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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluierung von OP-Textilien nach hygienischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Kriterien: Methodische Herangehensweise bei der Evaluierung unter realen praktischen Bedingungen

Günther, Edeltraud, Hoppe, Holger, Jatzwauk, Lutz, Lehmann, Beata, Mucha, Helmut, Pietsch, Kathrin 18 September 2005 (has links)
Der zielgerichtete Einsatz innovativer Operationstextilien ist eine wichtige Maßnahme zur perioperativen Infektionsprophylaxe. Operationsmäntel und -abdecktücher sind den Bereichen Mehrweg- und Einwegprodukte zuzuordnen, mit deren Nutzung ein entsprechender Ressourcenverbrauch sowie Schadstoffbelastung verbunden sind. Den Anwendern ist die Auswahl kostengünstiger und umweltfreundlicher Produkte, gleiche Funktionalität vorausgesetzt, zurzeit nicht möglich, da Operationstextilien bislang in dieser Ganzheitlichkeit noch nicht betrachtet und untersucht worden sind. Das interdisziplinäre Verbundvorhaben befasst sich deshalb mit der ganzheitlichen Evaluierung innovativer Operationstextilien unter realen Praxisbedingungen nach funktionalen, hygienischen sowie ökologisch und ökonomischen Aspekten im Verlaufe ihres Lebenszyklus. Das Verbundvorhaben wird in 4 Teilprojekten mit folgenden wissenschaftlichen Zielstellungen bearbeitet: - Entwicklung einer Methode zur ganzheitlichen Evaluierung von OP-Textilien - Bewertung der Barrierewirkung von OP-Textilien hinsichtlich ihrer Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen in Abhängigkeit von den Nutzungszyklen - Bewertung der Barrierewirkung von OP-Textilien hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität und Konformität in Abhängigkeit von den Nutzungszyklen - Mikrobiologische und physikalische Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Struktur von Operationstextilien auf deren Dampfsterilisation unter Praxisbedingungen - Ökonomische und ökologische Aspekte beim Erhalt der Barrierewirkung - Verknüpfung der funktionalen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Bewertungen zur Erstellung von Entscheidungsinstrumenten für den indikationsgerechten Einsatz von OP-Textilien. / The specific use of innovative O.R. textiles is an important measure for the perioperative infection prophylaxis. Surgical gowns and drapes are available as single-use and re-usable products. Their use is connected with the corresponding consumption of resources and environmental pollution. At present, the selection of cost-saving and environmental-friendly products with a high level of protection is not possible, because O.R. textiles have not been integral investigated up to now. Hence, the interdisciplinary project is dealing with the holistic evaluation of O.R. textiles according to hygienic, ecological and economic criteria during their life cycle influenced by real conditions in practice. The integrated project consists of 4 sub projects with the following scientific objectives: - developing of a method for the holistic evaluation of O.R. textiles - assessment of the barrier effect of the O.R. textiles in reference to the structure-properties-relations depending on the use cycles - assessment of the barrier effect of the O.R. textiles in reference to the quality and conformity depending on the use cycle - microbiological and physical investigations regarding to the influence of the structure of the O.R. textiles on the steam sterilisation in practice - ecological and economic assessment of reprocessing and preservation of the barrier function depending on the use cycles.

Hur normer förmedlas i läroböcker inom samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av normkritiskt perspektiv med fokus på familjekonstellationer, funktionsförmåga, kön/genus och vit/icke vithet / How norms are mediated in study material in the social sciences : A qualitative content analysis of norm-critical perspective focusing on fam-ily constellations, ability to function, gender/non-binary gender persons and white/non-whiteness

