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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přístavba školy v Praze - stavebně technologický projekt / Extension of school in Prague - construction technology project

Brezanská, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis contains structural and technological project extension school in Prague. It deals with the planning of the entire construction and detail solutions primarily site construction design, machine assembly, time plan of the building structure and anchoring systems for flat roofs. Further processing deals budget of main building structure, technological regulations and inspection and test plans for monolithic construction and green roof and safety plan for these works.

Komunikační kompetence v kurikulu mateřské školy / Communication competences in kindergarten curriculum

Otiepková, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a concept of communicative competences in the curricula at the stage of pre-school education and introduces the possibilities of development of these competences in kindergarten. The theoretical part outlines issues of curriculum, key competences and communicative competences in the context of pre-primary education. The research is a presentation of qualitative-quantitative research, which aimed to analyze the concept of communicative competences in the curricula of kindergartens and based on direct observation to find out, how kindergarten teachers meet the communicative competences at this stage of education, how to diagnose them and what opportunities provides kindergarten environment to develop pre-school children communication competences. Based on the analysis of curriculum documents of selected kindergartens we found that schools include communicative competences in their conceptual materials and attach great importance to them, even if these documents have different content and formal level. From our observations and interviews with respondents, we concluded that kindergartens and their teachers usually provide good conditions for children to develop their communicative competences (positive communication climate, proper teacher speech pattern, primary prevention,...

Vzdělávací programy pro oblast digitálních knihoven a digitalizace na školách informační vědy a knihovnictví v USA / Educational programs for the digital libraries sphere and digitisation on information and library science schools in the USA

Jilečková, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The aim of diploma theses Educational Programs for the Digital Libraries Sphere and Digitisation on Information and Library Science Schools in the USA is to compare studying programs of chosen schools of information science and librarianship in the USA for digital libraries and digitisation sphere and according to this analysis make some recommendations for ÚISK FF UK. In the theoretical part there are competencies for that field introduced and its development in praxis and education is showed. In the practical part of the work follows the analysis of chosen american schools of information studies (universities Chapel Hill in the North Carolina, Michigan, Boston, Illinois and Syracuse), where the issues of digitisation and digital libraries are taught. Based on this analysis continues the work with some recommendations possible for using in the ÚISK FF UK.

Přístup žáků ke studiu chemie na různých typech středních škol / Attitude of Students to Study Chemistry at the Different Types of Secondary Schools

Halúzka, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science Chemistry Education Attitude of Students to Study Chemistry at the Different Types of Secondary Schools Author: Mgr. Miloš Halúzka Supervisor: Mgr. Jiří Šibor, Ph.D. Prague 2015 2 Abstract In the theoretical part, author quotes technical literature which describes the effects specifying the access of students to study and he estimates expressions of individual effects in real teaching practice in chemistry lessons. Author describes the difference between students studying secondary vocational school and students from apprentice school with regard to absence. Author also illustrates the crucial influence of family background on the example of educational achievements of one student in 8 past years. Furthermore, the teoretical part summarizes the various influences that participates in the access of students to the school subject of chemistry, recommended approaches and didactic methods. There is also defined the issue of cousework as a project teaching method. Everything is evaluated in the context of conditions prevailing on the different types of secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Is describing the position of the general courses at the apprentice school on a small sample of teachers. The teoretical part is devoted to different approach of different...

Porovnání preprimárního, primárního vzdělávání a vstupu dítěte do školy v České republice a v Nizozemsku / Comparation of pre-primary, primary education and a child's entry to school in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands

Freudenfeldová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with comparison of pre-school and primary education and child's entry to school in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. It is devided into two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part is summarized pre-school and primary education from both countries. Through the historical overview we come to nowadays school educational systems, ongoing debates and policy trends planned for the future. The practical part deals with child's transfer from second to third grade in the Netherlands. With a use of the record sheets I follow and evaluate the child's development in the last year of preschool in the Czech Republic and in the second grade of Dutch primary school. The aim of the thesis is on to determine how are children in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands prepaired at the age of 5-6 years for entering the school. The question is whether Dutch children are affected and more prepaired from compulsory school attendance than children in the Czech Republic.

