanian education system for the training of management specialists. This Master thesis evaluates labour market and education system requirements regarding managers’ competence and his integration in the international labour market. Scientific literature review examined the management expertise of specialists, human resource management principles, basic models of specialsits integration into the labour market. Statistical mathematic and empirical research analysis presents nowadays market situation in training management specialists and covers the need of harmonisation of all training system. This Master thesis offers strategic decisions focused on trinomial managers training model. Considering all analysis of theoretical and practical manager’s approach, there are given findings of this Master thesis. The structure of this thesis: introduction, 4 main chapters, conclusions, and references. Thesis consists of: 102 p. texts without appendixes, 29 pictures, 12 tables, and 183 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

Sporto trenerių integracijos į darbo rinką modeliavimas / The creation of model of the integration of the sports coaches into the job market

Kubilienė, Gintarė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Sėkminga integracija į darbo rinką, tai mūsų visuomenės, šalies socialinio, ekonominio, politinio gyvenimo stiprinimas. Integracija, problemos su kuriomis susiduria jaunimas, norėdamas įsidarbinti ir sėkmingai išlikti bei konkuruoti darbo rinkoje buvo ir yra ypač aktualios visuomenės gyvenime. Kiekvienas specialistas, siekia įsitvirtinti darbo pasaulyje ir atlikti savo, kaip pilnaverčio žmogaus, piliečio pareigas, funkcijas. Tačiau nepalankiomis šiandienos ekonominėmis sąlygomis, tampa vis sunkiau integruotis į norimą darbinę veiklą. Keičiantis šalies ekonominei, socialinei padėčiai, keičiasi ir kai kurių profesijų paklausa, vienos jų nyksta, vietoje jų atsiranda naujos. Vis sunkiau tampa žengti kartu su naujais pokyčiais, planuoti savo profesinę karjerą, nežinant kas gali nutikti rytoj. Taigi, svarbu parengti sporto trenerių integracijos į darbo rinką modelį ir remiantis šiuo modeliu, nustatyti veiksnius, jų grupes kurios daro įtaką sporto trenerių profesinei integracijai. Tai leistų daryti objektyvesnes išvadas, kurie faktoriai jiems yra svarbesni, kurie mažiau ir kurie padėjo įsidarbinimo procese. Tai galimybė iš arčiau pažinti integracijos į darbo rinką proceso struktūrą, norint nustatyti sporto trenerių mokymosi, įsidarbinimo, įsitvirtinimo darbo rinkoje galimybes. Tyrimo problema: Nepakankamai aiškūs veiksniai, įtakojantys sporto trenerių integraciją į darbo rinką. Tyrimo tikslas: Sukurti sporto trenerių integracijos į darbo rinką modelį, analizuojant integracijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Successful integration into the job market is the strengthening of our society, as well as social, economic and political life. Integration and problems that young people encounter when seeking to get employed, as well as stay successfully and remain competitive in the job market have always been and still are of great relevance in the society life. Each specialist aims to strengthen his position in the job world and carry out his responsibilities and functions as a full-fledged human and a citizen. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to integrate into a desired job field (activity) under current unfavorable economic conditions. As the economical and social situations of the country change, the demand for certain professions change as well. Some of them disappear and new professions take their place. It becomes more difficult to keep up with the new changes and plan one’s own professional career without knowing what tomorrow might bring. Therefore, it is important to prepare a model of sports coach integration into the job market and by relying upon this model to determine the factors and their groups that influence the professional integration of sports coaches. This would allow to draw objective conclusions as to which factors are more important to them and which of them helped them more or less in the employment process. It is an opportunity to get to know the structure of the integration into the job market process while seeking to identify the possibilities... [to full text]

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