Böjeryd, Julia January 2020 (has links)
The study’s purpose has been to attract attention and facilitate discussion regarding norms that are present in text books in the social science for upper primary school. The theoretical premiss has been a normcritical perspective based on queer theory, social constructionism and intersectionality. The study’s conclusion is based on content analysis (text and image) of four text books. The method that was chosen were qualitative analysis with quantitative ingredients. This study was limited to family constellations, ability to function, gender/non-binary gender persons and white/non white persons.   In summary, the text books shows several normcritical perspectives. The results differ from earlier studies since one out of four study material is female dominant. The most common family constellation that appeared was the nuclear family. All study materials was dominated by white persons, additionally there were persons with disabilities: visual impairment (glasses). Other disabilities were absent. / Studiens syfte har varit att väcka uppmärksamhet och skapa diskussion kring vilka normer som förekommer i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för årskurs 4-6. Teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit normkritiskt perspektiv utifrån queerteori, socialkonstruktivism och intersektionalitet. Studiens resultat är baserat på text- och bildanalys av fyra läroböcker. Metoden som valdes var kvalitativ analys med kvanitativa inslag. Denna studie var avgränsad mot familjekonstellationer, funktionsförmåga, genus/könsöverskridande identitet och vithet/icke vithet.   Sammanfattningsvis har läroböckerna flera normkritiska perspektiv. Resultatet skiljer sig från tidigare forskning i och med att en av fyra läroböcker var kvinnodominerade. Den vanligaste formen av familjekonstellationer var kärnfamiljen. Samtliga läroböcker domineras av vita personer, dessutom finns presentationers av personer med funktionsnedsättning: synfel (glasögon). Andra funktionsnedsättningar lyste med sin frånvaro.

Une évaluation de l’approche constitutiviste pour fonder l’anti-pragmatisme à propos des raisons de croire

Gélineau, Félix-Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire, qui appartient au domaine de l’éthique de la croyance, un champ d’enquête philosophique situé au confluent de la philosophie de l’esprit, de l’épistémologie et de l’éthique, cherche à évaluer la viabilité d’une certaine approche influente en faveur de l’anti-pragmatisme, qui est la thèse selon laquelle il n’existe aucune raison pratique normative de croire. Cette approche, que l’on peut qualifier de « constitutiviste », se fonde sur l’idée que certaines caractéristiques intrinsèques à la croyance feraient en sorte qu’il ne pourrait exister de raisons pratiques de croire. Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont : 1) sur le plan descriptif, de donner une topographie de l’approche constitutiviste 2) sur le plan normatif, d’évaluer si l’approche constitutiviste pour fonder l’anti-pragmatiste est une démarche viable ou si elle doit être rejetée. Je procède à cette évaluation par une analyse critique des arguments constitutivistes à la lumière de la littérature récente portant sur la cible de la croyance, les raisons de croire et les normes épistémiques. Je conclus que l’approche constitutiviste souffre de problèmes sérieux qui remettent en question sa viabilité. / This thesis, which pertains to the philosophical domain of inquiry called the ethics of belief, at the crossroads of philosophy of mind, epistemology and ethics, aims at assessing the viability of an influent argumentative strategy in favour of anti-pragmatism about reasons for belief. According to anti-pragmatism, there are no practical normative reasons for belief. The constitutivist strategy, as I call it, purports to show that anti-pragmatism is true by appealing to constitutive, intrinsic features of belief. The aim of this thesis is double: first, it is to give a portrait of the landscape of constitutivist arguments against practical reasons for belief. Second, it is to evaluate the merits of these arguments. In order to do so, I present a critical analysis of the two main constitutivist arguments that is grounded in recent works about the aim of belief, raisons for belief and epistemic norms. My conclusion is that the constitutivist strategy suffers from serious defects which threaten its viability.

Lärares användning av boksamtal i samband med högläsning i klassrummet : En kvantitativ studie om hur lärare F-3 använder sig av ett genusmedvetet boksamtal koppad till högläsningen

