Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
1171 |
Invloed van samelewingsveranderinge op verhoudinge binne die stedelike gesin : 'n sosio-opvoedkundige verkenning / The influence of changing societal phenomena on urban families : a socio-educational analysisScholtz, Renée 01 1900 (has links)
Die 21ste eeuse postmodeme samelewing word gekenmerk deur dinamiese veranderinge op aile gebiede
wat die kwaliteit van die gesinslewe en opvoedingsbegeleiding binne gesinne bepaaL Hierdie
studie poog om aan die hand van 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie en kwalitatiewe
ondersoek, die aard, omvang en invloed van sodanige samelewingsverskynsels op verhoudingstigting-
en onderhouding en die kwaliteit van opvoedingsbegeleiding in eietydse stadsgesinne te bepaal.
Bevindinge toon dat sommige gesinne, as gevolg van hierdie veranderinge, uiters kwesbaar is, dat
verhoudinge ontaard en opvoedingsbegeleiding ontoereikend voltrek. Die verval van norme en waardes
is veral verswarend vir opvoeding en volwassewordingshulp. Ouers en kinders moet onder
verswarende omstandighede die verantwoordelikheid opneem om harmoniese en Iiefdevolle verhoudinge
in die gesin te stig en te onderhou.
Ondersteunings- en begeleidingsprogramme vir ouers en kinders om toereikende
opvoedingsbegeleiding en selfaktualisering te verseker, word aanbeveel. Hierdie programme moet op
die mikro-, meso- en makrovlak van die samelewing geloods word. / The post-modem society of the 21st century is characterized by dynamic changes which
determine the quality of family life and educational support in families. This study aims to
determine, by means of a comprehensive literature study and qualitative investigation, the nature,
extent and influence of social phenomena on the constitution and maintenance of relationships
as well as the quality of educational support in contemporary urban families. Findings show that
some families are vulnerable, that relationships deteriorate and that educational support is
inadequate as a result of these changes. The decline of norms and values is an aggravating factor
in education and adolescence support. Parents and children have to take responsibility to
establish harmonious and loving relationships in the family.
Support and guidance programmes are recommended for parents and children to ensure
adequate educational support and self-actualization. These programmes must be launched on the
micro, meso and macro level of society. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Sosio-Opvoedkunde)
1172 |
Sexualitet bortom kön : Fetischism som synliggörare av könsorienteringsnormenNilsson-Jatko, David January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt är att granska nutida sexualitetsnormer. För att genomföra detta undersöks hur rådande föreställningar om sexualitet framstår i skenet av en referenspunkt utanför dagens hegemoni. Som sådan perspektivgivare tas sexualiteten fetischism, betraktad utifrån ickepatologiserande kunskapsideal. Budskap från statsmakt och upplysande aktörer granskas diskursanalytiskt och genealogiskt. Analysen indikerar att dagens situation är ett resultat av en politiserad kamp om begrepp och tolkningsföreträden som ägt rum under de senaste decennierna; i förarbeten som ligger till grund för lagstiftning i ämnet verkar selektiva och partiska metoder ha använts. Dagens läge kan sägas kännetecknas av en kulturdominans där statsmaktens föreställning om sexualitet kväser alternativ; en sanningsregim. Analysen pekar på en nutida könsorienteringsnorm: I dagens hegemoni konstrueras könsorientering som den allmänmänskliga grunden för varandet – hur en person är sexuellt lagd antas endast kunna ha att göra med hur hen relaterar sexuellt till kön. Sexualiteter som kännetecknas av annat än könsbegär andrafieras och konstrueras som labila och icke-konstitutiva praktiker; personer som är lagda på sätt som kännetecknas av annat än könsbegär orimliggörs. Med en avtagande föreställning om att alla förväntas vara strikt heterosexuella kan könsorienteringsnormen ses som en nutida ersättande norm. Den kan förstås som en fundamental del av heteronormen och dess idealiserade starka kopplingar mellan sexualitet och kropp/kön. Det förefaller relevant att tala om en hittills förbisedd intrasektionell makt- och marginaliseringsdimension som kännetecknas av könsorienteringsnormativiteten. / The aim of this project is to critically examine contemporary sexuality norms. This is conducted by examining how current assumptions about sexuality holds up when put into perspective given by a point of reference outside of the current hegemony: fetishism. Definitions and information from Swedish legislators, educational actors, sexual health clinics and minority rights organisations are subjected to a genealogical and critical discourse analysis. The results indicate the presence of a contemporary sex orientation norm: In the present hegemony, sex orientation in general is constructed as part of the natural and universal way to be human while other sexualities are otherized and constructed as non-constitutive practices. With a waning expectation of all-encompassing heterosexuality, the sex orientation norm appears to be a present-day effectual norm. It can be understood as an integral part of heteronormativity. The analysis also points to a previously overlooked intrasectional dimension of analysis, corresponding to the sex orientation norm.
