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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Drone and the Dove: Fighting Al-Qa'ida While Negotiating Peace in Yemen

Chauhan, Shashank 27 October 2016 (has links)
International conflicts are becoming more complex. Many involve multiple intra-state parties with multiple and at times opposing interests. With increasing globalization and the resulting growth in connectivity, the United States and other Western nations will likely find themselves increasingly involved in these conflicts. Recent history has shown that the ‘military option’ is not as effective as previously thought in dealing with inter-state conflicts. Thus, studies that explore other options in the management and resolution of these conflicts are critical. This thesis will explore and analyze the option of a systems theory based model as a model for conflict resolution by specifically analyzing the use of such a model in the present conflict in Yemen.

Políticas tripartites e ação sindical: a experiência de negociação do sindicato dos metalúrgicos do ABC no setor automotivo / Tripartite policies and union action: the negotiating experience of the ABC metalworkers\' union in the automotive sector

Bicev, Jonas Tomazi 29 April 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste em uma tentativa de acompanhar as ações do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do ABC em duas políticas tripartites do setor automotivo: um programa de regulação do mercado e incentivo à inovação tecnológica e adensamento da cadeia produtiva de veículos automotores (o Inovar-Auto); e outro, de contenção das demissões, o Programa de Proteção ao Emprego (o atual Programa Seguro Emprego) por entender que as negociações existentes em torno da construção, aprovação e monitoramento de ambas as políticas revelam os limites, as opções de cada momento e os dilemas enfrentados pelos sindicatos de trabalhadores ao participarem das ações governamentais de estímulo ao desenvolvimento do setor industrial. A partir da discussão bibliográfica, entrevistas, documentos, dados primários e secundários, pretende-se testar a hipótese de que a base metalúrgica se beneficia de ações realizadas com o apoio do governo, mas a direção sindical também é cobrada por problemas da administração pública que escapam do controle e da esfera de atuação sindical. / The present paper is an attempt to follow the actions of the ABC metalworkers\' union in two tripartite policies of the automotive sector: a program to regulate the market and to encourage technological innovation and increase of automotive production chain (Inovar-Auto); and the Employment Protection Program (the current Employment Insurance Program) considering that the existing negotiations around the construction, approval and monitoring of both policies reveal the limits, options of each moment and dilemmas faced by labor unions when participating in government actions to stimulate the development of the industrial sector. From the discussion of bibliography, interviews, documents, primary and secondary data, we intend to test the hypothesis that the metallurgical base benefits from actions carried out with the support of the government, but its also demanded from the union leadership solutions to problems of public administration that escapes the control and the sphere of union activity.

Essays on international acquisitions

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of the current manuscript was to examine acquirer and market behavior surrounding a sample of international mergers and acquisitions. The first essay examined the existence of a private company discount and its connections to liquidity. It found that unlisted targets sell for less than their public counterparts, confirming earlier findings. The examination of a connection between the discount and liquidity mostly contradicted earlier studies (Officer 2007), depending on which subsample was selected. The second essay examined the existence of a target price runup preceding acquisitions announcements, existence of a substitution effect between runup and premium, and whether investor protection influenced the two. It confirmed the earlier findings of a significant runup preceding acquisition announcements, with the runup being more pronounced in those targets from weaker investor protection countries. Contrary to Schwert (1996), the study found a significant substitution effect between runup and premium, with the effect stronger if the acquirers are from countries with weak investor protection. The third essay examined acquirer stock price reaction to the three different components of the offer price: target's stand-alone valuation, pre-announcement runup and the offer premium. Each component was found to have an overall insignificant effect on the acquirer stock price in the overall sample. When the targets were from the countries with the weakest investor protection, the study found that the reaction to both the runup and stand-alone target valuation depend on both target and acquirer country investor protection. The study also found that when the targets were from the countries with the weakest investor protection, and only from those countries, acquirer stock price reacted negatively to any individual component of the offer price being higher. / Overall, the three studies confirm that behavior of both acquirer management and their stock markets i affected by the variance in investor protection among countries. / by Jurica Susnjara. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