Výukové cíle muzejní edukace jako prostředek rozvoje funkční spolupráce školy a muzea / Methodological Teaching Goals Of The Museum Education For Development Of The Cooperation Between Schools And Museums

Horská, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This work presents a complex analysis of the methodological teaching goals with regard to the museum education, in the context of cooperation between schools and museums from the humanistic concept of education perspective. The subject of the work is based on the assumption that certain methodological goals entail a significant feature for educational planning and implementation, and they also are one of the instruments of the functional development cooperation between the two institutions. The theoretical part of thesis deals with the methodological goal as a follow-up to the museum education definition. It is not only essential to find a concept of the term - teaching goal, but also to analyse the content of the museum education goals; so it's the work analysis of a museum pedagogue and his/her goals towards other components in the museum education process. The emphasis is put also on the issue of autoevaluation regarding the educational results. Last but not least the work focusses on the historical perspective as well. Namely, it examines the cooperation between schools and museums, its educational programmes as systematic conditions for a mutual collaboration. The first phase of the qualitative research elaborates on the reflection of museum educational goals from the elementary school teacher...

Přípravné vzdělávání učitelek mateřských škol a potřeby praxe / Initial Education Of Early Years Teachers And The Profession's Needs

Podpera, Milan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with undergraduate training of kindergarten teachers. The aim is to compare the issue of preparation for the profession of kindergarten teacher from different perspectives in historical and international comparisons and reflect and analyze the needs of the profession towards initial training kindergarten teachers on the basis of theoretical concepts and statements from practice. The reaserch aims to analyze the curriculum of initial training kindergarten teachers at selected faculties of education in the Czech Republic, analyze and reflect on meeting the needs of the profession in these faculties and learn how to evaluate their students' level of development of their professional competence at the beginning of undergraduate training and at the end. Research design is a multi-case study. Working with reaserch respondents has a longitudinal character. Methods were used quantitative and qualitative methodology - questionnaire, rating scales, content analysis of documents, interview and focus group. The thesis analyzes the curriculum of undergraduate training at Faculty of Education Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and Faculty of Education University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in the context of the model of the...

Zahraniční studenti v Československu v 70. a 80. letech / Foreign Students in Czechoslovakia in 70's and 80's

Nnaji, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Foreign policy of Czechoslovakia in 70's and 80's depended completely on the policy of the Soviet union and its promoted ideology. The Czechoslovak socialist republic preserved the narrowest relationship with the Soviet union and its sattelite states in Eastern Europe, while the relationship with the western countries oriented to co-operation with the United states, was very cold and was beeing restored very slowly and gradually. The developing countries, especially those heading to a socialist establishment, had a special position in Czechoslovak foreign policy. Especially these countries benefited from Czechoslovak aid such as financial, military or material support. Another way Czechoslovakia implemented its development aid was offering scholarships for university students. The purpose of this form of aid was to contribute to the progress of developing countries, most of whom gained independence recently. Simultaneously the policy pursued another aim - to spread the socialist ideology and the influlence of the Soviet union around the world. Hundreds of foreign students studied in Czechoslovak universities every year during 70's and 80's. Most of them came from so called developing countries. Foreign students came from various countries of the world, various cultures and therefore they perceived...

Informační vzdělávání studentů distanční a kombinované formy studia v prostředí vysokoškolských knihoven veřejných vysokých škol v ČR / Information education of distance students in academic libraries of public universities in the Czech Republic

Sýkora, Rudolf January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with information education of students of distance and combined study at public universities in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The first part of the thesis introduces concepts related to information education, characterizes the system of higher education in the Czech Republic and describes the specifics of distance and combined form of study. The theoretical part also contains a chapter on information education of distance learning students abroad. The practical part describes the research of educational activities for students of distance / combined study at Czech public universities. The research forms used in the thesis are questionnaire survey and content analysis of the documents of individual colleges of libraries. The conclusion of the paper contains a summary and recommendations for improvement.

Metodika klavírního vyučování začátečníků s návrhem optimálního řešení výběru a uspořádání notových materiálů / Methodology of Elementary Piano Teaching with Suggestion of Optimal Solution for Selection and Arrangement of Sheet Music

Lorenc, Eva January 2019 (has links)
The beginnings of piano playing of children play an important role in laying quality pianistic groundings, which are crucial for their further pianistic development as well as for building their relationship with the instrument and music itself. This thesis is devoted to the study of elementary piano teaching of children aged 5-7 years. The aim of the thesis is to map the current state of piano pedagogy in Czech Republic and to propose optimal methodological procedures and solutions in the initial piano lessons based on modern pedagogical approaches and the needs of contemporary piano pedagogy. In five chapters of the work, this goal will be achieved by examining the historical background of piano schools in Bohemia over the centuries to this day, by setting up theoretical and practical bases for the researched issue and finally by research itself. Within the framework of practical bases, which served as a basis for subsequent research, an optimal methodological approach to teaching in the early stage of piano playing was proposed for children aged 5-7 years, which corresponds to the most modern requirements of the field. The optimal selection and arrangement of sheet music for the given area of pedagogy was also designed with a focus on Czech and foreign piano schools and instructive piano...

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