Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
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Tvångsäktenskap, rättigheter och empowerment : en kvantitativ studie om ungdomars behov av kunskap om tvångsäktenskap och rättigheter / Forced marriages, rights and empowerment : a quantitative study of young people's need for knowledge about forced marriage and rightsBerivan, Akkurt, Azizi, Rozhin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vad det kan finnas för bakomliggande orsaker till att det i dagens Sverige sker så få anmälningar gällande tvångsäktenskap bland ungdomar mellan åldrarna 15-20 år. I denna studie kommer det att undersökas om ungdomarna besitter kunskapen om vart de kan vända sig för att söka hjälp och stöd om de riskerar att utsättas för tvångsäktenskap och om familjestrukturen kan ha en påverkan på att det sker så få anmälningar. Då skolan är en central arena där individens rättigheter ska förmedlas har studien i syfte att dels undersöka om skolan belyst dessa frågor men också hur skolan kan användas som en plattform för att jobba med förebyggande insatser mot tvångsäktenskap. För att samla in den gedigna kunskapen inom ämnet har vi använt oss av olika litteratur så som böcker, studier samt tidigare forskningsrapporter. Teorin om individ- och gruppcentrerad familjestruktur samt kulturteorin används för att undersöka om familjestrukturen kan ha en påverkan på individens val av att göra en anmälan. Empowerment teorin används för att förklara hur skolan kan jobba med denna problematik i förebyggande syfte. Studien bygger på litteraturstudie och en enkätundersökning. Enkätundersökningen består av 150 enkäter som har delats ut i tre gymnasieskolor i Botkyrka kommun. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen visar dels att det hos ungdomarna brister i kunskapen om vart de kan vända sig för att söka hjälp men också att skolans arbete med att belysa denna problematik samt informera eleverna om de egna rättigheterna inte är tillräcklig. Litteraturstudiens resultat visar att det finns en distinktion mellan den individcentrerade familjestrukturen som råder i Sverige och den gruppcentrerade familjestrukturen. Att tvingas in i ett äktenskap innebär att man tillhör en gruppcentrerad familjestruktur där individen har uppfostrats in i att vara en odelbar del i gruppen. Detta och bristen på information kring ämnet kan ha en inverkan på individens val av att göra en anmälan. Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar även hur skolan genom att använda empowerment kan utför ett kontinuerligt arbete i förebyggande syfte mot tvångsäktenskap.
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Fem pojkar är fler än fyra flickor : – En jämförande studie om jämställdhet i svenska barnprogram 1978, 1992 och 2007Nyberg, Lovisa, Jonsson, Nina January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this BA-thesis is to examine how many girls, boys, women and men who appear in children’s programmes in the years 1978, 1992 and 2007. We have also studied if they are described as typical gender role stereotypes and we have looked at the power conditions between girls and boys, women and men and children and adults. From the results we then examined the changes through out the years. We have made this possible by choosing two days each year when most children were watching the programmes. With the gender role theory we have brought up the important issue of the fact that men appear more frequently in media then women and by doing so the media preserve men as the standard gender. You can also apply this theory on the condition of children and adults, where the adults are the norm in the generation system. We have analysed the contents of the programmes by using a quantitative method and our results showed us that the equality between the sexes hasn’t improved as much as we had hoped for. The year 1978 sometimes had the same results as 2007 and at some parts the year 1978 was better than 2007. The year 1992 was not equal in any part except in the equality between the sexes in the starring role.
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Regnbågen har många färger, så låt oss se dem alla! : Om förskolepedagogers attityder, normer och värderingar kring regnbågsfamiljerAdriasola Orellana, Stefanía January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find out which attitudes, norms and values exists about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) families in preschools. Based on five qualitative interviews with teachers that work at a LGBT-certified preschool and one that is active in their work with norm critical pedagogy. To be able to fulfil my purpose of this study I concentrated on why these teachers believed that it was of importance to counter society’s heteronormativity, to prevent discrimination and mistreatments towards children and their LGBT parents in preschool. I wanted to find out what the teachers thoughts were on the concept of what a family is and how the diversity of families is shown in the preschools material and pedagogy. When I analysed the results of my qualitative interviews I used queer theories that include heteronormativity and norm critical pedagogy. The interviews of the teachers showed that they thought it was of great importance to work with a norm critical pedagogy because they did not believe that society’s heteronormativity could or should rule in preschools. The assumption that the majority, to not say all of the children, come from nuclear families does not agree with the reality of many children in our society. To assume such thing can lead to discrimination and obscureness. The results of my study show that by reviewing your own norms and perceptions of normality, will allow you to work with a norm critical approach. It also gives you an awareness that will help you as an educator to make sure that more children and families feel that they are acknowledged and respected. The active choice of methods and materials in the preschool helps the teachers to ensure that the children can be seen and reflected on a daily basis. By questioning heteronormativity in preschool, teachers offer children more opportunities and presents different realities. It also helps them to develop measures to analyse the norms and not just assume that there is only one right way to live.