As relações intergovernamentais na implantação da política de saúde no Estado do Acre de 1990 até 2008 / Intergovernmental relations in the implementation of health policy in the state of Acre from 1990 to 2008

Klein, Estanislau Paulo 06 October 2010 (has links)
Este é um estudo das relações intergovernamentais entre as três esferas de governo que ocorrem na implantação e implementação da política de saúde no estado do Acre, com o foco na função de coordenação da esfera estadual do SUS na condução dessa política. A investigação buscou identificar como ocorre essa coordenação que envolve transferências de recursos financeiros entre as esferas de governo que são negociados no âmbito do sistema de saúde. A investigação foi centrada na Secretaria Estadual de Saúde e na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Rio Branco. Os demais 21 municípios do estado foram estudados nas suas relações com a esfera estadual no seu papel de gestora do sistema de saúde. Foi adotada a estratégia do estudo de caso para caracterizar, descrever e analisar o Sistema Único de Saúde do Acre no período do início da década de 1990 até o final de 2008. Para contextualizar as especificidades do Acre foram estudados os serviços de saúde antecedentes ao SUS. Realizou-se investigação documental, observação sistemática e entrevistas com os principais atores envolvidos com essa política. A implantação do SUS no Acre foi um processo lento com divergências entre as esferas de governo quanto à descentralização dos serviços. Essas divergências eram maiores e retardavam mais o processo nos municípios onde os gestores locais tinham identificações partidárias diferentes do gestor estadual. O processo de implantação da política de saúde no Acre aconteceu em cenários de escassez de recursos financeiros sendo que em alguns momentos os poucos recursos e falhas administrativas causaram graves crises nos serviços. Em 1999, a receita fiscal do Estado do Acre foi de 81,83 milhões de Reais e os gastos com a saúde foram de 97,37 milhões de Reais. Em 2008, a receita fiscal foi de 555,33 milhões de Reais e os gastos com a saúde foram de 373,48 milhões de Reais. Embora pareça um significativo aumento da receita, nesse período houve a descentralização de serviços de saúde para os municípios e os mesmos passaram a receber recursos financeiros da União para sustentarem seus serviços. Tanto na esfera estadual como nos municípios, a sustentação da política de saúde depende dos recursos da União. As relações da esfera estadual do SUS com os municípios passaram por sucessivos conflitos para a descentralização de serviços e no período recente persiste um tratamento desigual da esfera estadual em relação aos municípios / This is a study of intergovernmental relations between the three spheres of government that occur in the deployment and implementation of health policy in the state of Acre, with the focus on the coordinating role of the state sphere of SUS in the conduct of that policy. The investigation sought to identify how this coordination occurs which involves transfers of funds between the spheres of government that are traded within the health system. The investigation was centered on the State Health Department and the Municipal Health Secretariat of Rio Branco. The remaining 21 counties in the state were studied in their relations with the state level in his role as manager of the health system. We adopted the strategy of case study to characterize, describe and analyze the National Health System of Acre during the beginning of the 1990s until the end of 2008. To contextualize the particularities of Acre were studied health services background to SUS. We carried out documentary research, systematic observation and interviews with key actors involved with this policy. The implementation of the NHS in Acre was a slow process with divergent levels of government regarding the decentralization of services. These differences were larger and more retarded the process in the municipalities where local managers had different party identifications of the state administrator. The implementation process of health policy happened in Acre on scenarios of scarcity of financial resources and in some instances the few resources and administrative failures caused serious crises in services. In 1999, tax revenue of Acre was 81.83 million Reais and health spending were 97.37 million Reais. In 2008, tax revenue was 555.33 million Reais and health care expenditures were 373.48 million Reais. Although it seems a significant increase in revenues during this period was the decentralization of health services to municipalities and they began to receive Union funds to sustain their services. Both at the state level as in the municipalities, the support of health policy depends on the resources of the Union\'s relations with the state level SUS municipalities have gone through successive conflicts for the decentralization of services and in the recent period there remains an unequal treatment of state level in relation to municipalities