1173 |
The role of Bible translation in the development of written Zulu: a corpus-based studyMasubelele, Mthikazi Roselina 25 August 2009 (has links)
While translation can be studied with a view to throwing light on a number of aspects in life, in this thesis translation has been researched with a view to outlining the development of written Zulu from its earliest stages, using twelve texts of the Book of Matthew. The Book of Matthew has been chosen in this undertaking because it was the first book of the Bible to be translated into Zulu and was thought to be the most apposite instrument with which the development of written Zulu could be measured. The polysystem theory and the descriptive approach to translation studies are the theoretical models that inform the arguments presented in this study. Polysystem theory sees translated literature as a system operating in the larger social, literary and historical systems of the target culture, while with the descriptive approach translations are regarded as facts of the target culture. Against this premise the focus of this study is mainly on the twelve translations of the Book of Matthew and no comparisons between source and target texts are undertaken here. Corpus-based research provided tools such as WordSmith Tools 3.0 for linguistic analysis. Biblical texts were obtained, scanned and presented in electronic format ready to be analysed. From the findings drawn, written Zulu developed all the way through Bible translation, with some translations revealing slight developments and others showing enormous ones. As the findings of this study reveal, Zulu developed gradually, as evidenced by the change to conjunctive writing which occurred over a considerable period, along with the appropriate representation of Zulu speech sounds and grammar conventions. It could also be established at what point during the development of the language, processes such as consonantalisation and palatalisation were introduced into the written language. It is also clear that words of Greek and Hebrew origin were brought into the Zulu language through Bible translation. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that it is feasible to use corpus-based research for analysis in the indigenous languages of South Africa. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
1174 |
The globalisation of universal human rights and the Middle EastHosseinioun, Mishana January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this study is to generate a more holistic picture of the diffusion and assimilation of universal human rights norms in diverse cultural and political settings such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The overarching question to be investigated in this thesis is the relationship between the evolving international human rights regime and the emerging human rights normative and legal culture in the Middle East. This question will be investigated in detail with reference to regional human rights schemes such as the Arab Charter of Human Rights, as well as local human rights developments in three Middle Eastern states, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Having gauged the take-up of human rights norms on the ground at the local and regional levels, the thesis examines in full the extent of socialisation and internalisation of human rights norms across the Middle East region at large.
1175 |
政府組織成員的知識分享行為及其影響因素之研究:以台北市政府一級行政機關為例 / A Case study on employee behavior intention of knowledge sharing and Its Antecedents in Taipei City Government邱志銘, Chiu, Chih-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
知識分享是實現成功知識管理的關鍵步驟,然而在公共組織中的成員,當他們去分享自己的知識時,不僅需要花額外的時間和努力之外,甚至可能還會減少他們自己在組織中的權力地位和競爭價值,因此將成員個體的知識轉換組合成組織整體的知識,相形之下會更不容易達成。故本研究的目的在於瞭解哪些因素會影響公共組織成員中的知識分享行為,因此本研究模式中的構念係根據社會交換理論、社會資本理論以及計畫行為理論為基礎。 / 本研究根據這些相關理論所提出之構念發展出涵蓋社會心理(例如外在報酬、預期互惠及樂於助人)、組織系絡(例如認同、信任及支持分享的規範)以及資訊科技(例如資訊科技使用)等三組因素層面的整合性研究模式,並認為這三組因素層面下的變數都會影響成員的知識分享行為。而本研究對象為台北市政府所屬之一級行政機關單位的員工,經過叢聚隨機抽樣後,抽出16個市府所屬之一級行政機關單位中850位受訪者,有效問卷數為524份。而本研究採取結構方程模式(SEM)途徑來檢定本研究模式之假設關係與模式配適程度。 / 研究結果除了發現本研究模式配適度良好外,也發現模式內生變數部份中的知識分享意圖與知識分享行為有高度的正面影響關係,而知識分享的態度、主觀規範與行為控制認知對於知識分享意圖也有正面的影響關係。而模式外生變數部份,預期互惠、樂於助人和組織認同感對於知識分享態度有直接的正面影響;此外組織信任和支持分享的規範對於知識分享的主觀規範有直接的正面影響;還有資訊科技使用對於知識分享的行為控制認知有直接的正面影響,而令人訝異的是在本研究中的外在報酬對於知識分享態度卻是直接的負面影響。 / 因此基於這些研究結果的發現,認為增加員工間的知識分享行為和參加知識分享活動是和正面的社會互動文化有所關聯,因此除了型塑出彼此相互信任、認同的組織氣候或文化之外,也必須建構出易於知識分享的組織規範(如創新、團隊合作和尊重多元價值等)。然而知識分享主要是人與人之間的社會交換活動,因此還要強化成員分享知識的內在動機(如樂於助人)。所以鼓勵公共組織中的管理者和員工彼此間能夠保持頻繁的社會互動,以建立彼此間的人際信任與預期互關係,還有對組織整體的認同與信任,以促使成員產生分享知識的意圖。最後給組織中的公共管理者與政策制定者一個啟示,知識分享還是需要有一個知識分享環境或文化,因此管理者應該確保有效地創造出易於知識分享的環境或文化,以促使知識分享行為的產生。 / Knowledge sharing is a critical step for successful knowledge management. However, sharing knowledge not only requires time and effort but also reduces value or power in the public organization. Therefore, individual’s knowledge does not transform easily into organizational knowledge. The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the factors affecting the individual’s knowledge sharing behavior in the governmental context. The research model includes various constructs based on social exchange theory, social capital theory , and the theory of planned behavior .Hence, this research developed an integrated theoretical model and unveiled three sets of critical factors: psychological(extrinsic rewards, reciprocal relationships, enjoyment in helping others), organizational (identification ,trust , pro-sharing norm)and technological(information technology usage) that are believed to affect the knowledge sharing behaviors. Data collected from 524 employees in Taipei City Government were conducted to test the research model using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. / The results of the study provide empirical support for the overall structure theorized in the research model. Knowledge sharing behavior was predicted by the employees’ intention towards knowledge sharing and perceived behavioral control. Knowledge sharing intention in turn was predicted by employees’ attitude towards knowledge sharing, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The employees perceptions of reciprocal relationships, enjoyment in helping others and identification were positively associated with favorable attitude towards knowledge sharing. The perceptions of extrinsic rewards exerted a negative effect on the attitude. Organizational trust and pro-sharing norm positively influenced employees’ subjective norm. Additionally, information technology usage was positively associated with high levels of perceived behavioral control towards knowledge sharing. / Based on the findings, the study indicates that an increased effort to encourage employees to participate knowledge sharing activities is associated with a positive social interaction culture. Specifically, reinforcing individual’s intrinsic motivation and creating an organizational context characterized by trust, identification and pro-sharing norm are likely to encourage both management and employees to socialize and interact frequently with each other by means of driving knowledge sharing intention. Finally, the study has implications for public manager and policy maker to formulate policies and appropriately to ensure the effective creation of a knowledge sharing culture.
1176 |
La responsabilité sociale des entreprises transnationales : études de cas sur les audits sociaux et les droits des travailleurs en ChineHamelin, Mathieu 07 1900 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, la régulation des chaines mondiales de production dépend principalement de mécanismes non étatiques tels que les codes de conduite et les audits sociaux implantés par les entreprises, les ONG et les organisations internationales. Dans cette recherche, nous évaluons si les audits menés par Nike, Adidas et Puma peuvent contribuer à renforcer les droits des travailleurs chinois. À l’aide d’entrevues réalisées sur le terrain auprès d’auditeurs et d’ONG, nous avons conceptualisé quatre conditions de base, lesquelles concernent la participation directe des travailleurs, le développement de capacités locales, le respect de la liberté d’association et la professionnalisation du travail d’auditeur social. Notre étude conclut que des étapes restent à franchir afin que les audits deviennent des outils d’avancement des droits fondamentaux. L’enjeu prioritaire demeure le développement de structures démocratiques afin de permettre aux ouvriers de former des syndicats libres et de négocier leurs propres conventions de travail. / Current regulation of global supply chains mainly relies on non state mechanisms such as codes of conduct and social audits implemented by corporations, non governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations. This research seeks to assess if the audits carried out by Nike, Adidas and Puma can help strengthen the rights of Chinese workers. Through field work interviews conducted with auditors and NGOs, four basic conditions were defined and involve direct participation of workers, local capacity building, respect of freedom of association and professionalization of social auditors. The outcome of the study reveals progress still needs to be achieved for audits to become tools for the advancement of fundamental rights. The primary issue remains the development of democratic systems to allow workers to form free unions and negotiate their own collective labour agreements.