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Kirčiavimo problemos ,,Mūsų kalbos" žurnale Morfonologinis aspektas / The stressing problems in journal ,,Our language" Morphonology aspectKacinkevičiūtė, Agnietė 28 June 2005 (has links)
In this work “The problems of the stress of the noun in “Our language” journal Morphological aspect” is examined in 1986-1989 in Lithuanian language. This work examines sressing mistakes in Lithuanian language. This work tries to explane why words are stressed in one or the other way. This work also presents morphological analysis of some words. This work presents some nouns, wich are difficult to stress and people do mistakes even nowadays. While analysing the words it becomes clear that the most problems acured with international words (66,4 %) and less problems with Lithuanian words (33,6 %). The most mistakes are done with stressing diclensions wich have strong and weak endings. The stressing problems occur because of the influence of the other languages (Russian, Polish). All this survey of the year 1986-1989 shows that the stressing of these parts of speech was not settled and kodificated norms of some words are changing till these days. Thanks to morphological analysis we understand many problems of stressing.
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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Sweden: A study of ESD within a transition affected by PISA reportsChung, Youngeun January 2013 (has links)
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been called for playing a crucial role in integrating principles,values, and practices accorded with sustainable development. Holistic approach, ethical values, norm transitionand behavior changes are required to achieve the aim of ESD. However, while both external and internal impactsof the Swedish education system have affected its fundamental values and aims, core elements of ESD inSwedish curriculum were also influenced. This paper analyzes, in particular, the changes that PISA reportsbrought in the Swedish curriculum at the discourse level, and its potential effects on ESD. Discourse analysiswas mainly used for comparing two curricula and two syllabi. With the help of situational contexts of PISA andthe curriculum of 2011, a transition observed from text analysis was interpreted and the final discussion wasanchored with social contexts from educational discourses. The result indicated that influences from PISA in thenew curriculum and syllabus were observed in corresponded aims and goals. Situational and social contexts alsopointed to the same direction of transition due to the previous goals-oriented curriculum that made a wide rangeof teaching. Thus, fundamental values, aims and goals were changed into providing clearer guidelines forteaching scope and gradings as well as into focusing literacy skills and knowledge of concepts. In the process ofthe transition, holistic approach, ethical and democratical values, as well as focus on cultural aspects and pupils’ attributes were removed or shrunken, which implied negative impacts on ESD. On the other hand, emphasis onliteracy skills of students in the new curriculum was expected to bring positive achievement for ESD.Furthermore, in order to achieve the norm transition toward sustainable development, those lost immeasurable values are suggested to be addressed in future Swedish education.
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Automobilių transporto keliamo triukšmo tyrimas Alytaus mieste / Research of automobiles noise in Alytus cityBaliukonis, Ramūnas 07 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas automobilių eismo keliamas triukšmas Alytaus mieste ir triukšmo poveikis žmogaus sveikatai bei gyvensenai. Atlikta mokslo publikacijų ir norminių dokumentų, reglamentuojančių triukšmo prevenciją bei triukšmo mažinimo priemones, analizė. Suformuluotas tyrimo tikslas ir iškelti tyrimo uždaviniai. Pateikiami triukšmo nustatymo pagrindiniai teoriniai aspektai. Suplanuotas eksperimentas, parinkta eksperimento atlikimo metodika bei automobilių keliamo triukšmo matavimo įranga. Triukšmo lygis išmatuotas 15-oje Alytaus miesto gatvių bei 5-iose sankryžose, vertinant važiuojančių automobilių srauto intensyvumą. Išmatuotas 5-ių automobilių įspėjamosios garso signalizacijos įtaisų keliamas triukšmas. Matavimai gatvėse ir sankryžose buvo atliekami dienos, vakaro ir nakties metu. Taikant lyginamosios analizės metodą, pateiktas skaičiavimų ir natūrinių matavimų rezultatų palyginimas, atliktas eksperimento rezultatų atitikties higienos normoms vertinimas. Regresinės bei koreliacinės analizės būdu nustatytas ryšio stiprumas tarp ekvivalentinio triukšmo lygio ir sunkvežimių procentinės dalies eismo sraute. Sudaryti Alytaus miesto triukšmingumo žemėlapiai, nustatytos triukšmingiausios ir tyliausios gatvės. Matematiškai apdorojus natūrinio eksperimento metu gautus rezultatus, pateiktos bendrosios išvados ir rekomendacijos.
Darbą sudaro 9 dalys: įvadas, literatūros šaltinių ir pasaulinės patirties analizė, automobilių transporto triukšmo teorinis tyrimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master Thesis analyses road traffic noise in Alytus city and noise impacts on human health and lifestyle. Analysis of scientific publications and regulatory documents governing the prevention of noise and noise reduction measures is accomplished. The main theoretical aspects of noise detection are defined. Purpose of research is formulated and objectives of the research are raised. The field experiment was planned, the selection of experimental research methodology and car noise measurement equipment were made. Noise level was measured in 15 streets of Alytus city and on a 5 intersections considering the traffic intensity of passing automobiles. The noise of 5 automobiles acoustic warning devices are measured. Measurements in streets and intersections were performed during day, evening and night. The comparison of calculations and experimental research results are presented, the rating of experimental results and hygiene norm are performed by aiming the comparative analysis method. The relationship between the strength of the equivalent noise level and the percentage of trucks in the traffic are established by regression and correlation analysis. The noise level maps of Alytus city of the noisiest and the most silent streets are made. After mathematical processing of experimental results, general conclusions and recommendations are given.