Análise de conflitos e soluções adotadas por franquias do setor alimentício - um estudo multicaso / Analysis of conflicts and solutions adopted by the food franchises a multicase study

Maemura, Marcia Mitie Durante 03 April 2009 (has links)
Cada vez mais brasileiros ingressam no sistema de franquias, buscando alternativas estruturadas para iniciar empreendimento. A partir do início da década de 90, o segmento obteve faturamentos crescentes, o que serviu de estímulo aos empreendedores. Buscando regulamentar a ação das redes, em 1994 foi criada a Lei 8.955, que instituiu princípios básicos do sistema no país, buscando legalizar a atuação das redes de franquia por meio da adequação de seus contratos e padrões de operação. Hoje o sistema conta com 1197 redes de franquias e mais de 65.553 unidades dados que comprovam a força do setor. Este crescimento deixa cada vez mais evidente a necessidade das franqueadoras desenvolverem medidas de soluções efetivas de conflitos em suas redes, visto que o sucesso do sistema é dado à medida em que o franqueado acata as normas do franqueador. Desta maneira, a dissertação identifica quais os conflitos organizacionais mais freqüentes nas redes entrevistadas, realizando observações sobre ações preventivas adotadas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, em quatro redes de franquias do setor alimentício. Inicialmente, foram pesquisadas fontes secundárias de dados, com o intuito de se estruturar uma revisão teórica que contextualizasse com precisão o panorama atual da estruturação do sistema de franquias no Brasil, bem como fundamentos de prevenção de conflitos pela negociação. Os dados coletados foram analisados pela análise de proposições teóricas. Identificou-se que os principais conflitos das redes são causados por falhas de comunicação entre as partes, contratos desestruturados e por falhas na padronização de produtos da rede Outra constatação foi a de que algumas redes de franquias adotam medidas de prevenção de conflitos que posteriormente podem originar conflitos ainda maiores. / Each year more Brazilians enter the franchise system, seeking alternatives to start structured venture. From the beginning of the 90s the growing segment obtained rising incomes which served as a stimulus to entrepreneurs. Seeking to regulate the action of franchise, was created in 1994 the 8955 Law, establishing basic principles of the system in the country, seeking to legalize performance of franchise through the adequacy of their contracts and standards of operation. Today the system has 1,197 franchise networks and more than 65,553 units - data that show the strength of the sector. This growth makes increasingly clear the need for franchisors to develop effective solutions to conflicts in their networks since the success of the system is given to the extent that the franchisee abides the rules of the franchisor. Thus, the dissertation identifies the most frequent organizational conflict on interviewed networks, making remarks on preventive actions taken. To achieve this, it will place a qualitative research, case study type in four franchises of the food sector. Initially, a secondary data research was done in order to organize a theoretical review able to put into context accurately the current situation of the franchise system structuring in Brazilas well as grounds for resolving disputes by negotiation. Data collected were analyzed by analysis of theoretical propositions. It was identified that the main conflicts of networks are caused by failures of communication between the involved, unstructured contracts and failure of standardization of product in the network. Another finding was that some networks of franchises adopt measures to prevent conflicts that may later cause even greater conflict, and there are differences in the methods of prevention and solution of conflicts in the degree of experience of networks.