1177 |
L'expérience de parents expertisés en matière de garde d'enfant et de droits d'accèsDessureault, Diane 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur l’expérience vécue par les parents pendant une expertise en matière de garde d’enfant et de droits d’accès. Elle vise une meilleure compréhension de l’expérience des parents qui rencontrent un expert pour l’évaluation de leurs capacités parentales au nom du meilleur intérêt de leur enfant. Elle souhaite provoquer une réflexion des intervenants des milieux social et juridique sur les pratiques d’expertise, sur leur éthique et sur leur renouvellement. Il s’agit d’une étude qualitative de nature exploratoire. Les données proviennent d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées auprès de vingt parents, dix mères et dix pères. Ces parents ont été évalués par les experts du Service d’expertise psychosociale du Centre jeunesse de Montréal. L’analyse des données recueillies a été réalisée à partir de l’approche phénoménologique et de la méthode d’analyse de contenu. Les résultats permettent d’observer qu’en participant à une expertise psychosociale, les parents sont confrontés à un haut niveau de risque dans une relation de pouvoir avec l’expert où ils aspirent à être reconnus compétents en conformité avec la norme sociale régissant le meilleur intérêt de l’enfant. Le tiers des parents rencontrés ont été satisfaits de leur expérience, ce qui les a validés dans leur perception de la réalité ou restaurés dans leur dignité. Les deux tiers des parents rencontrés ont été insatisfaits de leur expérience, ce qui a confirmé leurs craintes quant aux comportements inadéquats de l’autre parent et alimenté une perte de confiance envers le système de justice. Ils ont eu l’impression d’avoir été invalidés et ont développé de l’amertume contre l’expert qui n’a pas répondu à leurs attentes et n’a pas su capter correctement, selon eux, leur dynamique familiale. Cette étude permet de comprendre l’importance primordiale pour le parent de la conservation ou de la restauration de sa dignité parentale. Par ailleurs, elle soulève la question du savoir-être et du savoir-faire des experts. La teneur critique des propos des parents face à certains experts oblige à une réflexion sérieuse sur les attitudes et les pratiques des experts en matière de garde d’enfant et de droits d’accès. / This study focuses on the experience of parents who have undergone an expertise in child custody and access rights. It seeks a better understanding of the experience lived by parents who meet with an expert to assess their parenting skills in regard with the best interest of their child. It aims to prompt stakeholders in the social and legal practices of expertise to reflect on their ethics and the improvement of their practices. This is an exploratory qualitative study. The data come from semi-directed interviews conducted with twenty parents, including ten mothers and ten fathers. These parents were evaluated by experts of the Service d'expertise psychosociale du Centre jeunesse de Montréal. Data analysis was carried out using the phenomenological approach and the method of content analysis. Results indicate that by participating in a psychosocial evaluation, parents are faced with a high level of risk in a power relationship with the expert, in which they aspire to be recognized as competent in accordance with social norms governing the best interest of their child. A third of the interviewed parents were satisfied with their experience, which has validated their perception of reality or restored their dignity. Two thirds of interviewed parents were however dissatisfied with their experience, which confirmed their fears about the inappropriate behaviour of the other parent and aggravated a loss of confidence in the justice system. These parents had the impression of having been invalidated and have developed some bitterness against the expert who did not meet their expectations and did not properly grasp, according to them, the family dynamics. This study helps understand the paramount importance for parents to preserve or restore their parental dignity. It also raises questions on the competency and adequacy of the experts. The critical views of the expertise that many parents shared emphasize the necessity for the experts to seriously hreview their attitude and practices in child custody and access rights.
