Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
1121 |
Fitování rozdělení pravděpodobnosti pro aplikace / Fitting of Probability Distributions for ApplicationsPavlíčková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the bootstrap method and its applications in the confidence intervals generation, in the testing of statistical hypotheses and in the regression analysis. We present the confidence interval for individual value. Further the method of discrete probability estimation of the categorical quantity is presented, making use the gradient and the line estimate.
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Diskrétně normované řády kvaternionových algeber / Discretely normed orders of quaternionic algebrasHorníček, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce shrnuje autorův výzkum v oblasti teorie kvaternionových algeber, jejich izomorfismů a maximálních řádů. Nový úhel pohledu na tuto problematiku je umožněn využitím pojmu diskrétní normy. Za hlavní výsledky práce je možná považovat důkaz jednoznačnosti diskrétní normy pro celá čísla, kvadratická rozšíření těles a řády kvaternionových algeber. Dále větu, která umožňuje mezi dvěma kvaternionovými algebrami konstruovat izomorfismy explicitně vyjádřené v maticovém tvaru. A v neposlední řadě důkaz existence nekonečně mnoha různých maximálních řádů kvaternionové algebry. Výsledky uvedené v této diplomové práci budou dále publikovány ve vědeckém článku.
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Optimalizace v řízení dynamických systémů / Optimization in control systemsDaniel, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with using a linear matrix inequality (LMI) in control of a dynamic systems. We can define a stability of a dynamic system with a LMI. We can use a LMI for research if the poles of a system are in a given regions in the left half-plane of the complex plane with a LMI or we can use a LMI for a state feedback control. In the work we describe a desing of a controller minimizing a norm from an input to an output of the system. There is also a desing of a LQ controller with a LMI. In the end of the work, there are two examples of a design a LQ controller, which minimize the norm from the input to the output of the system and moves a poles of a dynamic system in a given regions in the complex plane, with the LMI. We use a LMI for a design a continuos LQ controller in the first example. In the second example we use a LMI for a design a discrete LQ controller.
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Normbrytande reklam : En multimodal studie av hur språkliga och visuella resurser används i normbrytande reklamBjörkqvist, Jenni January 2019 (has links)
This study examines two norm-breaking advertising campaigns. Through a sociosemiotic multimodal analysis I have examined a selection of advertising images from two norm-breaking campaigns: Försvarsmakten’s campaign Kom som du är and Arbetsförmedlingen’s campaignGör plats. The purpose of this study was to create a deeper understanding of how norm-breaking advertisement uses verbal and visual resources to affect attitudes and prejudices. To answer this purpose, the study has been based on the following questions: How are prominent participants constructed in norm-breaking advertising? How does image and text interact in order to change attitudes and prejudices? How does the presentation of the prominent participants in the advertising images relate to the overall purpose of the campaign? The result of this study indicates that there are patterns regarding how verbal and visual resources are used in the analyzed norm-breaking advertising images. The overall result shows that how the participants are portrayed makes the advertising images both demanding, contact- creating and engaging. Text and image interact in such a way that they both strengthen and complement each other and together they express demands that point toward a desired attitude and social change. The advertising images contains different people represented in a non- stereotyped way which relates well to the overall purpose of the campaigns.
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”Att man förstår varför vi håller påsom vi gör nu” : - en kvalitativ studie om undervisning i danshistoriai kursen DansteoriSamuelson, Saga January 2020 (has links)
“To understand why we are doing what we do now” – a qualitative study of dance historyteaching within the course Dansteori. This essay illustrates how teachers at upper secondary schools relate to teaching dance history within the course“Dansteori”, focusing on the aim that students should critically review different dance history writings. The study uses interviews and open-ended questionnaires, and the material have been analyzed qualitatively and discussed inrelation to historical thinking and norm-critical pedagogy. The study shows that a historical-scientific perspective is important in how teachers talk about the subject, but less important when it comes to what students should gain fromtheir studies. Instead, a general knowledge of dance history and an ability to connect ones dancing to a historical context, is at the center. The study also shows a conflict between the content and the time given as well as the student’s maturity. In relation to the theoretical perspectives, the historical-scientific perspective is prominent. By contrast, the norm-critical perspective is not as clear, and as I understand it, the critical scrutiny lies primarily within the norm rather than as a means of looking outside the Western box. The next challenge is therefore to not only review the conditions for how history is created, but also to question and change the structures that create knowledge.