Responsabilidades nas relações pré-contratuais de trabalho / Responsabilities in labor precontractual relations

Cesarini, Juliana Ramalho Lousas 30 May 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo a análise da responsabilidade civil pré-contratual no âmbito do Direito do Trabalho. Para tanto, inicialmente buscamos a conceituação dos institutos necessários para a construção do conteúdo estudado. Após, trouxemos os conceitos e princípios que norteiam os contratos civis para as relações de trabalho. Ainda que o Direito do Trabalho seja norteado por princípios específicos, os princípios de Direito Civil foram utilizados e transpostos de forma mitigada para o Direito Laboral. Tratamos de realizar a diferenciação entre o pré-contrato e as negociações preliminares, uma vez que esse estudo é fundamental para que se identifique o momento em que o pré-contrato de trabalho tem início, a fim de se estabelecerem parâmetros e limites para a apuração de responsabilidade civil. Sedimentados os conceitos basilares sobre pré-contrato e responsabilidade civil, tratamos dos efeitos desta última no momento em que se celebra o pré-contrato de trabalho. Importante, também, a análise das situações que permeiam a celebração do pré-contrato do trabalho, tais quais as entrevistas e testes seletivos, anúncios de emprego e suas consequências para a formação do contrato de trabalho. Analisamos a responsabilidade civil que pode ser atribuída não só ao contratante, de forma direta, mas, também, aos terceiros que participam da relação jurídica pré-contratual. Após a análise das situações que ensejam a reparação civil, estudamos as modalidades de responsabilidade civil. Ao final, concluímos que, para fins de apuração de responsabilidade civil pré-contratual, é necessário delimitar o momento da ocorrência do dano e o agente causador, a fim de que se repare o dano causado. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the pre-contractual civil liability under the Labor Law. For this purpose, we initially seek to conceptualize the necessary institutions for the construction of the studied content. Then, we transported the concepts and principles that guide civil contracts to labor relations. Even though Labor Law is guided by specific principles, the principles of Civil Law were used and transposed in moderate terms into Labor Law. We tried to make the differentiation between pre-contract and preliminary negotiations, since this study is crucial to identify the moment when the employment pre-contract begins in order to establish parameters and limits for the determination of civil liability. After establishing the stone concepts of pre-contract and liability, we dealt with the effects of the latter at the moment when a labor pre-contract is executed. It is also important to analyze the situations that permeate the execution of the labor pre-contract, such as interviews and selective tests, job advertisements and their consequences for the formation of the employment contract. We analyzed the civil liability that can be directly attributed not only to the contracting party, but also to third parties that take part in the pre-contractual legal relationship. After analyzing the situations that cause civil remedy claims, we studied the modalities of civil liability. At the end, we conclude that, for purposes of determining pre-contractual civil liability, it is necessary to delimit the moment when the damage occurs and the agent who caused it in order to repair that damage.

Análise dos conflitos, das negociações e dos contratos gerados pelo compartilhamento de infra-estrutura entre empresas reguladas pelas agências ANEEL, ANATEL e ANP / Analysis of the conflicts, the negotiation, and de contracts generated by infrastructure sharing between companies regulated by ANEEL, ANATEL e ANP agencies of the Brazilian government