The work consists of nine parts: introduction, literature and world experience analysis, car traffic noise theoretical research, car... [to full text]
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Ergodic theorems for certain Banach algebras associated to locally compact groupsGuex, Sébastien M. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Den maskuline seriemördaren -en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Dexter Morgans karaktär i tv-serien DexterAndersson, Josephine January 2014 (has links)
Abstract I denna studie undersöks interaktion mellan karaktärer i syfte att utforska hur medierad maskulinitet och temat seriemördare uttrycks i den amerikanska tv-serien Dexter (Showtime 2006-2013). I serien får vi följa seriemördaren Dexter Morgan som drivs av ett begär att döda. Parallellt med denna centrala del av handlingen söker Dexter Morgan också sin identitet som man utanför rollen som seriemördare med avsikt att smälta in i samhällsnormen. Syftet med min studie är att belysa medierad maskulinitet i tv-serien, med huvudfokus på huvudrollskaraktären Dexter Morgan. Vidare diskuteras representation av medierad maskulinitet i relation till karaktärsdrag kopplade till kategorin seriemördare. Studiens frågeställningar lyder således: Vad är relationen mellan seriemördartemat och Dexter Morgan som medierad maskulinitet? Hur ser Dexter Morgans interaktion med tre centrala karaktärer (hans far, syster och läkare) i serien ut? Vilka egenskaper kopplat till maskulinitet respektive femininitet kan urskiljas? Förändras Dexter Morgans karaktär under seriens gång, och i så fall hur? Den teoretiska ramen domineras av R.W Connells maskulinitetsteori avseende hegemonisk, underordnad och delaktig maskulinitet. Kategorin seriemördare diskuteras utifrån tidigare forskning av Louise Nilsson och Richard Dyer. Materialet utgörs av representativa scener ur seriens handling, insamlade från olika säsonger. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet är baserat på narratologi i avsikt att identifiera vilka delar en berättelse vilar på. Scenanalysen utgår från Keith Selbys och Ron Cowderys narrativa analysmodell som i min studie delas upp i två steg. Steg ett innebär en deskriptiv genomgång av selekterad scen. Därefter följer analysen av scenen i ett separat stycke. Analysen påvisar att om endast två karaktärer förekommer i samma scen kan de aldrig inta samma genuskonstruktion då maktpositionering dem emellan är ständigt närvarande, beroende av de maskulina respektive feminina egenskaperna karaktärerna tillskrivs. Slutsatsen är att Dexter Morgans medierade maskulinitetsroll faller inom ramen för en traditionell maskulinitet, som verkar för att vidmakthålla ett patriarkalt samhälle, där denna hegemoniska maskulinitet förblir den genusroll som alla andra ska mätas mot. Analysen visar också på att egenskaper tillskrivna hegemonisk maskulinitet tenderar att sammanfalla med de karaktäristiska egenskaper förenat med temat seriemördare.
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Decay Estimates on Trace Norms of Localized Functions of Schrödinger OperatorsSaxton, Aaron 01 January 2014 (has links)
In 1973, Combes and Thomas discovered a general technique for showing exponential decay of eigenfunctions. The technique involved proving the exponential decay of the resolvent of the Schrödinger operator localized between two distant regions. Since then, the technique has been been applied to several types of Schrödinger operators. This dissertation will show that the Combes--Thomas method works well with trace, Hilbert--Schmidt and other trace-type norms. The first result we prove shows exponential decay on trace-type norms of a resolvent of a Schrödinger operator localized between two distant regions. We build on this result by applying the Combes--Thomas method again to prove polynomial and sub-exponential decay estimates on functions of Schrödinger operators localized between two distant regions.
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”Man får inte vara som man vill” : En studie om hur ett antal barn i årskurs 3 diskuterar normer och normbrott / “One may not be as one wants to be” : A study about how a number of children in grade 3 discusses norms and norm breakingNathalie, Ünsal January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how 20 children discusses norm breaking based on a children’s book with a focus on following questions: How do the children discuss norms based on the children’s book? Are there differences in opinions and comments between children with Swedish as their first language and children with Swedish as a second language, and if so, which ones? The investigation is based on four discussions of children’s literature, which are a method Chambers (2004) means enable the children to put their thoughts and feelings about the book into words. The theoretical frame of the study is founded on post-structuralism feminism and particularly Butler (Ambjörnsson, 2010) and Davies (2003) theories about gender and gender roles. The investigation shows, among other things, that the children are basing their discussions on the norms accepted by the society. But it also shows that there are differences in the way that the children with Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language discusses norm breaking.
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