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”Att man förstår varför vi håller påsom vi gör nu” : - en kvalitativ studie om undervisning i danshistoria i kursen DansteoriSamuleson, Saga January 2020 (has links)
This essay illustrates how teachers at upper secondary schools relate to teaching dance history within the course “Dansteori”, focusing on the aim that students should critically review different dance history writings. The study uses interviews and open-ended questionnaires, and the material have been analyzed qualitatively and discussed in relation to historical thinking and norm-critical pedagogy. The study shows that a historical-scientific perspective is important in how teachers talk about the subject, but less important when it comes to what students should gain from their studies. Instead, a general knowledge of dance history and an ability to connect ones dancing to a historical context, is at the center. The study also shows a conflict between the content and the time given as well as the student’s maturity. In relation to the theoretical perspectives, the historical-scientific perspective is prominent. By contrast, the norm-critical perspective is not as clear, and as I understand it, the critical scrutiny lies primarily within the norm rather than as a means of looking outside the Western box. The next challenge is therefore to not only review the conditions for how history is created, but also to question and change the structures that create knowledge.
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Sur quelques problèmes de reconstruction en imagerie MA-TIRF et en optimisation parcimonieuse par relaxation continue exacte de critères pénalisés en norme-l0 / On some reconstruction problems in MA-TIRF imaging and in sparse optimization using continuous exact relaxation of l0-penalized criteriaSoubies, Emmanuel 14 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à deux problèmes rencontrés en traitement du signal et des images. Le premierconcerne la reconstruction 3D de structures biologiques à partir d'acquisitions multi-angles enmicroscopie par réflexion totale interne (MA-TIRF). Dans ce contexte, nous proposons de résoudre leproblème inverse avec une approche variationnelle et étudions l'effet de la régularisation. Une batteried'expériences, simples à mettre en oeuvre, sont ensuite proposées pour étalonner le système et valider lemodèle utilisé. La méthode proposée s'est montrée être en mesure de reconstruire avec précision unéchantillon phantom de géométrie connue sur une épaisseur de 400 nm, de co-localiser deux moléculesfluorescentes marquant les mêmes structures biologiques et d'observer des phénomènes biologiquesconnus, le tout avec une résolution axiale de l'ordre de 20 nm. La deuxième partie de cette thèseconsidère plus précisément la régularisation l0 et la minimisation du critère moindres carrés pénalisé (l2-l0) dans le contexte des relaxations continues exactes de cette fonctionnelle. Nous proposons dans unpremier temps la pénalité CEL0 (Continuous Exact l0) résultant en une relaxation de la fonctionnelle l2-l0 préservant ses minimiseurs globaux et pour laquelle de tout minimiseur local on peut définir unminimiseur local de l2-l0 par un simple seuillage. Par ailleurs, nous montrons que cette relaxation éliminedes minimiseurs locaux de la fonctionnelle initiale. La minimisation de cette fonctionnelle avec desalgorithmes d'optimisation non-convexe est ensuite utilisée pour différentes applications montrantl'intérêt de la minimisation de la relaxation par rapport à une minimisation directe du critère l2-l0. Enfin,une vue unifiée des pénalités continues de la littérature est proposée dans ce contexte de reformulationexacte du problème / This thesis is devoted to two problems encountered in signal and image processing. The first oneconcerns the 3D reconstruction of biological structures from multi-angle total interval reflectionfluorescence microscopy (MA-TIRF). Within this context, we propose to tackle the inverse problem byusing a variational approach and we analyze the effect of the regularization. A set of simple experimentsis then proposed to both calibrate the system and validate the used model. The proposed method hasbeen shown to be able to reconstruct precisely a phantom sample of known geometry on a 400 nmdepth layer, to co-localize two fluorescent molecules used to mark the same biological structures andalso to observe known biological phenomena, everything with an axial resolution of 20 nm. The secondpart of this thesis considers more precisely the l0 regularization and the minimization of the penalizedleast squares criteria (l2-l0) within the context of exact continuous relaxations of this functional. Firstly,we propose the Continuous Exact l0 (CEL0) penalty leading to a relaxation of the l2-l0 functional whichpreserves its global minimizers and for which from each local minimizer we can define a local minimizerof l2-l0 by a simple thresholding. Moreover, we show that this relaxed functional eliminates some localminimizers of the initial functional. The minimization of this functional with nonsmooth nonconvexalgorithms is then used on various applications showing the interest of minimizing the relaxation incontrast to a direct minimization of the l2-l0 criteria. Finally we propose a unified view of continuouspenalties of the literature within this exact problem reformulation framework
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Jazykový management učitelů českého jazyka na středních školách a jejich podíl na utváření podoby spisovné češtiny / Language Management of Secondary Education Teachers of Czech and Their Contribution to Forming the Standard CzechOlivová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analysis in social practise the Language Management Theory - it deals with pedagogical activity of Czech language teachers at secondary schools, based on corrections of writen language tests. The goal of this paper was to find out whether the norm of czech standard language which is contained in codices correspond with the norm that is presented by teachers. This thesis uses modern metdological approaches from the sociolinguistic sphere, especially the method of so called 'Follow-Up Interview'. It also uses the concept of the Social Power Field by Ulrich Ammon and the Language Management Theory by J. V. Neustupný as general methodological basis. As the source of information served authentic tests which has been filled by fifty students of a secondary school a and then corrected by eight czech language teachers. Other sources were Follow-Up Interviews with the teachers and questionnaires. On the basis of these sources the Language Management Theory was researched and also the idea of the teachers about the norm of standard language. This idea was compared to the opinions of other three instances of the Social Power Field. In cases there was something unclear the information were completed from the Follow-Up Interviews. The research has proved that in the most cases the norm presented by teachers...