Bandos, Melissa Franchini Cavalcanti 10 December 2008 (has links)
O compartilhamento de infra-estrutura entre empresas dos setores de energia elétrica, telecomunicações e petróleo é fonte de negociações, muitas vezes conflituosas, uma vez que a infra-estrutura construída para determinado serviço deve, por lei, ser compartilhada por outro, sempre que possível. Neste contexto, a presente tese analisou os contratos homologados, gerados pela necessidade de compartilhamento de infra-estrutura, entre esses setores, principalmente sob a ótica do direito de propriedade, bem como eventuais conflitos que envolvem as respectivas agências reguladoras (ANEEL, ANATEL e ANP). Para tanto, foi utilizada a pesquisa qualitativa, inicialmente exploratória, visando conhecer o assunto em geral. Na seqüência, foram desenvolvidas pesquisas descritiva e analítica, com base nos contratos de compartilhamento de infra-estrutura, em entrevistas e questionários com os envolvidos na questão, utilizando a análise de conteúdo. Constatou-se a efetiva aplicabilidade prática da Resolução Conjunta no 01/1999 (que dispõe sobre o compartilhamento de infra-estrutura), e que o preço é a principal divergência entre as empresas, existindo, todavia, uma abertura nas agências para essa discussão, como na Audiência Pública no 07/2007, realizada pela ANEEL e ANATEL. A liberdade de negociação das questões comerciais e de preço deve permanecer como o meio das partes buscarem por interesses comuns, sugere-se, contudo, considerar alterações na legislação vigente, que permita a inserção de uma metodologia que sirva de parâmetro legal nos conflitos para estabelecer preços, dando agilidade aos processos submetidos à arbitragem pelas agências reguladoras. Com isso, ampliar-se-ia o uso da via administrativa, em detrimento da via judicial, aumentando a utilização da Resolução no 02/2001 (que dispõe sobre a solução de conflitos das empresas pelas agências) e o efetivo uso do poder mediador das agências reguladoras, revertendo em benefícios às próprias empresas. / The infrastructure shared among companies from the electric energy, telecommunications, and oil sectors is a source of avid negotiation but not devoid of frequent conflicts. This is due to fact that the infrastructure constructed for one of the services must by law, be used for the other ones whenever possible. Within this context, the present dissertation analyzed homologated contracts, drawn up through the necessity of infrastructure sharing among these sectors, mainly in view of property rights, as well as eventual conflicts involving the respective regulating agencies (ANEEL, ANATEL and ANP). Therefore qualitative research methods were used, which were initially exploratory, in order to get to know the subject matter in a general manner. Following this, descriptive and analytical researches were developed based on infrastructure sharing contracts, interviews, and questionnaires among the involved parties, using content analysis. The practical application of Resolution no 01/1999 (which deals with infrastructure sharing) was taken into account, as well as the fact that the price was the main divergence among the companies. However, there has been some flexibility when the topic has been discussed by the respective agencies, as in the Open Meeting no 07/2007, held by ANEEL and ANATEL. The free negotiation of commercial issues as well as the prices involved must remain the way in which all parties seek their common interests. Furthermore, alterations can be suggested to the current law to permit the insertion of a methodology which would make a legal parameter possible in light of the conflicts involving establishing prices and quickening the processes submitted for arbitration by the regulating agencies. Thus, the use of the administrative method would be extended, in detriment to the judicial method, increasing the use of Resolution no 02/2001 (which deals with the solution of companies conflicts by the agencies) and the effective use of their mediating power, providing benefits to the companies themselves.

Three essays on competitive acquisition bids

Unknown Date (has links)
Many factors contribute to the outcome of an acquisition; these factors arise from both the objective of the target and acquirer. This dissertation focuses on how the bidding strategy, acquirer and target characteristics impact the transaction. The first essay examines how the timing and size of the acquirer's bid for a U.S. target firm impacts their return. I find that successful first and low bid acquirers experience significantly larger returns than successful secondary and non-low bid acquirers. The cross-sectional analysis determines that higher levels of target institutional ownership and acquisitions completed prior to the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley result in reduced returns to the acquirer. In addition, the likelihood of a successful first bid acquirer increases with a revised bid and when the acquirer is both the first and low bid acquirer simultaneously. The likelihood of a successful first bid acquirer decreases as the number of bidders increases and as the bidding process lengthens. I also find that the likelihood of a successful low bid acquirer increases the longer the bidding process. The second essay examines how the timing and size of the acquirer's bid for an international target impacts their return. I find that successful first and low bid acquirers experience insignificant abnormal returns following the acquisition announcement. In addition, the likelihood of a successful first bid acquirer increases when the acquirer and target have similar cultures, with higher levels of target government corruption and when the acquirer is both the first and low bid acquirer simultaneously. The likelihood of a successful low bid acquirer decreases with higher levels of target government corruption. I also examine what factors affect the target premium and find that larger transactions and successful first bid acquirers increase the target premium. / Conversely, similar cultures and higher levels of government corruption, rule of law, bureaucracy, expropriation and ethnic tension decrease the premium to the target. Lastly, successful first and low bid acquirers experience statistically larger long run abnormal returns than successful secondary and non-low bid acquirers. The third essay examines how a stake accumulation by a conflicted blockholder influences the target's return. I find that targets experience positive cumulative abnormal returns upon the announcement of the Family, ESOP, Management and High Profile Investor stake accumulation. The cross-sectional analysis determines that privately negotiated transactions reduce the return to the target and that higher levels of stake accumulation are positively related to the target's return. Finally, targets experience negative abnormal long run returns following all four types of stake accumulation. / by Mina C. Glambosky. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Application of reference point theory to merger activity and characteristics