Lundberg, Elin, Norgren, Anna January 2022 (has links)
I vår första studie som gjordes under SA1 visade det sig att även om lärare ansåg sig vara normkritiska vid valet av högläsningsböcker så visade det sig inte riktigt när vi analyserade böckerna. Vi funderade då på om den normkritiska aspekten kommer in i arbetet med böcker, alltså boksamtal. Därmed blev vårt fokus med den här studien att undersöka om och hur lärare använder sig av normkritiska boksamtal. Den teoretiska utgångspunkt vi utgått ifrån är Receptionsteori, vilken fördjupas ytterligare med teoretikerna Aidan Chambers och Louise Rosenblatt. Det empiriska materialet består av ett hundratal kvantitativa enkäter som besvarats av slumpmässigt utvalda lärare verksamma i lågstadiet i ett antal mellanstora län i Sverige. Resultatet från enkäterna påvisar att en stor majoritet lärare anser att de är medvetna om kön och genus när de väljer högläsningslitteratur, och att de försöker vara varierande och inkluderande. Det var också en stor andel som också arbetade med antingen bara boksamtal kopplat till högläsningen, eller till och med normkritiska boksamtal. De som ändå uppger att de inte har boksamtal uppger att det är brist på tid och kunskap som är de största stoppklossarna, vilket kan ses som något problematiskt då studier visar att det är en väldigt ojämn fördelning gällande kön och genus i barnböcker. Studien påvisar alltså att lärare i mångt och mycket är medvetna om sina val och tänker normkritiskt sett till kön och genus, samt att boksamtal i stor del är något som prioriteras av lärare.

Une souffrance silencieuse : analyse critique des représentations gouvernementales institutionnelles de la souffrance psychique au Québec (1989-2015)

Larivière, Marianne 09 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs auteurs se sont penchés sur les conceptions sociales de la maladie mentale et des interinfluences entre la société et la construction des problèmes de santé mentale. Dans une perspective critique, la présente étude exploratoire qualitative porte sur les représentations de la souffrance associée aux problèmes de santé mentale au sein d’un corpus institutionnel, soit la Politique de santé mentale de 1989 et les plans d’action en santé mentale de 1998, 2005 et 2015 du gouvernement du Québec. Au terme d’une analyse de discours thématique, nos résultats s’organisent en deux grands axes : la façon dont la souffrance est appréhendée et présentée au sein du corpus et la façon dont on prévoit y répondre. L’analyse transversale du corpus met en évidence l’influence croissante de perspectives normalisantes et médicalisantes et un prisme de valeurs néolibérales (notamment gestionnaires et économiques). Une responsabilisation de l’individu par une évacuation des dimensions sociales des problèmes de santé mentale est aussi observable. / Several authors have worked on social conceptions of mental illness and the inter-influences between society and the construction of mental health problems. In a critic perspective, the present qualitative exploratory study concerns the representations of suffering related to mental health issues, in an institutional corpus, namely the Politique de santé mentale de 1989 and the three mental health policies of 1998, 2005 and 2015, of Quebec government. At the end of a thematic discourse analysis, our results are organized in two areas: the way suffering is comprehended and presented in the corpus and the way they outlook to response to it. The cross-sectional analysis of the corpus shows the growing influence of some normalizing, medicalizing and neoliberalism (in particular, managing and economics) perspectives. An accountability of the individual, by an evacuation of social dimensions of mental health problems is also observable.

En studie om europeisk identitet : Utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik i EU

Asllani, Donika January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the European council and its connection to CFSP and the European identity. It will give a perspective of the change in common foreign-security policy from the Maastricht Treaty to the Lissabon treaty. The study will reproduce a perspective through time and describe the main ideas in CFSP and make a connection to how it created a European identity. The empirical material will conclude the European council results. To give more perspective, an idea analysis will be operating to capture the ideas of the various materials describing European identity and the CFSP. Henceforth using the empirical material to conclude a result for the analysis. For the analysis to be complete subjects such as normative power and actorness will have a part in the work in CFSP. Social constructivism as a theory will help to understand the power that European identity has in international cooperation. To conclude this, abstract the study will structure a difference in the work of the CFSP and its strategy to promoted democracy, and peace.

Factors that influence the purchase intention of sustainable apparelproducts relating young consumers in the Netherlands.