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Modellgestützte Dokumentation und Integration von ManagementsystemenRößler, Richard 08 September 2016 (has links)
Im Sinne einer nachhaltigen und ganzheitlichen Firmenentwicklung lässt sich in der Unternehmenslandschaft ein Trend in Richtung einer kontinuierlichen Erweiterung des unternehmerischen Zielsystems beobachten. Neben etablierten Aspekten, wie dem Qualitätsmanagement und der Arbeitssicherheit, erlangen weitere Themen, wie beispielsweise das betriebliche Umwelt- und Energiemanagement, zunehmend an Bedeutung.
Um die Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte nachzuweisen, steht Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zur Zertifizierung nach funktionsspezifischen Managementsystemnormen offen. Die Einführung und Dokumentation entsprechender Managementsysteme erweist sich jedoch als ein zeitintensiver Prozess, dessen Schwierigkeit vor allem in der unternehmensspezifischen Interpretation der allgemein formulierten Normanforderungen liegt. Strebt ein Unternehmen die Zertifizierung nach mehreren Managementsystemnormen an, so eröffnet sich die Möglichkeit zur Integration der Managementsysteme. Allerdings sind auch die Aufgaben der Integration durch verschiedene Herausforderungen gekennzeichnet, die den Bedarf nach einer systematischen Unterstützung verdeutlichen.
Im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik haben sich konzeptuelle Modelle als Instrument zur zielorientierten und verständlichen Beschreibung komplexer Informationssysteme etabliert. Entsprechende Modelle können die Durchdringung und Kommunikation komplexer Sachverhalte durch eine zweckmäßige Abstraktion und Strukturierung vereinfachen und eine Überführung in Anwendungssoftware vorbereiten.
Für die vorliegende Dissertation leitet sich unter Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte folgende zentrale Forschungsfrage ab: Wie kann die konzeptuelle Modellierung bei den Aufgaben der Dokumentation und Integration standardisierter Managementsysteme unterstützen?
Der Forschungsmethode des Design Science Research folgend, präsentiert die vorliegende Arbeit funktionsspezifische und funktionsunspezifische Artefakte, die bei der Dokumentation standardisierter Managementsysteme und deren Integration modellbasiert unterstützen. Die Anwendbarkeit der Artefakte wird anhand eines realen Anwendungsfalls demonstriert.
Die Ausführungen der vorliegenden Arbeit basieren auf einer Analyse der Anforderungen nach ISO 9001 für Qualitätsmanagementsysteme, ISO 14001 für Umweltmanagementsysteme, ISO 50001 für Energiemanagementsysteme, OHSAS 18001 für Arbeitsschutz- und Arbeitssicherheitsmanagementsysteme sowie des durch die Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung veröffentlichten Annex SL.
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Development of an integrated framework for delivery care seeking behaviour among pregnant women in rural EthiopiaWossen Assefa Negash 12 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify factors affecting facility-based delivery with the purpose of developing a framework for the promotion of facility-based delivery among women living in rural Ethiopia. Explanatory mixed methods design, comprising of four phases-the descriptive (quantitative), explorative (qualitative), meta-inference and development phases was employed. The quantitative phase was conducted first using a structured questionnaire to identify the variables influencing facility-based delivery care seeking behaviour. A sample of 389 responses were used for data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling. The quantitative phase conducted next to explain the determinants that contributed to influencing facility-based delivery care seeking behaviour. Sixteen participants who were involved the first phase were involved in the follow-up second phase. As illustrated by the results of the study, the majority of women in the study areas continued to deliver at home, putting themselves at risk of dying from pregnancy related causes. As highlighted by the key findings from the quantitative and qualitative data of this study, the most influential factors in predicting and explaining delivery care seeking behaviour are response efficacy, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control which are shaped by mothers’ confidence in the outcome, quality of care, interpersonal relations with family members, willingness to conform, access to services, and their decision making power. The way these findings emphasized the factors attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control were consistent with the Theory of Planned Behaviour, while the significance of response efficacy was in line with Protection Motivation Theory. The study developed a framework to help promote facility-based delivery among mothers living in rural Ethiopia. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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