Unknown Date (has links)
In Essay I, I analyze the impact of the target and bidder reference points on the probability of acquisition under general economic conditions as well as in strong/weak economic periods. I find that the target and the bidder reference points have a significant impact on the probability of a firm becoming a bidder or a target. While the target reference point also has a significant impact on the successful completion of the merger, the bidder reference point does not. In addition, I find that the target reference point is a significant determinant of management-led buyout mergers, while the bidder reference point has a significant impact on the probability of the bidder launching a hostile bid. In Essay II, I focus on the impact of the target and bidder reference points on the method of payment in the context of what the target seeks, what the bidder offers, and what the two parties use as their final method of payment. The analysis is performed under general economic conditions and in strong/weak economic periods. I find that while the target reference point has a strong impact on the method of payment agreed upon between the two parties, the bidder reference point does not. This is especially important given that the bidder reference point influences the consideration offered by the bidder but does not translate into a significant impact on the final method of payment. In essay III, I examine the impact of bidder reference point on public targets and the impact of bidder and target reference points on private firms. I analyze the aforementioned relationships under different economic conditions. Consistent with the literature on premium and public targets, I find that the target reference point has a strong and positive relationship with the premium paid for private firms. The relationship is stronger in weak economic times. / At the same time, I do not find any evidence that the bidder reference point exerts a significant influence on the premium paid for public firms. Interestingly, the relationship between the bidder reference point and the premium paid for private firms is negative and significant. / Inga Chira. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Consumption buying versus organizational buying: the effects of friendship and seller job status on Chinese bargaining behavior.