1178 |
Du slåss ju som en hel karl, tjejen! Tankar om kickboxning i skolan som en väg till att nå ökad jämställdhetLundén, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to, based on interviews and document studies, critically discuss how the introduction of kickboxing in Physical Education (PE) could affect gender equality in society. Based on a queer feminist and norm critical perspective on the prevailing teaching of PE, which, despite official efforts to challenge and modernize PE, persists in reproducing gender norms by e.g. spending 75% of class time on ball games. The hypothesis is that girls accessing violence (empowerment) through a bodily awareness in the form of kickboxing, positively would challenge the power imbalance that gender norms create. Girls are brought up, even today, in accordance with gender norms arguing against girls/women wanting to use their bodies as powerful tools to set limits. In accordance with the traditional Ling gymnastics, in which body and mind develops into a harmonious whole, the introduction of kickboxing in PE would have a major impact on how girls and boys could relate to each other in the community as well as develop the mind and body in harmony. It can be hypothesized that by including kickboxing in PE girls' bodies would be given the opportunity to be powerful, thus enable girls as well as boys to identify themselves as transcendent individuals rather than to experience the powerlessness and mental illness which often develops already during puberty. / Uppsatsens syfte är att med utgångspunkt i samtalsintervjuer och dokumentstudier kritiskt diskutera hur införandet av kickboxning i skolämnet Idrott och hälsa skulle kunna påverka jämställdheten i samhället. Diskussionen förs utifrån ett queerfeministiskt och normkritiskt perspektiv på rådande undervisning i Idrott och hälsa, som trots Skolverkets delvis normutmanande styrdokument framhärdar i att reproducera genusnormer genom att ägna 75% av lektionstiden till bollspel. Hypotesen är att flickors tillång till våld (empowerment) genom ett kroppsligt görande i form av kickboxning, på ett positivt sätt skulle förändra den maktobalans som genusnormer skapar. Flickor uppfostras ännu idag i enlighet med normer som hävdar att flickor/kvinnor inte vill, kan eller bör ha möjlighet att använda sin kropp som ett kraftfullt redskap för att sätta gränser. I enlighet med den traditionella Linggymnastikens grunder, bör kropp och själ utvecklas till en harmonisk enhet. Införandet av kickboxning i Idrott och hälsaundervisningen skulle vara en normkritisk pedagogik med stor inverkan på hur flickor och pojkar skulle förhålla sig till varandra i samhället och utveckla kropp och själ i harmoni. Genom att även flickors kroppar ges möjlighet att vara kraftfulla kan det hypotetiseras att flickor skulle kunna se sig själva som transcenderande subjekt istället för att uppleva den maktlöshet och psykiska ohälsa som ofta befästs under puberteten.
1179 |
La responsabilité sociale des entreprises transnationales : études de cas sur les audits sociaux et les droits des travailleurs en ChineHamelin, Mathieu 07 1900 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, la régulation des chaines mondiales de production dépend principalement de mécanismes non étatiques tels que les codes de conduite et les audits sociaux implantés par les entreprises, les ONG et les organisations internationales. Dans cette recherche, nous évaluons si les audits menés par Nike, Adidas et Puma peuvent contribuer à renforcer les droits des travailleurs chinois. À l’aide d’entrevues réalisées sur le terrain auprès d’auditeurs et d’ONG, nous avons conceptualisé quatre conditions de base, lesquelles concernent la participation directe des travailleurs, le développement de capacités locales, le respect de la liberté d’association et la professionnalisation du travail d’auditeur social. Notre étude conclut que des étapes restent à franchir afin que les audits deviennent des outils d’avancement des droits fondamentaux. L’enjeu prioritaire demeure le développement de structures démocratiques afin de permettre aux ouvriers de former des syndicats libres et de négocier leurs propres conventions de travail. / Current regulation of global supply chains mainly relies on non state mechanisms such as codes of conduct and social audits implemented by corporations, non governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations. This research seeks to assess if the audits carried out by Nike, Adidas and Puma can help strengthen the rights of Chinese workers. Through field work interviews conducted with auditors and NGOs, four basic conditions were defined and involve direct participation of workers, local capacity building, respect of freedom of association and professionalization of social auditors. The outcome of the study reveals progress still needs to be achieved for audits to become tools for the advancement of fundamental rights. The primary issue remains the development of democratic systems to allow workers to form free unions and negotiate their own collective labour agreements.
1180 |
Vulgarismy v publicistických textech / Use of Vulgarisms in Journalism TextsBohatová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The present master's thesis tackles the position of vulgarisms within the system of language as used in texts published in Czech and French weekly opinion magazines. The thesis takes a theoretic and empiric approach, the first part dealing with the definition of the term of vulgarism in Czech and French stylistics and the delimitation of its role in the style of journalistic texts. The second part of the thesis describes the practical approach of Czech and French weeklies to vulgarisms in their texts based on a survey among editing staff of the major publishing houses both in France and in the Czech Republic. The outcomes of the survey were compared to the analysis results conveyed on a corpus built out of texts published in Le Point and Respekt weeklies. Based on the contrastive analysis of vulgarisms used in Czech and French language corpus, following the critical criteria as outlined in the first part of the thesis, several recommendations are made about French-Czech translations of vulgarisms in journalistic texts. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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