Holstvoogd, Ezra January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: This research’s purpose is to test previous used factors that influence the green purchase intentions of apparel products on a not yet tested target group, young consumers in the Netherlands. The goal that goes with the purpose is to stimulate the sustainable apparel consumption in the Netherlands. Research design: To fulfill the purpose of this study, an online questionnaire has been distributed to young consumers in the Netherlands. A total of 400 valid respondents were collected through the convenience sampling- and snowball sampling method. With the valid respondents the multiple linear regression and hierarchical linear regression were conducted. Findings: The current study has found enough evidence to statistically prove that attitude, subjective norm, perceived environmental concern, a low aesthetic risk, and willingness to pay premium have a positive influence on the purchase intention. The study did not find enough evidence to statistically prove that perceived behavioral control, perceived environmental knowledge, and perceived consumer effectiveness have a positive influence on the purchase intention.

Students’ holiday air travel behaviors: a flyer’s dilemma

Zucchini, Elena January 2021 (has links)
Holiday air travel behaviors are nowadays a significant issue in relation to climate change and sustainable tourism. Indeed, transportation, and especially air transportation, have a significant role in climate change. Hence, it is important that the tourism industry includes the transportation sector when developing solutions for sustainable tourism. As students are the future main target group of this industry, it is important to understand the reasons behind their choices. Until now, travel behaviors have been explained using single and specific theories, which did not include many factors explaining holiday air travel decisions. In this study, this concern is addressed by combining two theories in relation to behavior formation - the theory of planned behavior and the value-belief-norm theory - in order to understand all motivations and barriers behind students’ holiday air travel behaviors. The analysis of the findings shows that many internal and external factors affect students decisions in regards to flying during holidays, including values, beliefs, social and personal norms, as well as accessibility, country of origin, price, time, distance, and social influence. However, the analysis of the results also demonstrates two gaps between attitudes and behaviors within the student community, which link to the cognitive dissonance theory: an awareness-attitude behavior gap and a contextual gap. The paper argues that while the theory of planned behavior and the value-belief-norm theory can be used simultaneously in order to analyze decisions regarding holiday air transportation, they are not sufficient as these two gaps emerged. The study concludes suggesting destination developers and national governments to take into account the present factors behind students’ decisions in order to develop sustainable destinations.

Dobrovolník s velkým "D" - pohodář, nebo obětavec? / A Volunteer with a Big "V" - Laid-back, or Self-sacrificing?

Vondrušová, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
Volunteering - one of the topics which are still present in the society, as it can be perceived as a unique instrument to solve social challenges or organizing society with its specific conditions. The topic of my diploma thesis, based on the grounded theory method, is the process of building and maintaining the relationship of the volunteer to their voluntary work from the volunteers' perspective. I was curious as to what circumstances or limits accompany the forming of such a relationship in the social context and if certain "prototypes" can be found, which would differ in negotiating their role to their surroundings. In my thesis, I focus exclusively on those volunteers who have been given the "Křesadlo" award for the volunteer of the year, which provides the framework of this relationship. I would like to use my results to enrich the knowledge of volunteering's image, which could be used both on the academic field and when working with volunteers. Keywords: civic sector, volunteering, self-perspective, role, identity, "looking-glass self", norm, defence mechanisms, information management, Křesadlo.

Trajectory and Pulse Optimization for Active Towed Array Sonar using MPC and Information Measures

Ekdahl Filipsson, Fabian January 2020 (has links)
In underwater tracking and surveillance, the active towed array sonar presents a way of discovering and tracking adversarial submerged targets that try to stay hidden. The configuration consist of listening and emitting hydrophones towed behind a ship. Moreover, it has inherent limitations, and the characteristics of sound in the ocean are complex. By varying the pulse form emitted and the trajectory of the ship the measurement accuracy may be improved. This type of optimization constitutes a sensor management problem. In this thesis, a model of the tracking scenario has been constructed derived from Cramér-Rao bound analyses. A model predictive control approach together with information measures have been used to optimize a filter's estimated state of the target. For the simulations, the MATLAB environment has been used. Different combinations of decision horizons, information measures and variations of the Kalman filter have been studied. It has been found that the accuracy of the Extended Kalman filter is too low to give consistent results given the studied information measures. However, the Unscented Kalman filter is sufficient for this purpose.

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