January 1996 (has links)
by Mak Yuen-Kwan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 161-189). / ABSTRACT --- p.i / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iv / LIST OF TABLES --- p.viii / ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --- p.x / CHAPTER / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Background --- p.1 / Impact of Cultural Values on Buying- Selling Process --- p.3 / Chinese Bargaining Behavior --- p.8 / Chapter II. --- REVIEW OF LITERATURE --- p.18 / Definitions of Bargaining --- p.18 / Buyer-Seller-Situation Dyadic Interaction Process --- p.31 / Consumption Buying Vs Organizational Buying --- p.36 / The Chinese Cultural Values --- p.40 / Yang's Chinese Social Orientation Concept --- p.45 / Refined Labor-intensive Farming --- p.49 / Commonly Owned Family Property --- p.50 / Patrilineal Descent with the Father- Son Chain --- p.51 / Rigid Hierarchical Social Structures --- p.52 / Familistic Orientation --- p.52 / Relationship Orientation --- p.55 / Authoritarian Orientation --- p.72 / Other Orientation --- p.73 / Independent and Dependent Variables --- p.76 / Independent Variables --- p.76 / Friendship --- p.76 / Seller Job Status --- p.77 / Buying Situation --- p.78 / Dependent Variables --- p.79 / Seller Credibility --- p.79 / Bargaining Style --- p.80 / Outcomes of Bargaining --- p.82 / Research Hypotheses --- p.84 / Chapter III. --- METHODS --- p.89 / Experimental Design --- p.89 / Development of the Research Design --- p.95 / Pretests --- p.96 / Experiment --- p.99 / Subjects --- p.99 / Procedure --- p.101 / Manipulations of Independent Variables --- p.103 / Buying Situation --- p.103 / Friendship --- p.103 / Seller Job Status --- p.104 / Measures of Dependent Variables --- p.107 / Seller Credibility --- p.109 / Bargaining Style --- p.109 / Integrative Bargaining Style --- p.109 / Positive Attitude --- p.110 / Outcomes of Bargaining --- p.110 / Perceived Efficiency --- p.110 / Perceived Satisfaction --- p.110 / Demographic Information --- p.111 / Analysis --- p.112 / Analysis of Interdependence --- p.113 / Analysis of Variance Test --- p.114 / Chapter IV. --- RESULTS --- p.117 / Differences of Experimental Groups --- p.118 / Manipulation Checks --- p.119 / Factor Analysis --- p.122 / Results of Experimentation --- p.127 / Findings --- p.129 / Friendship --- p.129 / Seller Job Status --- p.130 / Buying Situation --- p.130 / Buying Situation - Friendship Interaction --- p.131 / Buying Situation - Seller Job Status Interaction --- p.132 / Seller Job Status - Friendship Interaction --- p.132 / Chapter V. --- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION --- p.134 / Summary of Hypotheses Testing --- p.136 / Discussion --- p.141 / Seller Credibility --- p.141 / Bargaining Style --- p.142 / Integrative Bargaining Style --- p.142 / Positive Attitude --- p.144 / Outcomes of Bargaining --- p.146 / Perceived Efficiency --- p.146 / Perceived Satisfaction --- p.147 / Significance of the Study for Theory and Practice --- p.148 / Theory --- p.148 / Practice --- p.151 / Limitations --- p.156 / Experimental Design --- p.156 / Hong Kong Chinese Sample --- p.156 / Suggestions for Future Research --- p.158 / Experimental Design --- p.158 / Hong Kong Chinese Sample --- p.158 / Unexpected Findings --- p.159 / Conclusion --- p.160 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.161 / APPENDICES --- p.190 / APPENDIX I. Questionnaire --- p.190 / APPENDIX II. One Way ANOVA and Chi-Square Tables --- p.206 / Exhibit 1 Sex --- p.207 / Exhibit 2 Education Level --- p.208 / Exhibit 3 Age --- p.209 / Exhibit 4 Number of Years of Working Experience --- p.210 / Exhibit 5 Ranking in the Company --- p.211 / Exhibit 6 Number of Years of Residence in Hong Kong --- p.212 / Exhibit 7 Level of Expertise on Computer --- p.213 / Exhibit 8 Amount of Time Involved in Business Bargaining --- p.214 / APPENDIX III. ANOVA Tables --- p.215 / Exhibit 1 Cell Means and Analysis of Variance of Seller Credibility --- p.216 / Exhibit 2 Cell Means and Analysis of Variance of Integrative Bargaining Style --- p.217 / Exhibit 3 Cell Means and Analysis of Variance of Positive Attitude --- p.218 / Exhibit 4 Cell Means and Analysis of Variance of Perceived Efficiency --- p.219 / Exhibit 5 Cell Means and Analysis of Variance of Perceived Satisfaction --- p.220 / Exhibit 6 Marginal Means for the Interaction of Buying Situation and Friendship on Seller Credibility --- p.221 / Exhibit 7 Mean Seller Credibility: Buying Situation by Friendship --- p.222 / Exhibit 8 Mean Seller Credibility: Friendship by Buying Situation --- p.223 / Exhibit 9 Analysis of Variance of Seller Credibility --- p.224 / Exhibit 10 Marginal Means for the Interaction of Job Status and Friendship on Integrative Bargaining Style --- p.225 / Exhibit 11 Mean Integrative Bargaining Style: Job Status by Friendship --- p.226 / Exhibit 12 Mean Integrative Bargaining Style: Friendship by Job Status --- p.227 / Exhibit 13 Analysis of Integrative Bargaining Style --- p.228

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